Identification of Priority Areas For Cycling Using GIS
Identification of Priority Areas For Cycling Using GIS
Identification of Priority Areas For Cycling Using GIS
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2020): 7.803
Abstract: Cities today face many urban challenges related to high population density. Transportation is one such challenge that
results in problems of congestion and pollution, especially with burgeoning private car usage. Cycling is one among the foremost
sustainable modes of transportation. The average trip length in Indian cities is convenient for cycling but the share of cycling as a
mode of transport has been declining. Creating a bicycle network within the urban areas is the key to encourage the utilization of the
bicycle as the daily mode of private transportation. Kochi City Region (KCR) in Kerala was selected as the study area as the share of
private vehicles has been increasing and there is a need for a sustainable mode of transportation. The paper focuses on how to identify
priority cycling areas in an already developed urban area. The study identifies how to deploy certain geographic information system
(GIS) tools along with Multi criteria decision analysis (MCDA) for analyzing multilayered spatial data at the city level. The results
confirms that the use of these GIS tools for analyzing various parameters for identifying priority areas for cycling routes is efficient.
3.1 Aim The study broadly discusses about the importance of cycling
in urban areas. The study seeks to provide a case with a
The aim of the study is to perform a Comprehensive Bicycle methodology using digital analyzing techniques for
route suitability assessment using GIS-Multi criteria analysis determining new bicycle networks within dense built
method and identify the priority areas that are suitable for environments. The study determines the “most suitable area”
cycling. for bicycle route using multi-criteria decision analysis in GIS
3.2 Objectives
4. Methodology
To study and analyse the various components and
methods used for bicycle network planning The research is carried out in three stages. In the first stage
To identify and examine the demand and supply-side the background study is discussed, the aim, objectives, scope
determinants for cycling infrastructure. of the study is formulated. Literature review is discussed in
To identify the existing determinants for cycling the first stage and the study area is identified. The second
infrastructure in Kochi city. stage discusses about the data collection through primary
To identify suitable areas for cycling in Kochi city and secondary sources. Major tasks in this stage are
through Bicycle route suitability assessment. interviews, surveys, on-site observations and search for
relevant secondary data. In the final stage the suitability
assessment is carried out using overlay analysis in GIS. The
priority areas for cycling are identified through this
suitability assessment.
5. Study Area culture. Located on the south-western coast of India, the city
is more than 500 years. A vibrant cultural hub, this coastal
The city of Kochi is located on the western coast of India in city blends different natural landscapes (backwaters, canals
Ernakulam district of Kerala. Kochi is a cradle of Eurasian and green cover) and tourism is a major contributor to the
Volume 10 Issue 7, July 2021
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR21724095840 DOI: 10.21275/SR21724095840 1254
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2020): 7.803
city‟s economy. Kochi is also part of India‟s Smart Cities challenge due to lack of safety and Infrastructure for short
Mission project. distance users.
The city consists of 3 administrative boundaries, namely Kochi City Region (KCR) is a contiguous region of land
Cochin Municipal Corporation (CMC), Kochi City Region consisting of the areas under the Corporation of Kochi and
(KCR) and Greater Cochin Development Authority (GCDA) sixteen other local bodies, including five municipalities in
with a population of 6.46 lakhs, 12.23 lakhs and 20.01 lakhs the form of Tripunithura, Kalamassery, Maradu, Eloor and
respectively. The metro is emerging to be the new mode of Thrikkakkara.
choice for the city. However, walking and cycling remains a
6. Cycling Initiatives in Kochi lanes are being built on these roads as part of the „India
Cycles 4 Change Challenge‟ with the support of the German
The budget has stressed on green transportation facilities in development agency, GIZ. Kochi is one of the 107 cities to
Kochi. In order to create a cycling-friendly environment in have registered for the India Cycles4Change Challenge, an
Kochi, the Cochin Smart Mission Limited (CSML) is initiative of Smart Cities Mission, Ministry of Housing and
developing cycle lanes throughout the smart roads. The cycle Urban Affairs, Government of India. Since the outbreak of
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