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RIFT VALLEY UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR Temporary Degree This is to certify that Soreti Fikadu Wayesa has successfully Graduated from Rift Valley University With a Bachelor of Art Degree in Economics With CGPA. 3.5 On July 14, 2021 This Temporary Degree has been given pending the printing and issuance of the actual Diploma. Telsn51 108120986 fac+251 124709 985A P.O. 123 PL0.BOX. 1715 RIFT VALLEY UNIVERSITY a9 OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR STUDENT RECORD Frama Berets Ftd Wapera =m Date ain OEE ‘amin Gacticaton fea es ear eae =f 10 numbar RVUNKUDECROAT Sax From: Amu Seeoodayy Stoo 7 cone ay our tle rien) teterGnde | cre re | ere Ho couse tle First semester: 20170 i= 3 First semester: 2012 —~t ENLAI6Y |COMMUNCATIVEENGLSH 9 | accr2a nets oF accor | som ost cucu ForesovasTs Sea [MTRODUCTION To COMPUTER cow 1021 [vicROECONOMICS x) 8 ECON 2081 | MATHEMATHICAL ECONOMICS oN 0 AcRO EocweMes @ 12 | ccowaoit econoweraies | EGON 147 |NTRODUCTON TO STATISTICS a| @ ECON2071 [DEVELOPMENT ECONOMIST | mai emrenveron 108 ° CON a8 NTERNATICNA ECOMEMC | | | | cot oA | S | = et | Semester ott 7 Someta Tot Semester Average 200 somester Average 38 | i | = Cumulative Average” 348 _| 8 2 12 | ECON 2082 | NTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS ECON 2001 [NATURAL RESOURCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOM| > RIFT VALLEY UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR: ; = ee Crime Letter Grese Grade Pts ConmeNo = Cou tn title | A ° 3 9 e 9 | a |e 3 9 A { wz | . i | eet Ags ECONGIN2 [ECONOMICS OF NOUSTRY 3 a |i» cow at ura. seven e\. A te : 3| 4 ® >| ua i 3 8 9 | & A lz | = re —— + ___ ORETL AD ESA ComputeyeApipl

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