02 Task Performance 1 Data and Digital Comms (Javier)

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Javier, Vinz Dominic A.

Data & Digital Comms

BSCPE 311 Task Performance

Data and Signals

Today I learned about the data communication. To the video that I’ve
watched explains the exchanging of signals o between on the nodes, also it refers
to the exchange of data between of the source and a receiver through a form of
transmission medium like cable wires. Data communication state to in a local
transmission if communicating devices are in the same place or in a building. I also
learned about the dataflow, dataflow is a pathway for a data to move on one
information system to another. There are three dataflow that discussed in the video
these are Simplex, half-duplex, and full-duplex. First the simplex dataflow is a
transmission mode in which the data flows only a single direction. Second is half-
duplex this dataflow can travel the data in two-direction but not simultaneously.
The last is a full-duplex describes simultaneous data transmission and receptions
over one channel. A full-duplex device is capable of bi-directional network data
transmissions at the same time. The video also discussed about the role of
protocols in computer network not only in computer network even in real-time
protocols has an important role, also the video discussed the elements of the
protocols these elements are vital in message encoding there are five elements of
the protocols these are message formatting, and encapsulation message, size
message, timing, and lastly the delivery options.

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