Desktop Engineering - 2011-10
Desktop Engineering - 2011-10
Desktop Engineering - 2011-10
Roaming Lifecycle
Management P.36
Altair Releases
HyperWorks 11 P.30
Get a GRIP
on EMI
As mechanical and electrical
design merge, electromagnetic
interference is a concept all
design engineers need to grasp.
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Degrees of Freedom by Steve Robbins
22 Change is Good
Parker Aerospace uses ECO Manager
to streamline its engineering change
order process.
By James Gordon
34 Quite Compatible
Graebert ARES Commander
Edition for Macintosh proves
to be very AutoCAD-like.
By David Cohn
14 Get a Grip on
Electromagnetic interference is
highly problematic for designers
of all types of products and SIMULATION & ANALYSIS
systems—and it’s growing, thanks
to the proliferation of electronic 26 ‘Getting’ the Boot
Parker Hannifin learns firsthand how non-linear FEA
components. Any object that ensures a fast, robust product design.
carries rapidly changing electrical By Jason Foulger and Brad Allen
currents or voltages can generate
EMI, which has the potential to 30 Beyond the Hype: HyperWorks 2011
Altair Engineering has emerged as
degrade the performance of a major player in the enterprise CAE
another electrical device. And market, challenging the
EMI issues are so complex, it’s established industry
forefathers with the
difficult for software tools to
aggressiveness of a
resolve them—though they can start-up.
help. Barbara Goode interviews By Vince Adams
EMI experts for their take on what
engineers can do to combat EMI. RAPID TECH
40 How to Make it in Modeling
Go from 3D scan data to a parametric CAD model, step
ON THE COVER: Images in photo illustration courtesy of by step.
iStock International. By Rachael Dalton-Taggart
Watch Tutorial
October 2011 VOLUME 17/ISSUE 2
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Virtual Desktop by Kenneth Wong
n 2002, HP bought Compaq in
a $25 billion merger that cre-
ated the PC market’s de facto HP TouchSmart 520,
leader. Nine years later, HP is part of HP’s new line of
contemplating what amounts to a All-in-one PCs.
U-turn in its strategy: It is think-
ing of leaving the PC business
In August, HP’s president and
CEO Leo Apotheker announced,
“We believe exploring alternatives
for PSG [Personal Systems Group]
could enhance its performance,
allow it to more effectively com-
pete and provide greater value for
HP shareholders.” The alternative
he’s considering is “the separation ening to take over a chunk of the Though HP’s strategy to focus
of its PC business into a separate computing market previously on software is clear, the company’s
company through a spin-off or owned by the PC. plan for the PC business is not so
other transaction.” Apotheker himself acknowl- clear-cut. Even as it explores op-
So what might PC-less HP pur- edged, “‘Consumers are changing tions for its long-established PC
sue? The company’s plan to acquire the use of their PC. The tablet ef- business, HP recently rolled out a
software maker Autonomy suggests fect is real, and sales of the Touch- new line of PCs, described as the
it hopes to buy its way into the en- Pad are not meeting our expecta- “largest investment in the all-in-
terprise software business. To explain tions” (“HP to Apple: You Win,” one desktop PC market to date.”
the $11.7 billion bid, Apotheker said, TechCrunch, Aug. 18, 2011). The All-in-one PCs, as HP calls
“Autonomy has an attractive business HP tried to step up to the tab- them, target home users and busi-
model, including a strong cloud- let market with the launch of its nesses. They use the company’s
based solution set … We believe this own HP TouchPad. But even with TouchSmart technology to deliver
bold action will squarely position a marketing campaign involving multi-touch support in its monitors.
HP in software and information to Britain’s funny man Russell Brand HP’s popular line of worksta-
create the next-generation Informa- and Glee’s Lea Michele, HP’s de- tions are part of the company’s
tion Platform.” HP’s new plan is to vice couldn’t seem to wrestle away PSG group, but we’ll have to wait
“focus on its strategic priorities of enough market share from the and see what alternatives emerge
cloud, solutions and software, with iPad. Consequently, HP is kill- for HP’s hardware future. DE
an emphasis on enterprise, commer- ing off its webOS and TouchPad
cial and government markets,” the business—“a difficult but necessary Kenneth Wong writes about technol-
company outlined. decision,” according to HP’s online ogy, its innovative use, and its impli-
In the announcement of its FAQ document. cations. One of DE’s MCAD/PLM
strategy for PSG, HP noted, “The Soon after the announcement, experts, he has written for numerous
personal computing market is HP slashed the prices of its Touch- technology magazines and writes DE’s
quickly evolving with new form Pad from $399 (16 GB) and $499 Virtual Desktop blog at
factors and application ecosys- (32 GB) to $99 and $149, respec- virtual_desktop. You can follow him on
tems.” One of the notable “form tively. The devices were sold out in Twitter at KennethwongSF, or email
factors” is the tablet, now threat- a matter of hours. him via
Get a GRIP
on EMI
Electromagnetic interference
is highly problematic for
designers of all types of
products and systems—
and it’s growing, thanks to
the proliferation of electronic
Everybody has to pass. And everybody has trouble,” frequency increases, slots and seams become more effective
says Steve Newson of Newson Consulting Inc., a leakage points.
specialist in the field of electromagnetic interference “At 10 MHz, you might not see much effect, but at higher
(EMI; also called radio frequency interference, or RFI) with frequencies—especially in the gigahertz (GHz) range—it is
clients in almost every industry. Newson is referring to the a different story,” he says.
fact that all products need to meet standards for electromag- If the product you are designing is a small pager or simi-
netic emissions—and that EMI can be a significant problem lar device running at a relatively low frequency (say, below
for systems designers. 10 to 50 MHz) with no wires attached, it is pretty safe as
far as emissions go, says Archambeault. But radios and tele-
An Increasing Problem phones are extremely sensitive. In general, the larger the de-
Any object that carries rapidly changing electrical currents vice or system, the more wires and cables are involved—and
or voltages can generate EMI, which has the potential to the higher the frequency range, the more potential for EMI
degrade the performance of another electrical device. trouble. A product operating in the GHz range becomes al-
Dr. Bruce Archambeault, an IBM Distinguished Engineer, most impossible to shield, explains Archambeault, adding,
lead author of the EMI/EMC Computational Modeling Hand- “High-speed digital electronics can radiate enough emissions
book and author of the book PCB Design for Real-World EMI to be received by their own internal antennae.”
Control, notes that EMI is a subset of electromagnetic com- In addition, Archambeault says, a cable can become the
patibility (EMC), a field that studies how devices and systems most important part of an antenna. Newson agrees: “A lot
can perform without generating unacceptable EMI levels. Of of people think that the most difficult EMI problems are
course, any work with printed circuit boards (PCBs) requires related to PCBs and box shielding, but the biggest problem
the generation of signals, and Archambeault says it is best to is cables,” he says. “Cables act as antennae.”
reduce EMI at its source. As Newson explains, the potential for trouble is increas-
“Emissions start on circuits and leak out through seams ing. “In the past 20 years, there has been a proliferation of
and cables, which radiate them,” he explains, saying that electronic products, which has caused regulatory agencies to
faster rise time leads to higher frequency of emissions. As tighten and add requirements around EMI,” he says. (See
that “products are being called EMI analysis tools that are
n the U.S., the Federal Communications not.”
Commissions (FCC) sets standards for a range of Dr. Howard Johnson of Signal Consulting Inc., an inven-
product types, and many industries—such as auto- tor, author and noted expert in high-speed digital design, still
motive, airline and medical—have their own require- stands by the statement he made in 1998 in EDN magazine:
ments that address particular vulnerabilities and situa- “Real, live EMI problems are much too complex for even the
tions. The military has separate specifications. best software tools. As much as I wish the situation were un-
On an international level, the International Special true, at this point the best tool is still experience,” he wrote.
Committee on Radio Interference, also known as Johnson told Desktop Engineering that the comment “is
CISPR (for the French Comité International Spécial as true today as it was then. Real EMI problems are still too
des Perturbations Radioélectriques) is a committee complex for even the best software tools to accurately predict
of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) exact EMI levels.”
that sets civilian standards for domestic, commercial, He does point to one major change, the fact that there are
industrial and automotive sectors regarding radiated now two groups of tools available—one from Dr. Todd Hub-
and conducted electromagnetic interference (copies ing at Clemson University, and another from Archambeault
of all CISPR standards are available online at that is marketed through Moss Bay.
These standards form the basis of other regional and “They are both expert system-type tools. That is, they
national standards, such as the European Norms (EN) give you advice about best practices, and they give you gen-
written by the European Committee for Electrotechnical eral ideas about things,” Johnson says. “But they do not at-
Standardization (CENELEC, for the French Comité tempt to predict exact EMI levels; that’s the thing that’s still
Européen de Normalisation Électrotechnique). too difficult to do.”
The Radiated Emissions graph is a plot of typical results Ansoft Designer 6.0 enables visualization of the electrical
from the program’s calculations. It shows predicted field that exists at a particular frequency on a PC enclosure.
radiated emissions (blue) compared to the radiated You can see the fields on the “cut-plane” that bisects the
emissions limit (red). Image courtesy EMI Software LLC. model; a PCB inside is the source. Image courtesy ANSYS.
says that a single software package cannot predict all EMI a major stumbling block is that designers often don’t know
and sources thereof, he also notes that for engineers—who how to set up their problems correctly.
tend to look at problems in a methodical way—such tools “One of my jobs is full-wave computer modeling,” he says.
can still be very helpful. “If you judiciously use the available “In one project, it took a week-and-a-half to predict how
ANSYS tools, you can get clear insight into the causes of much extra shielding was needed. You really need an engi-
EMI issues and problems that are likely to arise,” he says. neer with a solid EM background.”
Last summer, ANSYS announced the release of Ansoft The question remains, then: How do you get this back-
Designer 6.0 with new Solver on Demand technology, ground without traveling the rocky road characterized by the
which promised to enable designers of electronic packages bad burns and failures that Archambeault and Newson describe?
and PCBs to quickly and accurately analyze signal integrity, There are many options, including training and con-
power integrity and EMI problems from a single schematic- sulting from people like Archambeault, Johnson, Newson
and layout-based environment. Kopp explains that Designer and others. Archambeault’s books can be a good starting
in and of itself does not solve EMI type problems; it is part point, and he will bring his courses to any location. Johnson
of ANSYS’s methodology and works together with other recommends sending a bright, ambitious engineer in your
ANSYS tools, specifically with SIwave (for board analysis) or company for at least one in-person consultation, then ar-
HFSS (that is, High Frequency Structure Simulator for elec- ranging for phone or email followup as needed. Newson
tromagnetic field simulation of full 3D enclosures). Briefly, offers video-enhanced, Internet-based assistance through
the steps—beginning with PCB analysis—that are involved GoToMeeting.
in using these tools together are: The Clemson Vehicular Electronics Laboratory (CVEL)
1. Import the PCB layout into SIwave and the Missouri University of Science and Technology
2. Perform analysis of PCB in SIwave have collaborated to offer Hubing’s “EMC Principles”
3. Dynamically link SIwave results into Ansoft Designer course (36 videotaped lectures) on DVD (http://dce.mst.
4. Attach drivers and receivers in Designer to linked edu/noncredit/certificates/emc_2nd_ed_video.html). This
SIwave model is one of the classes that Missouri S&T offers for its EMC
5. Perform a time/frequency domain analysis of entire Certificate, which the university awards for the successful
system in Designer completion of two video non-credit courses. Others are
6. Push voltage/excitation levels back to SIwave available as well (
7. Dynamically link the SIwave model into HFSS emc_si_certificate_homepage.html). In addition, Clemson
8. Solve the full system in HFSS (Those not doing PCB offers a number of short courses—on campus, at locations
design would skip the first six steps.) around the world, and by arrangement as in-house presen-
tations at client locations.
Getting Educated A number of associations also offer help: The IEEE’s
According to Archambeault, there’s really no one EMI mod- EMC Society has chapters all around the world, and holds an
eling tool that the average engineer can use effectively. And annual conference. The Electrostatic Discharge Association,
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Automation Makes the Difference for Petra Solar. “Our engineering change
process consisted of several manual
Petra Solar takes a smart approach to product development. steps, which cost the company both time
Petra Solar is a clean technology com- nications and improved grid reliability and money.”
pany, focused on providing reliable, features to create a comprehensive util- Petra Solar wanted to become more
cost-effective Smart Energy solutions ity grade solution. Petra Solar provides mechanized with automated processes
to the electric supply industry. Founded utility-grade, grid-tied, distributed smart around document control, engineer-
in 2006, the South Plainfield, NJ-based solar systems that can be installed on ing changes and bill of material (BOM)
manufacturer is the pioneer of utility and streetlight poles, rooftops management. Its team also wanted
SunWave, a new Smart Solar technology and other existing structures. to improve their processes related to
that combines distributed solar energy As a new company in a high-growth meeting compliance to ensure the use
generation with Smart Grid commu- industry, Petra Solar needed to imple- of compliant parts early in the design
ment systems and processes to manage cycle. With previous experience using
its large volume of engineering data. product lifecycle management (PLM),
Growing from about 60 employees to the team knew there was a need for a
more than 150 in just one year (a vast PLM system to be able to manage their
majority in engineering), Petra Solar complex engineering activity.
found that its current environment for The company was looking for an
managing engineering activity needed to affordable solution that could fulfill its
be more efficient and streamlined. The requirements for automating process-
company’s processes were manual, and es within development (specifically,
all product-related data was stored on part creation and engineering change
secured drives. management); had flexible licensing
“Without having an automated system options that allowed for scalability for a
in place for product development, you growing company; and had an easy-to-
end up duplicating efforts and have a use interface so that employees could
greater chance for errors to occur,” says get up and running quickly.
Stephen Gillespie, program manager MORE ➜
Change is Good
Parker Aerospace uses ECO Manager to streamline its engineering change
order process.
arker Aerospace de-
signs, manufactures
and services hydraulic,
fuel and pneumatic compo-
nents, systems and related
electronic controls for aero-
space and other high-tech-
nology markets. Its products
include flight control ac-
tuation systems and compo-
nents, thrust-reverser actua-
tion systems, electrohydraulic
servo valves, utility hydraulic
systems and components, DC
motor pumps, fuel pumps, lubrication and scavenge pumps, A part in an IS/WAS comparison in Kubotek’s
fuel measurement and management systems, cockpit instru- ECO Manager.
mentation, flight inspection systems, pneumatic subsystems
and components, fluid metering delivery and atomization Streamlining the Process
devices, and wheels and brakes. Bob Deragisch, Parker’s engineering services manager, had
Parker standardized on Dassault Systèmes’ CATIA V5 as the idea of improving the ECO process. He decided the capa-
part of its journey to becoming a model-based enterprise, bilities of the Kubotek ECO Manager software package could
replacing 2D drawings with a 3D model as the reference for make it happen.
product definition. “A key advantage of ECO Manager is that, rather than
The latest generation of solid modeling systems makes comparing random points, it compares the mathematical
it possible to insert the dimensions, geometric design and geometry definitions to completely catalog the differences
tolerancing, annotations and parts lists directly into the solid between the source and target files,” Deragisch says.
model, eliminating the need for drawings. The 3D CAD ECO Manager uses Kubotek’s pattern-matching technol-
model is now the reference for product definition used by ogy to compare two revisions of product data to identify all
manufacturing and the supply chain, so ensuring its accuracy differences between the data sets. It supports most native
is more important than ever. CAD formats, and works directly with the native CAD file
In the past, Parker’s engineers defined proposed engineer- to eliminate data translations. It compares both the 3D ge-
ing change orders (ECOs) by redlining either a paper draw- ometry and the model-based design information, such as tol-
ing or a CAD file. The redlined drawing or file was then erances and marking, to ensure all revisions are identified—
sent to those responsible for reviewing the change for their ensuring that the impact of every change is fully understood.
approval. After the change was approved, the engineer had to Once the revisions have been identified and organized,
start all over again by actually changing the CAD file. After ECO Manager provides several reporting options. It stores
the change was made, it had to be carefully checked to ensure the data model that defines the differences between the files
that the changes were accurately made and that nothing else in electronic format, and can generate customizable graphical
in the file had accidentally been changed. This process took change reports in PowerPoint or PDF format.
a considerable amount of time. Now, Parker uses ECO Manager to compare the old and
There is no need to make the change a second time, as was re-
quired in the past. Nor is there a need to manually check that the his article and the following
change has been made correctly or that nothing else in the docu- one on page 26 are part of a
ment has been changed, because ECO Manager has identified series that looks at one com-
every change in the new CAD file as part of the approval package. pany’s engineering practices. Last
This new process is saving substantial amounts of time on every month, the articles in the “DE on the Case” series
ECO, Deragisch says. It also avoids the possibility of costly com- explained how Parker Aerospace created a virtual worksta-
munications mistakes by ensuring that the change that is made to tion cluster to speed its simulation jobs. DE also produced
the product exactly matches what the reviewers approved. a white paper on workstation cluster computing, which
was sponsored by Intel and HP. It can be downloaded for
Validating the CAD Translation Process free at
Parker provides parts for nearly every airplane in use This month, we focus on how Parker Aerospace man-
today—and many of these airplanes have been flying for ages engineering change orders and show you an example
several decades. As a result, the company’s move to CATIA of how Parker Hannifin’s Engineered Polymer Systems divi-
V5 created the need to translate hundreds of thousands of sion uses non-linear FEA to improve product design. If your
older CAD files to its new CAD standard. The company company would like to be the subject of a “DE On the Case”
found automated translation solutions for each of its CAD story, email us at
programs, but recognized that it would take an enormous
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Looking Ahead
Parker Aerospace has identified
yet another application that it
plans to implement in the future.
The length of time over which
aerospace programs exist means
that they inevitably have to be
moved from release to release
of the CAD package used to de-
velop them.
“We need to be sure that when
The identification of a difference, both highlighted on the model and
we move to a new release that the geometry
in the difference tree.
of our existing programs has not changed,”
would be very small. If the differences are smaller than our Deragisch says. “It would require a huge amount of time to
manufacturing tolerances, then it’s not a problem. If they make this determination manually, but with ECO Manager,
are larger, then we need to correct the translated file.” it is a simple, automated process. We also have a number of
ECO Manager produces a report on each file that can be customers, particularly in the propulsion side of the business,
configured to segregate differences that are larger or smaller that do not use CATIA as their standard. For these customers,
than a specified tolerance level. This feature was particularly we will design parts in CATIA and then translate and deliver
valuable to Parker because the tolerance levels at which the a 3D model in the format of the CAD package used by our
files need to be compared are different for different parts. customer. ECO Manager will be used to demonstrate that the
“We considered doing a manual comparison, but when models are geometrically equivalent and will save time by au-
we estimated the time required to compare the files for tomating this comparison.”
just one of our smaller divisions, it turned out to be a 27 Deragisch estimates that ECO Manager has saved “hun-
‘person-year’ effort,” Deragisch says. “We looked at sev- dreds of years of effort” through its ability to accurately and
eral tools that created a point cloud on the surface of the completely compare CAD files and catalog the differences.
source file, and compared them to a similar point cloud “We have achieved substantial time savings in the ECO
created on the surface of the target file. The problem process by highlighting the differences between the exist-
with these tools is that they only compared a sampling of ing product definition and the proposed changes, while
points, so there was no way to be certain that the tool had ensuring that nothing else has been accidentally changed,”
found all of the differences between the two files.” he concludes. “In addition, this new approach provides an
The Parker team configured ECO Manager to automati- independent validation of the translation process, which
cally compare a large number of source and target CAD files. helps to ensure the accuracy of our critical product defini-
For each comparison, the team set a first tolerance level that tion files.” DE
is small enough to definitely be within manufacturing toler-
ances and does not require modification. A second, higher James Gordon is vice president of Development for the ECO
tolerance level was defined so that differences above the first Manager product line at Kubotek USA. Prior to his work at
level but below the second level may be checked manually to Kubotek, he was vice president of Development and Chief Ar-
see whether changes are needed. Finally, a third, even higher chitect of ACIS, a product of DS Spatial Corp.
tolerance level was set for differences at or above this level that
definitely require modification of the target file.
After performing the comparison, ECO Manager gen- INFO ➜Kubotek USA:
erates a report that includes a model with all of the differ-
ences between the source and target files highlighted and
➜ Dassault Systèmes:
color-coded. Differences that were highlighted in green did ➜ Parker Aerospace:
not need to be checked. Differences highlighted in yellow For more information on this topic, visit
hen we think about cluster computing, we imag-
ine a rack of blade servers in the computer room, Screen image courtesy of ANSYS
all with multiple processors and cores. Engineers
submit jobs to a queue, and it eventually executes and the cores, disk space, graphics, and I/O—for use as independently
results file is available for review and analysis. running, separate systems. Each individual engineer sets the num-
That’s the traditional view of the cluster, and it’s a great ber of processors, cores, and memory for use in computations
tool for enabling engineers to more fully analyze and simulate employing the cluster, while continuing to work on designs using
design concepts. But here’s another, emerging picture. The the remaining system resources.
cluster is actually the collection of workstations used by de- The result is actually two computers in one box—one being
sign engineers, networked together so that their Intel® Xeon® used by the design engineer to create and refine product designs,
processor cores collectively run the analysis and simulation and one being used as a part of a cluster to run simulations on
software, while these engineers continue to do their design all or parts of those designs. Imagine a workflow when your en-
tasks on the same workstations. In that instance, it’s just like gineers collaborate on a large design, then use their clustered
the larger server cluster in the computer room, except that it’s workstations to run simulations on that design, and to use the
more suited for less complex computations. results to incrementally improve the design.
This cluster doesn’t require a large investment by the en-
terprise. Instead, its costs are only a little more than the price The Software Side
of the workstations themselves. This makes it accessible to just Engineering analysis products such as the ANSYS Mechanical
about any engineering group, no matter what the size. and ANSYS Fluid Dynamics and Multiphysics do their work using
The benefits far outweigh any additional cost. Today, most computations that can be highly parallelized. As a result, ANSYS
engineers have the necessary memory and processing power and other analysis and simulation vendors have released versions
on their desktops. For example, workstation clustering using of their products that will take advantage of multiple Intel Xeon
the HP Z800 Workstation enables engineering groups to con- processors and cores. Engineers can work with their software
tinue doing fast designs, while analyzing those designs in real suppliers to take better advantage of this type of clustering. Better
time without a dedicated server cluster. software, more flexible licensing options, and a good understand-
ing of the relationship between computational analysis and the
Building a Workstation Cluster characteristics of the computing platform will help engineering
The actual cluster is straightforward to build. Starting with the HP groups better deploy these applications to get the most out of
Z800 Workstation, use the second gigabit network adapter on workstation clusters.
the system to configure a private network between the worksta- Clustering HP Z800 Workstations using virtualization to cre-
tions in the cluster. For the cost of the added cabling, gigabit ate dedicated computing resources results in a better overall
switch and server OS, you have the backbone of the cluster. design, achieved through earlier and more frequent engineer-
You can employ the entire network as a cluster, but then the ing analysis. DE
Z800 Workstations can’t be used as individual design systems. In- For more information on an HP
stead, using the Parallels Workstation Extreme virtualization solu- and ANSYS Solutions please
tion, each workstation can be divided into two virtual machines— go to
a software creation that has memory, processors and processor or call 800-888-0261.
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set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not
be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Microsoft, Windows, and Vista are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Intel, the Intel
logo, Xeon, and Xeon Inside are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
on-linear finite element analysis
(FEA) has proven to be an indis- FIGURE 1: The flexible boot installation tool.
pensible tool in the development of
elastomeric molded shapes and seals. FEA
models provide the ability to observe the
behavior of elastomeric parts or seals when
subjected to external forces. These models
can then be used to investigate the validity
of proposed solutions without lengthy, ex-
pensive prototyping and application testing.
Parker Hannifin’s Engineered Polymer
Systems (EPS) division was asked to de-
sign and manufacture a series of flexible
boots from Parker Resilon polyurethane to
protect the sensitive joints of down-hole
drills used in the oil and gas markets. The
purpose of these boots is to protect against
adverse conditions that could result in
seizure, breakage or decrease in torque
transfer. The polyurethane material provides additional
wear-and-tear resistance over traditional rubber boots. FIGURE 2: The original tool
One of the challenges faced by the design engineers design shows how the heel
was how to install the tight-fitting boot onto the joint rolls over just before the boot
for service. To solve this problem, a custom tool was de- loses contact with the fingers.
signed to stretch and install the boot onto the joint (see
Figure 1). The installation tool consists of a fixture with
five pivoting fingers, designed to push against the heel
of the boot and drive it over a tapered, lubricated cone.
Because the fingers are allowed to pivot, contact be-
tween the fingers and the boot’s heel is maintained as
the boot is stretched radially over the cone. A tensioned
rubber band is used to provide inward radial force on
the fingers to keep them close to the cone. Once the
boot reaches the end of the cone, it can be slid into
position over the joint.
The installation tool proved successful with several
boot designs; however, a challenge was encountered dur- ing the fingers to slip off and preventing installation
ing the installation of a particularly small boot with a (see Figure 2). The boot’s thin cross-section was not
thin cross-section. Once it reached a certain point along sufficiently stiff to avoid buckling under the installation
the cone, the boot’s heel would rotate outward—caus- force. Several immediate ideas, such as adding more rub-
High-Performance Physical Modeling and Simulation
models, including multi-domain systems, plant modeling, and control design.
n June, Altair released version 11 of its
flagship suite, HyperWorks—to wide
acclaim. The HyperWorks suite has de-
veloped over the past three releases to be a
veritable one-stop shop for engineers and
analysts looking to develop products in a
predictive environment requiring multiple
solution domains.
HyperWorks has included HyperMesh
(pre-processing), HyperView (post-pro-
cessing), advanced optimization using both
topology and design of experiments (DOE)
algorithms (OptiStruct & HyperStudy), im-
plicit and explicit FEA solvers (RADIOSS)
and multi-body dynamics (MotionSolve). FIGURE 1: The HyperWorks 11 desktop.
With version 11, enterprise collaboration, a conceptual ge-
ometry modeling environment (solidThinking) and compu- engineer needs to solve a mechanism with flexible bodies,
tational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver (AcuSolve) have been HyperWorks debits his HWU pool. When this task is com-
added on top of a list of improvements too numerous to list plete, those units are credited back for use with any other
herein—and well beyond what users of other products would HyperWorks feature. This flexibility removes the need for
expect with a yearly release. an engineer to prioritize the critical attributes of the product
“Altair is so much more than meshing and optimization when planning a software purchase.
these days,” declares Jeff Brennan, long-time finite element On top of this, Altair recognizes that one company can-
analysis (FEA) industry expert and chief marketing officer not provide all the predictive tools an engineer needs. Con-
of Troy, MI-based Altair Engineering Inc. Brennan credits sequently, it has built the HyperWorks Partner Alliance—a
Altair’s commitment to continued growth and customer- network of software partners that accept HWU licensing
focused innovation for his nearly 20 years with the company. within the HyperWorks framework. These partners include,
but aren’t limited to, industry-leading fatigue and plastic
A Revolutionary Business Model mold filling tools.
HyperWorks 11 is, first and foremost, an integrated CAE In HyperWorks, this business model was enhanced with
desktop environment providing access to both Altair’s wide new solver options, AcuSolve CFD and solidThinking con-
product offering and a growing list of partner applications. ceptual modeler, as well as enterprise-level collaboration
In the early releases of HyperWorks, the company imple- tools. Additionally, the number of HWUs required for cer-
mented the HyperWorks Unit (HWU) token-based licens- tain FE solving features were reduced, with increasing re-
ing program. This allows users of the program to purchase ductions as usage increases. The list of HyperWorks Alli-
units instead of specific features, so that all the capabilities ance Partners has also been increased, and will continue to
of HyperWorks are available to them. For example, if an increase going forward.
PCNC 1100
Series 3 features:
■■■■■Precision ground P4
grade ballscrews
■■■■■Provides both
manual & automatic
■■■■■Integrated options
for digitizing, 4th
axis, CNC lathe,
and more
Shown here with optional
stand, LCD monitor, machine
arms, and accessories.
Quite Compatible
Graebert ARES Commander Edition for Macintosh proves to be very AutoCAD-like.
ith its launch last year, Graebert’s ARES Commander
Edition for Macintosh became what the company
calls the first “professional, multi-platform CAD so-
lution for Mac, Windows and Linux,” its release predating the
Mac version of AutoCAD 2011 by several months.
Graebert GmbH has a long history in the CAD industry.
The company has been selling CAD systems since 1983, and
was the first German distributor of AutoCAD. In 1994, Grae-
bert developed its own CAD software, which was marketed as
FelixCAD (later rebranded as PowerCAD). In 2005, the com-
pany replaced its existing CAD engine with an entirely new
kernel, and ARES was born. Graebert’s ARES Commander Edition for Macintosh has
In addition to its own software, Graebert has partnered with a native Mac interface, but its collection of tools will be
Corel, which in April 2011 released CorelCAD for both Win- instantly familiar to anyone who has ever used AutoCAD.
dows and Mac, based on Graebert’s ARES technology. Graebert
is also the company behind Dassault Systèmes’ DraftSight. In fact, ARES Commander Edition is so AutoCAD-like that it’s
While ARES Commander Edition has a native Mac inter- almost frightening. A few commands have different names—
face, its components are quickly familiar to anyone who has ever such as NOTE instead of MTEXT and PATTERN instead of
used AutoCAD. Across the top of the screen is a menu bar with ARRAY—but their button icons make them easily identifiable
pull-downs organized very similar to those in the “classic” Auto- in the ARES interface. In fact, longtime AutoCAD users can
CAD interface (the old interface before the introduction of the still start any ARES command by typing their AutoCAD name
ribbon). When first started, a Tool Matrix palette appears on the or command alias.
left and a Properties palette on the right, with a new drawing Even the command options are nearly identical to Auto-
open in the graphics area. ARES Commander uses AutoCAD’s CAD, and they work much the same way. For example, when
DWG as its native file format, and the software had no prob- drawing circles, you can right-click to display familiar command
lem opening files saved in the AutoCAD 2010 or earlier file options, such as 3Point, 2Point, TTR (tangent, tangent, radius),
formats—all the way back to R12. and TTT (tangent, tangent, tangent).
There’s also a Command Window similar to AutoCAD’s Although there is no equivalent to AutoCAD’s dynamic
command line, located below the graphics area. Users can start input, ARES does include most of AutoCAD’s other drafting
commands by typing, with ARES recognizing most AutoCAD tools, including polar tracking, object snaps (which ARES calls
commands and command aliases. The Command Window also ESnap), and object snap tracking (referred to as ETrack). ARES’
has buttons to toggle drafting aids such as Snap, Grid and Ortho object-snap glyphs are even similar in appearance to those in
modes. Each of these palettes can be floated anywhere on the AutoCAD.
screen or closed entirely. The Tool Matrix can also be mini- One difference in ARES is that commands and controls that
mized and individual toolbars dragged off the Matrix. The Tool have their own individual dialog boxes in AutoCAD—such as
Matrix initially displays four of the 25 available tool palettes. creating text styles and table styles, setting various drafting op-
tions such as snap and grid spacing, and establishing drawing
Instantly Familiar settings such as units and coordinate systems—are all controlled
Like in AutoCAD itself, each drawing occupies its own win- from a single Options dialog.
dow, with three tabs across the bottom to switch from model But ARES’ workflow is very much like that of AutoCAD.
space to one of two initial paper space layouts. You can right- You can right-click to display shortcut menus, zoom using the
click on these to add rename, copy or delete layout tabs, and roller-wheel on a mouse, pan by pressing the roller-wheel, and
these tabs can be hidden and displayed just like in AutoCAD. orbit in 3D by pressing the shift-key and roller-wheel simul-
Limited 3D
ARES Commander Edition for Macintosh incorpo-
rates ACIS-based solids, so you can create primitives
such as boxes, wedges, cylinders and spheres. There
are also tools to create some mesh objects, such as
ruled, revolved and tabulated meshes, but ARES lacks
AutoCAD’s tools for creating mesh primitives—and
the program has no surface-modeling capabilities. ARES’ VoiceNotes allows users to embed audio
Working in 3D space in ARES Commander is also not nearly recordings into drawings.
as refined as in AutoCAD. While ARES has tools for perform-
ing Boolean operations such as Union, Subtract and Intersect, ing from ARES Commander Edition. For example, there’s
and for manipulating objects using tools like 3D mirror, slice and no support for sheet sets, fields, dynamic blocks, data extrac-
thicken, ARES lacks AutoCAD’s dynamic UCS. To work in 3D tion, parametrics or data linking. Also missing are tools not
space, you’ll need to manually reposition the user coordinate sys- included in the first Mac release of AutoCAD itself, such as
tem (called the CCS in ARES). That also means that ARES lacks the Action Recorder, Batch Standards Checker and eTransmit.
AutoCAD’s wonderful PressPull capability. And while ARES For the most part, ARES Commander Edition for Ma-
shows grips at various points on 3D objects, they only enable you cintosh shows a lot of promise. It’s a very serviceable CAD
to move the object. You can’t enlarge a 3D box, for example, by program with very good AutoCAD compatibility—and some
grip editing—and there’s no way to edit subobjects. interesting capabilities. With a price several hundred dollars
In fact, once you’ve created 3D objects, there appear to below that of AutoCAD LT (which lacks AutoLISP), ARES
be very few ways to modify those objects. For example, after could do quite well as a 2D alternative to AutoCAD. But its
creating a solid box, when you select the box, only its general 3D capabilities are lacking. That, and numerous other short-
properties appear in the Properties palette. You cannot adjust its comings, currently places it well behind AutoCAD in most
length, width or height, and although you can scale the entire areas. Still, considering that ARES Commander Edition is also
box, you cannot stretch it in a single direction. available for Windows and Linux, Graebert has done a very
good job in this first release. It will be interesting to see what
Mostly Compatible the company has in store in future versions. DE
ARES does provide surprisingly good support for AutoLISP,
scripts and C++, and we had no problem loading and running David Cohn is the technical publishing manager at 4D Technologies.
numerous AutoLISP programs. ARES also provides interface He also does consulting and technical writing from his home in Bell-
customization similar to that of AutoCAD. It also supports ingham, WA. He’s a contributing editor to Desktop Engineering
user profiles. The software uses the same hatch patterns, line- and the author of more than a dozen books. Contact him via email at
types and SHX text files as AutoCAD, so users should have no or visit his website at
compatibility issues exchanging drawing files.
ARES also incorporates an interesting capability not
found in AutoCAD: Users can insert audio recordings (called INFO ➜ Graebert GmbH:
VoiceNotes) into a drawing. These recordings are embed- Graebert ARES Commander Edition for the Mac
ded into the drawing and can be played back later. While Price: $7,95
AutoCAD indicates that DWG files saved using ARES were
created in software not developed or licensed by Autodesk, System Requirements:
AutoCAD had no problem opening drawings we created or • Operating System: Mac OS X v10.5.8 (Leopard)
edited in ARES. VoiceNotes appeared as block references or v10.6.x (Snow Leopard)
with attributes, although of course AutoCAD could not play • CPU: Intel processor
the embedded recordings. But after resaving those drawings • Memory: 1GB RAM (2GB recommended)
in AutoCAD, those VoiceNotes played just fine again when • Disk space: 2GB free disk space for installation
we opened them in ARES. • Video: 1024x768 display (1280x800 recommended)
Of course, there are a number of AutoCAD features miss- For more information on this topic, visit
he invasion began with a few inconspicuous units,
dropped behind enemy lines. At the PTC World
Event in Orlando (June 6-9, 2010), a journalist took
notes on Apple’s latest tablet while Jim Heppelmann, PTC’s
CEO-elect at the time, talked about Project Lightning, a
codename for the company’s upcoming product launch.
A few weeks later, at Siemens PLM Connection in Dallas
(June 27-29, 2010), an analyst sheepishly tried to hide his
iPad as he shook hands with a Microsoft executive. The
gentleman from Windows reciprocated the analyst’s profes-
sional courtesy by pretending not to notice the Apple device.
In October, when PTC finally revealed its new product
family, Creo 1.0, it became clear the company was borrow-
ing a page from Apple’s playbook. In fact, Brian Shepherd,
PTC’s executive vice president of product development,
borrowed Apple’s marketing slogan—“There’s an app for
that!”—to explain PTC’s strategy to break up an all-in- Autodesk Inventor Publisher Mobile Viewer lets you view
clusive CAD-PLM package into a series of app-like modules. interactive 3D assembly instructions on mobile devices.
Around the same time, PTC’s rival Dassault Systèmes revealed
3DVIA Mobile for the iPad and iPhone, a mobile app for view-
ing 3D models. Aspiring engineers and designers have become too accus-
By the time Autodesk University came around in December tomed to their Wi-Fi-enabled freedom.
2010, some keynote speakers were openly flaunting the iPad— Design, engineering and manufacturing have long been
never mind that they were speaking to an audience made up decentralized. Global supply chains, offshore operations and
primarily of Windows-based AutoCAD users. Longtime PC transatlantic collaboration no longer raise eyebrows. From GM
devotee Autodesk eventually paid homage to Apple and mobile and Ford to Procter & Gamble, industry titans and small busi-
devices by releasing a series of apps that target the iPhone, iPad nesses alike have accepted them as standard practices. Yet, many
and Android devices: AutoCAD WS Mobile, Autodesk Inven- PLM technologies remain trapped inside servers and desktops.
tor Publisher Mobile Viewer and SketchBook Mobile, to name Perhaps it’s time to mobilize PLM, to get ready for the inevi-
but a few. table arrival of RLM: roaming lifecycle management.
Last spring, as Apple prepared to launch its second-gener-
ation tablet, the iPad 2, PLM (product lifecycle management) The Great Shakeup
software makers were forced to rethink their R&D strate- This June, at PTC’s annual user conference (rebranded as
gies. It became clear to them that traditional client-server PlanetPTC Live), PTC’s Shepherd got one of the most en-
approach—a central data repository, accessible via desktop thusiastic rounds of applause when he shook an iPad—quite
terminals—was no longer sufficient. The old computing para- literally. Shepherd was demonstrating Windchill Mobility, an
digm with firewall restrictions is bound to suffocate many in app that’s not yet in the market. Developed to let users ac-
the new talent pool, who have been told they’re free to roam. cess product data housed in PTC’s Windchill PLM system
Speed Product
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Speed Product Development via Virtual Workstation
1 via
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Speed Pro Speed
volved in a project can view and access the same engineer
nline book merchant Amazon’s Kindle app— change orders, geometry edits and supply chain shuffles—
available for PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry, that’s the difficult part. And that’s what it’ll take to maintain
Windows phones and Android phones—serves a single source of the truth when PLM goes mobile.
as a good model for mobile PLM app developers to follow.
Suppose you have the Kindle reading app installed on Exceptions to the Mobile Rule
your iPhone, iPad, PC and Kindle hardware. You may read In general, PLM tasks that can be performed remotely are also
a title you’ve purchased from the Kindle store on any of those that don’t need a lot of CPU power. They include data
those devices. And if you highlight certain passages using search and retrieval, design review and approval, project status
your iPhone Kindle app, when you launch the same title on query, 3D data viewing and markup, and request for quotes and
another device, you’ll find it has wirelessly synchronized your proposals. But certain design- and engineering-related tasks that
highlights to the device you’re using. Furthermore, based require dedicated workstations and servers may not be suitable
on the furthest location you’ve read to on the previous app, for mobile treatment yet. For a start, a mobile device’s comput-
Kindle will ask whether you’d like to go to that page when ing power is no substitute for a workstation’s horsepower when
you launch the book on another device. it comes to running professional CAD, finite element analysis
PLM vendors advocate “a single source of the truth,” but (FEA) and rendering software packages.
sometimes have a difficult time accommodating the vision Peter Thorne, managing director for consulting and analyst
in their software. It seems Kindle has figured out a way. firm Cambashi, proposes a hypothetical scenario: “Think of
n the past, it’s taken a fair amount of The parametric exchange process Figure 4: Using the tools within Geo-
expertise to go from a point cloud— leverages the specific strengths of magic Studio, the engineer can then
the initial result of a 3D scan of a point cloud processing software and align and constrain elements in the 3D
physical object—to an accurate 3D digi- CAD software. Point cloud processing model in preparation for transfer to the
tal model that is completely editable in a software organizes and processes point MCAD system. The profiles of each
CAD program. But steady progress over cloud data to create CAD models, and extrusion can be individually edited if
the last 10 years, aided by two recent CAD software enables users to further needed, to build even more accuracy
breakthroughs, has created a data free- modify and prepare models for product into the data.
way originating from the point cloud. design and manufacturing. Figure 5: The Fit Connector tools au-
Point cloud processing closes the tomatically trim the surfaces to ensure
loop between the physical and digital How it Works the model is completely watertight.
worlds, providing the physical-digital We can see how the process works with The software then stitches the surfaces
match that cannot be obtained with a this step-by-step illustration. The para- together. At this point, the engineer is
nominal CAD model alone. metric exchange functionality within ready to use Geomagic’s parametric ex-
Until recently, the most tenuous Geomagic Studio reverse engineering change tool.
part of the physical-digital loop was software works directly within many 3D Figures 6 and 7: The engineer selects
making the connection between 3D MCAD systems, including CATIA, Au- the base extrusion and sends it auto-
scan data and parametric 3D CAD todesk Inventor, SolidWorks and Creo matically to the MCAD system.
models. Over the past two or three Elements/Pro (formerly Pro/ENGI- Figure 8: The engineer can switch
years, however, that connection has NEER), to recreate what was 3D scan back to Geomagic Studio and select the
been simplified and streamlined by two data and turn it into CAD data. It also cutting pane for the extrusion, and send
major developments. uses a range of tools to identify standard this to the MCAD system.
One is the ability to capture and re- elements (cylinders, cones, planes, etc.) Figures 9, 10 and 11: These steps can
produce design intent for a physical based on the point cloud data. be carried out step by step or simulta-
object. Design-intent modeling extends In this example, we will illustrate neously in Geomagic Studio’s paramet-
reverse engineering from simply produc- the process of transferring a 3D model ric exchange.
ing an accurate digital copy to extracting from Geomagic Studio into Creo Ele- Figures 12 and 13: Slots in the 3D
the original design intent from a scan of ments/Pro: data are selected and automatically
a physical model. This ability to generate Figure 1: Inside Geomagic Studio, transferred to the MCAD system to
CAD-ready surfaces from scans of physi- there is a Parametric Surfacing module complete the model.
cal objects laid the groundwork for an- in the top toolbar. This recognizes dis- Figure 14: It is now ready as a para-
other development: a technology dubbed crete features in the model that will be metric model for design edits, additions
parametric exchange. recognized in the MCAD software. The and updates.
Parametric exchange completes the software allows the user to combine and
software bridge between point clouds split regions in the model to match the Explore, Customize, Analyze
and CAD. It provides an intelligent engineer’s needs for the CAD model. The closed loop between scan data and
connection with CAD to enable au- Figure 2: Geomagic Studio then au- CAD that parametric exchange provides
tomatic native reconstruction of ge- tomatically classifies the 3D shapes gives product designers and engineers the
ometry. With parametric exchange, into distinct features. The user can also freedom to explore new and endless vari-
parametric surfaces, datums and curves manually classify elements by hand ations of products. Think of thousands of
can be transferred from point cloud (cylinders and extrusions, for example). permutations of classic Nike shoes, in-
processing software to 3D CAD soft- Figure 3: The software then automati- dividualized Mattel toys or personalized
ware without the need for intermediate cally recognizes the edges and creates dis- fuel tanks for Harley-Davidson motorcy-
neutral files such as IGES or STEP. tinct parametric surfaces for each element. cles—even custom-designed prosthetics.
A Focus on Energy
Finite element analysis (FEA) products with the Fatigue module, enabling the
are not always developed and built user to effortlessly conduct a fatigue
to suit a particular industry. However, design of offshore platforms for the oil,
Bentley Systems recently expanded its gas and wind industry. Our Interactive Parvinder Jhita
portfolio of products and companies Fatigue module allows the user to rede-
by acquiring SACS’ suite of applica- sign any joint on the fly, by interactively
tions that had been developed specifi- changing the structural data and fatigue SACS stay highly competitive, because
cally for the offshore energy and engi- parameters—saving many hours of anal- SACS is the most widely used software
neering industry. ysis and design time to reach a solution. for the design of offshore platforms.
To find out more about these prod- There is significant economic ben-
ucts, DE spoke with Parvinder Jhita, DE: What features about your product efit to using this software: SACS is
Bentley Systems product manager, would you say are most appealing to geared toward the analysis and design
SACS product line, based in Kenner, LA: end-users? of offshore platforms. It has specific
PJ: Three key features include built- tools for this purpose and, as a result,
DE: How does the SACS suite work? in standard platform templates that there is substantial return on invest-
PJ: SACS is an integrated finite element enable fast, detailed creation of ment in terms of time-savings and
structural analysis suite of applications jacket and topside structures; front-end reduced cost.
that uniquely provides for the design, dashboard to simplify and effortlessly
fabrication, installation, operations design for the many complex loading DE: In your view, what are the greatest
and maintenance of offshore struc- scenarios; and the ability to seamlessly challenges facing design engineers of
tures. SACS provides comprehensive integrate joint finite element meshes all disciplines today, and how do you
lifecycle applications for the analysis into the overall structural analytical integrate such concern into your prod-
and design of new and existing fixed model for detailed collapse design. uct lines?
offshore structures for the oil, gas and PJ: Design engineers in the infra-
wind energy markets. The comprehen- DE: Do you plan to add to your appli- structure community have a shared
sive lifecycle applications include non- cation and publishing program in the responsibility to improve the lives of
linear analysis for blast, ship impact near future? people around the globe by sustain-
and pushover loads; fatigue life evalua- PJ: Features of upcoming releases will ing the world’s infrastructure. Quickly
tion; and installation loads. be focused on improving productivity developing economies, such as those
and providing safer platform designs. of Brazil, Russia, India and China, are
DE: How does SACS proactively These include enhanced visualization creating unprecedented demands for
address safety issues? of analysis results, additional European energy—as well as for food, developed
PJ: SACS offers an efficient and easy standards, and a new, non-linear col- land, water, materials and infrastruc-
way of performing different types lapse module with enhanced large ture. SACS enables the safe design of
of analysis over the lifecycle of an deflection capability and optimization offshore platforms to meet the rapidly
offshore structure. For example, our of fatigue calculations to dramatically growing demand for oil and gas energy,
Collapse and Dynamic Response mod- reduce analysis times. Our major focus, and will continue to play an increas-
ules, which are closely coupled togeth- however, is to integrate SACS with other ing role in the growing generation of
er, allow the user to quickly analyze Bentley structural and modeling prod- energy from wind farms. DE
and visually simulate the damage to a ucts using Bentley’s integrated struc-
jacket structure from accidental events tural methodology (ISM). Jim Romeo is based in Chesapeake, VA.
in real-time, leading to a safer design. Contact him via
Another good example is our Wave DE: How would you characterize the
Response module, which allows the return on investment for SACS?
determination of dynamic effects on PJ: SACS is available in packages that INFO ➜ Bentley Systems Inc.:
a structure due to cyclic loading from have different low- to high-end capabili-
waves, wind and turbine mechanical ties, depending on the requirements and For more information on this topic,
time/history forces. It is fully coupled scale of the project. Users who acquire visit
Wireless InSite ®
Wireless EM Propagation Software
1 3
1 Lightmap Releases
Plug-in for KeyShot
Lightmap Ltd. (lightmapstore.
other products, includ-
ing Polyspace embedded
software verification prod-
2011. The ProductCenter
Inventor Integrator is an
Autodesk Inventor Certified
mobile broadband-available
location, Teamcenter Mobility
2.0 provides individuals with has announced the ucts. Features of MATLAB, Application and the the ability to capture and con-
launch of the HDR Light R2011b include a Parallel ProductCenter SolidWorks tribute additional knowledge,
Studio Live plug-in for Luxion Computing Toolbox, an Image Integrator is a SolidWorks browse product structures and
( KeyShot. HDR Processing Toolbox, a Global Gold Partner Product. initiate workflow processes.
Light Studio brings a high Optimization Toolbox, and a
dynamic range imaging Statistics Toolbox. Omega Introduces Digital Bunkspeed PRO 2012 has
(HDRI) lighting toolkit directly Temperature Transmitters Integrated NVIDIA iray
to KeyShot users, allowing
them to create custom light-
ing designs for each shot.
2Hexagon Metrology Offers Omega’s ( PRTXB
Agilent Laser Calibration
Hexagon Metrology Inc.
and PRTXAL series are two-
wire transmitters that provide
Bunkspeed (bunkspeed.
com) has introduced the
Bunkspeed PRO Suite 2012.
( has a 4 to 20 mA signal represent- The software features image
NI Upgrades announced the availability ing temperature linearized. processing and camera
Measurement Studio of the entire line of Agilent It features a 316 Stainless manipulation tools, single
National Instruments (ni. ( laser calibra- Steel RTD Probe that captures click “render pass” output for
com) has announced the NI tion parts and accessories in minimum and maximum read- post production, new configu-
Measurement Studio 2010 its online store. The Agilent ings. Selectable units and an ration and model set capabili-
Service Pack software upgrade. Dynamic Calibrator laser auto shutoff time feature are ty for creation of variants, and
The release, which, according calibration system is used to available for battery-powered photometric lights including
to the company, addresses 15 verify machine tool and CMM models (PRTXB and PRTXBL). spot, point and directional.
improvements to Measurement accuracy. The online store
Studio 2010, is an exclusive
update for members of the NI
Standard Service and Volume
exclusively serves and ships
only within the US. 3Siemens PLM Software
Releases New Version of
Teamcenter Mobility
Gstarsoft Launches Portable
CAD Software for Apple iPad
GstarCAD (
License programs. SofTech Releases Siemens PLM Software’s (sie- has launched GstarCAD MC for
ProductCenter PLM 9.2.0 latest release iPad, which includes functions
MathWorks Announces Softech’s ( of its Teamcenter Mobility for viewing, creating, annotat-
Release 2011b of MATLAB ProductCenter 9.2.0 mobile app is intended to ing, and editing drawings. The
and Simulink includes platform support enhance the end user’s ability new software works with OCF
MathWorks’ (mathworks. for: Adobe FrameMaker to participate in the product files, which can be converted
com) new release introduces 10, AutoCAD Electrical lifecycle management (PLM) from DWG and DXF files using
Simulink Code Inspector, 2012, AutoCAD Mechanical process using an Apple iPad. GstarCAD for Windows.
which assists with the 2012, Autodesk Inventor In addition to access to the
review of source code gener- 2012, Oracle AutoVue 20.1, existing product knowledge
ated from Simulink models.
R2011b also updates 82
SofTech CADRA 19, CATIA V5 managed using Teamcenter
R20, NX 7.5, and SolidWorks software from any Wi-Fi or
4 threeRivers 3D Introduces
3D Laser Scanner
threeRivers 3D Inc.
( has launched computing cluster, straight SandForce SF-2280 SSD and assign colors when export-
the LC-2-MACRO. The LC-2- out of the box. It consists of Processor, with native support ing in DWG or DWX formats.
MACRO is designed for 3D eight HP ProLiant SL390 G7 for SATA 6Gb/s (SATA 3), com-
scanning of small parts such
as dental molds, hearing
aid impressions, jewelry and
servers, containing 24 NVIDIA
Tesla M2070 GPUs and 16
CPUs. It is preconfigured with
bined with ONFI synchronous
flash memory. 6 PreSys FE Modeling Now
Available for NISA
ETA Inc. ( has
other highly detailed parts. NVIDIA CUDA 4.0 parallel ZWSOFT Updates ZW3D 2011 announced the availability of its
The LC-2-MACRO has a work- computing software. with Service Pack 1 PreSys finite element modeling
ing volume of 4x3x3-in. and a ZWSOFT ( has environment to NISA (nisasoft-
point spacing of 80um.
Advertising Index /// Publisher does not assume any liability for index errors or omissions.
Each week, Tony Lockwood combs through dozens of new products to bring you the ones he thinks will
help you do your job better, smarter and faster. Here are Lockwood’s most recent musings about the
products that have really grabbed his attention.
➜ Workflow Enhancements
SolidWorks 2012 is intended to make the design experience flow more
naturally, and without disruptions. One such enhancement, Feature Freeze,
helps eliminate unwanted feature rebuilds by locking all features above the
“freeze” bar, speeding up the design of complex models where rebuilding of
specific features isn’t needed. Features can also be unfrozen at any point.