III B.Tech TT 2021-22
III B.Tech TT 2021-22
III B.Tech TT 2021-22
19PC1EC08 Antennas and Wave Propagation (AWP) Dr. M.C. Raju OTHERS:
19PC1EC09 Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Ms. K.B. Archana LIB E-Library
19PE1EC01 Mr. P. Srinivasa Rao T&P Training & Placement
Information theory and coding (ITC)
19PC2EC06 Digital Signal Processing Laboratory (DSP LAB) C-208 Ms. K.B. Archana, Mr. R. Ravi kumar
19PC1EC08 Antennas and Wave Propagation (AWS) Ms. Ch. Rajakumari OTHERS:
19PC1EC09 Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Mr. Pradeep Kumar LIB E-Library
19PE1EC01 Information theory and coding (ITC) C-305 Mr. P. Srinivasa Rao T&P Training & Placement
19PE1EC20 Sensors and Actuators (S &A) A-206 Mr. B. B.Shabarinath
19PE1MT01 Essential Mathematics for Machine Learning (EMML) C-306 Dr. J. Srinivas
19PC2EC06 Digital Signal Processing Laboratory (DSP LAB) C-208 Mr. Pradeep Kumar, Dr. V. Priyanka B
Course Room Name of the Course Name of the Course / Name of the Course
Name of the Course (Short Name) Category
Code Number Coordinator (Faculty) Activity Coordinator
19PC1EC08 Antennas and Wave Propagation (AWP) Ms. D. Kanthi Sudha OTHERS:
19PC1EC09 Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Dr. V. Krishna Sree LIB E-Library
19PE1EC01 Information theory and coding (ITC) C-305 Mr. P. Srinivasa Rao T&P Training & Placement
19PE1MT01 Essential Mathematics for Machine Learning(EMML) C-313 Dr. V. Ganesh Kumar
19PC2EC06 Digital Signal Processing Laboratory (DSP LAB) C-208 Dr. V. Krishna Sree,
Dr. R. Sravanth Kumar
19HS2EN05 Advanced English Communication Skills Laboratory C-209/ Dr. Khamar Jahan
(AECS LAB) C-210 Ms. D. Divya
Room Name of the Course Name of the Course / Name of the Course
Course Code Name of the Course (Short Name) Category
Number Coordinator (Faculty) Activity Coordinator (Faculty)
19PC1EC08 Antennas and Wave Propagation (AWP) Ms. Ch. Raja Kumari OTHERS:
19PC1EC09 Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Dr. Ranjan Senapathi LIB E-Library
19PE1EC01 Information theory and coding (ITC) C-305 Mr. P. Srinivasa Rao T&P Training & Placement
19PE1MT01 Essential Mathematics for Machine Learning(EMML) C-313 Dr. V. Ganesh Kumar
19PC2EC06 Digital Signal Processing Laboratory (DSP LAB) C-208 Dr. Ranjan Senapathi,
Mr. P. Anudeep