Book List May
Book List May
Book List May
May 2011
1 Autobiography & Biography 1
3 Ditto 2
4 Miscellaneous 1
5 British History
7 Fascism & Nazi Germany; Soviet Union and East Europe
8 The Americas; Miscellaneous 2
9 Miscellaneous 3
10 British Education, Social & Economic Policy
11 Energy & Utilities;
11 Books & Pamphlets: Crime & Policing
13 Journals & Magazines
17 Government Publications
18 Social Policy and Economic Affairs
21 Labour & Socialist
24 Miscellaneous; Social Policy, Poverty & Welfare
27 History
Colin Cross Philip Snowden Barrie and Rockcliff 1966 Hbk. dj. 5
pages. 22
Edward Crankshaw Khrushchev Remembers Book Club Associates 1971 Hbk. Dh 7
(intro & notes)
De Chungara, Let Me Speak! Testimony of Stage 1. 1978. Pbk. £4 1978 Pbk 4
Domitila Barrios. Domitila, a Woman of the
Bolivian Mines
Fiori, Giuseppe Antonio Gramsci. Life of a New Left Review 1965. Hbk 8
Revolutionary. (SC) Editions. 1965. Hbk. (SC)
Jospeh Freeman An American Testament. A Victor Gollancz 1938 Hbk. (HC) 10
Narrative of Rebels and
Ruth Frow Edmund Frow (Eddie) 1906- Working Class 1999 Hbk 2
1997. The making of an Movement Library (MT)
Willi Hamilton Blood on the Walls. Bloomsbury 1992 Hbk. Dj. 5
Memoirs of an Anti-Royalist 218
from Miner's Row to Royal pages. 22
Palace illus.
Ulrich von Hassell The Von Hassell Diaries. Hamish Hamilton. 1948 Hbk 10
1938-1944. The Story of 1948. Hbk. £10
the Forces Against Hitler
Inside Germany as
recorded by Ambassador
Ulrich von Hassell a Leader
of the movement
Bill Haywood Bill Haywood's Book. The New York 1929 Hb. Top 10
Autobiography of William International Press of spine
D. Haywood. bindingg
Victor I. I Choose Freedom. The Robert Hale 1947 Hbk (HC) 8
Kravchenko Personal and Political Life
of a Soviet Official
Dorothea Mozley Newman Family Letters SPCK 1962. Hbk 3
A. Pozzolini, Antonio Gramsci. An Pluto Press 1970 Pbk 6
Introduction to his
Clive, T. Proybn Sociable Humanist. The Life Oxford University 1991 Hbk 4
and Works of James Harris Press
Kathleen Raine Routledge 2002 Pbk 5.50
Blake and Antiquity
L. McNeill Weir The Tragedy of Ramsay Secker & Warburg nd. Hbk. 586 8
MacDonald. A political late pages
Biography 1930s (HC)
H. G. Wells Experiment in Macmillan 1934 Hbk 10
Autobiography 718
L. A. String The Minstrel Boy, A Portrait of Tom Hodder & Stoughton. 1937. £7.50
Moore Hbk
E.P Thompson Witness Against the Beast. William Blake Cambridge UP 1994 pbk. £3
and the Moral Law
Rayner Unwin The Defeat of John Hawkins. A George Allen & Unwin. 1960. £5
Biography of His Third Slaving Voyage Hbk.
Study of History
Martin Ballard (ed) New Movements in the Study and Temple Smith 1970. Hbk. Dj £5
teaching of History
D M Sturley The Study of History Longmans. 1969. Pbk £1
Student 'Revolt' &
David Martin (ed) Anarchy & Culture. The Problem of the Routledge, Kegan Paul. 1969. £5
Contemporary University Hbk. Dj.
Margaret Anne Rooke Anarchy and Apathy. Student Unrest Hamish Hamilton. 1970. Hbk. £5
1968-1970 Dj
Jack Straw, Albert Universities: Boundaries of Change Panther Record 1970 £1
Sloman & Paul Doty
Localsim & Action
Peter Allen Off the Rocking Chair. How Local Greenprint. 1992. Pbk £1
Councils Can Promote our Health and
Martin Boddy & Colin Local Socialism. Labour Councils and Macmillan. 1984. Pbk £3
Fudge (ed) New Left Initiatives.
Sue Goss Local Labour and Local Government. A Edinburgh University Press. £3
study of changing interests, politics and 1988.Pbk
policy in Southwark, 1919 to 1982
Paul Henderson, Anne Success & Struggles on Council Estates – Association of Community £3
Wright, & Keith Tenant Action & Community Work Workers in the UK. 1982. Pbk
John Sheldrake Municipal Socialism Athenaeum Press. 1989. Hbk £3
Gerry Stoker The Politics of Local Government Macmillan. 1988. Pbk £3
Mike Cooley Architect or Bee? The Human Price of Hogarth Press. Pbk. £1
John Elkington & Peter The Green Business Guide Victor Gollancz 1991. Hbk. Dj £2
Charles Landry, David What Way to Run a Railroad. An Comedia. 1985. Pbk £1
Morley, Russell Analysis of Radical Failure
Southwood & Patrick
Frances Morrell Children of the Future. The Battle from Hogarth Press. 1989 £1
Britain's Schools
Eric Midwinter Patterns of community Education ACE Priority, Ward Local £1
Educational 1973. Pbk
Projections An educational priority area Ditto 1972 £1
at work
Tariq Ali The Coming British Revolution Jonathan Cape 1972. Pbk £1
David Cowell, Trevor Policing the Riots Junction Books. 1982. Pbk £2
Jones & Jock Young
Peter Gay The Dilemma of Democratic Socialism Collier Books. Pbk £1
(re. German Social Democratic Party)
Peter Hall London 2000 Faber & Faber. 1971 edition. £2
Hilary Wainwright Labour. A Tale of Two Parties Hogarth Press. 1987. Pbk £3
John P. Lewis. Quiet Criss in India. Economic Doubelday Anchor.Pbk. 1962
Development and American Policy.
Economic Development
and American Policy.
Susie Tharu & K. Lalita. Women Writing in India. Vol 1. 600 BC in Pandora 1991 & 1993. Pbk £5 for both
the Early 20th Century. Vol 2. The 20th
B. R. Tomlinson. The Economy of Modern India 1860- Cambridge University Press. 3
1970. 1993. Pbk
G. D. H. Cole
G.D. H. Cole The Intelligent Man's Guide Through Gollancz. Hbk. 1932 £5
World Chaos.
G. D. H & M. I. Cole The Intelligent Man's Review of Europe £5
Today. Gollancz. Hbk.1933
Douglas Hurd SHAPE OF ICE, The. Douglas Hurd. Media- Warner. 1999 £2
fuelled international military crisis.
Douglas Hurd. Collected Short Stories. Little Brown & Company. £3
1999. Hbk
Douglas Hurd VOTE TO KILL.Tory Government coping Warner. 1999. £2
with the problems of violence in Ireland
and turmoil in the Party.
n. 483
Salme A Dutt When England Arose. The Key Books. No 6. Nd Thin 6
Centenary of the People's Fore Publications. card
Charter cover
Tom Forrester The Labour Party and the Heinemann 1976 Hbk. 5
Working Class Dj. 166
Michael Freeden J. A. Hobson. A Reader. Unwin Hyman 1988 Pbk. 2
(e) (Essays on Political and 212
Social Theory; Economics; pages
Imperialism and World
Order; British Politics)
J. L & Barbara The Village Labourer. Longmans, Green and 1920 Hbk 5
Hammond 1760-1832. A Study in the Co New
Government of England edition
before the Reform Bill.
J. L & Barbara The Town Labourer 1760- Longmans, Green and New Hbk 5
Hammond 1832 Co impressio (HC)
n 1920
Wal Hannington Industrial in History in Lawrence & Wishart 1940 Hbk. 3
Wartime, incudinga record 119
of the Shop Stewards' pages.
Movement Spine
. (HC)
Simon Haxey Tory MP Left Book Club 1939 Hbk 6
Baruch Hirson & Strike Across The Empire. Clip Publications 1992 Pbk. 3
Lorraine Vivian The Seamen's Strike of 117
1925: in Britain, South pages
Africa and Australasia
David Howell British Social Democracy Croom Helm 1980 Pbk. 5
reprint 342
Mark Jenkins Bevanism. Labour's High Spokesman 1979 Pbk. 5
Tide. The Cold War and the 323
Democratic Mass Movement pages
Jurgen Kuczynski. A Short History of Labour Frederick Muller. 2nd Hbk 6
Conditions Under Industrial enlarged (HC)
Capitalism. Vol 1. Part 1. edition
Great Britain 1750 to the 1944
Present Day.
J. E. Mortimer History of the Association of WESD 1960 Hbk 8
Engineering and
Shipbuilding Draughtsmen
Murphy. J.T. Preparing for Power. A Pluto Press 1972. Pbk. 1972 Pbk. 3
Critical Study of the Bent
History of the British bottom
Working Class Movement. right
Philip Payton. Cornwall's History. An Torn Mark, Redruth Pbk. 48 2
Introduction pages
Penguin Hansard Vols 2-. The National Effort Penguin 1940 Pbk 1
Aut 1939- Sum 1940 (HC)
“ Vol 3. Britain Gathers “ “ “ (HC) 1
Strength. Apr 1940-Aut
“ Vol 4. The Second Winter “ “ “ (HC) 1
Nov 40 – April 41
C. Rolph All Those in Favour? An Andre Deutcsh 1962 Hbk. 5
account of the E.T.U. Trial. Dj. (AL)
J R Seeley The Expansion of England. Macmillan & Co 1888 Hbk
Two Courses of Lectures reprint. (HC)
Robert Shepherd Power Brokers. The. The Hutchinson 1991 cover in 2
Tory Party and its Leaders. poor
William L. Shirer The Collapse of the Third The Literary Guild. 1970 Hbk. Dj 6
Republic. An inquiry into 1970. Hbk. Dj (poor). (poor)
the Fall of France in 1940 £6
William L. Shirer The Rise and Fall of the Pan Books 1967 Pbk. 1
Third Reich Well
Albert Speer Inside the Third Reich. Book Club Associates 1971 Hbk. Dj 8
Christopher Thorne The Approach of War 1938- Macmillan Student 1968 Pbk 4
39 Editions
Elizabeth Europe of the Dictators Collins (Fontana J966. 2nd Pbk 1
Wiskemann 1919-1945 history of Europe impress
Elizabeth Fascism in Italy: its Macmillan Student 1969 Pbk 4
Wiskemann Development and Influence Editions. 1969. Pbk.
S. J. Woolf (ed_ European Fascism Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1968 Hbk. Dj 8
(trans, intro, Selected Writings. Pbk. £8 214
comment) pages
Branka Magas. Destruction of Yugoslavia. Verso Pbk 6
The. Tracking the Break-Up
Vladimir Maximov Kontinent 1. The Andre Deutcsh. 1976. 1976 Hbk. Dj 7
(ed) Alternative Voice of Russia Hbk. Dj. £7
& Eastern Europe
John Reed Ten Days That Shook the Penguin 1983 Pbk. 1
World reprint 351
R. W. Seton- 25 Years of New Europe 1945 Hbk 8
Watson Czechoslovakia. Publishing Co. (HC)
Walter Bedell Moscow Mission 1946-1949 William Heinemann 1950 Hbk 5
Smith (HC)
Richard Wagner EXIT. A Romanian Story. Verso 1990 Pbk 3
Life in Communist
Roumania. (Verso. 1990) £3
1862-1906. Study of the
economic and social history
of indentured Pacific Island
labour migrants, and the
rise and fall of the
plantation system.
(Edinburgh University Press.
1993. Hbk)
Herman Kahn The Emerging Japanese Pelican 1973 Pbk 1
State. Challenge and
Mamdani Imperialism and Fascism in Heinemann Education 1983 Pbk 10
Alberto Moravia The Red Book and the Great Panther Modern 1969 Pbk 1
Wall of China. An Society. 1969. Pbk. £1
Impression of Mao's China
William Bennett Government of European Macmillan 1927 Hbk 10
Munro Citiies (HC)
J. W. Roberts City of Sokrates. An Routledge 1998 2nd Hbk.
Introduction to Classical edition Dj (RC)
Meic Stephens Linguistic Minorities in Gomer Press, Wales 1978 Hbk. Dj 15
Western Europe.
Movement and the 'Zero
Ernest Wistrich After 1992. The United Routledge 1991 Pbk 4
States of Europe. Vision of
a unified Europe.
- Notes & Queries. Vol 3. Fourth Estate 1992 Pbk 2
Questions and reader's
comments published in
M. Freeden (ed) J.A.Hobson - A Reader. Unwin 1988 Pbk 2
Anthology of writings with
analysis of the key
organising concepts of his
Germaine Greer The Female Eunuch. Book Club Associates 1971 Hbk. Dj 5
Michael Socialism. Past and Future Pluto Press 1993 Pbk 2
Stuart Holland The Socialist Challenge Quartet 1973 Pbk 5
Bruce Kent BUILDING THE GLOBAL Fount Pbk 1
VILLAGE. Radical re-think of
idea of nationalism in
seeking a solution for world
K . R. Popper The Poverty of Historicism. Routledge. Kegan & 1961 Pbk 2
Paul reprint
Winwood Reade The Martyrdom of Man Watts & Co. Thinkers ND Hbk 5
Library 25 (HC)
A D Ritchie Civilization, Science & Pelican 1945 Pbk 1
Religion (HC)
John Strachey On the Prevention of War Macmillan 1962 Hbk. 5
E. P. Thompson The Poverty of Theory. Merlin Press 1995 Pbk 4.50
Critique of Althusser.
Mike Sullivan (ed) SUPPORTING CHANGE AND Longman 1990s Pbk 2
Human Rights and the Courts: Bringing Justice Home. Bryan Gibson (ed). Basic guide to implementation of
the Human Rights Act 1998. (Waterside Press) £5
I'm Still Standing. Bob Turney. Autobiography of a dyslexic ex-prisoner, now a probation officer. (Waterside
Press 97). FULL PRICE £13.50.
Introduction to the Criminal Justice Process. Bryan Gibson and Paul Cavadino. The system in outline - from
investigation and arrest to sentence and beyond. Explains the roles, powers and duties of all concerned.
(Waterside Press). Replaced by 2nd edition 2002. £5
Introduction to Prisons and Imprisonment. Nick Flynn. Chapters on the history of imprisonment in England
and Wales, prison condition,s the prison population, prison regimes from reception to discharge. (Waterside
Press 1998). £6
Introduction to Youth Justice (Waterside Press 2000). £7
The Longest Injustice. The Strange Story of Alex Alexandrowicz. Alex Alexandrowicz & David Wilson.
(Waterside Press 1999). £5
Murderers and Life Imprisonment. Containment, Treatment, Safety and Risk. Eric Cullen and Tim Newell.
Who are the murderers and lifers? What should we do with them while they are in custody? (Waterside Press
1999). £7
Prison Patter. Angela Devlin. A dictionary of prison slang. (Waterside Press 1996). £6
Prisons and the Problem of Order. Richard Sparks, Anthony Bottoms & Will Hay. (Clarendon Press. 1996)
Association of Local Authorities
Local Authorities and the Police: Working in Partnership. Sept 1993. Pages 80. £2
Association of Metropolitan Authorities
Children and Trouble. Jan 1993. Pages 81. £3
Children's Society
The Case Against Locking More Children up. 1993. Pages 71. £2
Crime Concern
Crime and the Family. 1993. Pages 84. £3
Crime Concern Annual Review 1992. 1992. Pages 17. £1
Being Young in Hackney. 1993. Pages 22. £1
Diversion from Offending. Pages 38. £2
Family, School and Community. 1992. Pages 68. £3
How You Can Help Make Children More Aware of the Dangers Around Them. 1991. Pages 39. £2
Inspirations for Action – a practical guide to women’s safety. 1993. Pages 37. £2
Making the Difference. . . Pages 12. £1
National Neighbourhood Watch Conference Report 1991. Pages 16. £1
Neighbourhood Watch – a guide to a successful scheme. 1993. Pages 104. £3
Preventing Crime Against Women. 1991. Pages 20, £1
A Progress Report on Crime Reduction Programmes. 1992. Pages 23. £1
Splash - Summer Holiday Activities for Young People. N/D. Pages 16. 50p.
Youth Crime in Hackney – Analysis and Options. 1993. Pages 45. £2
Youth Crime Prevention Action Pack. 1991. Pages 71. £2
Youth Crime Prevention – a handbook of good practice. 1990. Pages 64. £2
Youth Crime Prevention – making it happen. 1991. Resource Kit. £2
Women’s Safety – everyone’s business. N/D. Pages 16. £1
Crime Prevention News
1993. Pages 23. 50p
1994. Pages 23. 50p
Department of the Environment
High Expectations – 1994. Pages 106. £2
Home Office
The Costs of Crime. 6 December 1988. Pages 65. £3
Police Requirements Support Unit – Drug Abuse: A motivator for juvenile offenders. May 1991. Pages 120.
A Practical Guide to Crime Prevention for Local Partnerships. Executive Summary. N/D (1993?). Pages 5.
A Practical Guide to Crime Prevention for Local Partnerships. Sept 1993. Pages 41. £2
Safer Communities – the local delivery of crime prevention though the partnership approach. August 199.
Pages 48. £2
The Home Office Crime Prevention Unit (papers) £2 each
No. 5. Paul Ekblom. The Prevention of Shop Theft. 1986. Pages 19
No. 10. Pual Ekblom. Getting the best out of Crime Analysis. 1988. Pages 42
No. 11. John Burrows. Retail Crime – prevention through crime analysis. 1988. Pages 34
No. 14. Claire Austin. The Prevention of Robberies at Building Society Branches. 1988. Pages 18.
No. 16. Susan Phillips & Raymond Cochrane. Crime and Nuisance in the Shopping Centre- a case study in
crime prevention. 1988. Pages 32
No. 18. Gloria Laycock. An Evaluation of Domestic Security Surveys. 1989. Pages 33
No. 27. John Burrows. Making Crime Prevention Pay: Initiatives from Business. 1991. Pages 50
No. 28. Stephen Atkins, Sohail Husain & Angele Storey. The Influence of Street Lighting on Crime and Fear
of Crime. 1991. Pages 59
No. 29. Malcom Ramsey with Rosemary Newton. The Effect of Better Street Lighting on Crime and Fear: a
review . 1991. Pages 48
No. 31. Geoff Berry & Mike Carter. Assessing Crime prevention Initiatives: The First Steps. 1992. Pages 46
No. 38. Nick Tilley. Safer Cities and Community Safety Strategies. 41 pages.
Islington Council
Rape and Sexual Assault: a Study of Attrition. July 1993. Pages 65. £2
Serving the People: Sector policing and public accountability. July 1993. Pages 87. £2
Metropolitan Police Service
Police and Community Consultative Groups: Suggestions for Developments. N/d. Pages 31. £1
Annual Report 1992-1993. Pages 32. £1
National Audit Office
Reducing Crime in London: A Study of the Partnership and Other Methods used by Five Metropolitan Police
Divisions. 25th Feb 1992. Pages 43. £1
National Council for Civil Liberties
Catherine Scorer, Sarah Spencer & Patricia Hewitt. The New Prevention of Terrorism Act. The Case for
Repeal. 3rd Edition. 1985. 82 pages. £2
Marie Staunton. Trade Unionists: how the Public Order Proposals Affect You. 1984. 44 pages. £2
Marie Staunton. Free To Walk Together? A guide to the Government's Public Order proposals. 1986?). £2
Police Foundation
Towards a Cost Effective Service to Police in the 1990’s. Speech 6th July 1989. Pages 15. £1
Nos. 24, 35, 44, 53, 54, 63, 64, 67, 72, 91, 94, 107, 110, 114-117. Open to offers.
A Literary Magazine edited by John Davenport, Jack Lindasy & Randall Swingler
Vol 1. No.4. Inc: Syndey Goofsir Smith: Robert Burns & his Merry Muses; Lindsay: Charles Dickens His Last
Days: with a summary of his achievement; Louis Asragn: Happiness is a New Idea; Jack Beeching: Flaubert
and Bourgeoisophobia. £3
(Battersea Communist Party)
No. 4. Autumn 1978. Homes Leak; Against Racism;Wandsworth Fightback; Cut the Dole Queues. £1
No 8. May 1980. All Out; Sting the Tories; Batttersea will win; the case for trade unions. £1
3rd Series. No. 5. Inc: Textiles and Society in Bradford and Lawrence, USA, 1880-1920; Bradford branch of
SDF; ILP secession from Labour Party at Bradford Conference July 1932; The Gledhill family of Yorkshire,
Norfolk and Kansas; Alfred Coe, Postcard Pioneer. 93 pages. £2
(Amalgamated Union of Building Trade Workers)
Vol 8. No 5. May 1960. Wage settlement; merge with ASW; General Secretary Labour Party; site
agreements; incentive agreements must be negotiated; Who are the Happiest People? Whatever happened
at Fairfields? £1
No. 91. June/August 1982. Decentralisation: Scotland, Regions; Charles Darwin Centenary; Edward Bond
and Epic Theatre; Sylvia Pankhurst; Crime and Punishment. £1
92 (Sept/Oct 1982): Argentina, Middle East, National
Question in Britain, Decentralisation, Russia and the Bomb
No. 100. June/August 1984, Our History: 19thC Socialism, Chartism, Tolpuddle; Leisure politics, Miners,
Ireland, Middle East, Europe. £1
(Communist Party magazine)
Vol 5. No. 44. 4 November 1967. Souvenir Issue. 50th Anniversary of the October 1917 Revolution. £1
(Communist Liaison)
No. 2. 1994. Unemployment in Europe; Communist parties in Holland, Slovakia and Czech Republic; Does
historical materialism still work?, A bottom up approach to rethinking Marxist theory; history of British
Communism – part 8: The Early Thirties. £1
Vol. 105. No.2. Mar/Apr 1993. Social Justice Special. Tessa Jowell: Social value for money; Peter
Townsend: global solution to poverty; Andrew Dilnot: universal dilemma of pensions; Stephen Pollard:
learning from the US; Don Corry: getting away from direct taxes. Hilary Armstrong: the myths of crime. 20
pages. £1
Journal of the Historical Association
Vol 55. No. 183. February 1970. R. H. S. Stolfi: Equipment for Victory in France in 1940; R. I. Moore: The
Origins of Medieval Heresy; M. L. Bush: The Tudors and the Royal Race; Kenneth Hudson: Illustrations for
Industrial Archaeology; Gareth E. Jones: Towards a Theory of History Teaching; M. G. A. Vale: Libraries
and Archives – France. £3
Vol. 57. No. 189. Feb 1972. R.J. Knecht: The Early Reformation in England and France; J. F. Bosher: The
French Criss of 1770; P. F. Clarke: Electoral Sociology of Modern Britain; Derek Heater: History Teaching
and Political Education; Nicholas Pronay: British Newsreels in the 1930s. £3
Vol. 57. No. 191. Oct 1972. Susan Reynolds. The Rulers of London in the Twelfth Century; Edward Gregg:
Was Queen Anne a Jacobite?; Allan Jackson: Why Not Teach Chinese History?: H. M. Scott: Libaries and
Archives – Austria. £3
Vol. 58. No. 192. Feb 1973. John Le Patourel: What did no happen in Stephen's Reign; C. Warren Hollister:
The Misfortunes of the Mandevilles; Jennifer Tann: Richard Arkwright and Technology; Tony Aldgate:
British Newsreels and the Spanish Civil War. £3
Nos. 38/39 Aug/Sept 1969. Trotsky. Leon. Fascism, Stalinism, and the United Front, 1930-34. 72 pages. £10
No. 88. May 1986. The General Strike. £5
Monthly Bulletin of the Centre of Local Economic Strategies
No. 8. May 1989. Local Government and Housing: a Question of Power (re- Local Government & Housing
Bill. 6 pages. £1
No. 9. June 1989. The Financial Sector and Regional Economic Development. £1
No. 12. Sept/Oct 1989. British Rail: The Radical Alternative to Privatisation. 8 pages. £1
No. 18. July 1990. Cable: Hype or hope for the Local Economy. 8 pages. £1
London After the GLC?. Vol 10. No. 1 Summer 1984. £3
(Centre for Local Economic Strategies (Monthly Bulletin; New Series)
No. 8. May 1989. Main item Local Government & Housing Bill. 6 pages. £1
No. 9. June 1989. The Financial Sector and Regional Economic Development. 4 pages. £1
No. 100. April 1982
No.9. US journal of socialist thought with articles on new politics in Latin America, Black Power on trial, the
East German Revolution, and Hal Draper's The Two Souls of Socialism £1
(Child Poverty Action Group)
No. 5. Winter 1967 - No. 10. Spring 1969
No. 11. Summer 1969
No. 12/13. 1969 - No.22. Spring 1972
No. 26. Summer 1973
No. 30. Education and the poor. Autumn 1974. 40 pages.
No. 35. Winter 1976. Public Expenditure Cuts
No. 37. August 1977
No. 38. December 1977. The Need for a Family Lobby
No. 45. April 1980. Northern Ireland: Depriving the Deprived
No. 47. December 1980 - () - No. 51. April 1982. (48 – Poverty- The Facts 50: Money for familes; 51:
Poverty and race
£ 2 each
No.4. Notes towards Clinical Legal Education. The Law Clinic. University of Kent.1975. £2
No. 2. 1988/9. Scapegoat – Stephen Ward and the Profumo Scandal; Vietnam 197 – Strung out in Saigon;
How to beat the heat trap; The Christic Institute; The Mafia killed President Kennedy. £2
(Newsletter of Socialist Medical Association)
Vol 4. No.3. May/June 1970 - No.5 -Sept 1970. No. 7 - Nov 1970; No.8 – Jan 1971
Vol 5. No.2. Feb 1971- No.8 Nov/Dec 1971
Vol 6. No.2. Mar/Feb 1972 – No 5. Sept/Oct 1972; No. 6. Nov/Dec 1972.
Vol 7. No 1 Feb 1973 – No 6. Jan 1974.
Vol 8. No.1. Aug 1974 - No 4., No 6
1976: Feb, May, July, December plus unnumbered issue
1977: Feb, March, Nov/Dec
1978: Jan-Feb, Mar/Apr, Jul/Aug, Sept/Oct
Open to offers on set
Vol 5. No. 7. (No date – 1974?). The continuing struggles at Kingsnorth & Aberdeen; Work – an industrial
militant looks at his job; the Bristol Occupation. nd. 26 pages. £2
Vol 8. No. 6. April 1977. Rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic; Watch it Stay Up (Tenants on Leeds
Ebors estate). £2
October 1989. Reinforcing the Washington Pretoria Axis; Terrorising public opinion in Namibia; direct election
tricks; fixing the vote for apartheid; UNITA still active in Namibia. £2.
Sum/Aut 1993. Clinton New Era, Same old National Security; Poland: How the CIA and the Vatican supported
Solidarnoes; Disinformation Stratgies – Fear of Terrorism; South Africa news. £2
(National Tower Blocks Bulletin)
Summer 1985. Campaigning in Coventry; National Systems Unit; Tackling Racism; DHSS Benefits; Mass
Housing Failures; BRE Report on Ronan Point. 8 pages. £1
No date. Finding Faults – structural fears in Southampton, Sheffield, Glasgow; landscaping, DHSS benefits,
dangers of bottled gas, BRE investigations. 8 pages. £1
3rd impression 1958. 40 pages. £2
Parliamentary Bills
Companies and Building Societies Bill. June 1982. £2
Acts of Parliament
Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970. £2
Housing and Building Control Act 1984. 109 pages. £3
National Health Service Reorganisation: England. White Paper. HMSO. August 1972. 62 pages. £3
National Health Service Reorganisation Act 1973. HMSO. 102 pages. Top right hand corner bent. £3
White Papers
Housing: The Government's Proposals. September 1987. £2
Private Practice in National Health Service Hospitals. White Paper. 12 pages. April 1973. £2
Proposals for a Tax-Credit System. White Paper. October 1972. £2
Public Transport in London, White Paper. July 1983, £2. £2
The right to help. With Supplementary Benefits Commission. February 1969. 19 pages . £1
Democracy in the National Health Service. Membership of Health Authorities. 1974. 12 pages. £1
Equality is the Goal. A Swedish Report. Elizabeth Sandberg.. 1975. 86 pages. £3
Jackson, Sonia. Moseley, Joyce & Wheeler, Barbara. Other People's Children. BBC. 1976. 84 pages. £3
Truejett, Alison. How to Set Up a Free School. Alternative education and the law. ND. 44 pages. £5
Fred Reid. The Incomes of the Blind. A Review of the Occupational and Financial Problems of Blind people
of All Ages. 1975. 14 pages. £2
Jonathan Bradshaw. The Financial Needs of Disabled Children. 1975. 16 pages. £1
“As We See it...”. The problems of one parent families told in their own words. 14 pages. (with National
Council for One Parent Families. nd. £1
Randle, Michael, Carter, April & Others. Support Czechoslovakia. November 1968. 64 pages. £10.
ILEA. An Education Service for the Whole Community. Report adopted by the Education Committee 9
October 1973. 64 pages. £3
ILEA. Junior School Mathematics. 1966(?). 44 pages. £2
Adelstein, D. L. The Wisdom & Wit of R. S. Peters. “The Philosophy of Education”. Union Society,
University of London Institute of Education. May 1971. 21 pages. £5
The Red Paper. Education. 1970. 33 pages. £3
Denis Saurat. French War Aims. Methuen & Co. 1940. £5
tenants' electricity supply & Organisation of Private Tenants: Resale of Electricity by landlords. A
Response to the Consultative document published by the Office of Fair Trading. £5
Women and the Welfare State. Pamphlet No. 2. 1974. £2
Take Over the City. Community Struggle in Italy. ND. 36 pages. £3
Homes Above All. Housing in Britain. The facts, the failures, the future. Sheila McKechnie & Des Wilson.
Shelter 1986. 50p
Isaacs, Nathan. The Growth of Understanding in the Young Child. A Brief Introduction to Piaget's Work.
Ward Lock Educational Co Ltd. 8th impression 1969. 42 pages. £3
Fabian pamphlets:
556. Raymond Plant. Social Justice, Labour and the New Right. February 1993. £1
Research Series
190. Reforming the Tax System. September 1957. 40 pages. (AL) £2
286. David Bull. Action for Welfare Rights. April 1970. 24 pages. £2
293. A Fabian Group. People, participation and government. May 1971. 32 pages. £2
296. Gordon Rose. Local Councils in Metropolitan Areas. October 1971. 33 pages. £2
299. S. F. Kissin. Communists: all revisIonists now? January 1972. 36pages. £2
312. The end of the private landlord. A study paper prepared by the housing group of the Society of
Labour Lawyers under the chairmanship of Bruce Douglas-Mann. September 1973. 20 pages. £2
328. Corbett, Ann. Whose schools? Fabian evidence to the Taylor Committee. July 1976. 28 pages. £2
351. John Stewart & Gerry Stoker. From local administration to community government. August 1988. £2
343. J. R. Sargent. Out of Stagnation. A Policy for Growth. February 1963 reprint April 1963. 48 pages
(AL). £2
350. Michael Stewart & Rex Winsbury. An Incomes Policy for Labour. October 1963. 33 pages. (AL). £2
421. Malcolm Wicks. Rented Housing and Social Ownership. March 1973. 24 pages. £2
428. E. A. Webb. Industrial injuries: a new approach. March 1974. 24 pages. £2
469. Pete Hall (ed) A Radical Agenda for London. May 1980. £2
476. Stuart Bell. How to abolish the Lords. SEPTEMBER 1981. September 1981. £2
509. Neil Kinnock. The Future of Socialism. January 1986. 12 pages. £2
514, Giles Radice. Equality and Quality, A Socialist Plan for Education. September 1986. 19 pages. £1
517. John Carr. New Roads to Equality: Contract Compliance for the UK? January 1987. 26 pages. £1
531. Raymond Plant. Citizenship, rights and socialism. £1
533. Nick Butler ad others. Working for Common Security. £1
535. Upham, Martin & Wilson, Tom. Natural allies: Labour and the unions. August 1989. 32 pages. £1
555. Giles Radice. Southern Discomfort. September 1992. 24 pages. £1
556. Raymond Plant. Social Justice, Labour and the New Right. February 1993. 20 pages. £1
Young Fabian Pamphlets
28. Colin Crouch & Stephen Mennell. The Universities: pressures & prospects. January 1972. 47 pages. £2
31. James Goudie. Councils and the Housing Finance Act. October 1972. 28 pages. £2
Doing History. Labour Heritage Women's Research Committee. Bulletin. No 3. Spring 1990. 50p
Women, Men and Citizenship. Women's Research Committee Bulletin 5. 24 pages. nd. £1
No.3. Smaller Territories
£6 together
Labour In The Sixties, by Morgan Phillips. (1960). £2
Labour's Social Strategy. (Into the Seventies Series, August 1969), £2
Learning to Live. A Policy for Education from Nursery School to University. (June 1958). £2
Let's Go with Labour for the New Britain,. The Labour Party's Manifesto for the 1964 General Election. 24
pages. £2
National Superannuation. Labour's Policy for Security in Old Age. Policy Statement for 1957 Annual
Conference. (May 1957) with A National Superannuation Scheme. Memorandum by a Technical Sub-committee
(Richard Titmuss (Chair), Brian Abel-Smith and Peter Townsend).
Personal Freedom. Labour's Policy for the Individual and Society. Policy Statement to 1956 Annual
Conference. £2
Plan for Progress. Labour's Policy for Britain's Economic Expansion. (July 1958). £2
Problems of Foreign Policy. Discussion pamphlet. April 1952. 16 pages. £2
Public Enterprise. Labour's Review of The Nationalised Industries. Policy Statement for 1957 Annual
Conference). £2
The Real Nature of Conservatism. By Peter Shore. Labour Party Educational Series. No.3 September 1952. £2
Signposts For The Sixties. A statement of Labour Party home policy to be submitted by the National Executive
Committee to the 1961 Annual Conference. (Fourth Reprint November 1961). £2
The Welfare State. A Policy Discussion Pamphlet. No.4. (September 1952). £2
Public Ownership The Next Step. Towards Tomorrow Discussion Pamphlet No.2. ND. (1948?) 16 pages. £5
Campaigning for a Fairer Britain. Statement to Annual Conference 1983. £1
Draft Labour Manifesto 1980. 40 pages. £2
Homes for the Future. Statement to Annual Conference 1985 by the Labour Party National Executive
Committee. 47 pages. £2
Labour Party Manifesto 1974 (1st 1974 election). Foreword by Harold Wilson. £2
Labour Party Manifesto October 1974. Foreword by Harold Wilson. £2
Labour's Programme for Britain. Annual Conference 1973. 122 pages. £4
Labour's Programme 1982. 284 pages. £5
Paying for Labour's Programme. Background paper to Conference October 1973. 26 pages £1
Peace, Jobs, Freedom. Labour's call to the people. Statement by NEC to special conference May 31 1980.
11 pages. £1
Reorganisation of Party Structure. A Consultative document. May 1973. 14 pages. £1
Report of the Port Transport Study Group. 1966. £2 (HC)
Resolutions for the 75th Annual Conference of the Labour Party. Blackpool 27 Sept-1 Oct 1976. £2
Social Justice & Economic Efficiency. First Report of Labour's Policy Review for the 1990s. 48 pages. Nd.
Manifesto for New Times. A Communist Party Strategy for the 1990s. £2
A Manifesto Addressed to the Labour Movement. Organised by Alderman F. V. Pickstock, Oxford. Signatures
inc. Bill Rogers, Dick Taverne, Brian Walden, Philip Williams. 6 panels. £1
As We Don't See It. Solidarity London. Nd. Update from 1967 version. 32 pages. £2
Bob Dent. LSE: a question of degree. LSE 1969-72. Three Years for What? Solidarity London. nd. November
1972. 32 pages. £3
Theses of the Chinese Revolution. Aberdeen Solidarity No 2. n.d. £3
Paul Cardan. Modern Capitalism and Revolution. (Solidarity book). £5
No.6. Paul Cardan. The Meaning of Socialism. (April 1969). £3
No. 11. Socialism or Barbarism. £3
No. 23. Paul Cardan. The Crisis of Modern Society. (n.d.). £3
No.36. Joe Jacobs. Sorting Out. The Postal Strike. March 1971. £3
No. 50. John Crump. A contribution to the critique of Marx. (joint with Social Revolution (London)) £3
No. 51. Henry Simon. The New Movement. (.n.d.). £3
Stepney Words I & II. 1973. 50pm. Slight water damage to top of front cover
Randle, Michael, Carter, April & Others. Support Czechoslovakia. November 1968. 64 pages. £10.
Hall, Gus. Czechoslovakia at the Crossroads. October 1968 reprint. 36 pages. £3.
Chris Searle (comp) Elders. A Collection of poems by elder citizens. 1973. A5 Booklet. £3
Field, Frank. Unequal Britain. A Report on the Cycle of Inequality. Arrow Special. 1973. 64 pages. £2
Old & Cold in Islington – a question of survival. With Islington Task Force and Islington Consumers' Group.
(Islington 1971). £3
School Clothing in Bristol, (Bristol & District. June 1973). £3
Housing – an issue in York. (York. March 1973). £3
Education Welfare Benefits in York. (York. 1974). £3
Cambridge Poverty ((Journal of Cambridge Poverty Action Group):
No.5. Autumn 1972. Lead story.
Inflation and Means-Tested Benefits.
No.6. Winter 1972/73. Lead Story – Tribunals Cause for Concern
No.8. Autumn 1873. Lead article: Housing Finance Act, Inflation and the Low Paid
No.9. Winter/Spring 1974. Lead story: New Rate Rebates
ian Walker. A State of Disrepair. Report on a Survey of Council Housing in Colchester. Colchester. July
1976). £3
CPAG Guidance Notes for Branches. 1976. £2
CPAG Evidence
The Effect of Charity Law on Voluntary Organisations to the National Council of Social Service Committee
of Enquiry. (nd). £2
Memorandum to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission on the Legal Advertising Enquiry (nd). £2
Laurie Elks. Tomorrow Never Comes. Report to DHSS? (nd). £2
Abuse and the Abused. Evidence to the Enquiry into Abuse of Social Security Benefits. (Dec 1971). £2
One Nation: The Conservatives' Record Since June 1970. Memorandum to the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
(March 1972) . £4
Evidence to the Select Committee Examining the Proposals to Establish a Tax Credit System. Section III.
Excluded Groups. Section IV. The Opportunity Cost of the Tax Credit System. Section V. A Home
Responsibility Credit. (nd. 1972?). £2
Poverty & The Population Debate. Memorandum t the Ross (Population) Panel. (nd. 1972?). £2
Lord Chancellors' Advisory Committee on Legal Aid and Advice. Note to the Standing Conference on
financial savings ion the legal aid scheme and priorities for reform in the provision of legal services. (May
1974). £2
The Rent Bill 1974: Owner Occupier or Resident Landlord? A Memorandum on the Exclusion from Rent Acts
Protection of Tenants or Resident Landlords, The New Power of Rent Tribunals to award a year's security
and the abuse of furnished status. (with Pimlico Neighbourhood Aid Centre. June 1974). £2
Memorandum to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. (October 1974). £4
An Assessment of the relationships between poverty in Britain and the Third World and proposals for
action. To the Prime Minister. (December 1974). £2
The Cohabitation Rule. Evidence to the Enquiry of the Supplementary Benefits Commission. (January
1975). £2
Co-ordinating the Attack on Family Poverty. A Memorandum to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. (April
1975). £4
Evidence to the Committee of Inquiry into Local Government Finance. (April 1975). £2
Reducing the Poor's Living Standards at a Stoke. A Post Budget Memorandum to the Chancellor of the
Exchequer (April 1975). £2
Memorandum to the Law Commission on the Offence of Entering and Remaining in Property (May 1975). £2
Frank Field and Molly Meacher. The Changing Burden of Taxation. Paper for the Expenditure Committee's
Sub-Committee Enquiry into the Financing of Public Expenditure. (October 1975). £4
Comment on the Proposals made by Kathleen Bell in Research Study on Supplementary Benefit Tribunals
(October 1975). £2
The Sick Note Scheme: No Case for Reform. Evidence from the Child Poverty Action Group to the National
Insurance Advisory Committee (Jan 1976). £2
National Health Charges: Submission to the British Medical Association and the Royal Commission on the
National Health Service. (February 1977). £2
A Budget for Children: a memorandum to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. (March 1977). £4
CPAG The Poor and the Crisis reports
Back to the Thirties for the Poor? Report No 1. on the Living Standards of the Poor in 1975. (No. 1. 1975).
Frank Field. Back to the Thirties for the Poor? A reappraisal. (No 6. 1976). £2
CPAG Miscellaneous
Unequal Britain. CPAG Briefing on Debts. (nd. 1972?). £2
Tax Credit Seminar 1972 papers:
A. Atkinson. The Tax Credit Scheme and the Redistribution of Income
D. Piachaud. Tax Credits and Disincentives
Family Allowance Survey. Results of survey carried out by 18 CPAG branches. (Jan 1973). £2
An Application for Funds to the Sheldon Trust for a National Insurance Caseworker within the Child Poverty
Action Group's Citizens' Rights Office. (January 1975). £2
Document (No.1. November 1974). £2
Chris Pond. Taxing the Social Contract: a memorandum to the Chancellor of the Exchequer from the Low
Pay Unit. (No.2. April 1975). £2
Frank Field and Steve Winyard. Action Not Words: a submission to the Royal Commission on the
Distribution of Income and Wealth. (No.3. April 1975). £2
Chris Trinder. A Stitch in time?: a proposal for the reform of the clothing wages councils. (No.4. April
1975). £2
Chris Trinder and Steve Winyard. A New Deal for Farmworkers: the case for an independent inquiry into
the pay of farmworkers. (No.5. July 1975). £2
Sue Ward and Chris Pond. The £6 trap. (No. 6. July 1975). £2
Steve Winyard. Who Will Protect the Low Paid? A submission to the Commission of Inquiry on the proposed
abolition of the Industrial and Staff Canteen Undertakings Wages Council. (No.7. October 1975). £2
Ralph Howell. Low Pay and Taxation. (No. 8. December 1975). £2
Axing Low Pay. A call for a trade union plan of action cagiest low pay. (No.9. February 1976). £2
Steve Winyard. Nine into Twp Equals Progress. An examination of the merging of the retail wage councils.
(No.10. May 1976|). £2
Social Studies Reader
How the Poorest Live. £2
E. H. Gombrich. Myth and Reality in German War-time Broadcasts. University of London. 28 pages. 1970.
W. N.Medlicott. Britain and Germany: The Search for Agreement 1930-1937. 32 pages. 1969. £2
Brighton and the General Strike. Ernie Trory. 1975. 32 pages. £2
John Gorman. May Day Struggle, Celebration, Solidarity. Socialistic Renewal pamphlet No. 6. 31 pages. £1
No. 8. Alun Howkins. Whitsun in 9th Century Oxfordshire. 1973. 68 pages. £2.
No. 11. Jennie Kitteringham. Country Girls in 19th Century England. 75 pages. 1973. ££2
Denis Saurat. French War Aims. Methuen & Co. 1940. £5
Gramsci, Antonio. Turin 1920. Factory Councils and General Strike. November 1970. 52 pages. £6.
The English Rising of 1381. Past and Present Society Conference. 1981. Essays. £10
Wilhelm Reich. What is Class Consciousness? Nd 76 pages. £2
Anderson, Andy. Hungary 56. 1968. Printed. 48 pages. £4. Front cover has writing on it.
Paris: May 1968. No. 30. Duplicated. No date. 44 pages. £5
Kollantai, Alexandra. The Workers Opposition. No 7. Duplicated. No date. 70 pages. £5.
Victor Serge. Kronstadt 1921. Reprinted from Solidarity Vol 1. No. 7. Duplicated. ND. 10 pages. £2.
Spartakism to National Bolshevism. The K.P.D. 1918-24. Aberdeen Solidarity. Duplicated. 1970. 29 pages.
Willis, Liz. Women in the Spanish Revolution. No. 48. Duplicated. October 1975. 8 pages. £4
No. 38. Paul Cardan. History and Revolution. (August 1971)
Gordon Pearson. Hull and Eaat Coast Fishing. Self published. 1976. 40p