English: Opinion-Marking Signals

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Quarter 2 - Module 2:

Opinion-Marking Signals

Name of Learner: ___________________________

Grade & Section:i ___________________________
Name of School: ___________________________
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master how to use opinion-marking signals to share ideas. The scope of this module
permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used
recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to
follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can
be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

Learning Objectives:
At the end of this module, the learners are expected to:
1. locate opinion-marking signals in sentences;
2. identify opinion marking signals in different texts; and
3. share opinion using opinion-marking signals.

What’s In
Activity 1: Check this out!

This activity will give you an opportunity to review your past lesson.
Directions: Study and analyze the graph below and answer the questions that follow.

The Reading Level of Grade 8 Newton

8% Independent readers
Instructional readers

22% Frustration readers

60% Non-readers


1. What reading level has the highest percentage in grade 8 Newton?

2. What is the total percentage of frustration and non-readers when combined?

3. What reading level has the lowest percentage?

4. What is the percentage of the instructional readers?

5. What is the average percentage of independent and instructional readers


What’s New
Activity 2: Read and Observe

Directions: Read and observe the highlighted words.

1. Personally, I think this doughnut is better than that from the other
2. Labradors are the best kind of dogs to have as a pet.
3. In my experience, exercising daily does wonders for your health
4. I might be wrong but didn’t you just ask him about that a while
5. I am convinced that eating too many processed food isn’t good
for your health.

Process Questions:

1. What are the highlighted words in the paragraph?

2. What are these words and phrases called?
3. How are these words in the text used?

Activity 3: Supporting an Opinion

Directions: Encircle the letter of the statements (reasons) that support the given

OPINION: I believe that children should choose their course or career.

A. Parents know best.
B. Children lack understanding.
C. Children are more likely to succeed if they pursue their dream.
D. It is more fun to sing and dance.
E. Children know their strengths and weaknesses.
F. Children fail to make good decisions.
G. It helps boost the confidence of children.
H. Children are motivated to succeed.
I. Children love to play

What is it
Opinion-marking signals are words or phrases used to show feelings,
emotions and attitude towards something. They are helpful clues in the forms of words
and phrases that assist us in identifying opinion statement. They are found mostly at
the beginning of the sentences. They introduce one’s opinion.

The following are examples of opinion-marking signals.

Introductory Words and Phrases Opinion Clues

I think
I believe Always/Never
I feel Awful/Wonderful
I like Beautiful/Ugly
In my opinion Better/Best/Worst
My favorite Delicious
The best Enjoyable/Horrible
I strongly believe Favorite
From my point of view For/Against
It’s my belief Good/Bad

Based on what I know Inferior/Superior
I am convinced Oppose/Support
Speaking for myself Terrible
I know you will have to agree that Unfair
I am confident that Worthwhile

An opinion is something which can’t be proven and they based on someone’s

thoughts, feelings and understanding. There are words that will help you that you
are being given an opinion and not a fact.

In sharing your opinion about something you have to convince others to

believe your point, So, you must include reasons to support your opinion. You may
use the guide questions and the organizer below.

Example: What’s your Favorite Tourist Spot?

1) Choose a favorite spot. Why is it your favorite? (Write your opinion.)

2) Next, write one reason in each box supporting your opinion.
3) When done, reread your opinion and reasons.

It’s My Opinion!
My Favorite Tourist Spot: Banaue Rice Terraces
Opinion: It is a best place to visit.

Reason 1: The weather is cold unlike other areas in the Philippines.

Reason 2: There is a wide scenery of nature such as the fields, mountains,

and sky.

Reason 3: The rich culture of the people are reflected in the land.

What’s More
Activity 4: Find me!

Directions: Read and underline the opinion- marking signals used below.

1. I like broccoli.

2. I think skunks are cute.

3. I feel scared in the dark.

4. He is my favorite Thai actor.

5. The Treaty of Ghent tried to settle boundary disputes between the United
States and Canada, and was the worst treaty ever.

Activity 5: Fact or Opinion

Directions: Identify if the statements below are fact or opinion. If it is opinion,

identify and underline the opinion-marking signals.

_________1. Running is the best form of exercise.

_________2. I think cheetahs are mean.

_________3. There are fewer panda bears in the world than grizzly bears.

_________4. Cats are cuter than dogs.

_________5. Chicken that has not been properly prepared and cooked may

cause salmonella.

Activity 6
Directions: Read the paragraph below and underline the opinion-marking signals.
Fay’s dad got a new job. They moved to a new house in a new town. Fay liked the new
house. She thought it was nice. Her room had a window that looked out the back yard. The bed
and dresser from her old house were in her new room. All of her toys were in her new room.
She liked her new room. She hoped she would like her new school, too.
Source: “Identify and Develop an Opinion | Lesson Plan | Education.com.”, accessed August 3,
2020. https://www.education.com/download/lesson-plan/el-support-lesson-identify-and-develop-

Activity 7: Filling In
Directions: Based from the selection below, fill in the chart with the needed information.
Sunshine Diner is the best place to have breakfast in this town. First, their restaurant
is clean and orderly. You never see fingerprints on the plates or glasses like in some other
establishments. Second, the wait staff are super friendly. Every time I go there for breakfast,
I get a smiling waiter or waitress who is happy to see me. Finally, the food is phenomenal.

Source: “Online Reading & Math for K-5,” n.d. https://www.k5learning.com/worksheets/reading-


It’s My Opinion!

My Favorite Place for Breakfast: Sunshine Diner


Reason 1:

Reason 2:

Reason 3:

What I Have Learned

Activity 8

Directions: Read the statements and underline the clue (word/s) that express an

1. I believe that people should take care of the environment.

2. Softball is the best sport to play with friends.
3. I am convinced that children should stay with their parents.
4. Boracay is a wonderful place to spend summer.
5. My favorite team in basketball is Alaska.

What I Can Do
Activity 9: It’s my Opinion
Directions: Share your opinion about your favorite hobby. Use the guide questions
below. Please be guided by the rubric.

3 2 1
Main Idea or rephrases the Response Writer’s main idea
Opinion questions while declares writer’s or opinion is not
declaring the main idea or clear.
writer’s main idea opinion.
or opinion.
Writer shares at Writer shares 1 or Writer shares little
Details and least 3 clear 2 examples and or no evidence and
Evidence examples and evidence to examples to support
evidence to support support their idea their answer.
their idea or opinion or opinion.
Writer’s response Writer’s response Response needs
Organization, has a clear flows but the stronger transitions.
Grammar, beginning, middle beginning, middle Grammar, usage
Usage and and end. Grammar, or end is not clear. and punctuation
Punctuation usage and Grammar, usage make the text
punctuation makes and punctuation difficult to
the writing shows readability. understand
1) Choose your favorite hobby. Why is it your favorite? (Write your opinion.)
2) Next, write one reason in each box supporting your opinion.
3) When done, reread your opinion and reasons.
It’s My Opinion!
My Favorite Hobby:


Reason 1:

Reason 2:

Reason 3:

A. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on
the space before each number.

_____1. Which of the following is true about opinion-marking signals?

A. They are words that state a fact.
B. They are words that show opinion.
C. They are words that show emphasis.
D. They are words that show cause and effect.

_____2. Which of the sentences shows opinion?

A. Chocolate milk tastes better than regular milk.
B. Most buses weigh more than most cars.
C. Cheetahs are the world’s fastest land animal.
D. Strawberry ice cream is the worst selling of all flavors.

_____3. Which word from the sentence is an example of opinion-marking signal?

Math is the hardest subject.
1 2 3 4
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

_____4. Which word/words from the sentence is an example of opinion-marking

It is claimed that drinking coffee is good for you.
1 2 3 4

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

_____5. Which word from the sentence is an example of opinion-marking signal?

I think we should have more trains in the city.
1 2 3 4

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

B. Directions: Identify the statement/s that express an opinion. Encircle the letter of

the correct answer.
A. Experts say that wearing mask reduces the chance of getting transmitted
by the virus.
B. For me, staying at home is the best way not to be infected.
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
A. I believed that cleaning the house is a great exercise for the body.
B. I prefer to watch documentaries than dramas.
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B

A. Christmas is the best holiday.
B. Christmas is celebrated in December.
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B

A. He is the sixth child of the family.
B. He lost his parent when he was still a child.
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
A. A mango is a fruit-bearing tree.
B. An unripe mango with bagoong is my favorite food.
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B

“Identify and Develop an Opinion | Lesson Plan | Education.com.”
www.education.com, n.d. https://www.education.com/download/lesson-plan/el-
“Online Reading & Math for K-5,” n.d.

Development Team
Writer: Manny Fe A. Sajul
Ditay National High School
Editors/QA: Jessamae A. Colanggo
My Final Farewell
And when the dark night wraps the graveyard
around With only the dead in their vigil to see
Farewell, dear Fatherland, clime of the sun
Break not my repose or the mystery profound
caress'd Pearl of the Orient seas, our Eden lost!,
And perchance thou mayst hear a sad hymn
Gladly now I go to give thee this faded life's
resound 'T is I, O my country, raising a song
best, And were it brighter, fresher, or more
unto thee.
Still would I give it thee, nor count the cost.
And even my grave is remembered no
more Unmark'd by never a cross nor a
On the field of battle, 'mid the frenzy of fight,
Others have given their lives, without doubt or
Let the plow sweep through it, the spade turn it
heed; The place matters not-cypress or laurel or
o'er That my ashes may carpet earthly floor,
lily white, Scaffold or open plain, combat or
Before into nothingness at last they are blown.
martyrdom's plight, T is ever the same, to serve
our home and country's need.
Then will oblivion bring to me no
care As over thy vales and
I die just when I see the dawn break,
plains I sweep;
Through the gloom of night, to herald the
Throbbing and cleansed in thy space and
day; And if color is lacking my blood thou
air With color and light, with song and
shalt take, Pour'd out at need for thy dear
lament I fare, Ever repeating the faith that I
To dye with its crimson the waking ray.
My Fatherland ador'd, that sadness to my
My dreams, when life first opened to me,
sorrow lends
My dreams, when the hopes of youth beat high,
Beloved Filipinas, hear now my last good-by!
Were to see thy lov'd face, O gem of the Orient
I give thee all: parents and kindred and friends
sea From gloom and grief, from care and sorrow
For I go where no slave before the oppressor
free; No blush on thy brow, no tear in thine eye.
bends, Where faith can never kill, and God
reigns e'er on high!
Dream of my life, my living and burning
desire, All hail ! cries the soul that is now to Farewell to you all, from my soul torn away,
take flight; All hail ! And sweet it is for thee to Friends of my childhood in the home
expire ; dispossessed ! Give thanks that I rest from the
To die for thy sake, that thou mayst aspire; wearisome day !
And sleep in thy bosom eternity's long Farewell to thee, too, sweet friend that
night. lightened my way;
Beloved creatures all, farewell! In death there is
If over my grave some day thou seest rest!
grow, In the grassy sod, a humble flower,
Draw it to thy lips and kiss my soul so,
While I may feel on my brow in the cold tomb
below The touch of thy tenderness, thy breath's
warm power.

Let the moon beam over me soft and

serene, Let the dawn shed over me its
radiant flashes, Let the wind with sad
lament over me keen ; And if on my cross a
bird should be seen,
Let it trill there its hymn of peace to my
ashes. Let the sun draw the vapors up to
the sky,
And heavenward in purity bear my tardy
protest Let some kind soul o 'er my untimely
fate sigh, And in the still evening a prayer be
lifted on high From thee, 0 my country, that in (This is the 1911 translation by Charles
God I may rest. Derbyshire of the Spanish original of José
Rizal's poem, Mi Ultimo Adiós)
Pray for all those that hapless have died,
For all who have suffered the unmeasur'd pain;
For our mothers that bitterly their woes have
For widows and orphans, for captives by torture
tried And then for thyself that redemption thou
mayst gain.


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