Why Is Mathematical Biology So Hard
Why Is Mathematical Biology So Hard
Why Is Mathematical Biology So Hard
Biology So Hard?
Michael C. Reed
Although there is a long history of the applica- dogmas—such as “evolution by natural selection”,
tions of mathematics to biology, only recently has “no inheritance of acquired characteristics”, or
mathematical biology become an accepted branch “DNA → RNA → proteins”. But these are not trans-
of applied mathematics. Undergraduates are doing latable into mathematical equations or other struc-
research projects and graduate students are writ- tures without hosts of additional facts and as-
ing Ph.D. dissertations in mathematical biology, sumptions that are context-dependent. This means
and departments are trying to hire them. But what that mathematical biology is very unsatisfying for
should the Ph.D. training consist of? How should pure mathematicians, who usually are interested
departments judge work in mathematical biology? in discovering fundamental and universal structural
Such policy questions are always important and relationships. It also means that there is no “math-
controversial, but they are particularly difficult ematics of biology” in the same way that ordinary
here because mathematical biology is very differ- differential equations is the mathematics of clas-
ent from the traditional applications of mathe- sical mechanics and partial differential equations
matics in physics. I’ll begin by discussing the is the mathematics of continuum mechanics.
nature of the field itself and then return to the Diverse, yet special. Because of evolution, bio-
policy questions. logical systems are exceptionally diverse, complex,
Where’s Newton’s Law? The phenomena that and special at the same time, and this presents sev-
mathematical biology seeks to understand and pre- eral difficulties to a mathematician. The first is
dict are very rich and diverse and not derived from choosing what to work on. There’s too much biol-
a few simple principles. Consider, in comparison, ogy! How do changes in the physics or chemistry
classical mechanics and continuum mechanics. of a particular environment affect the species that
Newton’s Law of Motion is not just a central ex- live in the environment (ecology)? How do diseases
planatory principle; it also gives an immediate way spread within a population (epidemiology)? How
to write down equations governing the important do the organ systems of the human body work
variables in a real or hypothetical physical situa- (physiology)? How do the neurons in our brain
tion. Since the Navier-Stokes equations express work together to allow us to think and feel and
Newton’s Law for fluids, they are fundamental and calculate and read (neurobiology)? How does our
have embedded in them both the fundamental immune system protect us, and what are the
principle and the complexity of the fluid phe- dynamical changes that occur when we are under
nomena that we see. Thus a pure mathematician attack by pathogens (immunology)? How do cells
who proves a theorem about the Navier-Stokes use physics and chemistry to accomplish funda-
equations and an applied mathematician who mental tasks (cell biology, biochemistry)? How does
develops new numerical tools knows that he or she the genetic code, inscribed in a cell’s DNA, give
has really contributed something. Alas, there are rise to a cell’s biochemical functioning (molecular
no such central fundamental principles in biology. biology and biochemistry)? How do DNA sequences
There are principles of course—some would say evolve due to environmental pressures and random
events (genomics and genetics)?
Michael C. Reed is professor of mathematics at Duke The second difficulty is that a priori reasoning
University. His email address is reed@math.duke.edu. is frequently misleading. By “a priori reasoning” I