Mythology and Folklore

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Name: Nova Maria Fe B.

Gomez Course/Year/Section: BSED ENGLISH 3B

Instructor: Reign Hope Econg LIT 2: Mythology and Folklore


Magic is defined as, “the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using
mysterious or supernatural forces” (Google Definitions). A monster is defined as an imaginary or
real creature that is typically large, ugly, and frightening, or a person who engages in negative
behavior and causes others to be terrified. A witch is defined as "a woman suspected of
possessing evil magical abilities." Witches are frequently depicted as wearing a black cloak with
a pointed hat and riding a broomstick" (Google Definitions). All of these definitions have one
thing in common: they are all negative. Throughout history, society has viewed these things as
negative, but due to media and literature, they are now seen in a more accepting and approving
light. With the passage of time, witches and the practice of witchcraft went from being horrifying
and deadly to becoming a mainstream Hollywood hit. We believe witches/witchcraft is a farce in
today's society, so we make TV shows, books, and even movies about it, both good and bad.
"Witches" use both white and black magic, and both forms have exploded in the media and
literature. However, as we have seen, culture evolves over time, and herbalists were labeled as
witches and declared to be evil people in the Middle Ages because they competed with the self-
righteous church's approach to medicine. As a result, they were summoned and burned at the

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