Running Head: Writing Research Papers 1: Based On The Sixth Ed. of The Publication Manual of The American Psychological
Running Head: Writing Research Papers 1: Based On The Sixth Ed. of The Publication Manual of The American Psychological
Running Head: Writing Research Papers 1: Based On The Sixth Ed. of The Publication Manual of The American Psychological
Institutional affiliation
This paper is a guide to writing a general paper in according to the Publication Manual
Type the
abstract in of the American Psychological Association. The guide instructs a user on how to format
block format,
one paragraph, a paper in APA style, illustrating structure, style and content, as well as presenting detailed
no indentations
and double
examples of references cited, including print examples of books, magazine articles and
reference works. Additional examples are provided for electronic versions of the above.
1 inch
Running head on every page margin
general guide only, and as always, your instructor has the final word on the format and
The heading
style style required for the assigned paper.
by APA consists Level 1 Heading Method
of 5 possible
arrangements. A research paper presents the results of your investigations on a selected topic.
Check with your
instructor and/or Based on your own thoughts and the facts and ideas you have gathered from a variety of
the APA Manual 2 spaces after a
section 3.02 for sources, a research paper is a creation that is uniquely yours. The experience of punctuation mark
further guidance helps the reader.
regarding gathering, interpreting, and documenting information, developing and organizing ideas
and conclusions, and communicating them clearly will prove to be an important and
recommended format that is clear and concise and that has been approved by your
teacher. This guide may suffice for most students' needs for most academic purposes, but
for advanced research projects it is by no means a substitute for the Publication Manual
1 inch
of the American Psychological Association Sixth Edition (2010). That handbook can be
purchased in most bookstores and copies should be available in every college and
municipal library. This guide and a guide similar to this one, but based on the MLA fewer than
40 words are
style, are available online. “Your best source of advice on all these matters is, of course, incorporated
into the text
using quote
your instructor and your library professionals” (Darling, 2008, p. 98). marks. Cite
the specific
Once your topic has been approved, gather information from authoritative sources: page of the
pertinent books, encyclopedias, and articles in magazines, journals, and newspapers.
Librarians will be happy to show you how to use the various research tools
If a quotation is
40 or more
within the library and may suggest other sources of information. Important new resources
words, start a
new line, using
a block are now available to you through electronic services which provide many learning and
indent as if a reference tools as well as access to the Internet, where you can often discover an
new paragraph,
double space, abundance of information. Depending on the resources available and the length
and do not use
quotation of your assignment, you may find it necessary to widen or restrict the scope of your
topic (Darling, 2008, pp. 96-97).
If you are instructed by your professor
Level 1 Heading Discussion to use headings, refer to section 3.02
of the Publication Manual of the APA.
Using someone else's ideas or phrasing and representing those ideas as your own,
and paragraphs to sentences, and, indeed, phrases but it also includes statistics, lab
results, art work, etc. Someone else can mean a professional source, such as a published
Citing references in text
Options 1, 2, and 3 are all acceptable
formats for pointing to the source listed
on the reference page.
such as material you discover on the Internet; another student at your school or
anywhere else; or a paper-writing service which offers to sell written papers for a fee.
Option #1 Newton (2011) found that he penalty for plagiarism is usually determined by the instructor
teaching the course; in many schools and colleges, it could involve failure for the paper and
it could mean failure for the entire course and even expulsion from school. At the very
least, however, students who plagiarize have cheated themselves out of the experience of
being responsible members of the academic community and have cheated their classmates
Option #2
by pretending to contribute something original which is, in fact, a cheap copy (Newton,
Summary and Concluding Discussion (Newton, 2011, Chapter 3)
(Newton, 2011, p. 11)
One-inch margins at the top, bottom, right and left sides are now required by APA.
Double spacing is required throughout the paper. In 2011 Newton stated that if you wish to
Option #3
use single spacing for quotations of verse and drama because it more nearly approximates
what the poet would want, you must consult with your instructor before doing so.
Each page is numbered consecutively including title page and reference page. Type the
numbers in the upper right-hand corner using Arabic numerals. Arrange the manuscript as
follows: title page, abstract, body of the paper, and reference page. A short title is used
communication, throughout the paper. R. Newton (personal communication, July 20, 2012) states that the
option #1
short title is a two or three word derivation of the title of the paper. If the title of your paper
were Understanding Patterns of Byzantine Intrigue, the short title could be Byzantine
Capitalize only across peer groups. Journal of Communication, 73, (2) 675-692.
the first word of
a journal article doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6494.2005.00325
title and subtitle.
Do not italicize. Online journal
South, S.,Oltmanns, T., & Turkheimer, E. (2009). Interpersonal communication
article from a
database with
across peer groups. Journal of Communication, 73, (2) 675-692. Retrieved no DOI. (Same
article as above
from when no DOI
is provided).
Wheatcroft, G. (2008, June). The challenge of education. The Atlantic, 293(3), 56–72.
Print journal article. Full title
The reference page provides the italicized in upper and lowercase
information necessary for a reader to locate letters. Italicize the volume
and retrieve any source you cite. Each number but not the issue and
source you cite in the paper must appear in page numbers.
your reference list.