Kalyan Jewellers India Limited
Kalyan Jewellers India Limited
Kalyan Jewellers India Limited
Dear Sir,
Sub: Compliances Certificate under Reg. 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations, 2018 in terms of
Please find enclosed herewith Certificate issued by Link Intime India Pvt Ltd, Registrar and
Share Transfer Agent (RTA) of the Company confirming the compliance of Regulation 74(5)
of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018 for the third quarter (Q3) ended
31st December, 2021.
Thank you
Jishnu RG
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
ln referen.e to the sbove captioned recutation, we herebycontim that rhe securiies re.eived fr.h
the deposirory pa^ictpanls for demateriatis ion du.ing the quarter ended 3x" De.ember, 202r,
were conrirmed (a..epted/rcjected)ro the deposltortes by us and that securities.omprised in rhe
laid cedrfi.ates have been listed on the 5ro.k exchanges where the eartier i$ued securnrer atu
We riercby aso confih rhat the security cenificates received for demare akation have been
.ontumed/Ejeded and the secuiy cefrrfr.ates received were mutitated and cance ted aiter due
verific ion by the depository pa lcipantandthemmeofthedeposltorieshavebeensuhnftutedin
the resisler ofmembsssthe res stercd ownerwthin 15 days. We request you ro kindlytak. note
olthe above invour r..drds,
Resisb€d OtrB r Gi0l,247 Pad( L.B.S. Mars, Vikhrc i{wesl), irrumbai- 400 033. Phone: +91 22 4913 6000
F5t I +912249136060 E-mail: mumbai@l nkinrmo @.in Websire :M.rinkinima.co.in c N:U67190MH1999PTcr13363