Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers For All-Optical Wavelength Conversion
Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers For All-Optical Wavelength Conversion
Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers For All-Optical Wavelength Conversion
There is no doubt that the optical telecommunication is the technology of the future, though many unsolved
problems still prevent the appearance of all-optical networks. The most promising representatives of these
network types are the wavelength division multiplex (WDM) networks, where the different channels are
multiplexed according to the wavelength. Free wavelength conversion ability is essential in order to realise these
networks. .
The optoelectronic converters were the first solution for this problem. In this case the incoming optical signal
is detected and simply retransmitted on another wavelength. This solution is widely used nowadays in practice,
though it is optically not transparent, and the electrical components are the limitation of the achievable operation
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We.Bl.2 I, 38 ICTON 2004
According to :the number of the input signals there is/ mixing (FWM), three-wave mi.xing (TWM) and
dfferencefiequerq geiieratiori (DFG), depending which order of nonlinearity is utilised.
In addition to transparency wave mixing is the only tnetliod which allows parallel conversion of more than
one channel and capable for operating over 100 GHz. But on the other hand the optical nonlinear efficiency is
very low, 1hus;the implenientalion of this converters is complicated.
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Figure 1. Optical gain versus the output opticalpower at 1552 nm (saturation process).
Gain saturation can be simply used for XGM by transmitting two different optical signals together through
the semiconductor optical amplifier. The first is the information signal on holdwavelength. The other is
a continuous whve on h,,,. In this case the intensity modulation of the first signal will change the gain value of
the SOA according to the gain saturation, so that the device will function as an external modulator for the
second signal. II
The aim of our measurements was to examine the characteristics of cross-gain modulation, by analysing the
maximum value of the extinction ratio.
At first the, characteristics of a semiconductor optical amplifier (the C gain parameter against the I bias
current, and also the amplified spontaneous emission level ASE) were measured. Then the saturation diagrams
for different bias currents (C gain as a function of the output optical power), and finally the typical parameters
of the cross-gain modulation were examined.
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Opt. Spectr.
In Fig. 2 the simplified block diagram of the cross-gain modulation measurements are illustrated. The first laser
source is to provide the so-called old signal on holdwavelength, which represents the incoming information
signal. This source could be modified both in power and wavelength. The other source provided the continuous
wave signal on:the constant wavelength of hew The two signals were transmitted to the input of the SOA via
acoupler. Finally with an optical spectrum analyser the h,,, related gain and output power was measured,
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ICTON 2004 39 We.BI.2
varying the parameters'of >.'old and the bias current of the SOA separately. Optical isolators were also used to
eliminate the optical reflections in the system.
The effect of an optical preamplifier was also examined. The purpose of this preamplifier was to boost up the
received optical power of Lot,,so that the wavelength converter SOA will be at a deeper saturation and a higher
extinction ratio could be obtained (the rate of the maximum and minimum output power of knew).
The disadvantdgc of this preamlification is that thc amplifier emitted strong, broadband amplified spontaneous
noise, which worsened the quality of the transmission and also the achievable extinction ratio factor. So the use
of a filter is nceded and a fibre amplifier with a lower noise spectrum is advisable.
Accordiug to the measurement experiences we can say, that XGM is far not trouble-free solution for
wavelength conversion. Using a hold signal with appropriate parameters (wavelength, optical power, bias
current) an extinction ratio of 30 dB was demonstrated. After the nieasurements several interesting conclusions
can be done.
At first step the effect of the SOA bias was examined. Interestingly the maximal extinction ratio not always
belonged to the maximum bias current, but - as it can be seen in Fig. 3 -for a lower value.
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We.BI.2 , 40 ICTON 2004
To undersjand this characteristic we need to consider the following. In a semiconductor optical amplifier
amplification arises from stimulated emission, when an excited atom from a higher energy level returns to
a lover one, emitting a photon at E = /~ energy (h is the Planck constant and& is the photon frequency). This
process is stimulated by the incoming photons. The range of the einittedf, frequencies are detemiined by the
distribution of,clcctrons in the conduction hand energy levels. The distribution of the electrons depend on the
material structure of the SOA, so the wavelength dependence of the gain and the extinction ratio of the device is
also determined by the structure.
;:Figure5. Extinction ratio against the ~iavelengthof the /lo,d signal (SQW 1500 SOA).
If we use an optical preamplifier or inline amplifier along the line in order to increase the optical input power
of hold,it is also important to use a narrowband bandpass filter between the amplifier and the converter. If we
forget this, then the noise level of the system will definitely rise. Moreover at the same time the population
inversion in the device will he rcdundantly consumed by the noise power, which enters the converter SOA,
decreasing both the gain of the device and the achievable extinction ratio.
Wavelength conversion using semiconductor optical amplifiers is one of the most intensively developing area of
optical telecommunication research. As it was shown, several approaches exist, with advantages and
disadvantages. ;In this paper we evaluated wavelength conversion using semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA)
and investigated cross-gain modulation in details. The effect of the extinction ratio of the wavelength and the
incident 0ptical:power of the optical signals and the SOA bias current was examined.
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