GDPR SmartThings File Description en US v1.1.7
GDPR SmartThings File Description en US v1.1.7
GDPR SmartThings File Description en US v1.1.7
List all field names and description that is in the above file
List all field names and description that is in the above file
List all field names and description that is in the above file
List all field names and description that is in the above file
Data Category Field_NAME Field_Description
UserName User Name
Email Account ID
Customer CountryCode Country Code
Information FirstLoginTime First Login Time
CreateTime Creation Date
ModifyTime Last Modification Date
Type Device Type
Manufacturer Device Manufacturer
SerialNumber Device Serial Number
SalesLocation Device Sales Location
Service information ControlType Device Control Type
– Device MobileCountryCode Mobile Country Code
MobileNetworkCode Mobile Network Code
CustomerCode Customer Code
CreateTime Create Time
ModifyTime Last Modification Time
DeviceName Device Name
Description Device Description
Service Information
CreateTime Create Time
ModifyTime Last Modification Time
VER_TYPE Version Type
Service Information - VER_NUM Version Number
Device CRET_TM Create Time
MDFY_TM Last Modification Time
DeviceName Device Name
Description Device Description
Service Information -
DeleteTime Deleted Time
Device History
CreateTime Create Time
ModifyTime Last Modification Time
CONCTVTY_NM Connection Type Name
Service Information - CONCTVTY_VER_NUM Connection Version
Device History CRET_TM Create Time
MDFY_TM Last Modification Time
ResourceName Resource Name
PartnerName Partner Name
Service Information SUBSCRIPTION_DT Subscription creation time
LAST_WRITE_DT Last write time
LAST_READ_DT Last read time
PartnerName Partner Name
Service Information
CRET_TM Create Time
- Partner
MDFY_TM Last Modification Time
<File Name> Data Detail
List all field names and description that is in the above file
List all field names and description that is in the above file
List all field names and description that is in the above file
List all field names and description that is in the above file
List all field names and description that is in the above file
List all field names and description that is in the above file
File Description Video clip and image data saving in AV platform service
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List all field names and description that is in the above file
List all field names and description that is in the above file
List all field names and description that is in the above file
List all field names and description that is in the above file
List all field names and description that is in the above file
File Description Activities Data, Event of IoT Device, saving in Historian service
List all field names and description that is in the above file
List all field names and description that is in the above file
File Description Activity data, execution and result, saving in Historian service
List all field names and description that is in the above file
List all field names and description that is in the above file
List all field names and description that is in the above file
List all field names and description that is in the above file
File Description Energy data of SmartThings Energy service (UK, India only)
List all field names and description that is in the above file
File Name SmartThings_energy_usage.csv
List all field names and description that is in the file ‘SmartThings_energy_control.csv’
List all field names and description that is in the file ‘SmartThings_energy_usage.csv’
List all field names and description that is in the above file
File Description Product and customer information of the connected device of DA service
List all field names and description that is in the above file
List all field names and description that is in the above file