Basic SD Topics
Basic SD Topics
Basic SD Topics
Getting acquainted with the SAP R/3 Interface (Release 4.6 C),
And the Sales and Distribution Process.
This exercise starts from the “SAP Easy Access” initial screen. Your instructor
will lead you through the log-on process to get you to this screen.
In this exercise we will assume we are part of the IDES Company, which sells
motorcycles, and accessories, etc. We will do the following:
1. Look at an existing order to identify information on the header, the line
items, and the schedule lines for the order.
2. For the customer referenced in the order, we will look at the customer
master tables to identify certain information carried on the system.
3. For the material referenced in the order, we will look at the material
master tables to identify certain information carried on the system.
4. Check the inventory for that material.
5. Look at the document chain for this document, that is, the string of
subsequent documents that all relate to this order
Before you begin: We will spend a good part of the course learning to use, understand
and configure this system. Don’t rush through the exercise. Explore rather than merely
putting in the required keystrokes. Think about the system as you go. Get a feel for how
it works, how it is structured, what it can do for you. How easy would it be to learn to get
around using this SAP interface? How powerful is it in terms of supporting a business?
As you look at the screen, notice that the top four lines of the screen are familiar
Internet Explorer information and controls. We will generally ignore these, though the
very top of the screen has the title of the window on shaded blue background, and this
will be useful. In this case it is “SAP Easy Access”, the system’s initial window.
The next three lines are SAP information and controls. First, on a dark blue
background, you will see the SAP main menu comprised of five dropdown menus:
“Menu”, “Edit”, “Favorites”, “Extras”, “System”, “Help”, and “Function”. Click on one
of these and then run your cursor over the menu choices, and you will see drop down
boxes that show you the sub selections. If a sub selection has a black triangle to the right,
then there are further levels of sub selections available. Later, after having finished the
class, you may select “Log off” on the “System” dropdown menu to abandon the SAP
system (or you may use a shortcut – you will discover it once you read the next
Below the main menu bar is the button bar that surprisingly enough contains
buttons to perform common actions. Some of the buttons are enabled such as the “Enter”
(green check mark) button while others are disabled such as the “Save” (disk picture) or
the “Back” (back arrow) buttons. Running your cursor over the enabled buttons will
disclose their function. The buttons disabled will get enabled once the context allows it.
Below that is the title of the window, this time with a white background. (This is
a repeat of the top line of the whole screen, the Internet Explorer information). In these
exercises we will often refer to the window names as a way to help you know if you are
“on track”.
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
From this point on, you will get to the specifics of a particular screen. Right now,
you are on the “SAP Easy Access” screen as shown in the white bar. Some buttons you
may use on a particular screen are presented on the next level. “SAP Easy Access” also
provides you with a folders list you can use to navigate in the same way you are used to
in a Windows-like environment.
To see how this works, let’s look at how we can take actions or get information
relating to customer orders. Double-click on the Logistics folder, and then move down
and double-click on the “Sales and Distribution” folder. (You can also single click on the
triangles to get the same result.) Double-click on “Sales”, and then on “Order”. You have
reached the point when you can execute a transaction. Double-click on “Display”. You
will see the white bar changing the title from “SAP Easy Access” to “Display Sales
Order: Initial Screen” as well the title of the window on the very top. You have now a
menu bar with different choices, appropriate for the task at hand. The standard button bar
below the menu bar remains the same, except for the button that is now enabled: the
“Cancel” (cross mark on a red globe). Select the “Cancel” button to abandon this
transaction (or any other transaction without saving any data). You are back to the folders
list. Click on the “SAP Menu” button, the first enabled button after the screen title to go
back to the compact view of the folders list. We are going to start from this point again.
1. Look at an existing order
Go back to “Display Sales Order: Initial Screen” (follow the menu path: Logistics
Sales and Distribution Sales Order Display)
For the order number, use 5404. You don’t need to fill anything else out.
Choose (or press the Enter key).
You will see the overview of the document, which includes much of the header
information. You won’t have to understand all the information on these
documents, but you will need to understand some of it.
Who is the sold-to party for this order? (Get the customer identifier and the name
--You’ll need this later.)
Identifier _______, Name ___________________
Who is the ship-to party? ____________________________________________
Under what circumstances might they be different? ________________________
Now look at the order lines. What “Material” (i.e. product code) is being
ordered? You will need this later.___________________
What quantity is being ordered? ___
What is the description of the material? ____________________________
You are looking at the Order Overview screen, which has only some of the
Header information, and some of the line item information. Note that you have a
number of tabs you can choose from. Use the Shipping tab.
What is the total weight in kilograms for this order? ___________________
What is the delivery status? ___________________
Under what circumstances would you get a different answer to the previous
question? _____________________________________________________
You can look at the rest of the Header information by going to Header Details as
follows. On the Display Standard Order 5404: Overview screen, note the
magnifying glass just above the tabs, on the right. Place your cursor over it
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
and you will see what it does (shows “Display doc. header details”). Click on the
magnifying glass. Note that you now have more tabs you can choose from.
What kind of information is now available at the Details level that was not before
at the Overview level?
You can use the left arrow on the green ball (on the button bar) to back out
to the overview screen to compare. You can also use the left or right
arrows at the right of the tabs to bring other tabs into view, or get a list of
the tabs by clicking on the list icon to the right of the arrows.
(Give one example of new info at the details level ) __________________
Choose the Partners tab.
Who will be paying for this order? ___________________
Choose the Status tab.
What is the rejection status of this document? _____________
Note the delivery status that you have already obtained. You will notice
while using SAP that you can find the same information either in different
locations or in the same location reached through different ways.
On the Main Menu (dark blue bar on top), from the “Goto” dropdown menu,
choose Overview. (Goto Overview).
Now look at the schedule lines for a line item. (A line item is a particular material
that is ordered. The schedule lines tell when parts of a line item will be delivered
etc. There may be more than one schedule line for a line item, if not all is
delivered at the same time.) On the Display Standard Order: Overview screen,
select the first line item by clicking to the left of the line (toward the bottom).
The line will turn dark yellow.
Having selected the line, go to the bottom of the form and click on the Display
Item Details button . (You may have to use the scroll bar on the right to down
to the bottom of the screen to see the buttons.)
Once again you have tabs to choose from. Select the tab. Then
choose the line with a confirmed quantity by clicking on the corresponding blank
button on the left side of the quantities/dates table (line turns dark yellow).
Now click on the magnifying glass at the bottom left (Sched. line-detail).
On the Display Standard Order 5404: Schedule Line Data screen, choose the
shipping tab.
What is the material availability date (the date the material is in the warehouse
and ready to be delivered)? ___________________
What is the loading date? ___________________
What is the delivery date? ___________________
Return to the Display Standard Order: Item Data screen by clicking (the
green back arrow icon at the top of the screen).
Select the Shipping tab.
Who is the ship-to party? ___________________
What is the unloading point at the ship-to party’s location? __________________
What plant of IDES is this coming from? ___________________
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
Select some of the other tabs to see what information is available. Some
information is not filled out, since it has not been entered, but much of it is
Now choose the tab. This shows information used in pricing and
discounting the sale, as well as things like cost and profit margins. Use the down
arrows to also see the bottom portion of the table. What is the cost per item?
how much tax is charged for this line item? ___________________
Is there any discount? ___________________
Use twice the cancel button at the top of the screen to back out to the initial
SAP Easy Access screen.
2. Customer Master Tables.
Now we wish to look at some of the data that SAP stores about each customer.
This data is the source for much of the information that goes on the order you
have already looked at. (The order requires a customer identifier (sold to party)
and automatically fills in much of the information from that.)
We will use the sold-to party from the earlier document. Start at the SAP Easy
Access initial screen.
Choose Logistics Sales and Distribution Master Data Business Partners
Customer Display Complete
For customer, enter the identifier 1400 for the sold to party from the earlier order
On the Sales Area, select the button.
A customer can conceivably purchase material from several different sales areas.
In this case, there is just one Sales Area: 1000/10/00, which is the one used in
Sales Order 5404. Double click on that line to import the data into the “Display
Customer: Initial Screen”. Choose to continue.
By looking into the several areas for general data, answer the following questions:
How many employees does the firm have? _______
What industry are they in? ___________________
Who is the contact person and what is his function?
What is the name of the person who serves as the Sales employee partner
in this relationship? (Hint: Look into )
Return to the SAP Easy Access initial screen by using (Cancel buttons)
3. Material Master Tables
Now we will look at master table information on each material (product), using
the material from the above order as our example.
From the SAP Easy Access screen, select Logistics Materials Management
Material Master Material Display Display Current
Use the material from the example order, which is P-109. Choose or just press
Now check the tables you want to see. Check the following views: Basic Data 1,
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
Sales: General/Plant Data, and Costing 2. Scroll down and use any of the
following buttons to get to the Costing 1 view. Choose to continue.
In the Organizational Levels window, click on Plant to see which plants this
material is located in. Choose the Werk Hamburg plant by double clicking on it,
and then choose to continue.
It seems you get all the data, even if you only asked for a few tables. Notice,
however, that the ones you checked are specially marked .
What is the description of the material? __________________________
What is the unit of measure? ______
What is the gross weight? ___________________
What are the transportation group and the loading group?
To see what the other possibilities are for transportation group and loading group, click
once on the field with the value, then click on the listing icon that will become visible.
Use the browser back command to return. What is another possible transportation group,
beyond pallets? What is another possible loading group beyond cranes? ____
What is the standard price? _______________________
Is this what was charged on the order? ___________________
(1 DEM = 0.51129 EUR)
Why might these two be different?
Now lets look at inventory levels for this material. Back out to the SAP Easy
Access initial screen by repeatedly using on the button bar below the SAP
menu bar.
4. Inventory Levels for a Material
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics Materials Management
Physical Inventory Environment Stock Overview.
Use material P-109. No other entries are needed. Do not press Enter. It is
useless in this context. Instead, click on Execute (the green checkmark with a
clock behind it).
The table shows the company code and name (there are several different “companies” in
this SAP system), the plant code and name, the storage location code and name, and the
What is the total inventory in unrestricted use? ___________________
How many pieces are in the New York plant? ______________________
This time use the Exit button to go back to the SAP Easy Access Menu in
just one step instead of using repeatedly .
5. Document Flow
Now we want to see all documents that are part of the chain including this order.
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
From the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose Logistics Sales and Distribution
Sales Order Display
Put the order number in: 5404
If you select (Enter) at this point it will display the order document. However,
from this Display Sales Order Initial Screen, you can also go directly to the
document flow display by clicking , the document flow button on the buttons
line after the white bar displaying the window title.
You can see all documents in this chain. You will see the order itself, the
delivery document which is summary document needed to control delivery, along
with the detailed documents showing the steps in the process. The transfer
document records that the items ordered are no longer available, and is used to
create a picking document. The goods issue documents says that picking is
complete and the items are no longer on the shelf. The invoice says the items
have been billed, and the accounting document gives the related accounting
entries. We will go into each of these document and the processes they relate to in
more depth, as we get deeper into the course.
6. Explore some more
If you have more time, go back and explore the same general material with
another customer order: 5729. SAP is a strange beast – very powerful, very
complex, and easy to get confused about. It is a tiger, and you now have it by
the tail! Best to start getting to know it.
SAP Sales and Distribution Tutorial
In this tutorial, you will learn how to enter sales orders, create delivery
documents, post goods issues to customers, and receive payment for SOS Beach Cruisers.
For this demonstration, we will look at the sales and distribution process as an order for
20 S model Beach Cruisers is taken by one of SOS’s salespersons, Patty Teller.
Creating a sales inquiry
During a weekly sales call, Patty Teller contacted the manager of Southwest
Recreational Vehicles. Southwest Recreational Vehicles is one of SOS’s wholesale
customers located in Phoenix. Currently SOS sells Beach Cruisers to both wholesale and
direct sales customers. SOS tried retail sales a couple years ago, but discontinued the
practice due to increased sales costs, and large levels of uncollectible accounts receivable.
Through a conversation with the manager of Southwest Recreational Vehicles,
Patty discovered that the Beach Cruiser S is selling rather well. As a matter of fact,
Southwest Recreational Vehicles just sold the last of their initial stock of 5 Beach Cruiser
Ss earlier in the day. The manager of Southwest Recreational Vehicles has decided to
purchase 20 additional S models immediately, with the promise of a larger order
dependant upon the speed in which he can sell the next 20 cruisers.
Patty’s first step in the sales order process is the creation of a sales inquiry. By
creating a sales inquiry, Patty will be able to check the pricing of the potential sales order,
and check inventory status. This allows the manager at Southwest Recreational Vehicles
to say yes or no dependant upon pricing or delivery date before a final sales order is
entered into SOS’s SAP R/3 system. Now let’s create the sales inquiry for the order of
20 Beach Cruisers for Southwest Recreational Vehicles.
From the SAP Easy Access Menu: Logistics Sales and distribution Sales
Inquiry Create
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
looks at the right side of the screen, and informs the customer that the 20 Beach Cruisers
will cost $20,000.00. She can also see that the sale will be profitable by looking at the
$10,000.00 gross margin resulting from the sale. After the customer agrees to the price,
Patty returns to the inquiry order screen using the green back button (click the green
back button now). As the inquiry is acceptable to both her and the customer, Patty
clicks the save button, and writes down the document number which flashes across the
bottom of the screen (click save and record the document number on the information
sheet). Patty writes the inquiry document number on the back of one of her business
cards and gives it to the Southwest Recreational Vehicle manager. As is the procedure at
SOS, Patty instructs the customer to call the sales staff at SOS to place his order using the
inquiry number. Patty thanks the customer, and moves on to her next sales call.
Although some companies create the actual sales orders during sales calls, SOS
has found that creating an inquiry helps in many ways. First, the process allows
customers to look at their financial position before committing to an actual order. For
instance, if the manager at Southwest Recreational Vehicles discovers that his business
will not have the cash on hand to make the purchase of the 20 S Beach Cruisers, he
simply calls Patty back to change the inquiry. This way no solid information concerning
a sale needs to be removed from the R/3 system. Second, many SOS customers must
send any major stock purchases to a purchasing division before the order can be
confirmed. The manager at Southwest Recreation Vehicles can simply pass the inquiry
number onto his purchaser, who can then call the SOS sales division to place the order.
This greatly decreases the amount of paperwork customers must pass around at their own
companies. Not only does this cut down on mistakes at the customer’s company, but it
lessens the amount of time an SOS sales employee spends on the phone with a
customer’s purchasing staff confirming the contents of the order.
Now that the sales inquiry has been saved, let’s go over to the sales division at the
SOS home office to see how the inquiry is turned into a formal sales order.
Creating a sales order
The SOS sales division consists of one full time employee. Before SOS
implemented their SAP R/3 system, three full time employees were needed to keep track
of, enter, and forward incoming sales orders. Due to Sap’s ability to store, produce, and
forward sales information, a single employee can now easily complete all the necessary
Upon arrival to the SOS sales office, it is learned that the manager of Southwest
Recreational Vehicles is on the phone and is ready to turn the sales inquiry created earlier
into a formal sales order. The SOS sales order employee Keith Brown, has learned from
the Southwest Recreational Vehicles manager that he wishes to place an order identical to
the inquiry created by Patty Teller. After asking for the inquiry number, Keith goes
about creating the sales order.
From the SAP Easy Access Menu: Logistics Sales and distribution Order
Enter OR for Order type.
Enter your sales organization in the Sales organization box.
Distribution channel will be WH for wholesale.
Division will be BC for Beach Cruiser.
Since the customer does not wish to change any of the information on the inquiry,
Keith clicks the Create with reference button (click the Create with reference button
now). A pop-up box will appear, with the quotation tab showing. We will be referencing
an inquiry for this sales order, so click on the inquiry tab. Now enter your inquiry
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
number from the last exercise, and click the copy button. You should now be at the
Create Standard Order screen. The information from the Southwest Recreational
Vehicles inquiry has already been entered. Enter the customer initials and date in the
Purch. Order no. box (SWRV and today’s date), and click enter. You might see a pop-
up telling you that the document is incomplete. Disregard this warning and click save.
Record the sales order document number, which will flash across the bottom of the
screen, on the information sheet. Keith gives the sales order document number to the
customer for future reference, and thanks the customer for the order. That’s all there is to
creating an order using the SAP R/3 system.
Now that the formal sales order has been created, why don’t we go next door to
the SOS shipping warehouse to watch what they do with the sales order. It is important
to note that we will not be taking any paperwork to the shipping department. In fact,
none of the transactions so far have required any paperwork to change hands. This means
that everything is kept accurate and available in the R/3 system. At no time can writing
be smeared or erased to accidentally change the order agreed upon during the initial sales
call made by Patty.
Creating delivery for a sales order
Since the Southwest Recreational Vehicles order is due to be delivered in two
days, and SOS has enough S Beach Cruisers to fulfill the order, the Beach Cruisers will
be loaded and shipped today. This will allow them to be driven to Phoenix, and delivered
in two days time. After Keith posted the sales order document, the sales order was
automatically entered into the SAP R/3 system shared database. This means that the
sales order information is automatically, and instantly, available to the shipping
department. Once again, this is accomplished without the use of paperwork.
Once the SOS shipping clerk, Clara Smith, sees that a new sales order has been
posted, she checks the delivery date on the document. Noticing that the order must be
shipped immediately, Clara creates a shipping document for the order.
From the SAP Easy Access Menu: Logistics Sales and distribution Shipping
and transportation outbound delivery Create Single document With
reference to sales order
Enter SPBC (shipping point, Beach Cruiser) for shipping point.
Enter the order delivery date for the Selection date (two days from today).
Enter the sales order document number from the last exercise for Order.
Clicks enter, and you will be taken to the Outbound Delivery Create screen. The
sales order information should already be entered on the form. At SOS there are three
storage areas. Storage area 10 is the raw materials warehouse. Storage area 20 is the
Work In Progress area. Storage area 30 is the Finished goods shipping area. Clara must
record the storage area from which the Beach Cruisers will be taken (many businesses
have several different warehouses to ship inventory from). To do this, highlight the line
for BC-S, and click the Item details button on the bottom of the screen (looks like a
small magnifying glass on the left part of the screen). Now click on the picking tab. In
the SAP R/3 system, the term picking refers to the physical act of taking goods out of
inventory storage for a delivery. You will notice that the pick status on the lower left
portion of the screen shows that the order has not yet been picked. Enter 30 in the Stor.
location box to tell the system that the Beach Cruisers will be picked from the finished
goods shipping area. Click save, and record the delivery document number displayed
at the bottom of the screen on the information sheet. At this point, Clara tells the
loading employees in the warehouse to place 20 S Beach Cruisers in delivery trucks.
After the loading employees report to Clara that the S Beach Cruisers have been loaded,
she returns to the delivery document to enter the amount picked.
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
R/3 system. Without a billing document to confirm that the order was indeed shipped,
the customer payment could not be accepted in the accounting module.
Now let’s jump ahead a couple days in time and watch Tom as he handles the
receipt of payment from Southwest Recreational Vehicles.
Receiving payment from the customer
Logically, this function would only be completed once the Beach Cruisers were
delivered, and the customer sends payment. However, since we are working in the
classroom, we will have to pretend a couple days have gone by, and payment has been
received. When Tom receives the payment for the Beach Cruisers, he enters the payment
in the accounts receivables section of the R/3 system.
From the Sap Easy Access Menu: Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts
receivable Document entry Incoming payment
Enter the order delivery date from exercise 1 (two days from today) for
Document date, and for Posting date.
Enter your company code in the Company code box.
Enter USD (United States Dollar) for Currency
In the Bank data area, enter 113000 for Account (this is your primary bank
Enter the Net amount from the last exercise for Amount
In the Open item selection area, select Southwest from the dropdown for
By completing this form, you have told the system that you wish to process the
incoming payment for the invoice equal to the Net amount in the last exercise for
Southwest Recreational Vehicles, and that the payment is to be added to your primary
bank account. Now click the process open items button. A warning message telling you
that the document date is in the future will flash across the bottom of the screen. Since
SAP works in real time, the system wants to make sure you know that you are working in
the future. As mentioned in the beginning of this exercise we are pretending that a
couple days have gone by. If it were really two days from today, the warning would not
appear. Click the enter button to acknowledge the warning, and continue. The Post
Incoming Payments screen should now be displayed.
At the bottom of the screen, you should see a 0.00 balance in the Not assigned
box. This is because Southwest Recreational Vehicles sent payment equal to the billed
amount. If payment less than the full amount had been received, the lesser amount would
have been entered on the previous screen, and the balance would be positive. The
invoice would remain open in the system until the full amount was collected from
Southwest Recreational Vehicles. Click the save button to post the payment in the
system. A message confirming the posting of the document should be displayed at the
bottom of the screen. Record the document number on the information sheet.
You have successfully sold some SOS Beach Cruisers. The first time you move
through the process it might seem like a lot of steps. But consider for a moment that you
just completed a process which in the past would have taken several employees a day or
more to accomplish!
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
Exercise 2
Entering Transactions: Sales Order Processing
and Subsequent Functions
Business transactions in Sales and Distribution are recorded in the SAP R/3 System with
sales documents.
The sales order is the central document in Sales and Distribution. A sales order can be based on
preceding inquiries and quotations. During order entry, information on the customer and products
or services is recorded in the document. Various checks are carried out, such as the availability
check and the credit limit check. The information entered in the sales order is transferred to
subsequent documents, which are used to process the business transaction further. The delivery
document is the basis for all shipping activities. At the end of this process, the delivered goods
and/or services rendered are invoiced during billing. The billing data is then automatically
forwarded to Financial Accounting and to Profitability Analysis.
Process Chain
Creating a Sales Order
1. Delivering a Sales Order
2. Billing a Sales Order
3. Displaying the Document Flow
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
Order type OR
On this screen, the specification of the sales area (Sales organization, Distribution channel and
Division) is optional. As soon as you enter the sold-to-party on the Create Standard Order:
Overview screen, the R/3 System automatically determines the corresponding sales area. If the
sold-to-party is managed in more than one sales area, a selection screen appears in which you
can choose the appropriate sales area.
3. Select Enter. (Hint: Use the check mark icon to enter items)
4. On the Create Standard Order: Overview screen, enter the following
Field Name Data Item
Material P-109
Order quantity 2
The purchase order number refers to the customer's purchase order. It can used later (e.g. if the
customer calls in with question about their order) to search for documents in SAP that pertain that
particular customer purchase order. (SAP refers to this searching process as Match code).
5. Select Enter .
6. The dialog box Sales area for customer appears requesting that you select a sales
area since the sold-to-party is managed in more than one sales area. Select
3000/10/00 (USA Philadelphia/Final customer sales/Cross-division) with a
7. The dialog box Partner selection appears requesting that you select a ship-to
party. Accept the proposed 3000 (Thomas Bush Inc.) by pressing Enter.
You may see a screen notifying you of a change in the invoice date, if you did not
accept the initially proposed “Req. Deliv. Date”. If the goods ordered by the
customer are not available on the requested delivery date, the R/3 System branches
automatically to an availability check screen. Here you can choose one of the delivery
options (for example, Delivery proposal). The R/3 System then branches back to the
overview screen.
Before we save the document, we want to “look around a bit”. In particular, we want
to see what date the SAP says the material needs to be “available” in the warehouse,
because we will use that date when we start the shipping process. We’ll also look at
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
some pricing information, and some of the output that might be produced from this
order processing.
8. On the Create Standard Order: Overview screen, select the item you entered
(click on the square to the left of the line) and then select Schedule lines for item
(bottom, about 9th icon from left)
9. On the Create Standard Order: Item Data screen, select the schedule item with
confirmed order quantity and select Sched. line-detail . (bottom of screen, on
left side)
10. Select the shipping tab.
The R/3 System automatically schedules when to start the most important
shipping activities, such as picking, loading and transportation. The shipping
details screen displays the dates needed for shipping.
Write down the material availability date since you need this date as a
selection criterion to create a delivery. If the transportation scheduling date is
earlier than the former date, the delivery can be created on the transportation
scheduling date. This screen also shows the shipping point responsible for the
shipment of this order.
Material Availability Date:
11. On the Create Standard Order: Schedule Line Data screen, select Goto Overview from the
main menu to return to the overview screen.
12. On the Create Standard Order: Overview screen select the item you entered and select Item
conditions . (bottom of screen, about the 10 icon from left.)
The R/3 System branches to the pricing screen Standard Order Create: Item
Data for the selected item. All of the elements that are relevant for the pricing of
an order item (for example, prices, surcharges, discounts, freight charges and
taxes) are represented by condition types in the SAP system. This screen shows
the different pricing elements that the R/3 System determined for the item. You
may need to page down (bottom left of table) to see the lower rows of the table.
13. Select Back (the green left arrow below the main menu), to return to the overview
14. On the Create Standard Order: Overview screen, select Extras Output
Header Print Preview from the main menu.
On this screen, the R/3 System displays the output to be produced for this
transaction (for example, an order confirmation) and the partner (for example,
ship-to party) for whom the output is meant.
15. Back out to the Create Standard Order: Overview screen with the green left
arrow. Select Save. (Hint: to save entries click on the Floppy Disk Icon. At
the bottom of the screen the R/3 System will confirms that the standard order has
been saved. Write down the Order Number given at the bottom of the screen.
Order Number:
Suppose the business practice was to always send a confirmation of the order
through the regular mail. We can see what that would look like below.
16. On the Create Standard Order: Overview screen select Sales document
Change from the main menu.
The R/3 System proposes the last order you created for further processing.
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
17. On the Change Sales Order: Initial Screen, select Sales document Issue
output to from the main menu.
A dialog box displays the output type that is valid for this sales document (BA00
= order confirmation).
18. Select the Print Preview icon .
The print preview of the order confirmation is displayed.
19. Return to the main SAP R/3 screen, using a combination of the green left arrow,
and the green check mark, as appropriate.
Delivering a Sales Order
As soon as the material availability date or the transportation scheduling date for a
schedule line has arrived, the material on the schedule line becomes due for shipping.
When you create a delivery document, you initiate shipping activities such as picking and
transportation scheduling. In this case, you will create an individual delivery.
Creating an individual delivery document
1. Select Logistics Sales and distribution Shipping and Transportation Outbound delivery
Create Single Document With Reference to Sales Order
2. On the Create Outbound Delivery with Order Reference screen, enter the following data:
Field Name Data Item
Shipping point 3000
Selection date Material availability date (that
you recorded earlier), or
transportation scheduling date
SalesOrder Sales order number from the first
From item Leave blank
To item Leave blank
If you don’t remember the sales order number, you can search for it with a
matchcode. Select this underlined text, Matchcode with a double-click if you want an
3. Select Enter. (green check mark)
The R/3 System branches to the overview screen of the delivery document.
4. On the Delivery Create: Overview screen having the tab Item overview selected, select the
delivery item (click on the square to the left of the item, line will turn yellow) and then select Item
details . (bottom of the screen)
5. The R/3 System displays a screen with detailed item information. Please note the content of the
following fields:
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
6. Select Outbound delivery Save from the main menu. The delivery document is saved.
Record the deliver #: ____________________
The delivery should now be picked. In “Lean” warehouse management (i.e. a
shortened, faster process), the transfer orders are used as the picking list, the
instructions to the warehouse staff for amounts and locations of all material to be
selected from the warehouse.
The transfer order can only be created after the delivery document is created, but
is a separate step.
7. On the Create Outbound Delivery with Order Reference screen, select
Outbound delivery Change. The system displays the number of the delivery
8. Select subsequent functions Create transfer order from the main menu.
9. On the Create Transfer Order for Delivery Note: Initial Screen, enter 300 for
the Warehouse number. Enter the number for the delivery document in case it is
not defaulted by the system. Press Enter. (green check mark)
10. The active worklist shows two pumps to pick. Select to create
the transfer order. Data is transferred from the active worklist to processed items.
11. Select Post to save the transfer order.
12. The R/3 System creates a transfer order for picking the corresponding delivery
item. Write down the Transfer Order Number provided at the bottom of the
Transfer Order Number:
13. Return to the main SAP R/3 screen. (use the yellow up arrow)
Now display the transfer order. Select Logistics Sales and Distribution
Shipping and Transportation Picking Display Transfer Order Single
Click on the “From Data” tab and see what information is there. In particular,
what is the Type? Click on the type field, and then click on the icon there and
enter the meaning of the type code. What storage bin is the pump in?
Meaning of Type code: _________________
Storage Bin: _________
Now click on the “To Data” tab. What is the meaning of the type code there?
Meaning of Type code: _________________
What is the transfer order telling the warehouse staff to do?
Posting Goods Issue
As soon as picking is completed, you can post the goods issue for the delivery.
The goods issue document for a delivery is a Materials Management (MM) and
Financial Accounting (FI) document, which is used to update stock quantities and
stock values. In addition, a document used for Profitability Analysis is updated.
The goods issue completes the business transaction from the point of view of
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
14. Select Logistics Sales and Distribution Shipping and Transportation Outbound delivery
Change Single document
15. On the Change Outbound Delivery screen select .
The R/3 System confirms that the delivery has been saved.
16. Return to the main SAP R/3 screen.
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
Return to the previous screen and determine the ledger account assigned to line
item 002.
Line Item 002 Ledger Account Number:
Back out to the Display Billing Document screen. Select the line item, then select
Display Item Details
9. On the Invoice Display Item Data, select Item Details. Look for the Sales Order data.
Write down the Sales District (SlsDist.Order) assigned to the sale.
Sales District: .
10. Return to the main SAP R/3 screen.
Exercise 3
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
Material 1400-700-1XX
Industry Sector Mechanical engineering
Material type Finished product
Copy From 1400-700
A3. Enter.
Select all views (use the icon near the top of the window). Deselect (by
clicking on) Foreign Trade: Export Data, Purchasing, Foreign Trade: Import Data,
Purchase Order Text, Forecasting, Quality Management. Make sure the following
box is checked: . Press Enter.
A4. Enter the following data for Organizational Levels:
Copy from
Plant: 1000 1000
Stor. Location: 0001 0001
Sales Org.: 1000 1000
Distr. Channel: 12 12
Whse No 010 010
Storage Type 005 005
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
The system will propose the data last used. Make sure you change the
material type and the “copy from” material.
Material 1400-700-1XX
Plant 1000
BOM usage 1 (Production)
C – Set up routing.
The routing shows the processes needed to produce the painted deluxe gas tank.
There is already a routing for material 1400-700. In this process we will indicate
that material 1400-700-1XX should be added to the materials that share the same
routing as 1400-700. In case you can’t read German, the two processes are “paint
it”, and “attach the gas cap”.
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
Plant: 1000
C3. Select
C4. Add to the list your material (you may have to wait for your colleagues to
release this table while entering theirs):
Grc Material Plant
1 1400-700-1XX 1000
C5. Enter.
C6. Save. The system will give you a message that the routing was saved with
group 50000143 and material 1400-700. But in fact you have now copied and
saved a routing for your own material.
C7. Go back and look at some details of the routing: Logistics Production
Master data Routings Routings Standard Routings Display
Enter material 1400-700-1XX (your own material) and plant 1000, and click
You will see there are two operations for this routing. Use the horizontal scroll
bar at the bottom to look at setup time, machinery times, and labor times for each
How much setup time and labour time is allotted for painting the tank
(Luckier in German)? _______, _________
How much setup and labour time for attaching the gas cap? ________,
These numbers are for cost accounting purposes.
You have now set up the master records, BOM and routing for the new
C8. Click Exit till you reach the SAP Easy Access Menu.
D - Creating Price Conditions
SAP has very sophisticated pricing capabilities -- prices can be determined based
on a variety of "conditions". This make it possible to customize the way pricing is done
to meet the needs of most organizations. Here we will use the simplest of schemes -- for
our new material we will specify the price to be used for a given sales organization and a
given distribution channel. By implication, the price might be different for a different
sales organization or distribution channel.
D1. Logistics Sales and Distribution Master Data Conditions Select
using condition type Create (Transaction V-41)
D2. Enter the Condition Type: PR00 (Price).
D3. Select radio button for . Enter.
D4. Enter the following data:
Sales organization: 1000
Distribution channel: 12
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
D5. Enter.
D6. Save (condition records saved).
E - Purchasing materials
Before we can actually use the materials we have added to our tables, we need to order
them from a vendor, and actually receive them (i.e. record that they have been placed on
our loading docks and moved into our warehouses.) That is what the next two steps
Create a new purchase order requesting all three components from the vendor.
E1. Logistics Materials management Purchasing Purchase order
Create Vendor/Supplying Plant Known (Transaction ME21)
E2. Enter the Vendor (after the “Vendor” label): 1011. Press Enter.
E3. Enter
Purchase organization 1000
Purchase group 002
Click on “enter”.
E4. On the Delivery/Invoice tab, enter EUR for Currency.
E5. Enter the following materials:
E6. Enter.
Note: If at this point you receive messages like “Material 1400-710-1XX not
maintained by Purchasing”, you have to go back to the creation of the material and only
select the view Purchasing for copy.
E6. Save. Record the number of the purchase order. _________________
E7. Exit.
F – Receiving materials
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
F8. Can you figure out how to cycle through all three materials without having to
back out of the Stock Overview screen?
Name _____________________________________________
Exercise 4
Make-to-Order Production
with Prompt Delivery
This exercise shows the make-to-order production (assembly) of gasoline tanks for
The exercise mainly focuses on a close integration of sales and distribution, production
and shipment to be able to dispatch the sales order to the customer as quickly as possible after
the production completion.
Process Chain
Creating a Sales Order for a product not kept in inventory. This will automatically
generate the relevant production order. In this case it is a red deluxe gas tank that
must be produced from an unpainted gas tank, red paint, and a gas cap.
We assume production is done ahead of schedule. After production has been
completed, you will confirm the Production Order as fully completed
Newly Determining the Availability of the Sales Order
Creating the Transfer Order for the Delivery
Record the payment
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
Division 00 Cross-division
A5. Confirm your entries. The system presents the information “Change in invoice date: The
billing date is redetermined” because the proposed has been changed.
A6. Press Enter. The following messages will be presented at the bottom of the screen:
“Copy routing”, “Copy BOM”, “Schedule order”, “Check material availability” and “Release
carried out”.
A7. To determine the urgency of the order for a later delivery processing, select the material
(the item line will change color).
A8. Select Goto Item Shipping.
A9. The system displays the Create Standard Order: Item data screen. In the section
Shipping, enter the value 1 (high priority) in the field Delivery prior. Confirm.
A10. Select Goto Overview.
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
A11. On the Create Standard Order: Overview screen, select the Shipping folder. In the
table All Items you can see the material availability date, the loading date, the delivering
plant and the shipping point among others.
A12. Select Save.
The system issues a sales order number. Note this document number.
A13. Exit.
A14. Select Logistics Sales and Distribution Sales Order Display.
A15. On the Display Sales Order: Initial Screen confirm the default number of the sales
order previously created. The system displays the Display Standard Order XXXX:
Overview screen.
A16. Select the order item and then select Schedule lines for item . (You may have to
scroll down.)
A17. On the Display Standard Order XXXX: Item data screen, mark the schedule line with
the confirmed quantity and then select Sched. line-detail ..
A18. On the Display Standard Order XXXX: Schedule Line Data screen select Procurement
folder. In the section Assembly/Process you find the corresponding production/assembly
Production order number: __________________________
A19. The basic dates of this assembly order automatically determine the shipping date
(material staging or transportation planning) of the sales order. To display the assembly
order and its basic dates, select Header in the section Assembly/Process. The system
displays the Production order Display: Header screen.
When is production scheduled to start (date and time)? _______________ _______
When is it scheduled to finish (date and time)? _______________ _______
A20. Return to the SAP Easy Access menu.
B. Processing and Confirming a Production
After the production order has been processed and delivered to the warehouse,
an employee of the motorbike assembly reports the completion of the respective
production order. The production procedure is displayed in a short version on purpose.
B1. Select Logistics Production Production control Confirmation Enter For
B2. On the Create Production Order Confirmation: Initial Screen, enter the following
Field Data
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
Field Data
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
C6. Select Back to return to the Change Standard Order XXXX: Item data
C7. To determine the shipping dates based on the new availability situation, change
Deliv. Date to the current date.
C8. Select Item availability . The system now checks the availability of the necessary
materials taking into consideration the confirmed actual dates of the respective
production order. Acknowledge the information message that is presented.
After the availability check has been completed, you can see that the system created
a second schedule line and that the delivery can be dispatched earlier than planned.
C9. To check the new material staging date, mark the schedule line with the confirmed
quantity on the Change Standard Order XXXX: Item data screen and then select
Sched. line – detail
C10. On the Shipping folder, you can see the new dates. Set the Transport. plan. date to
the current date. The shipping point is 1000 in plant 1000 (Hamburg).
C11. Save the sales order.
D. Shipment
After confirming the delivery date brought forward by the sales person, the delivery for the sales
can be created.
D1. Select Logistics Sales and Distribution Shipping and Transportation
Outbound delivery Create Single Document With Reference to Sales Order
D2. Enter the Shipping Point: 1000
D3. Enter the order number: XXXX
D4. Press Enter.
D5. Save.
D6. The delivery is created. Take note of the document number. ______________
D7. Exit to the main menu.
E. Creating the Transfer Order for the Delivery
E1. Select Logistics Sales and Distribution Shipping and Transportation Picking
Create Transfer Order Single Document
E2. On the Create Transfer order for Delivery Note: Initial Screen, enter the following
Field Data
Plant 1000
Adopt pick.quantity 2
E3. Press Enter to confirm your entries. The system creates a transfer order for the
picking of the delivery quantities. The option 2 (adopt picking quantity) has the effect
that the goods issue posting for the delivery is done at the same time.
E4. Save. Record the transfer order number:
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
E5. Return to the SAP Easy Access menu.
F. Billing
To complete the business process, you need to create the billing document with
reference to the delivery created earlier.
F1. Select Logistics Sales and Distribution Billing Billing Document Create
F2. On the Create Billing Document screen, enter the following data:
Field Data
H. Payment
Locate the outstanding invoice records for Customer 1900 doing business in
Company code 1000. Verify that the delivery and associated accounting document for the
sales order you processed are displayed.
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
Currency EUR
Account 100009
The Value date is used in the Treasury application for defining the times of cash
inflow and outflow
In the section Open Item Selection, enter 1900 for Account.
In the section Additional Selections, mark Document number.
H7. Select the button “Process open items”
H8. On the Post Incoming Payments: Enter selection criteria, enter your accounting
document number in both fields “From” and “To”
H9. Select the button “Process open items”
H10. Select Save.
H11. Exit.
H12. How can you verify that the accounting document has been cleared?
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
Exercise 5
Integration of G/L, Vendor Records, and
Purchasing Records
In this exercise you will see how G/L master data and Vendor master data are integrated
into the purchasing process, and how the purchasing process integrates with the G/L.
To create and use a new G/L account you will have to enter it into the chart of accounts
for the enterprise (the client), specify it as usable by a particular company (legal entity within the
enterprise) and assign it as a cost element to a particular controlling area. To create and use a
new vendor, you will have to create it for a particular company (legal entity) and then assign it to
(authorize it for) a particular purchasing organization. Thus we see three different "views" of the
organization contained in SAP: the financial accounting view, the controlling view, and the
materials management view.
Once all this is done, you will be able to enter a purchase order to buy new materials
from our new vendor, and allocate those costs to the new G/L account. You will be able to trace
back to the origination point of financial documents originating in Materials Management.
A. Create a General Ledger Account
Create a new general ledger for Recycling Expense in chart of accounts CAUS (United
States). Since it is an expense account, make sure to attach the account to a P&L (Profit and
Loss) account statement type. We will be closing out the balance of this account to Retained
Earnings account 900000 at year-end. For organizational purposes attach this account to group
General G/L Accounts. Use the account number 4044XX for your new account. It will be mapped
to the Corporate group chart of accounts CONS using account number 312600 (other general
expenses). Note the number of your new general ledger account.
A1. Select Accounting Financial Accounting General Ledger Master Records
Individual Processing In Chart of Accounts
A2. On the Edit G/L Account Chart of accts data, enter the following data (XX refers to
your group number in class):
A3. If you click on the “Chart of Accounts” field, you will get the other charts of
accounts that have been defined. Double-click on CAUS (United States).
A4. Select to create a new account.
A5. On the folder,
a. In the section , select G/L accounts (general) for
Account Group. If P&L statement acct is not checked, check it.
b. In the section , enter Recycling Expense for both Short Text and
G/L acct long text fields.
c. In the section , enter 312600 (Other
General Expenses) for Group account number.
d. Press Enter.
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
Field Content
A13. Save. The account 4044XX has been created for company code 3000.
A14. Exit.
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
You have just created GL account 4044XX in Company Code 1000 for Recycling Expense.
Now make this account available for use in Controlling by creating it as a Cost Element in
Controlling Area 2000. Assign it to the Cost Element 01 for primary cost elements.
B1. Select Accounting Controlling Cost Element Accounting Master Data Cost
Element Individual Processing Create Primary
B2. If the dialog box Set Controlling Area appears requesting that you select a
Controlling area, enter 2000 (CO N. America).
B3. On Create Cost Element: Initial Screen, enter the following data:
Field Content
Field Content
Vendor UGA03-XX
Field Content
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
City Athens
Country US
Region GA
C4. Proceed to the next screen , Create Vendor: Control. Enter <your choice> for
C5. Proceed to the screen Create Vendor: Accounting information (it is not the next
screen). Enter the following data:
Field Content
Vendor UGA03-XX
Purchasing Organization 3000
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
C11. Press Enter to proceed to the next screens to view the data contained in the
Purchasing portion of the Vendor Master.
C12. Change the Salesperson and telephone number. Press Enter.
C13. On Create Vendor: Partner Functions, verify that the partner function is VN
(Vendor) and the number is UGA03-XX.
C14. Save. Vendor UGA03-XX has been created for purchasing organization 3000 (IDES
C15. Exit.
You are asked to review integration of the “Purchase Order/Stock Receipt/Invoice Receipt”
process in terms of its significance to accounting. It will allow you to check that postings have
been made with correct values to correct amounts. You need to make sure that you can retrace
the value and document flow for audibility. Pay special attention to the GR/IR (Goods
Receipt/Invoice Receipt) account.
D4. Press Enter. Click on in case the table to enter the material is not
D5. Enter the following data (do not use the enter key, but the tab key or the mouse
pointer to move from field to field in the table; press only the enter key after entering
all data):
PO Quantity 10
Net Price 8
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
Currency USD
D6. Press Enter. Since you placed a value in the account assignment category of K, the
system will require you to enter a cost center.
D7. On the folder, enter the following data:
Field Content
D8. When all data is entered, hit enter. You will receive the warning “Tax jurisdiction
PA0000000 of account assignment adopted in item” because it is the tax jurisdiction
that has been defined for the cost center. Simply acknowledge that you have been
informed by pressing enter.
D9. Save the document.
D10. Record the Purchase Order Number: _______________________
D11. Exit.
E. Create a Goods Receipt
The recycling cans were delivered. Create a goods receipt referencing the purchase that you
just created.
E1. Select Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Purchase Order
Follow-On functions Goods receipt
E2. Enter your purchase order number from the previous section.
E3. Enter. The goods receipt selection screen appears displaying the items in the
purchase order you have created.
E4. Check on the bottom of your screen. Enter.
E5. Save the document.
E6. Record Goods Receipt Document Number (uniquely assigned document number):
E7. Exit.
F. Displaying Documents
F1. Select Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Purchase Order
Follow-On functions Goods Receipt
F2. Display the Goods Receipt Document by clicking on your document number under
Material Documents on the right side of the screen. If the document does not show
up, enter the Goods Receipt Document Number:
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
Amount 80.00
G3. Enter your purchase order number:
(or you may select Vendor from the list and enter your vendor):
G4. Press Enter.
G5. Save the document.
G6. Record the Invoice Document Number (uniquely assigned document number).
Invoice Document Number __________________________
G7. Exit.
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
H4. Click on in case a set of folders, starting with the folder “Material”,
are not displayed. Select the folder. Click on the purchase order number
field. What information is available in the folder?
Name ____________________________________________________
Exercise 6
Adding a New Material
Copy From:
Plant: 3000 3000
Storage location: 0001 0001
Sales Org: 3000 3000
Dist Channel: 10 10
Warehouse Number 300 300
Storage Type: 005 005
A4. You will see the tabs for views displayed. Don’t move too fast here!!!
You can examine any of the views you’ve requested, but do not select any of
the views you have previously unselected, or you will be asked for data that
will not be needed for this exercise. As you go through the data, think about
the fields that contain data. What is the significance of the entries? For many
fields you can see the possible choices by clicking on the list box field, then
the down arrow.
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
Make the appropriate choices for this motorcycle – it should be fairly obvious
given the choices.
Here are the changes to be made:
On Basic Data 1:
the division (make it 00)
the product hierarchy (start at the top level and work down through
the levels by clicking on the “next level” button after you have
highlighted your choice so far. This is not Accessories but a
Motorcycle (complete)
Assume the net and gross weight are 300 KG.
On other tabs:
Make sure Availability check (in Sales general/plant) is set
"individual requirements".
Set the purchasing group (Purchasing view) to Stevens, K.
The moving average price and the standard price should be 3500
(in the Accounting 1 view). Don’t goof on standard price – you
may not be able to correct it!
A5. Save the new material.
A6. When asked about tax classifications, select “No tax” for Canada and
“Taxable” for United States.
B. Purchasing the new material
Now bring in some inventory to the warehouse by purchasing the new material with
the following process. Remember that to SAP, a purchase order means we buy material
from a vendor to put in our warehouse. A sales order means a customer wants to buy
material that we will take out of our warehouse and give to them.
B1. [ME21N] Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Purchase
Order Create Vendor/Supplying Plant known.
B2. Use Vendor 3100, Purchasing Organization 3000 and Purchasing Group 021
letting the rest of the default data stay. You may need to indicate Company
3000. Fill in the material number (5600-1XX) an order quantity 50, the net
price of 3500, currency is USD, and Plant 3000.
B3. Save. Record the purchase order number _____________.
B4. Exit.
You have now ordered material. Next step, when it gets delivered, is to
record it as entered into your warehouse.
C. Goods Receipt
C1. [MIGO] Logistics Materials management Inventory management
Purchasing Purchasing Order Follow-on Functions Goods Receipt.
C2. Make sure you are requesting a goods receipt. Enter the Purchase Order that
you just added to the system.
C3. Check , (bottom of the screen.)
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
Lines for Item button, and select the Shipping button. Write down the
material availability date since you need this date as a selection criterion to
create a delivery.
Material Availability Date:
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
Exercise 7
Controlling Processes in Sales and Distribution
You will be repeating Exercise #6, but this time with three separate materials. We will
put in three different MRP Types as we define these new materials, and this will cause
different schedule line categories to be assigned to their schedule lines. This will cause
differences in the way the orders against inventory are recorded, and differences in the
way and time at which SAP checks for available inventory.
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
If required (on MRP 2) use schedule margin key of 001, and Planned Delivery time of 7
B. Following Step B in Ex 6, purchase 10 each of the new motorcycles (Flash Dance,
Lightning Mojo, Desert Stunner), all on the same purchase order. Make sure you use
Plant 3000, Storage Location 0001. Otherwise, use the same info as Ex 6.
C. Receive all the material, following Ex 6.
D. Check inventory and orders placed on all three materials using the following:
Logistics>Materials Management>Inventory Management> Environment> Stock>
Stock/Requirements List.
E. Before you start selling the motorcycles, you’d better put the prices into the system.
This we did in Exercise #6, after entering an order and finding it charged the customer $0
for Thunder Road Courier motorcycles. Here we’ll do it first to avoid problems
To put the basic pricing information out there, use the following: [VK31] Logistics
Sales and Distribution Master Data Conditions Create
Open the Prices folder. Execute Material Price. Click on the page icon:
Make sure the default entries are correct (Sales Org 3000, Dist Channel 10). Create a new
entry in the table: Condition Type is PR00, enter your material number, the rate of 6000,
Units for the rate of USD, per 1, UoM (unit of measure) of pc (or piece).
F. Enter an order, for 5 of each motorcycle, using the same customer, sales area etc. as
used in Exercise #6. What are the Item Categories and Schedule Line Categories for the
Item Cat. Sched. Line Cat.
5661-1XX _______ _______
5662-1XX _______ _______
5663-1XX _______ _______
G. Check inventory and requirements as in D above. What is shown? Why the
differences across material?
H. Enter an order for 45 of each motorcycle. What happens? For which motorcycles are
you able to order the full amount. If shown a delivery proposal, it is because the system
says you cannot confirm delivery on the full amount. Accept the deliver proposal by
clicking the “delivery proposal” button. For which motor cycles were you warned about
the amount of stock available? Why?
Display the document and look at the Schedule Line Detail for each item. Confirmed
Quantity is the quantity IDES has told the customer it can provide for sure.
Confirmed Quantity
5661-1XX __________
5662-1XX __________
5663-1XX __________
Why the different values? ______________________________________________
I. Again, check inventory and requirements as in D above. What is shown? Why the
differences across material?
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
J. Try to deliver the accepted orders. Make sure you select all items before you go to
subsequent functions. What happens? How many of each motorcycle can you deliver?
If you can’t get this easily from the delivery document, display the sales document again
and look at the Schedule Line Detail for each item.
Delivered Quantity
5661-1XX __________
5662-1XX __________
5663-1XX __________
Exercise 8
Entering New Customers
A. Defining a new customer
Here we will define a new customer to the system, and determine other changes to
the master tables and configuration that are necessary to be able to create orders etc. for
that customer.
A1. Start by entering the material in the master tables.
[VD01] Use the following path:
Logistics Sales and Distribution Master Data Business partners
Customer Create Sales and Distribution
A2. You will use customer 3000 as a reference. Give your customer the ID of
“750??” where “??” are the first two digits of your group number. Use the
following data:
Account Group: Sold-to-party
Customer: 750??
Sales Org./Dist. Ch./Div: 3000/10/00
Customer: 3000
Sales Org./Dist. Ch./Div: 3000/10/00
A3. For your new customer, make the title be "company", give a name, address,
etc. Be sure to fill in country and region. In the Control Data, select
GA0000000 for Jurisdiction Code. Choose the appropriate transportation
zone. Under Marketing, choose an appropriate industry by looking at the
choices. Put in at least two unloading points (such as side door, loading dock
#3, etc.), with an appropriate customer factory calendar. Put in at least one
contact person, with an appropriate function. On the sales area view, you
might as well use the same info as copied from customer 3000, since we
haven't yet put in our new sales areas. On the taxes sales area view, you have
to go row by row (use the green check mark to get to the next row). Put the
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
tax codes as follows: 1, 0, 0, 1. For simplicity, make all the business partners
the same name, though you could change some of these (extra entries would
be required.)
A4. Save the customer.
B. Putting in an order
Unfortunately, before you can put in an order, you’ll need to buy some more
motorcycles. Use the guidance from Exercise 6 to put in a purchase order of 50
Desert Stunner Motorcycles (5663-1XX), using the same vendor as in Exercise 6.
(Vendor 3100, Purchasing Org 3000, Purchasing Group 021, Company 3000,
Plant 3000, net price 3500, USD currency. Then, again using Exercise 6 as
guidance if necessary, put in a goods receipt to alert SAP that the motorcycles
have been delivered and put into your inventory.
One more step, before selling the motorcycles – if you haven’t done it already, we
need to put in the prices. To put the basic pricing information out there, use the
following: [VK31] Logistics Sales and Distribution Master Data Conditions
Open the Prices folder. Execute Material Price. Click on the page icon:
Make sure the default entries are correct (Sales Org 3000, Dist Channel 10). Create a
new entry in the table: Condition Type is PR00, enter your material number, the rate of
6000, Units for the rate of USD, per 1, UoM (unit of measure) of pc (or piece).
Now enter a new order for Desert Stunner Motorcycles using your new customer.
After you have saved it, display the order and find the material availability date.
B1. Select Logistics Sales and Distribution Sales Order Create
B2. Enter your new customer as the sold-to-party, a made up purchase order
number (anything will do), your new material, and a quantity of 2. You can
check your entries by the clicking the green check mark or hit enter.
B3. Save: you get a screen indicating a "Legal Control: Issue Error Log -- Item".
Click on the item shown and then the magnifying glass for details. What this
complicated array of errors amounts to is that the system cannot determine the
plant, and so it can't determine a lot of other things as well. Click on the green
left arrow twice. Choose "Edit". Double click on the plant line. Enter the plant
number (3000). Continue by clicking on Edit next data.
B4. Check the material availability date; remember you need to select the item,
click on Schedule Lines, then click on the item and click on the Shipping Tab.
B5. Record the availability date: ________________
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
E11. Select Enter. The R/3 System branches to the overview screen of the delivery
E12. To pick the delivery: On the Delivery Create: Overview screen, select
Subsequent Functions Create Transfer order from the top menu. You are
informed that the delivery was changed. Save your data and write down the
delivery document number:
Delivery: ___________________
E13. The R/3 System displays the Create Transfer Order for Delivery Note:
Initial Screen. Use the following data: Warehouse number: 300,
Foreground/background: System-guided. Enter.
E14. Select to create the transfer order. The item is moved from
“Active Worklist” to “Processes items”. Save.
E15. The system creates a transfer order for picking the corresponding delivery
item. Write down the Transfer Order Number provided at the bottom of the
Transfer Order Number:
MIST 5600 – Spring 2003 SAP Exercise 1 – Sales and Distribution
subtly suggested that something was wrong that you might like to correct, even if
it allowed you to send out the invoice.
G1. To put the customer on the accounting master tables, use the following:
Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable Master
records Create.
G2. Use the following as your reference: customer 3000, company code 3000.
G3. What should the account group be? SAP assumes that all the relevant
business partners are the same as the sold-to-party unless you tell it
something different.
G4. Save your entry. Your customer has been created for company code 3000.
G5. Now you want to get that missing accounting entry taken care of. Use
Logistics Sales and Distribution Billing Billing Document
Change. Enter your invoice number.
G6. From the top menu, select Billing Document/Release To Accounting.
G7. To see the accounting entry you can click on the accounting button, then
double click on the accounting document.
G8. Now redo the document flow for your sales order. You should see the full
set of entries now. Future documents for this customer will work fine.