Retnavilasam Gopinathan Nair Jishnu: Kalyan Jewellers India Limited
Retnavilasam Gopinathan Nair Jishnu: Kalyan Jewellers India Limited
Retnavilasam Gopinathan Nair Jishnu: Kalyan Jewellers India Limited
1. National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. 2. BSE Limited
Exchange Plaza Corporate Relationship Dept.
Plot No. C/1, G Block Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street
Bandra –Kurla Complex Mumbai 400 001
Bandra (E), Mumbai 400 051 Maharashtra, India
Maharashtra, India Scrip Code: 543278
Dear Sir/Madam,
Sub: Statement of Deviation or Variation in utilization of funds raised under Initial Public
Offering - Regulation 32 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements
Regulations 2015.
We confirm that there has been no deviation or variation in the utilization of proceeds of
IPO as per the objects stated in the prospectus dated 19th March, 2021.
We also wish to inform that as the IPO proceeds have been fully utilized for the purpose stated
in the Company's prospectus dated 19th March, 2021 and there was no deviation in utilization
of such funds, the filing of statement of deviation(s) or variation(s) under the Regulation 32
SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015 will not be
applicable to the company from here onwards.
Jishnu RG
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
Jishnu RG
Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
Kalyan Jewellers India Limited
Corporate Office -TC-32/204/2, Sitaram Mill Road, Punkunnam, Thrissur, Kerala – 680 002
CIN - L36911KL2009PLC024641
T -0487 2437333 Email –