Steel Structures Introduction
Steel Structures Introduction
Steel Structures Introduction
• Cast iron-
iron-very high carbon content >2 percent
(18.century bridges--
1779 Coalbrookdale Bridge)
• Wrought iron-
iron-very low carbon content<0.15 percent
(second half of 18.century-
Eiffel Tower
1850 Britannia Bridge)
• Steel
Steel-- carbon content from 0.15 percent to 1.7 percent
(second half of 19.century-
19.century- Eads Bridge
Bridge and high rise building-
1874 Eads Bridge, St. Louis Missouri)
Cast iron bridges
Southwark Bridge
Span 73 m.
The longest cast iron bridge.
Pont du Caroussel Bridge
Span : 3x48 m
Her biri 48m olan üç açıklıktan
Grandfey Viaduct-
Span : 7x 49m
Wrough iron
Steel bridges
Eads Bridge-
Bridge- St. Louis,
Louis, Missouri
Span : 159 m
Garabit Viaduct
Viaduct--South of France
Span : 165 m
During the construction
42000 ton steel and 4600 workers is used.
Span : 503 m
The first cast iron and steel buildings
St George's Church
Everton, UK (1812-
Bibliotheque Nationale
(1858 68))
Gardener's store
furniture,, Glasgow
The second step in the development of steel construction is
the use of welded joints in the beginning of 20th century
(Rivet –Bolt
Structures must have enough strength, rigidity and
toughness while they are used and at the same time they
should have enough safety to overcome extra possible
loads or loss of elements resistance
resistance.. Provisions must be
made for overload or understrength
Rn iQi
Left side represents the design resistance or strength and
right side represents the factored loads.
Φ: Resistance factor < 1
γ : Load factor >1
The study what constitutes the proper formulation of
structural safety has been continuing during nearly the past
30 years. (Failure occurring in a member, connection or
The structure should be aesthetic and in harmony with the
environment.. Appearance may often be the major factor in
selecting the type of structure
This is to be done in workshop with the help of detailed
shop drawings. Generally, the required holes in a steel
member are drilled at one go. Most of the cuttings are
performed with flame cutting. The other processes like
welding, punching and bending, etc. also are done in
workshop. Finally, the parts are assembled according to
the assembly drawings and they are marked with
separate assembly number.
After fabrication, the marked assemblies are taken to
working site by transport. It is a difficult process
compared to detailing and fabrication. The detailed
drawings should be more comfortable to erection
labours working and safety wise. So while detailing,
the safety standards should be considered and
• Sheet Metal:
Metal: Thickness less than 1/8” and is mostly not
under the scope of a steel fabricator. It is referred as gage
• 100% of the steel used in construction (all products) are recyclable. More
over 80% of these steel have now themselves been produced from
recycled steel. They conserve the planet’s natural sources during
construction by limiting the need for such materials as water and
aggregates. Additionally, steel structures can be partly or completely
dismantled and reused.
4.4 Quality
Structural steel is an industrial product.
Green building brings together a vast array of practices
and techniques to reduce and ultimately eliminate the
impacts of buildings on the environment and human
health. It often emphasizes taking advantage of
renewable resources,
resources, e.g., using sunlight through passive
solar,, active solar,
solar solar, and photovoltaic techniques and using
plants and trees through green roofs,
roofs, rain gardens,
gardens, and
for reduction of rainwater run-
Building materials typically considered to be 'green' include
rapidly renewable plant materials like bamboo
The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) also suggests
using recycled industrial goods.
Reduced energy use
To increase the efficiency of the building envelope,
envelope, (the
barrier between conditioned and unconditioned space), they
may use high-
high-efficiency windows and insulation in walls,
ceilings, and floors. Another strategy, passive solar building
design,, is often implemented in low-
design low-energy homes.
Onsite generation of renewable energy through solar power, power,
wind power,
power, hydro power,
power, or biomass can significantly reduce
the environmental impact of the building.
Reduced waste
During the construction phase, one goal should be to reduce
the amount of material going to landfills
landfills.. Well-
buildings also help reduce the amount of waste generated by
the occupants as well, by providing on-on-site solutions such as
compost bins to reduce matter going to landfills.
Wastewater from sources such as dishwashing or washing
machines, can be used for subsurface irrigation, or if treated,
for non-
non-potable purposes.
The steel industry is an integral part of sustainable society.
Eco--efficient:%100 recyclable Natural recources
•Synergies with other industries Recycled steel
•Responsible use of natural recources Enviromental laws and regulations
Structural steel
Span or
Number of floor
4.9 With other materials
Visible or invisible, steel is paired with many other materials in
It facilitates suitable combinations to enable both materials to be used to
best effect.
4.13 Fatigue
If steel is subjected to a large number of stress reversals or
even to a large number of variations of tensile stress its
strength may be reduced.
Train station
Swimming pool
Leisure center
Shopping center
The design of most structures is controlled by building codes and
Governments establish building codes which are actually laws or
ordinances and vary from country to country. Codes specify
design loads, design stresses, construction type, material quality
and other factors.
IBC: International Building Code; EC: Euro Codes;
EN: Euro Norms; BS: British Standards;
DIN: Germen Norms
Organizations publish recommended practices for regional or
national use and their specifications are not legally enforceable.
AISI: American Iron and Steel Institute
AISC: American Institute of Steel Construction
AASHTO: America Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials
F. Hart, W. Henn,
Henn, H. Sontag,
Sontag, 1978. Multi
Multi--storey Buildings in Steel, Editor of English
Edition:: G. Bernard Godfrey,
Edition Godfrey, Granada
Granada Publishing, London.
Arda, T.S., 1978. Çelik Çatı ve Binalarda Rüzgar Karşıt Düzenleri ve Stabilite Bağları,
Sakarya Devlet Mühendislik-
Mühendislik-Mimarlık Akademisi Yayınları No.3, İstanbul.
Odabaşı,Y., 1983. Endüstri Yapıları ve Hal Konstrüksiyonları”, I. Çelik Yapılar Semineri,
Cilt I, İTÜ İnşaat Fakültesi.
Odabaşı,Y., 1985. Çelik Endüstri Yapıları , II. Çelik Yapılar Semineri,
Semineri, Cilt II, İTÜ İnşaat
Martin L.H., Purkiss J. A., 1992. Structural Design of Steelwork, Edward Arnold,
Hodder&Stoughton, London.
Salmon Charles G., Johnson John E., 1996. Steel Structures, Harper&Row, Publishers,
New York.
Galambos T.V., Lin F. J., Johnston B. G., 1996. Basic Steel Design with LRFD, Prentice-
Inc., NJ.
Spiegel L., Limbrunner G.F., 1997. Applied Structural Steel Design , Prentice Hall, 3rd
Les Carnets De L’Acier, Aout,2003.
Deren H., Uzgider E., Piroğlu F., 2005. Çelik Yapılar, Çağlayan Kitapevi, Beyoğlu-
Beyoğlu -İstanbul.
Coosje van Bruggen, 2005. Frank O. Gehry: Guggenheim Museum Bilbao,The Solomon
Foundation, New York.
Deprem Bölgelerinde Yapılacak Binalar Hakkında Yönetmelik-
Thanks to
Borusan Mannesmann
Türk Yapısal Çelik Derneği
Yapı Endüstri Merkezi