Maxwell's Laboratory: Research Engineering and Learning Institute Concept Design Document
Maxwell's Laboratory: Research Engineering and Learning Institute Concept Design Document
Maxwell's Laboratory: Research Engineering and Learning Institute Concept Design Document
Maxwell's Laboratory
Research Engineering and Learning Institute
Concept Design Document
Written by: Anthony Valenzano
The United States is quickly losing it's technical edge over the rest of the world1.
There are many reasons for this, but one reason clearly presents itself; less interest in
engineering. Forty years ago, with the space race, engineering interest in this country
was at it's peak. Now, unfortunately engineering interest has dwindled to almost
imperceptible levels. One possible reason for the lack of interest in engineering could be
that it has become localized to a few parts of the country. The rest of the nation is left
with little, or no engineering at all. This causes our country to miss out on many
potential engineers, because quite
simply, children do not know Selection From: Rising Above The Gathering
anything about it. Without the Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter
media attention, like from the space Economic Future. National Academy of Sciences. 2005
race, science and engineering has
lost accessibility to children whose
Programme for International Student Assessment
parents are not involved in those measured the performance of 15-year-olds in 49
fields. There is also another industrialized countries and found that US students scored
fundamental issue that blocks in the middle or in the bottom half of the group in three
children's understanding of important ways: our students placed 16th in reading, 19th
engineering, in that a child can not in science literacy, and 24th in mathematics.
easily observe these technical fields After secondary school, fewer US students
in society. Doctors, lawyers, and pursue science and engineering degrees than students in
teachers can all be observed other countries. About 6% of our undergraduates study
engineering; that percentage is the second lowest among
performing their tasks in society. developed countries. Engineering students make up about
This is not true of most engineers. 12% of undergraduates in most of Europe, 20% in
Engineering is highly competitive Singapore, and more than 40% in China. Students
and therefore done behind closed throughout much of the world see careers in science and
doors. It's not likely that children are engineering as the path to a better future.
going to choose a career that they
know nothing about. This document introduces a program which is intended to help
spark interest in science and engineering in communities where engineering is not
common-place. This program will bring science and engineering out to be observed by
the public and therefore make it a more obvious career choice for young adults. This
program therefore proposes to design and construct a science center unlike any other.
This center will be partly an learning institute and partly a working research center. This
way the visitors will observe actual engineering and scientific research. The research will
also allow the institution to attract and retain talented scientists.
While this document proposes to design and build one institute, this document is
designed to guide the planning of many of these institutes. This plan is specifically
designed for cities under 100,000 in population, will little existing engineering and with
no other science centers. This plan may be modified to suit other cities.
1 Broad, W. J. US Losing Its Dominance in Sciences. New York Times. May 3,2004
Research Engineering and Learning Institute Concept Design Document
Anthony Valenzano 2005-1 REV-1
The purpose of this program is to introduce children and young adults to
engineering, and develop the local engineering community. This program proposes to do
this by developing a science center that is tuned to just this goal. The science institute
functions will be threefold. First it will be a learning center for school students. In this
role the institute will provide educational displays on specific topics, laboratories for
lessons in major fields of engineering, and access to people working in the scientific
community. This institution will be more “hands-on” than other comparable science
centers. It will consist of more lab experiments than museum-type push button examples.
The purpose is to show students their own abilities in engineering and not to intimidate
them with complex examples of engineering. The other two functions are derived from
this most important function. The second function is as a working research center, as this
will give the students the best understanding of engineering. By making the institute a
research center it gains actual 'living' science. Visitors can see science developing before
there eyes, and just how this is done. The research has two other purposes, to attract
bright engineers, and to provide additional income for the institute. The third function of
the institute is to spread engineering to the entire community. This center will be a
resource for everyone in the community, with everyone welcome to join the institution
and utilize the labs under supervision of lab attendants. The salient goal of this institute
is to improve the technological state of this country, this goal is not well served by just
showing students science and then abandoning them later. This institute will nurture all
kinds of science and engineering, for all people. Students will be able to return to the
center to try to build things that they have learned. As adults they will be able to turn to
the institute as a place to work on a project that they are developing outside or their nine
to five jobs. This is an important aspect of the institute, people are most effective when
working on projects they are passionate about, but they are rarely able to work on those
projects as a living. This institute provides these people with access to the resources they
need to complete these goals. The institute will also be an excellent resource for home
schooled children and their parents, who often don't have access to science labs. Lastly,
the institute will provide a meeting and work place for science-based student projects,
such as Junior Achievement.
Research Engineering and Learning Institute Concept Design Document
Anthony Valenzano 2005-1 REV-1
The institute will require a building of at least 15,000 sq ft of floor space. The
building should have an industrial look with modern accents. Preferably the building will
be two stories with a large open area that can make up the central floor / display area.
The first floor should also house the cafeteria. The second floor will consist of four labs
and an engineering library. In addition there will be several small offices, and
conference rooms. The building would be best if positioned high on a mountain or hill
for the use of ham radio as well as telescopes, and radio astronomy equipment. To
accommodate telescopes and antennas the building will need roof access. All aspects of
the institute will be designed to accommodate 60 children per day.
To ensure security for the institute, video cameras, and recorded devices will be
utilized in critical locations in the building. Fiber-optic locking systems will be attached
to all lab equipment and oscilloscopes probes will be secured to each scope. The doors
all labs will have magnetic badge readers to ensure that visitors are not allowed in the
labs alone, both for security and safety reasons.
Illustration 2: Sample Floor Plan, 1st Floor Illustration 1: Sample Floor Plan, 2nd Floor
Research Engineering and Learning Institute Concept Design Document
Anthony Valenzano 2005-1 REV-1
Possible Displays:
Van De Graaff Generator
Mechanical Advantage
Jacob's Ladder
Aerodynamic Lift
Magnetic Forces
Relativity /Time-space relation
Wet-Cell Battery Construction
Feedback Systems
Software Programs:
OpenOffice – Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Presentation Software
QCAD – Mechanical Drawing Program
Dia – Diagram drawing program
Oregano – Electrical Simulation Software
Gnuplot – Graphing Program
Scilab – Matrix Math Program
Kde Edutainment – Educational Software
The GIMP v2 – Image editing software
Mozilla-FireFox – Web browser
Engineering Library
Personnel: One librarian and one part-time attendant
The most important part of successful engineering is access to information. For
this reason the institute will have an engineering library on the premises. This will allow
researches and visitors to have access to all of the information they need to complete their
tasks. The librarian will be responsible for signing out and returning all books as well as
organizing and maintaining the information resources. This lab will have five computers
available for Internet searches.
To accommodate a full day of activities for school students the institute will
require a cafeteria. The cafeteria will be operated by a food services contractor. The
cafeteria will not be completed until later in the project, until that time lunches will have
to be 'brown bag'. The cafeteria will accommodate 75 people for lunch. This will be 10
tables with 8 people per table. The cafeteria will also double as a gathering area for
Research Engineering and Learning Institute Concept Design Document
Anthony Valenzano 2005-1 REV-1
Education Methods
Children should be brought to the institute several times during their schooling
careers, and each time they should walk away with a better understanding of science and
engineering. For younger students, a wonder of science should be introduced, but this
should not be left at that. If left at the the wonder stage, science can seem too
unattainable and mystifying. Therefore children should be taught that they too can
control and manipulate materials. This can only happen if students are shown that they
can work with the laws of science. This can start with the simplest of gears and levelers
and end in an understanding of complex electronics.
Research Plan
Research is a very important part of the institute. This is the key to showing the
children how engineering works. The research is also vital to employ engineers, as
engineers want to do engineering, and if they are not doing engineering, they are not
engineers. The research also has another positive aspect, it can help supplement the
engineer's salary, even the institute itself.
The research can be SBIR from the national agencies. Phase I SBIRs are $75,000
for initial research, lasting just a couple months. Phase II SBIRs often follow phase I
SBIRs which are worth $750,000 and usually have a duration of two or three years.
Another source of research engineering is from private industry. Many companies
do not have the resources or personnel to develop some product that they wish to market.
These companies can contract with the institute to help develop their product.
Engineers working at the institute will also have the opportunity develop their
own research projects. They will present the concept to their peers and, if approved, will
be able to work on these projects as budget allows.
Research Engineering and Learning Institute Concept Design Document
Anthony Valenzano 2005-1 REV-1
The National Science Foundation offers grants for programs that bring science to
students. The institute will search out and apply for these type of grants. The institute
will look to local and state government for additional funding, including the possibility of
suppling the building.
Private Industry
Private high-tech companies will be a great resource for the institute. Companies
such as Lockheed Martin routinely encourage employees to help out with communities
programs, and will often donate money to these causes. The institute will look to these
companies for donations of equipment, time, and money. High-tech companies will also
be encouraged to develop displays to be added to the main floor display. These displays
will follow the same guidelines as all of the institutes's displays, in that they are
educational and interactive.
Research Gains
Money acquired from research gains will be folded back into the institute to help
supplement the other sources of income. This will in turn provide money to improve all
aspects of the institute and reduce the costs of attending and joining the institute. The
goal is that eventually the doors of the institute may be opened, free of cost to the public.
Donations will be particularly important to startup the institute. The largest costs
will be to acquire the equipment needed before the doors are ever opened.
Donations will also help to reduce the cost for students to attend the institute.
The institute will have close relationship with local universities. Universities will
find the institute a resource for locating possible engineering students. They will also be
able to utilize the labs where their labs fall insufficient. Engineers working at the
institute may have the opportunity to teach engineering classes at the university.
Research Engineering and Learning Institute Concept Design Document
Anthony Valenzano 2005-1 REV-1
Implementation Plan
Position Beginning Description Salary
General Manager / EE I Oversee all operations, begin funding,
EE/AE Labs $65,000.00
Technical Leader / EE II Oversee all technical aspects, Run EE lab $65,000.00
Business Leader / HR II Oversee all business aspects, HR, Safety, $60,000.00
Mechanical Engineer III Run ME lab, develop displays, develop
lesson plans $50,000.00
Computer Engineer III Setup CE lab, develop lesson plans $45,000.00
Librarian III Setup Library, Community Outreach $35,000.00
Aerospace Engineer IV Run AE Lab, develop lesson plans $50,000.00
Mechanical Engineer V Run ME lab, Research, Present $50,000.00
Computer Engineer V Run CE lab, Research, Present $45,000.00
Electrical Engineer V Run EE lab, Research, Present $55,000.00
Business Staff V Accounting, Acquire Funding $35,000.00
Aerospace Engineer V Run AE Lab, Research, Present $50,000.00
Materials Acquisition
Table 1: Computer Engineering Lab, Material Costs
Area Cost
Computer Engineering Lab $81,100.00
Electrical Engineering Lab $81,450.00
Mechanical Engineering Lab $44,700.00
Aerospace Engineering Lab $46,775.00
Engineering Library $41,825.00
Central Floor $58,500.00
Facility Supplies $31,150.00
Office Supplies $36,400.00
Research Engineering and Learning Institute Concept Design Document
Anthony Valenzano 2005-1 REV-1
Operating Costs
Table 10: Expenses Per Month For Each Phase
Anthony Valenzano
1305 Pittston Ave 2S
Scranton PA, 18505