4.1 Earth Works: Bill of Quantities For Roads and Pavements

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Item No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount


4.1.1 Excavation for roadwork in soil with

hydraulic excavator of 0.9 cum bucket
capacity including cutting and loading in
tippers, trimming bottom and side slopes,
in accordance with requirements of lines,
grades and cross sections, and
transporting to the embankment location
within all lifts and lead upto 10 km Cu.m 74550 8.841 659,096.550

4.1.2 Construction of embankment with

approved material obtained from borrow
pits with all lifts and leads, transportinf to
site, spreading, grading to required slope
and compacting to meet requirement of
specification Cu.m 33780 14.454 488,256.120

4.1.3 Construction of sub-grade and earthen

shoulders with approved material obtained
from borrow pits withn all lifts & leads,
transporting to site, spreading, grading to
required slope and compacted to meet
requirement of specification Cu.m 32000 15.909 509,088.000


4.2.1 Construction of granular sub-base by

providing coarse graded material,
spreading in uniform layers with motor
grade on prepared surface, mixing by mix
in place method with rotavator at OMC,
and compacting with vibratory roller to
achieve the desired density, complete as
per specifications Cu.m 92600 38.560 3,570,656.000

4.2.2 Constrution of granular base by providing,

laying, spreading and compacting stone
aggregates of specific sizes to water bound
macadam specification including
spreading in uniform thickness, hand
packing, rolling with vibratory roller 8-10
tonnes in stages to proper grade and
camber, applying and brooming requisite
type of screening/binding materials to fill
up the interstices of coarse aggregate,
Item No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

watering and compacting to the required

density Cu.m 53700 36.957 1,984,590.900


4.3.1 Providing and applying primer coat with

bitumen emulsion on prepared surface of
granular Base including clearing of road
surface and spraying primer at the rate of
1.20 kg/sqm using mechanical means Sq.m 313400 1.455 455,997.000

4.3.2 Providing and applying tack coat with

cutback MC30 as per IS:217, Technical
specifiaction clause 503 as directed by the

a) 6.0 kg per 10 sqm on primed surface Sq.m 313400 0.802 251,346.800

b) 5.0 kg per 10 sqm on

bituminous/asphalt surface Sq.m 295200 1.208 356,601.600

4.3.3 Providing and laying Dense graded

bituminous macadam with 100-120 TPH
batch type HMP producing an average
output of 75 tonnes per hour using
crushed aggregates of specified grading,
premixed with bituminous binder @ 4.0 to
4.5 percent by weight of total mix and
filler, transporting the hot mix to work
site, laying with a hydrostatic paver
finisher with sensor control to the
required grade, level and alignment,
rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and
tandem rollers to achieve the desierd
compaction as per MoRTH specification
clause no. 507 complete in all respect Cu.m 38950 186.367 7,258,994.650

4.3.4 Providing and laying Asphalting Concrete

(AC wearing course thickness 40 mm)
with 100-120 TPH batch type hot mix plant
producing an average output of 75 tonnes
per hour using crushed aggregates of
specified grading, premixed with
bituminous binder @ 5.4 to 5.6 percent of
mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to
work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver
Item No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

finisher with sensor control to the

required grade, level and alignment,
rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and
tandem rollers to achieve the desired
compaction as per specification complete
in all respects Cu.m 11000 200.821 2,209,031.000
Item No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount


4.4.1 Providing and erecting direction and place

identification retro-reflectorised sign as
per IRC:67 made of high intensity grade
sheeting vide clause 801.3, fixed over
aluminium sheeting, 2 mm thick with
area not exceeding 0.9 sqm supported on a
mild steel single angle iron post 75 x 75 x
6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means
of properly designed foundation with M15
grade cement concrete 45 x 45 x60 cm, 60
cm below ground level as per approved

a) 1975 mm x 1920 mm
3-Arm Junctions No. 60 264.399 15,863.940
4-Arm Junctions No. 40 264.399 10,575.960
b) S-12 No. 12 257.202 3,086.424
c) S-23 (Equilateral, each 900 mm size) No. 12 265.122 3,181.464
d) S-25 (Direction Sign) No. 12 265.122 3,181.464
e) S-9 (Circular Sign Dia 600 mm) No. 12 253.846 3,046.152
f) 4 Arm junctions
g) S-11 (Equlateral, each 900 mm size) No. 44 257.053 11,310.332
h) S-25 (Direction sign) no. 44 265.122 11,665.368
i) 3 Arm Junctions
j) S-23 No. 57 265.122 15,111.954
k) S-25 (Direction sign) No. 57 265.122 15,111.954

4.4.2 Providing and laying of hot applied

thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick
including reflectorising glass beads @ 250
gms per sqm area, thickness of 2.5 mm is
exclusive of surface applied glass beads as
per IRC:35. The finished surface to be
level, uniform and free from streaks and
Total Road markings Sq.m 17200 7.811 134,349.200

4.4.3 Construction of Sidewalk, Median/Side

verge, Concrete Block Paving including
Shaded trees, shurbs, climbing plants,
ornamental tree planting (Date Palms) etc.
as per specifications

I) Side Walk
For road formation is 25mts & 35 mts.
i) Precast kerb (M-20 Concrete) Lm 33550 20.097 674,254.350
Item No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Cu.m 1680 168.496 283,073.280

ii) M-15 Concrete (for Kerb Foundation0


iii) Edge Beam (100 * 175 mm) Lm 32560 4.495 146,357.200

iv) Precast Concrete Blocks
400 x 400 x 40 mm(M-20 Cement Concrete) Sq.m 114700 17.671 2,026,863.700
v) 15 mm thick cement mortar (1:3)
below precast concrete blocks Sq.m 114700 8.039 922,073.300
vi) 50 mm thick M-15 concrete below
cement mortar Cu.m 5740 96.396 553,313.040
vii) Granular sub- base course below M-15
concrete ( Granular material inside
footpath/ sidewalk) Cu.m 36900 38.56 1,422,864.000
viii) Compacted topping material ( soil CBR
6% inside footpath / sidewalk) Cu.m 56700 44.986 2,550,706.200
ix) Shady rcadside trees ( spacing at 10 m
intervals) Nos 5900 44.263 261,151.700
x) Shrubs and climbing plants @ 15 m Nos 450 44.263 19,918.350

II) Central & Side Tiled Median / Verge

( Concrete Block Paving )
For 35 m Industrial Collector Roads
a) Pre-cast Kerb Lm 18900 20.087 379,644.300
b) M-15 Concrete foundation below Kerb Cum 950 168.696 160,261.200
c) Pre-cast Concrete blocks (400x400x40 M-20
cement concrete) Sqm 24570 17.671 434,176.470
d) 15 mm thick cement mortar (1:3)
below precast concrete blocks Sqm 24570 8.039 197,518.230
e) 50 mm thick M-15 concrete below
cement mortar Cum 1140 96.396 109,891.440
f) Granular sub- base course below M-15
concrete ( Granular material inside
footpath/ sidewalk) Cum 3410 38.560 131,489.600
g) Compacted topping material above
granular sub-base course Cum 5960 44.986 268,116.560
h) Ornamental Tree Planting ( Date Palms ) No 210 44.263 9,295.230
i) Kerb stones for junctions Lm 7250 20.097 145,703.250
j) M-15 kerb foundation for Kerb Cum 365 168.696 61,574.040
4.4.4 Painting (of kerbs ) two coats on new concrete
surfaces ( painting two coats after filling the
surface, with synthetic enamel paint on new
plastered concrete surfaces Sqm 18300 7.583 138,768.900

4.4.5 Rotary / Roundabout junction

a) Barrier type Kerb of plain cement concrete
for Rotary Island ( M-20 concrete ) Lm 340 34.135 11,605.900
Item No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Drainage (as per drawings) for Rotaries

Drainage inlet with 30 cm dia pipe for
Drainage (as per drawings)
b) Drainage inlet No 12 240.996 2,891.952
c) 30 cm dia. Drainage pipe Lm 180 112.464 20,243.520
Item No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

4.4.6 Traffic Signs

a) TA- 2 ( Median Tip Reflectors, spacing @
10m. As per drawing. No 34 8.039 273.326
b) TA- 3 Inside Rotary ( Two way hazard
marker) As per drawing. No 12 16.068 192.816
c) TA- 3 on Central Median ( cluster of red
reflectors ) As per drawing. No 12 16.068 192.816
d) Round about No 12 24.097 289.164
e) Delineators with circular reflectors @ 15 m
interval No 25 24.097 602.425


4.5.1 Furnishing and laying of the live sods of

perinnial turf forming grass on embankment
slope. verges or other locations shown on the
drawing or as directed by the engineer
including preparation of ground, fetching of
rods and watering. Sqm 111500 0.238 26,537.000
4.5.2 Providing railway level crossing gate
including gate mechanism by manual
operation in three shifts per day
Level Crossing Gates
Gates on smaller Crossings
Gate 1 (Length = 10m) No 2 1445.99 2,891.988
Gate 3 (Length = 10m) No 2 1445.99 2,891.988
Gate 4 (Length = 10m) No 2 1445.99 2,891.988
Gate 5 (Length = 10m) No 2 1445.99 2,891.988

Gates on Collector Roads

Gate 2 (Length = 27 m) on Collector Road No 2 2249.27 4,498.540
Gate 6 (Length = 35 m) on Collector Road No 2 2249.27 4,498.540

4.5.3 G.I. Barbed wire fencing 1.8 m high

(Providing and fixing 1.8 m high GI barbed
wire fencing with 2.4 m angle iron posts
50mmx50mmx6mm placed every 3m c/c
founded in M - 15 grade cement concrete,
0.6m below ground level or sa directed by the
Engineer. Lm 2400 83.546 200,510.400

4.5.4 Industrial Emergency gate at Fuel Corridor

location ( as per Drawing ) No 1 2804.67 2,804.674

a) 50x50x6 Iron track fixed in PCC continuos
block No 2 56.232 112.464
Item No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

b) RCC columns (450mm ) Cum 1.82 337.392 614.053

c) Automatic Gate Stopper No 2 40.164 80.328
d) Security Room (Plinth Area : 2650mm x
2510mm ) No 1 5227.86 5,227.857
e) Gate Stopper (includes PCC Blocks 150 x150
x 200 ) No 2 240.996 481.992

i) Main Gates ( 2nos 2750mmx2200mm ht )

with 19mm square bars 12 3213.25 38,559.036

ii) Wicket Gate 2.2 2409.96 5,301.905



Construction of dry lean cement concrete sub-

base over a prepared subgrade with coarse and
fine aggregate conforming to IS 383, the size of
coarse not exceeding 25mm, aggregate- cement
ratio not exceeding 15:1, aggregate gradation
after blending to be as per table 600-1, cement
content not to be less than 150 kg / Cum,
optimum moisture content to be determined
during trial length construction, concrete
strength not to be less than 15 MPa at 7 days,
mixed in a batching plant, transported to the site,
laid with a paver with electronic sensor,
compacted with a 8 - 10 tonnes vibratory roller,
finishing and curing as per drawing and
specifications and as directed by the Engineer. Cum 18900 96.396 1,821,884.400
Item No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount


Construction of unreinforced, dowel-jointed, plain

cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub-
base with 43 grade cement @ 400 Kg/ cum,
coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS 383,
maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding
25 mm, mixed in a batching plant as per
approved mix design, transported to the site, laid
with a fixed form or slipform paver, spread,
compacted and finished in a continous operation
including provision of contraction, expansion,
construction and longotudinal joints, joint filler,
separation membrane, sealant primer, joint
sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod,
admixtures as approved, curing compound,
finishing to lines and grades as per drawing and
specifications and as directed by the Engineer. Cum 37790 223.245 8,436,428.550
Item No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount


Construction of granular sub-base by providing

coarse graded material, spreading in uniform
layers with motor grader on prepared surface,
mixing by mix-in-placemethod with rotator at
OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to
achieve the desired density, completeas per
drawing and specifications and as directed by the
Engineer. Cum 18900 53.775 1,016,347.500



Item No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks


4.1.2 Construction of embankment with
approved material obtained from borrow
pits with all lifts and leads, transporting to
site, spreading, grading to required slope 1. BOQ indicates backfilling including
and compacting to meet requirement of supply materials for embankment, sub-
grade and earthen shoulders. But
specification Cu.m 33780 14.454 488,256.120 backfilling without supply materials is not
included in the BOQ.
2. As
4.1.3 Construction of sub-grade and earthen discussed in the meeting backfilling for
embankment, sub-grade , earthen
shoulders with approved material obtained shoulders & land development at lower
leval shall be done with existing earth,
from borrow pits withn all lifts & leads, which is obtained from road excavation
and as per our verbal instruction Kolin is
transporting to site, spreading, grading to stacking the excavated earth at their
batching plant.
required slope and compacted to meet 3. Since there is no
provision for backfilling without materials
requirement of specification Cu.m 32000 15.909 509,088.000 in the BOQ, the same shall be operated as
extra item of works.


Item No. Description Unit BOQ Qty Rate BOQ Amount Revised Revised Amount
(LYD) Qty (LYD)


4.1.1 Excavation for roadwork in soil with

hydraulic excavator of 0.9 cum bucket
capacity including cutting and loading in
tippers, trimming bottom and side slopes,
in accordance with requirements of lines,
grades and cross sections, and
transporting to the embankment location
within all lifts and lead upto 10 km Cu.m 74550 8.841 659,096.550 57040 504290.64

4.1.2 Construction of embankment with

approved material obtained from borrow
pits with all lifts and leads, transportinf to
site, spreading, grading to required slope
and compacting to meet requirement of
specification Cu.m 33780 14.454 488,256.120 90125 1302666.75

4.1.3 Construction of sub-grade and earthen

shoulders with approved material obtained
from borrow pits withn all lifts & leads,
transporting to site, spreading, grading to
required slope and compacted to meet
requirement of specification Cu.m 32000 15.909 509,088.000 16000 254544


4.2.1 Construction of granular sub-base by

providing coarse graded material,
spreading in uniform layers with motor
grade on prepared surface, mixing by mix
in place method with rotavator at OMC,
and compacting with vibratory roller to
achieve the desired density, complete as
per specifications Cu.m 92600 38.560 3,570,656.000 48624 1874941.44

4.2.2 Constrution of granular base by providing,

laying, spreading and compacting stone
aggregates of specific sizes to water bound
macadam specification including
spreading in uniform thickness, hand
packing, rolling with vibratory roller 8-10
tonnes in stages to proper grade and
camber, applying and brooming requisite
type of screening/binding materials to fill
up the interstices of coarse aggregate,
watering and compacting to the required
density Cu.m 53700 36.957 1,984,590.900 39954 1476579.978


4.3.1 Providing and applying primer coat with

bitumen emulsion on prepared surface of
granular Base including clearing of road
surface and spraying primer at the rate of
1.20 kg/sqm using mechanical means Sq.m 313400 1.455 455,997.000 246628 358843.74
7,667,684.570 5,771,866.548

4.3.2 Providing and applying tack coat with
cutback MC30 as per IS:217, Technical
specifiaction clause 503 as directed by the
a) 6.0 kg per 10 sqm on primed surface Sq.m 313400 0.802 251,346.800 246628 197795.656
b) 5.0 kg per 10 sqm on
bituminous/asphalt surface Sq.m 295200 1.208 356,601.600 246628 297926.624

4.3.3 Providing and laying Dense graded

bituminous macadam with 100-120 TPH
batch type HMP producing an average
output of 75 tonnes per hour using
crushed aggregates of specified grading,
premixed with bituminous binder @ 4.0 to
4.5 percent by weight of total mix and
filler, transporting the hot mix to work
site, laying with a hydrostatic paver
finisher with sensor control to the
required grade, level and alignment,
rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and
tandem rollers to achieve the desierd
compaction as per MoRTH specification
clause no. 507 complete in all respect Cu.m 38950 186.367 7,258,994.650 29861 5565104.987

4.3.4 Providing and laying Asphalting Concrete

(AC wearing course thickness 40 mm)
with 100-120 TPH batch type hot mix plant
producing an average output of 75 tonnes
per hour using crushed aggregates of
specified grading, premixed with
bituminous binder @ 5.4 to 5.6 percent of
mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to
work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver
finisher with sensor control to the
required grade, level and alignment,
rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and
tandem rollers to achieve the desired
compaction as per specification complete
in all respects Cu.m 11000 200.821 2,209,031.000 9865 1981099.165


4.4.1 Providing and erecting direction and place
identification retro-reflectorised sign as
per IRC:67 made of high intensity grade
sheeting vide clause 801.3, fixed over
aluminium sheeting, 2 mm thick with
area not exceeding 0.9 sqm supported on a
mild steel single angle iron post 75 x 75 x
6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means
of properly designed foundation with M15
grade cement concrete 45 x 45 x60 cm, 60
cm below ground level as per approved
a) 1975 mm x 1920 mm
3-Arm Junctions No. 60 264.399 15,863.940 60 15863.94
4-Arm Junctions No. 40 264.399 10,575.960 40 10575.96
b) S-12 No. 12 257.202 3,086.424 12 3086.424
c) S-23 (Equilateral, each 900 mm size) No. 12 265.122 3,181.464 12 3181.464
d) S-25 (Direction Sign) No. 12 265.122 3,181.464 12 3181.464
e) S-9 (Circular Sign Dia 600 mm) No. 12 253.846 3,046.152 12 3046.152
f) 4 Arm junctions
g) S-11 (Equlateral, each 900 mm size) No. 44 257.053 11,310.332 44 11310.332
h) S-25 (Direction sign) no. 44 265.122 11,665.368 44 11665.368
i) 3 Arm Junctions

j) S-23 No. 57 265.122 15,111.954 57 15111.954
k) S-25 (Direction sign) No. 57 265.122 15,111.954 57 15111.954
10,168,109.062 8,134,061.444
4.4.2 Providing and laying of hot applied
thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick
including reflectorising glass beads @ 250
gms per sqm area, thickness of 2.5 mm is
exclusive of surface applied glass beads as
per IRC:35. The finished surface to be
level, uniform and free from streaks and
Total Road markings Sq.m 17200 7.811 134,349.200 17200 134349.2

4.4.3 Construction of Sidewalk, Median/Side

verge, Concrete Block Paving including
Shaded trees, shurbs, climbing plants,
ornamental tree planting (Date Palms) etc.
as per specifications

I) Side Walk
For road formation is 25mts & 35 mts.
i) Precast kerb (M-20 Concrete) Lm 33550 20.097 674,254.350 32552 654197.544
Cu.m 1680 168.496 283,073.280 1855.5
ii) M-15 Concrete (for Kerb Foundation0 312644.328

iii) Edge Beam (100 * 175 mm) Lm 32560 4.495 146,357.200 32552 146321.24
iv) Precast Concrete Blocks
400 x 400 x 40 mm(M-20 Cement Concrete) Sq.m 114700 17.671 2,026,863.700 134340 2373922.14
v) 15 mm thick cement mortar (1:3)
below precast concrete blocks Sq.m 114700 8.039 922,073.300 140850 1132293.15
vi) 50 mm thick M-15 concrete below
cement mortar Cu.m 5740 96.396 553,313.040 6717 647491.932
vii) Granular sub- base course below M-15
concrete ( Granular material inside
footpath/ sidewalk) Cu.m 36900 38.56 1,422,864.000 18770 723771.2
viii) Compacted topping material ( soil CBR
6% inside footpath / sidewalk) Cu.m 56700 44.986 2,550,706.200 56700 2550706.2
ix) Shady rcadside trees ( spacing at 10 m
intervals) Nos 5900 44.263 261,151.700 5900 261151.7
x) Shrubs and climbing plants @ 15 m Nos 450 44.263 19,918.350 450 19918.35

II) Central & Side Tiled Median / Verge

( Concrete Block Paving )
For 35 m Industrial Collector Roads
a) Pre-cast Kerb Lm 18900 20.087 379,644.300 25816 518565.992
b) M-15 Concrete foundation below Kerb Cum 950 168.696 160,261.200 1471 248151.816
c) Pre-cast Concrete blocks (400x400x40 M-20
cement concrete) Sqm 24570 17.671 434,176.470 9186 162325.806
d) 15 mm thick cement mortar (1:3)
below precast concrete blocks Sqm 24570 8.039 197,518.230 14349 115351.611
e) 50 mm thick M-15 concrete below
cement mortar Cum 1140 96.396 109,891.440 460 44342.16
f) Granular sub- base course below M-15
concrete ( Granular material inside
footpath/ sidewalk) Cum 3410 38.560 131,489.600 1378 53135.68
g) Compacted topping material above
granular sub-base course Cum 5960 44.986 268,116.560 5960 268116.56
h) Ornamental Tree Planting ( Date Palms ) No 210 44.263 9,295.230 210 9295.23
i) Kerb stones for junctions Lm 7250 20.097 145,703.250 550 11053.35
j) M-15 kerb foundation for Kerb Cum 365 168.696 61,574.040 31.35 5288.6196

4.4.4 Painting (of kerbs ) two coats on new concrete

surfaces ( painting two coats after filling the
surface, with synthetic enamel paint on new
plastered concrete surfaces Sqm 18300 7.583 138,768.900 18300 138768.9

11,031,363.540 10,531,162.709

4.4.5 Rotary / Roundabout junction

a) Barrier type Kerb of plain cement concrete
for Rotary Island ( M-20 concrete ) Lm 340 34.135 11,605.900 340 11605.9
Drainage (as per drawings) for Rotaries
Drainage inlet with 30 cm dia pipe for
Drainage (as per drawings)
b) Drainage inlet No 12 240.996 2,891.952 12 2891.952
c) 30 cm dia. Drainage pipe Lm 180 112.464 20,243.520 180 20243.52

4.4.6 Traffic Signs

a) TA- 2 ( Median Tip Reflectors, spacing @
10m. As per drawing. No 34 8.039 273.326 34 273.326
b) TA- 3 Inside Rotary ( Two way hazard
marker) As per drawing. No 12 16.068 192.816 12 192.816
c) TA- 3 on Central Median ( cluster of red
reflectors ) As per drawing. No 12 16.068 192.816 12 192.816
d) Round about No 12 24.097 289.164 12 289.164
e) Delineators with circular reflectors @ 15 m
interval No 25 24.097 602.425 25 602.425

4.5.1 Furnishing and laying of the live sods of

perinnial turf forming grass on embankment
slope. verges or other locations shown on the
drawing or as directed by the engineer
including preparation of ground, fetching of
rods and watering. Sqm 111500 0.238 26,537.000 111500 26537

4.5.2 Providing railway level crossing gate

including gate mechanism by manual
operation in three shifts per day
Level Crossing Gates
Gates on smaller Crossings
Gate 1 (Length = 10m) No 2 1446 2,891.988 2 2891.988
Gate 3 (Length = 10m) No 2 1446 2,891.988 2 2891.988
Gate 4 (Length = 10m) No 2 1446 2,891.988 2 2891.988
Gate 5 (Length = 10m) No 2 1446 2,891.988 2 2891.988
Gates on Collector Roads
Gate 2 (Length = 27 m) on Collector Road No 2 2249.27 4,498.540 2 4498.54
Gate 6 (Length = 35 m) on Collector Road No 2 2249.27 4,498.540 2 4498.54

4.5.3 G.I. Barbed wire fencing 1.8 m high

(Providing and fixing 1.8 m high GI barbed
wire fencing with 2.4 m angle iron posts
50mmx50mmx6mm placed every 3m c/c
founded in M - 15 grade cement concrete,
0.6m below ground level or sa directed by the
Engineer. Lm 2400 83.546 200,510.400 2400 200510.4

4.5.4 Industrial Emergency gate at Fuel Corridor

location ( as per Drawing ) No 1 2804.67 2,804.674 1 2804.674
a) 50x50x6 Iron track fixed in PCC continuos
block No 2 56.232 112.464 2 112.464
b) RCC columns (450mm ) Cum 1.82 337.392 614.053 1.82 614.05344
c) Automatic Gate Stopper No 2 40.164 80.328 2 80.328
d) Security Room (Plinth Area : 2650mm x
2510mm ) No 1 5227.86 5,227.857 1 5227.857
e) Gate Stopper (includes PCC Blocks 150 x150
x 200 ) No 2 240.996 481.992 2 481.992
i) Main Gates ( 2nos 2750mmx2200mm ht )
with 19mm square bars 12 3213.25 38,559.036 12 38559.036

ii) Wicket Gate 2.2 2410 5,301.905 2.2 5301.9054

337,086.661 337,086.661



Construction of dry lean cement concrete sub-

base over a prepared subgrade with coarse and
fine aggregate conforming to IS 383, the size of
coarse not exceeding 25mm, aggregate- cement
ratio not exceeding 15:1, aggregate gradation after
blending to be as per table 600-1, cement content
not to be less than 150 kg / Cum, optimum
moisture content to be determined during trial
length construction, concrete strength not to be
less than 15 MPa at 7 days, mixed in a batching
plant, transported to the site, laid with a paver
with electronic sensor, compacted with a 8 - 10
tonnes vibratory roller, finishing and curing as
per drawing and specifications and as directed by
the Engineer. Cum 18900 96.396 1,821,884.400 18900 1821884.4

Construction of unreinforced, dowel-jointed, plain

cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub-
base with 43 grade cement @ 400 Kg/ cum,
coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS 383,
maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding
25 mm, mixed in a batching plant as per
approved mix design, transported to the site, laid
with a fixed form or slipform paver, spread,
compacted and finished in a continous operation
including provision of contraction, expansion,
construction and longotudinal joints, joint filler,
separation membrane, sealant primer, joint
sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod,
admixtures as approved, curing compound,
finishing to lines and grades as per drawing and
specifications and as directed by the Engineer. Cum 37790 223.245 8,436,428.550 37790 8436428.55


Construction of granular sub-base by providing

coarse graded material, spreading in uniform
layers with motor grader on prepared surface,
mixing by mix-in-placemethod with rotator at
OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to
achieve the desired density, completeas per
drawing and specifications and as directed by the
Engineer. Cum 18900 53.775 1,016,347.500 18900 1016347.5
11,274,660.450 11,274,660.450
BOQ Amount Revised Amount
TOTAL 40,478,904.283 36,048,837.811

Difference Amt. 4,430,066.471

Ratio of Estimated Amount (LYD) to BOQ Amount (LYD) 0.89055863666


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