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Spark 4 Second Period

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Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English IV 9 90 minutes
Learning situations
1. Language review 3 .
Grammar&vocabulary consolidation
2. Vocabulary bank 3
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student uses future simple tense
2. The student forms abstract nouns
Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and
acquire new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful
completion of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express
opinions that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Coincide with,outdoor ,activities,nature
 reads fluently with the proper intonation traits,display,survival,war,honor,bugle,pi
 identifies specific information from the text nned,poppy.
 listens attentively to a recorded material to extract specific information
 understands the content of a video
 practices new vocabulary in speaking and writing
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Natural sciences/ ICT
notebooks, etc.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning
Communicative language teaching/ Circle of writers/ Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and start checking up previous knowledge :
Vocabulary –festival activities, Chinese celebrations.
Workbook -1.g.The students take turns on fill up activities
Start on -Consolidating key elements of the whole lesson through games
1Game :Hangman.Find the word
(_ _ _ _ _)-poppy.

2-Reading with stops (Three passages from the whole module)

3-TicTacToe-Grammar game

The best participants are praised at the end of each game

-Language review .15 min
After instructing tasks the students take turns on fill up activities
Facilitating where students face difficulties
Consolidating structures while the students take turns on each exercise.
 Future Simple vs present continuous(future meaning)
 Adverbs
 Abstract nouns
Enforcement for each structure that results in lack of having been perceived by the students
Vocabulary bank .15 min
After instructing tasks the students take turns on fill up activities
Facilitating where students face difficulties
Consolidating vocabulary while the students take turns on each exercise.
 High tech gadgets
 Future activities
 Predictions
 Complaining about a product

Enforcement for each structure that results in lack of having been perceived by the students
For further practice the students are asked to go through Grammar bank and Vocabulary bank at the end of the Workbook

After the 5 min break between the classes, I refer students to the list of key words. I elicit their meaning through
I allow them some time to balance their progress.
I check students’ answers around the class.
Then, I explain the listening task. I play the recording. Students listen and choose the correct answers. Students report the
right answers to the class.
Writing activity → Students imagine they were to go to a celebration around the world. Students work individually and
decide which celebration may be.
I set the time for the activity.
I monitor the activity around the class making sure students know how to carry out the task.E ach member of the
group writes on his/ her own.
Finally, each student produces a single piece of writing for the topic. Paragraphs are read to the class.

Self assessment section .Check your progress
The student is evaluated on each ‘can do’ descriptors.
Workbook GB/VB

Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English IV 9 90 minutes
Learning situations
2. Reading practice 3.
Grammar&vocabulary consolidation
2. Fun time 3.Self check 3
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student uses future simple tense
2. The student forms abstract nouns
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and
acquire new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful
completion of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express
opinions that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Coincide with,outdoor ,activities,nature
 reads fluently with the proper intonation traits,display,survival,war,honor,bugle,pi
 identifies specific information from the text nned,poppy.
 listens attentively to a recorded material to extract specific information
 understands the content of a video
 practices new vocabulary in speaking and writing
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Natural sciences/ ICT
notebooks, etc.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning
Communicative language teaching/ Circle of writers/ Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and start checking up previous knowledge :
Vocabulary –festival activities, Chinese celebrations.
Workbook -1.g.The students take turns on fill up activities
Start on -Consolidating key elements of the whole lesson through games
1Game :Hangman.Find the word
(_ _ _ _ _)-poppy.

2-Reading with stops (Three passages from the whole module)

3-TicTacToe-Grammar game

The best participants are praised at the end of each game

Fun time.15 min
After instructing tasks the students take turns on fill up activities
Facilitating where students face difficulties
Consolidating structures while the students take turns on each exercise.
 Future Simple vs present continuous(future meaning)
 Adverbs
 Abstract nouns

Self assessment.15 min

After instructing tasks the students take turns on fill up activities
Facilitating where students face difficulties
Consolidating vocabulary while the students take turns on each exercise.
 High tech gadgets
 Future activities
 Predictions
 Complaining about a product

Enforcement for each structure that results in lack of having been perceived by the students
For further practice the students are asked to go through Grammar bank and Vocabulary bank at the end of the Workbook

After the 5 min break between the classes, I refer students to the list of key words. I elicit their meaning through
I allow them some time to balance their progress.
I check students’ answers around the class.

Balancing results by following the Can Do descriptors given at the end of the self check section.
Now I can N1 N2+ N3 N3+ N4 N4+

Talk about gadgets

Talk about cybernetics & cyborgs
Talk about ‘ screenagers’ in your class
Complain about a faulty product ( describe problems &
Talk about robots in the USA and Japan
Talk about the computer and its parts
Write about how cybernetics will improve people’s lives
Write a survey and make a bar chat
Write an opinion essay

Self assessment section .Check your progress
The student is evaluated on each ‘can do’ descriptors.
Workbook GB/VB

Field Subjec Leve Grad Estimated time

Languages and communication t l IV e 9th 90 minutes
Learning situations
1.4.a.The girl who fell out of the sky
Accidents and disasters
2. 4.b.Past perfect/Conditionals
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student talks about accidents and diasters
2. The student participates in class discussions
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and
acquire new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful
completion of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express
opinions that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student:
 Talks about accidents & disasters Train derailment,flood,car
 Talks about how you feel being lost in jungle crash,injured,venomous
 Gives a witness statement
 Talks about a first-aid treatment

Resources and aids

Connection with other fields or cross curricular
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, , pictures, notebooks,
subjects Natural sciences/ ICT
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ Circle of writers/
Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice-
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
In order to focus students’ attention and prepare them for the lesson ahead, I write Accidents and disasters on the
board. Students brainstorm for ideas. Students may use the ideas as prompts to initiate a brief discussion or simply share
facts and stories related to the topic.
Who why Results Feelings

Accidents ….. …. ….. ……

Disasters ….. ….. ….. …..

 Pre- reading activity
I draw students’ attention to the title and the picture. I give students time to skim the first and the last paragraph for gist,
and then allow them to make predictions on the content of the text.
 While- reading activity
I instruct students on how to proceed with the activity. Collaboration and reciprocal teaching is the key to the success of
this activity. While reading students work on new words. They learn the meaning of words based on the context, or they
may even look up their definition/ translation in the WORD LIST. I monitor the activity and assist students, if needed.
I Know I Want to know I Learnt
I instruct students on how to I instruct students on how to I invite students to think about
proceed with the activity. proceed with the activity. the question in exercise 2.
They will work in pairs. After explaining the task, I
They will have to guess and Collaboration and reciprocal allow students time to write a
say what they know about the teaching is the key to the few sentences. Various
topic given success of this activity. While students read their sentences
-What they know reading students work on new out to the class.
-how are these creatures like words. They learn the I explain any new words/
-why are they strange meaning of words based on phrases or concepts.
the context, or they may even Sum up of the text using the key
look up their definition/ words
translation in the WORD
LIST. I monitor the activity
and assist students, if needed.
Building questions about the

 Post- reading activity

I invite students to think about the question in exercise 7.8. After explaining the task, I allow students time to write a few
sentences. Various students read their sentences out to the class.
I explain any new words/ phrases or concepts.
After the 5 min break between the classes, I refer students to the list of new words. I elicit their meaning through
definitions. I explain the task student will complete (Exercises5,6). I allow them some time to do the exercises. I check
students’ answers around the class.
Then, I explain the other task. I play the recording. Students listen and choose the correct answers. Students report the
right answers to the class.
Speaking activity → Students imagine they were to send a time capsule to space containing five things that represent our
nation. Students work in small groups and decide which these things may be. Each group presents their choices to the
class giving reasons. Groups discuss about each other’s capsules.
Describing a scene (Circle of writers) → Students imagine they were the first human to make contact with
extraterrestrials. I set the scene for the following written task. I write the headings on the board:
- where you were (e.g. at home, in the park, etc.)
- what you were doing (e.g. having lesson, walking, etc.)
- what happened (e.g. an electric discharge, etc.)
- how you felt (e.g. terrified, really scared, etc.).
Students get in pairs or in groups of three. I set the time for the activity. I monitor the activity around the class making
sure students know how to carry out the task. Firstly, each member of the group writes on his/ her own. Then, they
exchange papers and read what their partner wrote and discuss about it. Finally, each group produces a single piece of
writing for the topic. Paragraphs are read to the class.
Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Workbook – unit.4a

Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English IV 9 90 minutes
Learning situations
3. 4.c.Born survivor
Lost in the jungle
4. 4..d.Giving a witness statement

Learning outcomes according to the key competences

 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student talks about feelings
2. The student participates in class discussions
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and
acquire new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful
completion of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express
opinions that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Stranded,rugged,dung,feats
 Talks about accidents & disasters Coincidence, predict,unexplained force
 Talks about how you feel being lost in jungle Legendary,beast,take the form
 Gives a witness statement of,howl,carving,tomb
 Talks about a first-aid treatment
 Writes a summary of a survival story

Resources and aids

Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, , pictures, notebooks, etc.
Geography / ICT
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ Circle of writers/ Pair
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)

In order to focus students’ attention and prepare them for the lesson ahead, I write Lost in the jungle on the board.
Students brainstorm for ideas. Students may use the ideas as prompts to initiate a brief discussion or simply share facts and
stories related to the topic. when

Lost in the jungle

weather why

 Pre- reading activity
I draw students’ attention to the title and the picture. I give students time to skim the first and the last paragraph for gist,
and then allow them to make predictions on the content of the text.
 While- reading activity
I instruct students on how to proceed with the activity. Collaboration and reciprocal teaching is the key to the success of
this activity. While reading students work on new words. They learn the meaning of words based on the context, or they
may even look up their definition/ translation in the WORD LIST. I monitor the activity and assist students, if needed.
I Know I Want to know I Learnt
I instruct students on how to I instruct students on how to I invite students to think about
proceed with the activity. proceed with the activity. the question in exercise 1.
They will work in pairs. After explaining the task, I
They will have to guess and Collaboration and reciprocal allow students time to write a
say what they know about the teaching is the key to the few sentences. Various
topic given success of this activity. While students read their sentences
-What they know reading students work on new out to the class.
-how are these creatures like words. They learn the I explain any new words/
-why are they strange meaning of words based on phrases or concepts.
the context, or they may even Sum up of the text using the key
look up their definition/ words
translation in the WORD
LIST. I monitor the activity
and assist students, if needed.
Building questions about the

 Post- reading activity

I invite students to think about the question in exercise 7.8. After explaining the task, I allow students time to write a few
sentences. Various students read their sentences out to the class.
I explain any new words/ phrases or concepts.
After the 5 min break between the classes, I refer students to the list of new words. I elicit their meaning through
definitions. I explain the task student will complete (Exercises4,5). I allow them some time to do the exercises. I check
students’ answers around the class.
Then, I explain the other task. I play the recording. Students listen and choose the correct answers. Students report the
right answers to the class.
Speaking activity → Students imagine they were to send a time capsule to space containing five things that represent our
nation. Students work in small groups and decide which these things may be. Each group presents their choices to the
class giving reasons. Groups discuss about each other’s capsules.
Describing a scene (Circle of writers) → Students imagine they were the first human to make contact with
extraterrestrials. I set the scene for the following written task. I write the headings on the board:
- where you were (e.g. jungle, in an wild park, etc.)
- what you were doing (e.g. walking, etc.)
- what happened (e.g. an electric discharge, etc.)
- how you felt (e.g. terrified, really scared, etc.).
Students get in pairs or in groups of three. I set the time for the activity. I monitor the activity around the class making
sure students know how to carry out the task. Firstly, each member of the group writes on his/ her own. Then, they
exchange papers and read what their partner wrote and discuss about it. Finally, each group produces a single piece of
writing for the topic. Paragraphs are read to the class.
Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Workbook – unit.4c

Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English IV 9 90 minutes
Learning situations
5. 4.e.Lethal bites
Bizarre coincidences/In an nightmare
6. 4.f.First aid
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student talks about imaginary creatures
2. The student participates in class discussions
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and
acquire new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful
completion of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express
opinions that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Venom,severe,raise,antivenim,tentacle,
 reads fluently with the proper intonation seek,medical treatment.
 identifies specific information from the text
 Talks about accidents & disasters
 Talks about how you feel being lost in jungle
 Gives a witness statement
 Talks about a first-aid treatment
 Writes a summary of a survival story
 Writes about how to survive in the wild

Resources and aids

Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, , pictures, notebooks, etc.
Geography/ ICT
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ Circle of writers/ Pair
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)

In order to focus students’ attention and prepare them for the lesson ahead, I write lethal bites on the board. Students
brainstorm for ideas. Students may use the ideas as prompts to initiate a brief discussion or simply share facts and stories
related to the topic.

which Lethal bites


 Pre- reading activity
I draw students’ attention to the title and the picture. First aid . I give students time to skim the first and the last paragraph
for gist, and then allow them to make predictions on the content of the text.
 While- reading activity
I instruct students on how to proceed with the activity. Collaboration and reciprocal teaching is the key to the success of
this activity. While reading students work on new words. They learn the meaning of words based on the context, or they
may even look up their definition/ translation in the WORD LIST. I monitor the activity and assist students, if needed.
I Know I Want to know I Learnt
I instruct students on how to I instruct students on how to I invite students to think about
proceed with the activity. proceed with the activity. the question in exercise 2.
They will work in pairs. After explaining the task, I
They will have to guess and Collaboration and reciprocal allow students time to write a
say what they know about the teaching is the key to the few sentences. Various
topic given success of this activity. While students read their sentences
-What they know reading students work on new out to the class.
-how are these creatures like words. They learn the I explain any new words/
-why are they strange meaning of words based on phrases or concepts.
the context, or they may even Sum up of the text using the key
look up their definition/ words
translation in the WORD
LIST. I monitor the activity
and assist students, if needed.
Building questions about the

 Post- reading activity

I invite students to think about the question in exercise 7.8. After explaining the task, I allow students time to write a few
sentences. Various students read their sentences out to the class.
I explain any new words/ phrases or concepts.
After the 5 min break between the classes, I refer students to the list of new words on unit 4.f. I elicit their meaning
through definitions. I explain the task student will complete (Exercises2.3). I allow them some time to do the exercises. I
check students’ answers around the class.
Then, I explain the other task. I play the recording. Students listen and choose the correct answers. Students report the
right answers to the class.
Speaking activity → Students take turns reading with stops and minding intonation.
Pair-work They will be asked to ask their partner a question for each pharagraph
Describing a scene (Circle of writers) → Students imagine they were the first human to make contact with the lost
world. I set the scene for the following written task. I write the headings on the board:
- where you were
- what you were doing
- what happened
- how you felt
Students get in pairs or in groups of three. I set the time for the activity. I monitor the activity around the class making
sure students know how to carry out the task. Firstly, each member of the group writes on his/ her own. Then, they
exchange papers and read what their partner wrote and discuss about it. Finally, each group produces a single piece of
writing for the topic. Paragraphs are read to the class.
Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Workbook – unit.4f


Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time
Languages and communication English IV 9 90 minutes
Learning situations
1. 4.g.Left to the sharks
Deep in the blue risky world
2. A third person narrative
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student writes about risky creatures
2. The student identifies the function of each paragraph in a story
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and
acquire new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful
completion of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express
opinions that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Dive boat,shark attacks, scared to
 Talks about a first-aid treatment death,glance,underwater
 Writes a summary of a survival story
 Writes about how to survive in the wild
 Writes about a dangerous animal in your country
 Writes a third-person narrative

Resources and aids

Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, , pictures, notebooks, etc.
Natural sciences/ Geography
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ Circle of writers/ Pair
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)

In order to focus students’ attention and prepare them for the lesson ahead, I write Left to the sharks on the board.
Students brainstorm for ideas. Students may use the ideas as prompts to initiate a brief discussion or simply share facts and
stories related to the topic.

why Left to the sharks


 Pre- reading activity
I draw students’ attention to writing task. I give students time to skim the first and the last paragraph for gist, and then
allow them to make predictions on the content of the story.
 While- reading theory
I instruct students on how to proceed with the activity. Collaboration and reciprocal teaching is the key to the success of
this activity. While reading students work on new words. They lidentify the meaning of each paragraph based on the
context, or they may even look up their definition/ translation in the WORD LIST. I monitor the activity and assist
students, if needed.

Introduction Main body Conclusion

Ph.1 Ph.2 Ph 5.
a.Setting the scene Descriptive details
Who End of the story
Where Ph.3.4 Solution feelings
Narrative details
The weather
Climax event
b.Addressing the reader

 Post- writing activity

I invite students to think about the question in exercise 2.3. After explaining the task, I allow students time to write a few
sentences. Various students read their sentences out to the class.
I explain any new words/ phrases or concepts.
After the 5 min break between the classes, I refer students to the list of new words on unit 4.g. I elicit their meaning
through definitions. I explain the task student will complete (Exercise 4). I allow them some time to do the exercises. I
check students’ answers around the class.
Then, I explain the other task. I play the recording. Students listen and choose the correct answers. Students report the
right answers to the class.
Speaking activity → Students take turns reading with stops and minding intonation.
Pair-work They will be asked to ask their partner a question for each pharagraph
Describing a scene (Circle of writers) → Students imagine they were the first human to make contact with the lost
world. I set the scene for the following written task. I write the headings on the board:
- where you were
- what you were doing
- what happened
- how you felt
Students get in pairs or in groups of three. I set the time for the activity. I monitor the activity around the class making
sure students know how to carry out the task. Firstly, each member of the group writes on his/ her own. Then, they
exchange papers and read what their partner wrote and discuss about it. Finally, each group produces a single piece of
writing for the topic. Paragraphs are read to the class.
Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Workbook – unit.4g

Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English IV 9 90 minutes
Learning situations
7. Language review 4 .
Grammar&vocabulary consolidation
2. Vocabulary bank 4
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student uses conditional sentences
2. The student writes a scary story
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and
acquire new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful
completion of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express
opinions that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Dive boat,shark attacks, scared to
 Talks about accidents & disasters death,glance,underwater
 Talks about how you feel being lost in jungle
 Gives a witness statement
 Talks about a first-aid treatment
 Writes a summary of a survival story
 Writes about how to survive in the wild
 Writes about a dangerous animal in your country
 Writes a third-person narrative
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Natural sciences/ Geography
notebooks, etc.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning
Communicative language teaching/ Circle of writers/ Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and start checking up previous knowledge :
Vocabulary –festival activities, Chinese celebrations.
Workbook -4.g.The students take turns on fill up activities
Start on -Consolidating key elements of the whole lesson through games
1Game :Hangman.Find the word
(_ _ _ _ _ _)-glance.

2-Reading with stops (Three passages from the whole module)

3-TicTacToe-Grammar game

The best participants are praised at the end of each game

-Language review .15 min
After instructing tasks the students take turns on fill up activities
Facilitating where students face difficulties
Consolidating structures while the students take turns on each exercise.
 Future Simple vs present continuous(future meaning)
 Adverbs
 Abstract nouns
Enforcement for each structure that results in lack of having been perceived by the students
Vocabulary bank .15 min
After instructing tasks the students take turns on fill up activities
Facilitating where students face difficulties
Consolidating vocabulary while the students take turns on each exercise.
 High tech gadgets
 Future activities
 Predictions
 Complaining about a product

Enforcement for each structure that results in lack of having been perceived by the students
For further practice the students are asked to go through Grammar bank and Vocabulary bank at the end of the Workbook

After the 5 min break between the classes, I refer students to the list of key words. I elicit their meaning through
I allow them some time to balance their progress.
I check students’ answers around the class.
Then, I explain the listening task. I play the recording. Students listen and choose the correct answers. Students report the
right answers to the class.
Writing activity → Students imagine they were to go to a celebration around the world. Students work individually and
decide which celebration may be.
I set the time for the activity.
I monitor the activity around the class making sure students know how to carry out the task. E ach member of the
group writes on his/ her own.
Finally, each student produces a single piece of writing for the topic. Paragraphs are read to the class.

Self assessment section .Check your progress
The student is evaluated on each ‘can do’ descriptors.
Workbook GB/VB


Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English IV 9 90 minutes
Learning situations
1. Reading practice 4
Grammar&vocabulary consolidation
2. Fun time 4.Self check 4
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student uses conditional sentences
2. The student writes a scary story
Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and
acquire new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful
completion of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express
opinions that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Dive boat,shark attacks, scared to
 Talks about accidents & disasters death,glance,underwater
 Talks about how you feel being lost in jungle
 Gives a witness statement
 Talks about a first-aid treatment
 Writes a summary of a survival story
 Writes about how to survive in the wild
 Writes about a dangerous animal in your country
 Writes a third-person narrative

Resources and aids

Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Natural sciences/ Georaphy
notebooks, etc.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning
Communicative language teaching/ Circle of writers/ Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and start checking up previous knowledge :
Vocabulary –mysterious creatures,
Workbook -4.g.The students take turns on fill up activities
Start on -Consolidating key elements of the whole lesson through games
1Game :Hangman.Find the word
(_ _ _ _ _)-shark.

2-Reading with stops (Three passages from the whole module)

3-TicTacToe-Grammar game

The best participants are praised at the end of each game

 Pre- reading activity
I draw students’ attention to the title and the picture.. I give students time to skim the first and the last paragraph for gist,
and then allow them to make predictions on the content of the text.
 While- reading activity
I instruct students on how to proceed with the activity. Collaboration and reciprocal teaching is the key to the success of
this activity. While reading students work on new words. They learn the meaning of words based on the context, or they
may even look up their definition/ translation in the WORD LIST. I monitor the activity and assist students, if needed.
I Know I Want to know I Learnt
I instruct students on how to I instruct students on how to I invite students to think about
proceed with the activity. proceed with the activity. the question in exercise 2.
They will work in pairs. After explaining the task, I
They will have to guess and While reading students work allow students time to write a
say what they know about the on new words. They learn the few sentences. Various
topic given meaning of words based on students read their sentences
-What they know the context, or they may even out to the class.
-how are these creatures like look up their definition/ I explain any new words/
-why are they strange translation in the WORD phrases or concepts.
LIST. I monitor the activity Sum up of the text using the key
and assist students, if needed. words
Building questions about the

 Post- reading activity

I invite students to think about the question in exercise 7.8. After explaining the task, I allow students time to write a few
sentences. Various students read their sentences out to the class.
I explain any new words/ phrases or concepts.
After the 5 min break between the classes, I refer students to the list of key words. I elicit their meaning through
I allow them some time to balance their progress.
I check students’ answers around the class.

Balancing results by following the Can Do descriptors given at the end of the self check section.
Now I can N1 N2+ N3 N3+ N4 N4+

 Talk about accidents & disasters

 Talk about how you feel being lost in jungle
 Give a witness statement
 Talk about a first-aid treatment
 Write a summary of a survival story
 Write about how to survive in the wild
 Write about a dangerous animal in your country
 Write a third-person narrative

Self assessment section .Check your progress
The student is evaluated on each ‘can do’ descriptors.
Workbook –

Field Subjec Leve Grad Estimated time

Languages and communication t l IV e 9th 90 minutes
Learning situations
1. 5.a.The world of wonderful art
In an art gallery
2. 5.b.The passive form

Learning outcomes according to the key competences

 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student talks about visual art forms
2. The student participates in class discussions
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and
acquire new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful
completion of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express
opinions that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student:
 Talks about visual art forms Discarded,blob of chewing
 Talks about artists gum,blowtorch.lacquer,driftwood,
 Talks about MOBA cork,nail
 Invites, accepts / refuses an invitation
 Writes what impressed you about three artists

Resources and aids

Connection with other fields or cross curricular
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, , pictures, notebooks,
subjects Art and communication
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ Circle of writers/
Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice-
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
In order to focus students’ attention and prepare them for the lesson ahead, I write Art forms on the board. Students
brainstorm for ideas. Students may use the ideas as prompts to initiate a brief discussion or simply share facts and
stories related to the topic.
Who why Results Feelings
The starry night ….. …. ….. ……
The thinker ….. ….. ….. …..
Tron.Legacy ….. ….. ….. …..
Sagrada Familia ….. ….. ….. …..

 Pre- reading activity
I draw students’ attention to the title and the picture. I give students time to skim the first and the last paragraph for gist,
and then allow them to make predictions on the content of the text.
 While- reading activity
I instruct students on how to proceed with the activity. Collaboration and reciprocal teaching is the key to the success of
this activity. While reading students work on new words. They learn the meaning of words based on the context, or they
may even look up their definition/ translation in the WORD LIST. I monitor the activity and assist students, if needed.
I Know I Want to know I Learnt
I instruct students on how to I instruct students on how to I invite students to think about
proceed with the activity. proceed with the activity. the question in exercise 2.
They will work in pairs. After explaining the task, I
They will have to guess and Collaboration and reciprocal allow students time to write a
say what they know about the teaching is the key to the few sentences. Various
topic given success of this activity. While students read their sentences
-What they know reading students work on new out to the class.
-how are these creatures like words. They learn the I explain any new words/
-why are they strange meaning of words based on phrases or concepts.
the context, or they may even Sum up of the text using the key
look up their definition/ words
translation in the WORD
LIST. I monitor the activity
and assist students, if needed.
Building questions about the

 Post- reading activity

I invite students to think about the question in exercise 2. After explaining the task, I allow students time to write a few
sentences. Various students read their sentences out to the class.
I explain any new words/ phrases or concepts.
After the 5 min break between the classes, I refer students to the list of new words. I elicit their meaning through
definitions. I explain the task student will complete (Exercises3.4). I allow them some time to do the exercises. I check
students’ answers around the class.
Then, I explain the other task. I play the recording. Students listen and choose the correct answers. Students report the
right answers to the class.
Grammar section I instruct students on how to proceed with the activity. Collaboration and reciprocal teaching is the key
to the success of this activity.. They learn the use of passive form based on the examples given on the text, or they may
even look for further rules and examples in the grammar section. I monitor the activity and assist students, if needed.
Class task.ex.3.4
Game.Tic Tac Toe. Boys vs girls
Instructing and facilitating.
Praising the winners in the end
Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Workbook –


Field Subjec Leve Grad Estimated time
Languages and communication t l IV e 9th 90 minutes
Learning situations
In an art gallery
2. 5.d.Inviting
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student talks about visual art forms
2. The student invites someone in an art gallery
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and
acquire new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful
completion of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express
opinions that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Motto,exhibit,collection,display
 Talks about visual art forms Discarded,blob of chewing
 Talks about artists gum,blowtorch.lacquer,driftwood,
 Talks about MOBA cork,nail
 Invites, accepts / refuses an invitation
 Writes what impressed you about three artists

Resources and aids

Connection with other fields or cross curricular
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, , pictures, notebooks,
subjects Art and communication
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ Circle of writers/
Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice-
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
In order to focus students’ attention and prepare them for the lesson ahead, I write a quote on the board. Students
brainstorm for ideas. Students may use the ideas as prompts to initiate a brief discussion or simply share facts and
stories related to the topic.
“Life without art is like a body without blood”

 Pre- reading activity
I draw students’ attention to the title and the picture. I give students time to skim the first and the last paragraph for gist,
and then allow them to make predictions on the content of the text.
 While- reading activity
I instruct students on how to proceed with the activity. Collaboration and reciprocal teaching is the key to the success of
this activity. While reading students work on new words. They learn the meaning of words based on the context, or they
may even look up their definition/ translation in the WORD LIST. I monitor the activity and assist students, if needed.
I Know I Want to know I Learnt
I instruct students on how to I instruct students on how to I invite students to think about
proceed with the activity. proceed with the activity. the question in exercise 2.
They will work in pairs. After explaining the task, I
They will have to guess and Collaboration and reciprocal allow students time to write a
say what they know about the teaching is the key to the few sentences. Various
topic given success of this activity. While students read their sentences
-What they know reading students work on new out to the class.
-how are these creatures like words. They learn the I explain any new words/
-why are they strange meaning of words based on phrases or concepts.
the context, or they may even Sum up of the text using the key
look up their definition/ words
translation in the WORD
LIST. I monitor the activity
and assist students, if needed.
Building questions about the

 Post- reading activity

I invite students to think about the question in exercise 2. After explaining the task, I allow students time to write a few
sentences. Various students read their sentences out to the class.
I explain any new words/ phrases or concepts.
After the 5 min break between the classes, I refer students to the list of new words. I elicit their meaning through
definitions. I explain the task student will complete (Exercises3.4). I allow them some time to do the exercises. I check
students’ answers around the class.
Then, I explain the other task. I play the recording. Students listen and choose the correct answers. Students report the
right answers to the class.
Grammar section I instruct students on how to proceed with the activity. Collaboration and reciprocal teaching is the key
to the success of this activity.. They learn the use of causative form based on the examples given on the text, or they may
even look for further rules and examples in the grammar section. I monitor the activity and assist students, if needed.
Class task.ex.3.4
Game.Tic Tac Toe. Boys vs girls
Instructing and facilitating.
Praising the winners in the end
Interaction.Inviting someone in an art gallery.
Listening to the model given. Going through the tasks of the exercises given by substituting the given expressions with
similar ones.
Pair work.Building similar situations by using the useful expressions of the text.
Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Workbook –

Field Subjec Leve Grad Estimated time

Languages and communication t l IV e 9th 90 minutes
Learning situations
1.5. e.Dancing around the world
In an art gallery
2. 5. f.Art and Design
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student talks about visual art forms
2. The student invites someone in an art gallery
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and
acquire new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful
completion of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express
opinions that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Movement.pioneer,depict
 Invites, accepts / refuses an invitation Motto,exhibit,collection,display
 Writes what impressed you about three artists Discarded,blob of chewing
 Writes an email about a visit to MOBA gum,blowtorch.lacquer,driftwood,
 Writes a short text about a traditional dance in your country cork,nail
 Writes a short text about a style of art
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, , pictures, notebooks,
subjects Art and communication
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ Circle of writers/
Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice-
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
In order to focus students’ attention and prepare them for the lesson ahead, I write cubism and impressionism on the
board. Students brainstorm for ideas. Students may use the ideas as prompts to initiate a brief discussion or simply share
facts and stories related to the topic.
cubism impressionism

 Pre- reading activity
I draw students’ attention to the title and the picture. I give students time to skim the first and the last paragraph for gist,
and then allow them to make predictions on the content of the text.
 While- reading activity
I instruct students on how to proceed with the activity. Collaboration and reciprocal teaching is the key to the success of
this activity. While reading students work on new words. They learn the meaning of words based on the context, or they
may even look up their definition/ translation in the WORD LIST. I monitor the activity and assist students, if needed.
I Know I Want to know I Learnt
I instruct students on how to I instruct students on how to I invite students to think about
proceed with the activity. proceed with the activity. the question in exercise 2.
They will work in pairs. After explaining the task, I
They will have to guess and Collaboration and reciprocal allow students time to write a
say what they know about the teaching is the key to the few sentences. Various
topic given success of this activity. While students read their sentences
-What they know reading students work on new out to the class.
-how are these creatures like words. They learn the I explain any new words/
-why are they strange meaning of words based on phrases or concepts.
the context, or they may even Sum up of the text using the key
look up their definition/ words
translation in the WORD
LIST. I monitor the activity
and assist students, if needed.
Building questions about the

 Post- reading activity

I invite students to think about the question in exercise 2. After explaining the task, I allow students time to write a few
sentences. Various students read their sentences out to the class.
I explain any new words/ phrases or concepts.
After the 5 min break between the classes, I refer students to the list of new words. I elicit their meaning through
definitions. I explain the task student will complete (Exercises3.4). I allow them some time to do the exercises. I check
students’ answers around the class.
Then, I explain the other task. I play the recording. Students listen and choose the correct answers. Students report the
right answers to the class.
Speaking activity → Students imagine they were to send a time capsule to space containing five things that represent our
nation. Students work in small groups and decide which these things may be. Each group presents their choices to the
class giving reasons. Groups discuss about each other’s capsules.
Describing a scene (Circle of writers) → Students imagine they were the first human to make contact with
extraterrestrials. I set the scene for the following written task. I write the headings on the board:
- where you were (e.g. jungle, in an wild park, etc.)
- what you were doing (e.g. walking, etc.)
- what happened (e.g. an electric discharge, etc.)
- how you felt (e.g. terrified, really scared, etc.).
Students get in pairs or in groups of three. I set the time for the activity. I monitor the activity around the class making
sure students know how to carry out the task. Firstly, each member of the group writes on his/ her own. Then, they
exchange papers and read what their partner wrote and discuss about it. Finally, each group produces a single piece of
writing for the topic. Paragraphs are read to the class.
Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Workbook –


Field Subjec Leve Grad Estimated
Languages and communication t l IV e 9th time 90
Englis minutes
Learning situations
1.5. g. Tron. Legacy
In an art gallery
2. 5. A review
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student talks about high tech designs
2. The student writes a review
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and
acquire new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful
completion of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express
opinions that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Video game designer,cyber
 Invites, accepts / refuses an invitation Movement.pioneer,depict
 Writes what impressed you about three artists Motto,exhibit,collection,display
 Writes an email about a visit to MOBA Discarded,blob of chewing
 Writes a short text about a traditional dance in your country gum,blowtorch.lacquer,driftwood,
 Writes a short text about a style of art
 Writes a review
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, , pictures, notebooks,
subjects Art and communication
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ Circle of writers/
Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice-
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
In order to focus students’ attention and prepare them for the lesson ahead, I write cubism and impressionism on the
board. Students brainstorm for ideas. Students may use the ideas as prompts to initiate a brief discussion or simply
share facts and stories related to the topic.
cubism impressionism
 Pre- reading activity
I draw students’ attention to the title and the picture. I give students time to skim the first and the last paragraph for gist,
and then allow them to make predictions on the content of the text.
 While- reading activity
I instruct students on how to proceed with the activity. Collaboration and reciprocal teaching is the key to the success of
this activity. While reading students work on new words. They learn the meaning of words based on the context, or
they may even look up their definition/ translation in the WORD LIST. I monitor the activity and assist students, if
I Know
I Want to know I Learnt
I instruct students on how to I instruct students on how to I invite students to think about
proceed with the activity. proceed with the activity. the question in exercise 2.
They will work in pairs. After explaining the task, I
They will have to guess and Collaboration and reciprocal allow students time to write a
say what they know about the teaching is the key to the few sentences. Various
topic given success of this activity. While students read their sentences
-What they know reading students work on new out to the class.
-how are these creatures like words. They learn the I explain any new words/
-why are they strange meaning of words based on phrases or concepts.
the context, or they may even Sum up of the text using the key
look up their definition/ words
translation in the WORD
LIST. I monitor the activity
and assist students, if needed.
Building questions about the

 Post- reading activity

I invite students to think about the question in exercise 2. After explaining the task, I allow students time to write a few
sentences. Various students read their sentences out to the class.
I explain any new words/ phrases or concepts.
 Pre- writing activity
I draw students’ attention to writing task. I give students time to skim the first and the last paragraph for gist, and then
allow them to make predictions on the content of the review.
 While- reading theory on the writing section
I instruct students on how to proceed with the activity. Collaboration and reciprocal teaching is the key to the success of
this activity. While reading students work on new words. They lidentify the meaning of each paragraph based on the
context, or they may even look up their definition/ translation in the WORD LIST. I monitor the activity and assist
students, if needed.

Introduction Main body Conclusion

Ph.1 Ph.2 Ph 5.
A brief summary of the plot
Who Your recommendations
When Ph.3.4
Where Your comments about it
Climax event

 Post- writing activity

I invite students to think about the question in exercise 1.4. After explaining the task, I allow students time to write a few
sentences. Various students read their sentences out to the class.
I explain any new words/ phrases or concepts.

Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Workbook –

Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English IV 9 90 minutes
Learning situations
8. Language review 5 .
Grammar&vocabulary consolidation
2. Vocabulary bank 5
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 11. The student talks about art forms
2. The student writes a review about high tech designs
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and
acquire new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful
completion of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express
opinions that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Dive boat,shark attacks, scared to
 Invites, accepts / refuses an invitation death,glance,underwater
 Writes what impressed you about three artists
 Writes an email about a visit to MOBA
 Writes a short text about a traditional dance in your country
 Writes a short text about a style of art
Writes a review
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Natural sciences/ Geography
notebooks, etc.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning
Communicative language teaching/ Circle of writers/ Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and start checking up previous knowledge :
Vocabulary –festival activities, Chinese celebrations.
Workbook -4.g.The students take turns on fill up activities
Start on -Consolidating key elements of the whole lesson through games
1Game :Hangman.Find the word
(_ _ _ _ _ _)-gadget.

2-Reading with stops (Three passages from the whole module)

3-TicTacToe-Grammar game

The best participants are praised at the end of each game

-Language review .15 min
After instructing tasks the students take turns on fill up activities
Facilitating where students face difficulties
Consolidating structures while the students take turns on each exercise.
 Future Simple vs present continuous(future meaning)
 Adverbs
 Abstract nouns
Enforcement for each structure that results in lack of having been perceived by the students
Vocabulary bank .15 min
After instructing tasks the students take turns on fill up activities
Facilitating where students face difficulties
Consolidating vocabulary while the students take turns on each exercise.
 High tech gadgets
 Future activities
 Predictions
 Complaining about a product

Enforcement for each structure that results in lack of having been perceived by the students
For further practice the students are asked to go through Grammar bank and Vocabulary bank at the end of the Workbook

After the 5 min break between the classes, I refer students to the list of key words. I elicit their meaning through
I allow them some time to balance their progress.
I check students’ answers around the class.
Then, I explain the listening task. I play the recording. Students listen and choose the correct answers. Students report the
right answers to the class.
Writing activity → Students imagine they were to go to a celebration around the world. Students work individually and
decide which celebration may be.
I set the time for the activity.
I monitor the activity around the class making sure students know how to carry out the task. E ach member of the
group writes on his/ her own.
Finally, each student produces a single piece of writing for the topic. Paragraphs are read to the class.

Self assessment section .Check your progress
The student is evaluated on each ‘can do’ descriptors.
Workbook GB/VB

Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English IV 9 90 minutes
Learning situations
3. Reading practice 5
Grammar&vocabulary consolidation
4. Fun time 5.Self check 5
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student uses conditional sentences
2. The student writes a scary story
Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and
acquire new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful
completion of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express
opinions that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Dive boat,shark attacks, scared to
 Talks about visual art forms death,glance,underwater
 Talks about artists
 Talks about MOBA
 Invites, accepts / refuses an invitation
 Writes what impressed you about three artists
 Writes an email about a visit to MOBA
 Writes a short text about a traditional dance in your country
 Writes a short text about a style of art
Writes a review
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
notebooks, etc. ICT
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning
Communicative language teaching/ Circle of writers/ Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and start checking up previous knowledge :
Vocabulary –mysterious creatures,
Workbook -4.g.The students take turns on fill up activities
Start on -Consolidating key elements of the whole lesson through games
1Game :Hangman.Find the word
(_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )-software

2-Reading with stops (Three passages from the whole module)

3-TicTacToe-Grammar game

The best participants are praised at the end of each game

 Pre- reading activity
I draw students’ attention to the title and the picture.. I give students time to skim the first and the last paragraph for gist,
and then allow them to make predictions on the content of the text.
 While- reading activity
I instruct students on how to proceed with the activity. Collaboration and reciprocal teaching is the key to the success of
this activity. While reading students work on new words. They learn the meaning of words based on the context, or they
may even look up their definition/ translation in the WORD LIST. I monitor the activity and assist students, if needed.
I Know I Want to know I Learnt
I instruct students on how to I instruct students on how to I invite students to think about
proceed with the activity. proceed with the activity. the question in exercise 2.
They will work in pairs. After explaining the task, I
They will have to guess and While reading students work allow students time to write a
say what they know about the on new words. They learn the few sentences. Various
topic given meaning of words based on students read their sentences
-What they know the context, or they may even out to the class.
-how are these creatures like look up their definition/ I explain any new words/
-why are they strange translation in the WORD phrases or concepts.
LIST. I monitor the activity Sum up of the text using the key
and assist students, if needed. words
Building questions about the

 Post- reading activity

I invite students to think about the question in exercise 7.8. After explaining the task, I allow students time to write a few
sentences. Various students read their sentences out to the class.
I explain any new words/ phrases or concepts.
After the 5 min break between the classes, I refer students to the list of key words. I elicit their meaning through
I allow them some time to balance their progress.
I check students’ answers around the class.

Balancing results by following the Can Do descriptors given at the end of the self check section.
Now I can N1 N2+ N3 N3+ N4 N4+

 Talk about visual art forms

 Talk about artists
 Talk about MOBA
 Invite, accept / refuse an invitation
 Write what impressed you about three artists
 Write an email about a visit to MOBA
 Write a short text about a traditional dance in your country
 Write a short text about a style of art
 Write a review

Self assessment section .Check your progress
The student is evaluated on each ‘can do’ descriptors.
Workbook –

Field Subjec Leve Grad Estimated time

Languages and communication t l IV e 9th 90 minutes
Learning situations
3. 6.a.Going the extra mile to help
In an art gallery
4. 6.b.Comperative/Superlative
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student talks about social problems
2. The student perceives vocabulary on voluntary work and emergencies
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and
acquire new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful
completion of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express
opinions that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student:
 Talks about social problems Spotlight,awareness,overcome
 Talks about what three people did to help people in need obstacles,charity,persist,
 Summarizes a text determinaton,assistance
 Calls the emergency services

Resources and aids

Connection with other fields or cross curricular
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, , pictures, notebooks,
subjects Art and communication
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ Circle of writers/
Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice-
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
In order to focus students’ attention and prepare them for the lesson ahead, I write NGO on the board. Students
brainstorm for ideas. Students may use the ideas as prompts to initiate a brief discussion or simply share facts and
stories related to the topic.
Who why Feelings
UNESCO ….. …. ……
RSPCU ….. ….. …..
WHO ….. ….. …..
CARITAS ….. ….. …..

 Pre- reading activity
I draw students’ attention to the title and the picture. I give students time to skim the first and the last paragraph for gist,
and then allow them to make predictions on the content of the text.
 While- reading activity
I instruct students on how to proceed with the activity. Collaboration and reciprocal teaching is the key to the success of
this activity. While reading students work on new words. They learn the meaning of words based on the context, or they
may even look up their definition/ translation in the WORD LIST. I monitor the activity and assist students, if needed.
I Know I Want to know I Learnt
I instruct students on how to I instruct students on how to I invite students to think about
proceed with the activity. proceed with the activity. the question in exercise 2.
They will work in pairs. After explaining the task, I
They will have to guess and Collaboration and reciprocal allow students time to write a
say what they know about the teaching is the key to the few sentences. Various
topic given success of this activity. While students read their sentences
-What they know reading students work on new out to the class.
-how are these creatures like words. They learn the I explain any new words/
-why are they strange meaning of words based on phrases or concepts.
the context, or they may even Sum up of the text using the key
look up their definition/ words
translation in the WORD
LIST. I monitor the activity
and assist students, if needed.
Building questions about the

 Post- reading activity

I invite students to think about the question in exercise 2. After explaining the task, I allow students time to write a few
sentences. Various students read their sentences out to the class.
I explain any new words/ phrases or concepts.
After the 5 min break between the classes, I refer students to the list of new words. I elicit their meaning through
definitions. I explain the task student will complete (Exercises3.4). I allow them some time to do the exercises. I check
students’ answers around the class.
Then, I explain the other task. I play the recording. Students listen and choose the correct answers. Students report the
right answers to the class.
Grammar section I instruct students on how to proceed with the activity. Collaboration and reciprocal teaching is the key
to the success of this activity.. They learn the use of comparative and superlative degree of adjectives based on the
examples given on the text, or they may even look for further rules and examples in the grammar section. I monitor the
activity and assist students, if needed.
Class task.ex.3.4
Game. Three penguins.
Instructing and facilitating.
Praising the winners in the end
Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Workbook –


Field Subjec Leve Grad Estimated time
Languages and communication t l IV e 9th 90 minutes
Learning situations
5. 6.c.Man’s best friend
In an art gallery
6. 6.d.Calling the emergency services
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student talks about animals at hand
2. The student perceives vocabulary on voluntary work and emergencies
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and
acquire new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful
completion of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express
opinions that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Significant role,call into
 Talks about social problems service,retirement home
 Talks about what three people did to help people in need Spotlight,awareness,overcome
 Summarizes a text obstacles,charity,persist,
 Calls the emergency services determinaton,assistance

Resources and aids

Connection with other fields or cross curricular
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, , pictures, notebooks,
subjects Art and communication
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ Circle of writers/
Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice-
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
In order to focus students’ attention and prepare them for the lesson ahead, I write PETS on the board. Students
brainstorm for ideas. Students may use the ideas as prompts to initiate a brief discussion or simply share facts and
stories related to the topic.
Who why Feelings
A dog ….. …. ……
A cat ….. ….. …..
Both ….. ….. …..
A hamster ….. ….. …..

 Pre- reading activity
I draw students’ attention to the title and the picture. I give students time to skim the first and the last paragraph for gist,
and then allow them to make predictions on the content of the text.
 While- reading activity
I instruct students on how to proceed with the activity. Collaboration and reciprocal teaching is the key to the success of
this activity. While reading students work on new words. They learn the meaning of words based on the context, or they
may even look up their definition/ translation in the WORD LIST. I monitor the activity and assist students, if needed.
I Know I Want to know I Learnt
I instruct students on how to I instruct students on how to I invite students to think about
proceed with the activity. proceed with the activity. the question in exercise 2.
They will work in pairs. After explaining the task, I
They will have to guess and Collaboration and reciprocal allow students time to write a
say what they know about the teaching is the key to the few sentences. Various
topic given success of this activity. While students read their sentences
-What they know reading students work on new out to the class.
-how are these creatures like words. They learn the I explain any new words/
-why are they strange meaning of words based on phrases or concepts.
the context, or they may even Sum up of the text using the key
look up their definition/ words
translation in the WORD
LIST. I monitor the activity
and assist students, if needed.
Building questions about the

 Post- reading activity

I invite students to think about the question in exercise 2. After explaining the task, I allow students time to write a few
sentences. Various students read their sentences out to the class.
I explain any new words/ phrases or concepts.
After the 5 min break between the classes, I refer students to the list of new words. I elicit their meaning through
definitions. I explain the task student will complete (Exercises3.4). I allow them some time to do the exercises. I check
students’ answers around the class.
Then, I explain the other task. I play the recording. Students listen and choose the correct answers. Students report the
right answers to the class.
Grammar section I instruct students on how to proceed with the activity. Collaboration and reciprocal teaching is the key
to the success of this activity.. They learn the use of comparative and superlative degree of adjectives based on the
examples given on the text, or they may even look for further rules and examples in the grammar section. I monitor the
activity and assist students, if needed.
Class task.ex.3.4
Game. Three penguins.
Instructing and facilitating.
Praising the winners in the end
Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Workbook –


Field Subjec Leve Grad Estimated
Languages and communication t l IV e 9th time 90
Englis minutes
Learning situations
1. 6.e.Volunturism
-Out and about
2. Project 2.Cyber bullying .1.
- Being safe in the cyber world
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student describes voluntary work
2. The student participates in class discussions
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and
acquire new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful
completion of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express
opinions that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student:
 Gives a presentation on an NGO Allied,government,wipe
 Write about helping people in need out,headquarters,promote
 Write a summary of a text peace,strive,ultural heritage
 Write a short text about a place for ‘volunteerism’ in your country
 collects information for the purpose of research.
 spots an opportunity and seizes it.
 takes a step back and puts things into perspective.
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector,
subjects Native language /ICT
pictures, notebooks,previous videos from ECLM
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice-
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
In order to focus students’ attention and prepare them for the lesson ahead, I write VOLUNTARISM on the board.
Students brainstorm for ideas. Students may use the ideas as prompts to initiate a brief discussion or simply share facts
and stories related to the topic
 Pre- reading activity
I draw students’ attention to the title and the picture. I give students time to skim for gist, and then allow them to make
predictions on the content of the text.
 While- reading activity
I instruct students on how to proceed with the activity. They will work in pairs. Collaboration and reciprocal teaching is
the key to the success of this activity.. I monitor the activity and assist students, if needed.
 Post- reading activity
I invite students to think about the question in exercise1.a.. After explaining the task, I allow students time to write a few
sentences. Various students read their sentences out to the class.
I explain any new words/ phrases or concepts.

After the 5 min break between the classes, I refer students to the list of key words. Cyber world.virtual,threats,
I elicit their meaning through definitions and examples.
Then, I explain the other task. I play the recording. Students listen and choose the correct answers. Students report the right
answers to the class.
The schedule of the project
As the total project goes in three days each session is limited in 45 min each


. Session 1 Presentation of the project and sharing groups.

Session Time Activities Basic description of activities
First 1.Introduction Short introduction of myself and a game .Hangman.
week of
Assessme 2.Introducing the main Just skimming the outline on a given power point
nt goal and the outline of presentation.
Vs the whole session
3. Pair work In pairs participants tend to discuss ideas upon one of
the situations given on the power point material

4. Interactions Each pair brings a given situation related to the topic .

5 Empathia Three participants play the role of being bullied on

social media
6.Conluding Just highlighting the importance of being safe in the
virtual world.
7.End ups Questions and comments
Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Further instructions
about the project

Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English IV 9 90 minutes
Learning situations
9. Portfolio assessment 2
Now I can …..
10. Second term test
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student talk about the cyber world
2. The student participates in class discussions
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and
acquire new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful
completion of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express
opinions that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Dive boat, shark attacks, scared to
 reads fluently with the proper intonation death,glance,underwater
 identifies specific information from the text
 listens attentively to a recorded material to extract specific information
 understands the content of a video
 practices new vocabulary in speaking and writing
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, , notebooks, test etc.
Native language
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Individual tasks


Self assessment.15 min

After instructing tasks the students take turns on fill up activities
Facilitating where students face difficulties
Consolidating vocabulary while the students take turns on each exercise.
Enforcement for each structure that results in lack of having been perceived by the students
For further practice the students are asked to go through Grammar bank and Vocabulary bank at the end of the Workbook

Balancing results by following the Can Do descriptors given at the end of the self check section.

Now I can N1 N2+ N3 N3+ N4 N4+

 Talk about visual art forms

 Talk about artists
 Talk about MOBA
 Invite, accept / refuse an invitation
 Write what impressed you about three artists
 Write an email about a visit to MOBA
 Write a short text about a traditional dance in your country
 Write a short text about a style of art
 Write a review

 Second class
 First term test
 Instructing tasks
 Setting up rules
 Deadlines
 See photocopied materials



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