Rakshpal Bahadur Management Institute, Bareilly Unit Paper - 1 ST Business Organisation

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B.COM I Year Syllabus

Paper – 1 st Business Organisation

Introduction: Concept of Business, Features, Stages of development of business and

importance of business. Classification of Business Activities. Meaning,
Characteristics, Importance and Objectives of Business Organization, Evolution of
Business Organization. Difference between Industry and Commerce and Business
and Profession, Modern Business and their Characteristics.

Formation of Business: Considerations in Establishing New Business. Qualities of a

Successful Businessman. Forms of Business Organization: Sole Proprietorship,
Partnership, Joint Stock Companies & Co-operatives and their Characteristics,
relative merits and demerits, Difference between Private and Public Company,
Concept of One Person Company.

Plant Location: Concept, Meaning, Importance, Factors Affecting Plant Location.

Alfred Weber’s and Sargent Florence’s Theories of Location. Plant Layout –:
Meaning, Objectives, Importance, Types & Principles of Layout. Factors Affecting
Layout. Size of Business Unit–: Criteria for Measuring the Size and Factors
Affecting the Size. Optimum Size and factors determining the Optimum Size.

4 Business Combination: Meaning, Characteristics, Objectives, Causes, Forms and

Kinds of Business Combination.

Suggested Readings:

1. Gupta, C.B., “Business Organisation”, Mayur Publication, (2014).

2. Chhabra, T.N., “An Introduction to Business Organisation& Management”,(2014).
3. Bhusan Y. K., “Business Organization”, Sultan Chand & Sons.
4. Prakash, Jagdish, “Business Organistaton and Management”, Kitab Mahal Publishers
(Hindi and English) Note: Latest edition of the text books should be used.
B.COM I Year Syllabus

Paper – 2nd Business Statistics

Introduction: Meaning, Scope, Importance and Limitation of Business Statistics,

Statistical Investigation- Planning and organization, Statistical units, Methods of
Investigation, Census and Sampling. Collection of Data- Primary and Secondary
Data, Editing of Data Classification of data, Frequency Distribution and Statistical
Series, Tabulation of Data. Indian Statisticians- Father of Indian Statistics (Prof.
Prashant Chandra Mahalanobis).

Measures of Central Tendency: Arithmetic Mean, Combined Mean, Median and

Mode, Partial Values – Lower Quartile and Upper Quartile. Dispersion: Range,
Inter Quartile Range, Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation and
its Co- efficient, Co-efficient of Variation and Variance, Skewness - Bowle and
Karlpearsion method, Co-efficient of Skewness.

Correlation (only individual series) : Meaning, application, types and degree of

correlation, Methods- Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation and Spearman’s
Coefficient of Correlation.

Index Number: Meaning, Types and Uses, Methods of constructing Price Index
4 Number, Fixed Base Method, Chain Base Method, Fisher’s Ideal Index Number,
Time and Factor reversal test.

Suggested Readings:

1. Sharma J.K., Business Statistics, Pearson Education.

2. Gupta S.P. & Gupta Archana, Elementary Statistics, (English and Hindi) Sultan
Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
3. Singh S.P. , Business Statistics, S. Chand & Sons, New Delhi
4. Gupta B.N., Business Statistics, Rajiv, SBPD, Agra
B.COM I Year Syllabus

Paper – 3 rd Business Communication

Introduction: Process and Importance of Communication, Types of Communication verbal

& Non Verbal, forms of Communication. Barriers of Communication & improvements,
Psychological effective communication: principle of effective communication. Indian
Models of Communication –Aristotle and U.S Rai

NON-Verbal Aspects of Communicating: Body Language, Kinesics, Proxemics, and

Paralanguage. Effective Listening: Principles of Effective listening, Factors affecting
listening exercises. Interviewing skills: Mock Interview, Appearing in interviews, Writing
resume and letter of application for job. Modern forms of communicating: E-Mail, Video
Conferencing, online meeting platforms like Zoom, Google meet. Webex etc.

Business language and presentation: Importance of Business language, Vocabulary Words

often confused, Words often miss pelt, Common errors in Language. Oral Presentation:
Importance, Characteristics, Presentation Plan, Power point presentation, Visual aids.
Writing skills: Planning business messages, Re-writing and editing, The first draft and
Reconstructing the final draft. Business Letters: Important business letters -
correspondence with bank and insurance companies, official letter, semi official letter,
dunning letter and memorandum.

4 Report Writing: Meaning and types of reports, basic format of a report, steps of report
writing, meeting report, format requirements of a good meeting report, importance of
including visuals such as tables, diagrams and charts in a report, apply citation rules (APA
style documentation) in reports.

Suggested Readings:

1. Bovee, and Thill, Business Communication Today, Pearson Education

2. Locker and Kaczmarek, Business Communication: Building Critical Skills, TMH
3. Misra, A.K., Business Communication (Hindi), Sahitya Bhawan Publications Agra

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