SL Manual Lock 13 58 SHAFFER RAM BOP Page-21-25

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Section 3


5. Bleed all hydraulic pressure. • If a locking shaft is bent or cracked, it should

be replaced. If replacement is necessary, call a
6. Open the doors and remove the rams (see Sec- Shaffer service representative.
tion 3.12).
16. Inspect the door seal grooves.
7. Clean and inspect rams as described in Section • Remove the door seals (see Figure 3-3).
• Inspect the grooves. Smooth minor pits with
8. Wash out the inside of the BOP so that it can be emery cloth.
inspected (see Appendix A). • Replace the door seals if extruded, brittle,
cut, or nicked (see Sections 3.10 and 3.18).
9. If any door cap screw was excessively hard to
remove, chase the thread in the body with a 3"- 17. Reinstall the rams. See Section 3.12.3 for proce-
8UN-2A tap. Replace any cap screw which has dures.
damaged threads.

10. Remove minor pits and scratches from the seat

sealing surface with an emery cloth.

11. Smooth any deep gouges and scratches on the

skids and side pads. These are not sealing sur-
faces, so remove only enough material to allow
the rams to slide smoothly over them.

12. Check the bore for accidental damage. Smooth

as required. Occasionally the drill pipe will
rotate against the bore and cause excessive
wear. Measure the maximum diameter and
estimate the maximum wear on any side. If
any radius is more than 1/8" (3.17 mm) oversize,
send the BOP to a Shaffer repair facility for a Figure 3-2
complete rework. Extend Ram Shafts for Inspection
13. Check the door sealing area on the BOP body for
pits and scratches. Remove pits and scratches with Door Seal Seat
an emery cloth.

14. Inspect the shafts.

• Apply closing hydraulic pressure to fully extend
both ram shafts for inspection (see Figure 3-
• Visually check the OD of each ram shaft for
pits and scratches. The ram shafts should be
replaced by a Shaffer service representative if
pits or scratches are visible.
• Visually check the foot end of each ram shaft
for cracks in the neck between the foot end
and the shaft. The ram shafts should be
repaired by a Shaffer service representative if Door Seal
cracks are visible.
Figure 3-3
15. Inspect the Locking Shafts.
Removing the Door Seal
• Apply opening hydraulic pressure to extend the
locking shafts.

October, 1994 3-3

Section 3

18. Run a final field wellbore pressure test as de- BOP

scribed in Section 3.8 before the BOP is returned Gauge 1 Gauge 2
to service.
3.6 Yearly Preventive Maintenance Valve 1A Valve 2

Yearly maintenance is performed by a Shaffer service repre-

Valve 1B
sentative. The purpose of the yearly maintenance operation
is to evaluate wear in the BOP so that major overhaul (three- Bleeder Valve
year maintenance) can be scheduled at a convenient time, Figure 3-4
but before a failure occurs. The yearly maintenance includes: Recommended Field Wellbore Pressure Test
Equipment Setup
• wellbore pressure test
• hydraulic pressure test • on a blind flange
• inspection and measurement of cavity for wear
and damage 3 . 8 . 3 Test Pressure
• a complete review of BOP performance to The test pressure should not exceed the lowest rated
determine if the BOP should be sent to a working pressure of any component or connection
Shaffer Repair Facility for a major overhaul pressurized during the test. This includes one or more
of the following:
3.7 Three-Year Maintenance • BOP(s)
Three-year maintenance is performed in a Shaffer re- • wellhead
pair facility after a yearly maintenance check deter- • casing string, if it will be pressurized during
mines it is necessary. The BOP is completely disas- the test or if a leak in the test tool could
sembled, cleaned, and inspected. All elastomer seals cause it to be pressurized
are replaced and all parts are repaired or replaced as
• all connections
required. Hydraulic and wellbore pressure tests are run
and the BOP is returned to service.
3.8.4 Test Fluids
The recommended wellbore pressure test fluid is
All elastomer seals should be re- cold water, but drilling fluid may be used.
placed after 3 years regardless of • Fill the BOP with water or drilling fluid.
• Close the pipe rams on an appropriate test
tool using 1,500 psi (103 bar) hydraulic
3.8 Field Wellbore Pressure Test pressure; 3,000 psi (307 bar) is optional.
The final details of the test sequence will be estab-
lished by the operator and contractor—therefore, modi- 3 . 8 . 5 Pressure Test
fications to the procedure may be required. See API 1. Close valves 1A and 1B. Open valve 2 (see Figure
Spec. 6A. and API RP53, paragraph 7.A.2 for addi- 3-4).
tional information.
2. Apply 200–300 psi (14-21 bar) wellbore pressure
3.8.1 Equipment Required below the rams. Close valve 2. Hold test pres-
Connect the listed equipment as shown in Figure 3-4. sure for a minimum of 3 minutes. Check for low
• two pressure gauges pressure leaks. Monitor gauge 1.
• three valves
3. Open valve 2. Increase the wellbore pressure to
• a test pump the test pressure determined in Section 3.8.3.

3 . 8 . 2 Test Locations 4. Close valve 2.

The BOP can be tested in any of the following loca-
5. Hold the pressure for a minimum of 3 minutes.
• in a wellhead mounted stack
• on a test stump

3-4 October, 1994

Section 3

6. Check for leaks on pressure gauge 1, the BOP Caution

exterior at the API connections, the door seals,
Pipe rams should always be closed on
the ram shaft weep holes, and at the rams if
pipe to avoid excessive ram rubber wear.
they are visible (see Figure 3-1).
Closure on a tool joint will damage the
Warning block. Blind rams should only be closed
on an open hole. Closing on pipe will
Do not look into the ram bore while
damage the rubber and possibly the
pressure is under the rams. Use a
mirror to obtain a reflected image
of the rams.
3 . 9 . 1 Opening Hydraulic Pressure Test
7. Bleed wellbore test pressure to 0 psi (0 bar). The opening hydraulic pressure test is done in the
• Fully open valve 2. following manner.
• Open valve 1A. 1. Vent hydraulic losing pressure.
• Open valve 1B.
2. Apply 1,500 psi (103 bar) opening pressure; 3,000
8. Repeat steps 1–7 for the second pressure hold- psi (207 bar) is optional.
ing period.
3. Close the valve in the opening hydraulic line (see
9. If leaks are detected, see Section 3.17. Figure 2-8).

4. Observe the gauge between the valve and the BOP.

3 . 8 . 6 Leak Repair
To repair leaks, reduce all hydraulic pressure and 5. If there is no pressure drop, end the test.
wellbore pressure to 0 psi (0 bar).
• API connection—tighten bolts or replace 6. If there is a pressure drop, perform the steps
ring gasket as required (see Section 2.2). described below.
• door seal—replace door seal (see Section 3.10). • Check for external leaks at the following
• ram shaft weep hole—call a Shaffer service locations (see Figure 3-1):
representative. For an emergency repair, 3 hinge pins—if leaking, call a Shaffer
see Section 3.11. As soon as possible after the service representative.
emergency, call a Shaffer service representative 3 weep holes for ram shaft seal leaks—if
to repack the ram shaft. leaking, call a Shaffer service
• ram—replace the ram rubbers (see Section 3.13 representative.
and 3.14). 3 cylinder seal leaks—if leaking, call a
Shaffer service representative.
3.9 Hydraulic Pressure Test
3 door seal leaks—if leaking, see Section 3.10.
The final details of the test sequence will be established by
• Check for internal leaks past the pistons in the
the operator and contractor—therefore, modifications to this
following manner:
procedure may be required. See API Spec. 6A and API RP53,
paragraph 7.A.2 for additional information. 3 Disconnect the closing hydraulic line. A
small amount of oil will flow out of the BOP
Note initially and stop. If oil continues to flow
If the hydraulic system was opened be- out of the BOP, it is leaking past the piston
fore this test, close and open the rams and repairs are required.
three times to purge air from the sys- 3 Reinstall the closing hydraulic line.
3 Call a Shaffer service representative to repair
the leak.

3 . 9 . 2 Closing Hydraulic Pressure Test

The closing hydraulic pressure test is done according
to the steps listed below.

October, 1994 3-5

Section 3

1. Vent hydraulic opening pressure. 5. Inspect the door seal seat for damage. Remove
minor pits and scratches with emery cloth. If the
2. Apply 1,500 psi (103 bar) closing pressure; 3,000 seat is badly damaged, call a Shaffer service rep-
psi (307 bar) is optional. resentative.

3. Close the valve on the closing hydraulic line (see 6. Clean and oil the door sealing surface on the body
Figure 2-8). (see Appendix A).

4. Observe the gauge between the valve and the BOP. 7. Oil the door seal seat and face (see Appendix A).

5. If there is no pressure drop, end the test. 8. Install a new door seal.

6. If there is a pressure drop, perform the steps listed 9. Apply thread lubricant (per API 5A2) to the door
below. cap screws both on the threads and under the
• Check for external leaks at the following heads.
locations (see Figure 3-1):
10. Close the door and tighten the door cap screws
3 hinge pins—if leaking, call a Shaffer to 6,600 ft-lb (8,943 n-m) torque.
service representative
3 cylinder head seals—if leaking, call a 3 . 1 1 Emergency Ram Shaft Packing Repair
Shaffer service representative
An emergency repair can be made by reducing the hydrau-
3 locking shaft seals—if leaking, call a lic pressure to 0 psi (0 bar) and activating the secondary
Shaffer service representative ram shaft seal. As soon as possible after the emergency, call
3 manifold pipe seals—if leaking, call a a Shaffer service representative to repack the ram shaft.
Shaffer service representative
1. Remove the pipe plug from the front of the door
• Check for internal leaks past the pistons (see Figure 3-5).
as described below.
3 Disconnect the opening hydraulic line. Note
A small amount of oil will flow out of Some preventers have a straight-in pipe
the BOP initially and stop. If oil plug while others have the pipe plug set
continues to flow out of the BOP, it is in at an angle. All are located on the
leaking past the piston and repairs are same door surface of the preventer.
3 Reinstall the opening hydraulic line. 2. With the pipe plug removed, a second socket head
3 Call a Shaffer service representative to screw plug is exposed. Tighten this to inject the
repair the leak. secondary ram shaft seal (see Figure 3-6).

3.10 Door Seal Replacement 3. Replace the socket head pipe plug removed in
step 1.
The door seal is replaced by performing the steps listed
below. 4. Call a Shaffer service representative to repack the
1. Disconnect the universal joints from the lock- ram shaft.
ing shafts.
3 . 1 2 Ram Assembly Removal and Inspection
2. Open the doors (see Section 3.12). Procedures
Procedures for removal and installation of pipe, blind
3. Remove the door seal from its seat (see Figure 3- and shear rams in the SL BOP are the same.
3 . 1 2 . 1 Removal of Rams
4. Clean the door seal seat and face (see Appendix
A). Remove the rams as described below.

3-6 October, 1994

Section 3

Caution Caution
BOP door must be securely bolted prior Do not use the hydraulic system to open
to opening the rams with hydraulic pres- the door. This will severely damage the
sure. BOP. If the BOP is not flanged to a
wellhead or securely fastened, open only
one door at a time. The weight of two
1. Open the rams with hydraulic pressure.
open doors can tip the BOP over.
2. Bleed off the hydraulic pressure so that the doors
will swing open easily and to prevent possible 4. Open the door.
damage to the hinge pin O-rings.
5. Install 5/8" (15.87 mm) eyebolts in the top of the
3. Unscrew the door cap screws. Use a hex wrench ram, as shown in Figure 3-7.
31/8" (79.37 mm) across the flats.
6. Remove the ram from the ram shaft, as shown in
Figure 3-7.

On 15,000 psi (1,034 bar) models, the
ram lifts off vertically (see Figure 3-7).

Angled Pipe Plug

/8" Eyebolt

Straight-In Pipe Plug

Figure 3-5
Removing the Pipe Plug
15,000 psi (1,034 bar) Model—Vertical

5,000/10,000 psi (345, 690 bar) Model—Horizontal

Figure 3-6 Figure 3-7

Tightening the Secondary Ram Shaft Seal Removing the Rams from the Shafts

October, 1994 3-7

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