4 Dynamometer

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Experiment No:

➢ Dynamometer :

A dynamometer is brake but In addition it has a device to

measure the frictional resistance knowing the Frictional
resistance, we may obtain the torque transmitted and hence,
the power of the engine.

➢ Types of dynamometer:

Following are two types of dynamometers used for measuring

the brake power of an engine.
1. Absorption dynamometer

2. Transmission dynamometer

➢ Prony brake dynamometer:

A Simplest Form of an absorption type dynamometer is

Prony brake dynamometer as shown In fig It Consists of two
Wooden blocks placed around a pulley fixed to the shaft of an
engine whose power is required to measure. The blocks are
clamped by means of two bolts & nuts, as shown in fig. a
helical spring is provided between the nuts & Upper block has a
long lever attached to it and carries a weight. It is attached to It
openers end. A Counter weight is placed at the other end of the
lever which balanced the brake when unloaded. Two Stops S,
S are provided to limit the motion of the lever.
When brake Ps to be put in operation, the long end of
the lever is loaded with suitable weights w and the nuts are
tightened until the engine shaft run at a Constant speed & the
lever at is in horizontal position under these condition, the
movement due to weight W must balance the movement of the
frictional resistance between the block & the pulley.
W = Weight at the outer end lever in Newton.
L = Horizontal distance of the weight from the pulley in M.
R = Radius of pulley in M.
F = Frictional resistance between the blocks of the pulley in
N = Speed of the shaft in RPM we know that the moment of
the frictional resistance of torque on the shaft.
T = W.L = F.R – M
Work done in one revolution = Torque * Angle turned in radius
= T * 2π N.m.
Work done per minute = 2 * 2πN N.m

Prony Brake Dynamometer

We know that brake power of the engine
B.P = Workdone per min / 60
T * 2 πN / 60 = NL * 2 πN / 60 w
Brake power of the engine
BP = Workdone per minute / 60
(w-s) π(D+d) / 60 Watt.
If the diameter of the rope (d) is neglected, then B.P of the
B.P = (W-S) πDN / 60 Watts.

Rope Brake Dynamometer

➢ Epicyclic train dynamometer:

An epicyclic train dynamometer as shown In fig. Consist of a

simple epicyclic train of gears l.e. a spus gear is keyed to the
engine Shaft Cie. driving shaft (t) rotates In clockwise direction .
The pinion of the intermediate gear meshes with both Spur and
annular gears, the pinion revolves freely on lever which is
Pivoted to the Common axis of the driving & driven Shaft, a
Weight W is placed at the smaller end of lever In order to keep
position. A little consider at will show that If the Friction of the
pin on which the pinion rotates is neglected, then the pinion &
the tangential reaction of the annular of the annular gear on the
Pinion equal.
Since these efforts act in the upward direction as shown,
therefore total upward force on the lever acting through the axis
of the Pinion is 2p. This force tends to rotate the lever about Its
Fulcrum & It is the balanced by a deal weight W at the end of
lever, The stops S.S are provided to Control the movement Of
the lever.

For equilibrium of the lever taking moment about the Fulcrum

2 * a = W.L Or P = W. L / 2a

Let. R= pitch circle radius of the Spur gear In meter

N = speed of the engine shaft In RPM Torque transmitted.
T = P.R

= T * 2 πn / 60 = P.R * 2 πn / 60 Watts.
➢ Belt type transmission dynamometer – Froude theory
Croft type dynamometer :

When the belt is transmitting power from one Pulley to

another the tangential effort on to the the driven pulley is equal
difference between the tension in the tight & slack sides of the
belt. A belt dynamometer is introduced to measure directly the
difference between h the tensions of the belt, while It is running.
A belt transmission dynamometer, as shown In Fig is
Called a Froude of throney craft transmission dynamometer It
Consist of a valley a(Called driving pulley) which is rigidly fixed
to the Shaft of an engine whose Power is required to be
measured there is another pulley B( called driven pulley)
mounted on another shaft to which the power from pulley A is
transmitted. The pulleys condition D which are mounted on a T-
Shaped frame. The frame is pivoted at E and Its movement is
controlled by two stops S. S sincθ the tension In the tight side
of the belt (T1) is greater than the total force acting on the
pulley D (I.e. 212) It is thus obvious on the frame causes
movement about E In anticlockwise direction. In order to
balance It. a weight W is applied at a distance L from E on the
frame as Shown In Fig.
Now taking moments about the Pivot E, neglecting Friction
2T1 * a = 2 2T * a * W.L OR T1 – T2 = WL / 2A
D = diameter of the pulley A in m
N= Speed of the engine shaft In rpm
work done in one revolution = ( T1 – T2 ) Πd N.m and
workdone per minute = ( T1 – T2 ) πDN N.m
Brake power of the engine BP = ( T1 – T2 ) / 60 πDN
Epicyclic Train Dynamometer

➢ Torsion Dynamometer:
Torsion dynamometers is used for measuring large power
particularly the power transmitted along the propeller shaft of a
turbine or motor vessels. A little consideration will show that
when the power is being transmitted then the driving end of the
shaft twist through a small angle relative to the driven end of
the shaft. The amount of twist depends upon many factors such
as the shaft (D) and modules of rigidity (G) of the material of
the shaft we know that the torsion equation is
T/J = Gθ/L
θ = Angle of twist in radian and
J = Polar moment of inertia of the shaft For a solid shaft of
diameter 0,the polar moment of inertia.
J = π / 32 * D4
And for hollow shaft of external diameter’ D and internal
diameter’ d the polar moment of inertia.
J = π / 32 (D4 – d4)
From the above torsion equation.
T = G.J / L * θ = k.θ
Where K=G.J/L is a constant for a particular shaft thus, the
torque acting on the shaft is proportional to the angle of twist.
The mean that it the angle is measured by some means, then
the torque and hence the power transmitted may be determined
P = T*2πN / 60 watts
Where, N is the speed in RPM.
A number of dynamometer are used to measure the angle of
twist, one of the which is discussed in art. Since the angle of
twist is measured for small length of the shaft, therefore some
magnifying device must be introduced in the dynamometer for
accurate measurement.

Froude theory Croft type dynamometer

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