Perdev12 Q2 M8

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Quarter 2 – Module 8:
Important Component of
Setting Career and Life Goals
What I Need to Know

What’s your life mission? It’s not an easy question to answer but an important
one. You can talk about your aspirations and goals all day, but when you write them
down, they become, well, more real. It’s a starting point to living the life you want.
In this final module in Personal Development, you will craft your personal
mission statement by clarifying what you want to accomplish and how, and committing
to it. Businesses and nonprofit organizations develop mission statements for the same
Are you all set? Then, let’s proceed.


Share insights that make him/her realize the importance of personal development in
making a career decision as adolescent.
Construct a creative visualization of his or her personal development through the
various stages he or she went through, stressors, influences, and decision-making
points, and a personal profile analysis

At the end of the module, you should be able to:

1. share insights that make you realize the importance of personal

development in making a career decision as adolescent.
2. construct a creative visualization of your personal development through the
various stages you went through, stressors, influences, and decision-
making points, and a personal profile analysis.

Important note to remember: This module will be collected every week so

you are directed not to put any marks in here. All answers and the exact date
must be written in your ACTIVITY/QUIZ notebook, or as prescribed on every
given activity.
For health and safety purposes, avoid licking your fingertips, when leafing
or turning pages.

What I Know

Directions: Copy the following list boxes on your activity Notebook, then, write down
at least three (3) words, phrases, or statements that would describe your
answer/initial thoughts about each area/idea.

1. 2.


What’s In

Task 1
Directions: Below are four pictures with quotes from a Brazilian author ,Paolo Coelho,
in his book “The Alchemist”. Read carefully the quotes and be ready to
answer some questions in the next part of this module.


Processing Questions:
1. Based on the pictures above, what is the common term/concept described
among the quotes?
A. Achievement C. journey
B. goal D. Personal legend
2. Define personal legend using the Webster dictionary?

3. As a Senior High School learner, what should be your priority at this point
in your life?
A. getting married C. preparing for a career
B. having fun D. to be a business owner
4. What is your mission in life/ personal legend?


The mission statement was clearly and
Organization 5
creatively conveyed.
The different ways of creating a mission
Content statement and/or personal legend were 5

What’s New


In Paulo Coelho’s novel, The Alchemist , the main character, Santiago, learns
through a series of intricately planned lessons the true meaning of life, as well as
learning about the Soul and Language of the World. After following the steps listed,
you should be able to fulfill your Personal Legends.

1. Understanding What a Personal Legend Is…
A Personal Legend, as it’s referred to in The Alchemist, is one’s destiny in life.
It’s identifying your purpose in life and pursuing it. When Santiago meets the old King
of Salem, Melchizedek, he teaches him what a Personal Legend is. He says that a
Personal Legend is “what you have always wanted to accomplish”.

2. Acknowledge Your Personal Legend

The world will attempt to reveal your personal legend to you in many different
ways whether it is through omen, mentors or signs. Whichever way your Personal
Legend comes to you it is important that you acknowledge it and take action to make
your dreams a reality. After all, “when you really want something, the universe always
conspires in your favor”.

3. Have a Clear Goal

“You must always know what it is that you want”. Create a clear goal for yourself
in which you will be able to realize when you have completed your Legend. Without
knowing exactly what it is you want, it’s impossible to ever achieve it.

4. Do Not Be A Sheep!
Paulo Coelho uses the shepherd’s sheep to illustrate a mundane life of
someone who has ignored their Personal Legend. They live a life where “all they think
about is food and water”. While these are important things, there is so much more to
life than just the necessities. Money and greed corrupt some people so that all they
think about is how to get more, which is similar to how the sheep are focused only on
one thing at a time. The sheep “don’t even realize that they’re walking a new road
every day,” very similar to the way some people get so caught up in the day-to-day
that they forget to stop and smell the roses.

5. Seize the Day

Santiago knows that his old life is always waiting for him, but if he doesn’t
pursue his Personal Legend now, he may never be able to do it again. The camel
driver also says to him, “If you can concentrate always on the present, you’ll be a
happy man”. Since this is such an important message, it comes up again when the
topic of the seer comes up. The seer says “The secret is here in the present. If you
pay attention to the present you can improve upon it. And, if you improve on the
present, what comes later will also be better… Each day, in itself, brings with it an
eternity”. Seize the day, and don’t be distracted by the past, or future.

6. Realize When You’ve Arrived at Your Personal Legend

Since you have defined a goal early on, you should be able to realize when you have
completed your Personal Legend. After this, you may find that you discover another,
and another yet. Whatever you do, whether you are content where you are, or you
strive for more, do not forget the lessons you have learned in your journey. After all, it
is not necessarily the goal you must pursue, instead savor the time it takes you to get


What is It
What is a Personal Mission Statement?
Most students, and adults, don’t realize the importance of writing their personal
mission statements. It’s more than just your goals. Your mission statement will help
you sort out your priorities and how you want to live your life. It may include short-term
and long-term goals, or life-long aspirations. It becomes a guide and provides
direction, which comes from you, not someone else.
There’s no right or wrong way to approach your personal mission statement, or
what it should include. Everyone’s is going to be different. What’s important is to write
it down. Topics your personal mission statement may include:
• Education
• Career
• Personal attributes, such as honesty, loyalty and dedication
• Family and personal relationships
• How you want to live your life
• Sports
• Faith and spirituality
• Community service

Sample Personal Mission Statement

• I believe that success comes your way if you know where to look for it. For me,
the sky has always been the limit. I am an ambitious student, not willing to be
held back by mediocre challenges. An institution which is willing to fuel my
ambitions and desire for success is the kind of institution I want to belong to.

• As a student, I’ve always been known to give every task I take up, my best shot.
This, I believe, is where my greatest strength lies. I’m yearning to belong to an
institution that recognizes this quality in me and helps me make the best use of
it. For in the end, it doesn’t really matter if you are smart or not, what matters is
that you give everything and take up all you can and success comes by default.

• I wish to learn from, excel in and go beyond every challenge I face in life. Every
opportunity in life, including this one, must be used with diligence and hard
work. This, I believe, is the only thing that can help me achieve success.

What’s More


Directions: Craft your personal mission statement. Write your finalized mission
statement in your activity notebook. It may include the following information:
• Your name.
• Your overall statement.
• Who inspires you and why.
• What qualities you want to obtain.
• What roles you play and how you want to be known in these roles.
• Specific goals you have
• Beliefs that you hold.
• Anything else you might want to focus on.


Timetable of Activities: You may add more columns if you want to add more activities
in your career plan.
Graduate from Senior High March 2021 Complete SHS hopefully with
School honors

Remember to come up with activities that would be doable/achievable so that you may
be able to achieve it based on your timeline. Your career plan should not be limited to
earning a college degree.

What I Have Learned

Task 4: Personal Development: Hindsight and Foresight

Directions: Write an essay on your journey through this course on Personal
Development. Take note of the following guide questions as you go along with your
1. How have you changed since the beginning of this semester?

2. What have you learned about yourself?
3. What activities and reading were most useful to you?
4. What can you do in order to continue your personal development after this course?

B. Rate your growth as a person using this rubric:

5 Excellently developed. It means that there is a lot of improvement in all areas
of yourself.
4 Moderately developed. It means that there are areas that is improved but
some needs improvement.
3 Slightly developed. It means that some areas are improved but more needs
2 Less Slightly developed. It means that more areas needs to be improved
only few areas are improved.
1 Nothing is developed. It means that there is no improvement at all.


Write TRUE if the statement is true, and FALSE, if otherwise. Write your answers on
your Activity Notebook.

_1. A Personal Legend, as it’s referred to in The Alchemist, is one’s destiny in life
or “what you have always wanted to accomplish”.
_2. Without knowing exactly what it is you want, it’s possible to achieve it.
_3. Your personal legend may be revealed to you in many different ways whether
it’s through omens, mentors or signs.
_4. It’s all right to acknowledge your personal legend but not act to make your
dreams a reality.
_5. Some people who get so caught up in the day-to-day that they forget to stop
and smell the roses are likened by Coelho to sheep’s that only think about
food and water.
_6. Mission statement only includes long-term goals, or life-long aspirations.
_7. Your mission statement is more than just your goals; it will help you sort out
your priorities and how you want to live your life.
_8. Personal mission statement becomes a guide and provides direction, which
may come from someone else, not you.
_9. Whatever you do, whether you are content where you are, or you strive for
more, it is important to remember the lessons you have learned in your
_10. There’s no right or wrong way to approach your personal mission statement.

Answer Key

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