Bazant Chapter 3
Bazant Chapter 3
Bazant Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Various heterogeneous brittle aggregate materials such as concretes, rocks, or sea
ice, are inelastic but cannot be described as plastic, except at extremely high
hydrostatic pressures. A characteristic property of such materials is that they
exhibit strain-softening, i.e., a decline of stress at increasing strain, which results
from progressive development of fracture. Since these materials can undergo
strain-softening within a relatively large zone, a non-linear triaxial constitutive
relation is needed for its description. There are, however, some important
differences from the classical modelling of inelastic behaviour, i.e., from the theory
of plasticity.
First, rather than determining the inelastic phenomena in terms of stresses, as
in plasticity, one must determine them in terms of strains. This is because in terms
of stresses the description is not unique, as two strains correspond to the same
stress, in the case of strain-softening, while still only one stress corresponds to a
given strain. Second, the normal inelastic strains are, in contrast to plasticity,
important, in fact dominant. They describe the cumulative effect of rnicrocrack-
ing. Third, the inelastic phenomena are highly oriented and happen almost
independently on planes of various orientation within the material as a function
of normal strains across the planes.
In the present work, it is proposed to describe this behaviour independently on
planes of various orientations in the material, called micro planes, and then in a
certain way superimpose the inelastic effects from all the planes. This type of
approach has a long history. First proposed in 1938 by Taylor [1], the idea was
exploited by Batdorf and Budianski in their slip theory of plasticity [2]. A
number of subsequent investigators adopted this approach for plasticity of
polycrystalline metals [2 to 6]. Zienkiewicz and Pande [7] and Pande et al. [8-9]
developed an approach of this type in their multilaminate models for rocks and
46 Mechanics of Engineering Materials Microplane Model for Strain-controlled Inelastic Behaviour 47
In the aforementioned models, the stress on each plane within the material is pieces are nearest. The deformation of the thin layer of matrix between two
assumed to correspond to the same macroscopic stress and the inelastic stresses aggregate pieces, which is the chief source of inelastic behaviour, seems to be
are superimposed. As mentioned, however, for certain materials the inelastic determined mainly by the relative displacements of the centroids ofthe aggregate
behaviour is predominantly strain-controlled, and it is then more appropriate to pieces, which roughly correspond to the macroscopic strain. The microplanes
assume that strains, not stresses, correspond on the planes of all orientations to may be imagined to represent the thin layers of matrix and the bond interfaces
the same macroscopic strain. In this case it is necessary to superimpose in some between the adjacent aggregate pieces (Figure 3.1 (a)), since microcracking is
way the inelastic stresses (relaxations) from the planes of all orientations. This chiefly concentrated there.
approach was adopted for concrete and geomaterials in ref. [11] and was According to Hypothesis I (equation (3.1 », the virtual work of stresses per unit
summarized in ref. [12]. In these works, the inelastic shear stresses on planes of all volume may be written as 8W = Ci/jaij = f.~j8a~j + eil8aiJ, in which erj and eil
orientations within the material were neglected. However, although their role is represent the strains associated with the additional elastic stress and the stress
no doubt secondary, in case of concrete and geomaterials at high hydrostatic resulting from the micro planes. At the same time, 8W = eijbat + EijbaiJ. Since
pressures, they certainly have some effect. The purpose of this work is to both expressions must hold for any ba~j and any bail, we must have E~j = EiJ = Eij'
generalize ref. [11] to include the effect of inelastic shear stresses. According to Hypothesis II, the components of the strain vector en on any
micro plane are
The macroscopic stress tensor will be denoted as aij, and the macroscopic strain in which ni are the cosines of the unit normal to the microplane. The normal
tensor as Eij' With regard to the interaction between the macro- and micro-levels, microstrain, i.e., the normal component of strain vector en, may be denoted as eN,
the following three hypotheses may be introduced. and the components of the vector of the shear component &T may be denoted as
Hypothesis I. The tensor of macroscopic stress, aij' is a sum of a purely elastic
macrostress alj that is unaffected by inelastic processes on planes of various
(0') (b)
orientation, and an inelastic macrostress 1:ij which reflects the stress relaxations
from micro planes of various orientations, i.e.,
(latin lower case subscripts refer to cartesian coordinates X;, i = 1,2,3).
Hypothesis II. The normal microstrain EN and the shear microstrain ET on
each micro plane of any orientation is the resolved component ofthe macroscop!c.
strain tensor Eij'
Hypothesis III. There exist an independent stress-strain relation for each
microplane of any orientation.
Hypothesis II is opposite to that made in the slip theory of plasticity, in which
the stresses rather than strains on the planes of all orientations are assumed to be
the resolved components of the macroscopic stress. One can offer three reasons
for this. First, if the material state were characterized by stress rather than strain,
the description would not be unique since, in the case of strain-softening, there are
two strains corresponding to a given stress. Second, the relationship between the
micro- and macro-levels would not be stable in the case of strain softening, which
has been confirmed numerically. Third, the use of resolved strains, rather than 2
The rates of inelastic stress relaxations may be assumed to be given by the The derivatives of the inelastic potentials and loading functions appearing in
equations (3.6)-(3.7) may be calculated as
normality rule
" ar
\" JP·
L.... -f./.p (3.6)
= Pij~ + %.,,-,
,oJp ogp ogp ,ogp
-~- = Pij-:)- + qjj-o- (3.14)
p~ I aBij ~ij u~ u~ (~ (~ v~
in which lip are material softening parameters depen?ing on .t?e current stat~ of
the material and possibly also its history, and H IS Heavlslde step funchon.
From equation (3.8) we can further calculate
Similarly to Drucker's stability postulate in plasticity, equations (3.6)-(3.7) can be
easily derived from a more plausible hypothesis (postulate) for a strain cycle,
called II'yushin's postulate, as previously used for macroscopic inelastic theories (3.16)
based on loading surfaces in the strain space [13 to 20]. The Heaviside function in
while from equation (3.10) we obtain
equation (3.7) distinguishes between loading and unloading.
By projecting the microplane strain vector (equation (3.2» on to the direction n , 1 a
of the normal, we obtain the magnitude of the normal strain component on the % = 2-.,,-(n p i:qp l1,i:q, - I1 pllqBpql1,l1 s C,,)
BT uBij
microplane and its vector: which reduces to
The magmtude . af ' vector on t h
the stram '
e mlcrop . 1"1
Iane IS £ = ("
EjEj")1/2 =
(njEj;llkEjk) I 12. The vector of the tangential (shear) strain component is (see
The last tensor is non-symmetric. Later we will need its symmetric part, which
50 Mechanics of Engineering Materials Microplane Model for Strain-controlled Inelastic Behaviour 51
reads Furthermore, using equations (3.14) and (3.7), we may express
(3.18) f alp. f
L... -,;- Jl.,/)Eij = L... hp [afp - afp]
Pij,,- + (qij + %)-,;-
p= 1 UEij p= 1 UEN UeT
. 4n
DW = 3 iiji5eij = 2 (i N i5e N + i T i5eT )f(o)dS
in which
DUkm = ;n Is (aijkm + bijkmB - Rijkm)f(o)dS,
i33 = }n [C f: f: cos 4
cfJ sin cfJ dcfJ d(H B f: f>OS2 3
cfJ sin cfJ dcfJ de ]e33
whole, as well as of the microplane system, and also choose the Poisson ratio
for the additional elastic stress.
In general, the total tangential elastic moduli are
=! (3C + 2B) (2.33)
= -(C - B)
fn fn sin 3 cfJ cos 2 2
cfJ cos OdOdcfJ (;33 = t(C - B) (2.34) For isotropic materials, Drikm represent the elastic moduli tensor of an
2n 0 0 isotropic material;
According to Hooke's law, i II/i33
= ym/(l - ym) for uniaxial strain, and so
ym = i I d(i II + i 33)' Substituting from equations (3.33) and (3.34), we thus get (3.39)
vm = _ __ (2.35) in which bij = Kronecker delta = 1 if i = j, and 0 if if- j.
Furthermore, according to Hooke's law we have, for uniaxial strain, 3.3 CASE OF ZERO SHEAR RELAXATIONS ON MICROPLANES
vm = i I t/(i II + i33 ),
from which we may solve
For tensile strain-softening of concrete, it seems that one may neglect the shear
Gm = 1 (I - 2v )(3C + 2B) (3.36) stress relaxations and consider only the normal stress relaxations on the
10 (I - v ) microplanes, which correspond to the formation of microcracks in the direction
From equations (3.35) and (3.36) we may solve the constants C and B from of the micro planes. In this case B = !T; = !T; = O. One may consider here for
desired values of Gm and ym. Equation (3.35) yields the following values of each microplane only one loading surface (P = 1), fl = gl = CN = const. In this
case we get
Poisson ratio:
B/C=O vm =0.25 (3.40)
14/59 0.18 The relationship between the normal stress and the normal strain on the
1 o microplane may be conveniently described by the formula
00 -1 (n "" 2) (3.41)
It is interesting to observe that Poisson ratios greater than 0.25 cannot be.
obtained. The range appears suitable for geomaterials.
In some situations, however, an adjustment of the Poisson ratio provided by 300
the system of micro planes may be needed. For example, one might desire for
some material an overall Poisson ratio v> 0.25, or one might simply need for ;;;
the best fit of test data a different Poisson ratio for the rnicroplane system than :: 200
for the material as a whole. Such an adjustment of Poisson ratio is made possible ~
by equation (3.1) (Hypotehsis I). Let the additional elastic stresses uri be given cii Cb/Co • 1.000000008
Ce/C o • 1.000000009
by an isotropic stress-strain relation to Eij, characterized by shear modulus Ga
and Poisson ratio va. Then, for uniaxial strain E33 = 1 (Ell = e22 = 0) we have
a33 = 2G(1 - v)/(l - 2v). Summing the stress from the microplane system and
'. Cdl Co • 1.000000002
C.I Co • 1.000000008
Cfl Co • 1.000000008
CQI Co • 1.000000005
the additional elastic stress, we also have a33 = 2Ga(1 - v")/(l - 2v") +
2Gm (1 - vm)/(I - 2v m). From these equations we may solve 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 00008
Ga =
a m
1 - 2v (G(l - v) _ G (1- V
») (3.37) Figure 3.2 Distribution of integration points for 2 x 25-point formula defined in Table 3.1, and
1 - va 1 - 2v 1 - 2v response curves for uniaxial stress applied at directions a, b, .. ,f.
54 Mechanics of Engineering Materials Microplane Model for Strain-controlled Inelastic Behaviour 55
in which C, k, and n are material constants. For large eN the value OfrN becomes Table 3.1 Direction cosines and weights for 2 x 25 points with error of 10th order (after Bazant and
Oh [11],
essentially zero (n = 2 is a suitable exponent). Comparing this with
equation (3.40), we have IX x~ xi X; w"
generalized, in the inverted form, as follows
- Theory LT,
1 RT.
=k--:-'-smh- 1 (iT)
- (3.45)
2 eT kl
---- Evon., Morothe!l968)
This equation now replaces equation (3.3) of the present model, and
equations (3.6)-(3.11) become unnecessary. By following the same analysis as
before, one obtains the macroscopic stress-strain relation, replacing
°O~~--~--~O~,O=O~04~L-~--~~O,~OOO~8~ equation (3.29) as follows
Figure 3.3 Comparison with test data of Evans and Marathe [21], after Botant and Oh [11] '1jkrs -
-3f 1 . -1(iT)
2 bjkrsk--;-smh k- J(n)dS (3.46)
1t s 2 eT 1
stress with regard to the integration points (directions a, b, c, d, ...); the spread of Here '1jkrs represents the fourth order tensor of current viscosities, and J(n)
the response curves characterizes the range of numerical errors. For crude represents the distribution function for the frequency of clay platelets of various
calculations, the lowest required number of integration points is 16 [23]. orientations. For some clays, this distribution function has been measured
experimentally, using X-ray scattering techique. Applicability of equation (3.43)
3.5 APPLICATION TO ANISOTROPIC CREEP OF CLAY to test results is presently being studied at Northwestern University by J. K. Kim.
Complete description of clays further requires superposing equations for the
As another application, we may demonstrate an adaptation of the micro plane volume change. This may be best accomplished on the basis of the critical state
model to describe creep of an anisotropically consolidated clay and to correlate theory, for example, in a manner recently described by Pande et al. [8-9].
the stress-strain relation to known information about the distribution of the
frequency of platelets of various orientations within the clay. This problem has
been studied, for example, in ref. [24], using a micro mechanics model in which ' 3.6 CONCLUDING REMARKS
triangular cells of mutually sliding clay platelets are constrained to the same The micro plane model allows great versatility in constitutive modelling. The
macroscopic strains BU' same as here. It appeared, however, that this approach present form of the model, in which the strains on microplanes of all orientations
becomes quite complicated in the three-dimensional case, although it is not correspond to the same macroscopic strain, appears suitable for materials which
very difficult for two-dimensional analysis. In three dimensions, the present type exhibit progressive microcracking and tensile strain-softening. Constraining the
of micro plane model seems appropriate. microstructure to the same macroscopic strain is also important for numerical
In treating clay, the stress tensor aij must be interpreted as the effective stress reasons, not merely for the purpose of stability and uniqueness of representation.
tensor, i.e., aij = tij - DijP, in which P = pore-water pressure and tij = total stress The computational work required by a model of this kind is not as large as one
in the solid-water system. Let us consider only the case of deviatoric creep, for might think. The work required is greatly reduced by the recent development of
which the normal stiffness on the microplanes may be neglected, i.e. C = L~ = O. efficient numerical integration formulas for a spherical surface.
The microplanes of the present model may be interpreted, in the case of clay, One advantage of the model is that the stress-strain relations are primarily
as the planes of sliding in contact of adjacent clay platelets. As is well known, defined on the microplane level, on which one does not need to heed the tensorial
the sliding is governed by the rate-process theory, which yields the relation invariance requirements which are a source of great difficulty in constitutive
(3.44) modelling. Tensorial invariance is ensured subsequently, by combining the
responses from microplanes of all orientations within the material.
58 Mechanics of Engineering Materials Microplane Model for Strain-controlled Inelastic Behaviour 59
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 15. Z. P. Bazant and S. S. Kim, 'Plastic-fracturing theory for concrete', J. of the Engng.
Partial support during the writing of this work was obtained under Air Force Mech Div., Proc. Am. Soc. of Civil Engrs., lOS, June 1979, pp. 407-428, with Errata in
Vol. 106 (also as Preprint 3431, ASCE Annual Convention, Chicago, Oct. 1978).
Office of Scientific Research Grant No. 83-0009 to Northwestern University. The 16. W. D. Iwan and P. J. Yoder, 'Computational aspects of strain-space plasticity', J. of
preceding development of the mathematical model was partially supported Engineering Mechanics, Proc. ASCE, 109, 1,31-243 (1983).
under US National Science Foundation Grant No. CEE800-9050 to 17. P. J. Yoder and W. D. Iwan, 'On the formulation of strain-space plasticity with
Northwestern University. Mary Hill is thanked for her outstanding secretarial multiple loading surfaces', J. of Applied Mechanics, Trans. ASME,48, 773-778 (1981).
assistance. 18. P. M. Naghdi, 'Some constitutive restrictions in plasticity', in 'constitutive Equations
in Viscoplasticity' in Computational and Engineering Aspects, AMD, Am. Soc. of Mecho
Engineers, 20, 79-93 (1976).
19. P. M. Naghdi and J. A. Trapp, 'The significance offormulating plasticity theory with
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