BFPL4109 W22 Course Information Final
BFPL4109 W22 Course Information Final
BFPL4109 W22 Course Information Final
The learning outcomes for this course are the same as those listed in the approved
course outline available on Blackboard.
The textbooks for this course are the same as those listed in the approved course
outline available on Blackboard.
Students will receive feedback and/or results of all tests and assignments within
two weeks of the due date except in unusual circumstances.
For information on withdrawing from this course without academic penalty, please
refer to the following for important academic dates:
9 Stage 7: Real World Text: Stage Smartbook Ch 3%
3/7 Financing Your Entrepreneur 7 / Slides 6
Business and Training Due 3/13
The policies for this course are the same as those listed in the approved course
outline available on Blackboard.