Computers and Geotechnics: John P. de Bono, Glenn R. Mcdowell
Computers and Geotechnics: John P. de Bono, Glenn R. Mcdowell
Computers and Geotechnics: John P. de Bono, Glenn R. Mcdowell
Research Paper
Keywords: A critical state line is presented for a crushable numerical soil, which is parallel to the isotropic normal com-
Discrete element method pression line. A previous theory for the normal compression line, which correctly predicts the slope as a function
DEM of the size-effect on particle strength is extended to justify the slope of the critical state line. The micro me-
Particle crushing chanics behind critical states are examined, leading to a theory for a relationship between the volume of smallest
Critical state line
particles and mean effective stress. A unique relationship exists for crushed states, leading to a two-dimensional
State boundary surface
interpretation of the state boundary surface for soils looser than critical.
1. Introduction behind the CSL, in particular the co-ordination number and the im-
portance of the ‘smallest particles’, which must be rigorously defined.
Following Pestana and Whittle [1], McDowell [2] proposed analy-
tically that the high-stress normal compression line for a sand should be 2. DEM model
linear on log e–log σ axes. This was based on the kinematics of particle
crushing and the assumption of a fractal particle size distribution. This The simulation results presented here were performed using the
was investigated numerically using the discrete element method [3], software PFC [7]. For computational efficiency all particles are mod-
and it was found that the normal compression line (NCL) for a sand elled using spheres, and gravity is neglected. All simulations are per-
could be described by: formed using a cylindrical triaxial sample, enclosed vertically by rigid
platens and laterally by a flexible, faceted cylindrical membrane, shown
1 σ′
log e = log e y− log in Fig. 1. The membrane consists of 4320 facets and the vertices can
2b σy′ (1) move independently from one another. Essential simulation details are
where e is the current voids ratio, σ′ is the current stress, b describes the provided in Table 1. The initial sample (before isotropic compression)
hardening rate of the particles, and ey and σ′y are constants defining the consists of approximately 700 randomly packed particles of 2 mm
yield point. The parameter b defines the rate at which average particle diameter; although the sample is compressed and crushed (generating
strength increases with decreasing size: greater quantities of smaller particles) before any shear tests are per-
σav ∞d−b (2)
The work uses a simple crushing model and realistic particle
and as shown by Eq. (1), b determines the slope (=1/2b) of the NCL on strengths, which the authors have previously used to produce normal
logarithmic axes. This compression law in Eq. (1) was tested against compression lines [3,8,9], which exhibit the same slope as observed
experimental data for which normal compression lines and particle experimentally for the sand. This crushing model uses the average oc-
strength data (i.e. values of b) obtained from particle crushing tests tahedral shear stress as the particle fracture criterion:
were readily available in [4], and it was found to correctly predicted 1
the slope of the NCL for each case. q= [(σ1−σ2)2 + (σ2−σ3)2 + (σ1−σ3)2]1/2
3 (3)
It is a well-known phenomenon that the critical state line (CSL) for
soils is parallel to the normal compression line [5,6], at least in con- which is calculated from the average principal stresses in a particle
ventional critical state soil mechanics. In this work, DEM simulations (σ1,2,3), in turn calculated from contacts with neighbouring bodies.
are used to establish a critical state line, and after ascertaining whether The strength data used here (and previously) is for a silica sand.
it is parallel with the NCL, to clarify what determines the slope and From particle crushing tests [10], it was found that the size-effect on
position of the CSL. In additional, we examine the micro mechanics strength, i.e. the value of b in Eq. (2) was approximately 1 [10]. For a
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J.P. de Bono).
Received 19 September 2017; Received in revised form 15 December 2017; Accepted 18 February 2018
0266-352X/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
J.P. de Bono, G.R. McDowell Computers and Geotechnics 98 (2018) 181–188
q0 ∞d−1 (4)
J.P. de Bono, G.R. McDowell Computers and Geotechnics 98 (2018) 181–188
Fig. 3. Critical states from triaxial tests: q–p′ axes (a) and log e–log p′ axes (b).
from all tests were taken as critical states. Additional details of these theory, a fractal distribution is infinite, however in reality a fractal PSD
tests, including select stress-strain results and stress-dilatancy plots are must be limited [15], bounded by an upper and lower particle size. The
available in [11]. largest particle size in all cases here is 2 mm, whilst the smallest fractal
Fig. 3(a) includes the phase transformation points [12] which are size depends on the extent of crushing, whereby more crushing leads to
often found to coincide with the CSL [5]. (The phase transformation a larger range of fractal sizes. Hence in Fig. 4(c), the smallest size in
points are the points at which in undrained tests, the behaviour changes each simulation is still emerging (a gradual process), and does not yet
from contractile to dilatant, and the rate of change of p′ reverses.) The adhere to the ideal fractal shown by the dashed trendline.
critical states reveal a clear CSL with M ≈ 0.7.
Fig. 3(b) shows the critical states on log e–log p′ axes, and at high 3.3. Co-ordination number
stresses (in this case, approximately > 10 MPa) there is a unique CSL,
parallel to the NCL. At lower stresses (< 10 MPa), the CSL appears non- One interesting observation from the simulations was that both the
unique, with the overconsolidated tests reaching a lower CSL, in normal compression line and critical state line appear to possess unique
agreement with experimental data [13]. coordination numbers at high stresses. The average coordination
The parallel nature of the CSL and NCL at high stresses suggest that number is plotted as a function of p′ in Fig. 5 for both normal com-
the principles that govern the slope of the normal compression line also pression and critical states. During compression but before yield (ap-
apply to the critical state line. The b value for the silica sand, as given in proximately elastic behaviour), there is a correlation between co-
Eq. (4), is 1. Using this b in Eq. (1), predicts a slope of −0.5 (using p′ as ordination number and stress, the coordination number then drops with
the stress variable). Both lines demonstrate agreement with this in the onset of crushing. Beyond yield, the average coordination number
Fig. 3(b). during compression then remains approximately constant at around
5.6. A similar trend can be observed for critical states—large variation
3.2. Fractal particle size distributions at the lowest stresses, before crushing becomes prominent after which
the average coordination remains approximately 5.1 for states on the
Fig. 4(a) shows progressive PSDs obtained from an example triaxial high-stress CSL, independent of stress level (and therefore PSD). This
shear simulation, which shows how the grading changes during suggests that the average coordination number on any plastic loading
shearing and that the rate of change reduces noticeably at large strains. line in log e–log p′ space is related to the stress ratio η (=q/p). What this
Fig. 4(b) gives the ultimate PSDs obtained from the end of all triaxial also shows is that for any shear test, shearing from any point on the NCL
shear tests. This conventional plot indicates the effects of stress level, causes the average coordination number to reduce from 5.6 to 5.1.
with example values of critical state mean stress annotated. It is clear
that shearing under increasing stresses leads to more developed grading 4. Micro mechanics of critical states
curves. The same data is replotted in (c) in terms of number on loga-
rithmic axes. For a discrete PSD (i.e. without continuous sizes), a fractal The kinematics behind the compression law in Eq. (1) are detailed
distribution will appear linear according to: in McDowell and de Bono [3]. The key assumptions were quantitatively
Ni ∝ d i−D (5) examined in [9], and the theory shown to be valid for a range of real
sands [4]. It will now be investigated whether the law is applicable to
where D is the fractal dimension [9,14]. It is evident from Fig. 4(c) that the critical state line. One of the assumptions was that a fractal PSD
for critical states under increasing stress, the PSDs evolve towards a emerges during compression, which also appears the case for critical
fractal distribution with a fractal dimension of around 2.5 (indicated by states under increasing stresses. The remaining assumptions will now be
the dashed line), just as occurs during normal compression [14]. In summarised, whilst full details and the kinematics behind the law can
J.P. de Bono, G.R. McDowell Computers and Geotechnics 98 (2018) 181–188
Fig. 4. PSDs at critical states: conventional semi-log plot (a) and on two logarithmic axes (b).
J.P. de Bono, G.R. McDowell Computers and Geotechnics 98 (2018) 181–188
J.P. de Bono, G.R. McDowell Computers and Geotechnics 98 (2018) 181–188
Fig. 6. Voids ratio as a function of the volume of smallest particles Vsm (a), and Vsm as a function of mean stress.
(e ∝ p–0.5) for each stress ratio in log e–log p′ space, then the only way of behaviour is generalised in Fig. 8(b). The compacted sample, which
satisfying both conditions would be if a unique relationship existed initially does not lie on the directly-proportional e ∝ Vsm line, but in-
between Vsm and p′ for all plastic states on the loose side of critical. This stead on the virgin loading line, increases in volume and moves up-
concept is tested in Fig. 6(b) and is shown to be absolutely the case. wards to reach the ‘compacted’ critical state line. The NC sample, at
What this, in effect means is that Fig. 6(b) represents all plastic states on high stresses on the NCL, decreases in voids ratio, moving downwards
the loose side of critical and is therefore a two-dimensional re- until reaching the critical state line.
presentation and micro mechanical interpretation of the state boundary During the 8 MPa test, in which there is negligible crushing, e in-
surface. creases as the sample dilates. Fig. 8(a) shows that Vsm increases slightly,
Fig. 6(a) only shows states on the linear, high-stress NCL and CSL. which might be expected from volumetric dilation—as the sample ex-
Fig. 7(a) provides a fuller picture by including additional states: com- pands, particles become less-closely packed, and in general will there-
pacted states before yielding, OC states on the two unloading-lines, and fore have fewer contacts. This means that more particles will be con-
states on the low-stress critical state lines. Fig. 7(b) provides a sche- sidered as the smallest, so Vsm increases. This is reflected in Fig. 5(b)
matic to illustrate the behaviour. Upon normal compression the state which showed that the coordination is lower on the critical states line.
moves along a virgin-loading line, where the voids ratio decreases only During the 20 MPa constant-p’ test, there is significant crushing and
slightly with the volume of the smallest particles, with no proportion- contraction, and as shown in Fig. 8(a) Vsm does not decrease sig-
ality observed between these two quantities. Upon reaching the yield nificantly. Ordinarily, particle crushing accompanied by a decrease in
stress there then appears a direct link between Vsm and e, and both voids ratio would lead to Vsm decreasing—just as occurs during normal
decrease in proportion with each other as the macroscopic stress in- compression (Fig. 7). The fact that Vsm remains constant despite
creases. Upon unloading, the state moves back along an unloading-line crushing and contraction suggests that there is a counteracting effect
where the voids ratio changes only slightly (shown by a dashed line), which contributes to Vsm. Considering that the coordination number
similar to the initial virgin-loading line. reduces during shearing (together with observations from the 8 MPa
A similar relationship exists for critical states—there also is a direct dilatant simulation), it would appear that particles are packed less-ef-
proportionality between Vsm and e, however this lies to the right of the ficiently at the critical state. In other words, although smaller particles
normal compression states. The relationship e ∝ Vsm only applies to are produced by crushing, which enable the sample to occupy a smaller
states on the high-stress CSL (parallel to the NCL in log e–log p′ space). volume, the particles are relatively looser, which is supported by the
Critical states at low stresses do not conform to the relationship e ∝ Vsm. observation that the average coordination number reduces from 5.6 to
These states form a separate, flatter line, above the corresponding 5.1.
virgin/unloading-line. Fig. 7(b) shows a remarkable mirror image to the The observation that Vsm remains constant during the 20 MPa si-
normal compression and critical state lines in log e–log p′ space. mulation is consistent with the unique Vsm ∝ p–0.5 relationship shown
Two constant-p′ simulations will now be examined more close- earlier in Fig. 6(b). This unique ‘plastic state line’ is replotted sche-
ly—one dilatant (compacted to 8 MPa), and one contractile (normally matically in Fig. 9. According to this figure, for a normally-consolidated
consolidated to 20 MPa). The paths of these simulations are shown in contractile sample, there should be no change in Vsm as the state moves
Fig. 8(a), in terms of e and Vsm. Both simulations start on the (black) from the plastic NCL to the CSL while p’ stays constant. The constant-p′
normal compression line and end on the (red1) critical state line. This simulation at 8 MPa however is not initially on the plastic NCL, and so
the initial state is not located on the unique (Vsm ∝ p–0.5) plastic state
line. This is also illustrated in Fig. 9, where elastic loading states are
For interpretation of color in Fig. 8, the reader is referred to the web version of this located below the unique Vsm-p line. As shown, when such dilatant
J.P. de Bono, G.R. McDowell Computers and Geotechnics 98 (2018) 181–188
Fig. 7. Voids ratio as a function of smallest particles (a) and idealised schematic (b).
Fig. 8. Triaxial paths between states of isotropic compression and critical states (a) and schematic (b).
samples are sheared at constant-p′, the state moves upwards as Vsm analogous to emin decreasing, and means that in general particles will
increases, towards the unique plastic state line. have fewer contacts and therefore more will be classed as the smallest,
This diagram can also explain the observed behaviour of constant- causing Vsm to increase. This again is reflected in a reduction of the
volume tests. For contractile constant-volume tests, such as that at average coordination number, which reduces from 5.6 to around 5.1.
p′ = 25 MPa, the mean stress reduces, so according to this figure the Equally, for dilatant constant-volume tests, in which negligible
state moves leftwards up the plastic state line, and so Vsm increases. breakage occurs, the mean stress increases to suppress dilation. As
This behaviour can be visualised in Fig. 8 as a path at constant e directly shown in Fig. 9, this is represented by a path that moves rightwards and
right from the NCL to the CSL. Just how Vsm increases is due to particle down the Vsm ∝ p–0.5 line, and a reduction in Vsm. An example of this
breakage occurring at a constant volume—shearing induces stresses behaviour is the OC test at 5 MPa: p′ increases to over 13 MPa; and with
great enough to cause significant particle crushing, which causes p′ to only limited crushing, this means that the particles are more tightly
reduce to maintain constant volume. However, the fact that volume packed together and have more contacts. This means fewer particles
change is prevented indicates that the sample becomes relatively looser, have ≤5 contacts and are considered as the smallest, and therefore Vsm
J.P. de Bono, G.R. McDowell Computers and Geotechnics 98 (2018) 181–188
Fig. 9 is also consistent with the observed behaviour for constant-σ3 This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences
triaxial tests (indicated in the figure), as well as normal com- Research Council [grant number EP/L019779/1].
pression—in which the state simply moves down the plastic state line.
5. Conclusions
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