Neuroelectrics User Manual: - P2. Electrodes
Neuroelectrics User Manual: - P2. Electrodes
Neuroelectrics User Manual: - P2. Electrodes
– P2. Electrodes –
210 Broadway, Suite 201
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Tel. +1 617 390 6447
Version: 1.4
Date: 2018.09.18
About the Electrode User Manual
The (OHFWURGH8VHU0DQXDO belongs to the 3DUW,, of the Before you first use the Enobio/Starstim system, you should
Neuroelectrics User Manual. read the three parts of the Neuroelectrics User Manual.
The Electrode User Manual does not discard the need of
reading the Enobio/Starstim and NIC parts.
The1HXURHOHFWULFV8VHU0DQXDOincludes three parts:
The PDF version of all parts of the Neuroelectrics User
X 3DUW, Enobio User Manual or Starstim User Manual Manual can be found under the Documentation section of
X 3DUW,, Electrode User Manual Neuroelectrics webpage:
X 3DUW,,, NIC User Manual /documentation
Change Record
1.3 2017.07.25 Safety warnings for stimulation & Sponstim maintenance update
Table of Contents
About the Starstim User Manual .........................................4 X. 6WLFNWURGH ................................................................ 18
Change Record ...................................................................5 XI. 05,6WLFNWURGH ......................................................... 19
XII. (DUFOLS ......................................................................20
I. ,QWURGXFWLRQ ................................................................7 XIII. $FFHVVRULHV ............................................................. 21
II. *HOWURGH ......................................................................8 XIV 6LOYHU6LOYHU&KORULGH$J$J&O
III. 1**HOWURGH ................................................................9 (OHFWURGH,QVWUXFWLRQV.............................................22
IV. )RUHWURGH .................................................................. 10 XV. 6DIHW\,QIRUPDWLRQIRU6WLPXODWLRQ ....................... 24
V. 'U\WURGH ................................................................... 11 XVI.1 Safety Warnings ..............................................25
VI. 3LVWLP........................................................................ 12 XVI.2 Safety Guide ...................................................26
VII. 1*3LVWLP ................................................................. 13 XVI.3 Dosage ............................................................26
VIII. 6SRQVWLPV ................................................................ 14
IX. 05,6SRQVWLPV ........................................................ 15
I. Introduction
Currently, Neuroelectrics provides functionality of each type of electrode included in our MRI kits.
distinct types of electrodes: 10 and always use it accordingly. In
designed by Neuroelectrics general, the electrodes can be used
and 2 externally manufactured. either for EEG monitoring, or for brain
The electrodes designed and stimulation. The only exception, is our
manufactured by Neuroelectrics are unique model named Pistim, which
intended to be used exclusively with can be used for both techniques.
Neuroelectrics devices, like Enobio or Additionally, we also have three types
Starstim, and they are not compatible of electrodes that can be used as the
with any other commercial device. electrical reference for our devices.
Finally, because you might want
In this manual, all the electrodes
to combine brain stimulation with
commercialized by Neuroelectrics are
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
described. For each type of electrode,
we also provide MRI compatible,
you may find the corresponding use
stimulation and reference, electrodes.
instructions and the guidelines on how
to clean and store the electrode. You All the electrodes are compatible
will find here all types of electrodes: with the easy-insert system of the
the standard EEG electrode to be used Neuroelectrics neoprene headcap
with conductive gel, dry electrodes and headband, both included in the
that require no contact liquid, sponge Enobio and Starstim packages. All of
stimulation electrodes to be used with them are compatible with the electrode
saline solution, and new electrodes cables included in the packages,
that use a solid form of conductive except the MRI compatible electrodes
gel. Pay special attention to the which require special cables, that are
*HOWURGHThe standard EEG electrode
1**HOWURGH The next generation gel electrode
The NG Geltrode consists of two
pieces: the fastener (superior part) and 1 Insert the threaded washer in the
the threaded washer (inferior part). desired position of the neoprene cap.
The fastener is based on a Ag/AgCl
sintered pellet with a 4 mm diameter. It 2 Put the cap on and use a cotton
has a rear-fill aperture and the contact swab, after being immersed in a water
area is approximately 1 cm2. and glycerin solution (1:1), to part the
hair and to clear the scalp through the
Code: NE032
Based on the next generation (NG) 1 Insert the threaded washer in the
assembling system, the NG Geltrode desired position of the neoprene cap.
is a EEG electrode that allows the
2 Place the cap on the subject.
access to the scalp through the
headcap. It can be used wet with gel, 3 Use the curved syringe to fill in the
3 Insert the solidgel consumable
we recommend Signa Gel® or dry fastener with conductive gel.
inside the threaded washer.
with solidgel technology. The solid-gel
4 Screw the fastener on the washer.
technology is the only of its kind that
uses a solidgel consumable placed 5 Connect the electrode cable
into the electrode for EEG monitoring. connection to the fastener.
4 Screw the fastener on the washer. &OHDQLQJ
After each use, wash the NG Geltrode
with tap water and use a tissue to
complete the cleaning.
Avoid direct sunlight exposure and
contact with metals when the electrode
5 Connect the electrode cable is not being used.
connection to the fastener.
The NG Geltrode is a long lasting
electrode that can be reused many times.
Its intended number of uses is 100.
)RUHWURGHThe forehead EEG electrode
the longer it lasts. If properly cleaned
'U\WURGHThe dry EEG electrode
uses is 100. AF8
Code: NE023
3LVWLPThe hybrid tCS & EEG electrode
Function: EEG and Stimulation the gel from the Pistim. When the
electrode is not being used, avoid
The Pistim is a unique electrode due direct sunlight exposure and contact
to its dual functionality: it works for with metals. Each electrode should be
stimulation and for EEG monitoring. 1 Insert the electrode in the desired replaced after 10 hours of stimulation
Thus, it is the ideal electrode when position of the neoprene cap. because the Ag / AgCl is expected
EEG monitoring is required in a to be consumed. Nevertheless, the
2 Use the curved syringe to inject
stimulation session. Further, due time of the Ag / AgCl consumption
conductive gel in the contact surface
to its reduced size, it is perfect for depends on the type and intensity of
of the electrode.
focal multi-electrode stimulation the stimulation current.
experiments. Read the Safety 3 Place the cap on the subject.
Information for Stimulation chapter
before using this electrode.
1*3LVWLP The next generation hybdrid electrode
The NG Pistim consists of two pieces: After each use use a cotton swab
the fastener (superior part) and the and water to completely remove
threaded washer (inferior part). It the gel from the NG Pistim. When
provides a /cm2 circular contact area. the electrode is not being used,
It is based on sintered Ag/AgCl pellet avoid the direct sunlight exposure
of 12 mm diameter. and the contact with metals. Each
electrode should be replaced after
10 hours of stimulation because the
Ag / AgCl is expected to be consumed.
Code: NE029
Function: EEG and Stimulation 1 Insert the threaded washer in the Nevertheless, the time of the Ag / AgCl
desired position of the neoprene cap. consumption depends on the type and
Based on the next generation (NG) intensity of the stimulation current.
2 Place the cap on the subject.
assembling system, the NG Pistim
is the only hybdrid electrode that 3 Use the curved syringe to fill in the
provides a clear access to the scalp, fastener with conductive gel.
allowing good control over the
4 Screw the fastener on the washer.
impedance values. Similarly to the
regular Pistim, the NG Pistim is a 5 Connect the electrode cable
hybrid electrode that can be used for connection to the fastener.
stimulation and for EEG monitoring.
Read the Safety Information for
Stimulation chapter before using this
6SRQVWLP¶VThe stimulation electrodes
The Sponstim’s are sponge electrodes
for transcranial stimulation. They are After each use, wash the sponges and
available in three different sizes and rubber separately with tap water and let
shapes. The smallest model, with 8VH,QVWUXFWLRQV them dry before storage. The cleaner
a contact area of 8 cm2, is ideal for Sponstim is kept, the longer it lasts.
1 Inject 5 ml ( Ⱥ 1/2 curved syringe) When stored, make sure the metallic
multifocal stimulation experiments. The
of saline solution on the yellow pins do not come into contact with
Sponstim electrodes work with saline
external surface of the sponge of each the sponges, so they do not become
solution, not with electrode gel. Read
electrode. rusty. After 100 hours of stimulation,
the Safety Information for Stimulation
chapter before using these electrodes. 2 Insert the electrodes in the desired the rubber core loses its conductive
position of the neoprene cap. properties, and the electrode should be
3 Place the cap on the subject and
connect the medical sockets to the
05,6SRQVWLP¶VThe MRI compatible stimulation electrodes
6WLFNWURGHThe EEG reference electrode
1 Remove the adhesive cover.
05,6WLFNWURGHThe MRI compatible EEG reference electrode
The MRI Sticktrode is a pre-gelled
electrode with a circular latex-free
contact surface with 41 mm diameter.
It contains a Ag / AgCl laminated core
with a carbon composition contact with
a 11 mm diameter.
Name: MRI STICKTRODE A pair of MRI Sticktrodes should be
Code: NE025MRI
Function: Reference placed on the mastoid, with CMS
superiorly to DRL, as described on
steps 2 & 3 in the previous page.
The MRI Sticktrode is a disposable The MRI Sticktrodes are then
and radiotranslucent pre-gelled connected to MRI compatible electrode
electrode. It is similar to the Sticktrode cables. The MRI Sticktrodes and the
and it has the advantage of being MRI electrode cabes are included in
compatible with MRI (up to 7T, with any the MRI compatible kits for stimulation
scanning sequence). Therefore, it is the prepared by Neuroelectrics. The
reference electrode that should be used instructions to assemble the MRI
for stimulation sessions performed compatible kits are described in the
simultaneously with MRI. The original MRI Kits Manual at:
manufacturer is BIOPAC Systems,
Inc and the code of the model is: PK-
EL508. documentation
(DUFOLSThe dual reference electrode
The Earclip consists of two opposed After each use, clean the Earclip using
Ag / AgCl pellets of 8 mm diameter in a a tissue. If needed, you may use water
clip. Each one of the two pellets has a to complete the cleaning.
0.5 cm2 contact surface.
Avoid direct sunlight exposure
and contact with metals when the
Code: NE027
electrode is not being used.
Function: Reference
The electrical reference Earclip is
a dual electrode used to connect The Earclip is a long lasting electrode
both CMS and DRL simultaneously so it can be reused many times. Its
to the same earlobe. Compared to intended number of uses is 100.
the Sticktrode, the Earclip is a re- 1 Connect the CMS and DRL cable
usable alternative that offers a quick connections to the Earclip.
assembling process.
2 Apply some electrode gel to the
sensors (recommended).
3 Clip it to the right or left earlobe.
The 12 ml curved syringe The electrode gel is a The saline, or sodium The glycerin solution is
is used to inject either highly conductive and chloride, solution (NaCl 0.9%) used to clear the scalp area
electrode gel or saline in the bacteriostatic gel. It is a is needed to use the sponge before inserting the solid gel
electrodes. water soluble, non-staining electrodes for stimulation: consumable in the threaded
and non-gritty. Sponstim’s and MRI washer of the Solidgeltrode.
With the Geltrode and
the Pistim, the curved tip It is used for EEG monitoring Use a cotton swab to apply.
of the syringe should be electrodes and for the hybrid It should be applied in the
inserted on the small hole EEG/tCS Pistim electrodes. yellow external surface of
of the electrode to inject the It is used to improve the the sponge. Ideally, 5 ml
electrode gel into the rear-fill contact between the (half of the curved syringe)
aperture. electrode and the scalp by of saline solution should be
decreasing the impedance. enough per sponge. If the
With the Sponstim’s it is
electrode impedance is not
used to soak the yellow
as good as desired, more
sponge surface.
solution can be added.
Silver chloride is light-sensitive. If an electrode is not operating as Ag/AgCl sintered electrodes have
Exposure to light will darken the specified and you experience noise, a limited life span. This is caused
electrode surface. This will not impair then please follow the directions below by several processes such as
the electrode performance since the concerning noisy electrodes. corrosion, the dissolving of the
large interstitial Ag/AgCl matrix is not chloride in the pellets and the wearing
reached by light. of the pellet during the cleaning
proccess. Eventually, the color of
A continuously noisy electrode the pellets will change from grey/
generally means that it has reached brown (AgCl) to silver (Ag) due to
The electrodes should be handled its end of life. You can extend the life the loss of the chloride. The AgCl
with care. They must not be stored in time a little bit by using a grain 600 or slowly dissolves in gel and water
contact with metals, especially active higher waterproof abrasive paper to during the cleaning, which leaves
metals such as iron or aluminum. polish the electrode tip. For that, use only Ag behind. The resulting pure
Substances that could affect their very soft and circular movements, silver electrode has much higher drift
electrochemical characteristics should preferably no more than 2 or 3 times and noise characteristics than the
also be avoided. Bare electrodes on the same area and removing an original Ag/AgCl electrode. At this
should be stored in a clean, dry and even very thin layer across the entire point, replacement of the electrode is
dark container (plastic or glass). surface. required.
XVI. Safety Information
for stimulation
Safety Warnings
W If the contact impedance of a specific 40 minutes are for research purposes only.
channel of the Starstim will not work.
W Electrode positions above cranial foramina and fissures
should be avoided because the effective current density
W The maximum current allowed at any can increase beyond safety limits in these areas.
channel is ± 2 mA, with a maximum
potential difference of 30 V (± 15 V).
W The Neuroelectrics stimulation electrodes
should be used only with Starstim.
W The maximum total injected current
W Before stimulation, confirm the condition of
allowed, at any time, is 4 mA.
the electrodes and check if they are clean.
W Based on the literature, the guideline for clinical use is
W Electrodes should only be used with the
to keep average current densities in electrodes below
conductive gels and solutions specified in this
0.06 mA/cm2
manual. Do not use other gels or solutions but
(= 2 mA / 35 cm2). In this way, the stimulation
those recommended in the Use Instructions.
current densities are far from the threshold for
tissue damage (14.3 mA/cm2) indicated for tDCS. W Perform a careful inspection of the skin under the
stimulation site before and after the stimulation
W Current densities above 0.06 mA/cm2 (but always
session. Observed adverse effects include: skin
well below 14.3 mA/cm2) are for advanced
itching, tingling, headache, burning sensation,
clinical research or research puposes only.
and discomfort. In rare cases, skin lesions have
W Stimulation session durations beyond been observed. If any of the mentioned effects
;9, ;9,
Safety guide Dosage
The proposed limits are not based
on available negative evidence, i.e.
findings of adverse effects with higher
current densities. Rather, they are a
conservative statement based on the
limited experience with current densities