Automotive Service Management Principles Into Practice
Automotive Service Management Principles Into Practice
Automotive Service Management Principles Into Practice
Principles into Practice
Columbus State Community College
Rezin, Andrew.
Automotive service management : principles into practice / Andrew Rezin.
— 1st ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-199863-6 (alk. paper)
ISBN-10: 0-13-199863-3 (alk. paper)
1. Automobile repair shops—Management. I. Title.
TL153.R46 2009
629.28'72068—dc22 2007047251
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ISBN-13: 978-0-13-199863-6
ISBN-10: 0-13-199863-3
Preface xi
About the Author xiii
1 The Automotive Service Industry 3
2 Physical Resources 10
3 Manpower Resources 21
4 The Service Workflow 34
9 Long-Range Planning 99
10 Strategic and Short-Range Planning 110
11 Decision Making 120
12 Quality and Continuous Improvement 135
■ Brief Contents
19 The Value of Satisfied Customers 229
20 Building Basic Communication Skills 242
21 Resolving Customer Disputes 254
22 Recruiting and Selection 269
23 Motivating Employees 283
24 Progressive Discipline 294
Index 377
■ Contents
Delegating 83
Summary 85
Practicing the Principles 85
Chapter Objectives 53
Key Terms 53 Chapter Objectives 86
Introduction 54 Key Terms 86
Introduction 87
Traditional Management 54
What Is Ethics? 87
Scientific Management 57
Applied Ethics 88
Management by Objective 59
Ethical Leadership 89
Comparing Management Approaches 59
Stewardship 92
Leadership (Goal Orientation) 61
Summary 95
Summary 61
Practicing the Principles 95
Practicing the Principles 62
References 62
Chapter Objectives 63
Introduction 64 Chapter Objectives 99
What Is Leadership? 64 Key Terms 99
Management versus Leadership 64 Introduction 100
Leading 24/7 71 Vision 100
Summary 72 Mission 102
Practicing the Principles 72 Values 105
Notes 72
Long-Range Goals 106
References 73
Tracking Progress 108
OF MANAGEMENT 74 Practicing the Principles 109
References 109
Chapter Objectives 74
Key Terms 74
Introduction 75 SHORT-RANGE PLANNING 110
An Ever-Changing Enterprise 75 Chapter Objectives 110
More Art Than Science 76 Key Terms 110
The Major Management Roles 76 Introduction 111
Qualities of a Manager 81 Levels of Planning 111
Contents ■
■ Contents
Contents ■
■ Contents
Awareness 325
Building Identity 326 ISSUES AND
Establishing an Image 328 RESPONSIBILITIES
Communicating Your Message 329
Practicing the Principles 330 SERVICE OPERATIONS 355
Chapter Objectives 355
MERCHANDISING 331 Introduction 356
Chapter Objectives 331 Customer Issues 356
Key Terms 331 The Repair Order 356
Introduction 332
Quality of Repairs 358
The Goal 332
Repair Warranty 359
Merchandising Locations 332
Safety and Reliability 360
Signage 333
Civil and Criminal Liability 361
Product Displays 334
New Vehicle Issues 362
Impulse Items 336 Summary 364
What Should I Merchandise? 337 Practicing the Principles 364
Summary 338
Practicing the Principles 338 CHAPTER 30 WORKPLACE SAFETY 365
Chapter Objectives 365
Chapter Objectives 340 Introduction 366
Key Terms 340 Workplace Safety Legislation 366
Introduction 341
OSHA 367
Support Services 341
Summary 374
Selling in the Service Drive 342
Practicing the Principles 374
Selling in the Shop 347
The Value of Increased Sales per Vehicle 349 Index 377
Some Words of Warning 350
Summary 351
Practicing the Principles 351
■ Preface
To access supplementary materials online, instructors need to request an
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Special thanks to my wife, Shelley, and my entire family whose patience and
lifelong support have allowed me to undertake this project and my lifelong
career in the field that I dearly love, automotive service.
I thank Mark Hambaum; Timothy Gilbert, Northwood University; Drew
Carlson, Cosumnes River College; Carl Eric Anderson, Fullerton College; and
Tom Grothous, University of Northwestern Ohio, for their assistance with the
text review of the original manuscript.
I also wish to thank my friends and business associates at Germain Motor
Company, Ricart Automotive Group, Clintonville Auto Repair Service, Boyd’s
Goodyear Tire and Service, and Midwestern Auto Group in Columbus, Ohio,
for allowing us “free access” to their facilities to shoot the photos for the book.
And, finally . . . thanks to all of those who I have worked with and
learned so much from during my automotive career. Without your friendship,
support, and examples, I would have had nothing to write about!
I hope that you enjoy the journey and that it provides you with a solid
foundation for a long and prosperous career in automotive service. I hope you
enjoy it nearly as much as I have enjoyed my association with this industry
and the great people that I have been privileged to meet and work with over
the years.
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T he automotive industry plays a very important role in our economy and our lives. Auto-
motive service plays an essential role in the support of this mammoth industry. There
are many resources required to provide the proper service environment. These resources
include the buildings and equipment required to perform service. They also include the
human resources needed to staff and operate repair shops. Service departments are far
more than a place where a technician repairs vehicles. Many support functions need to be
performed to meet customer needs and qualified personnel are needed to perform these
essential tasks. The interplay of all of the physical and manpower resources in automotive
service forms a complex system that needs to be expertly managed and directed. The
service manager is the individual who is primarily responsible for orchestrating and coordi-
nating the complex operations that make up the service system.
The Automotive
Service Industry
■ To understand the size and current state of the ■ To identify the major types of repair organiza-
automotive service industry in North America tions that comprise the service industry
and globally ■ To compare and contrast the unique benefits
■ To recognize the challenges facing those in the and challenges of the different types of repair
automotive service industry in developed coun- organizations
tries and also in underdeveloped nations
SECTION 1 ■ Service Operations
Wherever you live, wherever you travel, automobiles are there. The worldwide
market for automobiles continues to grow in leaps and bounds. In developed
countries there are, on average, currently more than two vehicles per house-
hold and this number continues to grow. Currently, there are over 200 million
cars registered in the United States and another 25 million in Canada.
In developing countries, access to individual transportation is a major
focus as they work to build their economies. Today there is hardly a location
on earth where there are no cars. It is estimated that there are over 600 million
vehicles running on roads worldwide today. So there is a very large and con-
stantly growing need for a robust automotive service industry to keep them
Propelling the increases for service productives is the well-known skills short-
age in this area. And the 369 respondents to the 2006 Pay Guide survey reported
a high turnover of service staff—essentially technicians and mechanics—and
difficulties filling these positions.
(Retail Motor Industry Federation, 2007)
At the same time that nations with more mature, well-developed automo-
tive service industries are struggling to find qualified employees, developing
countries around the world not only struggle to find technicians and other
service employees but also travel to the United States and other nations seek-
ing insights for building an automotive service infrastructure. For example,
many delegations from China have toured U.S. educational institutions in
recent years to understand how our service infrastructure operates and to
learn what they need to do so that they can manage the explosion in demand
that they are currently experiencing.
The Automotive Service Industry ■ CHAPTER 1
SECTION 1 ■ Service Operations
The Automotive Service Industry ■ CHAPTER 1
Gas Stations
Although gas station repair shops have been an institution in automotive
repair since the automobile’s introduction over a hundred years ago, their
numbers have declined significantly over the past decade. Today they employ
just over 4 percent of the total number of automotive technicians in the
United States. This is primarily because of the difficulties in keeping up with
the technology and the high cost of specialized equipment, tools, and train-
ing. In the limited space that most gas stations can provide (typically one to
three service bays), the cost to equip the shop is often prohibitive.
These small businesses face the same challenges as the automotive repair
and maintenance shops but with only a fraction of the space and production
capacity to make them profitable. Unfortunately, because of these trends, many
of the existing service stations have converted their service bays into conve- Service Stations
nience stores. As new gas stations are built, they are rarely designed as service Gas stations that also
stations, their previous common name and description. They are most likely to provides automotive service
begin life selling gasoline, soft drinks, chips, and other convenience items rather repairs and maintenance.
than venture into the highly competitive automotive repair business.
Fleets Fleet
Fleet service operations are departments within companies or governmental A group of vehicles that are
agencies that maintain and repair only those vehicles that are owned or leased owned and operated by a
by that particular company or agency. These shops do not accept business company to support its
from the general population. Their sole responsibility is to keep as much of business operations.
SECTION 1 ■ Service Operations
their fleet up and properly running at all times as possible. These fleets range
widely in size and variety of vehicles serviced.
Many corporate fleets limit the number of makes and models of vehicles
that they service at any one time. This helps to simplify their needs for techni-
cal information and allows them to become specialists in working within their
unique market. Fleet service departments are support functions of an organi-
zation in another primary business. Therefore, the composition of their pool
of vehicles is dictated by the business that they are engaged in. For example,
the fleet of the local transit authority may have several makes and models of
vehicles in its fleet at any one time. With rare exception, however, the compo-
sition of the fleet will normally be dominated by buses. Likewise, a fleet
service working with the state police will specialize in preparation, mainte-
nance, and repair of police cruisers.
Fleet services, like their other nondealership counterparts in the service
industry, struggle to obtain technical information. There are exceptions to the
rule, however. Because many of the larger fleets purchase large numbers of new
cars or trucks every year from major automotive manufacturers, they may
request and be granted special privileges by these manufacturers. This may
include access to the manufacturer’s latest technical bulletins and service man-
uals and even access to direct training from the manufacturer. Some of the
largest of these fleets are even granted the status of becoming local warranty
service centers, which allows them to perform their own warranty-reimbursed
repairs in-house.
In this chapter we learned about the size and importance of The automotive service industry is divided into five dis-
the automotive service industry today and into the future. The tinct types of service operations: dealership service depart-
need for automotive service is very large in North America and ments, independent repair shops, chain stores, gas stations,
around the globe. Many countries report a shortage of quali- and fleets, all of which experience unique challenges in the
fied technical workers in the automotive service industry, and marketplace. Now that you have a general idea of the size
this shortage is growing at an alarming rate. This growth in of the business that you are getting into, let us explore in
the need of service workers is not limited just to the devel- detail what it takes to build, maintain, and staff a service
oped nations. It has more recently taken on greater impor- operation.
tance in many of the developing nations.
The Automotive Service Industry ■ CHAPTER 1
Physical Resources
■ To identify and lay out the physical facilities nec- ■ To be able to calculate the total investment in
essary for an automotive repair shop facilities, equipment, and tools required to prop-
■ To identify the equipment and tools necessary erly equip a repair shop
for operation of an automotive repair shop ■ To calculate the total investment required to
properly equip and operate an automotive repair
Physical Resources ■ CHAPTER 2
If asked to list the resources needed to run a successful repair shop, a typical
automotive technician would likely answer with one word: Me. Although the
automotive technician is an essential part of any automotive repair shop,
building and maintaining a successful repair operation requires a far more
complex mix of resources and assets. In this chapter, we will look at the physi-
cal resources needed to operate a repair shop, which include everything from
the physical facilities to the service equipment, tools, and also other consider-
ations that are a part of outfitting a typical repair shop.
Physical facilities are required to operate an automotive service business. Physical Facilities
These facilities are the land and buildings that provide a suitable physical The land and building that
environment for conducting business. The need for suitable facilities is espe- provide a suitable physical
cially important for an automotive service operation. Because of the nature environment to conduct
and complexity of the automotive service business, the investment required business.
to provide these physical resources is substantial. There are some very impor-
tant factors that must be taken into account to provide facilities for any auto-
motive repair shop.
Facility Needs
The guidelines listed above are good starting points for choosing a facility, but
your ultimate choice must address the need to support repair and customer
SECTION 1 ■ Service Operations
services essential to your business. We will now discuss each of these needs
your facility must fulfill, as well as their importance.
Repair Space
Repair Stalls The typical service shop dedicates the majority of its facility space to the repair
The physical space, each stalls. Each stall must provide room for the car and a reasonable workspace
stall typically measuring surrounding it so that the technician has sufficient space to easily access all the
12 × 25, that is set aside car’s systems. Because a standard midsized car measures 6 161⁄2, the average
to provide adequate room size of a repair stall is 12 25 (300 square feet). A stall of this size is large
to repair an automobile. enough to accommodate light-duty trucks as well. A shop that repairs smaller
import vehicles and/or sports cars can reduce the stall size to 10 20 (200
square feet). Because most automotive manufacturers now offer products in
several classes—from subcompacts to full-sized sport-utility vehicles (SUVs)—
however, planning for a more spacious and flexible 12 22 stall is a wiser
Providing access to each of the repair stalls is as important as setting aside
adequate space for the stalls. Stall access is often provided by means of two over-
head doors and a large drive-through aisle that runs the entire length of the shop.
The aisle must be long enough to provide access to each stall yet wide enough to
allow vehicles to be turned and driven in and out of the stalls. This layout is very
common, especially in areas where the seasons change dramatically. The two
overhead doors provide adequate access for vehicles while limiting entry to the
facility. This increases building security and reduces the direct effects of the
weather inside the shop. Figure 2-1 shows examples of basic repair area layouts.
In milder climates, individual overhead doors lead directly into each
repair stall. Whereas this layout reduces the total square footage required
under the roof, it adds to the risk of theft and increases wear and tear on the
Physical Resources ■ CHAPTER 2
building (most often in the form of frequent door repairs). The mildest cli-
mates, such as the desert Southwest, often feature open-air facilities housed
under roofs suspended over concrete slabs. Shops in such environments expe-
rience a unique set of climatic obstacles: instead of contending with cold tem-
peratures and rain, they must deal with extreme heat and dust storms.
Storage Space
The repair space must also include adequate storage space to house the equip- Storage Space
ment and tools typically shared by the technicians (such as a brake lathe, wheel The physical space required
balancer, valve grinder, and other special tools), and it must be easily accessible to house equipment, tools,
from any part of the shop. At the same time, storage space for shared equip- and supplies.
ment must provide adequate security to prevent loss or damage to these expen-
sive tools. The shop layout must also allow sufficient room for each
technician’s toolbox. Professional automotive technicians own and regularly
use a large variety of tools. These tools are stored in large rolling toolboxes.
These toolboxes range in size from a small 26 19 box for entry-level techni-
cians to more extensive and specialized sets of up to 6 21⁄2. Locating storage
space for toolboxes close to the repair stalls provides technicians with easy
access to essential hand tools.
An important, but often overlooked, point is to make sure the shop floor pro-
vides adequate drainage. Two common methods of drainage include sloping
the entire floor toward a central floor drain trough, or locating a variety of
drains throughout the repair space. Drainage is essential for cleanliness and,
more important, safety. Hundreds of cars drive in and out of the shop every
day, causing an accumulation of road grime. Incidental fluid leakage or spills
involving antifreeze, oil, and other fluids further contribute to dirty, slippery,
and unsafe floors. The shop owner must anticipate and plan for these condi-
tions in the design and preparation of the repair facility.
Support Space
Now it is time to discuss the rest of the shop—the support space in the facility Support Space
that is not directly involved in repair. Although a shop may be adequate with- Facilities required to
out one or more of these areas, you should always consider them when devel- conduct functions that are
oping an automotive service shop layout. In most cases these support services not directly involved in the
require space equal to at least one-half the size of the repair shop. primary activity of
automotive repair.
Employee Facilities
The nature of the repair business makes the employee facilities among the
most essential supplemental areas in a service shop. To keep the vehicles that
they work on, the shop, and themselves clean and neat, technicians require
ready access areas where they can clean up and change clothes when needed.
Technicians must be able to change quickly and conveniently from street
clothes into work uniforms. Because they work with hazardous chemicals such
as oils, greases, cleaners, and solvents; they also need an accessible space that
allows them to clean up quickly and thoroughly. Most technician locker rooms
SECTION 1 ■ Service Operations
Parking Lots
The facility should include adequate parking that is clearly marked and visible
from the street. The customer parking area should be paved, well lit, and pro-
vide easy access to the service facility. Providing convenient parking sends a
strong message to customers that the shop is aware of their importance and
makes every effort to take their needs seriously.
Although the parking area represents a smaller investment than a build-
ing, it is not an insignificant expense. The parking area must have adequate
space for the cars of current and potential customers, as well as for all vehicles
currently being repaired and those being stored temporarily while awaiting
service. In addition to paying for acreage and improvements (such as lighting
and paving), the owner must also ensure that the entire facility and all cars on
the property are safe and secure. Repair facilities commonly employ alarm sys-
tems and security fencing around areas where cars awaiting service are parked.
Detailing/Wash Rack
Most shops include an area for cleaning customer vehicles. Such a service is
highly recommended for increasing customer satisfaction. This area might
consist of a simple one-stall space where a porter can handwash vehicles
before returning them to customers. Many mid- to large-sized shops, however,
now feature full car wash and car detailing areas in an attempt to provide a
full-service shop that can meet all the customer’s needs in one stop.
Administrative Area
Running a service facility involves performing not only repair tasks but also
administrative tasks, such as work distribution (dispatching) and the handling
of customer paperwork and payment (cashiering). Employees in small shops
may perform both administrative and repair duties, whereas larger facilities may
hire separate personnel to handle these tasks. Regardless of the size of its staff, a
Administrative shop must have an adequate administrative area to perform these needed serv-
Area ices. Larger shops must set aside office space to house service management and
Floor space allocated to general business management (accounting) personnel. Because these manage-
perform general business ment personnel perform duties that require the ability to work quietly and with-
functions of the company or out distraction, their offices may be located out of the normal traffic flow.
Parts Sales and Storage Area
Although not all service shops have their own parts department, all but the
smallest shops maintain an inventory of common parts and supplies. Keeping
an inventory of commonly used parts frees a shop from depending on a third
party to deliver the parts needed for repairs, thus making the shop more effi-
cient and productive.
Many larger independent shops and those associated with dealerships
carry enough inventory to act as retail parts outlets. This inventory requires
Physical Resources ■ CHAPTER 2
investments in both the inventory and the additional physical space needed
to store those parts while still making them easily accessible to the service
personnel. Often this means that the shop will maintain two separate parts
counters: a wholesale counter accessible to the technicians and a separate
retail counter that is accessible to customers.
Parts Inventory
Building and maintaining a parts inventory is a large investment that requires
careful consideration and even more careful monitoring. Because parts in
stock tie up a significant amount of space and money, the shop owner needs
to consider carefully the size and scope of the parts to be inventoried. After all,
parts sitting on the shelf are not generating income or a markup or profit.
Unlike the equivalent amount of money in a bank, they do not generate
income—instead, they depreciate. The longer a part sits unsold on the shelf,
the more likely it will remain there; even if it does sell, it is more likely to sell
at a reduced price. Still worse, the longer the part remains unsold, the more
likely the part will become obsolete and unsellable.
Even the smallest parts department must emphasize accurate and thor-
ough record keeping, tight inventory management and control, and a strict
policy to control obsolescence. Computer-based inventory control and man-
agement systems help provide the information a parts manager needs to stock
only inventory that is in demand. They can also provide sufficient warning to
allow the manager to dispose of nonselling inventory before it becomes obso-
lete and valueless. Once a shop has committed to keeping a parts inventory, it
should consider the option of using this inventory as a means for generating
additional income by opening a retail parts sales counter. Such a move can sig-
nificantly increase the sales of common parts and will help generate profit and
offset the cost of inventory. It is critical for the shop owner to assign a capable
employee the responsibility of managing the inventory and overseeing the
shop’s investment in this area.
If you decide to maintain a parts inventory, there are two methods to help
assure that the parts will be sold rather than just sit on the shelf: comprehen-
sive inventory control and obsolescence monitoring. Commonly available as
computer-driven programs or services, these tools provide the management
information needed to keep only inventory that is in demand and provide
warnings to allow disposal of nonselling inventory before it becomes obsolete
and valueless.
Customer Space
An automotive service shop’s reputation rests not only on the repair service it
provides but also on the overall impression the shop leaves its customers. A
clean, organized, and physically appealing facility can attract additional busi-
ness as surely as a dirty, disorganized, and unappealing business can drive cus-
tomers away.
SECTION 1 ■ Service Operations
overall customer experience. The shop should feature a clearly marked and
easily accessible entrance that leads customers to a write-up area where
employees can attend to their needs. The write-up area is typically the site of
the first face-to-face contact between the customer and the service advisor.
The write-up area should provide a clean, well-lit, and quiet environment
where customers can comfortably discuss with the advisor the reason for their
visit and raise any questions or concerns that they may have. Because this
face-to-face transaction leaves a lasting first impression on the customer, the
write-up area must reflect a clean and professional environment.
In most climates the write-up area should also include a covered space
where customers can enter or exit their vehicles while being protected from
the weather. Such a space allows the customer and the service advisor easy
access to look over the vehicle and assure a common understanding of the
customer’s concerns and the planned services. This additional inside facility
space can greatly improve customer relations and satisfaction and easily justi-
fies the added cost to provide the space.
Although technicians make a significant investment in their own personal
and hand tools, they expect shops to provide a wide array of specialized and
commonly shared general-use tools. These include large tools used in diagno-
sis and testing of vehicles, such as charging system testers, cooling system
testers, and electronic diagnostic scopes. Shops typically provide these tools
because of their considerable cost and the frequency with which they are
used. Most shops possess only one or two of these expensive and highly spe-
cialized diagnostic tools, which all technicians at the shop share.
Physical Resources ■ CHAPTER 2
Shop owners make an even larger investment outfitting the facility with the
basic equipment required to provide proper repair services. Although techni-
cians often take the fact that the company buys these basic pieces of equip-
ment for granted, this equipment is a substantial investment for the shop
owner. Some examples of the most basic pieces of equipment common to all
shops, whether full-line dealerships or local muffler and brake shops, are
• Centralized power exhaust system
• Adequate lighting
• Air compressor
• Air distribution system
• Electrical outlets
• Work benches
• Hydraulic press
• Floor jacks
• Bench grinders
• Vehicle lifts
Depending on the types of work a shop performs, the shop may need a wide
range of additional equipment. Some of the most common big-ticket items spe-
cific to each major automotive repair area are
• Engine mechanical: cooling system tester, cooling system flush machine,
valve grinding machine, oil drains, mobile crane, precision measuring
equipment (run-out gauges, micrometers), torque wrenches;
SECTION 1 ■ Service Operations
Communications Equipment
No shop can exist if its employees cannot communicate effectively with one
another as well as with their suppliers and customers. To address these basic
Communications communications needs, a shop should have communications equipment,
Equipment such as a commercial telephone system with multiple incoming lines, fax
Telephones, intercoms, and machine, and line-transfer capabilities. In addition, an intercom and internal
other equipment that paging system can help improve internal communications among employees.
improves employee A large shop may also employ an automated system to distribute and deliver
interaction. internal documents. For example, some shops use a vacuum-operated tube to
route repair orders and other important paperwork quickly from the write-up
area to the dispatcher and then on to the cashier’s office.
Computing Equipment
Computing System Regardless of its size, a fully equipped shop needs a computing system.
The electronic data A small shop may require only a single, Internet-connected personal com-
gathering, organizing, and puter to allow online communication with vendors and customers. Larger
processing equipment facilities with many employees may need an in-house mainframe computer,
required to support the or a system of networked personal computers, to perform essential functions,
business operation. such as inventory control, personnel and payroll management, and account-
ing. Shops increasingly are moving from traditional paper repair orders to
paperless electronic repair order systems. An electronic system allows instan-
taneous transmission of the information from the service advisor to the dis-
patcher, technician, and, finally, to the cashier. The following is a list of
common computer-based operations in a modern shop and the employees or
departments that handle these operations:
• E-mail (all employees)
• Inventory control (parts department)
• Appointments (service advisor)
• Repair order writing/preparation (service advisor)
• Work distribution (dispatcher)
• Documenting performed work (technician)
• Repair order tracking (service advisor and management)
• Invoicing and billing (cashier)
Physical Resources ■ CHAPTER 2
SECTION 1 ■ Service Operations
After a general overview of the many and varied resources that An efficient repair facility, however, is more than a build-
are essential to start up and operate an automotive repair shop, ing and land. It is not functional until it is outfitted with
it is clear that from the physical resources viewpoint an auto- sophisticated technical equipment and tools required to repair
motive repair shop is a complex business. Significant invest- vehicles. Further, additional equipment and tools must be
ment is required to provide and adequately equip the facilities added to allow the service support personnel to do their jobs
required to succeed in today’s highly competitive automotive effectively.
service industry. Much care and consideration must be given to All these factors must be carefully considered and
make business decisions in these important areas. planned for to build an efficiently functioning and competi-
The physical facilities of an automotive service business tive shop in today’s marketplace. Each resource must be pro-
require a well-thought-out and planned combination of build- vided in the right amounts to meet the market needs without
ings and land. These facilities must then be built or modified overbuilding and overspending. The investment required to
to provide adequate space for repairing cars and for other pur- build or rent and properly equip a shop is substantial. The cost
poses. Providing space for the essential nonrepair support serv- to equip the shop further adds to that investment. The finan-
ices must also be a part of the plan. cial risk involved is substantial.
Manpower Resources
■ To define the different job positions that are ■ To distinguish the unique combination of knowl-
needed in the service shop edge and skills needed to perform each of the
■ To explain the job responsibilities of each of the service jobs.
service employees
SECTION 1 ■ Service Operations
The most valuable resource of any company is its people. The automotive
service industry is no exception to this rule. Although the owner must make
a substantial investment in facilities, equipment, and tools, the product of the
service shop—labor sales—is not generated without a host of qualified, moti-
vated employees. In this section we will look at the different job responsibilities
that people must perform in an efficient automotive repair shop. To gain a bet-
ter understanding of the diversity of talents and skills that are required in the
automotive service shop, we will hone in on the varied responsibilities that
employees in each of the jobs must shoulder and the types of knowledge and
skills that they must possess to effectively perform their respective jobs.
Not all shops can afford to have one or more people doing each of these
individual jobs. The job titles and descriptions listed in this chapter are an
example of how the work may be distributed in a large automotive service
operation. Depending on the size of the organization, the number of people
performing the different jobs within the service shop will vary greatly. In a
small, two-bay service station there may be a total of only three employees. In
a mega-dealership service department there may be 80 to 100 employees. No
matter how large or small the size of the shop, however, all of these job
responsibilities must be performed for a shop to compete in the marketplace.
In a small shop, individuals need to be flexible and perform a variety of
different jobs. In a large shop, there will be one or more individuals assigned
to do each separate task. In some companies, large or small, the job respon-
sibilities may be recombined in different ways. All these tasks, however, must
be assigned and completed in all service shops, small or large. As you will
learn, service is not simply a matter of fixing cars.
Service Cashier
Job Responsibilities
Service Cashier The service cashier carries out some very important functions in the service
Person responsible for operation. The general responsibilities of the service cashier are to
collecting payment from • Review and calculate the service invoice
customers upon completion • Notify customers once the repairs are completed
of repairs and for the final • Maintain a filing system for paperwork
processing of payments and • Greet the customers when they arrive to pick up their vehicles
repair records. • Process payment for the repairs
• Provide the customer with copies of service records and a receipt for
The service cashier is extremely important to the success of the service
operation. The cashier has face-to-face contact with customers. Therefore the
impression of professionalism and caring that the cashier leaves with the cus-
tomer strongly influences the impression the customer has of the entire
service organization. Because the cashier’s meeting with the customer is the
final step of the service process, the cashier has the unique responsibility for
leaving the last impression on the customer. The outcome of this encounter
can strongly influence overall customer satisfaction and markedly affect the
customer’s decision to return for service in the future.
Manpower Resources ■ CHAPTER 3
Job Responsibilities
The dispatcher is the one who manages the daily workflow in the shop and is Dispatcher
responsible for the distribution of work throughout the shop. In a typical Evaluates repair order
shop environment the repair orders, when written up by the service advisors, information and assigns the
are forwarded to the dispatcher. The dispatcher is held accountable to know repairs to technicians with
what work has been promised, the number of technicians available and the the goals of meeting stated
skills they possess, and the available amount of time each technician has deadlines and making the
available. Ultimately, he is responsible to get all the work out correctly and on best use of the available
time every day. technical skills.
The dispatcher’s ability to assign the right work to the right people at
the right time has a profound impact on the productivity of the shop and of the
individual technicians. The shop’s entire workload—the paperwork and the
demands of the customers, the technicians, and the managers—funnels
through him. Even though few customers ever come in direct contact with a dis-
patcher or even know that such a job exists, their satisfaction and the ultimate
success of the shop lie in the dispatcher’s hands.
The dispatcher must also think on his feet. More often than not, situa-
tions change unexpectedly in the shop. Some of the situations a dispatcher
may face on a typical workday include: the technician that the shop is count-
ing on becomes ill, the job that should have been simple turns out to take
three times than what was originally anticipated, the parts that are usually in
stock have to be purchased and delivered from across town on short notice.
The dispatcher’s success and, ultimately, the shop’s success depend on his
readiness and willingness to adjust on the fly and make the necessary changes
in the work schedule to make the best out of what resources he has available.
SECTION 1 ■ Service Operations
think many moves in advance and willingly accept the challenge when an
unexpected situation arises.
Manpower Resources ■ CHAPTER 3
Shop Foreman
Job Responsibilities
The shop foreman is the on-the-field coordinator of the day-to-day activities Shop Foreman
in the repair shop. The foreman works with the technicians in the shop, assisting Responsible for overall
them with diagnosis of difficult problems. He provides guidance and additional technical supervision of
brainpower and a second set of hands to assist experienced technicians. He pro- shop operations including
vides on-the-job training for younger, less experienced technicians. The fore- assisting in diagnosis and
man works with service advisors to help verify and pinpoint the cause of repairs across the shop as
customer complaints to assist them in developing a reasonable estimate of the needed.
cost of repairs. He often is actively involved in the most difficult technical prob-
lems that the others in the shop are unable to resolve. Overall, he assists in the
coordination of the resources in the shop to keep repairs moving and ensure
that employees are productive. Finally, in many cases, he is responsible for
double-checking repairs before a car is returned to the customer to verify (qual-
ity check) that the repairs have been completed correctly. In a shop working
under a team system or support group structure, the function of the shop fore-
man may be performed by a team leader or lead technician of each work group.
SECTION 1 ■ Service Operations
Service Advisor
Job Responsibilities
Service Advisor The service advisor is the front line employee and the face of the company in
The main customer contact the automotive service shop. He is the one that the customer contacts and
in the service department works most directly with throughout the repair process. He is the company in
responsible for determining the eyes of the customer. The service advisor’s major job responsibilities are to
customer needs and wants • Respond to customer inquiries on the telephone, online, and in person
and preparing the repair • Schedule appointments based on the availability of resources to per-
order document. form the repairs
• Write up repair orders to accurately reflect the customers’ concerns and
• Perform general diagnosis of complaints through observation and ques-
• Recommend needed services to customer based on time, mileage, and
• Prepare accurate repair estimates and obtain customer approval to pro-
ceed with repairs
• Notify the customer of repair progress
• Verify the completion and accuracy of repairs and bills
The service advisor must possess a wide range of skills and abilities in
order to perform all of these tasks. The most important of these skills is the
ability to be highly organized and to communicate clearly and concisely with
customers and fellow employees. The service advisor must have a good work-
ing knowledge of automotive systems.
The advisor is often called upon to be a translator of sorts. He is required
to communicate with the customers in a level of technical language that
they can understand. This ability enables him to probe the customer for
important details that will assist in verifying and pinpointing the real con-
cerns and needed repair issues. He must communicate in more technical terms
to the technician, providing general guidance on what needs to be repaired.
Further, once the root cause of the complaint has been identified, he is again
responsible to translate the technical information from the technician back
into layman’s terms so that he can explain to the customer what is needed
and why.
Manpower Resources ■ CHAPTER 3
Lead Technician
Job Responsibilities
The lead technician is the normally the most qualified master technician in Lead Technician
the shop. Depending on the organizational structure, the shop may not have Technician responsible for
a lead technician but rely solely on the shop foreman to perform the lead resolving the most difficult
technician’s responsibilities. Whereas in a shop that pays each technician concerns and directing the
based on individual performance there may be one lead technician, in shops efforts of less experienced
working under a team system or support group structure there will generally technicians.
be one lead technician per group or team. In a team or support group shop,
the person in this position may also be referred to as the “team leader.”
The lead technician is the jack of all trades and an ace at accurately diag-
nosing a wide range of problems. He typically works with two sets of respon-
sibilities: resolving the most difficult problems and guiding and directing
others within his work group to efficiently resolve the more simple problems.
SECTION 1 ■ Service Operations
Job Responsibilities
Porter Although the responsibilities of a service porter may vary from shop to shop,
Moves and cleans vehicles the service porter is typically responsible for performing tasks such as
and assists in general • Shuttling customer vehicles from the service write-up area back to the
upkeep of vehicles and storage lot
the shop as directed. • Providing rides to customers to get them to work or home while their car
is being repaired and bringing them back to the shop once the repairs are
• Cleaning and/or detailing customer vehicles after repairs and new
vehicles before retail delivery
• Shuttling customer vehicles back to the service pick-up area from the
storage lot when the customer arrives to pick up the vehicle
• Running errands to pick up customers, parts, tools, and equipment as
needed to support the overall flow of work in the shop
• Doing miscellaneous chores around the shop, including housekeeping
Parts Specialist
Job Responsibilities
Although not all shops have an internal parts department, all automotive
service shops need to have access to parts to perform many common repairs
Manpower Resources ■ CHAPTER 3
and, therefore, often employ a parts specialist. The parts department may Parts Specialist
range from someone who simply contacts local parts stores to identify parts Identifies, locates, provides,
and may, on occasion, run to pick up parts to a full-scale parts operation that and properly prices out
inventories hundreds of thousands of dollars of mechanical and collision parts as needed by the
repair parts and is, in its own right, a profit center within the company. In the service technician.
case of the complete internal parts department, parts specialists are respon-
sible not only for identifying and providing the proper parts, but also for fore-
casting the needs so that the company’s inventory is able to fill most of the
needs of the service department.
In general, the function of the parts specialist is to assist in identifying
what parts are needed to perform the repairs for a specific application and to
have them available in a timely manner. Without accurate identification of
the right part and availability at the right time, the amount of delays that are
likely to occur will cost the shop profit and, very likely result in the loss of
many customers.
Job Responsibilities
The automotive technicians in the shop are the heart of the shop. They are the Technicians
only productive employees in the shop. Now, before you get defensive about Individuals responsible for
this statement, please understand its intent. Because the service technicians verifying customer
are the only ones who are directly responsible for producing the sole major prod- concerns, pinpointing the
uct that the service shop sells—labor—they are the only productive employees. cause, and resolving the
The primary responsibility of the service technicians is to perform specific customer automotive repair
diagnosis to verify the complaint and pinpoint the cause. Based on this infor- concerns in a safe and
mation he is responsible for developing an estimate of cost and time needed timely manner.
to resolve the concerns. Upon receiving approval, he performs the necessary
repairs, verifies that the work completed has resolved the customer concerns,
SECTION 1 ■ Service Operations
produces a detailed written record of what was done on the vehicle, and
makes sure that the vehicle is returned to its original condition of cleanliness.
Service Manager
Service Manager Job Responsibilities
Supervises, motivates, and The service manager is responsible for the smooth coordination of all of
directs all personnel in the the jobs and functions in the repair shop. Unlike what occurs in most Fortune
service repair department. 500 companies, management of a service department is not handled by a
Manpower Resources ■ CHAPTER 3
group of specialized managers who each has a narrow field of expertise and
The automotive service manager is not a specialist; he is required to be a gen-
eralist. He is responsible for possessing and exercising a variety of skills that span
the entire range of managerial talents and abilities. The service manager’s main
functions are coordination, motivation, and leadership. He is the head coach,
and, in many organizations, upper management expects the service manager to
be, in effect, operating his department as a company within a company.
SECTION 1 ■ Service Operations
many ways, similar to that of the service manager. The major difference, how-
ever, is in the scope of responsibility. Whereas the service manager is only
responsible for one profit center, the service department or repair shop, the
service director is responsible for the oversight and operation of three distinct
and very unique profit centers: the service repair shop, the parts department,
and the body shop.
The service repair department is a very complex system. To run requests when they arrive. Similar to the advisor, who is the
efficiently, it requires personnel with a wide variety of skills public face of the service operation, those providing the other
and abilities. Although the service technicians are the only essential support services are as essential in making the
ones in the shop who actually produce the “product” of the service experience positive and profitable.
service shop—that is, labor sales—the skills of the technicians Every shop needs to provide this entire range of ser-
must be supplemented by a supporting cast that can perform vices to remain competitive. Although in small shops several
the other needed tasks. of the jobs listed may be combined and performed by a
Even with the best technicians ready, willing, and able to single person, they, nonetheless, must be done. Every shop,
perform the repairs, very little happens in a shop unless the no matter how large or small, needs to be customer friendly
support activities are effectively conducted. Service advisors and efficient in order to be successful. It takes the entire
need to be there to answer phone inquiries, to make appoint- range of jobs and skills discussed to ensure that it happens
ments, and to greet the customers and write up their repair consistently.
1. The owner of the company has received a customer 2. When questioned about her overall customer satisfaction,
complaint indicating that the cost for her recent repairs the owner says “I really do not know for sure, but I very
was far more than the initial estimate. Which service rarely receive any calls from upset customers.” Which of
employee is responsible for preparing a complete and these statements is most likely to be true?
accurate estimate? a. The shop has a very high level of customer satis-
a. the service advisor. faction.
b. the service manager. b. The shop does not have anyone doing customer
c. the technician. follow-up contacts.
d. all of the above.
Manpower Resources ■ CHAPTER 3
c. The service manager is doing a good job of hiding c. customers usually will not tell you if they are unhappy,
the customer complaints. they just go somewhere else and tell their friends.
d. Two of the above choices listed above are likely to be d. you need to be sure that most of your customers are
true. not satisfied.
3. Joe, the lead technician, is very dissatisfied. He storms in 5. The service director needs to possess a wide range of
to see Ralph, the owner. “I am underpaid and underap- skills including
preciated. I am the only productive employee around a. a working understanding of the three departments
here and yet you say that you cannot afford to pay me under his control.
more. Why don’t you just get rid of some of the other b. being a highly skilled diagnostic technician.
nonproductive people and just pay me what they earn?” c. ability to handle the most difficult customer and
A likely response from Ralph should be employee concerns.
a. “Joe, I need those other people to help do all of the d. both B and C.
other work that needs to be done besides simply e. both A and C.
fixing cars.”
In Questions 1–5 match the job titles with the description that
b. “Joe, I agree that you are the only one producing
best fits their job duties and indicate your choice on the line
labor sales, but without the others there would be
provided to the left of the job title.
very few cars here for you to work on.”
c. “Joe, you can make yourself a raise faster than I can ____ 6. Dispatcher a. distributes work
by simply producing a few more flat-rate hours each to shop
day and that will make us both happy.” ____ 7. Customer relations b. processes final
d. All of the above. specialist payment for services
____ 8. Automotive c. contacts customers
4. Every service shop should have someone responsible for
technician to assure satisfaction
customer satisfaction follow-up contacts because
____ 9. Service advisor d. performs service
a. you have got to have some sort of job in the shop for
the owner’s son to do.
____10. Cashier e. prepares the
b. customers usually tell you when they are not happy
customer repair order
with their repairs or their bill.
The Service
■ To define the traditional management view of ■ To differentiate the steps in the repair process
the service operation ■ To develop and chart the flow of work as it pro-
■ To explain the service operation when viewed as ceeds through the service operation
a system
The Service Workflow ■ CHAPTER 4
If you ask an automotive repair shop employee to describe the shop’s organi-
zation and how the shop works, he would probably start off by giving you a
list of all the employees and their job titles, who reports to whom, and who is
in charge of what. That very typical viewpoint of the organization is based on
the traditional organization chart. In this chapter we will look beyond names
and titles so that you can begin to see a much more exciting way of looking at
the organization, as a living, operating system. We can then expand on that
idea by diagramming the typical workflow of a service transaction. Viewing
things in this manner, I hope that you will develop a different view of how the
organization actually works and how to better monitor it, manage it, lead it,
and assure its success.
Dealer Principal
General Manager
Service Manager
Shop Foreman Service Advisor Parts Manager Body Shop Manager Service Cashier
Service Advisor Parts Counterman
SECTION 1 ■ Service Operations
Based on this example it appears that Joe’s boss may be using a traditional
management approach; he believes that all successes or failures are people
issues. It sounds like he has tried over and over again to fix the problem (five
advisors in one year)—or, at least, he has tried the only thing that he knows
how to do. He clearly believes that failure to perform is a people problem. His
pattern of behavior also indicates that his first rule of management is “Get the
job done, or else!” What other possibilities are there?
As we have previously discussed, the traditional view of the organization
and the traditional style of management that often accompanies it are based
solely on the performance of individuals. Is there another way? In the remain-
der of this chapter we will explore a different management viewpoint and phi-
losophy that takes into account factors that go beyond mere personalities and
The Service Workflow ■ CHAPTER 4
personal skills. It views the operation as a system and considers the fact that
some of the problems that occur may go beyond people issues.
SECTION 1 ■ Service Operations
might have prevented this stoppage? Is it possible that with some better plan-
ning a method might have been devised to allow work to keep on flowing
down the production line?
Looking at operations in a much broader sense as a complex system that
includes people, other resources, and even the way that the resources are orga-
nized attempts to take into account all of the factors that can affect perfor-
mance. It is often called a systems approach, or systems viewpoint.
Let us take a look at what a simple system looks like. The basic systems
model presented in Figure 4-2 shows the major components of any system.
Any operation, whether it is an automotive service shop, a production line, a
bank, or a college can be viewed as a system.
By looking at an operation or even a complex organization not by how it
is structured but rather by how it gets work done, it is clear how things actu-
ally operate to produce the products and/or services that are the lifeblood of
the organization. There are three basic components of every system. Let us
take a brief look at what they are.
Inputs Inputs are all of the resources that are required for the system to be able to
All of the resources that are function. Look at the automobile assembly line example again to get a better
required for a system to be view of inputs. The raw ingredients, the 20,000 component parts of the car,
able to function. the tools, the specialized equipment, the assembly line itself, the electricity to
power the plant, and the manpower needed to assemble the car are inputs
into this system. A shortage of any of these inputs will have an effect on the
efficiency of the process—building a car.
The automotive repair process is a bit less complicated than the automo-
tive assembly line. It does operate as a system, however, and requires that the
proper inputs (resources) must be available if the repair process is to go for-
ward and we are to produce anything of value. Efficient management strives
to assure that the right resources are present in the right quantities at the right
time, so the entire operation is more productive and profitable. Later in this
chapter we use another management tool, flowcharting, to help you better
understand the process and how to analyze and improve it.
Process Building an automobile is not a simple process. However, if you look at the
The series of actions and simple systems model in Figure 4-2, you can see that from the big-picture
operations necessary to do viewpoint that this example follows the basic systems model. When you con-
work (produce a product or sider the hundreds of employees involved on the assembly line, the many out-
service). side vendors used to build the parts, and all of the employees and vendors that
are involved in getting 20,000 parts to the same location and properly
installed in the right place at the right time on the right vehicle, it is more
than just a system, it is a miracle.
The Service Workflow ■ CHAPTER 4
If you take the time to break down each of the activities at each of the
places that all come together on the assembly line, you would see that every
one of them can be described separately as a system. Each of these simple sys-
tems is, in turn, part of a larger, more complex system, which results in the
largest system—the assembly plant system.
The outputs of a system are the products or services that the system provides. In Outputs
the example of the automobile assembly line the obvious product is new cars. All of the products, services,
Every system has an output. The output is the system’s reason for existence. and/or information
Automotive repair shops do not build anything. They do not produce a produced by a system.
product. So what is their output? Their output is service. It is repairing vehicles
to meet customers’ requirements. Whether it is a satisfactory 30-minute oil
change in 25 minutes or an overhauled engine that runs properly and is back
on the road, as promised, in 10 days, both are examples of automotive service
shop output.
Advanced Systems
The advanced system model (Figure 4-3) should look familiar to you. The
core of the model is the basic systems model discussed earlier and shown in
Figure 4-2. There is only one addition to the basic model, the addition of a
feedback loop. This feedback, which is often overlooked, is an essential ingre-
dient of continuous improvement. Let us discuss feedback a bit further.
You cannot make things better unless you know that they are not good. This is
simple to say, but difficult to do. Many companies believe that they address
this concern adequately: after all, they have a well-marked and well-lit cus-
tomer service desk. Unfortunately, waiting for customers to verbally complain
is not the only, or most efficient, way to find out what you need to change to
provide quality products and services and, therefore, have satisfied customers.
We will discuss this topic in greater depth in Chapter 19.
The idea of adding a feedback loop to the system takes the information Feedback
gathered from being a by-product of the system that rarely occurs and is more Information generated as
rarely acknowledged into being information that is expected, counted on, an output of the process
and valued. Along with producing the intended product or service, you will that is used as an input for
also receive some form of feedback about whether you met the customer’s future work.
SECTION 1 ■ Service Operations
Systems Thinking
The beauty of looking at things as systems is that this method of looking oper-
ations and processes can be universally applied across a wide range of activities
and industries. Further, and more important, by including all the resources that
come into play, not just people, this perspective helps us view operations from
a broader perspective. It gives us the opportunity to identify and fix the root
cause of performance problems.
A foundational principle of systems thinking is that 80 percent of all prob-
lems are systems problems and only 20 percent are people problems. Using
traditional management and organizational viewpoints, our only approach to
improving performance is dealing 100 percent with a minor cause (20 per-
Systems Thinking cent), people. Systems thinking is a more holistic approach to viewing opera-
An approach to viewing tions and performance. It allows you to improve existing systems and design
operations and performance new ones that will flow smoothly and increase productivity. It is based on
based on workflows and the looking at the organizational workflows and the resources required to make
resources needed to make the processes within them flow smoothly, not just at the people who work
them work, not just the within them.
people who work in them. The optimum goal of the systems approach is to provide a workflow that
will allow our systems and our people to be successful. It provides valuable
insights to help us move in the right direction and stay on course to make sure
that we reach our objectives and prevents us from destroying our most valu-
able asset, our employees.
The Service Workflow ■ CHAPTER 4
• Appointment
• Reception
• Work distribution
• Work performance
• Quality assurance
• Invoicing
• Delivery
• Cashiering
• Follow-up
Let us briefly discuss each of these steps to ensure that we understand their
Most repair shops work primarily on an appointment basis. This is done so Appointment
that the shop can be certain that they have the resources available to quickly A prearranged date and
and efficiently provide services once the customer has arrived. Once the cus- time to have service
tomer has determined that there is a need or desire for a service or repair, his performed.
or her first action is to contact the service shop to arrange a convenient time
to have services performed. The majority of appointments are made by phone.
However, some customers still prefer to come by to make an appointment
face-to-face. Further, as Web-based communication continues to become
more widespread, many shops are beginning to offer online appointment
scheduling. Because we continue to move toward a more “wired” society, this
trend is sure to continue to grow.
At the prearranged date and time, the customer arrives at the shop for the
service appointment. During the reception, the responsible shop employee Reception
meets and greets the customer and gathers necessary information about The meeting, greeting, and
needed services and repairs. This step in the process is important for customer initial contact between the
satisfaction because it is during this (typically) face-to-face meeting that customer and the service
service personnel have the opportunity to discuss the requested services department in which the
directly with the customer, verifying that they have an accurate and thorough concerns and other requests
understanding of what the customer needs and wants. Further, and no less for service are verified and
important, it is at this time that the shop and the customer come to an initial an initial estimate provided.
agreement about what the cost for repairs will be and when the repairs
are expected to be completed. All of this information is documented on the
repair order.
SECTION 1 ■ Service Operations
Work Distribution
Once the repair order has been generated, it is passed on to be evaluated and
Work Distribution assigned. The work distribution step in an efficiently operated shop is much
Scheduling and assignment more than merely handing out the next repair in the stack of orders. The qual-
of repair jobs to specific ity and quantity of repairs that the shop is able to perform each day is directly
technicians based on careful related to management’s ability to maximize their resources. This means that
evaluation of priorities and they intentionally plan to match up their people, their time, and their space
available physical and so that they can achieve maximum productivity.
personnel resources. In an automotive service shop work distribution may be done manually,
using a dedicated work-routing system or may be done using an automated
system. In either case, it is done by striving to assign each technician to the
work he does best. As a result, technicians produce more work in a day with
fewer errors, the shop sells more service in a day, and the customers are more
satisfied because they get their cars back sooner and with greater assurance
that they are fixed right the first time.
Work Performance
Now that we have gone through the preparatory work, it is finally time for some-
thing productive to occur. It is time for the technician to finally do what the shop
Work Performance is in business to do—fix cars. During the work performance stage of the process,
The process of verifying the technician, using the repair order as a guide, verifies the customer’s concerns,
customer concerns, diagnoses the vehicle to verify the cause, and performs the needed repairs.
performing specific Although the technician is the one primarily responsible for performing
diagnosis, and performing repairs, they rarely do this in isolation. Often the technician will require exter-
repairs to resolve the nal information, parts, equipment, or additional approval from the customer
customer’s concerns. to quickly and accurately complete the repair. Once the repair is completed,
the technician is responsible for verifying that the customer’s concerns have
been resolved. Finally, he must write up a detailed explanation of what he
found and what he did to resolve the customer’s concern before he passes the
repair order on for processing.
The Service Workflow ■ CHAPTER 4
paperwork: reporting what was done, assigning repair operation numbers, and
calculating the final bill.
Documenting what was done to repair each of the customer’s concerns or
requests is started by the technician, who writes his explanation. He is not,
however, the one responsible for determining the value (charges) that are
assigned to his efforts. In an effort to assure fairness and consistency of pric-
ing, another service employee is generally responsible for looking in the flat-
rate manual and assigning the job’s flat-rate time.
If the repairs are done under manufacturer warranty, then invoicing
includes looking up and coding the order with specific operation numbers
required by the manufacturer to obtain reimbursement for the repairs.
Because the difficulty and precision required in looking up and accurately
preparing documentation for warranty reimbursement are high, large dealer-
ships that perform a large volume of warranty repairs may employ a specialist, Warranty
typically called a warranty administrator, who has sole responsibility for Administrator
looking up and properly assigning warranty labor operations and then track- Individual responsible for
ing warranty claims for payment. looking up and properly
Once the labor operations and labor times have been established and doc- assigning warranty labor
umented, it is necessary to prepare a pay ticket that will pay the technician for operations and tracking
his or her time and completely price out the labor, parts, and other supplies warranty claims for
that the customer is to be charged for the repairs. Finally, the charges are com- payment.
pared against the approved estimate to be sure that they fall within the
amount approved.
Delivery Reviewing with the
customer that vehicle
The delivery step may sound like it is out of sequence, but it is not. It is critical
repairs are completed, what
for customer satisfaction that the customer clearly understands what has been
has been done to address
done, what has been approved, and what the charges are before she is asked to
their concerns, the price for
settle up the bill. Once the work is completed and the charges calculated, the
those repairs, and making
shop should notify the customer that the car is ready to be picked up and
final arrangements for pick-
review the work done and the total charges due at pick-up. If there are any
up of the vehicle.
misunderstandings or concerns, these should be resolved before the customer
arrives to pick up the vehicle and pay the bill.
Cashiering Providing customer with a
Cashiering is the last face-to-face step of the transaction. Having already copy of the bill and an
reviewed the repairs and charges with the shop, the customer arrives to pick explanation of services
up the vehicle and settle the bill. She is given copies of all repair documents performed, handling
detailing her requests and concerns, what was done to address each one, and a payment and issuing a
detailed cost breakdown for each item along with a receipt for payment. receipt for payment.
Follow-up Follow-up
Follow-up is a post-repair activity that is intended to verify that the customer is Contacting customers after
satisfied with the repairs. This step is typically performed one to three days after completion of repairs and
the customer has picked up the car from the repair shop. Having given the cus- customer pick-up to verify
tomer adequate time to drive the car to verify that the repairs are satisfactory, that they are satisfied with
the repair shop contacts the customer (usually by phone) to assure that she is the services provided and
satisfied. If there are any concerns or questions, the follow-up information is making arrangements to
then channeled back to the shop immediately, so that the shop can make resolve any questions or
arrangements to address the concerns. concerns, if they exist.
SECTION 1 ■ Service Operations
The Service Workflow ■ CHAPTER 4
the shop to the end of the follow-up call that verifies that the customer is very
satisfied with the quality of the repairs.
Graphically portraying the flow of work helps to identify and analyze
problem areas. It should help you to see areas where the flow is slowed or
comes to a stop. These bottlenecks may be caused by a lack of people perform-
ing an important task or simply by timing. If too many customers, too many
cars, too many repair orders, and too many bills all arrive at the same place in
the shop at the same time, the flow of work slows down dramatically. Identify-
ing these bottlenecks is the first step in helping to resolve them to improve the
flow and productivity of the shop.
Flowcharting Basics
Before we flowchart the service transaction, we should understand the com-
mon symbols used for flowcharting. These symbols are the universal language
of flowcharting. Just like words in any language, they are commonly accepted
symbols that everyone using flowcharts accepts as having a specific meaning.
The basic symbols are (Figure 4-4)
SECTION 1 ■ Service Operations
Service Advisor
Parts Specialist
Shop Foreman
Now that gathered all the tools together, it is time to chart a service trans-
action. Here is the scenario.
Marge Jones calls in and makes an appointment to bring her car into the shop
on Tuesday for an oil change and to check out a strange noise that happens
every time she applies the brakes. On Tuesday morning she arrives on time
and speaks to Hannah, the service advisor. Hannah greets Ms. Jones and
verifies that she wants an oil change and that the noise appears to be coming
from the right front of the car and only happens on hard braking, but it seems
that the car stops fine with no pulling to either side. After writing up the
repair, Hannah gets Ms. Jones to verify that the information is correct and
complete and gives her a preliminary estimate for the oil change and tells her
that because her car is only five months old with only 4,360 miles on it, that
the repair to the noise should be covered under her manufacturer’s warranty.
Hannah then sends the completed paperwork on to Dave, who dispatches the
shop’s work. Dave assigns the car to Heather to check out the noise and per-
form the oil change. Heather verifies the complaint and finds that there is a
broken retainer clip on the right front brake pad. Because this is a faulty part,
it is covered under warranty. Heather gets the parts from Fred in the parts
department and replaces the defective pad. She also completes the oil change
and road tests the car. She then completes the paperwork. When the com-
pleted repair order returns to Hannah for her to call Ms. Jones, she calls over
Jerry, the shop foreman, and asks if he can road test the car again to be sure
everything is all right, because Ms. Jones is one of their best customers. After
his road test Jerry comes in and notifies Hannah that the car is fine and
Hannah prepares the paperwork. She calls Ms. Jones and gives her the good
news that the noise is fixed and that the only charge is for the oil change. Ms.
Jones can come and pick up the car any time before 7 P.M. Ms. Jones arrives at
5:30 P.M. to pick up the car, pays the cashier, gets her receipt, and drives home.
The Service Workflow ■ CHAPTER 4
On Wednesday afternoon the cashier calls Ms. Jones to make sure she is satis-
fied. She is satisfied.
You have the entire sequence of events. The first task in flowcharting is to
break down the sequence of events into the individual steps that occur.
Sequence of steps:
1. Ms. Jones calls in and makes an appointment with the advisor, Hannah.
2. Ms. Jones arrives and the advisor, Hannah, writes up her car.
3. The paperwork then goes to the dispatcher, Dave.
4. Dave assigns the work to Heather, the service technician.
5. Heather diagnoses the cause of the problem and needs to get a new
part from the parts department.
6. Heather goes to Fred, the parts specialist, and gets the new brake part.
7. Heather completes the repairs and the oil change and sends the com-
pleted paperwork to Hannah.
8. Hannah reviews the paperwork and asks Jerry, the shop foreman, to
quality control the car.
9. Jerry road tests the car and verifies that the car is fixed and returns the
paperwork to Hannah, who prepares the invoice.
10. Hannah calls Ms. Jones, telling her the good news, the total charges,
and advises her that the car is ready to be picked up.
11. Ms. Jones arrives at the dealership and speaks to the cashier, and pays
her bill, gets her receipt, and drives off with her car.
12. The next day, the cashier calls and verifies that Ms. Jones is satisfied.
13. END—Mrs. Jones is another satisfied customer, who will undoubtedly
return and also tell her friends what a great job the repair shop has done.
That was a pretty simple and straightforward repair and it took a total of
12 steps. Many repairs are not quite so simple. How many steps might they
take? Let us take these 12 steps and chart them in Figure 4-6, to see exactly
how the workflow looks.
1 2 9 10
Service Advisor
5 7
66 correctly
Parts Specialist
Shop Foreman
11 12 DONE
The 12 steps that we have identified for this repair give us a much clearer
picture of how the workflows on a regular basis in the shop. It really tells us
quite a bit about the shop’s operation. Take another look at the chart. It tells
SECTION 1 ■ Service Operations
us who the essential people are for each service transaction. It tells us the indi-
vidual procedures that we require for each transaction. It tells us who is
responsible for which action.
Before we end this chapter, let us take a brief look at ways that putting the
workflow down on paper might come in handy to help you better manage
your shop. Here are some examples of how the knowledge that you have
gained from charting the workflow can be useful to you:
• Helping you to develop job descriptions that document assigned job
• Identifying potential bottlenecks in the shop where the workflow slows
down, thereby reducing productivity
• Reassigning job tasks and seeing the potential impact on the rest of the
• Creating help wanted advertisements to recruit employees
• Evaluating the possible effect of adding additional people to your shop
In this chapter we have looked at automotive repair as what it document it, look at it, and analyze it so that we understand it
is—a complex system. Fixing cars is a process involving a vari- better. To effectively manage a service operation, you must
ety of resources. We discussed the physical resources in have a clear and thorough understanding of the process and
Chapter 2 and the manpower resources in Chapter 3. Now the flow, so that you can constantly monitor and evaluate the
we have explored how to put all the resources together into system. Through this thorough understanding, you will be
an efficient system. able to make the best decisions to identify and resolve prob-
Because the lifeblood of the service shop is producing lems and to continually improve the system to make it more
labor hours, the essential workflow, or process, in the shop is efficient and productive.
the repair order process. Therefore, we have explored ways to
1. An area where the flow is slowed or even comes to a 2. The step in the repair process where the repairs are
stop is referred to as a verified is called
a. traffic jam. a. quality assurance.
b. plug. b. cashiering.
c. bottleneck. c. bottleneck.
d. corkscrew. d. work performance.
The Service Workflow ■ CHAPTER 4
3. The step in the repair process where someone notifies the c. parts specialist.
customer what was done, what the charges are going to d. shop foreman.
be, and arranges for them to pick up the vehicle is
8. You have been receiving more complaints lately that the
a. invoicing. phones are not getting answered quickly enough—there
b. cashiering. is too long of a delay to get waited on—and that the
c. delivery. paperwork is never ready on time. You have 18 techni-
d. all of the above. cians and three service advisors. What more can you do?
4. The step in the repair process where the customer is Worst of all, the complaints do not seem to be directed
questioned to verify what their concerns are is toward any one individual but seem to be occurring
throughout your shop. Where do you think the bottle-
a. work performance.
neck is most likely to be occurring?
b. appointment.
c. traffic jam. a. dispatcher.
d. quality assurance. b. service advisor.
c. parts specialist.
Use Figure 4-7 to answer Questions 5–10. d. shop foreman.
5. Who is responsible for the delivery step of the transaction? 9. Using the information in the chart along with what you
a. technician. learned in Question 8, what task might you reassign to
b. dispatcher. someone else? Why?
c. cashier. a. quality control.
d. service advisor. b. work performance.
c. follow-up.
6. Who distributes the repair orders to the technicians? d. work distribution.
a. dispatcher.
b. service advisor. 10. Using the information in the chart along with what you
c. shop foreman. learned in Questions 8 and 9, who would you suggest
d. cashier. perform that task? Why?
a. dispatcher.
7. Who makes the final decision of whether the repairs are b. service advisor.
done correctly? c. shop foreman.
a. dispatcher. d. cashier.
b. service advisor.
1 2 9 10 12
Service Advisor
5 7
6 correctly
Parts Specialist
Shop Foreman further repairs
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J ust as there is no one person who is the perfect employee, there is no one way for all
people to manage in all situations. This section will begin by providing a background on
the recent history of management philosophies and practices. It will introduce a range of
management styles a manager may adopt to supervise a department. The strengths and
weakness of each style will be presented and discussed. The differing styles will be con-
trasted and compared with the goal of helping the manager identify the style that fits him
or her and the organization the best. Finally, we will explore overarching principles and val-
ues that should guide your actions as a responsible and ethical supervisor.
Classic Management
■ To identify the basic philosophies of traditional ■ To analyze the changes that scientific manage-
management ment made to traditional management
■ To examine the role of management in tradi- ■ To identify the management concepts of man-
tional management systems agement by objective (MBO)
■ To examine the role of labor in traditional man-
agement systems
SECTION 2 ■ Management Styles
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines manage as “to handle or direct with a
degree of skill: to make and keep compliant.” Although this definition may
seem dated, it expresses a concept of the purpose and responsibilities of man-
agement that has existed for centuries. Shepherds, for example, still manage
their flocks using the techniques developed millennia earlier—directing the
sheep to do what the shepherd (manager) feels is in his best interest and, from
his perspective, the best interest of the flock. Modern businesses often use this
same approach when managing unskilled or low-skilled labor. Supervisors tell
the employees what to do (give them direction) and make sure that they comply
with those directions (keep them in line). Is this approach really any different
from the role that a shepherd plays to his flock? In today’s world the skills
required to effectively manage are very different. Let us take a look at how
management has evolved from these simple roots to its current state as we
explore classic management theories and practices.
Traditional Management
Traditional Traditional management theory is an outgrowth of the Industrial Revolution.
Management The major shift in how goods were produced resulted in the need for a change
Management theory in in the way that production was managed. Before this time the majority of
which managers direct and goods were produced in small quantities by highly trained craftsmen. Now, the
make all decisions and introduction of factories that could produce goods in mass using low-skilled
employees are additional workers changed the work environment, and management, forever.
hands, feet, and bodies to The general management principles of traditional management can be
assist management. traced back to the late 1600s. However, although he did not invent the con-
cept, it is Adam Smith who is given credit as the person responsible for defin-
ing the principles and practices and making them widely available. He did this
when he published his analysis of modern capitalism “The Wealth of Nations”
(Smith, 1776).
Traditional management theory creates distinct divisions between the
roles and responsibilities of labor and management. Labor performs the role of
the extra hands, extra legs, extra strong backs that, when directed toward a
specific task, multiply the productive capacity of effective managers. This the-
ory proposes that coordinating and directing the work of large numbers of
people, a manager can produce a great deal more work than he could possibly
achieve alone, and the collective work will be of the same quality as work
done by a single talented individual. The key principle is working through
others: the effective manager becomes the brains of the entire workgroup, and
the employees become extensions of the manager. Managers do not consider
employee ideas or suggestions as part of this process; often they discourage
such input. Although management in this model considers employees inca-
pable of making sound decisions, it assumes they will develop into productive
bodies under the careful guidance of a skillful manager.
Traditional management principles limit the employee’s responsibility to
producing and/or delivering the company’s product by doing their assigned tasks
as directed by a manager. In a traditional assembly line, for example, the man-
ager’s goal is to produce workers who can consistently perform very simple repet-
itive tasks over and over again. This approach enables the manager to train a
large number of people in a short period of time. For an assembly line worker
Classic Management ■ CHAPTER 5
in a 1970s auto manufacturing plant, this might mean doing nothing except
installing the lower screw on both headlight bezels of every car or truck that
came down the line. Although the work was not difficult and paid quite well, few
employees found it satisfying or fulfilling. Because each employee performed one
small, unskilled task out of the thousands required to produce a car, few felt
much accountability for the overall quality of the finished product. Reflecting
traditional management theory, early auto manufacturers assigned managers the
responsibility for judging the quality of the finished product. Inspectors strategi-
cally placed along the line oversaw each process and, to the best of their ability,
decided which processes were acceptable and which were not.
SECTION 2 ■ Management Styles
Classic Management ■ CHAPTER 5
would be too difficult to find and hire all the top technicians in the town.
“After all,” he reasons, “even if I did, the cost would be astronomical. Is there
another way to achieve the same goals?” In response to this dream, the owner
reasons that although he cannot clone his “top gun,” maybe he can spread
the wealth by having him share his knowledge, skills, motivation, and desire
with the others: “Let me put him in charge!”
Scientific Management
Frederick Taylor was a mechanical engineer in the early 1900s who was passion- Frederick Taylor
ate about finding new and better ways to improve efficiency and consistency in The father of the scientific
manufacturing. The value of his findings was not limited to manufacturing. They management theory.
also could be applied to other areas of business. As a result, his writings were
widely read and accepted. Because of his contribution to the theories of manage-
ment, Taylor has been acknowledged as the “father of scientific management.” Scientific
His principles of management continue to be widely applied to management in Management
every aspect of business today worldwide. A more scientific and
Frederick Taylor aimed to increase efficiency and consistency in the work- systematic approach to
place and create a new environment that would bring greater prosperity for breaking down the work
both employers and employees. He identified several key problems with the process, making sure that
traditional work environment and argued that more scientific and systematic every employee knows their
management could overcome them. Taylor summarized the common work- small part in it and then
place concerns that he felt were at the root of inefficiency: managing to assure that
• Laborers’ concern that working too hard would lead to increases in pro- work is consistently
ductivity that would put many of them out of work performed.
• Defective systems of management that encouraged employees to work
slowly (a phenomenon known as soldiering) to protect their common
financial interests
• Unscientific rule-of-thumb methods—arbitrary rules based on past prac-
tice, not scientific evidence, that were accepted in every trade—that
reduced the efficiency of the workforce
Taylor confidently predicted that increased productivity would result not in
unemployment but rather in increased prosperity. Further he felt that managers
could boost productivity with a minimum of additional effort by placing a
greater emphasis on increasing the efficiency and consistency of the workplace. Consistency
Achieving greater consistency required changing the role and approach of man- Results are the same or with
agement. This change was a more scientific and systematic approach to break- very little variation from the
ing down the work process, ensuring that every employee knew their small part established standard.
in it, and then managing to assure that it was consistently performed.
A major obstacle that Taylor identified, soldiering, refers to the observation
that productivity in a workplace tends to find and maintain a natural balance if
all employees are paid at the same rate. If slower workers get paid the same as
faster workers, it does not take long until faster workers, seeing that they receive
the same pay, same benefits, and same recognition as the slower workers, begin
to realize there is no incentive to work harder. Although management might
hope that the example set by the faster workers would inspire slower workers to
push harder, the opposite consistently occurs. The productivity of the faster
workers declines until the entire group achieves a single pace at which they can
all work together, like a column of soldiers marching at the same pace.
SECTION 2 ■ Management Styles
Classic Management ■ CHAPTER 5
Management by Objective
George Odiorne, one of the strongest proponents of management by objec- George Odiorne
tive (MBO), defines MBO as “a strategy of planning and getting results in the A major proponent of the
direction that management wishes and needs to take while meeting the goals management by objective
and satisfaction of its participants” (Odiorne, 1965). In its most general sense, (MBO) theory of
MBO functions as a plan to help both management and employees achieve management.
their goals. Odiorne adds that MBO requires “a blending of individual plans
and needs of managers toward a large-scale accomplishment within a specific
period of time” (Ibid., 1965). Therefore, MBO not only aims to meet mutual
goals, but also involves setting up a system that clearly defines a specific A management system
timetable for achieving accomplishments along this path. based primarily on outputs
According to MBO theory, everyone within an organization must commit that blends individual plans
to a focus on the following items: and needs of managers
toward a large scale
• Objectives—MBO focuses primarily on outputs. The system requires accomplishment within a
clearly defined objectives and a universal commitment by all employ- specific period of time.
ees to achieve the stated organizational objectives.
• Time strategy—Employees must achieve objectives within the stipulated
time limitations without exception. Objectives
• Total management—Managers must coordinate the efforts of individuals Well-defined aims or goals.
to achieve common goals. Success depends upon clearly communicat-
ing goals and objectives and obtaining employee commitment to sup-
porting them. Sharing a common understanding of goals and objectives
helps to reduce frustration and minimize lost effort while the organiza-
tion strives to achieve maximum productive capacity.
• Individual motivation—Although the core objectives in an MBO system
focus on the needs and desires of the organization, managers seek
employee input and consider the needs and goals of the employees
when planning objectives. In return, the organization expects employ-
ees to support organizational goals and commit to carrying them out.
SECTION 2 ■ Management Styles
employees to assure that their needs are met. This method seeks to ensure the
long-term success of employer and employee alike, by defining goals and
objectives and by setting up a structured process for defining, pursuing, and
achieving operational goals along the way. This assures the ultimate success of
the overarching organizational goals. As a result, in an MBO system manage-
ment can reasonably expect the following:
• Employees are more motivated because they have participated in plan-
ning and carrying out the plan.
• Fixed timelines will increase the likelihood of completing projects by
their deadlines.
• Employees clearly understand the goals and objectives of the company.
• Morale is higher throughout the organization.
Let us consider how scientific management and MBO might differ when
applied in the real world. A traditional manager using the scientific manage-
ment approach likely expects the following:
• The manager will clearly and very specifically define the individual tasks
employees will perform.
• All employees will carry out these tasks in exactly the same manner.
• Employees will not deviate in any way from the specific directions they
• Employees will not question or try to improvise upon the assigned
• All employees will work as interchangeable parts in a complex system.
The hallmark of this approach is consistency.
In addition, the manager in the scientific management system does not
expect employees to be involved in any way in the development of objectives:
developing and assigning tasks is solely the responsibility of management.
Whenever the actual production varies from the intended output in either
volume or quality, it is the responsibility of management to identify the varia-
tion, determine the cause, and take proper corrective action. In this model the
employees are extra sets of hands to help extend the abilities of the manager
to produce more of what he or she would produce. The manager controls all
activities and is responsible for all activities and results. This is clearly an envi-
ronment where the responsibility of management is vast and that of labor is
minimal. Management sees its role as the one making all the decisions and
being accountable for all results (good or bad), and its relationship with the
employees as one of simply pushing them to work harder/faster/more effi-
Task Oriented ciently. Employee responsibility remains solely task oriented.
Focusing on the completion In the work environment using MBO, the approach and responsibilities of
of specific tasks within the management toward their job, the organization, and the employees would be
work process. dramatically different. Although the overarching goals and objectives of the
company still come from top management, developing strategies, objectives,
and timelines to consistently meet these goals is achieved through the involve-
ment of the employees with management. The hallmark of this system is that
both management and employees are involved in the development of an
Objective Oriented objective-oriented strategy to achieve consistent and lasting success.
Focusing on broader Because both the manager and the employees understand and feel a sense
objectives rather than on of responsibility for achieving the goals and deadlines, the work environment is
the details. more one of mutual gains than of management versus labor. Employees begin
to feel a vested interest in the success of the operation. After all, they helped to
Classic Management ■ CHAPTER 5
Traditional management principles date back far before the the consistency of work performance and the resulting out-
twentieth century. Many businesses still operate using this put could be improved from traditional methods. Scientific
theory of management. The traditional approach defines management was a huge success and was eventually
management as providing expectations and rules and then adopted by a wide range of businesses.
monitoring performance. The shepherd who leads his flock by Management by objective (MBO) took the evolution of
making all the decisions for the entire herd is the classic management theory further by involving employees in plan-
model of the traditional manager. ning. In the broadest sense, MBO focused on setting clear
In the early twentieth century Frederick Taylor, through goals and specific deadlines and improving efficiency by
his scientific management theory, made sweeping changes to adhering to well-defined performance objectives. Its allowance
the classic management philosophies, as he tried to improve for employee input was an enhancement to previous manage-
consistency of operations, planning, and results by instituting ment approaches, where managers manage and workers work
controls and deadlines. Taylor attributed inconsistent work and generated increased employee support for institutional
performance to the belief that workers lacked the capacity for goals.
decision making. He believed that management needed to We closed the chapter with a brief introduction to the
provide employees more specific guidance to correct this principles of a leadership-based approach to management.
shortcoming. Scientific management theory proposed that This most recent stage in the ongoing evolution of manage-
the entire burden of decision making must rest on manage- ment theory continues to spread and forms the basis of much
ment. However, by providing clear and consistent direction of the current wave of new management styles. We will
and requiring rigid compliance based on scientific principles, explore leadership in greater depth in Chapter 6.
SECTION 2 ■ Management Styles
In Questions 1–3 match the management theory with the ori- 8. The management system that expects employees to be
entation that best defines it. involved in the decision-making process is
_____ 1. scientific management a. goal oriented a. management by objective.
_____ 2. MBO b. objective oriented b. leadership.
_____ 3. leadership c. task oriented c. scientific management.
d. all of the above.
In Questions 4–6 match the management theory with the
individual that is most closely tied to that approach. 9. MBO is
_____ 4. traditional management a. Frederick Taylor a. a structured output-focused strategy.
_____ 5. MBO b. Adam Smith b. based on management making all the decisions alone.
_____ 6. scientific management c. George Odiorne c. a system in which objectives are expected to be met
all the time, on time, every time.
7. If you were managing in a shop using the (MBO)
d. both a and c.
approach you would expect your people to
a. carry out all tasks in exactly the same manner. 10. The major event in history that resulted in the need for
b. not vary in any way from the specific directions the development of traditional management is
given. a. the French Connection.
c. not question or improvise upon the assigned b. the Industrial Revolution.
directions. c. the Italian Connection.
d. none of the above. d. the Dark Ages.
Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of George S. Odiorne, Management by Objectives (New
the Wealth of Nations, 1776. York: Pitman, 1965), 55.
Frederick W. Taylor, The Principles of Scientific Manage-
ment (New York: Harper Bros., 1911), 5–29.
Being a Leader
■ To compare the differences between manage- ■ To assess the benefits of building upon strengths
ment and leadership as a leadership strategy to help anyone reach his
■ To examine the key characteristics of leaders or her potential
■ To recognize the importance of building rela-
SECTION 2 ■ Management Styles
There is a major movement in the theory of management that encourages super-
Manager visors to become more than managers—to become leaders. The question,
One who directs the actions however, is not whether to be a manager or a leader, but how to become both.
of a group, primarily Traditional management theories that were discussed earlier (see Chapter 5)
through orders and teach that the supervisor must manage people and physical resources to maxi-
instructions. mize production and profitability. However, more recent theories of manage-
ment broadly support the notion that people respond much better to being led
rather than being managed. Thus, an effective supervisor in today’s marketplace
Leader must have the dual skills of managing resources and leading people. We will
One who guides a group, explore the concept of leadership in more depth in this chapter.
primarily through influence
and positive example.
What Is Leadership?
Leadership is not a set of principles or practices that is only practiced by man-
agement. Throughout our lives we have all seen many examples of formal and
informal leadership . . . and very likely followed them. Although each of our
experiences has been different, here are some of the common leadership expe-
riences that you may have encountered from the early stages of your life:
• The person on the playground who was able to get you to play on the
slide rather than on the swings.
• The person who got the group together to play a pick-up game of base-
ball or to go bowling.
• A member of the swimming team, track team, or football team who
encouraged you to join the team.
• The person who was pursuing an education to prepare for a career and
encouraged you to do the same.
Have you ever experienced something like this in your lifetime? What was
different about these people and about what they did? These people did not try
to bribe you or sell you something that they were not interested in themselves.
Rather, they were enthusiastic and committed to a particular direction and
action. It was this enthusiasm that you found exciting. It helped you to decide
that you wanted to be a part of it. When the group decided to go along and play
on the slide or play baseball, this person was right there with you, shoulder to
shoulder, playing and enjoying the experience. By their presence and enthusi-
asm, they made the experience more fun. By inspiring the team members it is
likely that you all achieved more than you would have otherwise. These people
were not managers, bullies, salesmen, or even adults—they were leaders.
Even though leadership is a highly desirable trait for effective managers, it
does not come with, nor require, position. The examples described earlier
demonstrate this clearly. Leadership is not limited to, or by, position. Anyone
can be a leader, and we all should aspire to provide leadership in those areas
where we have a passion and commitment. Let us take a deeper look at this
very important trait.
Being a Leader ■ CHAPTER 6
approach. The following examples compare and contrast some of the key
differences between the two approaches:
• A manager assigns tasks. A leader delegates responsibility.
• A manager makes decisions and tells the employees what to do. A leader
involves people in the decision-making process, and they do it together.
• A manager makes decisions. A leader builds buy-in and, thus, motivates
employees to want to achieve mutual goals.
• A manager says, “Do what I say.” A leader says, “Do what I do.”
• A manager expects people to comply because he or she SAID so. A leader
expects people to see the vision and inspires them to do what they can
to further it.
As you can see from this comparison, management refers to guiding and
directing actions and tasks and allocating resources. It is for this reason that we
must learn to take supervision to a higher level. We need to understand and
practice the key principle that: we must learn to manage resources and lead people.
Leadership Traits
Becoming a leader requires more than learning and practicing a variety of skills.
In order to effectively and consistently lead people you must be
• Authentic
• Credible
• Exemplary
• Respectful
• Motivational
• Inspirational
Building on Strengths
Anyone who is intentionally motivated toward getting ahead and maximizing
his potential will take a hard look at self-improvement. This is a quest to look
inward and better understand who you are and what your strengths and weak-
nesses are. There are many seminars you can attend, and there are many evalua-
tion tools that will help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses. You
have probably already heard about the Myers–Briggs type indicator1 and DiSC®2
as two of the most commonly used personality type assessments.
It is important to know yourself so that you can understand how others
see you. You cannot relate well to other people if you are unaware of how they
perceive you, your actions, and your motives. Further, you need to become
committed being aware of and adapting to your shortcomings that may become
major obstacles to building positive relationships with others.
Beyond knowing who you are and what your strengths and weaknesses
are, it is important to determine what you do with this knowledge. Armed
with an improved awareness of their strengths and weaknesses, many people
set out to focus the majority of their efforts on how to cover up their weak-
nesses. They may even expend a great deal of time and effort in trying to build
up those areas, hopeful of turning their weaknesses into strengths. This atten-
tion to self-improvement is certainly superior to doing nothing, but it just
may not be the best use of your time and energy.
The best use of your time in becoming self-aware and improving your per-
formance can be found in identifying your strengths and using them. This
SECTION 2 ■ Management Styles
Being a Leader ■ CHAPTER 6
Building Relationships
Leadership is a two-way relationship. You may choose to lead, but you are not a
leader unless you have followers. Those who follow must choose to do so and
must be comfortable in accepting you as the leader. Without commitment at
both ends leadership does not happen.
SECTION 2 ■ Management Styles
Being a Leader ■ CHAPTER 6
SECTION 2 ■ Management Styles
and you owe it to him and the organization to do what you can to get him out
of this bad situation.
Jim Collins, in his book Good to Great (Collins, 2001), uses a powerful anal-
ogy of getting the right people “on the bus” to provide us with inspiration
about how to deal with these types of personnel issues. As a manager and
leader you are responsible to the organization and to your co-workers for get-
ting the right people on the bus. That is, to hire and retain the people with the
right knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes to help maximize the produc-
tivity, profitability, and overall success of the organization.
Beyond getting the right people on the job, it is critical that you work to
get the right people in the right role. It is critical that you know your people
and your operational needs well enough, to be able to consistently match up
the right people with the right jobs and responsibilities.
However, occasionally you find that you have the wrong person in place.
Is it that you misjudged him in the first place? Did you hire the wrong person?
Did you put him in the wrong position? Or did he change? In the final analy-
sis the cause is not important. What is most important is that you recognize
that a problem exists and that you do something to resolve it.
The most difficult part is acknowledging the problem. Once you have over-
come this hurdle, the problem becomes one of determining the proper course
of action. The best course of action in all but the severest personnel problem
situations is to advance through a consistent and steady process of progressive
Progressive discipline, as the name suggests, is not limited to a set path-
way to punish. It is, in contrast, a system that provides for and assures that a
consistent and fair approach is taken to communicate with employees. The
goal of this approach is to provide every opportunity to rectify substandard
performance. It is, clearly, more of a plan for corrective action than for contin-
ued discipline. Additional discipline, up to and including dismissal, exists only
as the last resort. We will look at this very important personnel management
process in depth in Chapter 24.
Being a Leader ■ CHAPTER 6
At their annual planning meeting, he decided items. The manager turned again to the group, saying,
to try a different approach this year. He started by “Does anyone here believe that I can do all of these
conducting an open brainstorming session. He asked things?” They somewhat reluctantly acknowledged
the employees to list all of the important tasks that that this was impossible. He then asked, “Let’s go item
the department needed to accomplish during the by item and make a decision about the remaining
coming year to be successful. The manager stayed in tasks. If no one thinks that a certain task is essential,
the background, writing down the tasks on the chalk- then we will just cross it off the list. If you think it is
board. When it appeared that they had exhausted essential, we will decide together who is willing to
their supply of ideas, the manager stopped, looked at take it on.”
the board, and said, “You realize that this is a pretty The end result of this exercise was that the
big list and that the only ones who can do these tasks department was more aware of what needed to be
are the people here in this room.” done, helped to develop the priorities of the depart-
The manager then asked the employees to go ment, and had a say in selecting how they would be
around the room, choosing the tasks that they were of service. They all felt better about their ability to
willing to accept responsibility to accomplish. After choose and to be able to do what they were most
everyone had volunteered for as many items as he or comfortable contributing. The final result was the
she felt comfortable doing, there remained a signifi- most productive and smooth-running year in recent
cantly smaller, yet still substantial, list of unclaimed memory for all concerned.
Leading 24/7
Leadership is more than an action; it is an entire philosophy of operation. Not
limited to size or stature, position or rank, it is a frame of mind. It springs from
an individual’s dedication to a strong set of beliefs and their internal motivation Motivation
to do all that they can to carry these beliefs forward. You cannot fake it, you The guidance, principle, or
must be it. People will know the difference. That is why people rally around belief that causes a person
the genuine and credible inspirational leaders and shy away from the paper to act.
Leadership permeates one’s entire being. It cannot be put on or taken off
like a suit jacket or tie. Being a true and complete leader means that this phi-
losophy, this approach to life, permeates all that you do, both personally and
The truly effective leader’s belief system is so strong and such an integral
part of who he or she is that it guides his actions in his personal life, whether
dealing with personal life issues or in interactions with friends and family.
Further, in the work environment it affects management style and the means
and methods of interacting with co-workers. It has a profound influence on all
decisions that will affect the current and future operations and initiatives of
the organization.
After all, everything and everyone that we interact with are to some
degree intertwined. We cannot totally compartmentalize our private life, our
personal life, or our work life. Because all of our actions are based upon our
beliefs, values, and passions, these common threads show forth in all that we
do. People see us mostly by what we do, not what we say. It is by these proofs
that they choose who they trust and who they will follow. Because being led is
a voluntary act, it is only by setting a living example that others will allow us
to achieve an effective leadership role.
SECTION 2 ■ Management Styles
Leadership is a philosophy for guiding and directing the The key rule to follow to raise your level of supervision from
future of an activity, a department, or an organization and is management to that of leadership is to remember to manage
distinctively different than that used in traditional manage- resources and lead people.
ment. Leadership is an action, not a job title or position. It Finally, the road to effective leadership is built upon
is an effort to guide, direct, motivate, and inspire others to developing relationships with co-workers. It is imperative that
willingly participate in the initiative at hand. Leadership can you understand who they are and appreciate their potential
just as easily come from within the ranks as it does from and their inner motivations if you are to successfully engage
supervisors. them in the work. With this knowledge, it is possible to work
Most important, people often feel that they have no together to maximize their strengths and, get the best out of
choice whether or not to be managed. However, they must everyone, for their self-worth and satisfaction and for the ulti-
freely choose to be led, and by whom. The dynamics of lead- mate positive effects that it will have on their performance
ership are substantially different than those of management. and that of the organization.
In Questions 1–6 match the job titles with the description that 8. Learning to identify and build upon existing strengths is
best fits their job duties and indicate your choice on the line most likely to result in
provided to the left of the job title: a. lower employee morale.
_____1. Manage a. inspire others to b. confused and unmotivated employees.
action c. poor quality products and services.
_____2. Lead b. genuine d. none of the above.
_____3. Credible c. demonstrating
9. The best methods to inspire others to action are to
desired traits
_____4. Exemplary d. the reason to act a. rule with a firm hand.
_____5. Motivation e. direct to take action b. be a living example.
_____6. Authentic f. believable/consistent c. earn their respect.
d. assign very specific tasks only.
7. Toby, the service manager at Pyramid Motors, tends to e. both b and c are correct.
be an old-school manager. He feels that he is the boss f. both a and d are correct.
and that his job is to tell his employees what to do and to
make sure that they do it right, and do it now. Which of 10. You can get the best out of your fellow employees if
the following characteristics most closely fit Toby? a. you get them to do what you want them to do.
a. inspirational leader. b. you get them to want to do what is needed.
b. leads by example. c. you get them to stop thinking and just do it.
c. traditional manager. d. you do it all yourself.
d. all of the above.
1. Myers–Briggs Type Indicator, Myers Briggs, MBTI, and States and other countries. Contact the foundation at
STEP III are trademarks or registered trademarks of
the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator Trust in the United 2. DiSC® is a registered trademark of Inscape Publishing, Inc.
Being a Leader ■ CHAPTER 6
Buckingham, M. and Clifton, D., Now, Discover Your Secretan, L., Inspire: What Great Leaders Do (Hoboken,
Strengths (New York: The Free Press, 2001). NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004).
Collins, J., Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make
the Leap . . . and Others Don’t (New York: Harper
Business, 2001).
The Complex Role
of Management
■ To define the major roles of the manager as ■ To value the importance of delegating tasks,
being a position holder, judge, and conduit within responsibility, and accountability
the organization and to the outside world
■ To identify the qualities of a respected manager
and an efficient manager
The Complex Role of Management ■ CHAPTER 7
Many lectures have been delivered and articles and books written on the sub-
ject of management. A majority include how-to solutions on the best way to
manage. Some even promote a twelve step canned recipe: “just mix these ingre-
dients, add water, and stir.” A few reluctantly admit that they cannot cover the
entire range of management theory and, therefore, provide tips and tricks on
how to do one part of the job better. However, there are no two management
scholars, advisors, or practitioners who wholeheartedly agree on how to com-
pletely define and do management. Even if they could come to some form of
agreement, they would still be highly unlikely to practice it the same way. This,
I believe, is because of two very important truths:
In response to these two truths, in this chapter we will explore and discuss
some of the major areas of activity and responsibility that comprise manage-
ment. This will help you build a better frame of reference of the wide range of
knowledge, skills, and actions that you need to effectively exercise to become
a successful manager.
An Ever-Changing Enterprise
Unlike the stability of working on a finite piece of machinery, working with
people, in the marketplace, and in our society is changeable. For example,
even though a fuel injection system may be highly complicated, with many
interacting parts, it has what I would call constancy. Each part on various
systems of a particular make and model is designed to fulfill the same func-
tion, operate in the same manner, and interact with the other parts in the
assembly in the same way. For that reason it is possible to learn the compo-
nents and functions of the system and, thus, be trained to troubleshoot, diag-
nose, and repair the system consistently. This does not imply that the repair is
simple. However, although there may be a variety of symptoms and resulting
causes that generate a system failure, they are predictable. Because the system
and its parts follow very specific and predictable rules and roles, the system
has constancy.
Dealing with people management, the major skill set of service manage-
ment, however, is highly inconsistent. Unlike the fuel injection system, the
“component parts” are all unique. That is why we call them individuals. Not
only are they each unique with complex values, attitudes, and life experiences,
they are constantly changing in response to external influences. These factors,
such as their personal and professional relationships, and what is happening in
the world around them, are unpredictable. Although you may be able to antici-
pate some changes, very often we are at the mercy of random, unexpected acts
and circumstances that we could not possibly foresee.
SECTION 2 ■ Management Styles
Position Holder
The manager’s position, or job title, tells everyone, both inside and outside
of the organization, that he is the person accountable for a well-defined area
of the total operations. A manager is more to employer, employees, and the pub-
lic than the individual that holds the title. The manager holds a vital role in the
Position Holder operation and success of the enterprise. As a position holder of authority and
An individual as described responsibility within the organization, the manager hopes to command the
by the official rank within respect of his co-workers by the merit of his character and behavior. However,
the hierarchy of the organi- the position that he holds carries with it a requirement of positional respect. It is
zation that he or she hoped that people will respect the manager as both an individual and a position
occupies. holder. However, it is absolutely essential that all involved respect the manager
for his positional power. Without this respect, the manager becomes totally
impotent and unable to effectively guide and direct the operation.
Upper management looks to the manager as the one who is able to put
management’s plans into action and guide those on the frontlines to successfully
The Complex Role of Management ■ CHAPTER 7
implement that plan. The manager has been put in this position because of
his unique knowledge of this particular grassroots operation within the orga-
nization. Because of this knowledge, he is expected to fully understand how
the business works, how it should work, and how to keep it running most
effectively. The manager is also expected to be best capable of translating the
needs and desires of upper management into operational decisions that will
further those requirements within the specific unit.
The employees look to the manager as both their guide and their advo-
cate. As a guide the manager is an example. Further, the employees look to the
manager to direct their efforts so that they do the right things the right way,
resulting in success and positive results for all.
One of the most important roles of the manager is as the advocate of his
workers to upper management. They expect the manager to communicate with
management on their behalf, making sure that their department receives the
proper resources and support that it needs. Thus, the manager’s role allows
them to keep on doing what they do best while the manager makes sure that
their needs are met and their concerns are heard.
To the public, the manager is the company. When dealing with the man-
ager, customers expect that the manager is able to make decisions, cause
actions, and get results. They expect that the manager is their direct line into
the company and that he possesses the ability to commit the organization and
its resources and to mobilize those resources to address customers’ issues and
concerns. Just as they see the manager as the mouthpiece of the company,
they also see him as the visible example of what the company is and what it
stands for. Based on their perception of the manager and the impressions that
he conveys to them, the customers make wide-ranging decisions about how
SECTION 2 ■ Management Styles
they deal with the company and even whether to continue their relationship
with the company.
Work units frequently call upon their managers to make decisions—small and
Judge large—on their behalf. This role is much like the role of a judge in court. The
The role of being relied skills necessary to consider the facts and consistently make right decisions are
upon by others (employees) fundamental to being an effective manager. Managers are called upon to be
to make decisions on behalf umpires, referees, and even fortune-tellers. They are expected to make the cor-
of the group. rect decision on a moment’s notice, and to get it right every time. Seems
unreasonable, doesn’t it? Yes, these expectations may be unreasonable, but are
often expected and are a good reason to be prepared. Thus managers must
develop proper skills and knowledge to maximize the accuracy and consis-
tency of decision-making ability.
The Complex Role of Management ■ CHAPTER 7
SECTION 2 ■ Management Styles
Conduit What is a conduit? It is a pipeline that assures that something of value gets from
The role of communicating one place to its intended destination. Just as a physical conduit protects the
information to other places wiring, assuring that the electricity gets from one end to the other consistently
and areas within the and without loss, so an effective manager acts as a conduit for communication
organization. taking the responsibility, on a regular basis, for communicating up, down, and
across the organization. The manager regularly takes in, transfers, and distrib-
utes information on behalf of the company and its employees both internally
and externally.
There is a great deal of activity that happens within the organization, the
industry, and the market that it operates in every day. The manager plays an
important role in monitoring current events within the organization as well
as industry trends and changes to assure that the organization as a whole and
the individual employees are best prepared to gain maximum benefit from
these opportunities.
The manager has to disseminate to the frontlines the information he gath-
ered through meetings with management about the current status of the orga-
nization and plans for the future. This is essential for keeping the operations
and the direction of the department clearly aligned with the strategic direction
of the organization (see Chapters 9 and 10). Without clear and consistent com-
munication of this information, the department can easily become out of
alignment with the direction of the company. They may be making ground but
wasting their energy heading in the wrong direction. As the old adage goes, “If
you do not know where you’re headed, be careful, you just might get there!”
Not all the rank-and-file employees attend all the meetings and informal
discussions with other departments and with upper management. That would
be terribly inefficient. Who would do the work if everybody was tied up in
meetings all day, every day? The department manager has, as part of his role, to
be the spokesperson of the department. In doing so, he plays an essential role
in communicating upward the needs and concerns of the employees. The
employees expect him to advocate on their behalf to assure that their needs are
fairly considered and addressed. The manager also advocates to upper manage-
ment, assuring that the department receives a fair share of scarce resources.
Finally, he communicates the management directives down to the department,
representing upper management, making sure that any important information
is passed down to each employee of the organization.
The Complex Role of Management ■ CHAPTER 7
Qualities of a Manager
Regardless of the industry, the size of company, or the overarching management
philosophy, there are some universal qualities that separate well-respected and
successful managers from the rest. No matter what the business setting is, for a
manager to succeed he or she must earn the respect of co-workers. In addition,
with the many and varying responsibilities that exist in all management roles,
he or she must be efficient to get the best use out of the most limited resource,
time. We will now discuss these two qualities in more detail.
SECTION 2 ■ Management Styles
The Complex Role of Management ■ CHAPTER 7
of how to consistently get the most out of yourself and provide them a living
example of how they can do the same. After all, they all are looking for a good
example to follow that will make them more successful too. An efficient man-
ager is characterized by having the following attributes:
• Goal oriented—Efficient use of time, energy, and resources starts with
having a clear vision of where you are headed and why: establishing
clearly defined goals and staying on task to accomplish them.
• Disciplined—Staying on task consistently demonstrates an efficiency of
motion and effort that is needed to maximize the results of your efforts.
An efficient manager concentrates on achieving his goals and minimizes
distractions that slow down his momentum or waste energy or time.
• Self-motivated—A self-motivated individual knows where he is going and
focuses on getting there as soon as possible. The self-starter needs no
prods or reminders to spring into motion; he typically hits the ground
running and does not stop. His inner drive serves as a strong example
and inspiration for those around him.
• Nose for the goal line—The old phrase “When the going gets tough, the
tough get going” is the hallmark of the efficient manager. His motivation,
discipline, and goal orientation keep him pushing until he reaches or sur-
passes his goal. The efficient manager possesses a clear vision of the goal
that helps him overcome difficulties and obstacles that frustrate less effi-
cient employees and keep him from reaching his goal and his potential.
• Trusting—Typically characterized as the eternal optimist, the efficient
manager knows he can count on others. Because he believes this, he
helps motivate and inspire others to live up to these expectations. He is
thus able to count on more support from employees to aid him in
achieving goals and objectives.
• Seeks input—The successful goal-oriented manager is not a one-man show
or an egomaniac. The efficient manager realizes that he is the leader of a
team that can only win if everyone is motivated to pull together. To build
a true working partnership with employees, the efficient manager regu-
larly discusses goals and plans with co-workers, solicits their input, builds
consensus for team goals, and helps bolster employee commitment. Get-
ting input and then going in a different direction is not efficient, or effec- Efficient
tive. An efficient manager creates a work environment that is open to Being able to produce
input and suggestions, up and down the line. Everyone knows that they the desired results with a
are more than just another set of hands, that their input is valuable, and minimum of wasted time,
that their commitment is essential for success. energy, or other resources.
• Willing to let go—Delegating assignments and activities to workers is
necessary in all management environments. A manager can only truly
achieve efficiency when he is comfortable delegating both the task and
the responsibility for its completion and trusts that the employees will
do their best to accomplish the task. Only when the manager is able to
let go can he move on completely to his next responsibility and make
the most efficient use his time and energy.
Delegating Delegate
One of the most fundamental skills needed to effectively manage is the ability To give someone the power
to delegate. If the manager was able to do everything, there would be no need and authority to act on
for workers and no one to manage and lead. In its simplest sense, delegation is behalf of others.
SECTION 2 ■ Management Styles
The Complex Role of Management ■ CHAPTER 7
Management is not only a skill; it is more than that. It is a com- there is time and resources to do them all. Therefore, the effi-
bination of knowledge and skills applied at the right moment in cient manager is aware of and judiciously chooses how to best
the right combination. When done well, it is more like a work use the resources and his efforts to get the best possible results.
of art than like applying a set recipe. Managers are expected to With the many duties and responsibilities that a manager
constantly juggle multiple roles. Their managers, their peers, is called upon to address it is not possible for any manager to
and their subordinates all look to them. Their role as a position do everything that is demanded of him or her. For that reason
holder, judge, and conduit of information is essential to the an essential skill is learning how to identify and prioritize the
smooth operation of their department and, as a result, the demands put upon the manager and to consciously decide
organization as a whole. As a result of these high expectations which ones will have the most impact and, therefore, where
and varied responsibilities, there is always more to do than to concentrate effort and attention to get the greatest results.
1. When a manager speaks, customers commonly expect 6. List three characteristics of a respected manager.
him to speak on behalf of
a. entire industry. ___________________________________________
b. only himself. ___________________________________________
c. the department.
d. the entire organization. 7. List three characteristics of an efficient manager.
2. Acting as a conduit within the organization, the effective ___________________________________________
manager ___________________________________________
a. communicates management information to employees.
8. The role of a manager in which customers see him or her
b. advocates to management on behalf of the employees.
as speaking on behalf of the company is
c. isolates the employees from unnecessary information/
interruptions. a. conduit.
d. all of the above. b. judge.
c. position holder.
3. An effective manager is able and willing to delegate d. all of the above.
a. responsibility for assignments. 9. Which statement does not fit with the others?
b. accountability for the results.
c. tasks only; the manager is the one who is responsible. a. Managers are always expected to be a conduit of
d. a and b. information to their employees.
b. Managers are always expected to provide informa-
4. If your supervisor determines the amount of your next tion freely to the press.
raise based on your performance, you are __________ c. Managers are expected to communicate employee
for your actions. needs to upper management.
d. Managers advocate on behalf of their department
a. accountable.
with other departments.
b. responsible.
c. rewarded. 10. Employees often come to their managers for decisions
d. all of the above. because they think that
a. they are not sure what to do and do not want to take
5. A key principle in understanding and motivating employ- the risk.
ees is that b. if the manager makes the decision, then the employ-
a. people do things for their reason, not yours. ees cannot be held responsible.
b. people do things for no apparent reason. c. if the employees make the decision, they might be
c. people do things for your reasons, not theirs. held accountable for the results.
d. people always want to make their boss unhappy. d. all of the above are possible correct answers.
Ethics and
■ To assess the importance of applying ethical stan- ■ To recognize the stewardship responsibility of a
dards to the management of an organization manager toward the organization, co-workers,
■ To examine some of the fundamental ethical and customers
principles that relate to working with people
Ethics and Stewardship ■ CHAPTER 8
We have explored a variety of principles and practices to guide you as a manager
to do things right. But how do you know you are doing the right things? That is
where values and ethics come into play. A dramatic example of an ethical
dilemma is the use of atomic energy. I have this powerful resource available to
me. Now, the question is: Do I use it to kill people (the bomb) or save people
(medicine)? This is an ethical dilemma.
In this chapter we will explore the general concepts of ethics. What are
ethics? And, more important, how do they affect me as an individual, a manager,
and a leader? These are some of the questions that you will need to grapple with
as you move into a supervisory position. Finally, we will discuss an important
opportunity to apply ethics—stewardship.
What Is Ethics?
Everyone makes decisions in his or her life. How do you decide what to do?
How do you make decisions in your life? Some decisions may be simple and
may not appear to be major issues; some may involve complex issues of
morals and values. However, a common factor is that all of the decisions that
you make are based on your beliefs and standards. Even decisions as simple as
answering the question: What do you want for dinner? may be dependent
upon your standards. Because of your personal beliefs, you may not eat certain
foods. Although this is a very simple example, it implies that underlying your
actions are your values and your fundamental code of ethics.
Ethics is applying your principles and values to your decisions and actions. Ethics
It goes far beyond justifying any specific action. Developing a code of ethics is a An individual’s application
process of determining a code of conduct and the principles underlying that of his or her principles or
code and then acting in a consistent manner based on those standards. This values in decisions and
becomes a firm foundation that helps to guide and support all of your deci- actions.
sions. Further, knowing why you choose those principles and values as the
foundation of your actions, you can defend and recommend those rules and
principles as guidance for proper behavior to others.
If you know where you stand on a particular subject or topic, that stance is
based upon some fundamental beliefs that you hold dear. Although some of
your ethical values may be based on your religious beliefs, your ethics are not
based solely on religious rules or doctrines. Your ethical values are a compre-
hensive set of values that you have developed over time that create the guid-
ing principles underlying what you believe in and, therefore, are the driving
force in the major decision-making process in your life. They are not an exter-
nal set of rules, such as a street sign that you should obey or a church rule that
you’re supposed to follow; they are internal principles and beliefs that are a
part of your core being.
For example, if you strongly value diversity, then all of your behavior and
decisions will be in agreement with that value. You would make a point to
assure that in your hiring practices that you provide open and equal access to all
people. In fact, you would most likely be sensitive enough to the issue to make
a point to intentionally reach out to a diverse population in the community.
This same value would also be demonstrated in your daily interactions with
co-workers and friends. Your circle of close friends would likely mirror your
values as we all tend to gravitate naturally toward those who share our values.
SECTION 2 ■ Management Styles
Your ethical values may come from a variety of sources. If you have been
raised in a family that is actively involved in religious practice, the values,
moral principles, and rules espoused by your church may be foundational to
your personal ethics. However, a formal religion is not the only source for
these basic principles. Just because you were taught principles and were
required to adhere to them does not mean that you truly believe in them, and
that is the true test of your core values. Your values may evolve as you
encounter and take a stand on matters of conscience, respect, consequences,
or justice. Taking into account all of the thoughts, experiences, and external
advice that you have encountered in your life, you formulate a stand on
many issues. The foundation underlying the decision to take a stand is your
Although it may seem odd, your ability and willingness to take a stand can
help you to better understand yourself and what you really believe in. Many
of us do not take the time to examine our values. We are too busy living our
daily lives to get too philosophical. However, when you absolutely must take a
stand on an issue, it is a good time to stop and take stock of why you made
your decision. If you made an intentional decision, then the underlying
thoughts, principles, and values deep down inside of you were very likely the
determining factors in your knowing what was the right thing to do. There-
fore, developing self-awareness and, in doing so, an awareness of the value
system and ethics that are the foundation to your actions is an important part
of your personal and professional growth.
Applied Ethics
Now, you might be thinking that sounds all well and good and so ideal and
lofty, but what about dealing with this in the real world? Although you believe
in being truthful and want to live your life that way, if a customer asks you
what you paid your technician or what your actual cost is for the tires you are
trying to sell him, being totally truthful and giving him that information is
not in your best interest. What, then, is the appropriate use of these prin-
ciples, values, and ethics?
Ethical behavior implies that you live by a higher standard. Doing what
you can get away with is not enough. You feel an inner drive for your behavior
and your beliefs to agree. However, there are times when you might apply the
rules differently in different situations. How can you reconcile not being
totally rigid and allow for some flexibility?
In an ideal world, everything would be so consistent that decision making
would be simple. Life, however, is not simple. Neither is decision making.
Many of the decisions that we need to make are very complex. It is difficult to
apply one standard or one decision universally. We need to consider and make
Applied Ethics decisions on a case-by-case basis. Applied ethics is the real-world application
The real-world application of your core values and principles to the wide range of very different situa-
of a person’s core values tions that you encounter every day. It is not how you would or should apply
and principles to a wide them in an ideal situation; it is not how you would apply each particular value
range of different situations. in theory. It is how you decide in the complex situations you encounter daily
that often involve a complex interplay of many factors and many values all at
once. Your ability to apply your ethical values consistently and with convic-
tion is the true test of your core beliefs.
Ethics and Stewardship ■ CHAPTER 8
CASE that the word has gotten around the shop and that
everyone is waiting to see how you are going to treat
It has just been reported to you that your best techni-
this employee, who is taking supplies from the shop.
cian has been taking home some shop supplies
There appears to be more at stake than usual. You
(cleaners, lubricants, fluids) for personal use on some
are, with reason, concerned about the impact of your
jobs that he is doing after hours. You have always
response in this case. What would you do?
made it clear to your employees that all parts and
supplies are the property of either the company or a. Give him a stern warning making it clear that you
the customer and that the employees have no right cannot give him preferential treatment.
to use or take any of them for personal use. In fact, b. Make an example out of this technician by
you even reprimanded and fired an employee about severely punishing him for this infraction.
a year ago for stealing company supplies. However,
c. Tell him in private that although you would nor-
you give your employees the benefit of the doubt
mally write anyone else up for this, you are not
and normally give them several warnings before you
going to do anything this time because he is your
resort to stern punishment.
best technician.
You decide d. Because you know that other employees are
What do you do? He is your best technician and this is aware of the situation, reprimand him publicly
the first time that this has happened. Yet, you know and suspend him for three days without pay.
Ethical Leadership
Let us explore several key ethical principles. These are core values that every man-
ager should strive to demonstrate in every action and decision. Through know-
ing, understanding, and exemplifying these values, a good manager can build an
ethical foundation for his or her team. Therefore these ethical principles are very
likely to guide the actions that your entire organization will exemplify.
SECTION 2 ■ Management Styles
Ethics and Stewardship ■ CHAPTER 8
CASE $80 and do not say anything more about the fact
that you only need to replace one $3 seal so that
You are the service manager of a small transmission
you do not get her upset.
shop. Your technician comes to you and indicates
that the problem with Mrs. Jones’ car is that there is b. Install all the parts in the kit because you are
an internal leak in the automatic transmission that is going to charge Mrs. Jones for them, so that she
causing it to slip in first gear. Because the parts are will have all new gaskets and seals in her
available only as a complete gasket and seal set, and transmission.
although Mrs. Jones needs only one seal you are c. Explain the cost of labor and parts and very apolo-
going to have to sell her the labor plus an entire seal getically explain Mrs. Jones that the parts are only
kit for $80. available as a kit and that you will be giving her
the remaining new parts separately because she
You decide
has paid for them.
You know that Mrs. Jones is going to be upset when
d. Give Mrs. Jones a total estimate, replace the seal,
you tell her about the needed repairs and especially
and put the rest of the gaskets in your toolbox
that it is going to cost her $80 for a seal set when all
along with all the others that you have saved over
that she really needs is a little O-ring that is worth
time so that you can use them in the future if you
about $3. Which of the following would you do?
need them.
a. Explain to Mrs. Jones that the transmission needs e. More than one of the above answers is correct.
completely overhauled and that the cost of parts is
SECTION 2 ■ Management Styles
In recent years there has been a growing focus in the business world on the
use and abuse of power by managers. The blatant disregard of some employees
for those resources that have been put at their disposal has resulted in some of
the most momentous cases of fraud, theft in office, and embezzlement that we
Stewardship have ever witnessed.
Taking appropriate care for These recent developments have resulted in a heightened interest and sensi-
resources or assets that are tivity of stewardship. Stewardship is the act of taking appropriate care for some-
under your care and one else’s resources or assets that have been put in your care and custody. Every
custody. manager, by the nature of his or her position, acts on behalf of a supervisor, the
Ethics and Stewardship ■ CHAPTER 8
owner, and/or the board of trustees in this fashion. The very nature of the orga-
nization delegating responsibility and authority downward to subordinates,
ranging from vice presidents down to coordinators and group leaders, carries
with it not only the power to make and enforce decisions, but also responsibility
and authority. Stewardship is a major responsibility of every manager.
Because you are a manager, your supervisor or the organization has put at
your disposal various assets of the organization with the expectation that you
will utilize them to the best benefit of the organization. There are three major
areas of stewardship responsibility. The most common is financial stewardship,
but your responsibility extends beyond merely watching the money. A second,
yet just as important, stewardship responsibility is the responsibility for main-
taining the reputation and good name of the organization. Finally, as the
supervisor and advocate for your subordinates, you also have a stewardship
responsibility for the careers and future of your employees and their families.
Financial Stewardship
Some of the most tangible assets that you have stewardship responsibilities
over are the physical resources (shop, tools, equipment) and the budget (com-
pany funds) that you can access and use within your judgment as a manager.
If you ask about this responsibility, any manager will quickly acknowledge
that he or she is responsible and held accountable for the bottom line of their
department or operation. But stewardship goes beyond a responsibility for the
“bottom line”; it also includes the reasonable and ethical use of resources to
achieve that bottom line.
Some of the well-publicized trials of business executives have resulted
from managers who were trying to maximize the bottom line. That’s their job,
right? Yes, but the ethical use of the resources in their care and custody is also
their responsibility. That is stewardship. No manager has the right to do what-
ever it takes. No manager has the right to disregard the rules to achieve suc-
cess. This is true with their own money and, even more important, with the
money and assets of others.
As a responsible manager you are expected to provide direction and use
those financial and physical resources that have been put at your disposal in a
manner consistent with the guidelines and direction of your supervisors and
your organization. You need to manage every resource in a manner that you
believe your supervisors would agree with if they were to be making the deci-
sions themselves. This requires that you clearly understand the organizations
goals and values to guide you.
How does this set a higher standard beyond strictly staying legal and
improving the bottom line? It requires you do not take for granted, waste, or
in other ways bend the rules even if the likelihood of getting caught is mini-
mal. “Would the owner approve this if he knew about it?” or “Would the
board of trustees approve?” should be the test of your actions. Even further,
you might ask yourself, “How would I feel if this was reported on the front
page of tomorrow morning’s newspaper?”
Just because you can take a few shortcuts does not mean that it is OK to do
so. Just because no one will know if I use the company car for personal busi-
ness or “borrow” some of the shop tools to do some work at home does not
make it proper stewardship. Appropriate financial stewardship requires that
you exercise the fair and reasonable use of those resources that the company
has put at your disposal and under your care and custody.
SECTION 2 ■ Management Styles
Reputation Stewardship
Reputation Successful organizations are built upon their public reputations. These repu-
The commonly held tations are earned over a long period of time based on years of consistent per-
perception of a person’s formance. In the view of customers you, as a manager, are the company. For
character and values based that reason your words and actions represent the company and you are per-
on their past actions and ceived as acting on behalf of the company. Customers expect that whatever
behavior. you say or do is a clear indication of the company’s values and beliefs.
If a customer sees a behavior that enhances her perception of the company,
you have improved your company’s reputation. Conversely, anything that you
do or say that lowers a customer’s perception can significantly and perma-
nently damage the reputation of the company. Your stewardship of the com-
pany’s reputation as a frontline representative of the company, therefore, is a
responsibility that you must acknowledge and take very seriously. Although it
may appear more subtle than mismanaging financial assets, it can have a
greater impact on the company’s success or failure than the loss or waste of a
small amount of money. Stewardship in this regard requires that you take
proper care of the trust and goodwill of the good name of the company.
Employee Stewardship
The third and final area of stewardship that you must carefully exercise is that
over the well-being of the employees under your guidance as their manager.
This area is the one most often ignored. As a manager you are responsible
to upper management and the shareholders for the success of your depart-
ment. When your department meets or exceeds expectations, you and your
people receive rewards and accolades. When your department falls below
expectations, especially in the long term, it results in upper management deci-
sions that directly affect you personally. The consequences may include
increased hours, being passed over for promotions, cuts in pay, and even layoff
or termination.
These benefits and consequences not only directly affect you, but also
affect the people working under your guidance. Layoffs, reduction in benefits,
lack of raises, and even getting passed over for new tools and equipment may
all be the result of poor departmental performance. These actions may cause
problems ranging from disappointment to a career crisis for your employees.
It is not uncommon to think about how the performance of your employ-
ees can either make or break your success as a manager. Because you cannot do
everything, to be successful, you depend on their performance. Conversely, as
their manager, leader, and coach, your employees’ future is in your hands. The
decisions that you make directly affect the working environment within
which they operate.
You are the steward of the working environment for those employees that
you supervise. Global decisions such as pricing, advertising, promotions,
pay rates, work distribution, and hiring of other employees can create, alter, or
hamper opportunities for them to be successful. Employees work for you
and your company and trust that you have their best interest in mind. In
return you expect them to feel and act the same way toward you and the com-
pany. Your responsibility toward your employees is not to be taken lightly
because it can dramatically affect their success at your company and may, in
the long run, have a major impact on their entire career, their well-being, and
that of their family.
Ethics and Stewardship ■ CHAPTER 8
Ethical behavior is critical to the ongoing success of anyone in Stewardship adds a new dimension to the entire issue of
business. However, the majority of time and effort are too responsibility. It is for this reason that many employees, upon
often so focused on what needs to be done that little con- considering the amount of responsibilities that they have to
scious effort is ever put into considering why things need to others and to the organization, decide to remain as workers
be done. The ethical values of any individual or any organiza- rather than as a manager. However, although the power and
tion build the foundation for why they do what they do. authority of managing may sound attractive you cannot use
Ethics are more than doctrines or principles. They are authority alone. There are three major areas of stewardship
your core beliefs. They are how you put your principles and that all managers must address: financial, reputation, and
values into action and they provide a solid base for every deci- employee stewardship. With authority comes responsibility,
sion that you make. and stewardship is a major responsibility of every manager.
1. As a manager you have some degree of responsibility for c. you do whatever it takes to make them money.
the financial resources and reputation of the company d. none of the above.
along with the future of your subordinates. This is called
5. The application of your principles and values is
a. stewardship.
a. empathy.
b. accountability.
b. consistency.
c. unreasonable demands.
c. ethics.
d. leadership.
d. inconsideration.
2. Ethics is based upon
In Questions 6–10 match the definition with the term. Indicate
a. long-held personal beliefs. your letter choice on the space to the left of the definition.
b. those things that are important to you.
c. what your religion teaches. _____ 6. Values are an integral part of a. credibility
d. all of the above. who you are
_____ 7. You are able to walk the talk b. integrity
3. Using ethics in a variety of every day situations is called _____ 8. You tell it to them straight c. honesty
a. being a hypocrite. _____ 9. Willing to take praise or blame d. truthfulness
b. applied ethics. for your actions
c. living the dream. _____ 10. Refusal to lie or deceive in any e. responsibility
d. none of the above. way
4. Being a good steward of your employer’s resources
means that
a. you are careful not to get caught.
b. you do not care about their reputation.
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P lanning and goal setting are essential to obtaining the greatest results from the
resources that any organization has at its disposal. Meaningful and reasonable goals
and objectives help to keep the entire operation headed in the same direction––the right
direction. Building a continuously growing, continuously improving organization is essen-
tial to fend off competition and ensure long-term success. With these principles in mind
we will explore the multiple levels of planning that are essential to building a clear and
comprehensive strategy to achieve your goals. Finally, we will discuss those principles that
can help a successful organization to continue to thrive and strive to be better every day.
Long-Range Planning
vision values
mission goals
SECTION 3 ■ Management Strategies
Successful individuals share the common traits of being both focused and
committed to a well-defined direction and objectives. Whether it is a business
leader, a minister, an educator, or an athlete they all share a passion for what
they do and maintain a clear focus of where they are headed. They are, in fact,
living their dream. This is a statement you have probably heard a thousand
times. But, have you ever stopped to ask yourself: What is my dream? Clarity
of direction and purpose is an essential trait of successful individuals . . . and
also successful businesses.
In this chapter we will explore how to clarify the overall dream of your
department or organization. Once this has been established we will discuss
how to methodically translate this dream into reality as you learn to break it
down into practical directions, goals, and actions so that all of your efforts can
be directed to accomplish it.
The main components in building the big picture future for any organiza-
tion are in identifying its vision, mission, values, and goals. Once these are
clearly defined we will then need to take a look at the day-to-day means to plan
and carry out the activities and actions that will assure this reality is achieved.
Many highly motivated people are in too big of a hurry to dig in and get
started with the work at hand without considering their ultimate direction.
Where are we really trying to go in the long term? What is our final goal and
destination? Without a clear vision and picture of the long-term objectives it
is very possible that the short-term activities may be taking you, and your
organization, in the wrong direction. Long-term planning and the roadmap to
success that it provides will help guide all of your actions.
It is essential to step back and take the time to develop this plan first.
Long-range planning comes first. Figure 9-1 is a planning funnel that illus-
trates how these important planning activities relate to each other.
Values – what you hold to be important
Vision Your vision is the dream of what it would be like if everything worked out just
The dream of the future the way that you want it to be. Yes, I agree that it sounds very idealistic. Yes,
that you desire. you might say to someone with such a vision that he has his head in the clouds.
Actually, to create a vision your head has to be above the clouds . . . it is more
Long-Range Planning ■ CHAPTER 9
like the view of the organization from space! Warren Bennis, management guru,
defines a vision in this manner
To choose a direction, an executive must have developed a mental image of
the possible and desirable future state of the organization. This image, which
we call a vision, may be as vague as a dream or as precise as a goal or a mission
statement. (Bennis, 1985)
Those who are more action oriented may want to argue that it is a waste of
time to be dwelling on dreams. However, the idea of this big picture is not to do
the business of the company but rather to be the company’s guiding light. The
vision creates a framework that can answer the question, If I could build the
company from scratch today to be the biggest and best in the world, what
would it look like? Only with this type of vision of the possibilities it is possible
to align all of your energy and resources toward the ultimate achievement of
that dream.
The vision is a dream of what reality could be if there were no obstacles.
Why look at it that way? Until you are able to look at the possibilities and see
beyond the limitations you will not be able to break through those limiting
factors that are holding you back. It would be too easy to set your sights on the
easily achievable objectives. However, the true trendsetters, the breakthrough
organizations, are those that have learned to see beyond the obstacles and are
able to envision clearly how they could be . . . and then muster up the energy
to find a way to get there despite the obstacles. Creating a vision requires that
you stretch beyond what is easy and achievable.
A vision statement can be as short as a phrase or as long as a paragraph.
Usually the vision statement is brief because its goal is to create an image that
explains the company’s dream. Some examples of a vision statement are
• To be the people’s choice of (location) to meet all of their automotive
service and repair needs.
• Providing the best solutions to meet the needs of the motoring public.
• (Company Name) strives every day to be the best automotive service
company. We do so by living by the old-fashioned values that too many
companies have forgotten: providing you with courteous, friendly, and
affordable service. We want to become the one-stop solution to all of
your automotive service needs.
• When people in (city) think of service, they think of __________
Automotive Service Centers.
SECTION 3 ■ Management Strategies
This would be a good time to take a few minutes before you read on to go
on the Internet and spend a few minutes searching for vision statements of a
variety of well-known companies. Just do a simple Web search. Enter the
phrase “vision statement” along with the name of a major corporation.
Reviewing others’ statements should help better understand the purpose and
structure of an effective vision statement.
The vision, then, becomes the guiding dream of the organization. It can
be a powerful tool to inspire everyone. It can also be instrumental in helping
to ensure that both current and new employees share that common dream; if
they don’t, they will not be willing to make the efforts to make the dream a
A clear vision reinforces to everyone in the organization that their efforts
are headed in the right direction. It should be a source of encouragement and
reassurance when they feel the need to be reminded why they’re doing what
they’re doing. It can also be used to answer the question, Should we be doing
this? to assure that their efforts stay on track.
There is a problem, however, with a vision or a dream. You need to have
one, you want to achieve one, but you can’t do one. A vision is far too broad,
too long-term, and too general to implement. It, therefore, requires that you
break it down into smaller, more focused bite-sized chunks so it can be
achieved. The first step in breaking the vision down into more manageable
components is the development of a mission.
Mission The mission is a clarification of the direction and purpose (vision) of an orga-
The current direction and nization. Although it hoped that all employees can easily share the vision of
purpose of an organization. the organization, it is far too lofty and vague to easily translate into action. It is,
therefore, important to be able to begin to break the vision down into bite-
sized pieces that can help answer the question of how that vision is going to
affect and guide the actions of the organization and its people now. If you refer
back to Figure 9-1, the funnel, you can see that as we move from the nebulous
Long-Range Planning ■ CHAPTER 9
Mission Statements
As you might guess from the discussion in the previous section, if the mission
is something that you’re going to use to tell everyone, employees and public,
who you are and what you stand for, it is really important that you make it
clear. As a result, developing a mission statement is a very difficult task, yet a
very important one. The major difficulty is in being precise enough to select
just the right words that accurately tell who we are and what makes us unique.
Let’s discuss how to go about developing one.
A mission statement is generally a short paragraph (no more than three to
four sentences) that clearly defines the big goal for your existence. (Note: It is
probably not a good idea to publicize a mission that says “I want to get incred-
ibly rich and retire.”) Although it may be used for marketing purposes, it is
more than a slogan. It is, therefore, important to carefully select the words so
that they convey the meaning that you intend. Use of marketing jargon is
strongly discouraged.
Because the mission statement is the standard by which your organization
will be judged, its development should be taken very seriously. All of your
employees will be expected to live by it, therefore, it is highly recommended
that you get significant involvement from all employees in the development
of the statement. After all, you’ll expect them to know it, believe it, live by it,
and demonstrate it with their everyday performance. (Note: In many highly
successful, driven organizations employees can recite the mission statement
on demand.) This may seem like a lot to ask, but your customers will expect
no less than this since you’ve publicly declared your mission to be your reason
for being.
The mission statement is a logical next step from the vision statement. For
example, in the section on vision we were working for the company that had
developed the vision statement: “When people in (city) think of service, they
think of __________ Automotive Service Centers.” Assuming that their vision
statement is an accurate reflection of their dreams and aspirations as an orga-
nization, their mission statement should, then, logically flow from that vision
down into a statement of what they intend to do (big picture) to make that
SECTION 3 ■ Management Strategies
vision a reality. In the vision statement the scope of their market was defined
as the city that they reside in. The company further indicated that the test of
achieving its vision was: when people . . . think of service. Therefore, being
first in the minds of the customers is essential. In addition, providing service
that will make the company’s name the first that comes to mind is also essen-
tial. Service, however, appears to be a focal point of the vision and, therefore,
is very likely to be the area to better define, describe, and expand upon in the
mission statement.
Working to develop a mission statement from this vision statement would
require, then, that you further define how you intend to become this vision.
Service can be defined from several different values: quality service, rapid
service, high-tech service, friendly service, affordable service, convenient service,
and many combinations of these attributes. The question then becomes how
to break down the dream of the vision statement into a group of statements
that answer the question How are we going to be the vision? What statements
are we willing to make that will best explain what sets us apart from the com-
petition? Here are some possible examples
Again, I recommend that you take a few minutes now to surf the Web
to view a variety of mission statements for some well-known companies. It
will help you to get some ideas about how to build your own mission
Long-Range Planning ■ CHAPTER 9
Values are the guiding principles that keep all of your actions and initiatives Values
aligned with your organization. They are, simply put, what is important to Guiding principles of the
your organization. These values will be aligned with your ethics, a topic that organization.
we explored in greater detail in Chapter 8. They are standards that are impor-
tant to you and ones that your customers can count on you to uphold. The
illustration in the Planning funnel (Figure 9-1) shows that the values further
focus the planning so that the resulting goals are aligned with the organiza-
tion’s core values.
Many organizations approach the same problem or issue. They provide
similar products and/or services. The core values of any organization are some
of the most important factors in setting them apart from the competition.
That is what gives them a unique edge in the marketplace. After all, that is
what open-market competition is all about, differentiating yourself in a mar-
ket where customers can choose from many, yet slightly different, alternatives
to meet their wants and needs.
Value statements answer the question What do we stand for? They help to
clarify all the guiding principles you operate under. An organization that val-
ues diversity and has an open-door policy for employees to encourage open
communication across all levels is highly likely to openly communicate these
values to potential and current employees and to customers alike. This sets the
standards for the company so that employees and customers know how they
will be treated under all conditions.
Value statements are, unlike, the vision and mission, generally a short list
of statements (sentences) that describe a core value of the organization. We’ve
just covered two possibilities: diversity and open communication. The follow-
ing is a list of some possible value statements that you might find and/or
• We value truthfulness and honesty. We would rather admit our mis-
takes to each other and to our customers and use them as a source of
learning and growth than to ever condone hiding from the truth.
• We value our employees as our greatest asset. Therefore, we commit to
aggressively invest in their professional and personal development to
help them to reach their goals and dreams, and, in so doing, make us a
better company and a better place to work.
• We value the rich resource of open communication as a tool for all of us
to grow and thrive. Therefore, we provide multiple methods to keep
these communication lines open and encourage all to actively and
openly participate without fear of consequence in the future direction
of the organization.
• We value excellence. As such, we strive to hire, develop, and consis-
tently reward those who continue to reach new levels of excellence and,
in so doing, set high standards for their co-workers and for the industry
at large.
Value statements can be created as a simple list of principles that the orga-
nization commits to uphold. The formally published values presented above
might be shortened to just include the initial broad concepts as follows.
• We value truthfulness and honesty.
• We value our employees as our greatest asset.
SECTION 3 ■ Management Strategies
Long-Range Goals
Once the organization has a dream (vision) and a direction and purpose (mis-
sion) and has further clarified who it is (values) it is essential to take the next
step toward developing a plan of action. into something more specific. You
can’t do a vision or a mission. You can and should believe in your core values,
but at some point you need to put all of this into motion. When you sit back
and think, OK, I agree that this is who we are and where we need to go now
what do we plan to do to get us there? It is time to move toward developing
Goals Goals are practical, measurable, and achievable actions. In developing
Practical, measurable, and goals it is important that just as we have moved carefully and deliberately
achievable actions. from the broadest view of the organization (vision) to further clarify it, the
Long-Range Planning ■ CHAPTER 9
types of goals that we are speaking about at this point are big-picture goals.
They are broad commitments of what we are going to do to further our vision,
mission, and values. There are many courses of action that we can undertake
to further these broad concepts. Our long-term goals are those broad actions
that we believe are the best way to focus our efforts at this point.
No matter how ambitious we are, we simply can’t do everything all at
once. If we tried to do that we’d scatter our energy in so many directions that
we’d accomplish little and feel like we worked hard and got nowhere. There-
fore, we need to prioritize our efforts. We need to decide what the most impor-
tant things are that we can focus on in the foreseeable future that will best
help us to move us forward. These are our long-range goals.
In order for goals to be effective they need to be specific enough so that
they become a source for evaluating each of our actions. We should be able to
compare our actions to our stated long-range goals to see if we are doing the
right things. That is, for example, if we are considering a new initiative, we
need to first consider if it is something that we should be involved in. Clearly,
if the initiative does not align with our vision, mission and values, it is not
who we are and we should not be pursuing it. However, even if it does support
vision, mission, and values if it does not support one of our current long-range
goals then we should redirect our efforts to something that will support those
goals that we have decided are our priorities for now.
Our long-range goals act as a mechanism to help us continually focus
and refocus our energies and actions to assure that we are keeping an eye on
what we have determined is important at present. The goals of any organiza-
tion are bound to change over time, but the current goals provide a struc-
tured roadmap to guide our current activities. Therefore, they provide the
standard against which all of our proposed actions can be tested and deter-
mined worthy.
Some examples of long-term goals might the following:
• Be the recognized leader in customer satisfaction of all comparable-
sized service shops in the market.
• Achieve and maintain 100 percent industry certification of all technicians
within the organization.
Because long-term goals follow from the mission, vision, and values of the
organization, an organization with these two goals would be one that has a
strong vision of customer satisfaction and quality of repairs. These goals are a
statement of two of the actions that they believe will best help them to
achieve their vision. This must be so since, even if the goals were worthy in
and of themselves, they are not proper goals if they do not directly support
the vision and mission of the organization. We will now talk a little bit further
about some guidelines to help develop goals.
Setting Goals
Visions are dreams, missions are lofty, but goals are achievable. Two key fac-
tors to keep in mind in setting long-range goals are (1) You can’t do everything
all at once and (2) Your goals must be reasonable and achievable.
When setting up long-term goals it is important that you consider all of
the possible goals and then narrow them down to a short list of top priorities.
It is not that all of the goals that come to mind are not important and not, at
SECTION 3 ■ Management Strategies
some point, necessary. It is that you can’t do it all at one time. Remember, you
have to prioritize. You should answer the question, What is the best use of my
efforts now? Deciding which of your potential goals are most important to
tackle now will help you determine which make it to the final list.
As you think of all of the possible goals that you could choose you might
identify some that must be completed before others on your list can even be
started. Those would very likely rise to the top of your list as priorities to start
on right away. Others may just be at the opportune time and may rise to
the surface because you have the chance to take advantage of a unique oppor-
tunity that may pass. In either case, you need to keep the list manageable so
that everyone can feel that they are going to be expected to stretch yet still feel
that they can achieve those goals.
That leads us to the second key issue, reasonable and achievable. If the
goals are set too low they will meet both tests, but will not help you and your
organization to grow as much as you possibly can. On the other hand, overly
ambitious goals can be poison to morale and productivity. If the employees
know in their hearts from day one that the goals can never be reached they
will result in low morale and poor performance. Therefore, reach high—but
not too high.
Finally, no goal is achievable if it is a secret! Clear and open communica-
tion to all involved is essential to get buy-in, commitment, support, and max-
imum effort toward achieving all goals. We need to be sure that we are all
pulling in the same direction with the same level of effort and commitment if
we are to reach our mutual goals.
Tracking Progress
Failure to measure and regularly track progress toward the ultimate comple-
tion of any goal, long-range or short-range, is almost certain to doom that
goal to failure. Therefore, it is essential that you are able to break down every
goal into language that allows you to regularly measure progress toward com-
pletion, make the mid-course corrections needed to keep on track and/or get it
back on track, and finally, know when to celebrate ultimate achievement. The
long-range goals that you select should be the starting point from which you
start your shorter-range planning.
Long-Range Planning ■ CHAPTER 9
Long-range planning is an essential, yet often neglected, pro- The final step in the long-range planning process is dis-
cess necessary to set a clear direction for any organization. tilling down the vision, mission, and values into long-range
This big-picture planning helps you to identify and communi- goals. These goals help determine what the most important
cate to employees and customers your dream (vision), direc- major initiatives are that the company intends to undertake
tion and purpose (mission), and who you are (values). This in the foreseeable future. These goals then form the founda-
planning assures that your employees know what your tion upon which shorter-range planning and activities can
company is all about and where it is headed. Further, it be built. We will discuss the three forms of medium to short-
makes a clear statement to the public about what makes you range planning, strategic, operation, and tactical planning,
unique. in depth in the next chapter.
1. The vision of a company or department describes c. a term only used by NASA and Star Trek.
a. their specific goals for the next three years. d. all of the above.
b. your dream for how you’d like it to be. 5. Along with a vision and mission it is always important
c. unreasonable expectations for the future. that you state your values because they
d. more than one of the above is correct.
a. are a restatement of your core beliefs.
2. Long-range planning is b. are never influenced by your ethics.
a. essential yet often neglected. c. are a way to make people think that you have morals.
b. a total waste of everyone’s time and effort. d. all of the above.
c. prioritizing efforts for the next six months. 6. Long-range goals
d. a process that must be done without employee
a. help us to focus and refocus our energies.
b. must be reasonable and achievable.
3. Which of the following statements is incorrect? c. are priorities items to direct our actions and efforts.
a. Your ethics do not influence your company values. d. All of the above.
b. Your mission is often used public statement of purpose In Questions 7–10 match the definition with the term. Indicate
and direction. your letter choice on the space to the left of the definition
c. A vision statement is very broad and idealistic.
____ 7. Direction and purpose b. vision
d. Our vision is the view of the organization “from outer
space.” ____ 8. Principles you hold dear c. mission
____ 9. Your dream d. long-term goals
4. A mission statement is
____ 10. High priority objectives e. values
a. the next logical step from a vision statement.
b. an explanation of your dream as a company.
Strategic and Short-
Range Planning
■ To recognize the importance of medium- and ■ To recognize the value of operational planning
short-range planning activities in providing flexible support to the overall
■ To locate where middle- and short-range plan- strategic plan
ning fit in the overall planning process ■ To explain how tactical planning can help us
■ To examine the strategic planning process adjust our short-term focus and redirect our
resources to achieve our goals
Strategic and Short-Range Planning ■ CHAPTER 10
The importance of planning your future direction cannot be overstated. The
old adage, Be careful, if you don’t know where you’re going you just might get
there! makes clear that if you want to work smarter and not just harder you
must clarify your intended direction. Once that has been established, it is pos-
sible to make sure that all of your efforts, and those of our employees, are
aligned. In this chapter we will explore the major levels of middle- and short-
range planning and discuss tools, tips, and techniques to help use these plan-
ning efforts to build a clear roadmap to future success.
In Chapter 9 we talked about the real big-picture issues of answering the
questions as an organization of what we want to be (vision), what our plan is
to help us become that (mission), and what the specific objectives (goals) are
that we will focus on in support of becoming what we want to be as an organi-
zation. Now we will take it down to the level of middle- and short-range plan-
ning. This is planning from the three- to five-year level down to that for a year
or less. We will look at systematic ways to formulate new goals to support the
overall vision and mission and to help make the adjustments needed to keep
on pace and on track.
Levels of Planning
Just about every organization does some sort of planning. Unfortunately,
many plan on the fly. That is, the tendency is that while all organizations plan
activities, fewer expend the effort to plan a year in advance, and very few con-
sistently develop a long-range plan. This seems normal because we all know
that we’re often so busy with day-to-day responsibilities and problems that we
simply don’t have the time to think further than the present. Unfortunately,
failure to think ahead results in the high likelihood that the present will con-
tinue. It has been said that the true definition of insanity is continuing to do
the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. If you
don’t take the time to sit back and plan for the future to be different it is very
likely that it won’t be!
Rather than work from the most common planning, short-term, to the
more uncommon mid-range planning, we will explore the three levels of
planning as they should ideally be practiced. That is, we will first discuss
building a strategic plan to set the future direction of the organization for the
next three to five years and then move to operational planning (one year) to
work toward those strategic goals. Finally, we’ll discuss the shortest-range
component, tactical planning, to discuss the small decisions and mid-course
corrections that need to be made on a regular basis to keep us headed toward
our longer-range objectives. Figure 10-1 shows how these three levels of plan-
ning relate to our everyday actions.
One last factor that you must remember is that strategic planning is not
truly the beginning of planning. It is based upon the long-range planning that
we discussed in Chapter 9. We need to have vision, mission, values, and long-
term goals that define who we are and what we want to be. These long-term
ideals and values are implemented through periodic middle- and short-range
planning. Planning and adjusting our course in these shorter timeframes
allows us to be responsive to a changing world and a changing market while
remaining on the long-term course of working to achieve our true vision.
SECTION 3 ■ Management Strategies
6–12 months Plan
0–3 months Plan
Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning Strategic planning is a mid-range planning process that should be conducted
A formal planning process on a systematic basis every three to five years. Its purpose is to assess the orga-
of breaking down the nization’s position and identify key goals and initiatives that will best help
overall vision, mission, and them move forward during this next period of time, usually three to five years,
long-range goals into a set toward achieving long-term goals. We all know that things change and people
of specific strategies and change. In many cases when we look at the world around us we look back and
goals that are the focus of realize we could never have anticipated many of the changes that have
activities for the next period occurred. One of the primary purposes of strategic planning is to allow the
of time, typically three to organization to take the time to sit back and look at what has changed over
five years. the past several years, to evaluate how those changes have affected the com-
pany and its market position, and to be able to take those new circumstances
into consideration in making a plan for the near future. At the same time it
allows the organization to also adjust to internal changes that have occurred
over that time span.
A second, and very important, reason for strategic planning is really
spelled out in the term itself, strategic planning. Along with evaluating and
accounting for changes in the world, the industry, and the market, it is impor-
tant not to try to do too much. It is not possible to do everything at once.
Resources and money are limited. Therefore, it is essential that care is taken to
make conscious decisions about where these scarce resources can best be put
to use to have the maximum positive effect on company performance. This is
the strategic use of these resources. That is, actions are taken with a strategy in
mind that we believe will use our resources to our best advantage.
Effective strategic planning is not done in isolation. It is not commonly
done by one individual, whether that is the owner, CEO, or service manager. It
is not a process of sitting down, taking an educated guess about where the
company stands, and then making a plan for the future. Along with recogniz-
ing that this effort needs to be strategic, care and an investment of time and
effort needs to go into making sure that the knowledge that we have as an
organization about the state of the economy, the market, our company, and
our expectations for the near future is sound and is the best projection that
we can make at this time. Remember, the strategic plan is the roadmap for our
direction and activities for this period. Therefore, failure to do our research
and to map out a strategy might result in ending up in the wrong place—and
looking back we realize that we wasted a great deal of time and effort and are
no closer to our real long-term goals.
Strategic and Short-Range Planning ■ CHAPTER 10
SECTION 3 ■ Management Strategies
committee exists, focus groups can be convened specifically for the purpose of
Focus Group obtaining external data. A focus group is a small group of individuals that are
A small group of individuals invited to attend a meeting or group of meetings with the specific purpose of
intentionally selected to obtaining certain information. In the case of strategic planning, groups from
represent the broader different community or business groups would most likely be invited to
population who are brought participate. The goal would be to get a cross-section of input on the local busi-
together to obtain their ness climate as well as the perceptions of different customer groups in the
opinions about a specific market.
situation, production, or
proposed action.
SWOT Analysis
Although the name may seem quite foreign, it is actually a very appropriate
SWOT Analysis acronym for its component parts. A SWOT analysis is an evaluation of the
A formal process that helps Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats facing the organization,
to define the current department, or individual. Using the information obtained in the internal
strengths, weaknesses, and external environmental scans as a background, this analysis helps those
opportunities, and threats involved in the planning process to focus in more detail on these four dimen-
facing an organization, sions of the organization. By answering the questions that arise from these
department, or individual. four major topics, the organization can more effectively determine where to
focus their efforts and resources for maximum effect. Let’s take a few minutes
to explore each of these areas in more depth.
One of the first questions that any organization should ask is very simply:
What are we good at? or What do we do well? No one or no organization can
be all things to all people. To successfully compete in the marketplace it is very
important to determine what makes your business different from the competi-
tion. What is it that you can or will be able to do better than the others that
will help set you apart in the minds of the customers so that they will make a
conscious choice to do business with you.
The strengths of the organization or of the product or service that you sell
should be an important focus of your efforts to differentiate yourself from the
competition. It is very likely to contribute strongly to successes that you’ve
had to date. Therefore, it should not be forgotten. If a particular strength is,
indeed, one of the reasons why people have chosen you in the past then it is
something that you need to be sure to celebrate, promote, and maintain to
assure your future success.
In contrast to strengths, this area examines the much more difficult questions
of what are we doing poorly? or what is the competition doing much better
than we are? Weaknesses may be areas that you are not capable of addressing.
They may be unchangeable or too expensive to change. An example would be
the location of your shop. Regardless of whether or not identified weaknesses
can and should be focused on to improve your performance, they must be
acknowledged and addressed and considered.
It has been argued over and over whether it is better to invest your energy
in resources to overcome your weaknesses or to invest energy in continuing to
Strategic and Short-Range Planning ■ CHAPTER 10
build upon your strengths. This can be argued either way. It is important,
however, in all instances to be aware of your weaknesses, to acknowledge
them, and to consider whether or not you need to focus on them. Failure to
acknowledge your weaknesses leaves you vulnerable to attack by the competi-
tion. Acknowledgement of your weaknesses makes you a more aware and
worthy competitor.
Based upon what you know about your company, your industry, and your
market it is important to ask the question of what unique opportunities cur-
rently exist that are likely to be the most productive. Whether that is new
markets, new products, new customers, or just increased business in your
existing markets this is an educated guess at the most likely directions that
will yield the greatest results.
Thinking strategically, you don’t have unlimited time or other resources
so it is important to evaluate the environment and make a conscious choice
on where to put your efforts. Therefore, to increase the chances of maximizing
the return on your investment you draw upon the information obtained in
the environmental scans to make a conscious choice about where those
resources would be best invested.
The last, yet still very important, question that must be asked is, What factors
or events threaten our continued success. Your past successes do not guarantee,
on their own merit, that future successes are guaranteed. The world and the
market continue to change. Therefore, it is important to account for as many of
these changes as possible.
It is always helpful to have the comfort level that you have been successful
for a long time and that you can always count on your foundational business
to keep you afloat. But can you? Common threats that must be acknowledged
and addressed may be as uncontrollable as the weather or the current econ-
omy. They may be more local issues like changes in local demand for your
product or the recent entry of several very powerful competitors. Regardless of
how much or how little control you have over these threats it is essential that
you take them into account when you do your planning for they will certainly
have some affect on your results.
Core Competencies
Once all of the external and internal background data has been collected and
analyzed it is important to do one more step before you start to write your plan.
You need to refocus yourself on your core competencies. Your core competen- Core Competencies
cies are the unique strengths and characteristics of your organization that allow Unique characteristics and
it to do some things better or different than anyone else. Revisiting these strengths of an individual or
innate strengths reminds you to use those assets you do have to your best organization.
advantage. It further serves to redirect you from putting an inordinate amount
of effort into trying to become something that you are not.
SECTION 3 ■ Management Strategies
Tracking Progress
As is the case with all plans, it is more than just dreaming. Every plan, especially
a strategic plan, requires monitoring and reporting. Each of the goals and objec-
tives must be measurable and definable. That is, you must be able to clearly
specify how you are going to measure progress toward accomplishment of your
goal. You must also have a clear measure that will allow you to know when the
goal has been achieved. This is done by breaking the goal down into an opera-
tional definition. An operational goal has three key parts. You will know that the
goal is accomplished when a specific result (1—the goal) has been achieved (2—
by what time) as measured by what result (3—specific target). Based on this you
can continue to track progress toward completion of your goal.
No plan is flawless. However, methodical planning sure beats the alterna-
tive, failure to plan at all. It is important to remember that failure to plan is
planning to fail.
Operational Planning
A process of setting shorter-
range goals to support the An operational plan is a short-range (typically one-year) plan that answers
current strategic plan, the question, What am I going to do this year to support my strategic goals? It
typically for the next year. is a further clarification of the business strategies and initiatives that you
Strategic and Short-Range Planning ■ CHAPTER 10
believe will best help you to work toward your longer term goals and can be
accomplished within twelve months or less. As was the case in strategic plan-
ning, the shorter the timeframe of your planning, the more practical and con-
crete the planning is.
Whereas establishing vision, mission, and goals and then moving on to
strategic planning are formal processes that involve a great deal of external
input, operational planning is generally done as an internal process within
the different units of the organization. This is generally done through an
informal report requested by supervisors to identify what each employee
believes goals and key initiatives are for the coming year. It then allows the
supervisors to review the goals, support them, and report them to top man-
agement. Furthermore, it gives them an objective basis upon which they can
evaluate individual and group efforts for the year.
The real test of the value of any operational plan is the degree to which
you can tie its success to the goals of your strategic plan. From this short-term
viewpoint you are more capable of breaking the big-picture plan down into
very definable activities and initiatives. This becomes the foundation for
establishing your annual staffing plan and your annual budget. If an item on
your budget does not support your operational plan, then it does not need to
be spent or invested.
Much like the strategic plan, the operational plan asks and answers four
main questions
1. What is our current status? (Situation)
2. Where do we want to be within the next 12 months? (Objective)
3. What are the best strategies to get there? (Path)
4. How will we know when we’ve arrived? (Operational Goals)
As you can see, operational planning is moving clearly toward more prac-
tical and measurable outcomes. It is at this point where you need to start fine
tuning your activities and implementing mid-course corrections to assure that
your strategic plan goals are accomplished.
It is important to remember that your operational plan is commonly used
as the basis for your annual goals and objectives and is therefore subject to
close scrutiny from upper management. Therefore it must maintain a careful
balance between being aggressive and optimistic without being unrealistic
and unachievable. It is at this level that it becomes very clear and measurable
not just what you hope to accomplish but what you are really doing to
achieve your goals.
Tactical Planning
Tactical planning is the down-in-the-trenches planning that maps out very Tactical Planning
specific actions and activities to assure that all of the goals that you’ve set The process of mapping out
become a reality. Using a military metaphor, while strategic planning may be very specific and short-term
the objective of winning the war and operational planning the plan of which actions and activities to
battles you need to fight, tactical planning is the specific and detailed troop support the operational and
movements and daily battle plans that will win the battles and, in the long strategic plans.
run, the war.
Operational planning allows for a much greater degree of mid-course cor-
rections to assure success of the strategic plan than the other planning modes.
Tactical planning, then, as the day-to-day short-term planning for allocating
SECTION 3 ■ Management Strategies
and reallocating resources, is the constant and dynamic tweaking of your spe-
cific actions. How do you know how to make the decisions of what and when
to tweak the system?
In order to make effective tactical decisions you must have data. This data
is drawn from your operational and strategic planning. Now you must con-
stantly review and use that data to look for telltale signs of the areas that are
doing well and those that are missing the mark. By these measures you then
can take action to get back on track and stay there.
A common example of a tactical planning initiative would be the
manager’s response to a report indicating that sales of oil and filter changes
were well below forecast. After evaluating the data and taking a look at the
immediate market conditions the manager can decide to reallocate resources to
make a very specific push to try to bring this up to standards. In this case, a spe-
cial ad, some in-house merchandising, or even a short-term drop in price might
be utilized to stimulate the market and get the performance back on track.
The manager’s ability to be aware of the current situation and to rapidly
and appropriately respond will significantly increase the chances of success
and attainment of short- and long-term goals. Effective tactical planning
assures that the company and the department can be responsive to unex-
pected changes in the market and successfully deal with them. Without an
intentional focus on making these types of daily evaluations and short-term
adjustments, any surprise changes in the marketplace would have major
effects (likely very negative ones) on the success and profitability of the
department with little hope of correcting them.
Strategic and Short-Range Planning ■ CHAPTER 10
Building upon the long-range planning that was discussed in In addition to exploring the planning models we also
Chapter 9, in this chapter we discussed the importance of identified some tools and techniques that assist in the plan-
planning in a three- to five-year timeframe (strategic plan- ning process. The most notable of these is the SWOT Analysis,
ning) as well as planning every year (operational planning). which helps us to identify and build upon those Strengths,
However, even with all of this longer-range planning in place Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats that we see both in
being able to plan in one- to three-month periods (tactical the marketplace and within the organization.
planning) remains essential to ultimate success.
1. Two types of scans should be done before strategic c. You should always consider your core competencies
planning. They are when planning.
a. external and advisory group scans. d. Short-range planning helps you to adjust when unex-
b. political environment and market scans. pected events occur.
c. internal and external environmental scans. In Questions 4–10 match the definition with the term. Indicate
d. virus and junk mail scans. your letter choice on the space to the left of the definition
2. Medium-range planning typically done for three to five ____ 4. Competition or other a. path
years is called negative factors
a. a total waste of everyone’s time and effort. ____ 5. what you do better than b. objective
b. operational planning. the competition
c. tactical planning. ____ 6. Things that you don’t do c. weaknesses
d. strategic planning. very well
____ 7. Chances to do something d. opportunities
3. Which of the following statements is incorrect? special or better
a. Tactical planning is commonly the source for your ____ 8. A roadmap to success e. situation
annual goals and objectives. ____ 9. your ultimate goal f. threats
b. Strategic planning is based on long-term organiza- ____10. the current state of business g. strengths
tional goals.
Decision Making
■ To recognize the common tools and methods ■ To identify the different operating levels within an
used to make consistent decisions organization and how it affects decision making
■ To assess how to make decisions based on evalu- ■ To formulate decision-making efforts at the
ating benefits and drawbacks appropriate organizational level that will result
in lasting change
Decision Making ■ CHAPTER 11
Whether you look at the service operations from the standpoint of the owner,
manager, or technician there are some concerns that they all share. A primary
question that must be answered is what return they will realize on the invest-
ment that they have made. A fundamental way of measuring is based on the
financial results, profit or loss. Many sound business, as well as personal, deci-
sions have further reaching implications and consequences.
In this section we begin with a brief example of how this decision-making
process applies to all individuals, no matter what their position. Since these
issues apply to you as well as to your supervisors and your employees, you must
become very familiar with methods that can help you to make consistent,
sound decisions. Several methods and principles are described in the following
chapter that should help you to make these decisions.
Is It Worth It to Me?
From the viewpoint of the owner, who can be anything from a third-party
investor to a graduate technician who wants to go out on his or her own, the
concern in making any decision is, What’s in it for me? Simply, if I put all of
my time, energy, and financial resources into this service shop and then risk
my future by borrowing a substantial amount of money to rent and purchase
the equipment and facilities, will it all be worth it? Will I get enough back to
make it financially rewarding? Could I have made just as much or more as an
individual without taking all of these risks? Why does doing this make sense?
From the viewpoint of the manager who is primarily responsible for the
day-to-day decisions of the operation the risks and rewards are similar but dif-
ferent. The manager is not generally going to be the one producing the work in
the shop. He has to leave that up to his technicians. However, his financial suc-
cess or failure and even his job security lie in the hands of the performance of
those technicians. The pay plan for a manager is often based to some degree on
the performance of the shop. This can range from a salary plus performance
bonus on up to being strictly paid a percentage of the net profits. Like the
owner, he, too, has to assess the situation to determine whether he is taking a
good risk by taking this job. He needs to decide, Is it worth it to me?
The technician is the productive member of the repair shop team. He is the
one who ultimately produces the primary product that the shop sells, labor.
Even though his view of the question, Is it worth it to me? looks different to
him than it does to the manager or owner, he has to answer the question to
decide whether this is the right job to take or the right one to stay in. The tech-
nician’s decision is a bit more clearly defined since it primarily focuses on his
own individual ability, motivation, and drive to succeed. Although his success
or failure may be affected by some outside conditions (weather, the economy,
and the location of the shop) he has the greatest degree of control over his suc-
cess or failure. After all, he is the productive member of the shop and his pay is
based on his own performance. Nevertheless, he is risking his financial welfare
and that of his family with this decision. Therefore, it is not a decision that
should be taken lightly.
We have briefly explored the importance of this question to all involved
in the shop. Now that we understand the question (Is it worth it to me?), we
need to explore methods that will help us to accurately and consistently
SECTION 3 ■ Management Strategies
answer it. Time and time again you will find that some form of the answer
to this question is the primary motivation behind most, if not all, of the busi-
ness decisions that are made within any organization, from the mom and pop
gas station up to the mega-conglomerate dealer group. Let’s explore some
tools and methods to help us make more effective and consistent business
Decision Making ■ CHAPTER 11
1$5,000 $2,000 2 100 ROI%
2.5 100 250%
1return 2 1cost2 1return on investment2
In this example for an initial investment of $2,000 you would receive a $5,000
profit which is a 250% return on your initial investment.
One important factor to consider in using this as the sole method for deci-
sion making is that not all costs or all benefits can be simply reduced to mone-
tary terms. This does not make them any less important, it just makes them
harder to calculate. It is essential when determining the true ROI that all factors,
monetary or non-monetary, are taken into account so that the best long-term
decision is reached while taking into account the overall impact of that decision.
SECTION 3 ■ Management Strategies
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
. .
. .
. .
The true value of this model, although simple in design, is not just one to
help you decide by counting up the votes for or against any decision. Rather,
the essence of the model is to force you to thoughtfully and thoroughly con-
sider both sides of an issue. You must earnestly struggle to identify both the
pros and the cons to help you uncover the underlying impact that the deci-
sion will have no matter which decision you ultimately decide to make.
Using the Franklin decision model often helps you to realize that you
didn’t fully consider the other side of the argument. Therefore, it helps you to
see that you may be entering into a decision on a more emotional than logical
basis without having fully weighed the options. It is not uncommon that after
sincerely exploring this simple approach that the resulting decision is either
altered or, at least, tempered because you can now enter into that decision
with a more complete understanding of all of the possible results.
Decision Making ■ CHAPTER 11
(Continued )
SECTION 3 ■ Management Strategies
Because their work continues to grow, Brad, their expand without adding more personnel—it’s a clear
general manager, is concerned that they might not winner. Can I have your OK to order the equipment
be able to keep up with the fast pace of incoming today?”
requests for service work. After attending a recent To his surprise, Brad’s dealer principal is scowling.
dealer convention he returns with the idea of switch- He responds, “Brad, it sounds to me like you haven’t
ing all of his appointment and service scheduling done all of your homework here. Yes, I agree that on
over to an online self-paced system where the cus- the surface the cost of the system and the savings on
tomers can go online and schedule their own personnel costs appear, at first blush, to be a major
appointments 24/7. The cost for the new system is sig- savings. Tell me, how is this layoff going to affect
nificant, but he reasons that it will make the opera- morale? You know that we’re like a big family
tion so much more efficient that he can reduce the around here. Have you taken into consideration the
number of service advisors by two, which will save fact the effect that it may have on our remaining
more than the cost of the new equipment. Brad’s pro- employees? . . . and another thing while we’re at it . . .
posal to the owner is a simple one as he states, “Boss, what about those old-time customers of ours who
this is a no-brainer. The cost of the system will be aren’t comfortable with “those new-fangled com-
$50, 000 per year and the resulting savings in salaries puter systems”? Will we lose some customers if we
and benefits by laying off two of our existing service switch to a fully computerized system? Sounds like
advisors will be $75,000 per year. The Return on you need to do more research on the true costs and
Investment will be $25,000 per year plus the ability to benefits and then get back to me.”
Decision Making ■ CHAPTER 11
SECTION 3 ■ Management Strategies
time with the others in your household so that you are sure that you will not
be waiting long for your turn to take a shower. Another factor that you can
influence is reminding your son not to park in the driveway behind your car so
he doesn’t block your car and prevent you from heading out to work on time.
The last, yet extremely important, group is those things that are beyond
Locus of Control your locus of control. These are things that you cannot do yourself and upon
Situations, events, or plans which you can have little or no effect. The 10-ton boulder that just fell into
for which you can alter the the road in front of your car is a good example. There it is and it is blocking
results through control or your way. You did not put it there and even though you might try, you very
influence. likely cannot move it or significantly change it. So what are you to do? The
best choice is to recognize the immovable obstacle, acknowledge it, and devise
a plan to work around it. Just as the physical boulder, you are bound to face
many obstacles in your quest to get your way as a manager. Learning to iden-
tify the roadblocks early and often is a key to success.
Two common examples of events that fall in this realm are an unexpected
power outage and an overnight snowstorm. Even though you set your alarm
(span of control), you could not have known that the power would go out and,
as a result, that your alarm would not wake you up. You provided for reason-
able drive time to work (span of control) and made sure your son did not park
behind you (sphere of influence) but could not have expected a snowstorm
that even the 11–P.M. weather forecast on the news did not predict!
It is important to recognize that those things beyond your control will
happen. That doesn’t change the fact that you are ultimately responsible for
achieving your goals, however. It is essential that you consider the possibilities
and, when possible, take proactive measures to minimize their effect.
The discussion of the three realms is intended to help you to direct your
energies where they will provide the maximum return on your efforts. As we
have already discussed, you cannot possibly do everything. Thus, the better
you are able to plan ahead and decide where the best place is for you to put
your efforts, the more likely you will be to succeed. Accepting that there will
always be some things that you cannot change and that you are better off
identifying them early and navigating around them is a far better use of your
energy than trying to move that boulder in the middle-of-the road.
Decision Making ■ CHAPTER 11
focusing her efforts on factors that are within her succeeds even if something that is beyond her control
span of control and sphere of influence. In fact, it or influence happens to occur . . . such as a few cus-
appears that she has tried to over-plan, that is, to tomers canceling their appointments the last minute!
plan for more than she needs just in case. By doing so That is a good use of Phoebe’s time, her resources,
she is providing a cushion that will assure that she and her efforts.
SECTION 3 ■ Management Strategies
changes to resolve the root cause. Without doing so the problem is bound to
occur again at that level. You may have to make decisions that cause changes
at the appropriate level within the organization.
Let us briefly look at the organization and the three major levels of perfor-
mance within it. An organization’s structure can be illustrated as shown in
Figure 11-2.
Job / Performer
Organization Level
Organization Level The organization level of any company typically is removed from the day-to-
The upper management of day operations. This is the executive level where the big-picture decisions are
a company or department made that determine the direction of the organization. Regardless of what is
that is responsible for happening on the front lines daily, the business’s long-term direction is driven
setting broad mission and by top management’s mission, goals, strategies, and expectations. The way
goals. resources are allocated, whether it is the assignment of personnel, space, or
money, are all a result of the big-picture goals and aspirations for the company.
It is important that operations from top to bottom are aligned with the
goals and strategies coming from the organizational level. If they are not,
there will be confusion and a great deal of energy and resources may be misdi-
rected. If the entire operation is not trying to pull together with the same goal
in mind, inefficiency is the best result that can be expected. Many companies
with great potential fail in the marketplace due to poor communication of
goals and the confusion and wasted efforts that result.
Process Level The process level of the organization is where the resources are aligned to
The level within an create an efficient and effective system that gets the greatest results for the
organization or department investment made (in manpower, space, andresources). The process level is
where systems and where the systems and workflows are set up and the resources allocated to
workflows are determined assure that all processes can effectively operate.
and resources are allocated. The process of producing the goods and/or services that are in demand
by customers is where value is created. Value is what the customer purchases.
The perceived value of your product or service makes the difference between a
Decision Making ■ CHAPTER 11
satisfied repeat customer and one that is lost forever to the competition. You
might want to glance back at systems theory as described in Chapter 4 to
review this concept again.
The effectiveness and efficiency of the processes and workflow will deter-
mine the ultimate success of any organization. If a company is to maximize its
resources, its processes must be aligned with and clearly support the organiza-
tion’s goals. Efficient processes provide an environment where employees can
succeed, and thrive, and consistently produce a quality product. Inefficiency
results in waste, poor quality, dissatisfied employees, high turnover, and, in the
end, loss of revenues and repeat business.
The job/performer level is where the work is actually done. For example, in Job/Performer Level
an automotive service department the job/performer level is the service tech- The level within an
nician repairing cars. It is where the productive employees function every day. organization or
Who are the productive employees? They are those employees who produce department where the
the products or services of the company. In an automotive service operation, primary production or work
the productive employees in the shop are the technicians. of the company is done.
Nonproductive employees are not to be confused with non-essential or
unimportant employees. All of the support personnel in an automotive repair
shop are essential. As we saw in Chapter 3, it takes many people with a wide
range of skills and abilities to staff an efficient and profitable automotive service
The job/performer level is where the issues directly related to the frontline
employees occur. These issues range from establishing and maintaining
acceptable salary and benefits to providing a suitable working environment.
All of these issues assure satisfied and stable employees, and stable employees
are more productive employees. Providing clear direction, guidance, and feed-
back to frontline employees is also important. After all, if the employees don’t
know what top management wants, it is highly unlikely that the employees
will produce it consistently. That is true in an assembly plant, a service shop,
or a grocery store.
Changing Performance
Where is this all going, you ask? You understand that there are three levels in
the organization. Each of them serves a different function within the organi-
zation and they are all essential. The key to understanding the function and
value of each of the three levels occurs when you make decisions. Knowing
the unique traits of each level will aid you to direct your efforts at the level
necessary to make the most lasting changes to the organization. The guiding
principle for changing performance is:
First rule for changing performance: In order to effectively change perfor-
mance, it is necessary to approach the problem at least one level above where
the problem is observed.
The point here is that you can learn all of the techniques to make decisions, but
if you keep on addressing the symptom rather than the problem it will keep
cropping up continuously. When you realize fully that these three levels are
interdependent and that what happens on the front lines (job/performer) is
SECTION 3 ■ Management Strategies
Practical Principles
Whatever the situation that you find yourself in there are some overarching
principles that will help you to improve your decision-making process.
Whether you are making a life-changing decision or a routine daily one, use
these principles as a checklist to confirm that you are on the right track.
• Start with an open mind. There is a big difference between having an
opinion and having a closed mind. You need to be able to consider all of
the possibilities, consider them seriously, and discuss them openly.
• Don’t take sides. Sound management decisions are those that choose
the principle or practice that will best serve the organization. In order to
do this it is critical to be able to separate ideas from individuals.
• Acknowledge your bias. It is important for you to start by doing some
soul-searching so that you can acknowledge where you stand and make
sure that you don’t try to force fit your idea as the only viable solution.
• Make decisions based on facts, not politics. Effective decision-making
is not based on personalities or politics. Letting those issues cloud the
process can lead to unfair decisions.
• Consider all options. Full and frank discussion is necessary to uncover all
of the possibilities and work toward the best one. Often the best solution
is not obvious. Be patient; don’t try to jump to an immediate solution.
• Consider short- and long-term effects. Many options offer a quick fix
yet leave lasting damage. Take the time to consider the implications in
both the immediate and the long-term future so that you make the
choice that yields the best results.
• Don’t be too hard line or too wishy-washy. The role of a manager in
decision making is as a facilitator, not a dictator. Although you may be
ultimately charged with making the final call, it is essential that you get
as much input and involvement from your employees as possible to
inform that decision. You must create an atmosphere where your
employees are willing to share and in turn feel that their opinions are
valued and taken seriously.
Decision Making ■ CHAPTER 11
workings of the service operation. It is a classic case as service manager is doomed to failure. Doomed to
where the processes (one level above the job/ failure, that is, until someone in the organization
performer level) or even possibly the organization identifies the true root cause and makes the changes
(two levels above the job/performer level) are creat- necessary to fix the problem.
ing an environment where whoever takes on the title
1. ROI is a common decision-making tool that measures 4. The level within the organization where the systems of
a. reasonable on interest. operation occur is the
b. realistic options for investment. a. job/performer level.
c. return of interest. b. process level.
d. return on investment. c. organization level.
d. all of the above.
2. A simple process in which you develop two lists, one of
the pros and one listing all of the cons to help you make 5. An effective manager directs his efforts toward those
a decision is called things that are
a. the Ben Fuller approach. a. within his sphere of influence.
b. risk versus reward. b. beyond his control.
c. ROI. c. within his span of control.
d. none of the above. d. more than one of the above answers is correct.
3. If you want to change the root cause of a performance 6. Technician A says that he is always late because traffic is
problem you must do so so heavy on the freeway. The heavy traffic is
a. at least three levels above where the symptom is a. a valid excuse for him being late every day.
observed. b. within his span of control.
b. with a sterilized, very sharp scalpel. c. beyond his control or influence.
c. one or two levels below where the symptom is d. within his sphere of influence.
d. none of the above.
SECTION 3 ■ Management Strategies
7. Factors like low pay and a poor benefits package can easily sell them for $125 each plus installation cost.
a. must be addressed at the organization level of the What is Joe’s ROI per radio?
company. a. $175.
b. affect the job performance of the employees. b. $75.
c. will negatively affect employee morale. c. $50.
d. all of the above. d. $125.
8. If I wanted to weigh all of the possible consequences for 10. Horace has been told by his general manager that he
a proposed decision, whether long-term or short-term, needs to paint the shop. He has the painter lined up to
financial or otherwise, I’d be trying to evaluate do the job. He only has one more decision to make.
a. Franklin decision model. What color? Which of these decision tools would be best
b. risk versus reward. suited to help him with this decision?
c. ROI. a. Franklin decision model.
d. all of the above. b. risk versus reward.
9. Joe has located a supplier where he can purchase brand c. ROI.
new AM/FM/CD radio units for $50. He knows that he d. all of the above.
Quality and
■ To explore the history of the quality movement ■ To evaluate the cost of quality and the cost of
■ To recognize key figures and key principles poor quality
underlying quality management philosophies ■ To choose the appropriate actions and activities
■ To apply principles of quality and continuous needed to maintain an environment of continu-
improvement ous improvement
SECTION 3 ■ Management Strategies
Since the end of WWII in the mid-1940s, the underlying philosophy that
guides business operations has evolved dramatically. This is especially evident
in manufacturing but has reached into everything we do from building to
sales, service, and education. The traditional management theories that had
been developed after the Industrial Revolution and were still widely practiced
up to that time taught managers how to organize employees and ensure con-
sistent performance through dividing job tasks down into their smallest, sim-
plest components. As we discussed in depth in Chapter 5, they used these
management philosophies based on directing the efforts of employees while
maintaining full control and responsibility. In the post–World War II era the
rebuilding of many of the world’s economies also spawned the birth of new
philosophies of work and management. Of these new philosophies the one
that has had the most far-reaching impact has been the quality movement,
often referred to also as the continuous improvement movement.
The quality movement of W. Edwards Deming and those that have fol-
lowed after him has changed that the way that work is done and managed in
very profound ways. In today’s work environment everyone is responsible for
the end product and ensuring that it is done right the first time, every time. In
this chapter we will examine the philosophies and practices underlying this
important backbone of the world economic engine.
Quality The quality movement is not just a set of management principles but a differ-
A product or service that ent philosophy of looking at how and why a business operates and, therefore,
meets or exceeds the the way operations must be managed. The dramatic change in philosophy
customer’s requirements from that of traditional management theory can best be summarized by the
or expectations. way that managers and employees would see their role in addressing the fol-
lowing issues:
1. What is quality?
2. How do you know when you have achieved quality?
3. Once you have achieved quality what do you do next?
4. Who is responsible for the quality of the product and/or service that
you provide?
Until all employees can answer these four questions, see that they play an
essential role in assuring quality, and assume responsibility for their part in
Quality Assurance quality assurance, this philosophy has not taken hold. This is a dramatically
A proactive approach to different way of looking at doing business than in a traditional management
obtaining results that meet philosophy in which most employees had no role in quality. This was reserved
or exceed expectations as the right and responsibility of management. inspectors and management
through involving all were the only ones responsible for the end product.
employees rather than The first step in changing the work process requires considering the ques-
through post-production tion, Who is really responsible for turning out a quality product or delivering
inspection. a quality service? The simple answer can be determined by looking at it from
the end (the output in a system) back to the inputs and resulting process (for a
refresher on systems theory you may want to refer back to Chapter 4). Who
will be affected by poor quality?
Quality and Continuous Improvement ■ CHAPTER 12
W. Edwards Deming
W. Edwards Deming is credited as being the father of the quality movement. W. Edwards Deming
An engineer and statistician by trade, Deming openly espoused his theories The primary theorist
about how to consistently improve business operations in the United States. responsible for the
He was initially ignored by U.S. businessmen. During the rebuilding of Japan foundational theories of
after World War II the Japanese became enamored with Deming’s theories on quality and continuous
statistical process control and recognized that he had developed a unique way improvement, commonly
of assuring consistent quality. They invited him to their country and openly credited as being the father
embraced his new vision of quality improvement. The impact of his teachings of the quality movement.
on Japanese business was profound. Deming’s management philosophies
have been credited as the key factor in moving Japan from that of a producer
of low-cost, low-quality products to the higher status that it enjoys today. One
of his books, Elementary Principles of the Statistical Control of Quality (Deming,
1950), published in Tokyo, has been credited as the foundation of the man-
agement philosophy that helped to propel Japanese manufacturing to becom-
ing a leader in producing world-class quality products.
Deming’s philosophy of management is far more than a new method for
counting defects and calculating statistics. Along with providing the technical
tools to help track quality and performance Deming provides an innovative
and far-reaching philosophy of management. He provides a school of thought
that continues to change the way people look at quality: what it is, how to
measure it, who is responsible for it, and its ultimate impact on business sur-
vival and success.
SECTION 3 ■ Management Strategies
Quality and Continuous Improvement ■ CHAPTER 12
Deming’s 14 Principles
7) Institute leadership.
8) Drive out fear so that everyone may work effectively for the company.
12) Remove barriers that rob the worker of his right to pride of workmanship.
was critical to helping the broader society understand the quality concept. This
greatly helped the spread of the quality management philosophy in the West.
Juran promotes three key dimensions of quality: quality planning, quality
control, and quality improvement. He impresses upon others the fact that
quality must be planned into the production of a product and/or service. Cus-
tomer needs must be included in the planning process, resulting in the right
products and processes to meet customer’s needs. Once those needs and
requirements are clearly understood and taken into account in the planning
process, quality control then takes over. Evaluating actual performance, com-
paring to goals, and resolving the differences ensures that the final product
consistently meets customer needs. Through using principles of quality
improvement a business can continue to improve to unprecedented levels.
Even though Juran did try to expand the quality movement beyond mere
statistical analysis, the measurement of performance still remains as a key
underlying principle. As such, he strongly promotes Statistical Process Control Statistical Process
(SPC), a mathematical method of tracking variation of actual performance from Control (SPC)
expected outcome. This key measurement tool provides a practical method for A mathematical method of
any organization to track the actual performance of a process, whether it is pro- tracking and charting
duction of a product or providing a service. Three critical pieces of information variations in actual
are required. performance from expected
1. What is the optimum result? outcomes.
2. What is the acceptable variance from the desired outcome?
3. What is the actual result?
SECTION 3 ■ Management Strategies
90 Standards of
80 Performance
1 2 3 4 5
Customer Number
Quality and Continuous Improvement ■ CHAPTER 12
SECTION 3 ■ Management Strategies
Juran’s Trilogy
Systems Thinking
Management by data
System improvement
Philip B. Crosby
Zero Defects Philip B. Crosby’s major contribution to quality management is his zero
Concept defects concept. Having worked as an inspector and then as a quality engineer
The quality theory that states in the 1950s, Crosby was familiar with the measurement of performance and the
that any variation from the use of statistical process control to measure quality developed by Deming and
expected is unacceptable Juran. Companies used these tools to track how closely their actual output
and that each instance must matched their standards and tried to minimize errors. However, in a ‘mission
be investigated, addressed, critical area such as the aerospace industry where he was employed, the stakes
and resolved. were very high and the prevailing principles didn’t seem to go quite far enough
to assure quality. He realized that if every part that went into a rocket varied just
a little bit from its intended specifications that the resulting rocket would vary by
a total of all of those variations (the total variance the sum of all of the individ-
ual variances)—and that sum was just unacceptable. He determined that there
Conformance had to be something more. There had to be a way to assure that the end product
to Requirements was more consistent, more reliable. Close was just simply not good enough!
Quality principle that states Crosby’s Zero Defects concept is his answer to how to resolve the dilemma
that quality is not relative of controlling quality variance. Crosby determined that close is not good
but is absolute and can be enough. He developed his Zero Defects principle that redefines quality as
measured by whether or not more than performing within tolerances. It is simply and absolutely defined as
the products, processes, or conformance to requirements. He strongly asserts that this must be the guid-
services meet requirements. ing principle of quality management.
Quality and Continuous Improvement ■ CHAPTER 12
SECTION 3 ■ Management Strategies
Quality and Continuous Improvement ■ CHAPTER 12
Definition: _____________________________________________________________
SECTION 3 ■ Management Strategies
Definable Earlier we talked about trying to define quality and the concern
that many people have trouble describing it clearly. However, if you don’t
know what quality looks like how will you ever know when you’ve reached it?
How will you know when your product or service has declined in quality?
If any individual, department, or organization intends to consistently pro-
duce high-quality products or services they must first sit down and have a
clear shared vision of what quality is. Until you are able to pinpoint a clear
definition that everyone can understand, accept, and be involved in consis-
tently producing, the likelihood of achieving consistent quality is nil. You
must be able to define quality as a set of very concrete requirements. This
directly relates to Philip Crosby’s principle of conformance to requirements.
Achievable In order to have any real meaning it is important that the qual-
ity standard be achievable. Why? Why couldn’t we just aim for perfection?
Perfection is not a realistic quality goal. After all, we are not perfect, our mate-
rials are not perfect, the conditions of the world around us are not totally
under our control. Therefore, we need to aim a little bit lower than perfection.
We need to aim for a reasonable and achievable goal.
There is one practical reason for setting a conservative quality goal rather
than an idealistic one. We want all of our employees to be committed to
achieving or exceeding our goal. We want the goal to be something they strive
for and reach for, not something that weighs them down. One of the worst
management strategies is to set goals that are so idealistic that they are clearly
unattainable. The results are that the goals act as a tool to make people give
up. Therefore, not only do goals need to be measurable, they also must be real-
istic enough that everyone involved can visualize and achieve them.
Affordable Some idealists would argue that you should never put a limit or a
price on quality. You either have it or you don’t. However, is that really what
our customers really expect us to do? If the cost of making the improvement
increases the price of our product or service so much that no one is willing to
purchase it, did we achieve quality?
This characteristic of quality is a balancing factor that keeps us from over-
reacting. We need to be competitive, we need to meet or exceed the value that
our competitors produce and our customers expect to be successful in the
Quality and Continuous Improvement ■ CHAPTER 12
SECTION 3 ■ Management Strategies
After checking with several local parts suppliers What would you do? Please discuss your reasoning on
Hector has three alternatives. each of the three choices.
Once we have determined what quality is, how to define it, It is critical to engage everyone in the process so that they
how to measure it, how to make our goals realistic and attain- understand the role they play in achieving or failing to reach
able whose job is it, really? The underlying principle of contin- acceptable quality. They must see that it is their responsibility
uous improvement is that quality is everybody’s job. It is not to do their part to assure that quality happens. It is essential
an afterthought. The old days of turning out a product and that we instill in them the sense of importance in the process
then determining after it was completed whether or not it that leads them to accept responsibility for quality and the ulti-
was acceptable as judged by an inspector at the end of the mate success of the product and the company.
assembly line simply will not work any more.
Quality and Continuous Improvement ■ CHAPTER 12
The quality movement and the principles of Deming, if they plan to be competitive in our highly competitive mar-
Juran, and Crosby provide a rich resource to evaluating and ketplace. Moreover, they provide the foundation to change
improving performance. These continuous improvement prin- the mindset of managers and all employees so that they
ciples are essential guidelines that every business must adopt embrace the process of continuous improvement.
In Questions 1–5 match the key quality management principle 8. Joe is planning on offering an incentive. He needs to
with the proper individual. a. set the goal high enough to make employees strive
_____ 1. Zero defects a. J. M. Juran for excellence.
_____ 2. Institute leadership b. Philip B. Crosby b. be very vague in how he defines the goal.
_____ 3. Statistical process control c. W. Edwards Deming c. make it easy for everybody to win.
_____ 4. 80/20 rule d. Henry Ford d. keep it a secret.
_____ 5. Cease dependence on e. Frederick Taylor
9. In a shop that has embraced Juran’s 80/20 principle they
know that
6. A key factor in achieving quality goals is that they must be a. only 20 percent of all problems are caused by people.
a. reasonable. b. we can expect 80 percent of the systems to fail.
b. communicated to everyone. c. we should strive to improve our performance to
c. achievable. 80 percent and the other 20 percent will take care of
d. all of the above. itself.
d. people are directly responsible for 80 percent of the
7. The cost of quality is defined as
quality problems.
a. what it costs to do it right.
b. what it costs to fix the comeback. 10. When you’ve reached your quality goals you need to
c. the price of conformance the cost of nonconfor- a. set higher goals so that you can continuously improve.
mance. b. celebrate the achievement with all of the employees.
d. the price of conformance the cost of nonconfor- c. keep it quiet so that it doesn’t cost you any money.
mance. d. both a and b are correct.
Crosby, P. B., Quality Is Free: The Art of Making Quality Juran, J. M., The Quality Control Handbook (New York:
Certain (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1979). McGraw-Hill, 1951).
Deming, W. E., Elementary Principles of the Statistical Juran, J. M., Managerial Breakthrough (New York:
Control of Quality (Tokyo: Nippon Kagaku Gijutzu McGraw-Hill, 1964).
Remmei, 1950).
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O ne language common to all supervisors in a service operation, from the owner to the
sales manager, the business manager to the service director, is profit and loss. Profit
and loss is the barometer of success or failure. It is essential that all managers be fluent in
the terminology and understand the numbers as a guideline for directing current and future
decisions and actions. In this section we will discuss the major financial measurements used
to evaluate performance and look closely at several major areas where a manager can affect
profitability, compensation, and production planning. We will then discuss how to analyze
this data and how the resulting information can be used to improve shop profitability.
Income and Expenses
■ To examine income and expenses as financial ■ To evaluate profit and the various ways that
measurements profit is measured
■ To explore the various types of expenses, how ■ To apply the principles of income and expenses
they are defined, how they differ, and how they to generate and maintain profitability
can be controlled
SECTION 4 ■ Financial Measurement
In this chapter we will explore the basic measurements that are used to track
and measure financial success in an automotive service department. The funda-
mental measurements are income, expense, and profit. In the following sections
an explanation and overview of these three critical financial measurements will
illustrate how they apply in the repair shop.
Profit is not a four-letter word. It is the lifeblood of an open-market econ-
omy and the fundamental factor that, alone, can assure that a company can
continue to survive and thrive. In this chapter, we will work together to
understand how to retain the largest possible portion of sales on a consistent
basis and improve profitability of the service operation.
Income Income is the most basic of all financial measurements. We all have a clear
Something of value that you understanding of the concept of income. Income is something of value that
receive in return for services you receive in return for the services and products that you deliver. In the set-
or products that you deliver. ting of an automotive repair shop or dealership service department the primary
item of value that the company has to sell is labor. The service repair shop gen-
erates income when a customer is billed for a satisfactorily completed repair.
Income is not only money received for services rendered but can also include
services or items of value that you receive in exchange for the service that you
provided. Although in the past barter was a common method of purchasing, it
has become rather rare to expect a barter of the family cow in payment for repairs
done to the family’s SUV. There are situations where individuals still trade serv-
ices rather than pay in cash. Therefore, it is important to remember that all items
of value received in return for a service provided are a part of the total income.
CASE 1 mechanic. Harvey gladly pays the bill and leaves the
shop, a satisfied Silver Service customer.
When Harvey comes to pay for the tune-up that Phil
has just done on his car the bill is $156. Harvey is You decide
pleased that he can count on Phil as being his What was the total income on this transaction? How
do you know?
Income and Expenses ■ CHAPTER 13
The costs or financial outlay involved in doing business are called expenses. Expenses
Expenses come from a variety of different sources. They may be directly related The costs or financial outlay
to a specific transaction. An example would be what the local parts store involved in doing business.
charged for the new brake pads that you needed to do a brake job on Mr. Smith’s
Toyota. Other expenses, although just as real, are not quite so directly related to
your sales. Expenses are generally divided into three major categories. These cat-
egories are direct expenses, indirect expenses, and overhead expenses.
Direct Expense
Costs of items or services that are directly related to a specific transaction are
called direct expenses. They are often also referred to in some business mod- Direct Expenses
els as the cost of goods sold. They include all costs that are specific to this The cost of an item or
transaction and do not include the rest of the business or operational costs of service that is used solely
the company. An example of a direct expense, mentioned previously, is the for a specific transaction.
cost to purchase the brake pads for Mr. Smith’s Toyota so that we can do a
front brake job on his car. These expenses are necessary since we cannot do
the brake job without the parts. They are direct expenses because all of the
costs go 100 percent toward Mr. Smith’s brake job.
Can you think of another possible direct expense that might be related to the
brake job on Mr. Smith’s car? There is one that occurs with every automotive
repair. It is the cost of labor. Phil’s time (whether he works for himself or for the
owner of Silver Service) is the primary item of value that he, or his boss, has to sell
to the customer. Whether Phil is paid by the hour, by flat rate, or by some other
method, he has used up 100 percent of the 1.2 hours that he spent fixing Mr.
Smith’s car. He charges Mr. Smith for that time. Since all of the expense for that
time is only related directly to that transaction, Phil’s time is a direct expense.
A test of whether or not an expense is a direct expense is to simply ask the
question, Does any part of what we received affect anything else in our opera-
tion besides this specific transaction? If the answer is no, then it is a direct
expense. However, a further test must also be applied. That is to ask the ques-
tion, Is all of it completely used only for this transaction? If there is some value
remaining that can be used for other transactions you should not bill the entire
item as a direct expense to this repair. Only the part of its total cost that was
used would be an appropriate billable direct expense. You have to be careful as
you decide whether or not an expense is a direct or an indirect expense as you
work toward understanding the financial basics of business operations.
CASE 1 charged Mr. Jones for the water pump when he picked
up his car Thursday night.
Phil is trying to analyze his income and expenses for
the past week. He comes across an invoice from the You decide
local parts store for a water pump for a 2001 Volvo. Is the water pump a direct expense? How do you
He knows that he needed that water pump and used know?
it to fix Mr. Jones’ car last Tuesday. He’s sure that he
SECTION 4 ■ Financial Measurement
Indirect Expenses
Unlike the water pump (a direct expense) and the labor to install it (a direct
expense) there are many costs associated with doing business that aren’t quite so
neatly accounted for in daily business. Expenses that are used across a number
Indirect Expenses of transactions or projects are called indirect expenses. These expenses may be
Costs that are used across variable or fixed expenses.
a number of transactions An example of this would be the special tools that Silver Service needs to
or projects. own so that Phil can remove and reinstall the pulley that is pressed onto the
shaft of the water pump of many different vehicles. What are the questions
that you need to ask to determine whether or not the special tools are a direct
expense or an indirect expense?
The puller described above is directly used in the repair. However, it is not
directly used only on this one repair. It does not pass the second test of being a
direct expense because it is not used up and still has substantial value that can
be applied toward future repairs on many other vehicles. Therefore, the spe-
cial puller tool that Phil used in the water pump replacement qualifies as an
indirect expense.
Another good example of an indirect expense is an important part of
Phil’s compensation for working as a technician, his benefits package. Along
with offering competitive wages to all of her employees, the owner of Silver
Service provides every employee with two weeks of paid vacation every year.
Although the cost for these two weeks is just as real an expense to the company
and to the owner as the weekly payroll cost for Phil while he is fixing cars, the
vacation expense cannot be directly connected to any specific transactions.
Therefore, it is by definition an indirect expense.
Income and Expenses ■ CHAPTER 13
Fixed Expenses
Fixed expenses are those that are related to the existence of the company. Fixed Expenses
They do not change in direct relationship to individual transactions. They General costs that occur
continue to occur even if little or no production is occurring. Fixed expenses as a condition of being in
are often referred to as overhead. They are given this name because they are business.
costs that arise from the overall operation of the business. They are not
directly related directly to any specific part of producing or selling the prod-
ucts of the company. They are, however, essential to the successful operation
of the company. An expense that arises from
A good example of overhead expenses at Silver Service is the costs for the overall business operations
physical facilities. The building rental and utility bills for heat, lights, and that is not related to any
power are all overhead expenses. specific transaction.
Another fixed expense is the costs related to the business office. For
example, Silver Service has a centralized business office staff that handles all
accounting and business documentation needs for both of their retail opera-
tions, their service shop and their collision repair shop. Even though these
two departments operate independently on a day-to-day basis, the business
office is responsible for handling payroll, taxes, accounting, and recordkeep-
ing for the entire company.
Because fixed expenses do not change in relationship to the work being
performed or products being produced they are the most difficult to control.
The best method for reducing the effect of fixed expenses on net profit is to
maximize the amount of products or services that can be produced. This
spreads out the cost. A simplified example follows.
If a shop has an overhead of $5,000 per month and generates a gross profit
of 50 percent on sales the owners need to sell $10,000 of products or services
in order to break even.
$10,000 50% $5,000 $5,000 $0
Sales Gross profit % Gross profit Overhead Net profit
If they want to generate a profit and know that their overhead will remain
steady their best plan to become profitable is to increase sales.
$10,002 50% $5,001 $5,000 $2
Sales Gross profit % Gross profit Overhead Net profit
or even
$10,002 50% $5,001 $5,000 $10,000
Sales Gross profit % Gross profit Overhead Net profit
As you can see, overhead (fixed expenses) does not change. The best way
to reduce its effect on net profit is to distribute it (spread it out) over as large a
volume of sales and gross profit as possible.
Conversely, if you discover that the fixed expenses are so high that it is
impossible to sell enough services or products to cover those expenses your
choices are limited and difficult. You can begin negotiations with your land-
lord to obtain lower rent for the next year or you can find another building
and move your entire operation to another location. Neither of these changes
can made easily or quickly. By their very nature these expenses are virtually
immovable, or fixed.
SECTION 4 ■ Financial Measurement
Income and Expenses ■ CHAPTER 13
Profit is the difference between the amount that you receive for your services Profit
or products (income) and the cost of doing business (expenses). The simple The remainder of what you
formula for profit is: received once all expenses
have been subtracted.
Income Expense Profit
As you can see from the formula, increasing your profit is possible by
changing either of the factors in the formula that result in profit. You can
increase profit by either increasing your income or reducing your expenses.
You can also increase profit by doing both at the same time.
For example, earlier we discussed how Silver Service was losing money on
oil changes that Phil did. In the profit formula if we only could change
expense we would have to reduce Phil’s pay or find a lower priced technician
in order to make a profit. But what if we could change the other factors? What
else could you change to make a profit? That’s right, you could increase the
income. Making more seems simple. If you want to make more money you
only have three choices
1. Sell more (income)
2. Reduce costs (expense)
3. Do both a and b
SECTION 4 ■ Financial Measurement
change. However, the cost of the oil and filters (expense) and the pay to the
technician (expense) stays the same. You may increase your sales (income) but
because the profit margin per sale is reduced you’ll have to generate a signifi-
cant increase in sales in order to realize an increase in profits.
Gross Profit
Gross Profit
Gross profit is amount left A common measure that service managers deal with is gross profit. Gross
after subtracting direct profit is the sale amount minus the direct costs.
costs (cost of sales) from the S D GP
sale amount. Sales Direct cost Gross profit
Income and Expenses ■ CHAPTER 13
SECTION 4 ■ Financial Measurement
Net Profit
Whereas gross profit only takes into account those expenses that are directly
related to the sale of the product or service (direct expenses), net profit takes
into account all expenses of the company. These indirect expenses include all
of the variable and fixed expenses of the company that are not directly associ-
ated with individual service transactions. Net profit, then, is figured by sub-
tracting all of the company’s expenses from the total amount of sales.
However, since net profit is commonly shown on a financial statement below
the gross profit calculation, the net profit is calculated by starting with gross
profit and then subtracting indirect costs to yield net profit. The calculation
should looks like this:
Gross profit Indirect expense Net profit
As discussed earlier in this section, indirect costs include such items as the
rent for the facilities and equipment, utilities, taxes, payroll for the owner and
the business office. These expenses are substantial in most organizations. For
the organization to survive and thrive it is necessary that the total income
exceeds the total amount of expenses so that the owner or owners are able to
pay their bills and receive some sort of a return on their investment. Without
a return on investment they will not be able to justify the risk that they have
undertaken by being in business. You may want to refresh your memory on
how ROI is calculated by referring back to Chapter 11.
In an attempt to involve all managers in seeing the big picture of the orga-
nization and be involved in working together to achieve a net profit, many
companies look at an organization’s individual departments as profit centers.
Under this profit center concept they view and evaluate each department as a
company within the company that is responsible for generating sales, a gross
profit, and a net profit. In order to do this fairly the company must divide up
Profit Center
indirect costs between the profit centers (departments). Dividing the indirect
A management approach in costs between departments is called apportionment. By dividing up the indi-
which all costs are allocated rect costs, top management can hold the individual departments responsible
to departments and each for generating sufficient income to cover their direct costs (achieve a reason-
department is responsible able gross profit) and their portion of indirect expenses as if their department
for covering a fair share of was an independent company. The cost center approach to financial manage-
indirect expenses to help ment makes all of the departments keenly aware and intimately involved in
the company achieve working to keep the company profitable.
a net profit.
Income and Expenses ■ CHAPTER 13
In this chapter we introduced the fundamental measures of Gross profit is the most common financial measure by
financial health, which are income, expenses, and profit. which the performance of service managers is measured. This
These measures are the indicators that must be understood, is because gross profit is directly tied to those items that the
reviewed, and addressed to assure financial health. After manager can most directly control, labor sales and direct labor
looking at this evaluation of finances we honed in on the expense. Sufficient gross profit must be generated to be able
various types of expenses that regularly occur in service to cover all of the overhead expenses necessary to operate the
operations. Understanding and controlling these expenses is service shop and leave enough so that the owners earn a net
the key to making sure that adequate funds reach the bottom profit. Net profit is the amount remaining after all expenses
line and create a profit. are subtracted from the income generated.
Herman brings his car into Century Service for a tire rotation. $20 per flat-rate hour to perform the repairs. Based on this infor-
The repairs cost $20. The shop pays Hector, their lead techni- mation, please answer the following questions:
cian, one-half hour of flat-rate time to perform the repairs.
4. What is the total income that Geoff’s Garage realizes for
Hector is paid $20 per flat-rate hour. Based on this informa-
this transaction?
tion, please answer the following questions:
1. What is the total income for Century Service? 5. What is the total expense for this transaction?
2. What is their expense for this repair? 6. What is their gross profit on the parts that they used?
3. What is their gross profit on the repair? 7. What is the gross profit on labor sales?
Mr. Burns brings his car in for repairs to Geoff’s Garage. The 8. What is the total gross profit that the shop earns?
repair shop finds out that they need to purchase a new brake
9. What is their overall gross profit percentage on this
rotor and brake pads from the local parts store to complete the
repairs on Mr. Burns’ car. The total bill that Mr. Burns pays for the
repairs is $380. This includes charges for four hours of labor at 10. What is the shop’s net profit? How do you arrive at this
$50 per hour and $180 for parts. Heidi, the technician, is paid answer?
Compensation Plans
■ To explain the origins and principles of the flat- ■ To calculate the overall effective rate of a repair
rate labor pricing system shop
■ To distinguish the most common methods of ■ To compare common labor pricing strategies
technician pay
■ To examine fringe benefits and employee com-
pensation packages
Compensation Plans ■ CHAPTER 14
In Chapter 13 we learned that controlling expenses is an essential skill
required of an effective service manager. The expenses that are most within
the manager’s control are variable expenses, those that are directly related to
service sales.
Because the major cost related to selling labor is the payroll costs of the
technicians, we will focus on understanding how technicians are paid. We will
begin by looking at the system that dominates both the pricing of labor and
the pay of technicians in the repair industry, flat rate. We will then look at
common variations of technician pay plans and the effect that they can have
on expense and profitability.
There are multiple methods for establishing the labor charges that the cus-
tomer pays for a specific repair. The two most common systems are the
flat rate and hourly rate systems. The most common method for billing
labor is to charge repairs based on a pre-established number of hours assigned
for common repairs. This system is called the flat-rate system. The next
most popular system for compensation is based on charging customers the
actual clock hours that it takes to complete a repair. This is the hourly rate
system. Each of these systems has unique benefits and drawbacks for the shop
owner, the technician, and the customer. It is important to understand these
systems as they have a very important impact on the profitability of the
service shop.
SECTION 4 ■ Financial Measurement
who, although they lacked previous experience or training, were willing and
able to perform these needed services to those who needed them. As a result of
the efforts of these home-front heroes, tanks and torpedoes, cars and trucks,
and boats and bullets were manufactured to supply the needs of the war effort
abroad. At the same time their efforts provided the essential services, such as
automotive repair, to keep the American economy moving and its remaining
workforce rolling to and from work.
The flat-rate system was developed to assure equity in these times of
uncertainty. Since there were few highly trained experienced technicians
available there was little consistency in performing repairs. It might take four
hours for a novice to replace a water pump at one shop and three hours at
another shop, whereas in the past an experienced mechanic could have made
the repair in one hour. Flat rate established a set of standards that defined the
amount of time that it takes the average experienced technician to perform a
specific repair.
By establishing labor charges based on this flat rate, customers were
assured of consistent pricing no matter who did the work and no matter how
long it took. It was an ideal system for making an unstable system fair and
equitable for all. The system worked so well that it became, and still remains,
the general standard of how auto repair pricing is established. How do they
come up with those standard times? Let’s take a look at this very important
Compensation Plans ■ CHAPTER 14
SECTION 4 ■ Financial Measurement
CASE 2 just relax he will only be charged for the actual time
that it takes.
Herman has a very similar oil leak problem on his car
to the one that Brenda experienced. However, he has You decide
chosen to take his car to Max Mechanix. The service What labor system is Max Mechanix using? How
advisor looks under the hood and tells Herman that would this make you feel if you were Herman? How
he’ll need an approval to start on the work and that much is Herman’s bill going to be?
they’re really not sure how long it will take . . . but to
Compensation Plans ■ CHAPTER 14
and widely available services and to keep customers from going elsewhere for
service, shops must price their repairs accordingly. Using a reduced hourly rate
that a variable pricing system allows can help them to do this.
At the other end of the spectrum are very difficult repairs that require
specially trained technicians, special equipment, or proprietary technical
information. Few shops have the expertise to perform these repairs and the
repairs typically require the attention of the most experienced and highest
paid technicians. Therefore, a shop using a variable pricing system would nor-
mally charge a much higher hourly rate for these repairs.
We have discussed the two extremes of the variable pricing system spec-
trum, the highly competitive yet simple maintenance service and the highly
complex and very difficult diagnostic repair. What about the rest of the work?
How do we price it? The simple answer is that it depends. It depends on how
complex a system of labor rates the shop chooses to use. In the very simplest
system they may have three or four labor rates (for example, A, B, C, and D
rates) or they may have as many as 10 to 12 different rates.
SECTION 4 ■ Financial Measurement
Based on how close their skills, productivity, and quality are to the A techs
they may be considered to be B or C techs.
The third group of technicians is made up of those who are only able to per-
form the most basic repairs. Whether it is due to lack of experience, confidence,
or knowledge and skills, the work that they can be assigned and expected to
perform correctly is limited. They are normally those technicians who per-
form oil changes and basic repairs such as brake jobs, minor electrical repairs,
and preventative maintenance. Some companies call them maintenance and
light repair technicians. In the shop’s classification system they are D techs.
Both the volume of work that exists in the automotive repair industry and
the difficulty of those individual repairs support a need for a very large num-
ber of technicians with wide-ranging skills. Therefore, there continues to be a
high and constantly growing demand for A, B, C, and D technicians.
The mix of employees that fall into these four classes differs from company
to company. In a shop that is required to provide full service from the most
complex diagnosis to simple maintenance services they are likely to employ
technicians from all four classifications. On the other hand, shops that focus
on light repairs and maintenance would tend to employ more of the C and D
technicians and may have only one A or B technician to handle the occasional
complex diagnostic problems that might arise.
As a manager it is important to realize that as the skill level of the technician
rises, so does the cost of labor. Conversely, as the skill level drops the cost of
labor also drops. Because most service shops use a single hourly labor rate to
establish repair pricing, the gross profit on one hour of labor will decrease as the
shop uses more highly skilled, and higher-paid, technicians to do the work and
will decrease as they use a lower-skilled technician. Management’s job in trying
to control costs while maintaining high productivity and quality is to employ
the right mix of technician classes that allows for maximum profitability.
Compensation Plans ■ CHAPTER 14
Because technicians are the primary direct expense in the service depart-
ment, the way that they are paid has a large impact on profit and the success
or failure of the shop. Therefore, we need to examine and understand the
most common pay plans for technicians. We need to know how they work
and their benefits and drawbacks for the individual technician. Then we will
explore the impact that they have on shop management.
Flat-Rate Pay
We discussed the concept of the flat-rate system previously. Paying techni-
cians based strictly on flat rate is the most common compensation plan. The
flat-rate system establishes reasonable standards, based on experience, that
indicate how much time it takes the average technician to perform a specific
repair. The technician is paid a predetermined amount for each repair regard-
less of how long it takes him to complete it.
Another important part of the flat-rate system is that technicians who work
on flat rate are paid only for the flat-rate hours that they produce. They do not
receive any pay beyond what they produce in flat-rate hours. They are working
on a straight commission. That is, they only get paid for the jobs that they com-
plete, not for the time that they are at work. If there is no work, they earn no pay.
Flat rate has a large potential benefit to the highly skilled and motivated
technician. If the technician is able to properly perform repairs in less time
than the time that it takes the average experienced technician then he is still
paid the full time listed in the flat-rate manual. For example, Phil is able to
replace the valve cover gasket that pays a flat rate of 1.0 hours in 0.5 hour. Phil
gets paid 1.0 hours, not 0.5 hour. If Phil’s normal hourly flat-rate pay is $20 per
hour he has now earned $20 in one-half hour. His effective rate for that repair
is $40 per hour. Here is that calculation in detail
$20 1.0 $20 0.5 $40
Hourly rate Flat rate for repair Total paid Actual repair time Effective rate
Conversely, a drawback of the flat-rate pay system to the technician is the Flat-Rate Pay
fact that he gets paid the flat rate of 1.0 hour to replace the valve cover gasket Technicians are paid a fixed
even if it takes him 1.5 hours to do the job. In this instance, Phil would have amount of hours for a job
earned $20 but it would have taken him 1.5 hours. Therefore, his effective based on an established
rate that he earned for the repair would be only $13.33. average time to perform the
$20 1.0 $20 1.5 $13.33 repair.
Hourly rate Flat rate for repair Total paid Actual repair time Effective rate
As you can plainly see, the flat-rate system has its own built in system of Effective Rate
rewards and consequences. Technicians paid by the flat-rate system can be The actual hourly rate a
richly rewarded when they perform above and beyond average. At the same technician earns, which is
time, they are penalized each time their performance falls below average. calculated by taking actual
Highly skilled, motivated, and committed technicians welcome the chal- pay and dividing it by the
lenge of being on flat rate. Even though they all occasionally are penalized for actual repair time.
exceeding flat-rate time they are able to equal or beat the flat-rate book time
more often than not. As such, they are able to earn the reward of an increased
effective rate of pay. They earn an instant raise each time they are able to do
this. Under the flat-rate system, it is common for an experienced technician to
be able to earn 50 to 60 hours pay weekly while working a 40-hour work week.
Inexperienced technicians, on the other hand, typically pay a severe
penalty for being paid on the flat-rate system. Since they lack the knowledge,
SECTION 4 ■ Financial Measurement
skills, and work habits to work up to the standard of the average experienced
technician it will commonly take them longer to perform a repair than the flat-
rate book allows. As such, they will be penalized for their slowness and often
will produce only 20 to 30 flat-rate hours in a 40-hour week. This reduces their
effective rate by 25 to 50 percent below their stated rate. It is for this reason that
many employers will start new or inexperienced employees on a pay plan that
provides a guaranteed minimum weekly pay. This helps to keep them motivated
as they progress through the learning process so that they can work their way
up to being capable of consistently producing high numbers of flat-rate hours.
There is one last very important characteristic of flat rate that should
never be overlooked. Because flat rate depends on work performed, in order
for a technician to earn a good wage he must be capable of meeting or beating
flat-rate times AND the shop has to have enough work to keep him busy. Lack
of available work can create a problem in retaining a skilled technician
because his production (and his paycheck) will be significantly reduced, by no
fault of his own, if the shop can’t bring in enough work to keep him busy.
Compensation Plans ■ CHAPTER 14
Hourly Rate
Paying technicians at an hourly rate regardless of the amount of work pro-
duced occurs in many shops but is most commonly used for entry-level per-
sonnel or personnel who have other responsibilities in addition to performing
repairs. This fixed hourly rate provides the employee a great degree of stabil- Hourly Rate
ity. He earns a stable income whether or not any work comes in the shop and Technicians are paid the
whether he produces 20 hours of flat-rate labor or 60 hours. The shortcoming actual clock hours that they
of the hourly rate plan is that it does not provide any incentive for the techni- work regardless of the
cian to be more productive. amount of work that they
Another shortcoming of this pay plan is that the management is very produce.
unlikely to be very unsympathetic to an hourly rate employee believed to be
unproductive. Whether this is due to an inability to produce or factors beyond
his control such as lack of work, the employer will generally be very impatient
to end a working relationship when money is being lost. Hourly rate techni-
cians are, for this reason, typically the first ones to be cut during a shop cut-
back and the first layoff during the slow seasons of the year. This pay plan
offers the technician stability, but the potential risks to the shop can be severe.
(Continued )
SECTION 4 ■ Financial Measurement
less. In the hourly rate system you bear all of the risks and pay a lower rate. That way you can hold back a
because he gets the same pay whether or not the little more money just in case business or perfor-
shop is busy and whether or not he produces enough mance does not meet your expectations. This is your
hours. hedge against the risk in this type of investment. On
Therefore, you should take risk into account the other hand, if the technician is willing to share
when determining the rate to pay a technician. If you the risk by working flat rate then it is reasonable to
are bearing all of the risk by guaranteeing a fixed give him a greater share of the rewards by paying
hourly rate then you should be more conservative him a higher hourly rate.
Compensation Plans ■ CHAPTER 14
SECTION 4 ■ Financial Measurement
Fringe Benefits
Fringe Benefits Most employees receive a fringe benefits package in addition to their weekly
Items of value (such as a or monthly pay. Benefits are an important part of the total compensation
pension or paid vacation) package that employees receive. Although most employees judge their pay
that are given to employees plan on their hourly rate or salary, benefits provide a great deal of security to
in addition to their pay to an employee. They also come at a significant cost to the employer.
ensure their welfare and Some of the most common benefits paid for in part or in total by the
security. employer are: social security, Medicare, health insurance, prescription insurance,
dental insurance, disability insurance, retirement programs, paid vacations, holi-
days, and sick days. Benefits like social security and Medicare are mandated by
the federal government. They are long-term benefits that are paid for jointly by
the employee and the employer. Medical insurance plans (health, dental, eye
care, disability) and retirement accounts are optional plans for which the shares
paid by the employee and employer may vary greatly. Paid vacations, holidays,
and sick days may appear to be no-cost options to the employee; however, the
cost to the employer is substantial since he pays for a day’s wages and at the same
time loses sales and profits due to the absence of an employee for that day.
Many fringe benefits serve as a buffer against unexpected costs (health care
benefits or disability insurance) or long-range costs (retirement benefits/social
security). Their purpose is to create an environment where the employee is
Compensation Plans ■ CHAPTER 14
unlikely to encounter any unexpected costs that will create a hardship. Providing
this security, it is hoped, will make it easier for the employee to avoid those finan-
cial and emotional stresses and encourage him or her to be a long-term employee.
Whenever comparing different employment opportunities it is best to
compare the entire compensation package, not just the rate of pay. Although
some employees may not feel like the benefits are as important today, they
may make a big difference in the future. Most employers who value long-term
employment relationships with their staff provide very rich benefits pro-
grams. The employee should realize that the value the employer is placing on
him relates to the total amount of money that he is willing to invest to attract
him and this total cost includes pay rate and fringe benefits.
As a manager, you must consider that when you determine the total cost
of an employee, you must include the entire compensation package, not
just the employee’s pay rate. The benefits cost for many companies ranges
from 20 to 30 percent of the employee’s hourly rate. This varies depending on
how many benefits the company offers. Therefore, when hiring a technician
that the company agrees to pay $20 per flat-rate hour, the actual total costs for
that employee are much higher. His actual cost to the company will be $4
to $6 (20 to 30 percent) per hour higher to pay for his benefits package.
In this chapter we began by exploring the different methods affects on both the technician and the shop of the various
that a shop can use to calculate their labor charges. We major pay plans: flat rate, flat rate with guarantee, hourly
reviewed the history and benefits of the most common of rate, and hourly rate with bonus.
these methods, flat rate and hourly rate. We then discussed We concluded by briefly discussing some of the more
the benefits of the multiple labor rate systems that have common pay plans used for service advisors and service
grown in popularity in the auto repair business in recent years. management personnel. We looked at the benefits of incen-
The second major topic that we discussed was technician tives, bonuses, and commissions as motivational tools. We
pay plans. We learned that what affects the final pay for the closed by reviewing the importance of fringe benefits and the
technician is not simply the rate that he is paid, but also the effect that they have on the total compensation plans for
way that the rate is calculated. We explored the multiple employees.
SECTION 4 ■ Financial Measurement
2. The item in the following list that would not be a fringe admission, is not great at engine performance and
benefit is heavy diagnostics. However, he has several strong
a. health insurance. recommendations of his ability to perform all mainte-
b. paid vacation. nance and common repairs and services from his past
c. retirement plan. two employers. He’s a bit shy but finally indicates
d. hourly pay. that he isn’t willing to take the risk of working on
flat rate and his past two jobs ended with him
3. Technician levels are earning $15 per hour.
a. ways to identify their various levels of skill and Based on the information provided above please choose
experience. the best answer for the following questions:
b. ways to make all of the technicians perform the same.
c. tools used to check the surface of cylinder heads. 6. I would considering Gomer and Cindy because
d. ways to penalize technicians by reducing their pay. a. Rowdy sounds like a troublemaker.
b. my average cost of sales would be the lowest of the
4. In a shop that uses variable rate pricing
possible choices.
a. the labor rate for common repairs is the lowest. c. Cindy appears to be the most qualified and moti-
b. the labor rate for highly specialized repairs is the vated and Gomer can do the simple jobs.
highest. d. I can’t afford to take the risk of having two employ-
c. several labor rates are used based on difficulty of ees that have guaranteed pay plans in a new shop.
repair and skills required. e. all of the above.
d. all of the above.
7. If you decided to hire Gomer what pay plan would you
5. The most common method for establishing customer offer him?
labor rates in shops is
a. hourly rate starting at $15.50 per hour.
a. variable rate pricing. b. hourly rate + bonus at $10 per hour.
b. flat-rate pricing. c. flat rate at $17 per hour.
c. hourly rate pricing. d. none of the above.
d. flat rate with a guarantee.
8. Rowdy’s extensive experience makes him a very appeal-
In Questions 6–8, Rogue Repairs is a new shop in town.
ing choice to hire. What concerns might you have based
They’re trying to hire two new technicians to start immedi-
on the facts provided?
ately. The top three candidates are
a. He is pretty demanding and is demanding too high of
Rowdy—21 years experience, ASE Master Certified, has a pay rate.
worked in six different shops in the last three years. b. For some unknown reason he has a hard time keep-
He demands that with his experience and certifica- ing a stable job.
tions he will only work if paid flat rate with a guaran- c. He may not be willing to work very hard since he
tee of 40 hours pay per week. Rowdy drops a strong wants a guarantee.
hint that it will take $20 per flat-rate hour to get him d. All of the above.
to come to work at a new shop.
You decided to hire all three technicians and you were able to
Ginger—A recent graduate of the local college automo- successfully hire Rowdy @ $21 per flat-rate hour, Ginger @
tive program with an Associate Degree, she has $19 per flat-rate hour, and Gomer @ $16 per clock hour.
worked for three years full-time and has earned her Knowing this please answer the following.
ASE Master Certification and completed 14 industry
training courses. She insists on being paid flat rate 9. The first week they all produced exactly 40 hours. What
but says that it will take $22 per hour to get her to would be their effective labor rates for that week?
move from her current position. 10. The second week Gomer only turned 30 hours and all
Gomer—A journeyman technician with 10 years’ experi- three techs worked a full 40 hour week. What is his
ence. Gomer has little formal training and, by his own effective labor rate for week 2?
Chilton Labor Guide Manual (Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Mitchell Mechanical Labor Estimating Guide (Poway,
Publishers). CA: Mitchell 1).
Motor Labor Guide Manual (Troy, MI: MOTOR Informa-
tion Systems).
Production Plans
■ To identify the three most common methods of ■ To identify the benefits and limitations of
organizing technicians in a repair shop: individ- increasing physical facilities to increase capacity
ual plan, team system, and support group ■ To compare and contrast the benefits and limi-
■ To compare and contrast the benefits and limi- tations of using extended hours, two shifts, or
tations of individual plan, team system, and sup- six-day rotation to increase production capacity
port group strategies
■ To describe the various methods used to
increase the productive capacity of a repair shop
SECTION 4 ■ Financial Measurement
A solid understanding of financial principles and major cost factors in a repair
shop can help you as a manager to understand the current status of your oper-
ation. However, it often takes a bit more creativity than simply keeping tech-
nician pay in the proper range to be successful. In this chapter we will explore
two major ways where you can substantially change the sales and profit out-
look, by the way that you organize the technicians in the shop and by chang-
ing the production capacity of the shop.
All of the compensation plans discussed earlier are based on a traditionally
organized shop. However, over the past 15 to 20 years there has been an emer-
gence of several other ways to organize the technicians and other shop employ-
ees to maximize efficiencies and, thereby, reduce total shop costs. You are more
likely to find these types of organizational plans in dealerships and most typically
in medium to large-sized ones that employ 10 or more technicians. In this chap-
ter we will explore the three main shop organizational schemes: traditional, team
system, and support group and will focus on the central theme of these schemes,
how they affect technician pay, and shop labor costs.
After looking at the major technician organizational plans we will then
explore another method for increasing production while controlling expenses,
expanding the production capacity of the shop. This can be done by increasing
physical capacity or available work hours, or both. It is important to realize
that while expanding capacity does not change gross profit percentage it helps
to generate more sales while holding the gross profit percentage constant, and
results in a greater bottom line.
Production Plans ■ CHAPTER 15
plan tend to hire a high percentage of these A, B, and C techs to staff their
shops. As a result, they have a high degree of expertise available. The only
drawback is that this results in a high cost of sales and reduced gross profit.
Team System
The team system is most often found in larger shops. Rather than working Team System
individually the technicians in a team shop are organized into groups. They A system in which
work together and are paid together. For example, instead of a shop with 18 technicians are organized
individual technicians each working separately and with three service advi- into a group of four to
sors that schedule, write up, and sell work for all of them, the team shop is seven members and are
subdivided into three teams. Each team of six technicians is assigned their paid based on the total
own service advisor. They become a shop within the shop. In order to do this amount of hours produced
efficiently, the technicians on each team represent a good cross-section of by the team.
experience and skill levels. This allows the team to be able to handle any type
of repair that may come into the shop. The team’s service advisor works only
for his team, but the difference doesn’t end there.
In a team system shop technicians do not work individually and they are
not paid individually. As work comes into the shop the repairs are assigned to
the team, not to a specific technician. The team leader, typically the senior
and most experienced technician, then divides the work among the team mem-
bers. The work on a particular vehicle may be assigned to just one team mem-
ber but more often is assigned to several of the technicians. The group of
technicians (typically four to seven technicians) on the team is expected to
work as a unit. The lead technician’s responsibility is to help in diagnosis diffi-
cult repairs and to otherwise maximize the productivity of the group. He does
this by keeping each of the technicians doing what he does best. A key
thought behind this method is that if they are able to keep everyone doing
what they do best most of the time the quality of repairs as well as the produc-
tion of the group will be maximized.
Finally, and probably most important, the team technicians are not paid as
individuals for the amount of work that they do. They are paid a share of the
SECTION 4 ■ Financial Measurement
total hours produced by the team. This is done by tracking and adding up all of
the hours produced by the team over a pay period (typically a week), then divid-
ing the total hours by the number of technicians on the team. They are then paid
their hourly rate times that number of hours. Please note that this does not mean
that all technicians, regardless of expertise, earn equal pay. Their pay rate is based
on skill level. Therefore, although the higher-skilled technicians are paid the
same number of hours as the rest of the team they are paid a higher hourly rate
and therefore earn a higher weekly income than the inexperienced technicians.
One of the reasons why team systems were developed and have found
favor in many larger shops is their ability to reduce the overall cost of labor. In
shops where technicians work independently it is common that 25 to 40 per-
cent of the technicians in the shop that are hired are A technicians. This
ensures that the service shop has enough technicians available to fix even the
most difficult problems that come into the shop. Although this is good to
assure fast high-quality repairs it does not come without a price. A-level tech-
nicians are the highest paid and, therefore, increase the shop’s cost of labor
and reduce its gross profit. A traditionally organized shop would also staff the
majority of the remaining positions with B or C technicians. They would nor-
mally have one or two D technicians on staff because of their limited skills for
performing other than the simplest maintenance. For example, in a tradition-
ally organized shop it would be typical that out of every 6 technicians you
would find two to three A techs, two to three B or C techs, and only one D
tech. With this high number of mid- to high pay range employees the cost of
labor sales is higher and gross profit is reduced.
In a team shop the team leader is normally the only A technician on the
team. The team depends on him to guide and direct the team and to handle all
of the difficult diagnoses and repairs. In a team of six, for example, there would
be 1 A tech (high pay), two or three out of six that are B or C techs (mid-range
pay), and two or three out of six that are D techs (low pay). This reduction in
highly paid, highly skilled technicians could lead to concerns that the overall
repair capabilities and quality generated by the shop would be reduced. How-
ever, by sharing the team leader’s expertise with his group members the goal is
for him to provide input so that the entire team can produce high-quality
results. He also becomes an in-house trainer for the team, helping to increase
the knowledge and skill levels of all team members at a very affordable price.
From a management perspective, being able to reduce the percentage of
highly paid technicians reduces labor costs and increases gross profit. How-
ever, if reducing the number of highly skilled technicians reduces repair qual-
ity it is probably not worth the savings. In service shops and markets where
this method is an accepted way of doing business the team system has been a
major contributor to increasing profitability.
Unfortunately, the team system has not been widely accepted in many
markets. This is due to the reluctance of many highly skilled technicians to
work under this system. Many A technicians do not want to share the wealth.
They are confident of their ability to meet or exceed flat-rate times for most
repairs and earn premium wages. They do not want to share this with others.
Further, they do not want their pay to be dependent on the consistent perfor-
mance of others. They know that they can make it on their own and would
prefer to work that way.
In markets where technicians can choose to work in a traditional shop or a
team shows most A techs often choose traditional shops. This is a major obstacle
to the widespread acceptance of the team system within that city or town. The
Production Plans ■ CHAPTER 15
resulting move of A techs from team shops to traditional shops reduces the
effectiveness of team systems because shops without a true A tech do not have
the top-notch problem solver and mentor that is needed for an effective team.
This reduces the shop’s technical capabilities as well as its long-term ability to
develop future technicians.
Support Group
A third way to organize shop production is by using the support group sys- Support Group
tem. This is a hybrid of the individual and team system approaches. In a sup- A system in which
port group shop the technicians and service advisors are split into support technicians are organized
groups which look exactly like a team. There are four to seven technicians into a small group and work
grouped with a service advisor. The technicians on a team are grouped together together but are paid based
so that they represent all areas of technical knowledge and experience. Much on their individual
like the team shop there is normally one A tech per group who is the team production.
leader. This team leader is responsible for assigning work, assisting and training
the less-experienced group members and doing the very difficult diagnostic
work. There are, however, several operational differences that set support
groups apart from team systems.
In a support group the technicians are not paid based on their share of the
total team’s production. The technicians each earn the individual hours that
they produce. They may work together on a single vehicle at times but they
are paid for the specific repair that they have completed. For example, if a cus-
tomer brings in a vehicle and requests an oil change and a transmission
service two group technicians may be assigned. However, unlike in the team
system, they will each perform one of the tasks and will be paid only for the
task that they have completed.
In a support group system the group leader is also paid on his individual
production. However, he also receives additional pay for his group supervisory
responsibilities. In addition to his individual pay he receives an override
(a specified amount per hour for each hour produced by the rest of the team)
to reward him for performing those tasks.
SECTION 4 ■ Financial Measurement
The support group system has benefits similar to the team system. It pro-
vides a solution for reducing the overall cost of sales in the shop. Even after
paying the lead tech the override on the rest of the team’s hours the overall
cost of labor is still normally lower than in a traditionally organized shop.
One of the most unique benefits of the support group system is its ability
to reduce labor costs while maintaining employee satisfaction and stability.
This system rewards senior technicians for their own production and they
earn extra compensation for sharing their expertise with others. This extra
benefit increases the likelihood that A technicians will not only stay at a sup-
port group shop, they often elect to work in them over any other type of shop.
Because of this, the support group system continues to gain support in a wide
number of markets where team systems are not well accepted.
Production Plans ■ CHAPTER 15
You decide
Increasing Capacity
Many successful shops eventually reach the point where they are simply too
busy to handle all of the work that is coming their way. When this situation
arises they have to make some very difficult choices. Businesses work too long
and hard to build up a clientele and certainly do not want to lose those cus-
tomers because they cannot provide them the services that they have
requested in a timely manner. So, what are they to do?
In this section we will explore several alternatives that can help a company
address this situation. In order to decide what actions are the best choice you
must first must be able to answer two questions: 1) is the increased demand
temporary or sustained? And, 2) what is the appropriate action to take?
If the increase in demand is temporary then making major changes in
facilities or staffing are most often unwarranted. An example of this would be
a sudden increase in business just before a holiday. Even though everyone
wants to get their car serviced just before taking the long drive to grandma’s
house for Thanksgiving it is a very short-lived increase in demand. Sound
SECTION 4 ■ Financial Measurement
Expanding Facilities
When long-term demand exceeds capacity one approach to addressing this
Expanding Facilities concern is to increase capacity by expanding facilities. Adding on to the
Adding physical space shop, installing more lifts, leasing out another building, or moving to larger
(additional stalls and or quarters are all ways that you can increase your capacity. However, all of these
additional buildings). alternatives come at a price.
If you reflect back to some of the basic economic principles that we
learned in Chapter 13 a very important lesson in understanding expenses is
that overhead is the most difficult expense to control. All of the alternatives
listed earlier to increase capacity increase overhead. This is because when you
add facilities or purchase equipment they will continue to exist and cost you
money whether or not they are needed and fully utilized.
If you decided to add six service stalls to your building to meet a recent
increase in business you need to remember that the extra six service stalls that
you have added will still be there if business slows down. You will have to pay
for the cost of the addition, for the additional utilities, and other related
expenses. Certainly, you can’t unbuild the addition. If things change and you
wish you hadn’t added on you can’t make the costs go away. You’re going to
have to live with them. For this reason, you should approach adding physical
space to your shop very cautiously and only after serious consideration. The
following are three capacity-building alternatives that should be considered
because they will help you to increase capacity without adding overhead.
Production Plans ■ CHAPTER 15
Extended Hours
The traditional automotive service shop hours of operation are from 8 A.M.
to 5 P.M. Mondays through Fridays. Weekend and evening service hours
were very rare. However, in today’s consumer-driven marketplace, customers
demand convenience. As a result, most shops now offer some form of extended Extended Hours
hours. Increasing the number of
When demand exceeds capacity one of the alternative methods for hours that the shop is open
increasing capacity is to increase available service hours. This will increase to produce repairs beyond
some costs. Among these are increased pay for the extra hours worked by per- the traditional 40-hour
sonnel and increases in utilities costs. work week.
For example, in a shop that has traditionally worked a Monday through
Friday 8 to 5 work week the shop is producing 40 hours per week. By staying
open until 9 P.M. two nights per week (eight additional hours) the shop has
effectively increased its capacity by 20 percent without adding any physical
space. Although there are some additional costs and scheduling becomes a bit
more complicated this is an economical method for increasing capacity.
Because of the complexity of staffing the additional hours many shops
will extend the work weeks of their existing employees on a rotating basis
rather than adding more staff. It must be realized, however, that if the shop
chooses this method to extend service hours and has, for example, all employ-
ees work late every other week the increased shop capacity of the extended
hours is cut in half.
The major additional benefit of extending service hours is the flexibility of
this approach. You can make this change and implement it very quickly
because it does not require any long-term investment. Further, if the demand
drops it is possible to revert back to the previous work schedule with few
residual effects. For this reason, extended hours should be considered as one
of the first alternatives to implement. Even if it is done as a temporary
fix while you are working on a more permanent solution, it allows you to
respond to your customers needs very quickly and this method is very cost
Benefits that shops realize from extended service hours are
• The ability to increase hours of operation two to three days per week.
• Increased shop capacity without any additional facilities, equipment, or
• It is the most flexible alternative to increase capacity without making
any long-term commitments.
SECTION 4 ■ Financial Measurement
Second Shift
A second alternative to increase capacity without increasing overhead is to put
Second Shift on a second shift. Having two crews working five 40-hour work weeks effec-
Operation of a second tively doubles the capacity of the shop (100 percent increase) without the
eight-hour shift of costs and permanent consequences of adding on to the facilities.
employees daily to double The potential increase in capacity by going to a two-shift system is much
production capacity. greater than can be achieved through extended service hours. However, along
with the capacity comes increased complexity in managing the department.
Having two shifts is much like running two totally separate shops within the
same company. From a staffing standpoint you have to have an entire second
crew, from technicians to service advisors to managers, to staff the second shift.
However, there are also some complications that go above and beyond those
experienced in two separate facilities.
Even though the two-shift approach provides the largest benefit in
increased capacity it also has substantial limitations. From the viewpoint of
the customer, the shop running two shifts is not at all like two shops, it is one
company with longer hours. Customer expectations are that regardless what
time of day they call or stop, they expect to receive consistent service. This
requires a great deal of coordination and intercommunication between the
employees and supervisors working on the two distinct shifts. Finally, since
many of the suppliers that the shop depends on for parts and supplies do not
work a full 16-hour day there are often severe limitations with regard to avail-
ability of parts and supplies. Delays in obtaining these materials can delay
completion of repairs and lower overall productivity. It is also generally much
more difficult to recruit and retain qualified technicians who are willing to
work from 5 P.M. to 2 A.M., especially if that schedule includes Friday nights.
Benefits that shops realize from the second shift are
Six-Day Rotation
Just as the team system and support group were developed to address the
need for a creative approach to a staffing concern the development of the
Production Plans ■ CHAPTER 15
six-day rotation was developed to provide a suitable alternative to the prob- Six-Day Rotation
lem of limited capacity. The concept of the six-day rotation falls between that A method of expanding
of extended service hours and a full two-shift operation. Like those strategies available hours by working
it provides for increased capacity without requiring additional facilities, tools, all technicians 4–10 hour
and equipment. days per week and rotating
The six-day rotation approach provides a shop that has traditionally three crews Monday
worked a five-day 40-hour week to increase their overall production capacity through Saturday.
by 50 percent by working one day longer and increasing the work day. At the
same time, it does so without increasing the average work week of the individ-
ual employee. Here’s how it works:
• Instead of working 8 hours per day 5 days per week (40 hours) all shop
employees move to working 4 10-hour days per week.
• The shop’s hours of operation change from being open 8 hours per day
Monday through Friday to being open 10 hours per day Monday
through Saturday.
• In order to coordinate staffing and allow for having 40 hour per week
employees scheduled evenly to cover 60 available hours the shop is gen-
erally organized into three work groups.
• The three work groups work a three-week rotating schedule.
An example of a three-work group schedule is presented in Figure 15-1.
SECTION 4 ■ Financial Measurement
every three weeks. This system also provides some benefits that will attract
highly qualified employees.
Employees who work on a six-day rotation only work a four-day work
week. Although they do work two Saturdays per rotation they have the added
benefit of having a mini-vacation built into their schedule. Referring back to
Figure 15-1 you can see that, for example, between weeks 1 and 2 of the sched-
ule Group A gets five full days off in a row. This happens for all three work
groups every three weeks. It has actually been observed that in many service
shops that use a six-day rotation, employees ask to work their normally sched-
uled vacations in exchange for the extra pay since they’re already getting a
vacation every three weeks.
Benefits that shops realize from the six-day work week are
• The ability to provide extended hours of operation five days a week
• The ability to provide a full day of Saturday service
• A 50 percent increase in shop capacity without any additional facilities,
equipment, or tools
• Increased employee satisfaction at working a four-day work week
Production Plans ■ CHAPTER 15
In this chapter we have explored two widely used methods for When you have increased the efficiency of your facilities
changing the complexion of the service shop to increase sales, and your personnel to their absolute maximum and are still
reduce costs, and help us to attain our overall goal: increased striving to keep the momentum moving forward, expansion
profit. These methods are technician organizational plans and of shop capacity is necessary. The two ways that you can
expanded shop capacity. accomplish this is through physical expansion of facilities or
The three different methods of organizing technicians expansion of available hours. The three most common
(individual pay, team system, and support group) demonstrate methods to expand available hours are: extended hours, two
that there are several ways to obtain the most out of your shift operation, and the six-day rotating work week. When
human resources while controlling cost of sales. Each of these trying to decide whether to add on to a facility or to expand
systems has unique benefits and drawbacks. Therefore, the available hours it is important to remember that each of these
organizational plan that will work best in your shop in your alternatives has unique benefits that should be carefully
market should be seriously considered. considered.
Analysis and Action
■ To identify the major ways to affect profitability ■ To determine the best course of action to
■ To analyze the impact of various methods of increase production and/or reduce expenses,
increasing sales and capacity taking into account the benefits and drawbacks
of the available choices
■ To analyze the impact of various methods
of controlling variable costs
■ To analyze the impact of various methods of
controlling overall costs
Analysis and Action ■ CHAPTER 16
By this point you should have a basic working knowledge of sales, gross profit,
and net profit. In order to be able to effectively manage an automotive service
operation an understanding of these concepts is essential. We have taken
some time to explain the major factors that you, as a manager, can control
and change in your effort to generate an acceptable profit. Now we can begin
to use this information to understand how the decisions that you make can
significantly alter the profit of your shop, your paycheck, and, ultimately,
your job security as a service manager.
Increasing Income
A great way to increase profitability that should always be strongly considered
is through consistently increasing sales. In Chapters 25 through 28 we will
discuss some of the tools that you can use to stimulate sales, such as advertis-
ing, marketing, and merchandising. Stimulating sales is the best way to make
sure that you are maximizing your use of the resources that you have at your
disposal. However, if increasing sales is the sole focus of your business plan-
ning, it is likely to produce very disappointing results. Without considering
both of the ingredients of profitability, income and expense, you are likely to
work harder, sell more, and file bankruptcy.
Let us explore a bit little further the contribution that increased sales can
have to achieving and maintaining profitability. Increased sales contribute
directly to the bottom line (net profit). This is especially true if increased sales Bottom Line
can be achieved while holding expenses constant. Figure 16-1 demonstrates A common business term
this principle. In this example, the shop starts in January with total monthly meaning net gain or profit.
expenses that are constant but exceed total income.
SECTION 4 ■ Financial Measurement
Break even
Net profit
Sales Indirect expenses
Direct expenses
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Net Loss The shop is losing money (net loss). The shop increases sales 5 percent
A common term used to monthly while holding expenses constant. You can see how this increase in
describe a negative net sales helps them to move from a monthly net loss to a monthly net profit.
profit. In this example you can clearly see that with constant expenses and
steadily increasing sales the shop’s financial picture begins to change as the
year progresses. They begin the year where the expenses exceed the sales and
they are generating a monthly net loss (income < expenses). This is true for the
first four months of the year. However, with the steady increases in sales the
loss continues to diminish. In May, they reach the point where income equals
Break Even Point expenses. This is called the break even point. Finally, in June they achieve
The point at which income their first net profit (income > expenses). Then, as the sales continue to
equals expenses. increase, the monthly net profit grows.
If it were always possible to hold all of the factors constant while changing
only one, management would be a much simpler job. However, sales and
income do not typically increase without any increased costs. For example, if
technicians are paid flat rate, an increase in flat-rate hours (sales) also results
in an increase in technician pay (direct expense). Although the profit does
increase, you can see in Figure 16-2 that it takes a little bit longer for the shop
to move from a net loss to a net profit.
Break even
Net profit
Net loss
Net profit
Sales Indirect expenses
Direct expenses
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Analysis and Action ■ CHAPTER 16
A third possibility is that when you increase sales you are going to increase
both direct expenses (technician pay) and indirect expenses. Here are two
examples of how that might occur. If you aggressively focus on increased sales
as the only means to increase profit you might consider advertising to a wider
audience to bring people into your shop from far away. Unfortunately, in
order to do that you will have to spend more money to advertise (increase
expenses) to let those people outside of your local area know about your serv-
ices and to give them a good reason to travel further to see you, and advertis-
ing is not cheap. Your indirect costs will be increased. So, just as in the
previous example where increased sales have increased direct expenses, in this
situation both your direct and indirect expenses increase. The resulting profit
chart will look something like Figure 16-3.
Net profit
Net profit
Sales Indirect expenses
Direct expenses
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Figure 16-3 Increasing sales with increasing direct and indirect expenses
As you can see in this example, sales have continued to increase at a constant
rate. Direct expenses have continued to slowly increase in direct relationship to
the increased sales. Now, when we add a small monthly increase in indirect
expenses to account for a small increase in advertising, the profit picture has
changed again. The break even point is not reached until November and the
shop achieves a net profit for only one month, December, and it is small.
If you are able to attract people from farther away to come to your service
shop, you will reach a point where your shop is too busy to handle all of the
work. Then what will you do? Will you stay open later? You would have to
hire more technicians and more support personnel to staff your shop
(increased expenses). For each small increase to expenses the break even point
moves further and further into the future.
A final example of the possible results of increasing sales would be when you
reach the point where you have to consider moving or adding on to the facilities
just to keep up with the increase in business. When this happens you will be
increasing indirect expenses by a significant amount. You need to remember
also that the expenses for the facility (building costs plus utilities) are overhead
expenses and, by their very nature, the most difficult to control. Once you have
built an addition you cannot easily make it go away. Therefore, the added indi-
rect expenses will continue no matter what happens to your sales. This signifi-
cant and constant increase in indirect expenses is represented in Figure 16-4.
The example shown above demonstrates the effect of a 25 percent increase
in overhead such as one that would occur with a building expansion. As you
SECTION 4 ■ Financial Measurement
Sales 12000
Net loss
Indirect expenses
6000 Direct expenses
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
can see, even though all other factors remain the same, the increase in indirect
costs is both significant and immediate. The impact of the change is that the
break even point is pushed further off into the future and the shop does not
achieve its break even point by the end of the year.
Although it is a good way to increase profit, sales growth is not the only
answer. Even the best marketer with the best product finds that there are lim-
its on how much he can sell. Further, there are always external factors beyond
your control that will cause your sales growth to level off or even decline. For
example, if you are selling service in a small town and you have the best
service available it is still very unlikely that you will sell more oil changes than
there are cars in the county this month. There is a limited market and, there-
fore, a limit to the amount that you can sell.
I hope you have noticed that there is a recurring theme in the four
examples presented. It seems that every time you try to increase sales you
have to do something that is going to cost you more money. These examples
are typical and help to explain the reason why focusing on increased sales
alone is not a long-term solution to making a profit. Consistent profitability is
achieved through a combination of increasing income and controlling costs.
Let us talk more about how to control costs.
Analysis and Action ■ CHAPTER 16
Controlling Expenses
In the automotive service shop there are two main areas where expenses can be
controlled. The expenses that are most clearly under the control of the service
manager are the direct expenses. The main source of these expenses is techni-
cian payroll expense. In Chapter 14 we discussed the different methods for
paying technicians. It is suggested that you consider going back to review this
information if you are unclear about the differences between these pay plans.
Since flat rate continues to be the most common pay plan for technicians,
we need to take a look at how this method of pay affects gross profit. The chart
in Figure 16-5 shows the relationship between technicians’ pay and the gross
profit when the technicians are being paid solely on flat rate.
Gross profit
Direct expenses
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
There is a direct relationship between technician pay and gross profit in the
flat-rate system. This means that if the sales increase, so do the direct expenses.
If the direct expenses are too high, there is only one way to reduce them—
reduce technician pay. This may sound simple but it is definitely not. Due to the
consistently high demand for technicians and the need for qualified technicians
SECTION 4 ■ Financial Measurement
Based on this example, the shop can vary its gross profit from 57 percent
up to 87 percent solely based on who does the oil change. Having the proper
mix of different skill levels of technicians is the key. This will allow supervi-
Average Cost of sors to assign work to capable technicians without overpaying an expert to
Sales performing routine work.
The average labor cost for Achieving the proper average cost of sales in a shop so that you can
all repairs performed in the maintain the proper gross profit percentages is essential to achieve profitabil-
shop. ity. You cannot afford to have costs so high that you constantly lose money.
Analysis and Action ■ CHAPTER 16
Conversely, you have to spend enough money to retain technicians with the
right combination of skills and experience to fix cars right the first time. It is
the delicate balance of these two factors, cost versus expertise, which makes
staffing a repair shop such a difficult challenge.
In Chapter 15 we discussed alternative production plans that can be con-
sidered to deal with the problem of staffing costs, teams, and support groups.
They were created to try to reduce average cost of labor while not sacrificing
overall quality of repairs. Taking into account the possibility that we might be
able to use production plans as a tool to control cost, let’s revisit a scenario
similar to the ones that we have just discussed to consider alternative methods
to address the question of controlling average cost of sales.
Average cost of sales is a very important measurement tool in trying to
control costs. You can calculate average cost of sales by doing the following
three simple steps:
This will give you the actual average cost of sales for the entire shop during a
specific period of time. This average will change as business goes up and down
and as individual technician productivity varies. Therefore, it is an important
measurement to track on a regular basis so that you can monitor your current
cost and gross profit.
It would be easy to manage and control the cost of sales and gross profit if
business was stable. Unfortunately, business never remains constant. As a
manager you cannot assume that the type of work that you are getting in your
shop will be exactly the same every day. Finally, the productivity of your tech-
nicians is dependent on a variety of factors including the type of work that
they get, their level of motivation, their health, and so on. This makes the
decision-making process for properly staffing your shop and maintaining the
required profit margins quite a bit more complex.
As a final exercise in this chapter, we will take another look at a situation simi-
lar to the ones that we have addressed in the previous exercises. However, this time
we are going to add in the fact that not all of your technicians produce exactly the
same amount of work every week, a variable that is a reality in most shops.
SECTION 4 ■ Financial Measurement
Analysis and Action ■ CHAPTER 16
Gross Profit % 57 67 77 87
SECTION 4 ■ Financial Measurement
In this chapter we have explored a variety of scenarios to help We then spent the remainder of the chapter looking at a
you deepen your understanding of the importance of sound variety of different ways that you can bring cost of sales under
financial management. Through the use of these examples we control and keep it under control. We applied some of the
investigated the potential benefits and drawbacks of a variety concepts that we learned in previous chapters to help us
of different actions that have an impact on your bottom line. reduce fixed expenses and, thus, increase gross profit. We
We discussed how increasing income serves as a primary then worked through several exercises that demonstrated
method for increasing net profit. We then discussed how how changing the mix of technicians in the shop and alterna-
increasing income is rarely done without any effect on costs. tive production plans can help you to increase your gross
We looked at several common situations where increasing profit percentage.
income is the cause of increased costs.
1. By reducing the average cost of sales the service man- c. increase fixed expenses.
ager can d. increase labor sales.
a. increase labor hours.
6. If you want to increase your shop’s net profit you can
b. increase gross profit.
a. reduce your overhead expenses.
c. reduce the overhead.
b. increase cost of sales.
d. reduce overall sales.
c. increase fixed expenses.
2. A service manager can reduce cost of sales by d. reduce labor sales.
a. replacing his top technician with a lower paid one.
7. If you want to increase your shop’s gross profit percent-
b. hiring more entry level technicians at a lower rate.
age you can
c. cutting every current technician’s pay.
a. increase your total labor sales.
d. all of the above, although I would not recommend it.
b. increase cost of labor sales.
3. The term average cost of sales refers to c. decrease your fixed expenses.
a. the total hours produced divided by the number of d. decrease average cost of sales.
In Questions 8–10 you have two technicians working for you.
b. the normal amount of hours that John turns weekly
Your shop labor rate is $50 per flat-rate hour. Jeremy, who is
every year.
paid $20 per flat-rate hour, turns 60 hours this week and
c. the average pay rate of your technicians divided by
Alfred, who is paid $10 per flat rate per hour, produces only
30 hours.
d. none of the above.
8. What is your average cost of sales for the week?
4. A shop achieves the break even point when
a. it finally makes a net profit. 9. What is your total gross profit for the week?
b. gross profit all other expenses 0.
c. income expenses 0. 10. What is your gross profit percentage for the week?
d. more than one choice is correct.
5. If you want to increase your shop’s gross profit you can
a. reduce your overhead expenses.
b. increase cost of sales.
M ultitasking is not a new concept. Multitasking continues to be the norm for managers
in the automotive repair industry. Automotive managers are expected to possess a
wide array of skills and to be able to use them on a moment’s notice. None of us has an
unlimited amount of time. There are many situations that are beyond our control. Orga-
nizing yourself and prioritizing your efforts to get the most use of your time and energy
plays an important role in determining your success as a manager.
• CHAPTER 17: Managing Yourself and • CHAPTER 18: Organizing Tips and Tools
Your Time
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Managing Yourself
and Your Time
■ To identify what your strengths are and how to ■ To recognize the importance of organization
use them to your advantage and time management in improving productivity
■ To examine basic principles of how to prioritize
efforts to get maximum results
SECTION 5 ■ Organizing and Managing Your Efforts
We live in a world where there is abundance. There are so many places to go,
people to see, things to do. There is so much work to get done and so little
time. How do you decide what to do? What to do first? When to say no? Over-
whelmed by the choices and the pressures of today’s world, many people say
that they feel as if their life is out of control. They feel like they are constantly
pushed and pulled in so many directions that they do not feel like they are
really making the decisions.
In the ever-accelerating pace of change, technology, and life the demands
placed on each of us continue to expand. There is little you can do to reduce
the demands. Fortunately, there is something that you can do to help manage
those demands. You must become better at getting the best use out of the most
precious commodity that you have, your time. Most people would be willing to
pay a high price for just a little more time to . . . So, the big question is can you
be different? Can you get control of your time?
In Chapter 18 we will spend some time helping you improve your organi-
zation skills. However, and more important, in this chapter we will discuss the
most important part of getting really organized, deciding what your priorities
are so that you will have a foundation on which to organize your life.
Even though we each have a very wide range of knowledge and skills no one
(that I know of) has been able to be a master of everything possible in our world.
Managing Yourself and Your Time ■ CHAPTER 17
So here is one of the first secrets to success: The better that you are able to identify
your talents and abilities, the more likely you are to succeed. It’s almost too simple.
We can’t all do it all. Each of us can do some things better than others and they,
in turn, can do some things better than us. Therefore, it is to our advantage to
take the time to figure out what we do best and work to our strengths. Strengths
You can work harder, practice more, and study longer to try to compensate The areas of your
for your weaknesses. In many cases in your personal or professional life you knowledge, abilities,
will be faced with challenges that draw upon your strengths. However you will or capacity.
also be expected to do things that you are not so good at doing. In those cases
you clearly have to work to minimize or overcome your weaknesses.
You need to realize that it will take greater effort to overcome your weak-
nesses than doing those things that you naturally do easily and well. For that The areas of your least
reason, it just makes good sense that the better you are able to identify your knowledge, abilities, or
strengths and put yourself in a position where you can draw upon them the capacity.
more likely you will be at the top of your game. Whether it is in your personal
life or your career the better you are able to consistently identify your strengths,
acknowledge them, and direct your efforts to find the niche where your unique
qualities are valued, appreciated, and rewarded the more likely you will be
CASE The great news about the shop is that the workforce is
very stable. Unfortunately, not all of the technicians
A new manager is hired into an existing import deal- have been able to keep up with the changes in tech-
ership service department. The shop has been around nology. As a result, some of them really struggle when
for many years and has a very loyal customer follow- they run into complex electrical and electronic prob-
ing. Like many small import shops all of the techni- lems. Others have difficulty with the very complicated
cians are full-service technicians. The problem that has new dual overhead-cam 12-cylinder engines or the
resulted in your hire is that the shop has been show- electronically actuated transmissions. Unfortunately
ing a constant decline in productivity and repair the more computer savvy technicians in the shop may
quality. This has reached the point where customer be busy doing oil changes, replacing brake pads, and
complaints have been increasing and even some of doing simple maintenance services.
the most loyal customers are starting to go elsewhere
for their repairs.
After analyzing the situation it becomes appar- You decide
ent that these problems have been growing as the Faced with this situation what solution or possible
vehicles have become more complicated and complex. solutions would you consider? Why?
SECTION 5 ■ Organizing and Managing Your Efforts
Most of us have come home from work after a long day and as we sunk
into the couch we were greeted by the question: How was your day? Some
days you felt totally drained, totally exhausted, you likely reported that you
didn’t feel like you really accomplished much. It was just draining. However,
after working just as hard—and possibly even harder—after another long day
you’ve come home and rather than feeling drained, exhausted, overwhelmed,
you’re energized, happy, upbeat, enthusiastic, and looking forward to some-
one asking how your day was. What was the difference between these two
Was the difference that you got more sleep the night before? Were you in
better health? Was the weather better? Was it sunny outside? Although these
external factors may have had some effect, it is likely that they were minimal.
You can probably easily think of both good and bad days that happen
regardless of your state of sleep, health, or other external factors. So what
was it, really? Here’s a brief exercise that may help you to understand the
The short exercise that you just completed is not that scientific, not that
complicated, but is intended to point out to you two different things about
what you do every day in your personal life and in your professional life. It
comes as no surprise to you, I’m sure, that there are many things that you spend
your time and energy doing that you don’t feel particularly skilled at doing!
However, even more important, once you have been able to eliminate
those things that you’re not good at, the remaining list still typically
contains a variety of activities that don’t make you feel good. Why not? You
have the knowledge. You have the skills. Yet they don’t satisfy you. Again,
why not?
The simple answer to why not is that although we all possess a wide range
of skills and abilities, just because we can do something does not mean that we
want to do it. In that subtle difference lies the answer to personal and job satis-
faction. The better you are able to make the distinction between what you are
capable of doing and what you are motivated and driven to do the more often
Managing Yourself and Your Time ■ CHAPTER 17
you will experience the situation presented earlier where after a hard day you
come home energized, happy, upbeat, enthusiastic. The simple difference is
learning what makes you feel fulfilled and then directing as much of your
efforts as possible at aligning your activities with those tasks.
Certainly, all of us are required to do many things that we do not choose
to do. We are not in total control of our time and our energies. However, the
more often we are able to get our head, our heart, and our energies going in
the same direction, the more likely we are to feel like a success in our work and
in our lives.
SECTION 5 ■ Organizing and Managing Your Efforts
the process is to ask yourself three of the most common questions asked in job
interviews. They are
• What do you want to be doing and where do you want to be in the next
5 years?
• What do you expect to be doing in 10 years?
• How about in 20 years?
Interviewers ask you these questions to see if your professional goals and
that of the current position and the company are aligned. They realize that
both you and they are much more likely to succeed and thrive if you have
mutual interests and goals. You owe it to yourself to know the answers to these
questions. Armed with this knowledge you can build a vision, mission, and
goals so that you can achieve your aspirations for the future.
You decide Now that you’ve answered the last three ques-
tions take a few minutes to reflect and make a brief
Close your eyes for a moment and dream about what
list of the things that you need to do to make sure
your work life will look like in the future if every-
that you are ready to take advantage of opportuni-
thing turns out the way that you want it to be. Then,
ties that will help you to achieve these goals.
answer the following:
Once you have clarified your aspirations for the future the next step is to
write them down and keep them handy. In this way you can constantly
remind yourself of your intended goal. That will help to assure that you stay
on that path. Remember, you need to be careful: If you don’t know where
you’re headed you just might get there. However, the more clearly you keep
on the path to your intended target the more likely you will be to reach it
faster and with less frustration and lost effort.
Now that you’re clear about your goals and ambitions you need to take
the time to brainstorm about what things you can do to help further your
goals. Do you need to take a class? Attend a seminar? Start associating with
different people? Join a club? Change jobs? You need to answer to the best of
your ability the question: What do I need to know and be able to do if I want
to be best prepared to achieve my goal? Although no one can guarantee you
that just because you are prepared the world will fall at your feet, please be
assured that your best chance for success is to be prepared, ready, and anx-
iously waiting when the door of opportunity opens.
Managing Yourself and Your Time ■ CHAPTER 17
Without a clear vision of your goals and, therefore, your priorities before
you start your day you are likely to get hopelessly sidetracked by the needs or
wants of someone or something else. Without something to help you to refo-
cus your efforts you are likely to give up your quest to complete your goals and
fall into a constant pattern of putting out fires. This is a very common yet cru-
cial difference between those that are successful and those that just put in
their time. It is one of the critical differences between working smart and
working hard.
The highly motivated, dedicated, and directed individual needs to realize
that if he allows himself to slip into the role of spending too much time put-
ting out fires that he is never going to have enough time to change things. It is
not until he can fight against this tendency that he will be able to make
changes so that fewer emergencies occur. Ultimately, it is the ability to fight
against the urge to put out fires and to make changes to prevent fires that will
make you successful.
The purpose of this analogy is to help you see that with the limited time
and resources that all of us are faced with you can’t do it all. Therefore, you
need to make conscious decisions as to how to best use your limited resources.
Do you want to leave things as they are and deal with the symptoms of the
problems in the current system? Or, would it be better to redirect at least some
of your time to improving the system so that you’ve reduced or eliminated the
likelihood of the symptoms occurring? In the final analysis, your choice in
this matter should be a well thought out and intentional one, not something
left to chance.
SECTION 5 ■ Organizing and Managing Your Efforts
This first, and most basic step is the one that is often missed. In the process of
being busy, hurried, and stressed it is difficult to stop for a moment to see what
is really going on. In order to correctly identify all the activities and respon-
sibilities that you need to deal with you must at some point do something
very difficult—stop. That’s right, you have to stop doing so that you can pull
back from the situation and take a look at the big picture.
The idea here is to sit down and think about all of the tasks, jobs, and
responsibilities that you have to deal with. The purpose is to help you to gain a
better sense of the overall picture of all of the directions you are pulled in every
day. The ultimate goal here is for you to improve your decision-making skills on
what to do next and why. How can you possibly do that without taking the time
to step back and know what you are really spending your time doing and why?
One of the simplest, yet effective, techniques for doing this is to sit down
with a simple sheet (or pad) of paper and make a list. The goal is to list all of
the things that you are supposed to do tomorrow. Not what you want to do
tomorrow, but what you feel that you are expected to do tomorrow. This can
be focused specifically on just those activities, job responsibilities, and dead-
lines that you know that you’ll have to deal with at work.
Stepping back and taking a really hard look at the variety of activities,
deadlines, and other demands that are put on you in just one day should
Managing Yourself and Your Time ■ CHAPTER 17
begin to give you some perspective of why you feel so tired and overwhelmed.
As you look at your list are you surprised by how many things are on it? Are
they all things that you expected? Are there some items on the list that you
wish you could avoid or eliminate?
Taking a look at your days and, in the bigger sense, at your overall job and
your life is an uncommon activity for most people. Yet, without consciously
knowing what you’re doing and why how is it possible to take control of your
life? And, if you can’t take control of your life, how can you expect to ever be
happy during your life’s unique journey? For this reason, this is the first and
most important step in helping you to get control of your life and how you
spend your most precious commodity, your time.
Once you have some sense of what you are doing today, tomorrow, and
beyond you need to think about what you are going to do with this new-
found knowledge. It is not time, quite yet, to spring into action. There are a
few more steps that you need to take first.
Before you begin to arm yourself with tools and techniques that will help
you to manage all of the duties, assignments, and responsibilities that are
thrown your way it is essential that you answer one simple question: Why am
I here? This may sound too simple, but try it. The point in this simple exercise,
whether it is related to your overall existence or to your responsibilities and
goals at work, is critical to your ultimate success.
Until you know the answer to the why question you can’t possibly be able
to sort out what. That is, until you know what is important to you it will not
be able to sort through the many things that come your way to determine
which ones are priorities. Not until you are clear on your priorities will you be
able to focus your best efforts on making sure that they always stay first and
foremost in your mind, in your attention, and in your efforts. Finally, not
until you make those issues and items foremost in your efforts will you be able
to be sure that you are putting your best foot forward toward getting them
SECTION 5 ■ Organizing and Managing Your Efforts
Once you can see how you would identify what the most important items
are and why they are important you now have the basic knowledge to priori-
tize your activities for an hour, a day, a career, and a lifetime. It is simply a
matter of using this same simple concept and expanding its use in these other
longer-term settings.
In our ever-accelerating world working faster just will not cut it. You need
to be able to prioritize, to work smarter, if you want to succeed. Clearly identi-
fying what is most important to you and to others is the only way to be sure
that you put your best effort into what really matters.
Even if you had the luxury of an unlimited supply of time, you’d feel
much better if you got the important things done and could sit back and be
satisfied with your accomplishments. It is also likely that those who depend
upon you (your boss, your teacher, your family, and friends) would express
their pleasure that you had made it a priority in your life to meet their needs.
With our limitations of time, energy, and effort understanding how to pri-
oritize is essential. No matter how hard you work you simply can’t do it all. If
you allow that to drag you down it can lead to frustration and disappoint-
ment. However, what you can do is focus your efforts into what is most impor-
tant and, in doing so, accomplish most, if not all, of what is really essential.
Your skill in prioritizing provides you the ability to manage your time and
your efforts to your best advantage.
It has become very common that we do not live, work, or think about one
thing at a time. In our world it is so common that they (whoever they are)
have invented a new word to describe dealing with this phenomenon. Do you
know what it is? That’s right—multitasking. Believe it or not, as common as
this word is, it is a fairly recent addition to our language and our lives. How-
ever, it is, without a doubt, the way of today and the demand of the future.
Because we are constantly bombarded with input, questions, tasks, and
concerns it is essential that we be able to keep track of all of them. At some
point in our daily routine the combination of multiple ideas bouncing around
in our heads along with those that we see and hear in the world around us
make us reach the point where we can’t absorb it all. Our brains help us to nat-
urally filter out some of the inputs. It is our job, however, if we are intent on
keeping our priorities in order and in mind to make sure that we don’t forget
about those things that are important to us.
We need to find tools to help us to develop a system for us to keep track of
important ideas, important items, and important responsibilities. By tools I don’t
mean that you should go out and purchase the latest PDA, tablet PC, or other
gadget. Although those appliances can be useful they are not, in and of them-
selves, the tools that we need to think about. The methods for keeping track can
range from scraps of paper to sticky notes to pages from a legal tablet to a tablet
PC—the most important thing to remember is that the recording tool is not what
is important—the act of recording it so that we don’t forget it is.
Multitasking Multitasking
The ability to perform Earlier in this chapter I introduced the work world that we live in as the age of
multiple activities at the multitasking. Very simply put, in today’s world we cannot expect that we will
same time. be left alone to do one thing at a time in a calm, orderly, and totally focused
Managing Yourself and Your Time ■ CHAPTER 17
Making the conscious decision to put something off until a later time is
important in keeping your priorities in order. However, making decisions to
put things off is very closely related to its very negative and productivity-
killing cousin, procrastination. If you are to be effective in getting your work Procrastination
accomplished you need to carefully guard against procrastinating. A consistent behavior of
There is a subtle and very important difference between delaying action postponing or putting
and procrastinating. You can delay action on an item due to a conscious deci- off tasks, activities, or
sion that something else is a higher priority. However, procrastination is the responsibilities until a
act of putting things off habitually. That means time and time again you are later time.
faced with this task, objective, or goal and you decide to put it aside. Why? Is
it because you don’t want to do it, because you don’t understand it, because it
is unpleasant? Whichever of these is the case it is essential that you take the
time to make sure that when you put something aside to deal with it later that
you are doing it for the right reasons. The right reasons are only because you
have something that is more important and more urgent to do first. Any other
excuse is a justification to procrastinate.
Procrastinating takes time. Every time you go through your to-do list and
decide not to deal with an item it takes time and energy. This little time robber
may easily have taken you several times the total investment of time and
energy that it would have taken to resolve the issue in wasted time thinking
about how to justifying putting it off. That does not mean that you need to go
to the other extreme and feel the need to deal with each item on your list one
after another in exact order so that you don’t waste time. You still have to prior-
itize your efforts and do what matters most first. This is simply a warning of the
trap that you may catch yourself in if you’re not totally honest with yourself.
SECTION 5 ■ Organizing and Managing Your Efforts
In this chapter we have discussed the importance of taking general principles and practices that will help you get started
the time to stop and decide what is important before you act. in thinking about how to set up a system that works for
Identifying your priorities both personally and professionally you to get better organized and get better control of your
will help you be more efficient with your time. It will help you environment.
to be able to achieve the old adage work smarter, not harder In the Chapter 18 we will take this process a step further.
and feel much more satisfied that you’ve accomplished things We hope that you now have a better idea of what you want
that you value. to do and why it is important to become more organized.
Once you’ve had a chance to sit back to recognize and With all of that clear direction, organization, and drive we
set your priorities, it is important to start working on the prac- now need to figure out how to help you get the most out of
tical side of getting better organized to squeeze the most pro- your most precious commodity—your time!
ductive use out of your efforts. We have discussed some
Organizing Tips and
■ To identify techniques and tools that can help ■ To develop basic methods to consistently keep
you to get organized track of communications
■ To examine the importance of developing use- ■ To organize the multiple activities that are a
ful tools to track projects and performance part of management
SECTION 5 ■ Organizing and Managing Your Efforts
In this chapter we will discuss several important tips and techniques that
enable you to become better at keeping track of all of the many tasks and
responsibilities that you face every day as a manager. The ultimate goal is to
become more efficient, more effective, and more satisfied with the results that
you are able to consistently produce and the success you achieve as a result.
Is there anyone out there who really feels that life is easier, slower, more
relaxed today than it was yesterday? Three months ago? Three years ago? Do
you feel frazzled by all of the things that keep coming at you moment to
moment? Do you see any end in sight? If you don’t feel that the end of this
hectic existence is in sight you are in good company—all managers deal with
these same issues every day.
In recent years, as the pace of daily life and the responsibilities that go
with it have continued to multiply there have been hundreds of articles, chap-
ters, and self-help books written on the topic of organization and time man-
agement. When people are questioned about the thing in their life that they
lack the most it is not money, it is time. In this chapter you will find some
practical tools and tips that you can use daily to get the most out of your most
precious commodity—time.
Organizing Tips and Tools ■ CHAPTER 18
SECTION 5 ■ Organizing and Managing Your Efforts
analyze the whole project and break it down into reasonably sized chunks.
Timeline Once you have identified the pieces, you must develop a timeline that priori-
A list of important events tizes those chunks. Then you must be sure to prioritize doing those tasks
and tasks of a large project within the project that require more lead time or need to be done prior to
or process organized in other steps. Otherwise further progress down the line will come to a halt.
chronological order. Finally, you must take great care to identify those tasks that require the help of
people or other resources outside of your area and, as a result, allow more lead
time in your timeline so they can be completed.
Generally the best way to make a working plan to address major assign-
ments is to do a timeline first. The project timeline in Figure 18-1 can be as
simple as putting a list of the smaller tasks on a to-do list with deadline dates
for each one. The task could also be more complex, requiring you to chart the
project and/or even use computer-based project planning software to keep
track of events, deadlines, and overall progress.
Develop materials
Production of materials
Run newspaper advertisements
Set up on-site displays
Dates of anniversary sale
Evaluate results of sale
As situations arise that require a timeline for large and complex activities
you need to make sure that you have it available and access it regularly to track
your progress. This may require that you provide a visible spot in your office
area that you reserve to place your chart (on the wall?) and your to-do list (right
next to your computer on your desk?) so that you cannot forget about them
and overlook them. Make access to them convenient and inescapable.
As is the case with any tools, they need to be ones that you feel comfort-
able with and, therefore, you are willing and likely to use on a regular basis.
Failure to use some tools or methods to break down the biggest tasks into
manageable parts is not a viable option. Time and again it has been proven in
a variety of settings that failure to break down complex and time-consuming
projects and develop a detailed plan of action results in missed deadlines and
severe consequences.
Tracking Tools
The world that you live in requires you to multitask. Especially in the work
world, you can expect to be doing one thing, thinking about the other five
you need to do, and then get interrupted 10 times by phone calls, questions,
or other distractions. How can you keep all of this in your head? Should you
be able to?
While you are thinking about organizing why not give your brain a break?
It is totally unreasonable—and unnecessary—for you to be expected to keep
Organizing Tips and Tools ■ CHAPTER 18
juggling all of your ideas, tasks, deadlines, and so on in your head and keep
them all straight! When was the last time that you honestly felt that saying “I
forgot” was enough reason for your boss or a loved one? Therefore, the best
rule of thumb for your actions should be: If you cannot afford to forget it, you
cannot afford not to write it down!
There is a wide range of tools that are readily available to help you with
tracking minor events that you cannot afford to forget. Everything from Tracking
shreds of notebook paper to more formal tools like notepads, microcassette Maintaining a constant and
recorders, PDAs, and PCs. Jotting things down is essential for ensuring that consistent record of
important information is not lost. However, just as in the case with all of the events/activities and
other tools and tips we have talked about, you have to remember that they are progress toward their
just tools. You do not want to become the person who walks in the door at completion.
night and empties out his pockets full of wadded up notes, cards, shreds of
paper, and a PDA. You need to develop a system that works for you and you
need to try to keep it simple and consistent.
Tracking Communications
The majority of communication today is done via e-mail and telephone. If
you are to be effective in keeping track of where you stand on your numerous
assignments it is essential that you able to maintain a simple and easy history
of the communications with others that affect those projects.
The To-Do List The simplest form for keeping all of your activities and prior-
ities in front of you is to build and maintain a to-do list. It does not really To-Do List
matter whether you keep this on your PC, your PDA, or in a notebook. Again, A record of all outstanding
what matters is that you keep track of everything, not what you keep track on! tasks and responsibilities.
One of the most important factors in deciding on how you are going to set
up your to-do list is easy access. The list needs to be somewhere that is conve-
nient and readily available to you at all, or almost all, times. It is intended to
be your steady reminder to keep you from forgetting any of the many respon-
sibilities, assignments, and deadlines that you have. If it is to serve this func-
tion it must, first and foremost, be available.
A word of caution is important here. There are people who can progress
from being disorganized and unable to complete tasks on time to becoming so
well organized that they do not have time to complete tasks. That is, they
become so involved in making and maintaining lists that they do not have
any time left to do productive work. This can often happen when they use the
newest, best, and greatest tool to keep track—and have to spend great amounts
of their time becoming good at using the appliance. Others run into this same
problem because, in their desire to always have the list available, they decide
to maintain multiple lists—one on the office computer, one on the PDA, one
in the planner, one on the home PC, one on the cell phone, and so on. By
doing this the result is that they have four or five lists that never agree. Thus,
they spend huge amounts of time trying to update the other four lists every
time they change the fifth one.
With these warnings in mind, there is no one magic bullet to keeping a to-
do list that works for everybody. You need to find and build a system that
works best for you with these things in mind. My suggestion is that you keep
it as simple as you can so that you do not spend any more time building it and
maintaining it than is required but that you spend enough time to make sure
that it is complete and current and works for you.
SECTION 5 ■ Organizing and Managing Your Efforts
The essential characteristics of a to-do list are simple. Along with being
user friendly, the list needs to be a complete, listing of all of the tasks, respon-
sibilities, and deadlines that you need to accomplish. The list needs to not
only indicate what needs to be done; it also needs to indicate when it should
be finished. In its simplest form it can be a page or two of one-line entries on a
yellow pad that have the following headings: date assigned, assignment, due
date (Figure 18-2). An effective to-do list should be able to quickly remind you
of the answers to the question: What do I need to do and by when to accom-
plish my goal and/or meet my deadline? All of the details surrounding who
assigned it to you, the complexity of the task, and other supporting informa-
tion can and may be recorded as a part of your efforts to accomplish your goal,
but that is too much information to include on the to-do list.
Date Date
Assigned Task Deadline Completed
Some to-do items may be very long, involved, and complex activities or
projects. Because of their complexity you might not feel comfortable with list-
ing them as a one-line entry on your list. You may be concerned that you will
have trouble keeping track of exactly where you stand on an important and
complex assignment. When you find this to be the case, and in an effort to
break those overwhelming tasks down into smaller bits, you may find that
subdividing the single big assignment down into smaller sub goals and sub to-
do items works better for you. This technique is commonly used to help keep
a better handle on these assignments. However, remember to keep in mind
that if you start to spend more time breaking down your to-do list into smaller
and smaller items that you will be spending increased time babysitting your
to-do list and less time getting your work done—so be careful. The purpose of
the to-do list is to be a simple, usable reminder tool that keeps you on track.
Now that you have determined a simple but usable format that works for
you, the last and most important rule is that you need to review your list on a
regular basis and update it. No to-do list is effective if you never use it! It is rec-
ommended that you review your to-do list daily and revise it at least once per
week. Many who use this important organizational tool make sure that it is
easily within sight and reach and will start each day by glancing down and
reviewing their to-do list. This can be valuable as a means of keeping priorities
straight before heading into the day’s activities.
Another useful suggestion for maximizing the value of the to-do list is to
consider setting aside a small amount of time at the end of each week, just
before you leave for the weekend to review and rewrite your to-do list. This
Organizing Tips and Tools ■ CHAPTER 18
can become a powerful tool in reviewing what you have accomplished during
the past week as you can eliminate those tasks and goals that you have com-
pleted. In addition, by writing down all of your open items (or at least reading
them all) it helps to remind you about those items that may have slipped your
mind during the past week and to which you need to recommit your time and
efforts to make sure that they get done correctly and on time.
Here are a few final suggestions on the use of your to-do list. I highly sug-
gest that you follow these four simple rules in working with your list, at least
from the start if you are new at it. Once you get comfortable with your list you
can establish your own rhythm, but these pointers should help you to get off
to a good start
Tracking and Archiving E-Mail E-mail has become the most widely used
method for quick communication and so tracking and archiving e-mail com- Archiving E-Mail
munications is an absolute necessity. Fortunately, most e-mail host programs Storing past e-mails as
provide a method for organizing and storing e-mails. If you do not take the permanent records so that
time to organize your e-mails you will pay dearly with lost e-mails and lost they can be recalled.
time trying to find them when you need them. Failure to take the time to do
so is one of those gifts that keeps on giving as time and again you frantically
search for that essential message that you know is there . . . somewhere.
Organizing e-mails into subfolders requires the same logic and skills that
you’ve used before organizing your drawers and file cabinets. In effect, it is a
digital filing cabinet system that is modeled after the file folders in a physical
file cabinet. Even though this is a simple and familiar task, just like organizing
physical file cabinets, it requires that you take the time to set up a logical set of
file folders that you can use to organize and retrieve all of your important
SECTION 5 ■ Organizing and Managing Your Efforts
3/4/06 8:30 Roger Edwards (888)254-1234 Would like to schedule appt. for 30K C/B 9:20 Scheduled
Organizing Tips and Tools ■ CHAPTER 18
likely that you will be able to produce consistent results amidst disorganization
and chaos. We have all experienced the co-worker who has piles and piles
everywhere. Obviously he is very busy. But as you think about it further, is this
person busier getting work done, or finding where he left things among those
piles? He has lots of information, yet if you try to ask for a simple answer in
most cases you will probably get an answer such as “I will have to get back to
you on that. I have a file on it somewhere. I will just have to find it first.” That
is called lost effort. Lost effort saps our time for productive effort. It makes us
work harder, rather than smarter.
Organization, like a to-do list, is a personal thing. It is just as important
that it works for you as it is that things are organized. The fact remains, how-
ever, that without some consistent organization and maintenance of your
work area you are likely to fall into the same trap as the folks mentioned
earlier. Do not let it happen.
Determine what the right or best place is for all of the tools that you use
regularly. This will reduce lost time because you know where they are and that
they are accessible to you at a moment’s notice. This is one of the best time
savers that you can ever find—and it’s free.
Just as important as getting things in their right place is developing the
habit of keeping them there. It will save you having to look for it when it is
not where you thought you put it. This is simply a matter of having a plan and
sticking to it so that looking for it does not waste your most precious and
scarce commodity, your time.
Finally, you need to remember that organizational tools are simply tools.
They are not the reason why you work or the goal of your job. Therefore, you
need to keep them in perspective and not get obsessed with organization. Yet,
if you take a reasonable amount of care to get organized, stay organized, and
operate in this mode for a while you will see that you reduce lost effort and
frustration. You will find that you have recovered a significant amount of your
previously non-productive time.
Planning in its essence is an intentional and consistent effort projects, requires a completely different strategy. They should
to identify, prioritize, and organize those things that you do to be broken down into smaller bite size chunks and then set
maximize your results. It is through this simple process of tak- up on a timeline to move from activity to activity through
ing a step back and looking at the big picture and then con- the project in an organized fashion that will assure timely
sciously determining what you need to do and in what order completion.
that you can improve your productivity. You need to develop a A word of warning. Although organizing your activities
plan of action and consistently work that plan. and reviewing your lists regularly are important to improving
You need to find the methods that are comfortable to your productivity, becoming obsessed with the lists can
you so that you are willing and able to commit to using them become counterproductive. The lists and charts are not your
on a regular basis. One of the simplest, yet most effective, goal. Your goal is to regularly and consistently get your work
organizational tools is the to-do list. Regular use of this tool done well and on time. The lists and charts are simply orga-
can ensure that you keep on track and are better able to nizing tools. Like any other tools you use them when you
remember your many activities. need them. Don’t play with them. By that, I mean that if you
A basic rule that can help you to be more productive is to get caught up in writing, and rewriting, and revising your to-
handle paperwork and small projects only one time whenever do list daily just because it looks a bit messy, you may be using
possible. This saves time. On the other end of the spectrum, up time that you could be using for better value—making
dealing with the big ones, the really large and complex progress in completing items on the list!
SECTION 5 ■ Organizing and Managing Your Efforts
1. One of the most effective ways to handle small tasks like 6. A useful tool to help you to keep track of a string of
mail is to phone conversations and messages is a
a. handle it and deal with it only once. a. road map.
b. ignore it until it is too late. b. phone log.
c. read it, log it in, and then deal with it later. c. to-do list.
d. none of the above. d. project tracking report.
2. A common basic tool to organize your activities is a 7. A simple tool for keeping track of all of your activities
a. flowchart. and deadlines is a
b. timeline. a. calendar.
c. to-do list. b. to-do list.
d. all of the above. c. critical path timeline.
d. detailed financial analysis.
3. One of the biggest reasons why big projects don’t get
done on time is 8. Date, time, name, phone number, and brief message are
a. starting on them too early the basic pieces of information that can be found on a
b. notifying outside partners far in advance a. telephone information system.
c. not breaking the project down into small parts b. to-do list.
d. they are impossible to get done c. project tracking timeline.
d. phone log.
4. A to-do list
a. must be in a specific format. 9. The basic information on an effective to-do list
b. has to have at least 8 columns and be on special a. should be rewritten daily.
forms. b. should be reviewed quarterly
c. needs to list every single thing that you do. c. should be written down and then forgotten.
d. none of the above. d. should be reviewed daily.
5. The most basic form of a to-do list should include what 10. Sitting down and simply listing all of the things you have
information? to do helps you to
a. date assigned, task, date due. a. make a grocery list.
b. date assigned, priority, task, due date, completion b. procrastinate from having to do them.
date, comments. c. have a false sense of accomplishment.
c. whatever information you want it to have. d. identify what you need to do.
d. time, date, location, task.
E ven if an organization has the best location, the best price, and the best product it is
doomed to failure in the long term if it doesn’t understand and respect the value of its
customers. The number-one responsibility of any automotive service operation is not fixing
cars, it is fixing the customers. Building and maintaining a strong base of customers is one
of the best ways to assure the long-term success of any company. Developing these posi-
tive relationships so customers become vocal advocates and your best advertisements in
the community is one of the best strategies for any service organization.
The Value of Satisfied
■ To appraise the effect that satisfied and dissatis- ■ To assess the benefits of return and repeat cus-
fied customers have on business success tomers on business
■ To examine the high cost of attracting new ■ To identify some of the fundamental traits of
customers human behavior
SECTION 6 ■ Customer Relations
Each of us is bombarded every day in every direction that we look by ads, pro-
motions, commercials, and billboards. Why? The reason is clear. No company,
even with the best product or service, can survive without enough customers.
Those companies that have the longest and most consistent track record of
performance have learned that this must be taken one step further; no com-
pany can survive without enough loyal customers. They all know that even if
they have the best product that people have to know about it before they will
buy it. Even when customers know about a great product they must feel good
about the company that provides it. Thus, smart business people know that
their survival hinges on their ability to attract and retain customers.
This chapter is a brief overview of the importance of satisfied customers to
the health of any organization. Further, in it we will discuss some general
principles that you should keep in mind to guide your efforts to build and
maintain a growing base of your most valued commodity, return customers.
Customer Orientation
Customer Very simply put, customer satisfaction is the key to repeat sales. This seems
Satisfaction obvious. None of us chooses to do business with a company that we do not
The intentional practice of trust, that we believe has tried to take advantage of us, or has taken the oppor-
meeting or exceeding tunity to gouge us when they could by charging too much. Yet, each of us con-
customer expectations. tinues to experience situations like this in our daily lives. Why?
Whether it is intentional or due to ignorance, there will always be compa-
nies that are blinded by the opportunity to take advantage of a situation for
Opportunist immediate gain. These companies are called opportunists. After all, they are
A person who intentionally in business to make a profit. The short-term benefits of being an opportunist
takes advantage of a go right to the company’s bottom line. Who can blame them? The answer to
situation. that question is: you can, we can, and, ultimately, we do. Any of us may be
guilty of dealing with a particular company in spite of these bad business prac-
tices but that only holds true when we feel that we have no other choice.
When a vendor is the only source of a product or service that we strongly
desire we will go counter to our best judgment and deal with them in spite of
their practices. We will pay the higher price and/or forego the security that
they will treat us fairly if a problem occurs. We are willing to take the risk. How-
ever, as soon as we find ourselves in the position of having a choice to deal with
a more reputable vendor that we feel will treat us fairly we will switch. That is
the ultimate consequence that the opportunistic company will eventually pay.
It is for this reason that you can easily name several companies that have
risen meteorically to great fame and fortune and then, just as quickly, plunged
into non-existence. They took advantage of the situation on the short term
and then paid the ultimate price in the long term. That is certainly the last
business practice anyone should follow.
It is a far better long-term investment to be very aware and sensitive to cus-
tomer perceptions so as not to, even unintentionally, build the reputation as an
opportunist. The way to steady, long-term success is through striving intention-
ally in everything that you do to build and maintain customer trust, customer
satisfaction, and, thus, customer loyalty. It is the repeat customers and the per-
sonal testimonies and free word-of-mouth advertising that they will provide for
you every day that will be the biggest boon to your ultimate success.
The Value of Satisfied Customers ■ CHAPTER 19
SECTION 6 ■ Customer Relations
and the number of complaint calls that they have received they feel confident
that they are satisfying 80 percent of their customers. Here is the data for the
past 3 months
Automobiles serviced 100
Customer complaints/returns to shop 20
Satisfied customers 80 (80%)
The Value of Satisfied Customers ■ CHAPTER 19
when you consider the full impact of the 11/4 rule in the above example, in
the worst case scenario A&B Service may have gained twenty new customers
through positive word-of-mouth and then lost two hundred and twenty
potential customers due to negative word-of-mouth. A net loss of two times
their total monthly customer base (200 customers) in one month’s time.
The potential impact of A&B Service’s uncertainty about their true customer
satisfaction rate may be the cause of some serious future problems. Their lack of
certainty about how many of the 80 percent that did not complain has left them
with a false sense of security. Further, the potential negative affect that the 20
percent that complained may have on future business is far greater than A&B
has ever considered.
SECTION 6 ■ Customer Relations
Not every company has the resources to invest in expensive customer sur-
veying activities. The most important factor, however, is that no company can
afford to ignore the importance of doing what they can to obtain this rich and
essential information. If you want to be successful you need to actively solicit
responses from every customer, to obtain specific data on every service trans-
action, and to provide the company an opportunity to take immediate correc-
tive actions. The data itself is valuable as a management tool to help you
know, for sure, what your true percentage of satisfied customers is.
The satisfaction statistics, although important, are not the most important
benefit. The greatest long-term benefit is providing you the opportunity to
make a rapid response in identifying and addressing the problems of the few
dissatisfied customers that you have. It is through this proactive approach that
you are most likely to be able to save those customers and turn them into sat-
isfied customers rather than quietly allowing them to become part of the
group that tell 11 friends about their bad service experience.
The Value of Satisfied Customers ■ CHAPTER 19
SECTION 6 ■ Customer Relations
to reach 10,000 customers there is no guarantee that out of that 10,000 any of
them will become your customers. Remember, you cannot be sure that those
who hear your message have a need, have an interest, are not already loyal to
a competitor, and/or have not been wooed away by an even stronger adver-
tisement from a competitor! That is the reason why the odds are stacked
against you to obtain major increases in new customers without constant, per-
sistent, and expensive efforts.
Exceeding Expectations
The low cost and high value of retaining customers is good motivation to be
open and willing to go above and beyond what is required to keep them. Your
existing customers are a captive audience. You could ask, “Why should I give
them more than I have to? They are already happy with what they are getting.”
However, if you are only meeting their minimum requirements so that they do
business with you rather than having to go through the trouble of finding
another shop you may be hanging on to them by a thread. Why not consider
ways to exceed their expectations to reinforce their decision to continue to
choose you?
By making a continuous effort to reinforce your current customers deci-
sion to choose you as their shop you not only are making a good investment
in retaining their current business, you are actually making a strong invest-
ment in obtaining additional business. This additional business can come
from two sources, increased sales from these customers and referral sales from
their friends and associates.
There is clear evidence that the more that any customer deals with an organi-
zation with repeated good results the more likely they are to feel confident to
spend more. A long-term repeat customer is likely to slowly transition from the
customer who initially chose you to provide a service, testing you out to see if
you were worthwhile, to a customer who considers you as their sole source to
advise them and provide solutions for all of their automotive service needs. This
type of loyalty is something that you can only wish to attain. However, even in
today’s highly competitive market instances of strong customer loyalty still exist.
The Value of Satisfied Customers ■ CHAPTER 19
his loyal following of customers. Through his thorough certainly changed my perspective. Further, I was able
yet controlled advising of customers he had been able to use this as a lesson to share with service advisors
to, in spite of the skeptical world around him, nurture and technicians alike at that dealership and also in
and build a loyal customer base that continued to subsequent positions to cause them to pause and
return. Not only did they return, they completely rethink the potential of developing that type of loyal
trusted him as their technician and their expert techni- clientele. As a result others that I worked with began
cal advisor. They were not manufacturer-bound or to work just a little bit harder and smarter to, hope-
dealer-bound, they were Tom’s customers. fully, build a clientele just like Tom’s some day.
Based on the realization that this type of cus-
tomer relationship is still possible in any market, it
Word-of-Mouth Advertising
The benefit of the loyal returning customer goes beyond their trust and their
openness to spend more at your shop. Probably their best benefit to you is
their willingness to provide you with the best advertising that you can get:
word-of-mouth advertising. No other type of advertising has the credibility Word-of-mouth
with the public that in any way compares to that of hearing a genuine, unso- Advertising
licited testimonial from one of your current customers—and the best part is Unsolicited comments that
that the advertising is free. individuals share with
Our potential customers are very busy people. They want and need to have others about their
automotive service as a convenient, trouble-free experience. In an attempt to satisfaction or dissatisfac-
navigate their way through the masses of shops competing for their attention tion with a product or
and their business, they will commonly look for any source of a referral. There company.
is no advertising medium that can assure a potential customer that you actu-
ally meet or exceed what you promise. Yet that is the type of information that
they desperately seek. The only true source of that type of information is
through an unsolicited recommendation from a current customer.
Customer Loyalty
For the reasons mentioned earlier it is important to make every effort to retain
your current customers. However, to be truly successful you must not stop there.
You need to work to move your customers up the ladder of customer satisfaction
(Figure 19-1). You need to make a concerted effort to move them from being a
Vocal advocate
Loyal customer
Repeat customer
One-Time customer
SECTION 6 ■ Customer Relations
The Value of Satisfied Customers ■ CHAPTER 19
Respect is something that is earned. The safest way for you to demonstrate
your respect for others is to always treat someone the way you think he or she
wants to be treated. There is little that can cut a relationship short faster than
when an individual feels talked down to and/or for any reason disrespected.
You need to make a concerted effort to be cautious in your approach to each
customer to avoid offending his or her sensitivities or insecurities. One of the
best ways to do this is to avoid stereotyping individuals and assuming that
you can be sure what they know or do not know, need or do not need without
giving them the respect of listening for clues and asking them.
In order to build a trusting relationship it is essential that customers feel
that you understand where they are coming from. They simply want to be
understood. You may not agree with their position, but it is, nevertheless, nec-
essary that you take the time to hear them out so that you can gain their per-
spective. It is not until you understand where they are at and what they really
want and need that you can begin to do your best work. You can only then
begin to help move them from their condition of frustration and need to one
of comfort and satisfaction—positions that will be rewarded as they become
satisfied and loyal customers.
SECTION 6 ■ Customer Relations
core needs by resolving their problem the first time so that you can assure
them of no further inconvenience.
Even though you have been pleasant and professional, listening to under-
stand what the customer needs, and fixed the car properly and on a timely basis
this does not guarantee a lifelong customer. Considering the high value that a
loyal, repeat customer brings to any organization there is one last, yet essential
point in quality service that is required so that you can build a loyal following.
You need to exceed the customer’s needs. Some key ideas to consider that can
assist you to consistently provide this superior service experience are to
Provide added value—strive to exceed customers’ expectations, not just to
meet minimum requirements.
Sell the benefits, not the price—work to provide value, not just a low price,
and take the time to make sure the customers see what they are getting
in return for their investment.
Provide more than the competition—promote and remind your customer the
strong points of doing business with you and why you are the best
Answer “Why would they want to do business with me?”—When trying to
determine what services to provide and focus on customer needs.
Follow-up after the sale—be proactive in attempting to contact all cus-
tomers after the sale to be sure that they are satisfied. Never leave this
to chance.
The main purpose of this chapter was to explore the value examples highlighted the need to know if your customers are
and importance of satisfied customers to the success and con- truly satisfied. The use of a customer satisfaction survey and an
tinued existence of your business. Two principles that high- active plan to do 100% customer follow-up was highly recom-
lighted the importance of being sure that you know if mended to assist in obtaining this important information.
customers are satisfied are the silent majority principle and To accompany that newfound respect for the value of
the 11/4 rule. They clearly illustrated the significant positive or satisfied customers we concluded with some key concepts to
negative impact that a handful of customers can have on keep in mind that will aid you in improving your interactions
overall customer satisfaction and long-term business success. with customers. Long-term survival and ultimate success in
We discussed the need to make a concerted effort to any customer-based service industry requires that you are
build your existing customer base from being repeat cus- customer focused. This requires a daily focus on customer
tomers to being vocal advocates of your organization. Several satisfaction.
1. Which of the following is not a principle in providing c. people want, first and foremost, to be understood.
quality customer service? d. all of the above.
a. Sell the benefits, not the price. 3. Which statement is not true regarding the value of cus-
b. Provide value-added. tomer satisfaction?
c. Give as little as possible.
a. It is easier to attract new customers than it is to keep
d. Follow up after the sale.
current ones.
2. A key principle of human behavior is b. There is a high cost in cultivating new customers.
a. respect the differences in people. c. Repeat customers can be your best advertisement.
b. always treat someone the way you think they want d. The cost to keep repeat customers is relatively low.
to be treated.
The Value of Satisfied Customers ■ CHAPTER 19
4. Measuring C.S.I. helps you to c. most people are too busy to take the time to complain.
a. know how popular this TV show really is. d. all of the above.
b. use forensic evidence to catch felons. In Questions 7–10 please number the four types of customers
c. accurately measure the number of dissatisfied listed from lowest (1) to highest (4) as the rank moving up the
customers. ladder of customer satisfaction
d. win dealership awards.
___ 7. repeat customer.
5. Two factors that you have to take into account to know ___ 8. one-time customer.
your true customer satisfaction are
___ 9. vocal advocate.
a. the silent majority and the 11/4 rule.
___ 10. loyal customer.
b. the 7/11 rule and the vocal minority.
c. the color of money and the value of repeat business.
d. the low cost of repeat customers and the cost of
6. When measuring customer satisfaction you need to be
aware of the silent majority because
a. many people that are dissatisfied will not complain.
b. people sometimes do not complain, they just go
away mad.
Building Basic
■ To identify fundamentals of behavior that affect ■ To examine the influence of body language and
communication gestures on communication
■ To recognize the influence of nonverbal signals ■ To use basic questioning techniques to more
on the message that is received effectively obtain information
■ To examine how tone of voice alters the intent ■ To demonstrate the value of questioning tech-
of your message niques in controlling difficult interactions.
Building Basic Communication Skills ■ CHAPTER 20
Sound communication skills have a profound affect on all that we do in our
lives. There are very few days when you are not called upon to use some por-
tion of your skills and abilities to share information and discuss topics. Occa-
sionally you need to draw on your higher-level communication skills when
you find the need to consult with others to problem-solve difficult issues or to
negotiate to overcome impasses between family, friends, or business associ-
ates. Our abilities to clearly and effectively communicate have a profound
effect on our relationships, both personal and professional.
In the business world, and especially in a retail environment, a great por-
tion of your time and a great measure of your ultimate success can be directly
attributed to your ability to effectively communicate with your customers,
your suppliers, and your co-workers. This is even more important as you rise
through the ranks of management. You are often called on to summon your
higher-level communication skills to resolve problems, clear up misunder-
standings, and negotiate solutions to difficult situations.
This chapter is intended to provide you with some general insights on
human behavior so you can better understand and communicate with others
whether they are your bosses, your subordinates, irate customers, or your sig-
nificant others. In addition we will briefly explore two sets of communication
tools: nonverbal communication and basic questioning techniques. These
tools, when properly applied, can increase the likelihood of successful com-
munications. Although the examples will primarily focus on your most diffi-
cult communication situations such as those with dissatisfied and even irate
customers, these tools can be applied to improve your communication at all
levels and with all audiences, both personal and professional.
Basics of Communication
Before you learn about tools and techniques that you can use to become a
more effective communicator it is important that we talk about some of the
basics. At one point in our lives we have all been exposed to people who are
very good at delivering a “canned speech.” They do a great job of saying just
the right things the right way so that they can try to convince those who are
listening to agree with their point of view. Unfortunately, in many cases they
are not able to convert many to their way of thinking. Why is this so? Why do
you not trust them or want to believe them? Most often, it is because although
they are good in their technique, they lack sincerity.
Because effective communication will be one of the major keys to your
success or failure it is, therefore, important that you are skilled at it. You need
to be sure that you are communicating with sincerity. You need to believe
what you are talking about or people will be able to see right through you and
doubt your intentions. More important, if you are to effectively communicate
you need to know your audience. You need to have some understanding of
their needs and values. The better you are able to understand your audience
and acknowledge their needs the easier it will be to establish a trusting rela-
tionship. This trust is essential for both parties to really share information and
openly and honestly work toward agreement.
You must realize that your values and your motives are not shared by every-
one. Each of us is unique. As a result, we all come to the table with different
SECTION 6 ■ Customer Relations
Building Basic Communication Skills ■ CHAPTER 20
But the results that I had hoped for, better perfor- hereafter. I had to learn to understand, acknowledge,
mance, did not materialize. In fact, it seemed to only and appreciate what others were here after. That
to make things worse. The employee’s performance was, more often than not, different than what I (and
did not improve and his attitude got worse. Why? the company) was there after. Only with that knowl-
I abandoned this little trick but did not immedi- edge could I consistently find a way to motivate
ately understand why it had been such a failure. It was employees to improve their performance. I had to
not until a little bit later through reading and experi- learn what they were here after, what they valued
ence and some more failed attempts to use “canned and what motivated them to action, before I had any
solutions” to fix employee problems that I realized chance of changing their performance or behavior.
that I was the one who really did not understand the
Nonverbal Communication
What you communicate to others is determined by much more than just
the words that you say. Your tone of voice definitely affects the message that Tone of Voice
the hearer receives. Beyond words and tone of voice, there is another major The manner in which the
factor that influences the message that you communicate. It is your body words are expressed
language. including loudness,
The study of nonverbal communication and the connection between emotion, and rhythm.
these gestures and body language to the total message conveyed are not new.
Charles Darwin, the scientist most often cited for his research in genetics and
Body Language
natural selection, is credited as the first scientist to research and report on this
topic in his book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (Darwin, Body position, movements
1899). The most often quoted contemporary research in nonverbal communi- or gestures that are a part
cations is that of Dr. Albert Mehrabian of UCLA. As a result of his research he of direct communication.
found that nonverbal communication not only has a direct affect on the mes-
sage that is received, it actually plays a more major role in the total message Nonverbal
than either the words said or the tone of voice used. Communication
Mehrabian’s findings are summarized in his 7%-38%-55% Rule which is The part of a message
shown in Figure 20-1 (Mehrabian, 1971). His findings indicate that in face-to- conveyed during a face-to-
face communications the words that are said only contribute 7 percent to the face encounter beyond the
total message that is conveyed. The tone of voice used in stating the message words including posture,
body position, facial
expressions, and voice
Spoken Words = 7%
Total = 100%
SECTION 6 ■ Customer Relations
conveys 38 percent of the message. Thus the total affect of the words spoken
only account for 45 percent of the message. The key factor of these findings is
that more than half of the message received by the hearer comes not from
words or tone of voice, but rather from the body language demonstrated by
the person sending the message.
You may think that the 7%-38%-55% Rule is a bit extreme, but there are
many cases where what is said is not nearly as important as the situation
and the way that is said. The key here is that you need to take seriously the
influence that tone of voice and your nonverbal communications can have on
the message that your hearer receives and understands.
Tone of Voice
The tone of voice plays a much larger part in the message communicated than
we realize. Let us look at a few examples that we have probably all encoun-
tered in our daily lives.
While hanging out with a group of friends, one of them makes a crude com-
ment or calls you a name. This is something that would normally cause you to
want to confront the person here and now. Yet, in this case you immediately
brush it off without giving it any more thought. Is it because it was your friend
that said it? Or, was it the way that it was said? Although both factors may
have been involved, it is very likely that simply by the tone of voice you were
able to read into the intent of the message that it was just a joke, not a serious
assault on you.
During a day at work a customer comes up to you who is really upset. After
a few minutes of listening without being able to get a word in, you feel like
this is a personal attack. You feel like this customer is talking down to you,
accusing you, blaming you. In these situations it is likely that the words do
not create the hostile environment, it is the tone of voice.
The effect of tone of voice on the message that is conveyed is not isola-
ted only to irate customers yelling at you as a manager. Tone of voice is an
important ingredient in the message that you communicate every time you
interact with others. Even the calmest communication can leave a lasting, yet
unintended message. Here are some examples of very negative messages
that can be very clearly, yet unintentionally, communicated through tone of
Building Basic Communication Skills ■ CHAPTER 20
Body Language
Just as tone of voice contributes to the total message received, body language
plays a major role in the complete message that the listener receives. Whether or
not the body language is intentional it affects the final results. Body language
includes all of the gestures, body positions, and other mannerisms that the
sender exhibits during a conversation. Being able to understand and control the
body language messages that you send when you are interacting with others can
help you to dramatically improve your ability to communicate clearly. Just as in
the case of tone of voice, the most important first step in maximizing your com-
munication skills through intentional use of these communication methods is
self-awareness. That is, you need to become very aware of the nonverbal mes-
sages that you are sending and how they may be perceived by the listener.
Figure 20-2 provides some common examples of nonverbal communica-
tion signals that can directly affect the message received. As you can see, they
create an environment for the listener that conveys a strong, clear message to
the listener of the speaker’s intent.
Through increased awareness and intentional use of nonverbal communi-
cation tools you can dramatically improve your ability to successfully and
consistently convey your intended message. Here are three tips to keep in
mind that can help remind you every day to maximize the positive impact of
your nonverbal communications.
1. Be vigilant not to let negative nonverbal messages creep into your
conversations that might confuse the hearer or otherwise counter
your intended verbal message.
2. Intentionally use nonverbal signals that support the verbal message
that you are trying to send.
3. Strive to gain more consistent control of your body and your tone of
voice as intentional components of your total message.
SECTION 6 ■ Customer Relations
pointing intense/frustrated
Building Basic Communication Skills ■ CHAPTER 20
Questioning Techniques
The ability to interact with customers is an integral and very necessary job
responsibility for every service advisor and manager. These communications
can be unexpected. They can be lengthy. They will be important. Your success
in getting your job done depends upon your ability to make these communi-
cations effective.
One of the most valuable sets of basic tools to help you to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of your communications is your ability to use
proper questioning techniques. Questioning techniques can help you draw Questioning
out the essential information from customers so that you can provide the Techniques
needed background to your technicians to aid them in their efforts to identify The intentional structuring
and resolve customer complaints. Questioning techniques also provide great of questions that affects the
benefit in helping you to guide and maintain control of difficult interactions type of response that they
with irate customers. generate.
The basic premise underlying the intentional use of questioning tech-
niques is that the way that you ask a question can have a profound impact on
both the type and quality of response that you get in return. By making an
effort to carefully construct the way that we ask questions, we can increase the
chances of getting the right information and getting it in the way that will be
of most use. Let us explore the fundamentals of questioning techniques by
looking at the difference between open and closed questions, their value, and
their uses. This will help us to better understand the importance of structuring
our questions to gain maximum value in the minimum time.
Open Questions
Open questions are those questions that are asked in such a way that they Open Questions
draw out a detailed response. Open questions are the essay questions of con- Questions that are asked in
versation. Good examples of open questions are those that include words such such a way that they elicit a
as why, how, what. (For example, Why did you do that? How do you feel? detailed response or
What happened?) The normal response to any of these questions is a detailed answer.
explanation. This explanation will be an open-ended response in which your
listener will try to provide what they believe is all of the important informa-
tion regarding the subject.
Open questions can be very beneficial when you are trying to obtain a lot of
information. They can be helpful when you are trying to get to know someone
better. However, there are potential consequences that come with open ques-
tions. They are a call for the respondent to let out anything and everything that is
on his or her mind on the subject. Although this might be interesting, it may also
be more than you needed or wanted. The key is that you need to know the type of
response that you are going to get before you ask the question. Through inten-
tionally structuring the way that you ask the question, you can ensure that the
type of response will be appropriate to meet the unique needs of the situation.
Let us talk a little about the use of open questions with one of your most dif-
ficult communication encounters, the irate service customer. When an obviously
irate customer approaches you in the service drive you can be pretty sure that
they want to go on and on telling you the harrowing tale of their day and their
difficulties with their “piece of junk” car. As soon as you greet them and ask
“How may I be of service?” (remember, how is an open question word) you will be
greeted with an essay answer. The customer may spend the next 10 minutes
telling you anything and everything that has ever gone wrong with this car.
SECTION 6 ■ Customer Relations
When you encounter this situation, take notes. Somewhere within all of the
information that the customer will let loose will probably be answers to some of
the important questions that you need so that you can help identify and resolve
his car problems. However, all of the information will come spewing out in an
unstructured way and you will have to try your best to pick the treasures out from
among the trash if you hope to get any useful information out of the exchange.
This might seem like a strong argument to never use an open question. It
is not, however, so clear cut. There are many times when you want to and
need to get the details. When those situations arise, open questions are the
best method to obtain that rich information. Still another use of open ques-
tions could be when you want to intentionally allow a customer to vent. At
times customers are so upset, so frustrated, so angry, that they simply need to
release some steam before they can calm down, become more coherent and
logical, and be able to move toward having a constructive conversation. The
key here, though, is that you need to learn to form your questions, so that you
intentionally use open questions. Once you have learned to use them when
you need them and avoid them when they are inappropriate you will be better
equipped to carry on more effective and efficient conversations.
Closed Questions
Closed Questions Closed questions are questions designed to get very specific information.
Questions that are They are asked in such a manner that the response will typically be a short and
structured to illicit short precise answer. This can range from a yes/no response to providing a specific
answers and/or very specific piece of information. Some words that are commonly used in closed questions
information. are: when, who, and where. Closed questions are best used to get directly to
the detailed information.
One benefit of closed questions is that you can focus the discussion in a
structured manner rather than letting the conversation ramble.
In a service setting, some examples of closed questions that might be
asked are
Building Basic Communication Skills ■ CHAPTER 20
When questions are presented this way they elicit an answer that is short
and to the point.
Combined Use
Under most circumstances you will need to use both open and closed ques-
tions in combination to obtain the information and the results that you need.
The important part is being able to maintain control of your speech so that
you can intentionally switch back and forth as the situation demands to get
the best results.
In the service write-up process you require specific information from the
customer. Name, address, phone number, and vehicle mileage are all examples
of specific data that is necessary to create the repair order. All of this informa-
tion is best obtained by asking very pointed and direct closed questions. An
example is: “Mr. Jones, what is the best phone number to reach you at between
10 A.M. and 2 P.M. today?’ However, when you are trying to understand exactly
how the car acts so that you can accurately and completely relay the symptoms
to the technician you will probably need to use open questions. These open
questions will help to draw out the details from the customer. An example of
this is to ask the customer, “Mr. Jones, please explain to me exactly what the car
does when it acts up.”
Through a complete understanding of the benefits of each of these question
types and your ability to select the proper type for every situation you can learn
to effectively shape the questions based on what kind of information you need to
obtain. If you come to the end of the questions listed above and still find a spe-
cific piece of important data is missing (for example, finding out if someone else
has been working on the car for this problem) you can smoothly transition back
to closed questions and ask “Mr. Jones, has the car been worked on recently?”
Conversely, if you are still not sure that you understand the customer’s explana-
tion of the symptoms you can use an open question and ask, “Mr. Jones, so that
we are better able to understand the symptoms, please tell me more about the
driving conditions under which we are most likely to get the car to act up?”
Finally, there is another valuable use for open and closed questions. That
use is controlling the direction and flow of the conversation. This is particularly
valuable when you encounter a difficult or irate customer. As with all customers,
SECTION 6 ■ Customer Relations
you need to obtain several different types of information. With a very irate
customer, however, you may find that communication is difficult and frustrat-
ing for both of you. This could be because the customer is so tense and so
upset that until she is allowed to let it all out the likelihood of carrying on a
productive conversation is nil. In this case you would use an open question to
encourage the customer to speak in detail about her experience. Conversely,
in a situation where the customer continues to insist on rambling on and on
and you are having difficulty picking out the pertinent details you would
move to the use of closed questions. These closed questions will help you to
get the specifics you need and, at the same time, provide you an opportunity
to regain control of the direction of the conversation.
The focus of this chapter was improving communication. over one-half of the total message that your listener receives
Communication skills are essential in business and this is in a face-to-face interaction. Posture, body position, facial
especially true in retail trades such as automotive service. First expressions, and voice inflection are all important elements of
and foremost, however, before learning techniques that will the nonverbal messages that you send to your hearer.
improve communication, it is necessary to start with the We closed this chapter with an introduction to the
underlying knowledge and understanding needed to guide understanding and use of basic questioning techniques.
your communications with customers, co-workers, and friends. Understanding how the way that you word a question can
You need to have a sincere interest in your customers and affect the resulting response plays an important role in help-
make a concerted effort to understand them if real communi- ing you to communicate more effectively. The features and
cation is to occur. unique benefits of open and closed questions were discussed.
Nonverbal communication plays an important role in the The chapter closed with a brief discussion on how you can
total message that you convey to others. Research has indi- use these simple questioning tools to effectively address diffi-
cated that nonverbal communication actually accounts for cult face-to-face interactions.
1. Which of the following statements is not true regarding d. You need to treat people the way that they want to
effective communication? be treated.
a. People need to listen to you first and foremost.
b. Everyone has different motives. 2. If you want to be able to effectively communicate with
c. You should always communicate with sincerity. others you need to
Building Basic Communication Skills ■ CHAPTER 20
a. realize that they have a need to be understood. 9. Please mark an X on the line before those questions that
b. make them understand your point first and foremost. are closed questions.
c. never attempt to identify their needs. _____ What happened to your car?
d. all of the above. _____ When did this occur?
3. Nonverbal communication includes all of the following _____ Why didn’t you bring it in sooner?
except _____ Who is the owner of the car that ran into you?
a. body language. 10. Please mark an X on the line before those questions that
b. explanations. are open questions
c. tone of voice. _____ What is the current mileage on your car?
d. mannerisms. _____ Did you drive the car very far after the noise started?
In Questions 4–8 please match the nonverbal communication _____ Why didn’t you bring it in sooner?
listed below to the best description of the message that it _____ How did you get your car stuck?
sends from the list on the right.
_____ 4. hands in pockets a. lying/deception
_____ 5. legs crossed b. dejected
_____ 6. tapping fingers c. guarded/defensive
_____ 7. eyes darting/looking away d. thoughtful/considering
_____ 8. rubbing chin e. impatient
Darwin, C., The expression of the Emotions of Man and Mehrabian, A., Silent Messages (Belmont, CA:
Animals (New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1899) Wadsworth, 1971).
Resolving Customer
Resolving Customer Disputes ■ CHAPTER 21
We have already discussed at some length the importance of making and
retaining satisfied customers. Unfortunately, customers do not always begin
and remain satisfied. Success in business is heavily dependent on your ability
to satisfy customers and keep them that way. Resolving customer concerns
can turn potential enemies into your strongest and most vocal advocates.
In this chapter we will address some ideas and methods that can improve
your ability to deal with customer complaints and enable you to become more
effective in reaching positive outcomes. These tips and techniques are
designed to help you as well as provide you with some tools that you can eas-
ily share with your workers so that everyone can become more effective at
resolving customer issues.
In addition, there is one more essential piece of vital information that you
need to keep in mind to help to guide you in your pending interaction with
the customer. It is not uncommon for a customer who has a complaint to be
unhappy, even visibly angry. In this state of mind it is likely that he or she will
lash out at anyone and everyone. However, it is critically important that you
realize that rarely is that anger or frustration really aimed at you. You are the
target of that anger because you are the customer’s only direct contact with
the company at that point in time.
It is important for you to always begin with the assumption that cus-
tomers are upset over the situation. They are rarely upset with you personally.
Taking this approach is valuable in helping you to keep from taking their
anger as a personal attack on you. Your failure to distance yourself from this
hostility may lead you to respond inappropriately to the customer, which will
only result in an escalating war of words. This is not the pathway towards
achieving a peaceful solution to a problem. Maintaining your self control is
Your ability to detach yourself so that you do not take the attacks person-
ally will make it much easier for you to remain calm and unaffected by the
customer’s anger. In order to be effective at resolving customer complaints on
SECTION 6 ■ Customer Relations
a consistent basis it is essential that you are able to recognize and avoid the
danger of taking it personally.
Rule number 3—Don’t take it personally.
We’ve just spent time going over three essential rules, and they don’t even
really deal with the actual customer interaction. They are rules to put you in
the right frame of mind to be prepared for the customer encounter. Now,
armed with this very essential background knowledge you are finally ready to
meet and greet the customer.
The first few steps in meeting with an upset customer are very simple, yet
essential to creating an environment that will yield positive results. It is highly
recommended that you always begin every encounter in a customer com-
plaint situation the same way that you should initiate every other customer
interaction—begin with a smile, a warm handshake, and a positive welcome.
If you are hoping for a positive interaction and a positive result it is essen-
tial that you begin by creating a positive environment. In an already emotion-
ally charged situation it is important that the customer sees you as someone
who is willing and able to help him, not as an adversary. Based on the many
horror stories that they have seen and heard in books, newspapers, and on tel-
evision about service problems they are already defensive and fearful. You
must realize that the general public is wary of the perils of the auto repair
industry. They probably don’t know much about cars and because of this lack
of knowledge they feel insecure in their ability to effectively argue their point
with you, the expert. You need to do all that you can to assure them that this
is not a confrontation; it is an opportunity to work together to solve a mutual
Few small gestures have greater impact than a smile on your face and a
friendly handshake. These simple acts are symbolic of your willingness to
reach out to the other person. They indicate your desire to begin from a posi-
tion of trusting them and hoping that they can, in turn, trust you. The best
way to build trust is to do everything that you can to begin on a positive note.
Therefore, rule number four is
Rule number 4—Always start with a warm, friendly greeting.
Once you have completed the greeting it is important that you begin the
dialogue by allowing the customer to speak first. He, very likely, has quite a bit
on his mind and has thought and re-thought what he wants and needs to say
to you. Give him the opportunity to get it off of his chest.
Even though it may seem hard to believe, the vast majority of difficult cus-
tomers you encounter don’t go around every day lashing out at everyone
about their problems. It is much more likely that this is uncommon territory
for them and they may have had to go to some lengths to get up the courage
to come and confront someone about this very troubling situation. It is not
uncommon that they have thought it through several times on the ride to the
shop trying to script out their presentation in their head so that they get their
The Bucket message across to you in just the right manner to get your attention. So, let
An analogy that explains them vent.
that all people have a
limited capacity to take in
and process information at
The Bucket
any one time based on their Although I am uncertain of its origins, the best analogy that explains why it is
current state of mind. essential to allow the customer to speak first and vent is called the bucket.
Resolving Customer Disputes ■ CHAPTER 21
While you are allowing the customer to tell you his story there are several
important techniques that you should employ that will help you to focus and
help calm the customer’s fears and potential for distrust. Often the customer is
busily engaged in not only recounting to you the technical difficulties that
he is experiencing. He is likely to do much more, to try to tell you how it has
made him feel, causing him worry and concern. He wants to be sure that you
understand the full effect that this has had on him. Your ability to let the cus-
tomer know that you can relate to his situation and understand how he feels
goes a long way toward validating his feelings. This helps to leave him open to
considering you as someone who is capable of making the right decisions to
resolve the problem. Rule number 6, then, is
Rule number 6—Listen with empathy.
Empathy is an indication that you can relate to the customer’s situation. Empathy
Unlike sympathy, where you feel sorry for the customer, it is a situation where The ability to be aware of
you indicate that you can understand how he feels. This is a very important and relate to the position
distinction. If you show sympathy, the customer may mistake that you are and situation of another
feeling sorry for him or talking down to him. Empathizing with him, on the person.
other hand, shows that you can relate to his situation and have a personal
interest in wanting to find a reasonable solution.
Along with empathizing with the customer it is essential that you are lis-
tening carefully and that you are making it clear to the customer that you hear
and understand what he is saying. Especially in the heightened emotional
state of a difficult customer complaint situation if the customer does not feel
that he has your undivided attention and that you hear him, the feeling of
disrespect that this will create seriously undermines any chance of a mutually
satisfactory resolution.
One technique that can help is the use of active listening. Periodically ask-
ing the customer questions to verify that you understand what he has said
along with feeding back brief statements of what you understand his issues
SECTION 6 ■ Customer Relations
and concerns are can go a long way to assuring him that you have heard and
understood him. In addition, it shows that you genuinely care about his con-
cerns and his issues. Therefore, the seventh rule of customer complaint
handling is
Rule number 7—Make sure the customer knows you’ve heard him.
You have created an environment that is friendly and accepting. You have
reassured the customer that you care and are listening. Now it is time to begin
fact finding. Even armed with the most sincere intent to make the customer
feel at home, little progress will be made unless you can get the facts. You must
listen to all of the information presented to you, analyze it, and arrive at a
complete understanding of what is wrong and what needs to be resolved to
remedy the situation.
In order to arrive at the best decision it is essential that you are able to sep-
arate emotions from the facts. This is the foundation for making a decision
based on sound logic. By using steps 1 through 7 you have created an environ-
ment that will allow the emotions and personal attacks to be minimized. This
will open the door for you to get to the real issues at hand. Once you begin
fact finding it is essential that you maintain the direction of the conversation
in identifying, clarifying, and addressing the key issues. This will never hap-
pen unless and until you are able to consistently practice rule number 8
Rule number 8—Stick to the facts.
Listening for the core issues and problems is a much more difficult process
than it seems. It would appear that once you are able to strip away the emo-
tions, the anger, and all of the other conflicting motives the real answer would
become apparent. That is often true from your perspective. However, whose
problem are we trying to resolve? Yours? If not, then we need to be able to see
things through the eyes of the one whose problem we are trying to resolve—
the customer’s.
You will not likely be able to see the problem through the eyes of the cus-
tomer until you have allowed him to completely vent and tell his complete
story while you sit back and reserve judgment. You want to allow the customer
to tell his whole story so that you can see what he believes is important,
what he wants, what he expects, what concerns him. This requires that you
resist the strong urge to jump to conclusions and suggest solutions before
you fully understand the customer’s core concerns. It is essential that don’t
only fix the car. It is equally, if not more important, that you fix the customer.
You will only be able to do this if you have a clear idea of what his true con-
cerns and priorities are.
To test the effectiveness of your fact finding you need to check with the
customer to verify that you have a clear understanding of his concerns. Once
that has been confirmed it is important that you reach an agreement on
exactly what the customer’s expectations are for a satisfactory resolution. It is
important not to assume that you know exactly what it takes to make the cus-
tomer happy. You may know full well what it takes to fix the car. However, you
can only assume that you know what is needed to fix the customer. The best
way to gain an understanding of this is to ask.
It is important to realize that at this point if you’ve done your job you
have not yet done anything to fix the problem. You have created an environ-
ment where both parties have developed a level of trust, have communicated
and improved their understanding of the situation, and now are finally
Resolving Customer Disputes ■ CHAPTER 21
willing and able to try to come to a reasonably negotiated solution that will
satisfy the needs of all concerned. You are nearing a conclusion, but before
you can arrive at a workable solution you need to make sure that you have
seen and understood the problem from the customer’s perspective and, there-
fore, can propose alternatives that will speak to his needs. Therefore, do not
jump to solutions until you are sure that you’ve achieved an understanding of
rule number 9
Rule number 9—See and understand what is important from the customer’s
Armed with the facts, in an environment that is now much less emotionally
charged, it is possible to work toward a negotiated settlement. Negotiated settle-
ment? Why can’t I just fix it? you might ask. The reason is clear. Think back to
the beginning and the unsettled and insecure feelings about auto repair that
your customer is likely to feel. With that in mind, if you chime in with “This is
what we’re going to do for you today!” you’re likely to undo all of the good
foundational work that you’ve done. To be successful in customer handling you
need to be able to see the negotiations from the customer’s perspective, and be Perspective
especially sensitive to and avoid creating any situations that the customer might The unique viewpoint of
perceive as an effort to talk him or her into something. any individual or group
Although situations occasionally arise where fact finding results in a clear based on their position in
understanding by all parties that one of them is 100 percent at fault, this is the situation.
rarely the case. That would just make it too easy. Therefore, it is more com-
mon that an important step in complaint resolution is negotiating a settle-
ment that satisfies the needs of all parties involved. This is rule number 10:
Rule number 10—Negotiate a mutually acceptable solution.
SECTION 6 ■ Customer Relations
Each negotiation will be unique, but there are several key factors to con-
Negotiation sider that you can consistently use as guidelines to help you to arrive at suc-
Working with another cessfully negotiated settlements. The five key factors to negotiating an
person or group to arrive at agreement are to
a mutually agreeable
solution, normally requiring 1. Agree upon the facts.
compromise. 2. Present the alternatives and costs.
3. Discuss responsibility.
4. Propose possible solutions.
5. Negotiate to an acceptable solution.
Not until you have agreement on all of the five points are you likely to
arrive at a mutually satisfying solution.
The last, and probably most important, step in the entire process is to
make sure that once you’ve reached a solution that you follow through to
make that solution a reality. Not until all parties have made good on their
promises can you be assured that the problem is really resolved and that the
benefits that you hope to obtain (for the customer and for the shop) will be
realized. Therefore, the final and eleventh rule is
Rule number 11—Follow through to assure that the complaint is completely
Customer at fault The customer comes into the shop upset that he had a
brake failure as a result of the recent visit to the shop where you did an oil
change. The shop could easily take a hard stand that an oil change didn’t cause
a brake failure and summarily deny any responsibility and have a complete
Resolving Customer Disputes ■ CHAPTER 21
unwillingness to talk further about it. This is very likely within their rights.
But is it the right thing to do?
If the shop takes this hard-line approach, the customer will feel publicly
embarrassed and is likely to go elsewhere for service in the future. The net
result is that the shop wins the battle—and loses the war (lost customer).
However, if the service shop enters the situation with an open mind and,
although they are 99 percent sure that they are not at fault, offers to reach out
and check the vehicle for the customer, they have the opportunity to verify
beyond any shadow of a doubt their innocence, convincingly demonstrate
this to the customer, and then quietly and humbly work to turn this misun-
derstanding into a way to earn more business (a brake job) by handling the
customer in a gentle manner. They might even offer to provide the work at a
discounted rate, thus exceeding the customer’s expectations. Net result—both
the service shop and the customer win.
Shop at fault In a similar scenario where the brake failure is the result of
carelessness on the part of the shop they can either deny responsibility (result
lost customer and probably a lawsuit), assume full responsibility (result fixed
the car, but may not have fixed the customer), or go above and beyond.
In this situation the first choice obviously will have negative results. How-
ever the way the shop steps up to their responsibilities for the repairs will do
far more to create a lasting positive result than what they do in fixing their
error. If they made the error they have an obligation to make it right. How-
ever, they can do this reluctantly, or seize the opportunity to exceed expecta-
tions and try to turn an upset customer into a loyal one. This can be done by a
combination of the shop’s attitude (apologetic/concerned/thoughtful) and a
reasonable effort to go above and beyond, providing more than the required
service (free rental car/additional services at a discount, and so on) to show
that they value the customer and don’t want to lose him.
Both of these scenarios are absolute opposites. Yet, they both present
opportunities to create satisfied customers and lasting relationships or to
result in a lost customer and bad will. The difference is in the attitude in
which the opportunity is approached. That’s right, not the problem the
opportunity. Handling each customer complaint situation presents the oppor-
tunity for positive or negative results. As is demonstrated in these two
examples, the idea of reaching out and going above and beyond what is
required and expected is the key to making the best out of a bad situation.
Remembering that the goal is not merely putting out the fire but creating a
lasting positive result I recommend an additional rule for your consideration
Rule number 12—Try to find a ‘value-added’ solution. Value-added
The result of a transaction
that provides greater
benefit than was originally
Diffusing the Situation expected or required.
If you have ever been in an emotionally charged situation with a customer
you might ask at this point: Yes, sure I need to follow these rules, but how do I
get the customer to stop screaming at me? That is a valid question and the
answer is—you already have the tools that you need. Let’s do a brief refresher
on how you can use some of the communication tools and techniques that
you learned in Chapter 20 along with some additional tips that you have
picked up in this chapter to address this critically important question.
SECTION 6 ■ Customer Relations
Resolving Customer Disputes ■ CHAPTER 21
where the shop was at fault. Again, they tried to negotiate their way to some
sort of a win, no matter how small, out of a situation where they were clearly
the initial loser. Again they did not stop at the win/lose mentality but sought
to find a better solution.
Finding win-win solutions to customer relations problems and to other
business and personal problems is a means of getting the most out of any situ-
ation. It requires more time, more effort, and more thought but consistently
provides new opportunities to make the best out of any situation for all parties
SECTION 6 ■ Customer Relations
This chapter has been dedicated to providing you with a wide Your ability to resolve customer disputes will have a pro-
range of principles, practices, and techniques to handle cus- found impact with the ultimate success and growth of your
tomer complaints. Customer complaints are an unavoidable organization. Without a solid base of satisfied repeat cus-
part of any customer-based industry and automotive service is tomers, your long-term success is in serious jeopardy. There-
one of the largest customer service industries in existence. We fore, it must be your goal and your responsibility as a
discussed the basic rules of customer handling, some key manager to do more than handle customer complaints and
principles to keep in mind, and closed with a short nine-step make the complaints go away. For the successful manager
process that is easy to remember so that you can consistently this is your best opportunity to turn those negative situations
use it to handle all of your customer service opportunities into positive opportunities that will help you build a base of
with the best results. satisfied customers and assure your future success.
Resolving Customer Disputes ■ CHAPTER 21
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T he greatest asset of every successful organization is its people. Success in building and
maintaining an employee team begins with a comprehensive and well-planned recruit-
ing and selection process. Comprehensive strategies to evaluate, motivate, and educate
existing employees play an important role in long-term employee retention. The success of
every business depends on its ability to motivate all employees to work together to attain
organizational goals. Even the unfortunate situation of “the problem employee” can
result in a loyal, productive employee if the company uses a positive approach to employee
problem solving. Finally, in the rare case where chronic employee performance or behavior
problems cannot be resolved it is essential for every manager to know the correct methods
and processes required to properly address these situations.
Recruiting and
■ To identify the major steps in the recruitment ■ To examine the major methods for finding qual-
and hiring process ified candidates
■ To identify the knowledge, skills, and abilities ■ To define the steps necessary to narrow down
required to perform specific job tasks the candidate pool
■ To develop a task analysis to determine the key ■ To recognize the importance of orientation and
responsibilities of a job integrating a new employee into the company
job description discriminatory hiring practices referral
task analysis rich candidate pool screening
KSAs headhunter interview
SECTION 7 ■ Employee Relations
Managers spend a great deal of time motivating and inspiring those people
under their direction. Much of the frustration that they feel is directly related
to difficulty in getting the performance that they need from all of their
employees. In some cases this lack of performance is due to an employee who
lacks the necessary skills or abilities. Even more frustrating is the situation with
an employee who has the ability but is unwilling to perform up to potential.
Unfortunately, even when in the midst of these management difficulties very
few managers stop to think that they may have been able to minimize or even
completely avoid these situations if they had just been a bit more careful in
the recruiting and selection process. The recruiting and selection process has a
profound impact on the ultimate performance of the organization and is too
often taken lightly.
The potential impact that individual employee performance has on the
organization requires that you take the process of candidate recruitment and
selection very seriously. The process begins long before you run the want ad. It
starts by clearly defining job responsibilities and developing a complete and
accurate job description. Armed with this information you can launch a much
more focused job search to identify qualified candidates.
Once the best candidate has been chosen the process is not over; the real
work is just beginning. You may have identified the candidate with the best
potential to be successful, but it is what you do with that raw talent that will
determine whether or not the candidate reaches full potential. Hiring is a pro-
cess and not an event. The final step in the process is helping to ease the new
employee’s transition into the company, making him feel welcome and appre-
ciated, and helping him to become a productive member of the team.
Recruiting and Selection ■ CHAPTER 22
Job Descriptions
Job Description
Development of a complete and accurate job description helps the organiza-
A listing of all of the
tion to ensure consistency in hiring. They will also get better and more consis-
important characteristics
tent performance from new employees once they are on board. The first step
and responsibilities of a
in developing a job description is to do a task analysis that defines the impor-
particular position.
tant responsibilities of the job. With that framework in place it is then neces-
sary to identify the knowledge, skills, and abilities that a candidate must
possess to be qualified to perform those critical tasks. Task Analysis
Being armed with an accurate job description and a complete task list is The development of a
not enough. Every supervisor’s dream is to find the perfect candidate who comprehensive listing of
matches the job description, has extensive related experience, possesses all of all of the individual duties
desired knowledge and skills, and is available at an affordable price. This, how- and activities that must be
ever, is not very likely to happen. Therefore, the best method to address this performed in a particular job.
SECTION 7 ■ Employee Relations
Task Analysis
A task analysis is the foundation of every job description. It takes into account
all of the activities that an employee is required and expected to do in a partic-
ular job. By doing a little bit of research you may find that a complete and
accurate task analysis already exists for a particular position. The federal gov-
ernment, the work of research universities, and analyses developed by other
companies can provide you with a good starting point. If time and money per-
mit, you can conduct a formal task analysis process by convening a panel of
experienced individuals and enlist their help to break the job down into its
component parts.
In most cases, however, you are likely to have limited time and limited
funds to perform this important task. When you need to hire a new employee
it is most often because of a vacancy. You cannot close down the shop for six
weeks while you do the background research to develop a job description. But
even though your situation may limit your options, you cannot afford to take
the importance of a task analysis too lightly.
The logical solution in most cases is to do a task analysis using those
resources that you have at your immediate disposal. Here are a few suggested
ways that you can obtain the information that you need to develop a task list
for any job.
Using the information gathered from these processes you can begin to
develop a task list for the job. Out of the outline or journal you can then create
a list of each of the unique tasks that are part of the responsibilities of this job.
Once you have completed a list of tasks you can begin to group them. This
should provide you with a list that indicates all of the major tasks that need to
be performed and, just as important, how often each of them occurs in a typi-
cal day. From this you can develop a final list of all tasks that defines, in rank
order based on the number of times that they occur, the most common tasks
down to the least common ones. This provides you with a basis for developing
a job description that will clearly communicate what you expect and need
from an employee holding this position.
Recruiting and Selection ■ CHAPTER 22
SECTION 7 ■ Employee Relations
It is most common that the extensive list of KSAs that you derive from ana-
lyzing all of the job tasks will be very long. However, you will find that there
are different tasks that require the same knowledge, skill, or abilities. The num-
ber of times that a specific KSA is repeated generally indicates that the specific
factor is a high priority for an individual capable of doing this job. That knowl-
edge is essential in helping you to decide which factors are most important
and, therefore, which candidates are best qualified to meet your needs.
Recruiting and Selection ■ CHAPTER 22
Objective Criteria
There is one last thing to remember when developing a job description. It is
essential that all of the criteria used to define knowledge, skills, and required
abilities are job-related, essential, and unbiased. You must be careful that the
criteria that you use do not discriminate against any individual or group.
Every criterion must be able to pass the test that it is necessary and reasonable.
Otherwise it is likely to leave you open to criticism and/or even legal action
for discriminatory hiring practices. Here is an example of a criterion that, Discriminatory
although well-intentioned, might cause a problem. Hiring Practices
The service manager of a small tire store is setting up the criteria for a new Those rules or practices that
position of assistant service manager. Every employee is expected to do a wide unfairly exclude groups or
range of tasks in this store. Therefore, this individual will be required to occa- classes of potential
sionally handle and restock tires. In trying to be on the safe side the service employees.
manager writes into the job description the need to lift and handle 75 pounds.
He knows that the only tire/wheel combinations that reach this weight are the
big truck tires. He also knows that they rarely have a need to handle them
because they do not stock or sell many. However, he decides that it is better to
have a high weight limit rather than risking an employee getting hurt in the
After posting the job and hiring an employee, the shop owner is notified
by several candidates that they believe that the company is discriminating
against women in their hiring practices because women are less likely to be
able to meet the criterion for lifting and handling 75 pounds. In this case the
shop is opening itself up to bad publicity and even a discriminatory hiring
practices complaint since it has unintentionally discriminated against a par-
ticular group of potential candidates by setting this requirement higher than
is reasonable.
The best way to ensure that the criteria are complete, accurate, and not
unreasonable is to review each of the job tasks and KSAs with the following
questions in mind:
1. Is this a job requirement?
2. Is the requirement set at an appropriate level?
3. Does this requirement discriminate against any group or class?
Criteria for any job do not have to be reduced to an unreasonably low
level to provide access to all potential candidates. However, they must be
reasonable and based on required tasks. The knowledge, skills, and abilities
required should be based on acceptable performance of the job and normal
circumstances. Although you may have the best intentions in being safe,
you have to balance that desire with the assurance that you are not
SECTION 7 ■ Employee Relations
Finding Candidates
Once you have developed clear criteria so that you know exactly what you are
looking for in a job candidate it is time to find that candidate. If you are to get
the best employee it is important that you use a variety of methods to find the
largest pool of qualified candidates from which to choose your new employee.
If you have followed the direction provided earlier in this chapter you have
done all that you can to clearly define what it takes to do the job. As a result,
you have a solid basis for identifying the right candidate. Now you need to
turn your efforts to the search process.
The typical marketing budget for employee recruitment is limited. In addi-
tion, in most cases personnel needs require a speedy resolution. Many of the
mass media methods are too expensive or take too much lead time to prepare
to be suitable for these situations. (You may want to refer to the materials pre-
sented in Chapter 25 on the benefits and drawbacks of various advertising media.
This information can help you get the best value for your money when you are run-
ning a help wanted ad just as it can when you are advertising for new service cus-
tomers.) The most common methods for finding job candidates are
newspapers, headhunters, job boards, and referrals. Each of these has unique
Newspaper advertising has long been the most common method for run-
ning wanted ads. It enables you to get your message out very quickly, typically
within a matter of two to three days, and ensures that your message reaches a
Recruiting and Selection ■ CHAPTER 22
broad audience. In many large communities there are several papers to choose
from. The large metropolitan paper has the widest reach and can blanket the
area. Suburban and special-interest newspapers should also be strongly con-
sidered as a part of your advertising strategy. These newspapers cater to
smaller, more localized audiences. These audiences may be localized to a
specific neighborhood, suburb, or target audience within the larger commu-
nity. These newspapers can target specific populations at a reasonable cost and
help ensure that you are attracting a rich cross-section of the overall
Headhunters have recently become increasingly available in the automo- Headhunter
tive service industry. Whereas previously this method for finding candidates Independent recruiter
was limited only to corporate white-collar positions, the prolonged shortage whose sole job is to actively
of technical workers has resulted in multiple headhunter organizations that seek out qualified
cater to automotive service personnel needs. The explosive growth of the candidates to fill job
Internet as a primary communication source has brought with it the rapid positions for companies.
growth of online job boards and Web-based employment agencies that can be
accessed quickly to help you to expand your employee search.
A final, and very valuable, source for finding new employees is referrals Referral
from your suppliers, your customers, and your current employees. Who Individuals who have been
knows your organization better than those groups? As a result, who would be recommended or directed
best qualified to refer candidates to you that are most likely to meet your to a company as a client or
needs and “fit in” to your organization? In a healthy organization where the potential employee.
employees, customers, and vendors are proud to be associated with your com-
pany, referrals are one of the most reliable sources for new employees.
Even though you may find strong candidates through referrals, this
method has its own potential problems. Most of the referrals that you receive
are likely to be current employees of other suppliers and/or direct competitors.
Nothing can tarnish your reputation in the industry faster than developing a
reputation for stealing employees from your competitors. In most businesses
there is a gentleman’s agreement that companies do not steal employees from
each other. So, what do you do? Here is an example.
SECTION 7 ■ Employee Relations
this up? After much thought I called the technician calling out of respect to him and to give him the
and laid out the facts to him. “I am very interested opportunity to meet with his technician to try to iron
in having you come to work for us, and I would love out their difficulties. I told him that if they were
to have you here. However, we have a very good unable to settle their differences that I intended to
and long-standing relationship with your current actively pursue hiring this technician. After some dis-
employer and I do not want to jeopardize that. I cussion he agreed that this was a reasonable
know that this might sound weird but what I would approach.
like to do, with your permission, is to call your manager The final result was that the technician had
and talk to him. I need to try to find a way that both already made up his mind that it was time for a
saves our reputation with him and others in the city change and was set on leaving his current employer
yet does not allow you to end up working for some despite the efforts made by his boss to keep him. He
other manufacturer or independent shop. Is that OK called me back after having a heart-to-heart talk
with you?” He agreed. with his current manager. We were successful in hir-
Later that day I called his service manager. I let ing this talented technician.
him know about the visit. I asked him if he realized After the fact, several of our fellow service man-
that this technician was out shopping around. I reas- agers heard about this encounter and thought that it
sured him that I had not changed my position on was an odd approach. However, by taking this extra
stealing technicians from other service shops. How- care I was able to hire a great employee while main-
ever, if this technician had made up his mind to leave taining our dealership’s reputation and, on the per-
his current job I would like to have the opportunity to sonal side, maintaining a friendship with the service
have him rather than seeing him go to some other manager down the street. It was an investment of
competitor’s shop. I closed by telling him that I was time and effort well spent.
Depending on the size of your company or your department the initial
Screening screening may be done by your human resources department or by you. How-
To carefully look at and ever, the purpose of this step is the same whatever the setting, and that is to
separate those qualified or thoroughly review all applications and narrow down the pool of candidates
unqualified based on pre- based on a few very basic decisions. The first of these is: Does the candidate
established objective meet all of the requirements in the job description and job posting?
criteria. Conducting a fair and effective hiring process means it must be an objec-
tive process. Filtering the candidate pool by eliminating all candidates who do
not meet the minimum requirements as stated in the job posting helps to
assure the objectivity of the process.
Recruiting and Selection ■ CHAPTER 22
Once you have eliminated candidates that did not meet the minimum
requirements you will find that you have:
1. not enough candidates that are qualified to proceed forward,
2. a pool of candidates that, although qualified is still too large to inter-
view, or
3. a reasonably sized yet rich pool of qualified candidates.
The appropriate action if you have pool that is too small is to re-open the
search process. This may delay the hiring process, but it will improve your satis-
faction in the end. If, in contrast, your remaining pool is too large you need to
take additional steps to narrow it down to a reasonable number for interviews,
typically six to 12 candidates. Have the selection committee evaluate and rank
the candidates based on the information provided in their applications. Once
you have narrowed the pool to a reasonable size it is time to proceed to inter-
In many automotive repair shops the interview process is the sole responsibil- Interview
ity of the direct manager who will supervise the new hire. In some organiza- A formal meeting intended
tions the human resources department or a specially appointed selection to identify and verify
committee conducts the initial interviews. In either case the goal is to conduct qualifications and
an organized process to verify, based on a face-to-face meeting, the degree to characteristics.
which candidates meet your job requirements.
Candidates who make it to this stage of the process have already met the
scrutiny of the screening process, which means that they meet the minimum
requirements. The interview process allows you to verify this information, clar-
ify any areas in question, and gives the candidates the opportunity to make a
personal appeal to convince you why they are the best candidate for the job.
There is a big difference between best qualified and best fit for the organi-
zation, though. Being successful requires a blend of both. Not only is it impor-
tant that you verify that the candidate has the proper qualifications, you also
have to evaluate personality, style, and attitudes to see if he or she is a good fit
for your organization and its unique culture.
The interview process is a combination of objective and subjective evalua-
tions by the interviewer(s). One of the best ways to ensure that the interview-
ers have a sound basis for comparison is the use of a structured interview
process. This will provide you with the best opportunity for evaluating all can-
didates according to the same criteria. A structured interview should have a
common location, time schedule, and a prepared list of questions. With these
tools in place you will have a better basis for comparing all the candidates—
under similar conditions based on identical criteria.
One of the potential problems with interviewing multiple candidates is the
possibility of getting the candidates and/or their responses confused. One way
to address this issue is to use a scoring or ranking system. By assigning a score or
ranking on each of the responses from each candidate you can reduce confusion
as you complete multiple interviews. This will allow you to debrief on and score
each interviewee at the conclusion of the interview. Then, you can proceed to
the next interviewee without needing to remember previous issues or questions.
Occasionally the interviews will result in one candidate that emerges as
the clear favorite and is your first choice to hire. More often, though, the
group of candidates will be closely ranked into several groups. The first group
SECTION 7 ■ Employee Relations
is those candidates that you do not want to consider any further. At the other
end of the continuum are the clear top three or four that are all qualified and
very close when compared. If you have trouble clearly separating the top can-
didates, a second, more in-depth interview with these finalists is highly rec-
ommended. For this second interview you may want to consider involving
individuals who hold similar positions or will be working closely with this
new employee. You may also want to involve your supervisor for an unbiased
second opinion.
The information provided by the applications and the interviews should pro-
vide you with enough information to make your final selection. It is impor-
tant that you can support your final decision as being a clear, unbiased, and
objective one. In today’s society it is not uncommon for a candidate who is
not chosen to contest your decision. This may range from a complaint to you
or your boss up to a threat to file a discrimination lawsuit. If your process was
built upon a well-defined foundation of clear and complete job requirements,
identified knowledge, skills, and abilities, and a rigorous and objective screen-
ing and interviewing process you will have little to worry about.
There is one last action that is a vital part of this step. It is completing the
background check. You probably stated in your job criteria that all candidates
must have a valid driver’s license, a clear police record, and be drug free. How-
ever, because of privacy issues many states and localities limit your ability to
perform these background checks until you make the job offer. Under these
circumstances when you have made your final choice you offer the candidate
the position contingent upon his or her ability to pass these screens. The
selected candidate needs to be clearly informed that employment cannot
begin until the results have been received and verified. Once this happens you
can finalize the job offer and hire the individual.
After having completed the exhaustive process that we have covered in this
chapter you might believe that it is finally over. You have hired your new advi-
sor, technician, porter, or other employee and now you can just put him or
her to work and go back to the millions of other responsibilities that have
stacked up on your desk while you were spending time with this. You could
take that approach, but it is not recommended.
Hiring is not an event, it is a process. When a new employee shows up on
the first day for work the process is not over. It is entering its last important
phase. Having taken the time and effort to identify, select, and then convince
the right candidate to take the job you need to be sure not to drop the ball at
this point. Your new employee is a stranger in your company; he or she may
know a few of your employees but is bound to be somewhat insecure and con-
fused working with new co-workers, in a new place, with new rules and new
expectations. The faster and better that you help that new employee to inte-
grate into your organization the sooner they will feel comfortable and become
a productive member of the team.
A great way to start this process of integrating a new employee into your
organization is to set aside time to put him or her through a new employee
Recruiting and Selection ■ CHAPTER 22
In this chapter we discussed the entire process necessary to Armed with this knowledge you can begin the recruit-
identify, select, and hire the best people to fill job positions ment process. This process starts with advertising to attract
within organizations. This process does not begin by advertis- qualified candidates. Once an adequately large and diverse
ing for new employees. Rather, it requires that significant pool of candidates has been collected, it is necessary to screen
background work is done first to clearly identify what is the applicants to eliminate those who do not meet the mini-
needed and what is required to perform the job. mum job requirements. When the candidate pool is narrowed
The background work required begins with a task analy- down to only qualified candidates, the process proceeds
sis. This process breaks down the job into its component activ- through interviews. The interviews verify the knowledge,
ities. This helps to clarify those skill sets that a properly skills, and abilities and assess how well candidates will fit into
qualified candidate must possess. By defining the knowledge, the culture of the organization. The next step in the process is
skills, and abilities (KSAs) a candidate must possess to effec- hiring. However, this is not the last step. The final step is to
tively perform the many and varied job tasks you can build a help to integrate the new employee into the organization
definition of what the job is and what the job requires. You through conducting a new employee orientation.
can then build an accurate job description and will know what
to look for to find the right candidate to fill that position.
SECTION 7 ■ Employee Relations
SECTION 7 ■ Employee Relations
Keeping employees motivated is a very complex endeavor. One of a manager’s
key responsibilities is to motivate employees, obtain consistent performance,
and then help them and the department to continue to improve. Your ability
to do this is based on clearly defining expectations, consistently tracking per-
formance against those expectations, and maintaining open communication
with employees to regularly advise them of their progress.
Motivating Employees ■ CHAPTER 23
enthusiasm and motivation because the goal seems too vague, too distant,
and appears unreachable in spite of their best efforts.
When goals and objectives are not clearly stated or are far too ambitious,
rather than being motivators they become morale-breakers. If goals are not
clearly defined and employees are unsure of exactly where they are headed,
they are unlikely to fully commit their energies and resources to them. When
employees feel that the goal is simply unattainable their response is most
likely to dismiss it. The result is that the goal has a negative effect on produc-
tivity and morale. In order for the goals and objectives that you set to become
motivators for excellent performance you need to be absolutely sure that they
will be viewed by the employees as reasonable and obtainable and, therefore,
goals that they can willingly accept, support, and commit to.
Tracking Performance
Once goals and objectives have been clearly communicated, it is important
that you are tracking performance on an ongoing basis. The combination of Tracking
monitoring performance and keeping employees advised of their status Performance
toward goal achievement is essential to success. It reminds employees what Consistently monitoring
the goals are and that you are keeping them clearly in focus. It provides them actual performance against
with encouragement that you are noticing the fruits of their efforts. Finally, it measurable stated
gives them adequate warning when performance is lagging so that they have objectives.
the opportunity to make the necessary changes to assure ultimate success. All
these factors help to make the long, hard pull up the hill to reach the final
goal a consistent effort. This will help reduce stress, keep employees focused
and engaged, and will let them know that you see and appreciate their
Many major goals are not accomplished overnight. The longer it takes to
achieve a goal the more essential it is to have methods in place for maintain-
ing focus. Using performance tracking is essential as we work toward achiev-
ing the final goal one step at a time. Major goals are often long-term and
complicated. You will need to be wary of your employees putting off working
on the overwhelming larger goals until it is too late.
Putting these major goals off is easy. It is easy to get distracted or mis-
directed into working on tasks that are simpler, more easily completed, and
that provide rapid rewards. Careful planning, tracking, and status reporting
on progress toward the big goal will help ensure that it stays in the forefront of
your employees’ minds and efforts. An additional technique that you may
find helpful is to break the big goal down into several smaller segments.
Breaking down big goals into sub-goals reduces anxiety and makes the Sub-Goals
task less overwhelming. Carefully planning each of these sub-goals allows you Small, short-term goals that
and your employees to make the journey toward the big goal one step at a are part of a larger, more
time. Then as they accomplish each sub-goal they should be reminded how complex overarching goal.
they have just finished one more step toward the big goal. This will continue
to re-energize their commitment toward the ultimate objective.
SECTION 7 ■ Employee Relations
Motivating Employees ■ CHAPTER 23
both professional and polite. How could a problem of double-check the quality of repairs. Those vehicles
such magnitude exist in a shop that had the potential that were not fixed correctly were returned to the
to be a leader in providing quality service? technician before the customer even picked them up
Although the solution was not accomplished and these incidents were tracked as redo’s. Those
overnight or as the result of one simple action, the few instances where cars were delivered to the cus-
pivotal change that resulted in turning this situation tomers and resulted in customer complaints were
around centered on identifying one very simple fact. tracked as comebac ks and given top priority when
The shop measured, rewarded, and displayed one they came back into the shop.
thing, and one thing only. This was the total number Most important, the board was not used any
of flat-rate hours produced by each team and each longer to track hours produced. Its big numbers,
technician daily. Even though the dealership talked still posted daily, reported the number of redo’s and
the talk that they were interested in quality, previous comebacks that each technician and team tallied.
management had promoted and rewarded only pro- At the end of every month there was a special
ductivity. The greatest testimony to this focus was a ceremony and lunch where the shop celebrated the
large whiteboard hanging on the shop wall where the team with the highest quality ratings. The team
daily productivity of each technician and team was was treated to a free lunch of pizza and soda and
posted for all to see. It was positioned so that all of received acknowledgement for their important
the technicians walked by it every time they headed achievement.
up to the service desk to get an order, get an You might think that this was just a shift from
approval, or ask a question. They prided themselves in overemphasizing one measure for another. However,
“being on top on the board” and competed intensely since all of the technicians were paid based on flat
among themselves to earn and maintain that status. rate it was already clear to me that they had internal
They kidded the lower producing teams and shamed motivation to maintain and continue to grow those
those who produced fewer hours on their own team. numbers. The shift of the board’s focus helped to add
In this situation, what do you suppose would help another important measurement to their thoughts
to change the attitudes and the performance? The and actions.
answer was to change the board. The board was not In less than two years, as a result of these
removed or broken up and burned (although those efforts—and measuring and rewarding what man-
options were considered). The board was used, but agement really valued—the shop went from last
used to report and reinforce what management said place to first place. We were visited by the regional
was their real number-one priority, satisfied customers. manager from the manufacturer and acknowledged
In addition to changing the board, a temporary as having made the single largest improvement in
position, of quality control technician, was created to customer satisfaction ratings in the entire region.
Performance Evaluations
Conducting semi-annual or annual formal evaluations of employee perfor- Redo
mance is important to ensure that all parties know where they stand. This
A repair that does not meet
benefits the supervisor as much as it does the employee. Therefore, this should
quality standards and must
happen regularly and be taken seriously as an important part of doing your
return to the shop for
job as a supervisor.
additional repairs before
Taking the time to sit down and prepare an annual evaluation requires
delivery to the customer.
that you take time to reflect on the past year. It provides for a formal mecha-
nism to debrief on all of the events and actions, no matter how large or small,
that have contributed to the year. Successes and failures both need be
addressed. The overall evaluation should be balanced. It should cite positive
behaviors that you want to reinforce and see occur regularly. Likewise, it needs
to clearly address those unfavorable incidents or instances where performance
fell short of expectations so that focus can be placed on them in the coming
year to resolve and avoid them.
SECTION 7 ■ Employee Relations
Motivating Employees ■ CHAPTER 23
issues with everyone from the poor performers to the exemplary ones who,
although above average in some areas, may have some issues to address.
Many companies, especially smaller ones, do not rely on a formal evalua-
tion instrument to conduct evaluations. However, thoroughness and consis-
tency are essential characteristics of an effective evaluation no matter what
form it takes. Therefore, even in the case of locally developed criteria it is
strongly recommended that the supervisor prepare a list of performance stan-
dards, expectations, and other important performance criteria against which
all employees to be evaluated will be measured. By measuring all employees
against the same standards of performance the supervisor is then assured of
being able to conduct a thorough, meaningful, and unbiased evaluation.
Regardless of whether they are conducted in a mega-corporation or a small
two-person shop, regular evaluations are essential tools for employee develop-
ment. The annual evaluation is one of the most effective means to ensure that
all, employees and management, are in agreement about what is expected and
what has occurred during the past twelve months. More important, they leave
the evaluation with clear expectations for the coming year and a better under-
standing of how they are going to work together to achieve them.
Employee Compensation
There is no more serious issue in dealing with any employee than their com-
pensation plan. Any change in pay is likely to have significant impact on their
performance, overall satisfaction, and willingness to stay with your company.
Therefore, one of the first rules of management is Do not mess with your
employee’s money! This is more than a matter of economics. It is often a matter
of great pride and is closely tied to their self-worth. Their status among fellow
employees and where they see themselves being ranked as a part of that group
is at stake in the minds of most employees.
(Continued )
SECTION 7 ■ Employee Relations
I stopped him at that point, explaining that I was As I went home that evening and over the course
sorry and that I had gotten involved with a customer of the weekend I thought over and over about my
question and did not realize that it was so late. Besides, unintentional blunder. I made several attempts to call
I thought to myself, it was only 10 minutes. It was not a him at home to talk further about it but was not able
matter of us not having the money to make payroll—it to reach him. Finally, on Sunday evening I was able to
was not that the checks were not ready. It was simply talk to him and, based on the otherwise solid rela-
that I had been distracted and lost sight of the time. tionship that we had along with his long-standing
He had already loaded his toolbox in the back of respect of top management and his co-workers he
his car. He did not appear to be mad at this point. reluctantly agreed to give me/us one more chance.
However, he was not ready to commit to changing his This near catastrophe left an indelible mark in
mind about quitting, either. He quietly drove off. my memory about the relationship between an
There I stood surprised, frustrated, and afraid that employee’s pay and your relationship with them. To
I had, through my ignorance and insensitivity, lost many employees their paycheck is the clearest mea-
one of our best technicians! sure of how much you value and respect them.
Motivating Employees ■ CHAPTER 23
help to separate the individual and their performance from the compensation
issue. It will help temper employee expectations.
The second pitfall of passing on raises is the across-the-board raise. This
method of giving raises equally rewards all employees—and that is often cited
as its benefit. However, not all employees have worked equally, performed
equally, and been dedicated to the company and its success equally—so why
would you reward them equally? The across-the-board raise sends a mixed
message to your employees. You say that you want performance, commit-
ment, and dedication and yet you pay for showing up. It is easy to see how
employees would be confused about the message you are sending.
Even though it is clear that there are significant pitfalls to giving raises in
this way there are situations where this type of pay raise strategy is mandated.
What do you do then? You should do as you have with any situation that is
beyond your control. You acknowledge it, understand the possible implica-
tions on morale and motivation, and move forward better armed to deal with
it since you realize the potential problems that it may present in the future.
Incentives are short-term benefits or bonuses that are tied to specific perfor- Incentives
mance within a limited time period. An example of an incentive is a $5 bonus Short-term benefits or
for every set of four new tires that a technician recommends and sells. bonuses that are tied to
Another incentive might be a month-long competition for two tickets to a specific performance within
local race event for the technician who sells the most additional labor and a limited time period.
parts. Incentives are intended to provide very specific and immediate rewards
for increased performance over the short term.
Incentives can be very beneficial. It should always be your goal that they
will result in a short-term increase in performance and, more important, that
they will have a lasting effect. Through encouraging employees to go ‘above
and beyond’ what they have previously done it is hoped that they develop the
self-confidence that they can and will perform at this higher level after the
incentive is over. With this in mind, incentives can be an effective part of a
long-term improvement strategy to stimulate and increase performance levels.
Even though incentives are short-term, it is important to remember that
just like all changes to overall compensation they follow the rule stated
above—Do not mess with your employee’s money! As such, it is essential that
incentives be structured so that all employees are confident that the incentives
are fair and equitable. Failure to do this results in complaints of favoritism and
cheating and can reduce employee morale rather than improve it.
SECTION 7 ■ Employee Relations
attention to how employees are paid. Therefore, the rule of thumb in design-
ing and maintaining a compensation plan for an employee is that it should be
clearly aligned with the goals and objectives of that job. This way you will be
rewarding the exact performance that you believe is the most important.
Do you value production? If so, then the compensation should be tied to
producing labor hours. Do you value quality? If you do, you should make sure
that you have built in some reward to the employee for customer satisfaction.
Your employee compensation plan serves as a constant reminder of your goals
and objectives. There is nothing that can communicate them to your employ-
ees more clearly, directly, and constantly. Since their compensation is closely
tied to their self-worth and feeling of being valued, the best way to assure their
success and yours is to tie their compensation plan to achievement of organi-
zational goals and priorities.
Motivating employees is one of the most basic responsibilities individual attention if you hope to get the best performance.
of a supervisor. Without proper direction and motivation, the The regular one-on-one performance review process and
performance levels from each employee that you expect in establishment of personal goals helps bring your guidance
order to succeed will never be reached. Setting clear and direction down to a very personal level. This allows you to
performance expectations that are measurable and achiev- praise their successes, provide guidance on areas in need of
able and clearly and regularly communicating them to your improvement, and encourage their growth during the coming
employees are essential steps in motivating employees. You year.
should develop a set of metrics that can be tracked and com- One of the best reinforcement mechanisms to support
municated on a regular basis to provide reinforcement to individual evaluations is for employees to see a direct link
every employee about progress that is being made. In addi- between company goals and the performance expectations
tion this provides an early warning when performance is lag- that you have set for them. Further, there should be a clear
ging and changes are needed. relationship between your performance expectations and
Establishing and communicating clear expectations on specific goals for employees and their individual compensa-
the department or organizational level will aid all employees tion plans. By developing a clear link between goals, expecta-
in directing their efforts toward company goals. However, you tions, and rewards you send a clear and unwavering message
must remember that each employee is unique and requires of what is important.
Motivating Employees ■ CHAPTER 23
6. Which method is least likely to help your department c. personal details about everyone.
achieve major, very complex goals? d. poor performance.
a. Get all of the little goals out of the way first. 9. One of the pitfalls of tying an employee’s pay to one fac-
b. Break the big goal down into sub-goals. tor such as flat-rate pay is
c. Tie pay incentives to completion of the goal.
d. Make sure everyone knows what the goal is.
7. A well-designed and prepared performance evaluation
will not
a. discuss both employee strengths and weaknesses. 10. List four items that are part of a comprehensive compen-
b. be conducted on a regular basis. sation plan
c. be posted on the company bulletin board.
d. cover a variety of skills and abilities related to the job.
8. It is important that you track and reward _______________.
a. what is important.
b. everything that you can.
Progressive Discipline
■ To recognize the application of discipline as a ■ To examine the use of counseling and advising
positive tool for employee development in attempting to correct poor behavior or work
■ To describe the necessary steps of the progres- performance
sive discipline process
294 294
Progressive Discipline ■ CHAPTER 24
Motivating employees is very tricky and complex. Even more difficult is
addressing those personnel performance problems that are not and cannot be
addressed and resolved through positive motivation. What do you do about
the employee who insists that she will not pick up the pace? The one who has
a chronic tardiness problem? The one who always bends, spindles, and muti-
lates the company rules? Progressive discipline is the toolset that you need to
get out and utilize to deal most effectively with all of these issues.
SECTION 7 ■ Employee Relations
what would you do if you asked her to move and she said, “I would be glad to,
but the car has a flat tire and I have never fixed one before.”
Once notified that she is causing a problem she is, like in the first situa-
tion, very willing to move. Unfortunately, she has a problem that she cannot
or at least does not know how to quickly resolve. At this point you have sev-
eral options. You can: (a) change the tire for her, (b) show her how to change
the tire and help her to do it, (c) wait for someone else to help her, or (d)
decide that you are more willing to continue waiting than you are to get
Both of the scenarios presented are very simple. However, they are simple
examples that closely parallel common performance problems that we encounter
at work on a regular basis. Fortunately for us, the majority of personnel prob-
lems fall into these two categories: ones that require notification and ones
that require notification and temporary assistance and training.
In both of these groups of issues the first and most important ingredient to
success is communication. Most often the one at the center of the problem is
either not aware of the problem or is aware but unable to resolve it alone. Not
until you identify the issue at hand and take the time to open a dialogue with
the party involved so that she is aware of the problem and offer assistance or
guidance will the problem move toward being resolved.
The progressive discipline process can be universally applied to deal con-
sistently and effectively with these situations. It provides a consistent method
for addressing issues ranging from the most simple (our first scenario) to ones
that are far more complicated and intense.
Progressive Discipline ■ CHAPTER 24
Discipline or Punishment?
Progressive discipline is not a pathway to punishment. It is a system that
provides for and assures that a consistent and fair approach is taken to
communicate with employees, identifying performance problems, and pro-
viding counseling and guidance to resolve performance problems. Finally, and
only when all else fails, it provides for disciplinary action up to and including
The goal of progressive discipline is to resolve the performance issue and
save the employee. That is, by separating the performance issue from the per-
sonality, the goal of this process is to work with the employee to resolve the
performance problem. As a result, the ideal ending is to reinstate the employee
as a happy and productive member of the team and to eliminate only the sub-
standard behavior or performance.
Advising Providing formal feedback
Advising is often considered as a pre-disciplinary step. Regular advising and or notice to an individual
providing consistent and positive feedback should be ongoing in your depart- of their performance or
ment. Your employees cannot be assured that they are doing the right things behavior.
SECTION 7 ■ Employee Relations
unless you provide them with regular feedback to guide them and reinforce
their positive actions.
Advising is necessary to make sure that employees know when what they
are doing is straying from the intended goals and directions of the company.
Regular communication and advising is an important foundation to assure
positive and properly directed efforts and is essential to minimize the need to
move into more formal processes like the remaining steps of progressive
It is important to note that advising is actually the first step in discipline.
It is your most common and low-key method for answering the all-important
question that you as a supervisor must be able to answer: “How can I be sure
that my employees know what is expected?” It is only fair to be sure that they
clearly and consistently know the rules before criticizing or penalizing them
for not following them. You must have clear evidence that you have exercised
this step early and often before you consider moving to the next more formal
step, counseling.
As you move through the steps of progressive discipline each step builds upon
the previous one and becomes a bit more formal. Counseling is very similar to
advising because the message and the intent are to communicate what the
required performance is and what the issues and concerns are that you have
with their substandard performance.
Counseling In counseling, the supervisor moves from informal conversation to a
A formal conversation more formal and structured one. At this point we have tried to make the
and discussion with the employee aware of the concerns but the performance has not changed, or has
specific intent of making not changed enough. Now we need to take the time to make it explicitly clear
an employee aware to the employee that a performance problem exists, that it is a concern, and
of concerns about what the expectations are to address and resolve this issue.
performance or behavior. Although counseling does not need to be conducted in an intimidating
manner, it does require that the supervisor find an appropriate method to be
certain that the employee clearly understands the importance of the discus-
sion. This is often done by holding a special meeting or discussion with the
sole purpose of covering this issue. In that way, it reduces the chances that the
employee will take it lightly or dismiss the concerns that are expressed as a
suggestion only. Finally, it is highly recommended that the supervisor docu-
ment and retain in writing a brief accounting of the meeting as supporting
documentation in the event of the need for further discipline.
It is important to point out that this process is not a one-way street. At any
time where significant progress is made toward resolving the performance
issue at hand the supervisor can move back up the ladder to a more informal
Warning step to ensure that the gains are maintained. After results from a counseling
A formal notification either session prove successful the supervisor can revert to ongoing advising. How-
verbally or in writing to ever, if counseling does not yield marked improvement and additional action
inform an employee of is required, the process then moves on to a formal verbal warning.
unacceptable performance
or behavior accompanied by
Verbal Warning
a clear statement of future
penalties and consequences Unfortunately, attempts to advise and counsel do not always produce suffi-
if a substantial improve- cient results. In these cases it is important to continue to move forward in the
ment does not occur. disciplinary process. It is important to remember that the intent of the process
Progressive Discipline ■ CHAPTER 24
Written Warning
The final step in the progressive discipline process before implementing penal-
ties is the written warning. It is not dramatically different from the verbal
warning. It is a progressive (step-by-step or gradual) increase upward from the
previous step.
When a written warning is given, the employee again has a formal meeting
with the supervisor with the sole intent of discussing performance issues. The
past history of advising, counseling, and verbal warnings should be recounted
to make it clear to the employee that this is not a new issue. The positive intent
of the progressive discipline process must also be reviewed and discussed. At
this point, however, the employee needs to be clearly advised that the prob-
lems, and the resulting lack of progress, have brought the situation to the point
where it is now necessary to commit this to writing to be put into their person-
nel file. Finally, as a part of this written warning, the employee is reminded that
to this point there have been no direct consequences or punishments but that
if clear and substantial progress is not immediately evident that the next steps
will include penalties ranging from time off up to and including dismissal. Reprimand
Just as in all of the previous steps, the intention is to resolve the defi- A formal and typically
ciency. Also, as in the past, the intention is to turn up the heat to, hopefully, stern warning based on
get the employee’s undivided attention to the problem and to resolving it. If unacceptable performance
this goal is not achieved, the process then proceeds on to a written reprimand. or behavior that includes
an immediate penalty
combined with a clear
Written Reprimand
statement of future
The written reprimand step in the process, although very similar to the writ- penalties if the situation
ten warning in content, generally will add two additional and very important is not resolved.
SECTION 7 ■ Employee Relations
Progressive Discipline ■ CHAPTER 24
Skipping Steps
In the intense environment that caused you to utilize progressive discipline it
is common that once you have made the determination that there is no other
alternative and that you need to move forward that you must strike swiftly and
effectively. There is a natural tendency to postpone and avoid entering into a
disciplinary situation with an employee. After all, it is an acknowledgement
SECTION 7 ■ Employee Relations
that all is not well and is the beginning of what may become a long, difficult,
and time-consuming process. Unfortunately, most personnel problems do not
go away on their own. Therefore, since it is not going to heal on its own, the
longer you wait the worse it gets and the harder it will become to achieve a
positive outcome.
Many managers, because of the stress and time commitment may try to
delay moving into progressive discipline and then want to skip steps and get
right to the penalty and/or separation steps. After all, they’ve already been too
patient and now they have made up their mind.
Actually, when a supervisor wants to move to the end of the process what
he or she has most likely done is fail to take the time and make the commit-
ment when the problem was first identified, and now is trying to make up for
lost time. The supervisor waited too long to make the difficult decision to start
the process.
In all but a few cases it is the best for the supervisor, the company, and the
employee to begin the process and follow the process, step by step, and allow
reasonable time between steps no matter how late the process has been started.
As in most processes there are exceptions to this rule based on the chronic
nature of a problem or its severity. This may warrant in certain conditions to
move quickly from step to step or even to skip a step. However, to provide the
employee with the best opportunity to correct the problem performance or
behavior (which is really the ultimate goal, right?), the thoughtful and method-
ical process that is progressive discipline is generally the best solution.
Outside Resources
Although it is suggested that all supervisors consider this system when work-
ing with all personnel issues and concerns it does not mean that you are
expected to do it alone. In fact, there are cases where it is highly recom-
mended that you involve external assistance.
Progressive Discipline ■ CHAPTER 24
Just as in the case with anything that you do, you need to recognize your
strengths and your abilities as well as your weaknesses. Your desire to resolve
employee problems and your commitment to progressive discipline does not
make you a psychologist, a doctor, or a lawyer. Therefore, it is important that
when you become involved in a situation that goes beyond your expertise you
draw upon expertise that will help you in these sensitive areas.
Situations arise that are the result of causes that require skills and knowl-
edge that you simply do not possess. Family, legal, and psychological issues
are just a few general areas where your ability to fully understand and know
the proper course of action may be limited by your experience and knowledge.
In these cases, involving appropriate external resources must happen at the
earliest stages. No matter how good your intentions, without the right skills
and expert guidance in these situations you may unwittingly make the situa-
tion worse, thus reducing the likelihood of you reaching your original goal, a
happy and productive employee.
Timeliness Is Essential
There is one last and very important principle that you need to follow. That is
being timely with both praise and criticism. This principle can be applied to
all of the relationships that you have with your employees. However, just as it
is important to recognize and reward exceptional performance or exemplary
behavior when you see it so that you reinforce it, it is also true that you must
address negative situations in a timely manner.
If your true goal is to identify, acknowledge, and correct the behaviors or
other problems you must not hesitate to take action. The closer that the cor-
rective action follows the offense, the more likely that positive results will
occur. This timeliness allows for you to discuss the issues while they are still
fresh in everyone’s minds. If it has risen to the level where some penalty is jus-
tified, it helps to make a clear connection between action and consequence.
Failure to act quickly confuses the situation. This delay can have a strong
demoralizing effect on the employee. The employee may feel that you are
opening up old wounds weeks or months after the incident. Rapid response
simplifies the situation. It helps to keep the employee from feeling like he or
she is a failure and limits it to “I made one mistake.” Seeing a direct link
between error and consequence makes taking corrective action easier for both
employer and employee.
One of the most misunderstood principles in personnel devel- primary intent is that through advanced warning, appropriate
opment is the use of progressive discipline as an approach to guidance and counseling, and consistent follow up that
improve employee performance. Discipline is too often seen as many difficult situations can be resolved. Therefore, valuable
a last resort method of dealing with and dismissing the employees can be retained. Punishment and separation from
employee who has gone off track and for whom there is no employment are treated as last-resort options within this
other reasonable alternative other than termination of employ- process. Although it is hoped that in the vast majority of
ment. For this reason the process of discipline is too often cases taking proper preemptive action will correct perfor-
delayed well beyond when it should have been initiated. mance, the progressive discipline process also provides a
Progressive discipline is a development-oriented process methodical and well-documented audit trail in the unfortu-
of identifying and methodically defining, following up with, nate circumstances that the final inevitable result is termina-
and addressing performance issues in the workplace. Its tion of employment.
SECTION 7 ■ Employee Relations
A utomotive service is a very competitive business. For this reason it is essential the
manager is able to clearly communicate the reasons why the public should choose
their shop from the crowd. Effective marketing is essential to help them build customer
awareness and a solid client base. However, the financial resources of any organization are
finite. Better understanding of the benefits of each of the mass marketing mediums is impor-
tant to help business to use their resources most effectively. As with any other industry, there
are specific types of marketing that are most effective in reaching the target audience for
automotive service. The understanding of mass marketing and point-of-purchase merchan-
dising methods and techniques are essential in developing a successful marketing strategy.
Once marketing efforts have attracted customers the automotive service employees need to
be prepared to gain the maximum return on this investment by recommending and selling
needed maintenance and repair services to all of their customers.
• CHAPTER 25: Marketing and Mass Media • CHAPTER 27: Point of Purchase
• CHAPTER 26: Target Marketing and Merchandising
Building an Identity • CHAPTER 28: Selling Service
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and Mass Media
■ To recognize what marketing is and its impor- ■ To develop proper pricing to be profitable and
tance in the success in a competitive market- competitive in the marketplace
■ To identify the basic qualities that establish
value to a product or service
SECTION 8 ■ Marketing, Merchandising, and Selling Service
In business you may have the brightest idea and the best invention yet fail.
The cause is that not enough people know about you, your business, and what
Marketing it can do for them. Without this awareness you are bound to fail. Marketing is
A complex process that lets the complex process that lets the world know what you have to offer and what
customers know what you value it brings to them so that they will enthusiastically “beat a path to your
have to offer and what door” to become your customer. Having a great product or service is an impor-
value it brings to them. tant factor in being successful in business, but if people do not know about it
you will surely fail.
Marketing is not making a product or providing a service. It is not manu-
facturing or sales. Marketing is a process. In its most complete and thorough
sense, this process should begin early in the product development process.
The process of gathering information to help guide the development of a
product and the initial strategy to get it to the public is market research. This
research helps to assure that the product or service is targeted to meet the
needs of a specific group of potential customers.
In automotive service your involvement with marketing as a manager will
rarely begin until the product is developed and ready to go on sale. This more
common aspect of marketing refers to the development and implementation
of an intentional campaign to promote a product or service to the public. This
is typical of the marketing efforts that you will be involved in planning and
implementing to ensure the success of your service operations.
Marketing helps you to clearly direct your efforts by helping you answer
these simple yet critical questions:
The answers to these four questions provide you with a solid foundation upon
which you can build a plan to bring attention to and develop interest in what
you have to sell. Armed with this background information, your ultimate goal
is to move a group of people who do not even know that your product or
service exists to becoming loyal customers and vocal advocates.
Marketing and Mass Media ■ CHAPTER 25
The ultimate goal is to influence and move as many potential customers as far
possible up those steps.
Here is how the five-step process works. If, for example, you have a new
company or a new product you begin at ground zero. People do not even know
that your product exists. The first step, then, is to reach out and build
awareness. Once potential customers are aware that your product exists you
need to create interest that will entice them to investigate your product. Once
they have learned more about your product your goal is that they reach the
level of acceptance and try it. You are now halfway up the steps and have moved
these potential customers to become consumers of your product or service.
Once customers have tried your product, you need to meet or exceed their
expectations so that they will be willing to come back and purchase again.
Now you are moving toward the next goal of becoming their preferred vendor
for this product, loyalty. The last, and final, step is by far the hardest to reach.
It should be your ultimate goal that through your efforts and the excellence of
your products and services that your customers not only become loyal and
return as regulars, they are so pleased that they openly recommend you as the
best source for this product. When you have reached this plateau you have
achieved the ultimate goal of advocacy.
It is important to note that although these five goals appear simple, they
are a simple roadmap to a long and difficult journey. There is intense competi-
tion in the marketplace and while you are striving to build a base of loyal cus-
tomers your competitors are trying equally as hard to take them away. It is for
that reason that your plans to develop and market your products must be
based on sound principles that guide customer buying decisions. Most cus-
tomer buying decisions are based on logic and that logic is one of making a
purchase that provides them with the greatest value. Let us discuss the factors
that make up value in the mind of the typical customer.
Establishing Value
Potential customers are not likely to do business with you unless you are able
to clearly communicate what sets your product or service apart from the com-
petition. You must demonstrate the unique value of your product. With that Value
in mind let us take a few minutes to talk about some universal characteristics The relative worth and
that customers value. usefulness of a product or
Characteristics of Value
There are five common characteristics that potential customers consistently
use to guide their purchase decisions in the very confusing, crowded, and
highly competitive marketplace of today. These major characteristics are
1. Price
2. Performance
3. Convenience
4. Availability
5. Quality
SECTION 8 ■ Marketing, Merchandising, and Selling Service
to find that they have several choices. The decision process used to make that
choice takes into account the five major factors. Together they are the major
part of the value of that product or service to the potential customer.
Different people may value some characteristics more than others. Their
immediate priorities may even cause them to shift their opinion of what is of
the greatest value to them at any one time. However, no matter how much
this may differ from person to person and from time to time people will con-
tinue to make their purchase decisions based on value. Therefore, you need to
clearly understand these factors and the impact that they have on the final
buying decisions if you hope to succeed in business.
The amount of goods or
money exchanged to The importance of price is often overstated. Price is an important factor in
receive a product or service purchase decisions. Yes, you can price yourself out of the market. However,
in return. market research consistently demonstrates that price is not the number 1
Marketing and Mass Media ■ CHAPTER 25
External Factors The common phrase “what the market will bear” describes
what the perceived value is to your target audience. It is the worth of a product
to potential customers taking into consideration your product and all others
out there that can meet their needs. After all, it is not reasonable to expect that
customers will pay more than they have to for any goods or services. The
information obtained by doing a price survey of the competition should give
you a range of prices that can guide you in establishing your price. Remember
that you do not have to be the cheapest—just the best value—to be the most
SECTION 8 ■ Marketing, Merchandising, and Selling Service
We have spent quite a bit of time talking about pricing because it is impor-
tant. Remember that it is not the only factor nor is it the most important fac-
tor. It is, however, a factor that must not be ignored since it is one of the
easiest factors for customers to use to rule you out as a potential vendor.
A very important factor in establishing the overall value of your product or
Performance service is the performance of that product. Clearly identifying the perfor-
The ability to meet or mance characteristics of your product is essential in differentiating your prod-
exceed expectations to carry uct from the competition in the marketplace. A key question in defining your
out an expected function. performance is: What makes my product unique? That is, what does my prod-
uct do or do significantly better than the rest of the products available to
In order to compete effectively and market the performance of your product
it is also essential to clearly understand the features and benefits that your com-
petition has to offer. What are the features and benefits that your competition
heavily promotes to distinguish them from the rest of the competition? Once
you know what the competition’s direction is in establishing their competitive
advantage based on performance you will be able to counter that strategy with
one of your own. You can determine that their key characteristic is not impor-
tant, you can choose to compete head-to-head, or you can differentiate yourself
as having greater value based on your unique solution to the customer’s needs.
In the final analysis, you must remember that unless you are willing to bet
your future at being chosen at random among your competitors, you must
clearly differentiate yourself from them in the marketplace. You must give the
customers a reason to choose your solution because it has a higher perceived
value in their minds.
Unless you have a product or service that is so unique or such a great deal that
customers will drive past hundreds of competitors just to get to your door and
do business with you, you will have to consider the benefit of being conve-
nient as part of your marketing strategy. The local exotic sports car dealer is
probably a good example of someone who does not have to worry too much
about convenience. They are the only game in town and people will travel
great distances to get to their site. That is not likely to be so, however, if you
are selling or servicing mainstream vehicles. You are faced with hundreds of
competitors in your marketplace, many of whom are located closer to parts of
Convenience your target market. So you need to factor convenience into your marketing
Providing a solution that is plan if you want to succeed.
comfortable or easy. Convenience is a highly variable factor. Although customers would like to
be able to get service done right here, right now, 24/7/365, they are not very
likely to value that convenience so much that they would pay a very high pre-
mium in price to get it. The amount of convenience that you can and should
look to provide is based on a combination, just like price, of how much it costs
you to provide it and its added value to customers.
The most common convenience factors are location, hours of operation, and
payment methods. The relevance and importance of these factors varies from
industry to industry and from market to market. Although service facilities do
not necessarily need to be located on prime real estate they generally need to be
Marketing and Mass Media ■ CHAPTER 25
CASE requesting that you stay open until 10 P.M. during the
You are the owner of a local three-bay quick oil
change location. Your normal hours of operation are You decide
10 A.M.–6 P.M. Monday to Friday and 8 A.M.–4 P.M. Do you extend your hours? What information would
Saturdays. In your most recent batch of customer sat- you need to consider to help you to decide if it is a
isfaction surveys you have seen several comments good business decision?
Availability is the capacity to deliver your product and/or service in a timely Availability
manner. Common examples of this characteristic in the automotive service busi- The capacity to deliver a
ness would be how far in advance it is necessary to schedule an appointment to product and/or service in a
get service work done or how likely it is for your shop to have the needed parts in timely manner.
stock or locally available so that work can be completed the same day.
SECTION 8 ■ Marketing, Merchandising, and Selling Service
Marketing and Mass Media ■ CHAPTER 25
capacity or supply? The same principles that we have already talked about
apply. In this situation, however, you would consider reducing the workforce,
reducing the facility space (sell it/sublet it/use it for a different purpose), and
consider lowering price to get demand and supply more closely aligned.
Quality is an attribute of any product or service that is a powerful combina- Quality
tion of perception and reality. People perceive quality when what they receive Excellence or superiority as
performs meets or exceeds their expectations. This can be absolute or relative. a result of continuous
The ability to meet the intended use would be a minimum expectation and, improvement of process
therefore, an absolute criterion. In comparison, the ability to do a better job and product.
than the competition would be a relative criterion for evaluating a product or
service as being high quality.
Quality should always be measurable and definable. However, quality in
the mind of the consumer is not a static objective. It varies based on the cus-
tomer’s expectations and needs. In many cases it is part of an evaluation based
on multiple measurements (such as the highest quality for the price). For
more in-depth background on quality please refer to Chapter 12 where we
address the underlying philosophies of quality and continuous improvement
in greater depth.
The quality of your product is one of the attributes that will set you apart
from the competition and give you a competitive advantage. However, it is
important that you do not go overboard. You need to meet or exceed cus-
tomer expectations while not overbuilding your product. That is, you need to
be good enough but know when additional improvements are not noticeable
or have little increased value to the customer. Failure to realize this important
distinction can lead you to providing something that goes far beyond cus-
tomer expectations and, in the process, has become so expensive that you
have priced yourself right out of the market!
SECTION 8 ■ Marketing, Merchandising, and Selling Service
motivations of your market you will be able to get the maximum benefit in
improving your perceived value in their minds with the minimum amount of
time, effort, and cost.
The communication of a
marketing message to gain
attention and encourage At the start of this chapter we defined marketing as the complex process that is
the purchase of a product involved in letting the world know what you have to offer. Advertising is a
or service that you have to major component of any marketing plan. It is one of the biggest action steps
offer. in the process. After you have identified what you have to sell, its features and
benefits, and how you want to promote it to the public the next step is to
Mass Media advertise it. Mass media is the most common method of advertising your
Mediums of communication message to the public. The most commonly used mass media vehicles are
(TV, newspapers, Internet, Internet, e-mail, television, newspapers, magazines, direct mailing, radio, and
and so on) that are billboards and signage. Each of these media has unique strengths and weak-
designed to reach large nesses. A brief overview of some of the strengths and weaknesses of each of
audiences of people. the mass mediums is provided in Figure 25-2.
Web-Based Media
The Internet has grown to be the most widely used medium for sharing infor-
mation worldwide. It has the potential to reach the entire world in a matter of
milliseconds after you post the information on the Web. The cost to post a
message on the Web is the cost of having a Web portal and is the least expen-
sive of any mass communication medium. The primary methods of using the
Web for advertising are through Internet postings, Web ads, and through the
use of e-mail. With this great power for instantaneous and low cost communi-
cation via the Web why is it not the best and only method to spread your
The strength of the Web is that it reaches a large market quickly. However,
what it possesses in wide reach and low cost it lacks in discrimination. That is,
developing a company Web site and posting announcements and advertise-
ments on it does little to target the message so that it reaches the specific audi-
ence that we want it to reach. Therefore, it reaches most people but may not
Marketing and Mass Media ■ CHAPTER 25
get the message to those that you want it to reach in a manner that will assure
that they will see it, read it, understand it, and be likely to respond to it.
Those of us who regularly surf the Web fail to realize that even with the
explosive growth of the Web that there still remains a significant portion of
the public who may not have convenient access to the Internet or may not
access it on a regular basis. Therefore, although it has the potential to reach
everyone in the world it may not be effective in reaching people right in our
neighborhood and, most important, in our target market.
Web-based advertising is a much more costly alternative than general
Internet postings but is much more likely to be found by potential customers.
Web advertising requires that you link to a Web service (search engine or a
buying service site) that will post your ads as pop-ups or inserts on their pages
as people use these commonly used sites. Both of these methods are very poor
for providing the information to your specific, local target market. Another
alternative, however, is the use of Web directories. These directories provide
information about businesses, similar to a phone book, which may be worth-
while in helping potential customers to find you in time of need.
The last Web-based advertising medium, e-mail, is a direct targeted
person-to-person communication on the Internet. It is an electronic version
of direct mail marketing. Since it is addressed to specific individuals it can
overcome the ambiguity of Internet postings. It makes sure that it reaches spe-
cific individuals. It also has the benefit of speed since it travels in milliseconds
from the sender to the receiver.
The strengths of e-mail are low cost and high speed. The drawbacks are
limitations of the receiving audience. This first limitation is that you can only
send a direct e-mail to those individuals who have provided you with their
e-mail addresses. Those communications are limited to those of your current
customers or customer contacts who are willing to provide you with this pri-
vate information. This means that those who you can reach are a subset of
those that you already know. This makes this approach suitable for customer
retention activities but of minimal value for attracting new customers.
Unfortunately, the convenience of being able to reach everyone via e-mail
so quickly and affordably has created its own set of problems. We as consumers
have been so inundated with volumes of unwanted e-mails that we have
created a whole new category of communication to describe them—spam.
The rapid expansion of the amount of unwanted e-mails has resulted in most
individuals having to use spam-blocking software to manage the great vol-
umes of unwanted and unsolicited e-mails they receive daily so that they can
keep their important e-mail traffic down to a manageable level. As a result,
most of the e-mails that you send out with the intent of reaching a potential
market will never be seen or read by their intended receiver. They will be
caught, quarantined, and deleted electronically by spam-blocker software
and, therefore, never reach your target audience.
Broadcast Media
Prior to the explosive growth of the Internet, television was the medium of
choice to reach the largest audience in the least amount of time. Like the
Internet, television and radio have the ability to reach a wide audience. How-
ever, the need to develop and produce a commercial is expensive and requires
lead-time before it can be aired. In spite of these high costs to produce and air
a commercial it remains one of the best ways to reach an entire market
SECTION 8 ■ Marketing, Merchandising, and Selling Service
because more people have access to TV and radio broadcasts than they do to
the Internet.
Automotive service is generally a localized activity. That is, the target mar-
ket lives within a small geographic area that is close to your shop. Definite
drawbacks of TV advertising are high cost and its minimal ability to reach a
narrow market. As an advertiser you want to reach your target audience but do
not want to waste your time or money reaching those who have no interest in
your product or service. TV advertising can be targeted choosing the place-
ment of the ad in relationship to programs that the target audience is most
likely to watch. This does not, however, assure that any one ad placement will
be viewed by the target audience. Further, within the broad group who watch
a particular show you are likely to be paying to advertise to a much larger
group who are not part of your target market.
Radio provides a lower cost broadcast alternative to television. Radio has
much in common with TV advertising. It, too, reaches a broad geographic
area and reaches many people that are not your target market. It does not
have the staying power of a print medium where it can easily be saved. How-
ever, its ability to reach a wide audience quickly makes it worthy of considera-
tion to help to build awareness of a new company, a major change, or a major
marketing push.
Print Media
One benefit of newspapers and any other print medium is staying power. With
live mediums like TV you have 15, 30, or 60 seconds to get your message
across and then it is gone. With print mediums like newspapers, magazines,
and direct mail the customer has the ability to take his time reading your
message and to keep it for future use if it appeals to him. This staying power is
a substantial benefit to print media. This means that the number of possible
exposures that you get out of one ad is much more than just the initial
Newspaper advertising is one of the largest and most common forms of
print media used in automotive service advertising. Automotive service adver-
tising can be found every day of the week in large metropolitan daily papers
and in local neighborhood weekly papers. Advertising in the metropolitan
paper is a much higher-priced option than the local papers. It provides broad
reach to an entire metropolitan area. However, with this wide coverage come
increased cost and the likelihood that much of the exposure is going to be
wasted on people who are not your primary target market. Local community
newspapers are a much lower-cost alternative. They allow you to reach a
much more narrow geographic territory.
Magazines have a longer shelf life than newspapers and the average reader
will see your ad several times. However, much like TV advertising, they reach a
very broad market. Although automobile manufacturers may advertise in
magazines to build public awareness this medium is cost prohibitive for
service advertising. There is, however, one exception. It is the local shopper
magazines that are delivered in the mail or inserted into newspapers. These
publications are a hybrid of a mailer and magazine. Although they are printed
in a booklet form, they have no articles and are simply a compilation of adver-
tisements from a variety of local businesses. They provide a mid-priced option
to reach your target market with print advertising.
Marketing and Mass Media ■ CHAPTER 25
SECTION 8 ■ Marketing, Merchandising, and Selling Service
In the world of business it is not enough to have the best potential consumers. The five major factors that determine
product in the world if no one knows about it and therefore that value in the mind of a customer are: price, performance,
does not buy it. Identifying a target market or audience for convenience, availability, and quality. Although price is an impor-
your product or service is the first essential step in developing tant factor and is often used to narrow down a customer’s
a marketing strategy. To do this you must answer four simple choices it is rarely the most important factor in a customer’s ulti-
questions: Who has an interest in my product or service? mate buying decision. The importance of these five factors on
What is their specific want or need? Where can I find them? any specific purchase decision can vary from customer to cus-
and, How can I best reach them? tomer and situation to situation. Therefore, the importance of
Marketing is the process of letting potential customers all five factors should be seriously considered.
know what you have to offer and its importance to them. The Effectively advertising and promoting your product or
goals of marketing are to influence customer behavior so that service is critical to your success. There are several mass-
they become aware of your product, develop an interest in it, communication mediums that can be used to get the word out
purchase it, become regular customers, and become vocal about you and what you provide. Primarily due to their high
advocates of its benefits. cost TV, radio, and magazines are rarely a good choice for pro-
Effective marketing of any product or service is based on moting automotive service. The most common advertising in
understanding and communicating the important attributes the automotive service industry is direct mail and newspaper
that build the value of your product or service in the mind of advertising.
Target Marketing
and Building
an Identity
■ To examine who your market is, along with their ■ To demonstrate how to formulate a unique
unique needs and wants market identity
■ To identify the features that differentiate you ■ To apply general marketing principles to your
from the competition product or service
SECTION 8 ■ Marketing, Merchandising, and Selling Service
Target marketing is the application of marketing principles to efficiently and
effectively direct your message to your potential customers. To do this it is first
Target Market important to clearly define your potential target market. Once you have done
The group of people who this you can determine the most efficient means to communicate with those
have a want or need that individuals so that they know that you exist (awareness), know who you
may be satisfied by a are (identity), and know what sets you apart from the competition (image).
specific product or service. These factors will enable you to establish your competitive edge in the market-
place that will attract customers and help them to become loyal customers
and advocates of your company.
Whether you are starting with just an idea or have an existing product or
service, if you are planning to effectively market it you must begin by defining
your target market. There are few products that have universal appeal and are
needed by everyone. Further, advertising and promotion are very expensive.
To maximize the results you need to take steps to clearly define who your
potential customers are and how you can best communicate with them. Your
target market is the “who” that you are looking for.
If you have done a thorough job of defining your market you should be
well on your way toward reaching your target audience to let them know that
you have a product or service that will meet their needs. The important ques-
tion then becomes “What do I tell them?” Reaching them is important. More
important, however, is to know what to say. Your goal is to get their attention
and convince them to buy from you. To do this you need to know what your
target market values and what motivates them to make a purchase decision.
Armed with this information you can focus your message to make it clear to
them that you have what they need.
Target Marketing and Building an Identity ■ CHAPTER 26
• Who are the potential customers that will value this most?
• Where are they?
• How do I reach them?
Every manager should be able to sit down and answer all of the questions
listed above before making the investment of time and energy to set out in a
new direction or begin a new initiative. If you do not know the answers to all
of these questions it is probably time for you to do some research before you
Market Research
Doing market research before you act will help you to define the demand Market Research
that you are looking to satisfy. A clear example of this is the need to define The study of the
how big the potential market really is and if there is sufficient demand to sup- marketplace that helps
port your efforts. These are questions that are too often ignored. In their to determine the exact size
enthusiasm to launch a new product or service many companies have failed and nature of the market.
because they did not do the research to verify that the market was able to sup-
port their plans. Their initiatives were doomed from the outset.
Because of the constraints within your small business it will rarely be pos-
sible to hire an outside marketing consultant every time you have a new idea
or consider a new product. Fortunately, a great deal of market research data
already exists in the city or county where you do business. Good sources of
this data are the local chamber of commerce or small business administration
in your area. In most cases is not necessary that you do a high-level (and high-
priced) study to answer the questions about the size and nature of your target
audience. What is necessary, however, is that you take a step back and ask the
people that you currently serve and those that you hope to serve: Am I on the
right track? Do you want or need this?
Beyond defining who you will be soliciting as customers you must also have
a clear picture of your competition. You need to identify the current pricing and
value of products provided by them. This is essential to make sure that there is
enough demand in the marketplace so that you can stake out enough territory
to make it worthwhile for you to expend the effort and investment. Effective
methods to quickly identify target audience and competitor information are
through the use of surveys, media audits, and shopping the competition.
Surveying the marketplace can take many forms. However, the simplest
and quickest is done by telephone or via the Web. If you know your market
you should know your competition. If you know your competition then you
should easily be able to survey your most direct competitors to obtain this
information. For example, if you were interested in finding out what price
your competition is charging for an oil change this week how would you find
out? The easiest way is to ask them! Pick up the phone and call them posing as
a potential customer. This is a low-cost, quick, and effective method of obtain-
ing this essential information.
A second method for doing market research is through checking the
media. In the automotive repair industry the most common methods of
media used are newspapers, flyers, and direct mail. Careful review of all of the
publications in your market can provide you with a rich resource for identify-
ing what value the competition offers and what features and benefits they are
promoting as the reason to buy from them. Careful review of their ads should
SECTION 8 ■ Marketing, Merchandising, and Selling Service
help you determine what value they are providing. (Remember the five key
characteristics of price, performance, convenience, availability, and quality?)
Print advertising will be valuable in identifying the features and benefits that
they are promoting and the overall public image that they are trying to build.
Checking your competition’s advertisements is something that you should
use to your advantage to help you to identify and stake out your unique mar-
ket niche in the marketplace.
A final method that is more involved and time consuming than the survey
or media research is “shopping your competition.” Shopping the competition
requires that you, or someone on your behalf, visits the competition posing as
a potential customer. By doing this you will obtain firsthand detailed informa-
tion about the entire experience of dealing with this competitor. Telephone
surveys will provide you with a brief overview, media research will provide
you with information about how the company wants you to perceive them;
however, shopping the competition provides you with the richest input about
the competition based on firsthand experience.
Shopping the competition can provide the added input of what the physi-
cal environment of the competition is really like. Here are some of the impor-
tant market research questions that you will be able to answer as a result of
shopping the competition that you would not be able to answer by using the
other methods
• Was the shop clean and professional?
• Were the people friendly?
• Did they seem like they cared, or did they just ignore me?
• Did they try to high pressure me to buy or were they more interested in
finding out my needs and addressing them?
• Was the business the same as what I had expected based on what I have
learned about them in their advertising?
• Is there something that they are doing that I should consider?
• What shortcomings do they have that I can capitalize on in trying to
attract their customers?
The best way for you to differentiate and distinguish yourself from the compe-
tition is by knowing the competition’s capabilities and the needs of your tar-
get market. Market research is an essential tool that must be used to properly
position yourself in your market.
Target Marketing and Building an Identity ■ CHAPTER 26
This is a concept that was briefly introduced in Chapter 25. However, building
awareness holds a greater level of importance in service industries than it Awareness
does in many other businesses. As a result it is important that we take more Getting the word out that
time now to explore it in greater depth. something exists.
You probably would not be in the business you are in or working for the
company that you work for if you did not believe that the company provides
goods or services that have value. You know that there is a need (market) for
them and the ones that you represent have unique features (value). You know
that the market should be beating a path to your doorstep to buy from you.
The real question, however, is: do they know that? The first goal of marketing
is building awareness. You may have the best product at the best price in the
most convenient location, but if the market does not know it your business
will fail.
Building awareness is getting the word out to the public, and more specifi-
cally to your target market, that you exist. Building awareness is letting people
know the name of your company and some general idea of what you do. In
our case it is announcing to the world that you are out there and are ready and
willing to serve the needs of the automotive service market.
SECTION 8 ■ Marketing, Merchandising, and Selling Service
You might ask, “Why should I put my efforts into such a general effort?
We want business now. They cannot buy our name; we need them to buy our
products.” Although that is a good point and aims toward your ultimate goal,
automotive service customers normally do not jump in their cars and run to a
repair shop just because they saw an ad or heard about it on the radio. Their
most common motivation is that they have an immediate need—whether
that is squeaky brakes or a radio that cuts in and out. Until they have a need
your calls for them to become your customer will go unanswered. However,
when they finally have a need and have to decide where to go for service you
need them to know that you exist and, should therefore be considered as a
possible location to take their car for service.
Building awareness is planting the seeds in the minds of the market that
you are there. This is essential for every service business because until you are
firmly entrenched in their minds you will be overlooked when a need for
automotive service arises.
How does a shop build awareness? By obtaining a high degree of general
exposure to the potential market. This exposure does not have to be specific but
it needs to be consistent. Potential customers need to see you or see something
about you often enough for the message that you exist to stick in their mind.
Building Identity
Once people are aware that you exist you need them to be able to pick you out
of the crowd. The concept behind this is very simple. Those who know you well
as a person can easily do this when they see you across the way at the mall or at
work. As a competitor in the busy and crowded automotive service market you
need to be able to expect your customers to pick your business out of the crowd.
Target Marketing and Building an Identity ■ CHAPTER 26
Automobile company:____________________________
Auto parts: ______________________________________
SECTION 8 ■ Marketing, Merchandising, and Selling Service
you have heard on the radio or on TV that has become so common that if you
only catch part of the message you know exactly what company the ad is from?
Those companies are making effective use of tag lines to build their identity.
Establishing an Image
Tag lines have a great value in helping to build identity. However, they go fur-
ther than just providing an easy means to identify your company. In addition
Image to establishing identity they also help to establish an image. Image is a set
Clear, consistent, and of clear, consistent, and specific attributes or characteristics that define your
specific attributes or company in the consumer’s mind. Ask anyone what the first things are that
characteristics that define come to mind when you give them the name of a company or a product.
a product or company. Hopefully, if you ask 10 people the responses will be similar. If the responses
are similar and they all convey the intended goals and direction of that com-
pany then the company is doing a great job of developing, communicating,
and living up to their image. If not, they have some serious work to do!
Building an image is clearly not a desire to portray the company or prod-
uct as something that it is not. The basis for building a clear and consistent
public image is to make the public very aware of who you are, what you do,
and what sets you apart from the competition in the marketplace. In short,
what you do better than everyone else. When people see this demonstrated
repeatedly over time it develops into a consistent image of who you are in
their minds.
Different companies will actively work to stake out their niche in the mar-
ket by developing a consistent image through everything that they do. A com-
pany that has a simple and plain-looking facility, does not provide the fancier
services, and guarantees to meet or beat the lowest price of any competitor in
the market is working to build an image of a no frills, low-cost provider.
Some examples of how an automotive repair facility might reinforce its
image in promotional materials are listed below.
Each company stakes its identity, its image, and its b. High performance: ____________________________
future on what makes it different. c. Reliability: ____________________________________
Take a minute to write down the name of the auto- e. Style: _________________________________________
motive company that comes to your mind first when f. Luxury: _______________________________________
you hear the identifying attribute. g. Value: ________________________________________
Target Marketing and Building an Identity ■ CHAPTER 26
SECTION 8 ■ Marketing, Merchandising, and Selling Service
Being effective in business is not that different from being Customers must know that you exist so that they will be able
successful as an individual in life. In both cases it is essential to to consider you when they have a need (awareness). They
know who you are, what your strengths are, and how to use must recognize you (identity) when you try to communicate
them to your best advantage. In the business sense, this is with them through media or signage so that they know that
exactly what you must strive to do to define your goals and you are trying to attract their business (identity). They must
directions, your audience, and your competition as you move know what sets you apart from all of the others (image) so
forward to consider and implement any initiative. Once you that they see a reason why they should choose you.
have built a solid argument to move forward it is then impor- In the final analysis, your goal should be for customers to
tant that you let the world know. instantly recognize your company, know who you are and
Target marketing is identifying the audience for your what you do, and have you at the top of their list as the com-
product or service and focusing your efforts on reaching that pany with whom they prefer to do business. Your job in build-
specific group. The goal in building awareness, identity, and ing your identity and effectively targeting your marketing is to
image is to differentiate you in the mind of the consumer. create the environment that makes this possible.
SECTION 8 ■ Marketing, Merchandising, and Selling Service
This chapter focuses on a commonly used means of increasing sales within
the automotive service shop, merchandising. If you remember, in Chapter 25
we began our discussion by introducing the broad concept of marketing.
Marketing was defined as “the complex process that is involved in letting the
world know what you have to offer and what value it brings to them so that
they will enthusiastically beat a path to your door to become your customer.”
Point-of-purchase merchandising is a small, yet very important, part of an
effective marketing effort.
Merchandising Merchandising is, simply put, promoting an item for sale. That definition
Displaying and promoting might initially sound like marketing. You need to remember that it is not differ-
an item for sale. ent than marketing; it is a part of marketing. For our purposes in this discussion
of automotive service applications the area of merchandising that we will be dis-
cussing is limited to the most common merchandising efforts, those that are
Point-of-Purchase done at the business location. Those marketing efforts are point-of-purchase
Merchandising merchandising.
Efforts to display, promote, Point-of-purchase merchandising is an intentional effort to remind cus-
and demonstrate the tomers what we have to offer while they are already at our place of business.
capabilities of a product To be successful in any retail business we need to be sure that our customers
or service through know that we are in the marketplace as a possible supplier, what we have to
placement of onsite offer, and why they should consider making the purchase from us. Have you
reminders in a place of ever seen effective point-of-purchase merchandising? What was it? Where?
business. Some of the most effective point-of-purchase merchandising is so low key
yet effective that you are very likely to have become accustomed to it and do
not consciously know that it is there. Yet, somehow it keeps on quietly sug-
gesting to you “What about this?” This is an effective use of this medium as a
silent salesman that constantly, yet quietly, asks you “By the way, while you
are here, do you need one of these?” When is the last time that this question
has come to your mind while you were out shopping?
A great deal of the most expert, well-researched, and consistent point-of-
purchase merchandising can be found in the big box retail stores. Signs, dis-
plays, flashing lights to alert you to specials, and coupons on display as you
enter the store are all methods of point-of-purchase merchandising.
The Goal
The vast majority of the customers who enter your service shop have inten-
tionally visited you. Unlike strolling through the mall where they might just
be looking around it is highly likely that when they arrive at your shop they
have a very specific goal and need in mind. The purpose in using point-of-
purchase merchandising is quietly yet effectively raising the customer’s aware-
ness of the vast array of other services and products that you have available.
You quietly suggest to customers ways that they can do additional business
with you while they are already there. This makes it more convenient for
them, and it significantly adds to your bottom line.
Merchandising Locations
There are seven areas that are common to most automotive repair shops
where effective use of merchandising can help to stimulate customer interest
Point-of-Purchase Merchandising ■ CHAPTER 27
and thus produce increased sales. Good merchandising locations exist both
outside and inside of your main shop area.
Some of the exterior locations that can be very effective include the front
of your lot along the public road, the exterior of the building area, and at the
customer entrance. If your department is a part of a larger company location,
as is the case with a dealership or retail store, signage in the other departments
can be an effective reminder that will build awareness of the services that you
Once you enter your service area there are abundant opportunities to
merchandise and promote your services. Point-of-purchase merchandising
can be effectively employed in the service drive area, at the service write-up
desk, in the customer waiting area, in the workshop area, and at the cashier’s
Hopefully, after looking at these lists you are thinking “But that is just
about everywhere in the entire place.” If you thought that you would be right.
Any place that a customer can see, touch, or feel something that may stimu-
late their interest in considering additional purchases is a point-of-purchase
merchandising opportunity.
Permanent or semipermanent signs at your site serve as reminders to customers
of what you have to offer. That ranges from announcing the variety of manufac-
turers whose products you sell to very specific announcements about current
specials and new additions to your product line.
Signs can be used for indirect or direct promotion of your products, services,
or even of your reputation. Signage encompasses a variety of written communi- Signage
cations ranging from directional signs to warnings to reminders. For the pur- A variety of written
poses of point-of-purchase merchandising your goal is to use this medium as communications displayed
reminders to help promote sales. They can be something as general as a public publicly in a permanent
display of your corporate vision, mission, and goals or as specific as a sign giving or semipermanent manner.
notice of a $19.95 Oil Change Special good only today.
Signs that identify the use of well-known and respected products and
companies that you work with do not directly promote or sell a specific
item effectively. Yet, they can be effective by selling your credibility and repu-
tation. They act as silent salesmen that remind customers that you deal with
reputable vendors and provide them only with quality parts. It helps to
remind them that the service and parts that you provide can be trusted.
Through reinforcing the customer’s confidence it allows them to become
more comfortable in dealing with you, and this results in increased sales
This type of signage can often be found in the most public areas of the
building: in the service drive, on the building exterior, and throughout the
workshop. They may be a permanent illuminated signs from your best known
parts providers that are affixed to the outside of your building. The intent is to
remind people that they can purchase those products at your store. They can
be banners affixed to the walls in the service drive that display the name and
logo of a prominent supplier. This signage tells that you deal with good com-
panies. They can be prominently displayed logos or signs located near a
prominent piece of shop equipment that helps remind the customer that you
use only the best to work on their car.
SECTION 8 ■ Marketing, Merchandising, and Selling Service
Menu Boards
A very common use of signage in the service shop is the menu board. It is called
a menu board because it is much like what you’ll find in a fast-food restaurant.
It is a highly visible listing of your most common products or services with
their prices prominently displayed. Why post them? The customer already
knows what he wants, doesn’t he?
The menu board serves a dual purpose. First it clearly states your prices
right out in the open. This communicates your willingness to be open and
honest about your services and your prices. It also provides a visible reminder
of other products and services that customers might want to consider while
they are in your shop.
Service menu boards may be used in an automotive repair shop in the same
manner that they are used in fast-food restaurants, to prominently display
Package Pricing package pricing specials. A package price offers a special discount if the cus-
A special price offered for tomer purchases several common services at the same time. This can be an effec-
the purchase of a specified tive tool to up-sell from the customer’s initial service request. This will result in
combination of products the customer purchasing additional work. While the customer is rewarded with
or services. a better price and increased convenience the shop is rewarded by increased effi-
ciency, revenue, and profits. We’ll address the concept of up-selling in the
Up-Sell Chapter 28.
A variation of the service menu board that has become common in more
To sell a customer more
aggressive retail establishments is the competitive pricing board. This sign
products or higher priced
clearly shows a comparison of the availability and pricing of common services
products than initially
and repairs at your shop and at those of your primary competitors. The pur-
pose of this board is not simply to suggest service; it is to sell your credibility.
Competitive Pricing By openly displaying your pricing right alongside that of your competitors it
Board helps to dispel customer misconceptions or insecurities about your prices
A sign displaying a being competitive in the marketplace. This helps to allay customer fears.
comparison of current Finally, it plays a very important role in helping you to effectively sell addi-
prices for common products tional service. Why, you might ask?
or services offered by your Today’s price-conscious consumers will typically do some comparison
shop and your major shopping before they decide to make a purchase. As a result of this common
competitors. habit, customers may be reluctant to make a purchase decision on any item
that they were not planning to purchase today. This is due to their uncertainty
of the current market price of that item. Without this information they are
not sure whether or not they are getting a good deal. However, you can help
them to overcome that fear. You can do that ‘homework’ for them by display-
ing a competitive pricing menu board . . . thus opening the door to additional
sales and increased customer confidence.
More direct sales signage can effectively promote current service specials
as a means of stimulating additional sales. Small billboards along the street,
below your outdoor company sign, next to the service drive-in door, or along-
side the service write-up desk can be used effectively to let the customers know
about limited-time offers. They remind your customers that they can get a
needed service done at a lower price if they act now.
Product Displays
Signs can effectively remind customers what companies you deal with, what
you sell, and your pricing, but nothing gets people’s attention better than real
examples. No matter how professionally done, a sign that says we sell tires is
Point-of-Purchase Merchandising ■ CHAPTER 27
not as likely to attract serious interest and attention as a product display with Product Display
a real tire. The displayed item generates much greater sensory appeal. You can An exhibit of a product that
see it, touch it, feel it, and, in some cases, even smell it. For those who are is available for sale.
technically aware, a display can peak their interest as they are able to take a
closer look at the real thing. For those who are not so technically inclined, it
provides a reminder of what the product is actually like and gives them the
opportunity to be able to better understand what you are selling.
In all cases, an effective product display gives you and the product manu-
facturer the opportunity to present the features and benefits of that product to
the customer. It is these features and benefits that build value in the customer’s
mind and make the purchase a worthwhile investment. Some of the more
effective product displays may be combined with free brochures to provide
customers with more in-depth information. They can also include cutaway
displays of a part of the product that focuses on the unique qualities of that
product and sells its value.
In contrast to the glitz and glamour of the display of new equipment and
technology, another very useful product display is the failed part display.
Some may prefer to steer clear of this type of negative merchandising as being
a scare tactic. They can, however, be very effective in explaining to your cus-
tomers, and especially to your non-technical customers, the importance of
taking service and maintenance seriously. Such a display may include photo-
graphs of the results of a failure because of a lack of preventative maintenance,
such as the inside of an engine that has failed. They may be a comparison of
good parts next to failed parts to show real examples of the type of damage
and cost that can be incurred by not taking care of your car. Finally, they
might be as simple as some examples of failed parts from your shop that are
strategically placed in a showcase or on the service desk as a silent reminder of
the need for service.
Displays are powerful tools in helping to get your customers thinking
about what they need and they help to motivate them to act now. They can
provide a gentle and courteous reminder of the service that the customer
knows is overdue, they can encourage the customer to approve the service
that will soon be due because you are running a special and it is more conve-
nient to do it all in one stop. They can cause the customer to reconsider the
potential consequences of putting off a repair that he knows could have expen-
sive consequences if neglected any longer. In all of these examples the intent in
effectively merchandising is not to generate unneeded service sales but rather
to heighten awareness.
Product displays can be effective in promoting sales of a variety of addi-
tional items. A stack of oil filters on the service counter can serve as a reminder
to your customer to consider getting an oil change while she is in for this repair
visit. Something as simple as a single spark plug can remind a customer of an
overdue engine tune-up. Wouldn’t a car battery sitting on the service desk pro-
vide a good reminder that a long, cold winter is just around the corner?
In addition to reminding customers of products and services that they
know you have, product displays also help you to promote other items that
customers might never have considered that they could buy from you. Some
service shops have expanded into apparel and sports-related merchandising.
Racing jackets, shirts, and car models of vehicles that are sponsored by their
company or by a major industry partner are common examples. A tastefully
done showcase in the customer waiting lounge can effectively make the point
that your company offers these items for sale. Another example of this is
SECTION 8 ■ Marketing, Merchandising, and Selling Service
Impulse Items
One of the simplest and most effective point-of-purchase merchandising
efforts is the one that you’ve experienced as a child, a teenager, and as an adult
every time that you’ve gone through the checkout lane at your local grocery
store. What can you always find lining both sides of the checkout lane as
you’re waiting impatiently to be checked out and pay your bill? Although you
might have correctly answered tabloids, nail clippers, or batteries the most
common item is candy.
Do you seriously believe that putting an entire display of individual candy
bars, gum, and other sugar-filled treats within the reach of a small child who is
being held hostage in the seat of a grocery cart for the past hour is by chance?
No, it is very intentional. The items that line both sides of the checkout lane
Impulse Items are what are called impulse items. These are items that are commonly used
Commonly used items that and wanted by most customers. They are also commonly lower priced items
are prominently displayed that would not have been the primary reason for a trip to the store.
to promote additional The intention of impulse purchase merchandising is to quietly say to the
immediate sales that were customer “Don’t forget that you need this too.” Getting to the too part can’t be
not the original purpose overstated. The intent is getting the customer to purchase a little bit more
of the customer’s shopping while they are in your store. It is not to get them to buy something that they
trip. really don’t want or need, but something that they might not have thought
about or remembered unless something or someone had reminded them.
The idea of the candy-lined checkout lane works well in grocery stores but
how does that apply in an automotive service shop? There are few types of
businesses in which impulse item marketing cannot be effectively used. In an
automotive service shop there are three very common areas that can be effec-
tively used for impulse purchase merchandising. They are the service write-up
desk/drive area, the cashier’s area and the customer waiting area. The use of
small displays or signage in each of these areas can effectively remind cus-
tomers of common additional items that they might want or need that were
As the new service manager at a brand new shop you b. car battery.
want to help spice up the service desk area with some c. crankshaft.
impulse items to help bolster sales. You’ve met with d. spark plugs and air filter.
your service advisors and they’ve provided you a list
e. crank position sensor.
of possible items.
f. fuel sending unit.
You decide
Which of the following items would you choose to
display at the service desk to help promote impulse
sales? (Hint: you can choose more than 1)
Point-of-Purchase Merchandising ■ CHAPTER 27
not a part of their original plan that brought them to your store. Examples of
these types of items might be windshield washer fluid, snow brushes, or special
key chains with your logo on them.
SECTION 8 ■ Marketing, Merchandising, and Selling Service
In this chapter we have discussed an area of the marketing of salesman to remind customers of items that they want or
your service operations that is critical to your success, point- need and those that they might have forgotten. In addition, it
of-purchase merchandising. Point-of-purchase merchandising helps to raise their consciousness of items that they might not
includes all efforts that you make to display, promote, and have even realized that you were ready and willing to provide
demonstrate your capabilities to your customer through for them.
placement of reminders at your facilities. The end goal of point-of-purchase merchandising is to
The three major types of merchandising efforts are promote additional per-customer sales. By doing this through
through the use of signage, product displays, and impulse the use of these methods it is possible to suggest additional
item merchandising. These merchandising efforts may be tar- sales in a low-key, low-pressure way that will not make the
geted in a general effort to reinforce the attributes and values customer feel pressured or uncomfortable. After all, it is far
of your organization or to help directly promote the sale of a better for your long-term relationship when the additional
specific item. These communication tools serve as a silent purchase is their idea, not yours—and that is the point.
Point-of-Purchase Merchandising ■ CHAPTER 27
6. The repair item that would most likely not be a part of 9. __________________________________________.
a point-of-purchase display is a(n)
a. oil filter. 10. List three impulse items that you might find on display in
b. windshield wiper blade. an automotive service shop.
Selling Service
■ To analyze the relationship of sales per vehicle ■ To identify additional sales opportunities in the
to profitability repair shop
■ To examine tools that will help improve sales ■ To demonstrate the importance of focusing on
opportunities in the service drive customer repair priorities
Selling Service ■ CHAPTER 28
The survival of an automotive service shop depends upon providing service at
an affordable price. It also depends upon the shop’s ability to consistently
generate a profit. This depends upon more than just generating sales. It is also
dependent on how efficient your shop is. The ability of the shop to consis-
tently sell additional needed services to increase overall sales per transaction is
a major factor in achieving and maintaining shop efficiency and profitability.
Support Services
There is a major difference in the overall results to the company between sell-
ing $1,000 in labor by servicing 20 cars at $50 per transaction and one who
generates the same sales by servicing five cars at $200 per transaction. The
sales are the same but the net effect on profitability is very different. The rea-
son that they differ is the cost for support services that go into every customer
transaction. For every customer that comes into the shop the typical shop pro-
vides the following nine support services. These are all necessary activities for
which the customer is not charged. The nine support activities are as follows:
1. Greet customer and get their service information.
2. Prepare preliminary estimate.
3. Road test car to verify customer concerns.
4. After diagnosis, prepare detailed estimate.
5. Contact customer and obtain repair approval.
6. Road test car after repairs to verify problem is resolved.
7. Contact customer to notify that car is ready for pickup.
8. Prepare the service bill.
9. Take payment and release vehicle.
The difference in profitability between servicing 20 cars to generate $1,000
and servicing five cars to sell the same amount of service is in the number of
times that you need to provide the nine support services and the resulting cost
to pay personnel to provide these services. You can dramatically reduce the
amount of these indirect expenses and significantly increase the profit earned
for the same amount of total sales if you can improve your average sales per
vehicle serviced. Once you see the difference between these two examples the
answer is obvious, selling additional service per customer and increasing
billable hours per vehicle is an essential skill that your shop must develop Billable Hours
and consistently practice. The amount of time directly
It is important to understand before we proceed with discussing this topic related to the performance
that the shop’s focus needs to be more than just selling more service. It needs of repairs for which you can
to be selling more needed service. What is the big difference? The difference is charge the customer.
in being honest and ethical and in providing true customer service, not just
increased customer sales at all costs. A good customer service representative
must strive to be careful to maintain a careful balance where the driving force
is to be thorough, yet not oversell. That is, to always base the additional
service recommendations on those services that the customer needs and
wants. Only in that way is it possible to generate the ultimate goal: additional
profit and a satisfied customer.
In the last several chapters we discussed marketing, merchandising, and
the importance of promoting service to customers. Now that the customers
SECTION 8 ■ Marketing, Merchandising, and Selling Service
are in our shop and we have their attention, the way that we handle the sales
transaction during their visit will make the difference between success and
failure. A major deciding factor is our ability to identify and sell additional
needed service and repairs at every opportunity.
Selling Service ■ CHAPTER 28
In the following sections we will discuss several of the most common tech-
niques that have been proven to help increase service sales per visit. These
techniques are the effective use of the service estimate, the walkaround, main-
tenance history review, and the use of a service pricing menu.
SECTION 8 ■ Marketing, Merchandising, and Selling Service
The Walkaround
Upon greeting the customer in the service drive the advisor can simply be an
order-taker or can be a service salesperson. As an order-taker the advisor is in a
reactive mode where he simply listens to what the customers says that he
wants or needs and provides those services. This type of approach sounds
more like a fast-food restaurant than an automotive service shop. However,
even the better fast-food restaurants do more than this. They ask the customer
if he would like a combination meal, dessert, or to try their new menu item.
Why? Because they (or their supervisors, at least) know the value of generat-
ing additional sales per customer. A professional automotive service advisor
should be expected to do at least that much!
One of the most effective methods for moving from the position of order-
taker to that of service consultant and salesperson is the effective use of the
Walkaround walkaround. When the customer arrives, the advisor should make every
A physical inspection of a attempt to move with the customer to their vehicle. Then the process
vehicle by walking around becomes very simple. Let him point out to you exactly what it is that he wants
the entire vehicle looking to have done. By doing so, you are able to demonstrate your genuine interest
for indications of additional and empathy in the customer’s vehicle, his concerns, and his needs. Then,
needed service or repairs. while you are at the car you can do a very simple walkaround.
After the customer has completed his explanation of what is wrong and
what he wants you to fix you can then take the lead as you slowly walk com-
pletely around the car looking for any telltale signs of other repairs or services
that are needed. As you spot these signs you can very easily point them out to
the customer. It might seem high-pressure sales to recommend services or
repairs from a distance. However, it is much easier to suggest a sale when you
are standing next to the broken mirror or worn-out tire, looking at it and put-
ting your hand on it as you inspect it more closely and ask “Would you like
me to address this issue too while you are already here?” This technique can
help you open the door for adding additional service items to most vehicles
that enter your shop and, thus, increase your per-vehicle sales and net profits.
Selling Service ■ CHAPTER 28
SECTION 8 ■ Marketing, Merchandising, and Selling Service
Selling Service ■ CHAPTER 28
Safety Inspection
Having every technician perform a safety inspection on every vehicle that Safety Inspection
comes into the shop can be the most valuable tool for increasing per-vehicle A visual check of a wide
labor and parts sales in any shop. There are four major reasons why an inspec- range of systems on
tion should be mandatory for every vehicle. the vehicle that could
affect vehicle safety or
1. As the service experts, the customer expects that when their vehicle
leaves your care that it is fixed . . . and that includes having informed
them of any and all other services or repairs that they need.
2. A failure, even if completely unrelated to those services that had been
requested, that occurs shortly after a visit to your shop will almost
always be accompanied by the question from the customer “What did
you do to my car?”
3. No one has the technical ability or better access to quickly and easily
identify additional needs more than the technician who, while
driving the car, pulling it into the shop, and working in and under it
has the perfect vantage points to find other needed work simply by
looking around.
4. Last, and certainly not least important of all, it is the best means to
up-sell legitimately needed repairs per vehicle, thus enhancing tech-
nician productivity and shop profitability.
Although some shops charge a nominal price for the service inspection,
only a percentage of customers are willing to bring their cars in to pay specifi-
cally for this service. The potential benefits of this inspection are far greater to
the shop if it is carried out on all vehicles by all technicians. In order to do this
SECTION 8 ■ Marketing, Merchandising, and Selling Service
it is much more marketable as a free customer service that you can promote to
all of your customers as “just our little way of showing that we care” to provide
them additional peace of mind. Meanwhile it rewards you with additional sales
and profits. An example of a free 10-point service inspection worksheet is pro-
vided in Figure 28-1.
Systems Inspected OK Needs Attention Comments
Fluid levels
Belts & hoses
Tire condition and inflation pressures
Front lights (headlamps, front turn signals)
Rear lights
Figure 28-1(taillamps, brakeservice
Free 10 point lights, turn signals)
inspection worksheet
Seat belts
Hazard flashers
Exhause system
Suspension system
Selling Service ■ CHAPTER 28
SECTION 8 ■ Marketing, Merchandising, and Selling Service
with the same efforts in the second scenario. Likewise, the technician took the
same amount of time road testing the vehicle and pulling it into the shop in
both scenarios but was able to do more productive (and profit-producing)
work in the second scenario. Without the additional sales generated from the
price leader in the second scenario he would have had to work on one or more
additional cars to generate the same amount of labor and parts sales (thus hav-
ing to spend lost time road testing and pulling those cars in and out). As a
result of up-selling he was able to become much more efficient in the use of
his time—and generated additional profits for the company.
Selling Service ■ CHAPTER 28
In this chapter we have discussed the importance of selling through a concerted team effort on the part of the service sales-
service. Customers depend upon their service advisors and person (advisor or manager) and the technicians that you can
technicians to be their expert consultants who will provide maximize the service opportunity presented every time a cus-
them with sound advice, guidance, and fair pricing for repairs. tomer drives through your doorway to add to your bottom line.
It is important that you thoroughly and conscientiously evalu- It is imperative that the focus on increasing sales does
ate their vehicle, recommend needed maintenance and serv- not compromise your credibility or that of the shop. You can-
ices, price service and repairs competitively and complete them not afford to let your drive to sell more compromise your val-
on a timely basis to maintain satisfied customers. ues. You must remember to always and only sell needed
While contributing to customer satisfaction, maximizing service and maintenance. Finally, no matter what the situa-
sales per service transaction has a marked effect on the prof- tion, if you are truly focused on providing the best service for
itability of any service operation. There are multiple opportuni- your customer you must always be sure to clearly identify
ties to sell service in the service drive and in the shop. It is their primary concern and make a point to fix that first.
SECTION 8 ■ Marketing, Merchandising, and Selling Service
6. A service department can dramatically improve its effi- List three of the nine support services that a shop generally
ciency and profitability by increasing the number of provides as a part of every service transaction at no charge.
________________ that it sells per service transaction.
8. _____________________________.
List one of the four reasons why a safety inspection should be
9. _____________________________.
done on every vehicle that comes into the shop for service.
10. _____________________________.
7. _____________________________.
• CHAPTER 29: Legal Guidelines for Service • CHAPTER 30: Workplace Safety
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Legal Guidelines for
Service Operations
■ To examine the implications of the repair order ■ To examine the requirements and respon-
as a legal contract sibilities for repair and vehicle warranties
■ To identify the major areas of legal respon- ■ To examine the special laws and systems devel-
sibilities in customer transactions oped to resolve customer disputes with vehicle
■ To distinguish the major types of legal actions repair issues
related to automotive repair
SECTION 9 ■ The Legal Issues and Responsibilities
Litigious We live in a litigious society. That is, everything is influenced, affected, and,
Likely to resolve disagree- in some instances, run by the ability of anyone to sue anyone over anything.
ments or disputes by This is particularly true when dealing in business and, especially in the retail
engaging in lawsuits. trades. The automobile is typically the second largest purchase that any indi-
vidual makes during his or her lifetime. That is one of the reasons why it is
one of the prime targets for many of these legal actions.
Our society is very independent. People rely upon their ability to move
about freely. The automobile is the primary product that provides them this
flexibility. People rely upon their cars to get them to work, to an appointment,
to the store, to a date, to the doctor, and back home again. No other single
product contributes so much to our daily freedom and, thus, is a greater source
of frustration and anger when it does not consistently perform its function.
When frustrations arise it also becomes a cause for legal action to seek remedy
for these situations.
In this chapter we will discuss the legal responsibilities and potential con-
sequences related to our dealings with customers. Consumers are protected
from unfair treatment by a variety of state and local laws. Although these laws
vary slightly in their standards and legal remedies, they are common in
concept across the states and territories of North America, and beyond. We
will also explore more adversarial legal encounters addressing repair liability
and product liability and the potential avenues of legal recourse open to
Customer Issues
Consumer rights cover a broad range of expectations that consumers have
when they consult an expert and hire that expert to do something on their
behalf. As an automotive service shop you are that expert. By taking on that
role, there is a broad range of legal responsibilities and related liabilities
that assume with each service transaction. Your responsibilities begin with
Civil performing workmanlike and quality repair up to responsibility that the
Related to the code of laws vehicle is safe and able to perform its expected function. The legal liability
and resulting legal actions that you assume for your actions ranges from a small claims court fine up to
developed to protect the and including civil and criminal charges and penalties. You are account-
rights of the individual able both civilly and criminally for what you promise, what you perform, and
and general public. all events resulting directly or indirectly from your actions. That is a very
large and serious group of responsibilities and, therefore, you must under-
Criminal stand them.
The code of laws developed
to punish serious and/or
intentional violations of
The Repair Order
the law. The most simple, direct, and common involvement that every service person
has with the law is in the preparation of a repair order. It is too commonly
Contract overlooked that the repair order is a legal contract. It is a two-party agreement
A binding legal agreement that states what both parties agree to. It states what the customer’s concerns
between two or more are. It states what items you are expected to address and resolve. It states what
parties. your company’s expectations are in return—the price to be paid. It also indi-
Legal Guidelines for Service Operations ■ CHAPTER 29
cates a timeline for all those events to be completed. Finally, it is on your sta-
tionery and is signed and dated by the customer, who acknowledges his
acceptance of the terms.
The repair order form, format, and wording are standard for a very important
reason; it must comply with state and local codes and laws regulating service
transactions. Although these laws vary to some degree from region to region
the general information included, as noted earlier, is universal. Taking the
time to accurately, completely, and legibly fill out a repair order is an essential
and very serious responsibility of every service employee who deals with
customers. As with a contract to purchase a house, a car, or any other item, if
any disagreement arises about the transaction the foundation for any legal
arguments will go back to what is stated in writing in the contract, the repair
The typical repair order includes statements of the terms and policies of
the company. These are there to ensure that the customer has been duly noti-
fied of the conditions of this contract on behalf of the company. Most impor-
tant for the service employee, there are four areas of important information
that must be accurately and completely completed. The first of these areas is
customer information. This information will include the name, address, and
phone number of the customer. It will also indicate specific contact informa-
tion for how best to reach the customer during the time that the vehicle is in
the shop.
Vehicle information is also an important data source for this contract. The
vehicle information includes make, model, color, license plate number, VIN
number, and current mileage of the vehicle. The accurate recording of the VIN
number, which is unique to every vehicle, and the current mileage can be
essential in the event of legal action.
Repair requests are the primary reason for the customer’s visit to the shop.
Completely and accurately recording the customer’s concerns and their
requests for service is essential. This information provides your technicians
with guidelines for action. Incomplete or inaccurate documentation of the
customer’s wishes is likely to result in customer complaints. It is for this rea-
son that you should always ask the customer to review what you have written
down and verify that this is an accurate and complete explanation of what
they want before they leave.
The fourth and final area is the section on the repair order to record cus-
tomer approvals. This data generally documents three specific and important
pieces of data. The customer signature is provided as an overall agreement to
the terms of the contract. That is, that he acknowledges that he has read,
understood, and accepted the general terms of the contract and that he agrees
that the explanation of his concerns and repair requests is thorough and
accurate. The second approval, usually initialed by the customer, indicates
approval of the initial or preliminary repair estimate. The final approval is the
customer’s agreement of how he wants to be notified to obtain additional
approvals once he has dropped the vehicle off and left the premises. All of
these three areas are important and binding legal agreements between the
company and the customer. All three are required to comply with most repair
order laws. As a result, failure to accurately and completely comply with all of
them all of the time can lead to significant disagreements with your customers
and, unfortunately, can result in legal action.
SECTION 9 ■ The Legal Issues and Responsibilities
Quality of Repairs
The most general responsibility of any repair shop is to consistently perform
repairs that meet or exceed customer expectations—quality repairs. As a busi-
ness operating in the automotive service industry it is a reasonable expecta-
tion of every customer that you are an expert in your field and, as such,
Legal Guidelines for Service Operations ■ CHAPTER 29
regularly perform work to this standard. This includes not only fixing the cus-
tomer’s concern but doing so in a manner that is consistent with accepted
industry principles and practices. This means providing a safe and lasting
repair at a fair and reasonable price. Any consumer can, and will, question you
and your shop if they have concerns that all of these criteria have not been
met. It is not uncommon for those who do not feel that they have received
what they bargained for to take legal action.
The most common method for customers to take legal action for minor
complaints is small claims court. Most areas provide an easy, low-cost means Small Claims Court
for individuals to request a legal hearing before a referee or judge to resolve A local court that deals with
minor disputes involving items of low monetary value. These courts do not minor civil actions. Common
deal in large-ticket civil issues or criminal concerns but are provided strictly to features of these courts are
address small misunderstandings. Since most of these courts allow the cus- that the actions are typically
tomer to represent themselves the cost to file and proceed is very low. heard by a magistrate or
As a service manager the small claims court is likely to be your most com- other court-appointed
mon direct encounter with the legal system. Examples of complaints that are referee, the value of the
heard in these courts include being overcharged, not having the work done by claim or damages is limited
the agreed-upon time, poor workmanship, and not following specific repair to $1,000 or less, and self-
order laws. representation is allowed.
Small claims court, however, is not the customer’s only legal recourse. If
their dissatisfaction and perception of their loss, damage, or injury exceeds
the limitations of a small claims action they have the ability to pursue action
for greater penalties and restitution through civil and criminal court actions.
Although these actions are more lengthy and expensive in both time and legal
fees for both parties the potential findings and penalties are much higher.
Repair Warranty
Consumer protection laws vary from state to state. One commonality, how-
ever, is that they all have laws that protect consumers against unfair sales prac-
tices. If you are not familiar with the laws in your state and locality you should
be. I strongly urge you to get a copy of the federal, state, and local regulations
relating to automotive repairs and repair liability, study them, and keep them
as a handy reference just in case.
The most commonly cited unfair practice is failure to reasonably
warranty and correct a premature failure of a repair. The specific minimum Warranty
guarantee is based on state or local repair warranty codes. In the automotive A guarantee of the integrity
industry a 90-day/3,000-mile repair warranty has been the national industry of a product or service
standard for the past 20-plus years. Any reputable repair shop or parts supplier including a commitment
expects to provide a money-back guarantee for a failure within this time. The to correct problems related
only caveat is for failures due to abuse or negligence. to that product or service
There is no question that you must offer a warranty and know what your within a specified time or
legal responsibilities are in your locality. Failure to comply with these legal usage limit.
requirements will result in expensive legal proceedings. They are difficult to
defend except in a clear-cut case of abuse and can garner your shop some very
unwanted negative publicity.
Some shops have made a point of turning the requirements for providing
a repair guarantee into a marketing benefit. By heavily promoting and honor-
ing a warranty that exceeds the legal minimum standard, even to the point of
providing a limited lifetime warranty, they use this to demonstrate their supe-
riority over the competition.
SECTION 9 ■ The Legal Issues and Responsibilities
Legal Guidelines for Service Operations ■ CHAPTER 29
me his last and final piece of evidence. The lower con- him not to drive the car and that he should have it
trol arm on the right side of the front suspension had towed out of our shop. He said, “It is my car and I will
a large crack in it. It showed evidence of being hit drive it out of there if I want to!” At that point I
and, frankly, I had never seen one with that much informed him that we were putting a statement on
physical damage. It made me think not only about the repair order that clearly indicated that the
the need for extensive repairs but it also made me vehicle was unsafe to drive and that we recom-
think “What if the customer declines? This vehicle is a mended that he not operate it until repairs were
hazard on the road and at any moment he could lose completed. Further, he was told that we would not
complete control of steering and get killed and/or kill release his keys to him until he had signed the state-
someone else!” ment acknowledging that warning.
Following normal procedures the technician gave When the customer arrived I received a call from
the estimate to the service advisor so that he could the cashier. He wanted his keys and did not want
speak to the customer to get approval for the repairs. to sign the warning. I met with the customer and
In addition, however, I made sure that the technician explained that we had a legal responsibility and that
told the advisor that if the customer declined the he needed to understand the potential consequences
repairs that I wanted to be notified immediately. As I of driving the vehicle in that condition. He finally
had feared, the customer declined the repairs. The agreed to sign the release statement with the prom-
service advisor came to my office to notify me. The ise that he would only drive it slowly and only directly
advisor indicated that the customer planned to pick back to his house. I do not know for sure if he did as
the vehicle up at about 5:30. I immediately called the he promised but I felt a lot better that I had done
customer and advised him of the severe damage on what I could to protect the customer, other drivers,
the control arm and that the vehicle was unsafe to and the company by catching and directly dealing
drive. I further advised him that we strongly advised with this potentially lethal situation.
SECTION 9 ■ The Legal Issues and Responsibilities
company to possible charges of criminal negligence. Just in case you did not
realize it, a charge of criminal negligence can result in jail time.
Manufacturer Warranty
We have discussed the general repair warranty that most localities require that
all automotive repair shops offer and honor. If you are working in a dealership
there is another type of warranty that you deal with on a daily basis. It is the
new vehicle warranty offered by every car manufacturer. As the local manufac-
turers authorized repair center your shop is responsible (based on the dealer-
ship franchise agreement with the manufacturer) to provide service. You are
accountable for resolving all customer complaints within the limits of the
stated manufacturer warranty.
As a dealership you can make a claim for reasonable reimbursement to the
manufacturer for all warranty repairs that you perform. The manufacturer is
ultimately responsible that the warranty is upheld. However, you are the local
agent that must meet with the customer, evaluate the situation, and take the
appropriate action to resolve the customer’s complaint if it falls within the
warranty. It is important that you fully understand that this is not an option,
it is a legal requirement.
Unlike an independent shop, you do not have the choice to decline taking
in this type of work. The customer, through their warranty, is guaranteed a reso-
lution to vehicle problems within a stated time and mileage range and you are
the local agent responsible to make sure that resolution occurs on a timely basis.
You have to act. You have to make the repair. You have to shoulder the respon-
sibility and legal liability that the repairs are done professionally and completely.
Lemon Law
Although they are state statutes, I am not aware of any state in the United
Lemon Law States that does not currently have an active lemon law statute. In general,
A law that mandates specific the concept of all of these statutes is that a customer has a reasonable right for
guidelines and requirements the vehicle that they purchase to be able to meet its intended use. That is, a
for providing vehicle new vehicle should be able to reliably and consistently transport the customer
purchasers a settlement and be reasonably available to do so on a regular basis. One quick source that
(repair, vehicle replacement, can provide you access to the specific Lemon Law statute in your state is
or a refund) when they have through the Web site Lemon Law America (
encountered ongoing and which has a search feature on its homepage that will direct you there.
unresolved defects with their Although the responsibility for making a vehicle that meets the intended
vehicle. use requirement falls squarely on the shoulders of the new vehicle manufacturer,
Legal Guidelines for Service Operations ■ CHAPTER 29
as a local service provider you are likely to have customers bringing in vehicles
to you that they say are lemons. Further, if you represent a new vehicle manu-
facturer as a dealership service facility you need to be aware when you hear
those two words that you need to be wary, alert, and take appropriate action.
Most lemon laws do not apply until the vehicle meets one of two important
criteria: (1) the vehicle has been in for the same problem 3 times and it is still
unresolved or (2) the vehicle has been out of service for more than
30 days due to a problem. Both of these are bases for claiming that the vehicle
does not meet the minimum accepted standards for intended use.
When a customer determines that they want to pursue a lemon law action
you are likely to be named in the suit. Your ability and willingness to provide
service and the competency of your personnel will be questioned as contribut-
ing factors to reaching the lemon law qualifying status. This can, unfortu-
nately, put you in the middle between your customer and your manufacturer.
Therefore, customer threats of this nature should never be taken lightly. You
should make every attempt to accommodate their needs, resolve their prob-
lems, and make sure that you have notified the manufacturer so that they
understand the need for their involvement to resolve this situation before it
escalates to legal action.
Binding Arbitration
In an effort to work together to reduce the number of legal issues that escalate
to formal legal actions, thus clogging up the legal system, consumer protec-
tion agencies and the automobile manufacturers have worked together to
set up arbitration boards in most states to address these issues in a more infor-
mal manner. This method provides the benefits of a speedier resolution and
lower costs to proceed. As a result, if you look in the owner’s packet of just
about any new vehicle sold you will find a brochure providing information
about and a way to contact the arbitration board serving in your area of the
Binding arbitration is an informal legal process under which the manu- Binding Arbitration
facturer agrees to adhere to the decision of an unbiased panel. This panel typi- An informal legal process
cally consists of a consumer advocate, a manufacturer’s representative, and a under which the
neutral technical expert. Although the manufacturer agrees in advance to manufacturer agrees
adhere to the findings of the board, the consumer is not similarly bound. to adhere to the decision
Throughout the process the customer retains the right to proceed with formal of an unbiased panel.
legal action if he or she is dissatisfied with the panel’s findings.
The arbitration board provides an important pre-litigation step in the pro-
cess of resolving customer complaints. By providing this step that is just short
of going to court it saves the manufacturers and you, as their representative,
money for legal representation. Due to their fast response time arbitration
hearings provide the consumer with a reasonable alternative to lemon law
proceedings. Because they provide the customer with a faster and less formal
resolution process an important side benefit is that the customer’s loyalty to
you and the manufacturer will not be as severely damaged.
Whenever a customer complaint reaches the level that the words legal
action or lawsuit are raised it is important that you take these threats seriously.
The degree to which you are able to respond swiftly to resolve the complaint
will have an impact on your long-term ability to save that customer as yours.
You must work to avoid the customer feeling the need for a third party to get
involved, whether that is an arbitrator or a judge.
SECTION 9 ■ The Legal Issues and Responsibilities
In this chapter we discussed the most common areas where through small claims court. Although this is the most com-
you, as an automotive service employee, are likely to have mon legal proceeding in repair disputes the process is limited
direct encounters with the legal system. Every service shop in the dollar value of the issue in question. When the potential
enters into a variety of legal contracts every day of operation loss or damage is great the customer may escalate their legal
as they write up repair orders for their incoming service cus- pleadings to a civil court action. In extreme cases where there
tomers. Every one of these repair orders is a legal and binding is significant bodily or monetary injury or a question of inten-
contract between your company and your customers. tional negligence a criminal action can be taken against the
In bringing their vehicle to you for service the customer shop and involved employees.
has expectations about your abilities and your practices. They There are specific laws and legal procedures that have
come to you because they need a subject matter expert who been developed to protect the rights of automobile pur-
has the knowledge and skills to fix their automotive problem. chasers. Lemon laws are state statutes that protect consumers
As the expert, they expect that you will return the vehicle to against prolonged and unresolved product problems. They
them with: (1) a quality repair, (2) at an affordable price, (3) in prescribe rules, procedures, and remedies up to and including
a timely manner, and (4) with a guarantee that the repair will replacement of the vehicle and full refunds. In an effort to
correct their problem for a reasonable period. provide customers with an alternative and faster method of
When a customer is dissatisfied with their repair experi- dispute resolution, most automotive manufacturers voluntar-
ence and they are unable or unwilling to reach a resolution ily offer their customers the opportunity to take their con-
with the repair shop there are several levels of legal remedies cerns through binding arbitration to quickly resolve all but the
that they may seek. The most common legal recourse is most severe product-related disagreements.
In Questions 1–5 please match the term in the left column with c. employee of the company.
the best definition provided in the right column. Indicate the let- d. magician with a magic wand.
ter of the definition on the blank provided to the left of the term. 8. As a certified technician who conscientiously works on
1. ______ civil a. an informal legal process vehicles and does his best to “fix them right the first
involving a panel of experts. time” you could still be taken to ____________ if a cus-
2. ______ arbitration b. a law that can require. tomer is dissatisfied with the repairs that you performed.
buying back a new vehicle. a. criminal court, small claims court, or civil court.
3. ______ criminal c. an informal legal procedure b. small claims court or civil court.
heard by a magistrate or c. small claims court only.
referee. d. no court because I tried my best.
4. ______ small claims d. a law designed to punish 9. The “universally accepted” minimum warranty for auto-
intentional or severe motive repair and parts is
5. ______ lemon law e. a law designed to protect a. lifetime warranty.
the rights and property of b. 3 years/ 36,000 miles.
individuals. c. 5 years/ 50,000 miles.
d. 90 days / 4,000 miles.
6. There are four major areas of information that must be e. 12 months /12,000 miles.
completed on a repair order. Which of the following is
not one of those four areas? 10. If a customer brings a car into your shop and declines the
repairs that you recommend you are _________________.
a. customer approvals.
b. current service specials. a. fully responsible for the safety of that vehicle.
c. vehicle information. b. still responsible if the vehicle is unsafe and causes harm.
d. customer information. c. not responsible for future injury or damages since
e. repair requests. they refused the work.
d. responsible to make sure the customer knows if the
7. As a(n) ____________________ the customers expect us vehicle is unsafe.
to have the knowledge and skills to accurately and com-
pletely resolve their vehicle problems at a reasonable price.
a. charitable organization.
b. subject matter expert.
Workplace Safety
■ To examine the underlying basis of federal ■ To recognize the general responsibilities of the
workplace safety laws employer in providing a safe workplace
■ To discuss the three major agencies responsible ■ To define the major requirements of the OSHA reg-
for workplace safety administration ulations as they apply to automotive repair shops
SECTION 9 ■ The Legal Issues and Responsibilities
As an employer or a supervisor you have a moral, ethical, and legal responsibility
to provide a safe workplace for your employees, customers, and neighbors. In
an ideal world, business owners would take it upon themselves to assure that
these conditions were met without the need for external regulation or threats
of penalties. Unfortunately, the rapid economic growth in the 1950s and 1960s
resulted in the entry of many entrepreneurs to the market place and rapid
expansion of mega-corporations. Fallout of that rapid growth was a lack of
understanding and concern for the potential impact that these new enterprises
were having on employees, customers, neighbors, and the society in general.
A call from the public gained momentum in the late 1960s for the govern-
ment to provide protections to every individual and society in general. One of
the most far-reaching results of those calls for public protection came in the
form of workplace safety legislation. The result of this landmark legislation is
still with us today and guides and directs the actions and accountability of
business owners and supervisors in the workplace.
Workplace Safety ■ CHAPTER 30
The purpose and evolution of workplace safety agencies have evolved in the
United States, Canada, and Europe over the past 30 years. As a result, the
agencies of today function quite differently than they did at their outset.
However, even though their methods have evolved they are just as important
for you to understand today in your efforts to manage a successful repair shop.
The models and implementation of the workplace safety rules in all three
cases are very similar. Let us look at OSHA as an example of the evolution of
these agencies and the main features of their regulations and how they affect
your work and operation of your shop.
When it was initially created, OSHA began primarily as an enforcement OSHA
agency. The relationship between OSHA and workplaces was legendary as an The bureau of the U.S.
adversarial relationship between business and government. In their effort to Department of Labor that is
“clean up” the unsafe workplaces across the nation the agents of OSHA visited primarily responsible for
as many worksites as possible. In their wake they left citations, levied heavy assuring workplace safety
fines, and even closed down companies for unsafe practices. and monitoring compliance
The publicity created by the unannounced safety audits by OSHA agents with federal workplace
helped to raise awareness in the business community. However, instead of safety regulations.
encouraging employers to understand why they should want to improve their
workplace so that they would voluntarily comply, it led to one where little
change was voluntary. Employers simply tried to hide the truth and lived in
constant fear of getting caught. The ability of OSHA to improve the safety of
the workplace was limited to the number of agents, the number of visits, and
the number of fines that they could levy. OSHA was having minimal impact
on improving voluntary compliance from companies.
During the last ten years OSHA has made a dramatic shift in their approach
to workplace safety. They have shifted their focus from being an agency of
enforcement to one of education, advising, and enforcement. Although enforce-
ment remains a requirement in situations of serious violations and unsafe work
conditions, they have shifted their efforts to prevention.
OSHA has found that they can have a greater impact on overall workplace
safety if they work with employers rather than against them. With this in
mind, they are currently engaged in providing training and consulting serv-
ices to interested businesses that will help businesses to understand the federal
workplace safety regulations and how they can get their company in compli-
ance to those laws. Further, they conduct voluntary non-punitive site inspec-
tions to help employers identify areas that may be violations so that they can
be remedied before an accident occurs.
This background information should provide you with a general under-
standing of these safety watchdog agencies, their origins, and their basic rela-
tionship with your business. Now, let’s take a little bit more time to explore
some of the major areas of workplace safety that you must be aware of and
involved in to assure that you are providing a safe workplace for your employ-
ees. These are the major responsibilities that you have as a supervisor or
employer in assuring that your shop complies with these important regula-
tions. These are the standards that you can and will be held legally accountable
for. This accountability can be rapid and severe especially in the unfortunate
occurrence of a major injury or death in the workplace as the result of a safety
SECTION 9 ■ The Legal Issues and Responsibilities
Workplace Safety ■ CHAPTER 30
MSDS The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) requirement is one of the MSDS
most fundamental communication tools of the OSHA regulations. Chemical The OSHA requirement for
producers, vendors, and users share responsibility under this provision of the all producers and vendors to
law. Producers and vendors are required to provide an MSDS to the purchaser provide Material Safety
for every product that they sell that contains hazardous chemicals. The user Data Sheets for all
shop is required to have a written hazardous communication program so that hazardous materials in the
all employees are familiar with those chemicals in use and how to obtain that workplace and for all end-
information in an emergency situation. users to have the material
The foundation of this system is building and maintaining an organized available in case of
system of MSDS sheets for every product that contains hazardous chemicals in emergency.
the shop. Most shops will maintain two complete sets, or books, of MSDS
sheets. One must be accessible and clearly marked in the shop area. The sec-
ond, or backup copy, is usually maintained in a secured office. In the event of
an emergency the completeness and accuracy of these records can resolve or
even prevent a life-threatening situation.
Right-to-Know Whereas the MSDS requirement deals with the need for all
involved parties (chemical manufacturers, distributors, and users) to maintain
records of all products sold and in use that contain hazardous chemicals, this
regulation addresses the affect of those chemicals on those who are regularly
exposed to them, your employees. The Right-to-Know regulations require Right-to-Know
that every individual that is exposed to a chemical in the workplace must be The provision of the OSHA
made aware of the existence of that chemical and its potential hazards. regulations that requires
Fortunately, the regulation and OSHA’s involvement goes beyond simply that companies inform all
informing the employee that he or she is being exposed to a dangerous sub- employees who are exposed
stance. It requires that information be provided to the end users so that they to hazardous chemicals in
can design and provide protection for employees from unnecessary or unsafe the workplace.
levels of exposure.
SECTION 9 ■ The Legal Issues and Responsibilities
Workplace Safety ■ CHAPTER 30
(Continued )
SECTION 9 ■ The Legal Issues and Responsibilities
I ran from the office and double-checked to make the shop and OSHA rules seriously and he had worn
sure that he was OK. By the time I reached his work the OSHA-mandated safety glasses. There was no
stall he had already doused himself with tons of doubt in anyone’s mind that his decision to follow
water to wash the acid off of his face and his cloth- those rules and wear the glasses had saved his sight.
ing. The focus of the blast of battery acid had hit him We were all fortunate. Certainly he was most for-
directly in his face and eyes. tunate because he was most at-risk. However, all of
Quick action by him and fellow employees and the rest of us in the shop were reminded by this close
the ready access to a wash station had helped him to call of the importance of shop safety and compliance
dilute the acid before it could burn him more than with safety regulations. It proved to us once and for
just superficially. But what about his eyes? Fortu- all that these rules are not just there to make life dif-
nately he was one of the few in the shop that took ficult; they really are there to protect us all.
Lockout/Tagout Lockout/Tagout provides a requirement to take preventive measures to assure
OSHA requirement that that equipment or machinery will not unexpectedly start up or operate while it is
equipment must be under repair or otherwise unsafe to operate. This provision is most commonly
disabled and clearly labeled related to the electrical industry where they are required to disable an electrical cir-
so that it will not cuit from being energized while repairs are being made within that circuit. How-
unexpectedly start up or ever, this same regulation has several applications within the automotive shop.
operate if it is unsafe to Shop operations often require the use of equipment that could cause harm if
operate or under repair. not in proper operating condition. Some examples range from the small bench-
mounted grinder to vehicle lifts. Any time one of these pieces of equipment is
malfunctioning there is a responsibility in providing a reasonably safe work
environment to disable the equipment and clearly mark it as unsafe to operate.
Still another common example in the automotive repair shop is the need
to disable and clearly mark a vehicle that is partially disassembled. Many situ-
ations arise where a repair has been halted while waiting on parts or due to a
variety of other delays. Wiring may be left loose, fuel lines may be discon-
nected, suspension parts may be unbolted, or other systems may be left in a
state where any attempt to start or operate the vehicle could be hazardous. For
these reasons vehicles left in a partial state of repair should be clearly marked
to warn everyone of the potential danger.
This simple provision of the law provides for two separate, yet important,
elements. First, you are required to lockout the equipment. That is, you are to
disable it so that it does not operate. Second, you are required to tagout the
equipment. This is the requirement to place a warning on the equipment that it
is not to be used. An injury caused by failure to comply with these requirements
could be found to be negligence of safety regulations on the part of the shop.
Workplace Safety ■ CHAPTER 30
In summary, MSD injuries are chronic physical conditions or injuries that are
brought on through specific activities that are a part of the person’s job duties. As
a result, when injury and/or disability results the worker can take action against
the employer for damages suffered on the job. Although many of these types of
injuries are not immediate or severe in their onset they often become long-term
conditions requiring surgical repair or cause permanent disability.
In recent years you have seen more and more about ergonomically designed
or ergonomically correct chairs, keyboards, tools, etc. These products are pro-
moting the superiority of their design in helping to prevent or at least reduce
the chance of MSDs in the workplace. How does it affect you and what should
you do? You need to include this factor in your decisions that you make in
purchasing equipment, setting up work stations, and assigning job tasks. The
cost to the organization in personal injuries, loss of time, and disability pay-
ments make this an important issue that you must be aware of and address.
Part of your job as a supervisor is taking reasonable care to minimize risks to
your employees and to your company.
SECTION 9 ■ The Legal Issues and Responsibilities
of all accidents, related injuries, illnesses, and resulting damage or loss of assets.
OSHA’s stated purpose in requiring these records is to help the business owner or
manager have documentation on hand that will help determine causes of injury
or damage so that corrective measures can be taken to prevent recurrences.
OSHA spells out a five-step mandatory record-keeping system complete
with OSHA-developed forms. The five step system is:
1. Obtain reports on every injury or job-related illness requiring medical
treatment beyond basic first aid.
2. Maintain a record of every job-related illness or injury.
3. Maintain a record of all occupational injuries or illnesses.
4. Prepare an annual OSHA summary of illnesses and injuries and post it
in the workplace.
5. Maintain these records for at least 5 years.
In the unfortunate event that a major incident occurs in the workplace, fed-
eral law requires that it must be reported to OSHA within eight (8) hours of
the occurrence. Major incidents are defined as those that result in the hospi-
talization of three or more employees or any incident resulting in a fatality.
If you are working in an environment where anyone may be exposed to
toxic substances or hazardous materials OSHA mandates supplementary report-
ing of incidents of exposure. The automotive service shop qualifies as such an
environment. You work with volatile and potentially dangerous chemicals rang-
ing from gasoline and oil to a variety of solvents and other chemical compounds
used in the repair of vehicles on a daily basis. Reporting and record-keeping of
exposures and any resulting physical examinations and medical treatments
must be maintained in compliance with the five-step system noted above.
In this chapter we have discussed the major federal health workers. In addition, OSHA regulations spell out a compre-
and safety legislation that impacts the operation of all auto- hensive system of identification, labeling, handling, and dis-
motive service facilities. The Occupational Safety and Health posal responsibilities for hazardous wastes. They also cover a
Act (OSHA) of 1970 is the backbone of this legislation. It wide range of requirements of facilities and equipment neces-
addresses safety and health issues both in broad, far-reaching sary to reduce the chances of injury. The regulations also
terms as well as in specifics related to common hazards. The require that employers must train employees in safety proce-
legislation charges all employers with the responsibility to dures and educate them about existing dangers that exist, by
provide a safe workplace. However, it goes into much more nature, in the workplace. Finally, OSHA gives the Federal Gov-
detail to specify areas of particular concern and spells out ernment the power to set up an organization to monitor,
actions required by employers in each of these areas. inspect, and levy penalties on organizations that are found in
The first of these areas is the need for all employers to non-compliance of these regulations.
provide an emergency action plan for the workplace and all
Workplace Safety ■ CHAPTER 30
3. Which of the following statements is not a requirement 5. Based on OSHA regulations, _________________ must
of OSHA? know what they can do to control hazards and how they
a. No employee undertakes a job until he or she has should respond when an unsafe or dangerous situation
been trained how to do it properly. arises.
b. No employee undertakes a job until he or she is a. the owner of the company.
authorized to perform that job. b. the direct supervisor.
c. All employees are solely responsible if they perform c. all employees.
any task that appears unsafe. d. properly trained employees.
d. All employees know the materials they will come in
Please match the term from the column on the left with the
contact with in the workplace.
best definition provided in the list to the right.
4. An Emergency Action Plan (EAP) includes all of the fol- ___ 6. personal protective a. disabling unsafe
lowing procedures except equipment equipment
a. assigning employees that are required to ”stay ___ 7. lockout/tagout b. safety responsibility
behind.” of business owner
b. accounting for all employees after the evacuation has ___ 8. general duty clause c. special clothing that is
been completed. provided
c. assigning of medical and rescue responsibilities. ___ 9. right to know d. notify employees of
d. none of the above. hazardous materials
___ 10. emergency action e. posted map of
plan nearest exits
This page intentionally left blank
■ Index
Emergency Action Plan (EAP), 368 How to Get Control of Your Time Long-range planning
Empathy, 257 and Your Life (Lakein), 219 goals, 106–108
Employee facilities, in service Human behavior, fundamentals mission, 102–104
shop, 13–14 of, 238–239 progress tracking, 108
Employee stewardship, 94 values, 105–106
Environmental scan, 113–114 I vision, 100–102
Ethics, 87–88 Loyal customers, 238
applied, 88 Identity building, 326–328
and leadership, 89–92 Image, 328 M
European Agency for Safety and Impulse items, 336–337
Health at Work (EASHW), 366 Incentives, 291–292 Maintenance history review,
Expanding facilities, 186 Income, 154, 193–197 345–346
Expectations, 284–285 Indirect expenses, 156 Management, 75
Expenses, 155 Individual motivation, 59 leadership versus, 64–71
controlling, 197–201 Individual plan, 180–181 roles, 76–81
direct, 155 Influence, sphere of, 127 Management by Objective
fixed, 157 Inspiration, 70 (MBO), 59, 60
indirect, 156 Integrity, 92 Manager, 64, 65
Expression of the Emotions in Man and Interview, 279–280 as conduit, 80–81
Animals, The (Darwin), 245 Investment planning, 19 delegating powers of, 83–84
Extended hours, 187 Invoicing, 42–43 as judge, 78–80
as position holder, 76–78
qualities of, 81–83
F J Managerial Breakthrough (Juran), 141
Financial stewardship, 93 Job descriptions Mandatory record keeping, 373–374
Fixed expenses, 157 knowledge, skills and abilities, Mandatory safety training, 373
Flat-rate manuals, 24 273–274 Manpower resources
Flat-rate pricing, 165–167 objective criteria, 275 claims administrator, 24–25
for technicians, 171–172 task analysis, 271, 272–273 customer relations specialist, 30
Fleets, 7–8 Judge, 78–80 dispatcher, 23–24
Flowcharting, 44–48 Juran, J.M., 138–142 lead technician, 27
Focus group, 114 Juran’s Trilogy, 141–142 parts specialist, 28–29
Follow-up, 43 porter, 28
Ford, Henry, 55 service advisor, 26–27
K service cashier, 22–23
Franklin, Benjamin, 124
Franklin decision model, 124–125 Knowledge, skills and abilities service director, 31–32
Fringe benefits, 176–177 (KSAs), 273–274 service manager, 30–31
shop foreman, 25–26
technicians, 29–30
Manufacturer warranty, 362
Gas stations, 7 Lead by example, 66 Marketing, 308–309
General Duty Clause (GDC), 368 Leadership, 61, 64, 65 Market research, 323–324
Goal orientation, 61 effective leadership, 71 Market segments
Goals, 106–108, 209, 210 and ethics, 89–92 dealership service
Good to Great (Collins), 70, 296 inspiration, 70 departments, 5–6
Gross profit, 160–161 management versus, 64–71 fleets, 7–8
motivation and, 71 gas stations, 7
relationships building, 67–68 independent repair shops, 6
strengths, building on, 65–66 service chain stores, 7
Hazardous Communication traits, 65 Mass media, 316, 329
Standard (HAZMAT), 369–371 Lead technician, 27 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS),
Headhunters, 277 Lemon law, 362–363 369
Higher ground leadership, 69 Litigious society, 356 Mehrabian, Albert, 245
Hiring, 280–281 Lockout/Tagout, 372 Menu boards, 334
Honesty, 90 Locus of control, 127 Merchandising, 332–333
Hourly rate pricing, 167–168 Logo, 327 Metrics, 286
for technicians, 173 Long-range goals, 106–108 Mission, 102–104, 209, 210
Index ■
■ Index
Index ■