This document contains information about Mahasri Sobahiya including their name and student ID number. It also includes two sections - a comment from a previous interview and a mini essay.
[1] The comment discusses English language education in Indonesia, noting that while each region has its own language, Indonesian is used nationally. It also discusses challenges teachers face teaching English online during the pandemic.
[2] The mini essay outlines the type of English teacher Mahasri wants to be in the future, including studying the curriculum, using engaging teaching methods, providing motivation to students, and tutoring outside of class hours to build a friendly relationship with students.
This document contains information about Mahasri Sobahiya including their name and student ID number. It also includes two sections - a comment from a previous interview and a mini essay.
[1] The comment discusses English language education in Indonesia, noting that while each region has its own language, Indonesian is used nationally. It also discusses challenges teachers face teaching English online during the pandemic.
[2] The mini essay outlines the type of English teacher Mahasri wants to be in the future, including studying the curriculum, using engaging teaching methods, providing motivation to students, and tutoring outside of class hours to build a friendly relationship with students.
This document contains information about Mahasri Sobahiya including their name and student ID number. It also includes two sections - a comment from a previous interview and a mini essay.
[1] The comment discusses English language education in Indonesia, noting that while each region has its own language, Indonesian is used nationally. It also discusses challenges teachers face teaching English online during the pandemic.
[2] The mini essay outlines the type of English teacher Mahasri wants to be in the future, including studying the curriculum, using engaging teaching methods, providing motivation to students, and tutoring outside of class hours to build a friendly relationship with students.
This document contains information about Mahasri Sobahiya including their name and student ID number. It also includes two sections - a comment from a previous interview and a mini essay.
[1] The comment discusses English language education in Indonesia, noting that while each region has its own language, Indonesian is used nationally. It also discusses challenges teachers face teaching English online during the pandemic.
[2] The mini essay outlines the type of English teacher Mahasri wants to be in the future, including studying the curriculum, using engaging teaching methods, providing motivation to students, and tutoring outside of class hours to build a friendly relationship with students.
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Name : Mahasri Sobahiya
Nim : 183221062
////////////////////////////////////////////// Class : 5L/TEYL
Language is a means of communication in the form of spoken and written. In Indonesia there are various types of languages used in each region. However, the unified language still uses Indonesian to facilitate communication. Because they have their own language in each region, of course not many Indonesians know about foreign languages such as English. In Indonesia, English is used as a foreign language which is applied to countries that do not use English in everyday life and is used in certain circumstances. Some people who know about English are currently attending educational institutions both formal and informal. In general, children are introduced to English when they are in grade 3 elementary school even though they are in university. I took an example from an interview I made yesterday with a teacher (grade 5 elementary school), namely when they were still in elementary school, children tended to be difficult to take seriously in terms of learning even though there were children who might still be easy to learn with. Moreover, during a pandemic like this, teachers have a little difficulty teaching English. When the lesson is in progress, the teacher has provided a learning video through the group wa, on the other hand, the teacher knows about "do they really understand what I have said?". There must be a lot of teachers thinking of that. Even though, they have been given the opportunity to ask questions, most children will definitely choose to remain silent because there may be some who are afraid to ask questions and some do not know what to ask because they do not understand what they are learning. Indeed, learning will not run smoothly according to what is thought. But at least as teachers we must be patient and always look for other alternatives about what the teacher tells students that can be implemented properly. 2. MINI ESSAY WHAT KIND OF ENGLISH TEACHER THAT I WANT TO BE IN THE FUTURE? Teachers are educators who do not recognize merits. Being a teacher is an honor in the world of education. Teachers are required to be able to do everything, not only in providing learning materials. therefore I have aspirations to become an English teacher in the future. So, what should I do and what will become an English teacher in the future ?. Being a teacher is not as easy as turning your hand. To become an English teacher at least I have to go through the lecture process for approximately 4 years (S1). From the first semester to the fourth semester I entered the English language education program and seemed quite happy to follow each subject. Even though sometimes there are some other courses that make me confused but they are still under control. Starting in semester 5, I had to choose my skills, namely guiding, translating, and teaching. Without a doubt, my choice was to choose teaching because it was one step closer to achieving my dream of becoming an English teacher. If it is true that I can become an English teacher in the future, the first thing I will do is study and understand the curriculum that I will get later in the school where I live. Second, I have to choose the right method in teaching and learning activities so that the students enjoy taking my English class. Third, provide life motivation for students to always be enthusiastic and cheerful about life even though life's storms hit. Fourth, outside of class hours I will open tutoring so that students can more freely express their curiosity about English because school hours are limited by time and there are many other activities that I cannot possibly include here. Furthermore, I really want to be an English teacher who is relaxed and friendly in the eyes of my students but still gets a serious impression in teaching and learning activities. So every time the lesson took place I slipped in some light jokes so that the class atmosphere was more conducive and less tense. I will put myself as a friend and parent in the eyes of the students but without losing my honor to be a teacher so that the students are not afraid and more relaxed to ask questions and discuss directly with me later. That's all I can say about some of the things that will be done and what kind of English teacher I will be in the future. It might look quite common in the eyes of some people but that's what I want in the future. The message to my students is that hopefully you can work with me to build Indonesian education to be even better in the eyes of the world. We have to prove that education in Indonesia is no less cool than education in other countries. We start with the smallest things, namely always listening to teachers and respecting teachers at school and outside of school. Not only liking and listening to English lessons, but lessons such as history, science, mathematics and others we must learn with joy.