Obligations Part 1
Obligations Part 1
Obligations Part 1
Article 1156. An obligation is a juridical
necessity to give, to do or not to do.
So the definition above gives you a more
● A juridical relation between 2 complete picture. There are 2 actors in an
persons, known as the creditor and obligation known as the debtor and the
debtor, whereby the former can creditor and one is bound to do
demand from the latter the something which the other may demand
observance of a determinate from him and if the one who is bound to
conduct and in case of breach, may do something fails to do so then the
obtain satisfaction from the assets creditor can go ahead and demand its
of the latter. satisfaction by seeking help from the
● Definition covers only civil courts.
obligations, because of the
characteristic that it is a juridical What do we mean by an obligation being
necessity. a juridical necessity? It means that in case
of non-compliance there is a legal
*We now officially proceed with sanction. Meaning you can go to court to
obligations and contracts which as we ask for that obligation to be done or if
earlier said is the backbone of a lot of your they refused to do it then there is an
civil law subjects. We begin with 1156 equivalent sanction. This is why 1156 only
which describes what an obligation is. covers CIVIL OBLIGATIONS because that is
Article 1156 is simple enough in a sense the characteristic of juridical necessity.
that you're able to form a vague picture
that there is someone who needs to do Kinds of Obligations as to Sanction
something which is whether to give, to do
Types of Obligations:
or not to do. But the question then
becomes who is the subject or object of 1. Civil Obligations - those which
that act? derive their binding force from
positive law, and can be enforced
This was the comment of Justice JPL REYES by court action or the coercive
of the Supreme Court. He said that this power of public authority.
definition is taken from Sanchez Roman is 2. Natural Obligations - refer to those
incomplete as it views obligation only which derive their binding force
from the debit side. But there is no debt from equity and natural justice,
without credit and the credit is just an and its fulfillment cannot be
asset in the patrimony of the creditor, just compelled by court action but
as the debt is a liability of the obligor. depends exclusively on the
conscience of the debtor.
3. Moral Obligations - those which ● Important to know the distinction
arise from moral law developed by because the remedies for either
the church and not enforceable in will also differ. A person cannot be
court. It deals with the spiritual compelled to do something against
obligation of a person in relation to his will because we have a
his God and Church. constitutional prescription against
involuntary servitude.
*What are the types of obligations
according to their sanction? We have 3 *Example: You are an employee at an
types of obligations according to their office and you want to resign. Can your
sanctions. employer say no(you cannot resign, you
1. Civil Obligations Example: When A has have to work for me until you die)?
to pay back B his debt of 1 Million. No, because that is tantamount to
2. Natural Obligations Example: When A involuntary servitude.
owes B 1 Million but the debt has already
prescribed. If A knowing that it has Remedy of the employer because of your
prescribed nevertheless still pays B, A resignation several deadlines were
cannot letter on get back what he missed, which deadlines you knew of
voluntarily paid. weeks prior.
The sanction is the law of course but only He can file an action for damages instead.
because conscience had originally He still have to prove his entitlement to
motivated the payment. Meaning yung the damages but that is his remedy.
utang nya base pa rin sa law but under the
law hindi na sya compelled to pay pero On the other hand, the performance of a
binayaran nya because of his conscience. real obligation can be compelled through
In which case the law will no longer allow specific performance.
you to recover what you paid. so parang EXAMPLE: An obligation to pay the debt is
sinasabi ng law na naging mabait kana a real obligation. So when the debtor
hayaan mo na wag mo nang bawiin ang refuses to pay the remedy of the creditor
pagiging mabait mo. is to ask relief from the court for the
3. Moral Obligations Example: Going to performance of a certain obligation.
mass which is considered an obligation for
Catholics. Kinds of Obligations as to Affirmativeness
and Negativeness
Kinds of Obligation According to
1. Positive - obligation to give or to
1. Real - obligation to give 2. Negative - obligation not to do
2. Personal - obligation to do and not
to do *Example of Positive Obligation: You
deliver a car or you have to deliver a car.
Example of Negative Obligation: You because without the demand from
cannot sell or neither you can purchase the creditor, there will be no action
liquor during the liquor ban which is ● Object/Prestation - the subject
practically the entire quarantine period. matter of the obligation; not a
thing but a particular conduct on
Kinds of Obligations as to Persons the part of the debtor
Obliged ● Efficient cause/Juridical tie - the
reason why the obligation exists
1. Unilateral - only one person is
*When it comes to the object you have to
obliged to do something
remember that this is the subject matter
2. Bilateral - both parties are bound
of the obligation and it has an economic
to do something
value or it is susceptible to pecuniary
substitution in case of non-compliance.
*Unilateral Contract Example:
Meaning it has a monetary equivalent
Commodatum, wherein your classmate
which will later on make it easier for the
has several ballpens and you want to
court to determine what is the monetary
borrow one. Your classmate does not have
equivalent if in case there is failure to
an obligation to lend you his/her pen but
perform such or there is failure to deliver
they do it anyway out of the goodness of
such object or prestation.
their heart. So the obligation to return the
pen arises when the pen is already with
For the efficient cause or juridical tie, this
is the vinculum, the legal tie by which the
debtor is bound to in favor of the creditor
Bilateral Contract Example: A contract of
to perform the prestation. It is determined
loan where the creditor has the obligation
by knowing the sources of obligation.
to lend the money while the debtor has
the obligation to return the money. Even a
Kinds of Prestation
contract of Sale where the seller has the
obligation to deliver the property while a. To give - consists of the delivery of
the buyer has the obligation to pay the a movable or immovable thing
consideration. which is either determinate
(specific) or indeterminate
Elements of an Obligation (generic). This is in order to create
a real right or for the use of the
● Active Subject (creditor,obligee) -
creditor, or for its simple
the possessor of the right; he in
possession, or in order to return it
whose favor of the obligation is
to its owner.
constituted; he who has the right
b. To do - involves all kinds of work or
to demand
services, whether physical or
● Passive Subject (obligor,debtor) -
mental, but in most cases the
he who has the duty of giving,
essence of the act may not be
doing, or not doing; passive
such, but merely the necessity of *Why must it be physically or juridically
concluding a juridical operation, possible?
such as when a person promises to Because if it is impossible the obligations
give a bond (as security for become void and hence it is as if the
another act) obligations never existed in the first place.
c. Not to do - negative obligation The law will not impose nor will it allow
which consists of abstaining from the imposition of anything impossible
some act, and includes the act because that will be unfair to the debtor.
“not to give”
It must be determinate or at least
*Example of prestation to give: Your determinable because if you cannot
parents will give you a car if you become a determine what needs to be done or given
lawyer. how will you have an obligation. At the
Example of prestation to do: Your parents very least you must have an idea of what
will take you to Japan, if you become a it is you need to give, to do or not to do in
lawyer. order for an obligation to arise.
Example of prestation not to do: You'll
refrain from eating chilimansi pansit Even services have a value. Like your
canton so long as your parents promise to economic employment has a value which
give you an allowance of 300 a day. Before is your salary. Your act of going to law
a more serious example you will refrain school has a value which is your tuition,
from selling your property to another your travel expenses, and your books. So
person to give your lessee a chance to prestation must have a monetary value so
purchase it from 3 months from now. So that when it is not performed and ill intent
parang right of first refusal yung tawag and the refusal or failure to perform the
natin jan. court can assess how much the creditor is
entitled to in the form of damages.
Requisites of a Prestation
Article 1157. Obligations arise from:
1. It must be physically and juridically
possible 1. Law
2. It must determine or at least 2. Contracts
determinate according to 3. Quasi-contracts
pre-established elements or 4. Acts or omissions punished by law;
criteria and
3. It must have a possible equivalent 5. Quasi-delicts
in money or a pecuniary value (so
that in case of breach, damages *1157 which enumerates the sources of
can be demanded) obligations.
It's important to remember that this
enumeration of the sources of obligations
is exclusive. No obligation exists if its act which constitutes a contracts,
source is not one of those enumerated on quasi-contracts, delicts or quasi-delicts
the slide. and its only purpose is to regulate such
obligation which did not arise from it. The
Note: There is a commentary that the act itself is the source of obligation and
enumeration here is not actually signed not the law. But when the law creates the
effect because in reality there are only 2 obligation and the act upon which it is
sources of obligations the law and based is nothing more than the clear
contracts because obligations arising from factor in determining the moment when it
quasi-contracts, crimes, and quasi-delicts becomes demandable then the source of
are actually sourced from the law because obligation is the law itself.
theses are found from the law. Example: The obligation to pay taxes,
when you enter into a contract of sale
Article 1158. Obligations derived from law you'll need to pay taxes. Is the obligation
are not presumed. Only those expressly to pay taxes a consequence of the
determined in this Code or in special laws contract? NO, it is a requirement of the
are demandable, and shall be regulated by law. The law itself states that when you
the precepts of the law which establishes enter into this kind of contract you have to
them; and as to what has not been pay these kinds of taxes. So the law
foreseen, by the provisions of this Book. created that obligation and the act which
is the execution of the Deed of Sale is
● The law must be clearly (expressly
nothing more than a mere factor in
or impliedly) set forth in the law
determining the moment when the
(the Civil Code or special laws).
obligation becomes demandable.
● If regarding an obligation founded
on law, there is a conflict between
If there is a conflict with respect to the
the New Civil Code and a special
New Civil Code and the special law
law, the latter prevails unless the
respecting an obligation that is founded
contrary has been expressly
on law. Then you have to apply the special
stipulated in the New Civil Code.
law first because the latter prevails unless
the contrary has been expressly stipulated
*1158 is clear that the obligation must be
in the New Civil Code.
set forth clearly in the law whether it be
expressly or impliedly.
The Court notes, however, that the *We have the case of united alloy v. UCPB.
interest rates imposed on the subject In this case united alloy or uni alloy was
promissory notes were made subject to granted a loan by UCPB in the amount of
review and adjustment at the sole 50 mil now uni alloy failed to pay its
discretion and under the exclusive will of obligations so ucpb filed an action for sum
UCPB. Moreover, aside from the of money against uni allow. Uni alloy also
Consolidated Statement of Account filed its own complaint against UCPB for
attached to the demand letters addressed annulment of the contract alleging that
to petitioner spouses Chua and their the contract was attended with fraud. The
co-defendants,19 no other competent main issue in this case is whether or not
evidence was shown to prove the total uni alloy should be liable for the amount
amount of interest due on the above awarded by the trial court bc the trial
promissory notes. In fact, based on the court ended up awarding the entire loan
attached Consolidated Statement of amount plus interest ok? So the SC said in
Account, UCPB has already imposed a 24% this case that uni alloy should be made to
interest rate on the total amount due on pay, they do not deny their liability and
respondents' peso obligation for a short their surety agreement and if you look at
period of six months. Settled is the rule the application of 1159 in this case the SC
that any contract which appears to be said art 1159 of CC expressly provides that
heavily weighed in favor of one of the “obligations arising from contracts have
parties so as to lead to an unconscionable the force of law between the contracting
result is void.19 Any stipulation regarding parties and should be complied with good
the validity or compliance of the contract faith”. Both the trial court and CA found
which is left solely to the will of one of the nothing that would justify or excuse
parties, is likewise, invalid.20 unialloy for noncompliance with their
obligations kasi if you look at the
Moreover, courts have the authority to
allegations sabi ni alloy may fraud daw but
strike down or to modify provisions in
sc said it becomes apparent that uni alloy voluntary and unilateral act/s
is merely attempting to evade or at least executed by somebody for the
delay the inevitable performance of their benefit of another and for which
obligation under the surety agreement. the former must be indemnified to
Now with respect to the interest rates that the end that no one shall be
were imposed on the promissory notes enriched at the expense of
the sc said that these had to be struck or another.
at least reduced bc there was supposedly ● Characteristics:
an authority in favor of UCPB wc would ○ It should be a lawful act
allow it to unilaterally increase the ○ It should be a voluntary act
interest rates at its sole discretion and ○ It should be a unilateral act
under its exclusive will. But the Sc said
that settled is the rule that any contract *What is a quasi-contract? It is a juridical
which appears to be heavily weighed in relation which arises from certain lawful,
favor of one of the parties so as to lead to voluntary and unilateral act/s executed by
an unconscionable result is void. Any somebody for the benefit of another and
stipulation regarding the validity or for which the former must be indemnified
compliance of the contract which is left to the end that no one shall be enriched
solely to the will of one the parties is at the expense of another. A
likewise invalid. This unilateral authority is quasi-contract should be a lawful act, it
anathema to the mutuality of contracts should be voluntary, and it should be
and enable lenders to take undue unilateral.
advantage of borrowers. So ultimately So when we say it's lawful it means that
even if the SC found that uni alloy should the act performed is not violative or
be made to pay its debt at the same time contrary to the law.
it could not uphold unilateral power of
When we say voluntary, it must have been
ucpb to increase the interest rates due on
performed free from violence, force or
the debt okay? Bc whether its autonomy
intimidation or undue influence.
of will, it has to be, it should not be
contrary to law, public policy and morals When we say unilateral, it comes solely
as well. In this case the interest rates from the own volition of the party who
became unconscionable therefore the sc performs the act. He does not act as a
had to void the same agreement. Ok? result of an agreement or contract with
the other. He is driven to act by his own
independent will.
Article 1160. Obligations derived from
quasi-contracts shall be subject to the Two Principal Types
provisions of Chapter 1, title XVII of this
book. 1. Negotiorum gestio - juridical
relation which takes place when
● Quasi-contracts - a judicial relation somebody takes charge of the
which arises from certain lawful agency or management of the
business or property of another pay first bills because A was benefited by
without any power from the latter. B's act. Otherwise, the law will view that
The owner shall reimburse the as unjust enrichment.
gestor for the necessary and useful
expenses incurred by the latter, Solutio indebiti on the other hand is
and for the damages suffered by payment by mistake. Example: A owed B
him in the performance of his 10,000 and they reduced their agreement
functions. in writing. How many years does B have to
2. Solutio indebiti - a juridical relation collect on the debt considering it's a
which takes place when somebody written contract? It's 10 years, so if B fails
received something from another to collect within 10 years, the action to
without any right to demand for it, recover the debt has already been
and the thing was unduly delivered prescribed.
through mistake. The obligation to But what if A still pays after 11 years not
return the thing arises on the part knowing that the obligation has already
of the recipient (*because he does prescribed? Can he still recover? Yes, he
not have the right to receive that can because he made a mistake.
thing). But if A pays knowing that the 10 year
period has prescribed, can he still recover
*Example of Negotiorum Gestio: A his payment? No he cannot because it's
temporarily uses the house and B takes no longer payment by mistake because he
care of the house while he is away. Then is aware that despite the 10 year period
when a fire broke out in their he still paid. Meaning he was aware that
neighborhood B put the house with water the debt had already prescribed but he
to prevent it from burning any further. In still made that payment, there could not
this case, there was no prior authority have been any mistake.
from A but B took charge of the house. This also ties back on how you cannot
Does the act of B lawful? It's not renounce a right that you did not know
prohibited to help another person from you have. In the former case you did not
his house burning. Is it voluntary? Yes, he know you were already entitled to the
did it without being forced, without being defense of prescription. Hence, even if the
vitiated, or without his consent being payment acted as a sort of renunciation of
vitiated or being intimidated into doing it. prescription the fact that you didn't know
Was it unilateral in his part? Yes, because that you were renouncing that right
he was the only one who initiated the act means that there could not have been an
there was no request from the owner of effective renunciation.
the house. So in this case A should
reimburse B for any costs B may have DOMESTIC PETROLEUM RETAILER CORP.
incurred in saving his house, like if he got VS MIAA
injured trying to carry the bucket of water
because it was too heavy A will have to
FACTS: DPRC was a lessee of MIAA, 98-30, on December 8, 1998, petitioner
sometime in 1998 MIAA passed a DPRC protested in writing to respondent
resolution increasing the rentals to be MIAA, alleging that Resolution No. 98-30
paid by its lessees. DPRC protested this in was invalidly issued. However, petitioner
writing but continued to pay the increased DPRC also signified its intention to comply
rentals. Eventually the resolution issued in good faith with the terms and
by MIAA with respect to the increase in conditions of the lease contract by paying
the rentals was struck down by the courts. the amount charged in accordance with
so DPRC stopped paying the increased Resolution No. 98-30 despite registering
rentals rate and instead paid the original its objection to its validity.
rental rate. MIAA however still required
Solutio indebiti applies when payment
the payment of the increased rentals until
was made on the erroneous belief of facts
2007 which DPRC refused to pay
or law that such payment is due. In the
prompting MIAA to send a final demand
case at hand, petitioner DPRC's
letter to DPRC. MIAA then filed a
overpayment of rentals from 1998 to 2005
complaint for collection against DPRC.
was not made by sheer inadvertence of
HELD: the facts or the misconstruction and
misapplication of the law. Petitioner DPRC
For the concept of solutio indebiti to
did not make payment because it
apply, the undue payment must have been
mistakenly and inadvertently believed that
made by reason of either an essential
the increase in rentals instituted by the
mistake of fact or a mistake in the
subsequently voided Resolution No. 98-30
construction or application of a doubtful
was indeed due and demandable. From
or difficult question of law. Mistake entails
the very beginning, petitioner DPRC was
an error, misconception, or
consistent in its belief that the increased
rentals were not due as Resolution No.
In the instant case, petitioner DPRC made 98-30 was, in its view, void.
the overpayments in monthly rentals from
However, petitioner DPRC still made
December 11, 1998 to December 5, 2005
payment despite its objection, not due to
not due to any mistake, error, or omission
any mistaken belief, but for the sole
as to any factual matter surrounding the
reason that prior to the Court's Decision in
payment of rentals. Nor did petitioner
Manila International Airport Authority v.
DPRC make the overpayments due to any
Airspan Corporation, et al., Resolution No.
mistaken construction or application of a
98-30 was still presumed to be legal,
doubtful question of law.
having the force of law in the absence of
Instead, petitioner DPRC deliberately any judicial declaration to the contrary.
made the payments in accordance with Hence, without any judicial declaration on
respondent MIAA's Resolution No. 98-30, the nullity of Resolution No. 98-30 at that
albeit under protest. It must be recalled time, petitioner DPRC had no alternative
that after the issuance of Resolution No. but to make the subject payments, though
under protest. Therefore, it is not correct
to say that the subject payments made by
petitioner DPRC were made by mistake or