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IVs Dances of the Philippine Islands Sostume illustrationResgatones arenes ON Aubin K, Demonteverde Pesons : Jielyne HH. Demonteverde: 1995 tational Folk Oance Works: Dance Fi Meaning Dance Culture Place of Origin Ethnolinguistic Group Classification Caddie City, Megas Occidental Vesayan Occupational dance ‘Basharound / Content: Thacvonaily: the Regaiones (rawenng fish venders), togetier with wornen fish buyers (a acetos) used to wart for the amvval_ot fishermen in the fang and bountiful shorshine in the town of Cade, now Cade City, Negros Occidental, They hurriedly run towards the banca to select and purchase the fisn they ome tesell The “tegatones” seil the fish wath the aid of two “parak” (a shallow rounded basket made of barnboa) atlacned to DOM ens ct long flat strip (tywang-tunwangan) balanced an the shoulder Until taday, thes ac S09 a practoe in suburban area of Cagu. Wiig waving for the fishermen to. arrive, the “/egatones” and women fish buyers tease each other Dy doing “tLavangan® and tricks in maneuvering thei “iuwang-tuwangan” with the “paraka” that evertusey eveoped into a fork dance. ay Dance Properties: Costume : Esmate: Bero't Saya or long batntawak with butter tly skeeves ang taps Pale: ‘Camisa de Cning and colored pants, neckerchief and Buri Nae Equipment: ‘Two paraka (8 shallow rounded Basket made of bamboo) attached to. ‘both ends in the tuivang-tuwariian (a Jang fot stnp of bamboo) 34 2/4Composed af three parts A Band ¢ Ore. twa, three to.a measure In 5/@ time signature: Ore. twa oF Gne, two, and ta measure in 274 time signature Formation: Portners stand side by side, Girl at the ngnt side of the Boy when peng audience.a Execute sisteen running steps forward ta proper places Boys carrying tlawang: tuwangan with paraka on the A shoulder held by the Mihand, | aren swinging freety at the side Gs go with the Boys, swavang taps right ane! left alternately, hands holding skit. Boll shout together “Tsal Labyast Fito!” ay ) SAWWDO Partners face audience Ga at the right side of the Boy with | hand placed on tie ‘Shoulder of the Boy, R hand holding shirt. (9) Girl: Take three steps tum teft (L.R.L) passing to partner's & shoulder passing in front ‘of and under the parata. (©) Face partner and step F foot forward and tenn forward pointing & foot in ear sth the knee straight and hold the paraka with both mands and togk at partner. (2) Boy: Fause Music A Partners face audience. Girt: Toke sixteen wolte steps siceward, R and | allemately doing the tuwang-tuwangen arm moverent fam n fk poston fst handchoed, move Mad Lem up enc down alternately as if balancing the tuwang-tuwangan)... 2... Boy: tioid :wwang-tuwangen with both hard in tront at chest kevel (2) Starung wih the R foot. take eight waite steps sideward, R and L alternately. Move hands up and down alternately, balancing the tuwang-tuwargan, (0) Tanster euwang-tuwangan aver R shoulder and hold it with che R hand, arm coun at Side. Staring wit the F foot, taive sm walking steps absquely forward right 3) Repeat (b) moving backward to proper place. ee (Q Repeat (>) mowng obliquely forward let sores (2) Repeat (c). teres Boy and Gir Repeat (b) of Git and Boy in Sauda ve Music B. Poriners tace audience. irk fa) String with the R foot, take su nabanera steps maving clockwise in place, hans holding shut, swaying hips ngnt.and lelt alternately (fo) Sep F font obtquely forward aght and Jenn foewaed, ‘foot ponte i ear an ac at inside of paraha (Q)_Fraester weight on fot in rear, lean backward and loch at partner {0} Tas exgnt nabarera steps moving around clockuise finishing betund the: Boy... Boy: fa) Take Sot nabanera steps mowing clockwise In place gE Rana netng he “ung tuangoe” on the right shouldes, let hand dawa at side (0) Repeat movement of Glin {B) But 'ook forward fc) Repeat moversant of Gt in (¢) ad lOO back at partner : (G) Take two habonere Steps moving around clockuase with the following hand mavement Regetonce 16M ay 2m an 2M 2m tM 6H iM in an om In in x att osoe eo o rr) @ a or © ‘o re ees OF the Phitipine: Islands se “Ravan iuangan’ yO) the nght hang overNead (14), transfer ‘twang: I the se han ledt shoulder bendong bce ent 2 jatodian” dam on the Poor at the eght see en sa (8) wan reverse ha Reseat (2) and (a) puttng the Ost mensvte Sioa nghtobsauey forward ng ret haan for eord pow elk foot sv rear wn ene StgM, Nod tMe “Pavan” Wut nght Mana, lfk MIA Om west i aL Boy: Execute the mwangzumangen mavement st ine as. Leap on felt across the “Rauang-fusangan” feng night about (et 1). step oght foo ‘DRE8 9 place and face Moat (eI Z}. take four move Steps m place (ets $22 3) (et, ght eh nghe as Repeat (3) tka times mote aH ‘Maan on eft acres the “tusang-tuwargon” (et 1), tahe four more steas 7 blsce (right eft gt Nett (C35., omuse (Cz 3} Ths bene the Boy 9 at Ene ngm: se of tuwang buwengan 2m ‘Repeat (8 -<} rang wih she F lost ecrana the hwargeuwences “ase tue ster ‘packard on the lest three courts 3M Repeat (a) of Sets movement a4 ‘Regest(p) of Grr's movement (640) Take tree steps torwars to stay ot Ing wth tne ‘Qe (1), pick up sumang-tuwengar and piace 0A the F shoulce (1) By Gir, Font A feoremiquey forward nght are sagnty bend nae Cia hands on eourss Sof every measure Pr Reverse posioon af feet, ong eneqve'y forwrg mgr Reneat caopeg = jah Fy Repeat mevements of Boys fn (8 ism Boy: 8) Starungy wath zne gh foot sake four wamung stens forward (et pause (C2, 3) shout “sca! Lab-astiste!™ Face ght Hep M fost siewsie / gM (CLI), side L tose to (cts 2.3) Repeat (b} tee bmes more : aetute a moderate wet turn Nght to frigh in cngnal pisces Resest (9 +d) starong wth the L fost Face ttt. (3h ert ‘Suartng unin the Fi fost, eneeute Sx wathng steps, ie Sbiquely forward “ight. nanas Seats Step A fsot idewa (Ct 1). Desh t ot forward (ets = tose the away DANCE steps i 9 epost ah and) eve ore an Repeat) Seng with the R102 movng pachnatd ta finan werd tne Boy antusic €, () () () () ©) 0 @ ) ® 0 w o to) © © ©) i) Music 8. Music C. O) (0) © Boy: Pacing front, 1 hand holding tawang duwangan, L hand qets bua hat et dowry in crons sitting poration He on back and straighten legs, put down hat on floor Raise both teqs upwiatd, sake facincy upp Pace both hands down al sides. Move legs and feet balancing and turing twang: tuwangan clockwe Vd on fet siee 14 put teware-tuwarnan on top of both teet franster twang tuwangan to oo! (24), and tung tes to onal poste (2%) Repeat (e) turning tuwang-tuwanan counterclockwise: Repeat (9 transternn tawang tuwanigan to | foot Bend both knees 50 that thighs are touching bey Straighten knees 90 that bath keas ene raed wpanaed Sot navong tewangan wath F hand, qet but hat wlth L hand ard stand up Girt: Stand at the left side of Bay Lacing him Toke two walte steps sideword, Rand L alternately clapping hands on counts 2,3 of every measure Execute 9 maderate waltz Luin ObMqUely Torun right, ands holding sent. Fresh betune the Boy, Repeat (2) and (b) three times more moving counterclockwise Ina dlamond figure ‘rund the Boy Face front and enecute faur huradang steps, Rand L alternately Hands holding shirt Repeat (¢) facing partner Repeat (0) of Saiudo Repeat Figure 1 a Put tuwang-tuwangan down an floor between Boy and Git, vi pris face audience, Boys face away from the audience, Seater 27 mange oman gyren een Repeat (a). ot am am am am 2" 126 an an iy 16m 3m 8m 2m
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