Specific Performance
Specific Performance
Specific Performance
• By the end of the topic the students are able to :
• To identify the general rules governing specific performance
LLB 20503 LAW & EQUITY • To list out the relevant case laws
Sem. 1 2021/2022 • To apply the rules in solving problematic questions
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• Based on the nature of an equitable remedy, the characteristics of SP
ENFORCED. Discretionary Remedy
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• As equitable remedies SP is in personam in nature. Meaning - the • Court may order SP of a contract for sale of land which may be located in a
remedy attaches to the person of the D rather than to his or her foreign country, but whose owner is within the court’s jurisdiction
property (in rem). • The court’s consideration is the personal equitable obligation of the D
• Effect – as long as D is within the jurisdiction of the court, SP can be arising out of the contract, and not the locus of the property.
ordered even though the property [the subject of the contract] may • Imperative that the D, against whom SP is being decreed, be within the
be outside the court’s jurisdiction. jurisdiction of the court and be capable of personally carrying out the
• The sanction for non-compliance with an order for SP focuses on the contractual obligations.
person and not on the contract or property the subject of the • PENN V LORD BALTIMORE (1558-1774), specific performance of an
contract. agreement was decree, even though the subject matter was not in England
but in North America. Reason – parties were before the Court and can be
• SEKEMAS S/B v LIAN SENG & CO 1989 2 MLJ = Each case must be compelled to perform the said contract.
decided on its own particular facts
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remedy be ordered.
• Maxim – equity follows the law.
• Court will make a general inquiry as to the availability of an award of
damages and the suitability of such an award. When assessing the
suitability of damages, factors considered are : the needs of the claimant
and the financial viability of the D will be taken into account
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LLB 20503 : SP 11/01/2022
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Awarded only if damages GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Awarded only if damages
is not an adequate remedy is not an adequate remedy
• The adequacy or inadequacy of common law damages is determined • Adequacy of damages also depend upon the particular type of
by reference to the date of the order for SP and not the date of the subject matter involved.
contract. • Contracts for personalty/chattels – will generally be limited to a
• Circumstances in which damages are inadequate or inappropriate are remedy in damages, particularly if the chattel involved is of an
numerous and varied in content. ordinary, domestic or commercial nature and easily replaced.
• In each situation, the proper question to ask is whether claimant • Sale of chattels will only be enforceable SP once it is clearly shown
would be just as satisfied with an award of damages as he would with that damages are inadequate. E.g. unusual beauty/ rarity/ antique. In
a decree of SP. It is important to distinguish between those situations most situations, the court will not decree SP with regard to personal
where damages are not available and those where damages are chattels because the remedy at law will be sufficient
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LLB 20503 : SP 11/01/2022
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Awarded only if damages GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Awarded only if damages
is not an adequate remedy is not an adequate remedy
• Shares & stocks - contracts for the sale of shares and stocks may be DOUGAN V LEY - A contract for the sale of a taxi which was worthless
enforced if the shares are not readily available in the market. without the licence. The court found that as the licence was hard to
However, if it is possible for anyone to purchase the shares, a plaintiff obtain, damages would not compensate, and ordered SP.
will generally be left to a remedy in damages. Dixon J: In the present case I think that we should have no difficulty in
• It is not necessary to establish that the chattels are absolutely concluding that, because of the limited number of vehicles registered
unavailable in the market; it will be sufficient if it can be shown that and licensed as taxi-cabs, because of the extent to which the price
the plaintiff would either have some difficulty in obtaining them or represents the value of the licence, and because of the essentiality to
the price may be greater. the purchasers' calling of the chattel and the licence annexed thereto,
we should treat the contract as within the scope of the remedy of
specific performance.
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GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Awarded only if damages GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Awarded only if damages
is not an adequate remedy is not an adequate remedy
• ADDERLEY v DIXON (1924), Sir John Leach stated that:“… a court of equity • In ANZ EXECUTORS AND TRUSTEES LTD V HUMES LTD (1990), the
will not, generally, decree performance of a contract for the sale of stock Supreme Court of Victoria held - damages would not be an adequate
and goods, not because of their personal nature, but because damages at remedy for breach of a contract to sell notes which were convertible
law, calculated upon the market price of the stock or goods, are as into shares. The notes had a special value because the purchaser
complete a remedy to the purchaser as the delivery of the stock or goods wanted to acquire as many shares as possible in the corporation
contracted for; in as much as, with the damages, he may purchase the during this year to gain tax advantages for its take-over. ANZ’s case -
same quantity of the like stock or goods.”
Extremely difficult to measure this value to calculate damages.
• DUNCUFT v ALBRECHT – SP of an agreement for sale of railway shares
which were limited in number and not always in the open market. If the • Held that damages were inadequate because of the complexity
shares in question can be easily obtained from the open market, so that associated with the valuation of the notes, and P would not be placed
loss can easily be quantified in money, the court will not grant SP in as good a position by an award of damages .
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LLB 20503 : SP 11/01/2022
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Awarded only if damages GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Awarded only if damages
is not an adequate remedy is not an adequate remedy
• GAN REALTY SDN. BHD. v NICHOLAS 1969 2 MLJ 110 - D negotiated • Contract of Realty/Land – SP will generally be awarded whatever the
with the P the sale of their respective shares in the Oriental Bank of nature of the estate or interest, Reason - each piece of land is
Malaya Bhd. Not available in open market – SP granted. considered to be unique; an award of damages is usually
• H.A. SECURITIES SDN. BHD. v NG KONG YEAM 1993 2 AMR 43 -1988, inappropriate because monetary relief cannot replace the actual form
Roxy Co. had proposed sales of shares. P and D entered into two of the land and is not an equivalent substitute.
MOU whereby P deposited 2 ½ million fully paid shares of Roxy Co. • It may also be the case that damages cannot adequately compensate
with D in return of RM5 Million. Option to repurchase at same a purchaser for the time consuming process of seeking out and
amount to P. Lapse one year – P claim SP. Held – no SP, shares freely purchasing another comparable property.
available in market, delay, damages adequate remedy. • Damages at common law have almost invariably been seen as
inadequate in contracts involving land.
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GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Awarded only if damages GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Awarded only if damages
is not an adequate remedy is not an adequate remedy
• LOAN INVESTMENT CORP OF AUSTRALASIA v BONNER [1970] NZLR • If a plaintiff can be adequately compensated by an award of damages at
724 at 745 -Sir Garfield Barwick said: No two pieces of land can be common law the court has no jurisdiction to order specific performance.
identically situated on the surface of the earth. When a buyer • Generally, contracts to pay or lend money are ones where a plaintiff will be
purchases a parcel, no other piece of land, or the market value of the adequately compensated by an award of damages at common law.
chosen land can be considered, in my opinion, a just substitute for However, in some circumstances common law damages will not do justice
the failure to convey the selected land. to the plaintiff and the court will have jurisdiction to award equitable relief.
• Section 11 (1) (c) of the Specific Relief Act, 1950 provides: “Specific • Contracts in which the promisor’s obligation to be enforced is the conferral
performance of any contract may, in the discretion of the court, be of a benefit upon a third party to the contract - example of such a contract
enforced – where the act agreed to be done is such that pecuniary is where the promisor’s obligation is to pay a sum of money to a third
compensation for its non-performance would not afford adequate party. Damages may not be adequate where the measure would be
nominal but measurable loss has occurred. E.g BESWICK v BESWICK
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GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Damages may be awarded GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Damages may be awarded
in substitution for, or in addition to specific performance in substitution for, or in addition to specific performance
• A claimant who has been awarded SP by the court can later rescind it • Sec. 19 of SRA 1950 states that liquidation of damages is not a bar to
& claim for damages with the leave of the court. This usually happens specific performance:
in situations where the SP could not be carried out for whatever • - A contract, otherwise proper to be specifically enforced, may be so
reasons. enforced, though a sum be named in it as the amount to be paid in
• Main requirement – establish that court has jurisdiction to make SP & case of its breach, and the party in default is willing to pay the same.
damages. • IOW even if stated in agreement that certain $ will be paid in case of
• Sec.18(1) :any person suing for the specific performance of a contract breach, does not preclude SP. Only limit the amount of damages to
may also ask for compensation for its breach, either in addition to, or that stated amount.
in substitution for, its performance.
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Contracts/situation which SP may be awarded Situations /types of contact where Specific Performance
- S.11 : 4 circumstances may be granted ( Sec 11 SRA 1950)
1. act agreed to be done is in the • Note: * Cross refer /read together with Sec 22 - Person who can pray
performance, wholly or partly of a trust for SP, sec 20, sec 21(2a & b)
• Section 11 (1)(a) -When the act agreed to be done is in the
performance wholly or partly of a trust.
3. when pecuniary compensation
for its non-performance would not • Illustration of Section 11(1), A holds a certain stock in trust for B. A
2. if there exists no standard to determine
actual damage caused by the non- be adequate relief. wrongfully disposes of the stock. The law creates an obligation on A
performance of the act agreed to be done to restore the same quantity of stock to B, and B may enforce specific
performance of this obligation.
4. when it is probable that pecuniary
compensation cannot be obtained for the
non-performance of the act agreed to be
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LLB 20503 : SP 11/01/2022
Situations /types of contact where Specific Performance Situations /types of contact where Specific Performance
may be granted ( Sec 11 SRA 1950) may be granted (Sec 11 SRA 1950)
• Section 11 (1)(b) -When there exist no standard for ascertaining the actual • Sec 11(1)(b) – whether damages would be an adequate remedy
damage caused by the non-performance of the act agreed to be done (subject would depends very much on the type of contracts involved & subject
matter). Illustration of Section 11(1), A agrees to buy and B agrees to sell a
picture by a dead painter and two rare China vases. A may compel B specifically
to perform this contract, for there is no standard for ascertaining the actual • Subject matter – cross refer with sec 11(2) – difference between
damage which would cause by its non-performances.[*see earlier discussions on land, goods, shares.
damages not an adequate remedy ]
• Sec 11(1)(c) – refers to situations wherein the claimant would not be
• Sec 11(1)(c) When the act to be performed is such that pecuniary compensation
for its non- performance would not afford adequate relief. Illustration (a) Section
awarded adequate relief by way of monetary compensation. Again
11(1), A contract to B to sell him a house for RM 1,000. Then, he refused to this would depends very much on the types of contract & subject
convey the said house. B is entitled to a decree of SP, directing A to convey the matter involved. See illustrations provided.
said house to him since a monetary compensation would not satisfies B. • Equity will not grant SP is monetary damages is adequate (see earlier
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Situations where Specific Performance may be granted Situations/ types of contract where Specific
(sec 11 SRA 1950) Performance may be granted ( Sec 11 (2) SRA 1950)
• Thus, court granted SP. • YEO LONG SENG V LUCKY PARK (PTE) LTD 1971 1 MLJ 20 – P by a written
• The Privy Council considered S. 11 (1) (c ) and S.11 (2) and affirming the decision agreement, agreed to purchase a piece of land from D, paid a sum of $500
of the Federal Court by ordering SP of a contract for the sale of land. It was also to as booking fee. Next day, D cancelled the booking without stating any
pointed that although there was an alternative claim for damages but the Judges reason and sent to a cheque for $500 to P. P claimed for SP or in the
viewed that it was irrelevant to the exercised of their discretion in that case.
alternative damages. Damages awarded.
• HOH AH KIM v PAYA TRUBONG ESTATE SDN. BHD. 1987 1 MLJ 143 - Held that
section 11(2) may not apply where “it may be difficult due to the changes in the • In ARAB MALAYSIAN CORP BUILDERS SDN BHD & ANOR v ASM
area of the said land for the parties to agree on the particular location to be DEVELOPMENT SDN BHD [1998] 6 MLJ 136 Kamalanathan Ratnam JC stated
demarcated for sub-division for alienation to the plaintiff pursuant to (an) that the relief provided under this section “is, the performance of a specific
agreement. The plaintiffs have pleaded… for damages for breach of contract in act or the delivery of particular articles and not relating to the payment of
lieu of or in addition to specific performance. Therefore, (the court may) in the
exercise of discretion which is statutorily provided in section 18, Specific Relief money.”
act, 1950 inclined… not to grant specific performance but to award …. • REFER :SEKEMAS S/B v LIAN SENG CO S/B [1989] 2 MLJ 155,
• MOHAMED v HO WAI 1961 27 MLJ 7
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Situations where Specific Performance CANNOT be Situations where Specific Performance CANNOT be
granted (sec 20 SRA 1950) granted (sec 20 (1)(a) SRA 1950)
• (d) A contract which is in its nature revocable. • Breaches of Contract for which damages would be an adequate
• (e) A contract made by trustees either in excess of their powers or in remedy. See earlier slides.
breach of their trust • Cases: BOO KOK NGEAK v LIM KIAN HOE [1998] 6 MLJ 727
• f)A contract made by or behalf of a corporation created for special • SEKEMAS SDN BHD v LIAN SENG CO SDN BHD [1989] 2 MLJ 155
• (g) A contract the performances of which involves the performance of • HO AH KIM v PAYA TRUBONG ESTATE SDN BHD [1985]
a continuous duty exceeding over a longer period than three years
from its date
• (h)A contract of which material part of the subject matter supposed
by both parties to exist, has, before it has been made, ceased to exist.
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LLB 20503 : SP 11/01/2022
Situations where Specific Performance CANNOT be Situations where Specific Performance CANNOT be
granted (sec 20 (1)(b) SRA 1950) granted (sec 20 (1)(b) SRA 1950)
• Court will not grant SP to enforce contract wherein the material terms • 1.Constant court supervision - Contracts in which the parties’
of the contract cannot be enforce. obligations are imprecisely defined will generally not be specifically
• E.g. where court would not be able to supervise the works required enforced.
e.g. supervision of a contractor for building a house. • It is the possibility of the court having to give an indefinite series of
• Includes contract of employment or personal services – reason ,such rulings to ensure the execution of the order which has been regarded
contract would inconvenience or cause hardship to defendants. as undesirable.
• Might encourage multiple breaches of contract. • If the obligations are of an ongoing nature, SP would not generally be
ordered because of the threat of repeated litigation arising from
disputes as to whether at any particular time the defendant was
complying with the order.
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Situations where Specific Performance CANNOT be Situations where Specific Performance CANNOT be
granted (sec 20 (1)(b) SRA 1950) granted (sec 20 SRA 1950)
• 1. Constant/continuous Supervision/too detail – another reason the • MOHAMMAD BIN BAEE v PEMBANGUNAN FARLIM SDN BHD [1988] 3 MLJ
211 the Court held that where the facts of the case showed that the Court
court will not order SP because it is inconvenient for the court will be unable to superintend the works required, for e.g. to complete the
officers, and will protract litigation. Example if the parties are going to construction of a specific house the Court will not order SP.
continually argue about complex contractual terms. The exception to • POSNER v SCOTT-LEWIS [1986] 3 AER 513, the relevant considerations
this rule is Building Contracts were said to be: Was there a sufficient definition of what was to be done in
order to comply with the order of the court? Would enforcing compliance
• JC WILLIAMSON v LUKI & MULHOLLAND - The plaintiff leased a shop involve the superintendence by the court to an unacceptable degree?
What were the respective prejudices or hardships that would be suffered
and part of a picture theatre, with the exclusive right to sell by the parties if the order was or was not made?
confectionary. Clothing, time etc... were terms of the contract. The • RE C, where Stuart-Smith LJ indicated: ”… The court will not specifically
theatre owner tried to repudiate the contract. The court refused SP enforce a contract in which one party is bound by continuous duties, the
due to all the details in the terms. due performance of which might require constant supervision by the
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Situations where Specific Performance CANNOT be Situations where Specific Performance CANNOT be
granted (sec 20(1)(b)SRA 1950) granted (sec 20 SRA 1950)
• 1. Personal volition/services contracts - Equity will not enforce a contract if to do • Reason? may involve hardship or inconvenience to particular
so would result in compelling the defendant to maintain a personal relationship defendants.
with the plaintiff.
• 2ndly, general policy considerations make it undesirable to force
• The underlying rationale for this principle lies in human nature and the
undesirability of maintaining a personal relationship against the will of one of the individuals to maintain particular personal relationships; even though
parties to the contract. the parties may have earlier agreed to do so.
• Personal Services - Examples Master/Servant, Partners in a partnership. The • 3rdly, enforcement of such contracts may result in repeated
courts will order SP to execute an agreement but not to enforce a person to contractual breaches and required continual court supervision.
perform an executed agreement.
• Contracts of personal service – court would rather grant an injunction
• Fry LJ in DE FRANCESCO v BARNUM (1890) 45 ChD 430, at 438, said: courts ‘are under Sec 55 of SRA, requiring the defendant to perform a negative
bound to be jealous, lest they should turn contracts of service into contracts of
slavery’ agreement.
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Situations where Specific Performance CANNOT be Situations where Specific Performance CANNOT be
granted (sec 20 (1)(b) SRA 1950) granted (sec 20 (1)(c) SRA 1950)
• LUMLEY V WAGNER is the cited leading case on this point. • Sec.20 (1)(c) Uncertain contracts cannot be enforced – of subject-matter or
the parties to a contract , cases where the court cannot find with
• This has been decided as such in the cases of reasonable certainty as to what is really required to be done by the
Defendant in a contract.
• PENANG HAN CHIANG ASSOCIATED CHINESE SCHOOL ASSOCIATION v • Q? of fact to be gathered out of documents and evidences. Misdescription
NATIONAL UNION OF TEACHERS In INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS, WEST – of serious nature of the subject matter which affects the value or utility
MALAYSIA [1988] 1 MLJ 302 of the property sold, then SP not granted to seller. Reason? purchaser
cannot be compelled to purchase something which is substantially different
BHD & ORS [1990] 3 MLJ 505. • Quality of subject matter - may be difficult to be brought within
uncertainty, and damages may be an adequate remedy. In ISMAIL MOHD
• DAYANG NURFAIZAH v BINTANG SENI SDN BHD 2004 2 MLJ 39 YUNOS v FIRST REVENUE SDN BHD [2000] 5 MLJ 42 the court decided that
no SP can be granted where there is uncertainty as to the identity of the
property under a contract.
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• Sec 22 : 5 class of person who can sue for SP
• Any party to contract
• Representative in interest/ principal
• Parties in settlement of marriage
Parties in a SP suit • On amalgamation of company
• Contract entered by promoters
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• SECTION 23 – parties not entitle to SP.
• SECTION 27 – (a) consideration received is so grossly inadequate, either,
with reference to the state of things existing at date of contract, by itself or
coupled with other circumstances evidence of fraud or of undue advantage
DEFENCES TO SP taken by the plaintiff;
• Sec 27(b) assent to the contract obtained by misrepresentation (whether
willful or innocent), concealment, circumvention, or unfair practices by
action of the other party
• Sec 27(c) assent to the contract given under influence of mistake of fact,
misapprehension, or surprise
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• Futility - Courts will not order a futile remedy. Eg ordering specific • Equitable relief will be refused if the contract is affected by vitiating factors due to
the other party’s conduct or actions.
performance of a lease which has expired, ordering entry into a • Thus, contracts induced by the other party’s misrepresentation, mistake, duress,
partnership that can be terminated at will. MUNDY v JOLIFFE undue influence – generally not subjected to SP. To grant SP in such contract
would be unconscionable.
• Impossibility - If the party could not comply, the court will not make • However, if the defendant cannot get equitable relief because of some
such an order. E.g. a sale to a 3rd party who is bona fide and without misrepresentation, unconscionable conduct, undue influence, laches and the like
notice. on his or her part, the plaintiff will not be denied relief on lack of mutuality
• E.g. S. 20(1)(e) Contracts by trustees in breach of trust cannot be • The classic example of a lack of mutuality is a contract with a minor. The minor
enforced – Reason? The property did not actually belongs to trustee. will be unable to receive an order for specific performance against the other
party as that person will be unable to insist upon his or her rights against the
• CHUNG PENG CHEE v CHO YEW FAI 1954 20 MLJ 100 minor. Thus, there is a lack of mutuality, which impairs the minor’s own ability to
seek the equitable remedy.
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• Zuraidah Ali et al – Equity & Equitable Remedies
• Mohsin & Wan AZLAN, EQUITY & TRUSTS IN MALAYSIA : Chapter xii