Judiciary Under Indian Constitution
Judiciary Under Indian Constitution
Judiciary Under Indian Constitution
Author(s): A. G. Noorani
Source: Verfassung und Recht in Übersee / Law and Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin
America , 1976, Vol. 9, No. 3 (1976), pp. 335-341
Published by: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
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access to Verfassung und Recht in Übersee / Law and Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin America
By A. G. Noorani
It is not surprising that the most important issue in the recent discu
on amendments to the Constitution has been the scope of judic
legislation and of executive action. For, the judiciary occupies a p
under the Indian Constitution. As India's first Attorney-General
most distinguished jurists, Mr. M. C. Setalvad, points out in the H
"an impartial and independent judiciary was gradually built up
times. The Constitution of India continued and strengthened thi
incorporating into itself what may be called an integrated judicial sy
to function impartially beyond the range of executive influence a
except by Parliament under circumstances prescribed by the Co
judicial system of this nature was essential in order to preserve an
ideals of democracy and freedom and of the Rule of Law em
While it is debatable whether India's political structure is federal with unitary
features or unitary with federal features, it is incontestable that its judicial structure
is unitary. Both Union and State laws are interpreted in a single judicial system.
There is no division of judicial work between Union courts and State courts.
At the apex of the hierarchy of courts is the Supreme Court of India with jurisdic-
tion wider than that of any federal Supreme Court. The Constitution confers on
it original jurisdiction in disputes between the Union and the States, and between
the States inter se "if and in so far as the dispute involves any question (whether of
law or fact) on which the existence or extent of a legal right depends" (Art. 131)
and original jurisdiction for the enforcement of the fundamental rights. Indeed,
the citizen's right to move the Supreme Court directly for this purpose is itself a
fundamental right (Art. 32). The Supreme Court is, besides, the highest court of
appeal in cases involving "a substantial question of law" as to the interpretation
of the Constitution. (Art. 132), civil cases which involve "a substantial question of
law of general importance" which in the opinion of the High Court, the highest
court in a State, "needs to be decided by the Supreme Court" (Art. 133), and in
criminal cases if the High Court "has on appeal reversed an order of acquittal of an
accused person and sentenced him to death; or has withdrawn for trial before
itself any case from any court subordinate to its authority and has in such trial
convicted the accused person and sentenced him to death; or certifies that the case
is a fit one for appeal to the Supreme Court" (Art. 134).
Furthermore, the Supreme Court may "in its discretion" grant special leave to
appeal from any judgment, decree, determination, sentence or order in any cause
or matter passed or made by any court or tribunal in the country, except a court
or tribunal constituted under any law relating to the Armed Forces (Art. 136).
1 M. C. Setalwad, The Common Law in India; Hamlyn Lectures 12th series; Stevens & Sons Ltd., London;
1960; p. 200.
la See the author's "Indian Political Trials" Sterling Publishers, New Delhi 1976.
2 Constituent Assembly Debates Vol. IV, p. 731.
3 C. A. D. Vol. IV, p. 579.
4 A. U. VOI. IV, p. /1U.
8 Reform of Judicial Administration; 14th Report, Law Commission of India; Ministry of Law
Government of India, New Delhi; 1958; Vol. I, p. 78.
9 Ibid page 34.
10 M. C. Setalwad; My Life: Law and Other Things; Tnpathi, Bombay; 1970; p. 509.
11 H. M. Seervai, Constitutional Law of India; Tripathi Bombay; 1976. Vol. II, p. 1374.
IIa See Bryde "Verfassung und Recht in Ubersee" (1970), p. 195.
12 Only the bare outline the events from 1967 to 1973 are given here, ror details vide Mr. b. c>. ben s
article "Constitutional Storm in India" "Verfassung und Recht in Ubersee" (1974), pp. 33-43.
19 Selection, Background Characteristics, and Voting Behaviour of Indian Supreme Court Judges 1950 - 1959
in Comparative Judicial Behaviour. Edited by Glendon Schubert and David J. Danelski; Oxford Uni-
versity Press; 1969; p. 221.