Boneca Anime Sailor Moon
Boneca Anime Sailor Moon
Boneca Anime Sailor Moon
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Amigurumi Sailor Moon Pattern
Published on : December 2014 My Website:
Photos, Pattern and Layout Designed by
Rabbiz Design This pattern is licensed under Creative Commons. You are allowed to sale
finished products made from this pattern with reference to Rabbiz Design.
But you may not re-produce, photocopy, sale, distribute any part of this
• 4 Ply Acrylic Yarn • Crochet Hook Size 2.5 mm
- Beige • Yarn Needle
- White • Needle
- Yellow • Sewing Pins
- Red • All Purpose Glue
- Blue • Scissors
- Orange • Painted Eyes (See Page 16)
• Fiberfill
• Embroidery Floss
- Dark Brown
4 5 6
1 2 3
7 8 9
4 5 6
10 11 7 8 9
How to Crochet Head 1.2 How to
Hair Around
9 10
w w
YelloSts YelloSts
12 12
7 8 9
Front Back
Chain Embroidery
Head’s Beginning 10 11 12
X Cross Stitch
Embroider chains along
the red dash lines which
divide head into 2 parts
X X and then embroider
cross stitch on each
side between Rnd 6-7
13 14 15
from begin and from How to Crochet Hair
face frame. (see the description on the next page)
1 2 3 1 2 3
4 5 6 4 5 6
Wrap yarn around the dumpling bun: 1.5 How to Crochet the
Twin Tail:
1 Leave 3 feet long tail after finish crocheting each bun
2-5 Pull yarn tail through yarn needle, let the needle hang
in the middle of yarn tail. Then, wrap the tail around
the bun (pull yarn through the base of the bun each
time you wrap the tail over the bun). See guideline
from the photos Crocheting Twin Tail :
6 Finish wrapping yarn around the dumpling buns
1 Leave ½ foot long tail and then crochet 51 chains
2 Begin the first stitch on the 2nd chain from hook
Follow the pattern
1 2 3 7 8 9
1.6 Hair
7 8 10 11 12
Hair Assembly: How to Embroider Tiara
Use yellow yarn tail left from crocheting twin tail to sew up tail Description:
to the base of dumpling bun. Pull the rest of yarn tails through
neck part, tie them securely, cut the rest off and pull them back 1 Pull orange yarn through the center of forehead and
inside the head. pull it back inside the head via the edge between
upper face frame (see photo). Insert the tip of the
needle up through the next stitch so that the tiara is
1 stitch wide
2 Stab the needle back 1 stitch lower from the previous
position on the forehead
3-4 Repeat steps to embroider on the other side
5 Pull the yarn left from embroidering inside the head
1 2 3 6 Use light orange yarn to embroider line inside the
tiara line
7 Use red yarn to embroider oval shape of ruby, begin
from the center of tiara
8-11 Embroider the ruby, follow the steps shown in photos
12 Finish tiara embroidering
4 5 6
1 2 3 1 2 3
Dumpling Bun Decoration:
How to decorate the bun:
Please note that do not yarn over/finish the second leg since
you’ve to crochet along the body pattern from the last stitch of
the second leg’s last stitch.
1 Crochet 2 pieces of boots Rnd Code Sts
2 Crochet leg according to the leg pattern. Put
1-10 8 sc into magic ring *** Beige Yarn 8
the boot on the first leg, yarn over once you’ve
finish Rnd 11 and cut off. Then, crochet one 11 8 sc *** White Yarn 8
more leg which is “main leg” in body pattern
put on boot (don’t cut the yarn off)
3 Continue working on body pattern from the
main leg to the finished leg
4 Crochet skirt into the front loops left on the
1 2 3 1 2 3
4 5 6 4 5 6
How to How to Description:
Crochet Embroider
Boots: White Stripes 1-3 Use white yarn to embroider chains
on Boots: around the boots
4-5 Finish embroidering chains, leave
7 8 yarn tail inside the boots
Let the last stitch of the main leg stays on the left side
of the back of boot (see position in photo no.3) 4 5 6
How to Crochet Body:
1 Place the first leg beside the main leg
2.3 Body Pattern: 2 Follow pattern to join them together
3-5 Loosen the chain on hook, use yarn
Description: After sew up legs and boots together, work on
tail left from the first leg to sew up
body pattern by continue working from the second leg (which
is “main leg” in the pattern). Stuff fiberfill after finish. 7 6-7 Stuff fiberfill, continue until finish
3. Hand Pattern:
3.1 Hand Pattern:
Description: Use white yarn and begin with magic ring. Then,
1 2 3 change to beige yarn before begin working on Rnd 7. Keep work-
ing until finish and leave ½ foot long tail for assembly.
Rnd Code Sts
1 5 sc into magic ring 5
2-6 5 sc 5
7-11 5 sc ***Beige Yarn 5
4 5 6
7 8 9 1 2 3
How to Crochet Skirt: Chains around
Description: Glove:
Use red yarn to
1 Prepare blue yarn to begin working on skirt pattern, embroider chains
the beginning is on the center of the back around the edge of
2 Crochet along the front loops left from crocheting 4 5 white and beige yarn
the body
3 Start working on the next round. Crochet into the 3.2 Upper Sleeves Pattern:
back loops all around the round Description: Use white yarn to crochet upper sleeves and then
4-6 Continue working on the pattern until finish attach them to the upper arms. Leave 1/2 foot long tail before
7-8 Sew up the yarn tail up and down along the edge of and after crocheting along the pattern which is illustrated by
the skirt photos on the next page.
9 Finish crocheting skirt
1 2 3 1 2 3
How to
4 5 4 5 6
Crocheting Sleeves: How to attach arms to
1 Leave ½ foot long tail, crochet 8 chains
2 Do slip stitch with the first chain to form the ring
3 Crochet more 8 chains
Do slip stitch with the first chain to form the ring again
Now you’ve finish the upper sleeves to attach to arm
4. Ribbon Pattern:
Description: Use red yarn to crochet the front and back rib-
bons, see photos and descriptions below.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Bow Tails:
1 Crochet 4 chains and do “sc, 2SLST”
into the chain
2 Leave ½ foot long tail, make 2 pieces
3-6 Insert the the tail through the back
of ribbon
4 5 6 7 7 Front ribbon finished
7 8 9 1 2 3
Description: Front Ribbon Assembly:
1-2 Pull yarn tail left from crocheting
1 Pull the yarn tail from right to cross the tail on left side, through center of chest part
like when you begin working with magic ring 3 Tie the end securely, cut off and pull
2-4 Crochet “sc, hdc, dc, hdc, sc” 2 times into the ring it back inside the body
5 Leave a bit long tail after finish 4 Finish
6 Pull the tail to tie up the ring 4
7-9 Use yarn tails left before and after crocheting to tie up
the ribbon (see photos)
1 2 3
Back Ribbon Assembly:
1 2 3 1 Pull the yarn tail through the center
How to Assemble the of the back skirt’s beginning
Back Ribbon: 2 Pull another yarn tail next to previous
3-4 Tie the tails securely and cut off
Back Ribbon Making:
5. Assembly:
1 Leave ½ foot long yarn before crocheting 9 chains,
then crochet the first code into the 3rd chain from hook
dc, hdc, sc, SLST, sc, hdc, dc
2 Insert the tails to the center of strand and tie up the
center of the bow securely
3 Crochet the tails for the bow, begin with 5 chains and 1 2 3
do the first code into the 2nd chain from hook
hdc, sc, SLST
make 2 pieces
4 Attach the tails to the bow using all purpose glue
4 5 6
Head and Body Assembly:
Sew up head to body stitch by stitch, using yarn tail left
from crocheting the head. Sew up them together securely
and hide yarn tail through the back of the neck. Now, your
Sailor Moon is done!
Step 1:
A. How to Paint Eyes: Use eye template to
draw eyes on the white
Step 2:
Apply the darkest color
on the eye lines, leave
to dried
Step 3:
Mix some white color
to the previous color
applied and paint it to
the half of the eye
Step 4:
Materials: Paint the black pupil
1 Acrylic Colors into the center of the
2 Acrylic Paint Brushes eye, leave to dried
3 Fabric Marker (or small acrylic paint brushes)
4 Pencil
5 Palette Step 5:
6 Oval Template Paint white color, leave
7 Paperboard to dried
8 White Fabric
Step 7:
Description: Use oval template with 1 cm wide and 1.5 cm Use fabric marker to
high. Adjust the shape to appoximately 1.2 cm high (see photos). draw line around the
Draw it on the paperboard to form the eye template. eye and pupil. Finish.
1 2 3 1 2
4 5 6 3 4
7 8 9 5 6
P1 Pull the tip of yarn needle through the position you want P1 Pull over the hook 2 times
P2 Pull the yarn through it P2 Bring the yarn over the crochet hook (from back to front)
P3 Insert yarn needle back to the same position, pull the and draw it through the chain stitch and up onto the
tip of the needle to emerge on the next stitch the hook; you now have 4 loops on the hook
P4 Wrap the yarn tail on the tip of the needle P3 Bring the yarn over the crochet hook and draw it through
P5 Pull the yarn through the chain the first two loops on the hook.You now have three loops
P6 Insert the yarn needle back to the same position and on the hook
pull the tip of the neele through the next stitch P4 Bring the yarn over the crochet hook again and draw it
P7 Wrap the yarn tail on the tip of the needle through the next two loops on the hook. Two loops
P8 Pull the yarn through the chain, now you’ve got remain on the hook
another chain P5 Bring the yarn over the crochet hook and draw it through
P9 Keep repeating until you’ve got an amount of chains both remaining loops on the hook
required P6 You can now crochet the next stitch