Section 300 Earthwork Erosion Control and Drainage
Section 300 Earthwork Erosion Control and Drainage
Section 300 Earthwork Erosion Control and Drainage
Earthwork, Erosion
Control and Drainage
Earthwork, Erosion Control Section 3fi)
and Drainage
301.1. Scope
This work shall consist of excavation, removal and satisfactory
disposal of all mate¡ials necessary for the construction of roadway, side
drains and waterways in accordance with requirements of these Speci-
fications and the lines, grades and cross-sections shown in the drawings
or as indicated by the Engineer. It shall include the hauling and søcking
of or hauling to sites of embankment and subgrade construction, suitable
cut materials as required, as also the disposal of unsuiøble cut materials
in specified manner, trimming and f,rnishing of the road to specified
dimensions or as di¡ected by the Engineer.
301.2. Classification of Excavated Material
301.2.1. Classification : All materials involved in excavation shall
be classified by the Engineer in the following manner:
(a) Soil
This shall comprise topsoil, turf, sand, silt, loam, clay, mud, peat, black cotton
soil, soft shale or loose moorum, a mixture of these and similar material which
yields to the ordinary application of pick, spade and/or shovel, rake or other
ordinary digging implement. Rernoval of gravel or any other nodular maærial
having dimension in any one direction not èxceeding 75 mm occurring in ruch
strata shall be deemed to be covered under ¡his câtegory.
Section 300 Earthwork, Erosion Control and Drainage
Earthwork, Erosion Control and Drainage Section 3ü)
apfiroved by the Engineer. The work ,shall be so done that the suiøble
materials available from excavation a¡e satisfactorily utilized as decided
upon beforehand.
While planning or executing excavations, tlìe Contractor shall take
all adequate precautions against soil erosion, water pollution etc. as per
Clause 306, and take appropriate drainage measures to keep the site
free of water in accordance with Clause 311.
The excavations shall conform to the lines, grades, side slopes and
levels shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The
Contractor shall not excavate outside the limits of excavation. Subject
to the permitted tolerances, any excess depth/ width excavated beyond
the specified levels/dimensions on the drawings shall be made good at
the cost of the Contractor with suiøble material of characteristics simila¡
to that removed and compacted to the requirements of Clause 305'
All debris and loose material on the slopes of cuttings shall be
removed. No backf,rlling shall be allowed to obtain required slopes
excepting that when boulders or soft materials a¡e encountered in cut
slopes, these shall be excavated to approved depth on instructions of the
Engineer and the resulting cavities f,rlled with suitable material and
thoroughly compacted in an approved manner.
After excavation, the sides of excavated area shall be trimmed and
the a¡ea contoured to minimise erosion and ponding, allowing for natural
drainage to take place. If trees were removed, new trees shall bc planted,
as directed by the Engineer. The cost of planting new trees shall
be deemed to be incidental to the work.
equipment: Only such methods, tools
301.3.4. Methods, tools and
and equipment as approved by the Engineer shell be adopteflused in
tie work. If so desi¡ed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall demonstrate
the efficacy of the rype of equipment to be used before the commencement
of work.
301.3.5. Rock excavation : Rock, when encountered in road
excavation, shall be ¡emoved upto the formation level or as otherwise
indicated on the drawings. Where, however, unstable shales or other un-
suiøble materials are encountered at the formalion level, these shall be
excavated to the extent of 500 mm below the formation level or as
otherwise specified. In all cases, the excavation operations shall be so
carried out that at no point on cut formation the rock protrudes above
the specihed levpls. Rocks and large boulders which a¡e likely to cause
Section 300 Ea¡thwork, Erosion Confol and Drainage
Earthwork, Erosion Control and Drainage Section 300
309, excavation for these shall be canied out in proper sequence with
other works as approved by the Engineer.
301.3.9. Slides : If slips, slides, over-breaks or subsidence occur
in cuttings during the process of construction, they shall be removed
at the cost of the Contractor as ordered by the Engineer. Adequate
precautions shall be taken to ensure that during construction, the slopes
are not rendered unstable or give rise to recurrent slides after construction.
If finished slopes slide into the roadway subsequently, such slides shall
be removed and paid for at the Contract rate for the class of excavation
involved, provided the slides are not due to any negligence on the pa¡t
of the Cont¡actor. The classifrcation of the debris material from the
slips, slides etc. shall conform to is condition at the time of removal
and payment made accordingly regardless of its condition earlier.
301.3.10. Dewatering : If water is met with in the excavations
due to springs, seepage, rain or other causes, it shall be removed
by suiøble diversions, pumping or bailing out and the excavation
kept dry whenever so required or directed by the Engineer. Ca¡e shall
be taken to discharge the drained v/ater into suitable outlqts as not
to cause damage to the works, crops or any other property. Due
to any negligence on the part of the ConÍactor, if any such damage
is caused, it shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to
repair/restore to the original condition at his own cost or compensate
for the damage.
301.3.11. Disposaì of excavated materials : All the excavated
materials shatl be the property of the Employer, The material obtained
from the excavation of roadway, shoulders, verges, drains, cross-
drainage works etc., shall be used for filling up of (i) roadway embank-
ment, (ii) the existing pits in the right-of-way and (iii) for landscaping
of ttre road as directed by
the Engineer, including levelling and spreading
with all lifts and lead upto 1000 m and no extra payment shall be
made for the same,
All hard materials, such as ha¡d moorum, rubble, etc.' not intended
for use as above shall be stacked neatly on specified land æ directed
by the Engineer with all lifts and lead upto 1000 m'
Unsuiøble and surplus material not intended for use within the lead
specified above shatl also, if necessary, be transported with all lifS and
lead beyond initial 1000 m, disposed of or used as directed by the
Section 3@ Earthwork, Erosion Contrcìl and Drainage
removed as directed by the Engineer and replaced with suirable
material compacted in accordance with Clause 305'
301.9. Rates
301.9.1. The contract unit rates for the items of roadway and drain
excavation shall be payment in full for carrying out the operations
required for the individual items including full compensation fot :
(Ð seting our;
(iÐ transporting and depositing the same on sires of
embankments asdirecred wirhin all lif¡s and lead upro
1000 m or a
Earthwork, Erosion Control and Drainage Section 300
specified slope in rock excavation, the same shall be paid for vide Clause
301.9.2. The Cont¡act unit rate for loosening and recompacting
the loosêned materials at subgrade shall include full compensation for
loosening to the specif,red depth, including breaking clods, spreading in
layers, watering whgre necessary and compacting to the requirements.
301.9.3. Clauses 301.9.1 and 305.8 shall apply as regards Cont¡act
unit rate for item of removal of unsuitable material and replacement
with suiøble material respectively.
301.9.4. The Conract unit rate for item of preparing rocky subgrade
as per Clause 301.6 shall be full compensation for providing, laying and
compacting granular base material for correcting surface irregularities
including all materials, labour and incidentals necessary to complete
the work and all leads and lifts.
301.9:5. The Contract unit rate for the items of stripping and storing
topsoil and of reapplication of topsoil shall include full compensa[ion
for all the necessary operations including all lifts, but leads upto 1000
301.9.6. The Contræt unit rate for disposal of surplus eartl¡ from
roadway and drain excavation shall be full compensation for all labour,
equipment, tools and incidentals necessary on account of the additional
haul o¡ Eansportation involved beyond the initial lead of 1000 m'
302.1. General
Blasting shall be canied out in a. manner that completes the
excavation to the lines indicated in drawings, with the least disturbance
to adjacent material. It shall be done only with the w¡itten permission
of the Engineer. All the statutory laws, regulations, rulss, etc., pertaining
to the acquisidon, transport, slo¡age, handling and use of explosives shall
be srictly followed.
The Contracûor may adopt any method or methods of blasting
consistent with the safety and job requirements. Prior to starting any
of the operation the Contractor shall provide information describing
pefinent blasting procedures, dimensions and notes.
The magazine for the storage of explosives shall be built to the
designs and specifications of the Explosives Department concerned and
located at the approved site. No unauthorized person shall be admitteú
Section 300 Earthwo¡k, Erosion Cont¡ol and Drainage
into the magazrne which when not in use shail be 'kepr securely
locked. No matches or inflammable material shall be ailowed in the
magazine. The magazine shall have an effective lightning conducror.
The following shall be hung in the lobby of rhe magazine:
(") A copy of rhe relevanr rules regarding safe srorage borh in Engrish and in rhe
which dre workers concemed are familiar.
language wirh
Ea¡thwork, Erosion Control and Drainage Section 300
After blasting operations, the contractor shall compact the loose re-
sidual material below subgrade and replace the material removed
below subgrade wirh suiøble mareriaL
302.5. Misfire
In case of misfire, the following procedure shall be observed:
(Ð sufficienr time shall be ailowed ¡o accounr for rhe delayed brasr. The man-rn-
' charge shall inspect all tie charges and
determine the missed charge.
(iD If ir is rhe blasring powder charge, ir shail be comprerery flooded wirh rvarer.
A new hore shail be drilled ar abour 450 mm from rhe óla hol" and fired. This
should blasr rhe ord charge. Shourd ir nor brasr rhe ord charge, rhe procedure
shall be repeared rill rhe old charee is blasreo.
explode at !.he-. same rime. The man-in-charge shall at once report to the
contractor's office and the Engineer ail cases of misfire, ùe cause àf ,h" ,u-"
and what steps were taken in connection úerewith.
If a misfire has been found to be due to defecfive detonator or
dynamite, the whole quantiry in tlre box from which defeclive aÍicle
was taken must be sent to the authority directed by the Engineer for
inspection to ascerrain whether all the remaining materials in the box
are also defective.
302.6. Account
A careful and day to day account of the explosive shall be mainrained
by the cont¡actor in an approved register and manner which shall be
open to inspection by the Engineer at all times.
Earthwork, Erosion Control and Drainage Section 300
Section 300 Earthwork, Erosion Control and Drainaee
Earthwork, Erosion Control and Drainage Section 300
Section 300 Ea¡thwork, Erosion Control and Drainage
of all soft and loose material, cleaned and cut to a firm surface either
level and stepped as directed by the Engineer. All seams shall be cleaned
out and filled with cement mortar or grout to the satisfaction of the
Engineer. In the case of excavation in rock, annular space around footing
shall be filled with lean concrete (136-nominal mix) upto the top level
of rock.
If the depth of fill required is more than l.5m above the top of
the footing, filling upto l.5m above top of footing shall be done with
lean concrete (1:3:6 nominal mix) followed by boulders gouted with
When foundation piles are used, the excavation of each pit shall
be subsøntially completed before beginning pile-driving operations
therein. After pile driving operations in a given pit are completed, all
loose and displaced materials therein shall be removed to the elevation
of the bottom of the footings.
304.3.5. Slips and slip-outs : If there are any slips or slip-outs in
the excavation, these shall be removed by the Contractor at his own
304.3.6. Public safety : Nea¡ towns, villages and all frequented
places, Eenches and foundation pits shall be securely fenced,
provided with proper caution signs and ma¡ked with red lights at night
to avoid accidents. The Cont¡actor shall take adequate protective
measures to see that the excavation operations do not affect or damage
adjoining structures. For safety precautions, guidance may be taken
from IS : 3764.
304.3.7. Backfilling : Backfilling shall be done with approved
material after concrete or masonry is fully set and carried out in such
a way as not to cause undÌe thrust on any part of the structure. All
space between foundation masonry or concrete and the sides of excavation
shall be refilled to the original surface in layers not exceeding 150
mm compacted thickness. The compaction shall be done with the help
of suitable equipment such as mechanical tamper, ralnmer, plate vibrator
etc., after necessary watering, so as to achieve a density not less than
the field density before excavation.
304.3.8.rDisposat of surplus excavated materials : Clause 301.3.11
shall apply.
304.4. Measurements for Payment
Excavation for st¡uctures shall be measured in cu. m. for each class
Earthwork, Erosion Conuol and Drainage Section 300
(D setting out;
(iÐ construction ofnecessary cofferdams, cribs, sheeting, shorin! and bracing andtheir
subsequent removal;
(iii) removal of all logs, stumps, grubs and other delererious matterand obstructions,
for placing the foundations including trimming of bottoms of excavations;
(iv) foundarion sealing, dewatering including pumping when no separale provision for
it is made in the Contract;
(v) bacldilling, clearing up the site and disposal of all surplus material within all lifts
and leads upto 1000 m or as otherwise specified; and
(vi) all labour, materials, tools, equipment, safety measures' dive¡sion of rraffic and
incidentals necessary to complete the work to Specification'
Section 3fi) Earthwork, Erosion Control and Drainage
Nores: (1) This Table is not applicable for lightweight fill .material e.g. cinder, fly ash
A) The Engineer may relax these requirements at his discretion øking into account
the availability of malerials for construction and other relevan! factors'
(3) The material to be used in subgrade should also satisfy design CBR at the
dry unit weight applicable as per Table 300-2.
305.2.2. General requirements :
Section 300 Earthwork, Bosion Control and Drainage
The work shatl be so planned and executed that ttre best available
materials .are saved for the subgrade and the embankment portion just
below the subgrade.
305.2.2.2. Borrow materials : Where the materials are to be
obtained from designated borrow areas, t¡e location, size and shape of
these areas shall be as indicated by the Engineer and the same shall
not be opened without his written permission. Where specific borrow
areas are not designated by the Employer/the Engineer, arrangement for
locating the source of supply of material for embankment and subgade
as well as compliance to envi¡onmental requirements in respect of
excavation and borrow areas as stipulated, from time to time by the
Minisny of Environment and Forests, Government of India and the local
bodies, as applicable, shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor.
Borrowpits along the road shall be discouraged. If permitted by the
Engineer, these shall not be dug continuously. Ridges of not less than
8 m width should be left at intervals not exceeding 300 m. Small drains
shall be cut through the ridges to facilitate drainage. The depth of
the pits shall be so regulated that their bottom does not cut an imaginary
line having a slope of 1 vertical to 4 horizontal projected from the
edge of the final section of the bank, the maximum depth in any case
being limited to 1.5 m. Also, no pit shall be dug within the offset width
from the toe of the embankment required as per the consideration of
stâbility with a minimum width of 10 m.
Haulage of material to embankments or other a¡eas of fill shall
proceed only when sufficient spreading and compaction plant is operating
at the place of deposition.
No excâvated acceptable material other than surplus to requirements
of the Contract shall be removed from the site. Should the Cont¡actor
be permitted to remove accepøble material from the site to suit his
operational procedure, then he shall make good any consequent deficit
of material arising therefrom.
Where the excavation revea-ls a combination of acceptable and un-
acceptable materials, the Contractor shall, unless otherwise agreed by
the Engineer, carry out the excavation in such a manner that the
acceptable materials are excavated separately for use in the permanent
works without contamination by the unacceptable materials. The
acceptable materials shall be stockpiled separately.
The Contractor shall ensu¡e that he does not adverselv affect the
Earthwork, E4osion Control and Drainage Section 300
Contractor shall at least 7 working days before commencemenl
of compaction submit the following to the Engineer for approval:
(i) The values of maximum dry density and optimum moisture content obtained
in accordance wirh IS: Zl20 (Part 7) or @art 8), as the câse may be, appropriaæ
fo.r dach of the fill mate¡ials he in¡ends to use'
(iÐ A graph of density ploned againsr moisrure conlenl from which each of the
values in (i) above of maximum dry density and optimum moislure conten! were
(iii) The Dry densiry-moisore conrent -CBR relationships for light, intermediate and
heavy compactive efforu (lighr corresponding to lS: 2720 (Part 7)' heavy
corresponding to ÍSz 2720 @art 8) and intermediate in-between the two) for
each of the fill materials he intends to use in the subgrada
Section 300
Earthwork, Erosion Control and Drainage
of the embankment.
305.3.5.2. Moisture content of the material shall be checked at the
Afler adding the required amount of water, the soil shail be processed
by means of graders, ha¡rows, roûary mixers or as otherwise approved
by the Engineer until the layer is uniformly wet.
clods or hard lumps of ea¡th shall be broken to have a maximum
size of 75 mm when being placed in the embankment and a maximum
size of 50 mm when being placed in the subgrade.
in suiøble combinations.
The compaction shall be done with the help of vibratory roller of
80 to 100 kN søric weight with plain or pad foot drum or heavy
tyred roller of adequate capacity capable of achieving required com-
intends to use by carrying out compaction trials. The procedure to be
adopted for these site trials shall first be submitted to the Engineer
for approval.
Earthmoving plant shall not be accepted as compaction equipment
nor shall the use óf u üght.t category of plant to provide any preliminary
compaction to assist the use of heavier plant be ¡aken into account'
Section 300 Earthwork, Erosion Conrrol and Drainaee
directed by the Engineer before next layer is laid and refilled in
layers and compacted using appropriate mechanical means such as small
vibratory roller, plate compactor or power rammer to achieve the
required density in accordance with clause 305.3.6. If the cut is not
repairing the damages including widening of the cut, if any, shall be
carried out by the cont¡actor at his own cost, including the arranging
of machinery/equipment for the pu{pose.
305.3.9. Finishing operations : clude
the work of the shoul
shaping and dressing and
side slopes to conform to the alignment, lev a¡rd
dimensions shown on the drawings or as directed by rhe Engineer
subject to the surface tolerance described in clause 902. Both the
upper and lower ends of the side slopes shall be rounded off to
rmprove appearance and to rnerge the embankment with the adíacent
old slope for ensuring adequate bond with the fresh embankment/subgade
material to be added. The material obtained from cutting of benches
could be utilized in the widening of the embankment/subgrade.
when the existing slope against which the fresh matefial is to be placed
is flatter than I vertical on 4 horizontal,the slope surface may only be
ploughed or scarifred instead of resorting to benching'
(iD If the existing road surface is of cement concrete type and lies within
of the new subgrade level the same shall be removed completely' è
(iii) If the level difference belween the existing road surface and the new formation
level is more than lm, the existing surface shall be permitted
to stay in place
without anY modilicarion.
Section 300 Earthwork, Erosion Control and Drainase
¿u¡-aute particles with particle size not exceeding 75 mm. The
material should be non-plastic having uniformity coefficient of not
than 10. The material placed in open water shall be deposited by end
tipping without compaction.
305.4,7. Earthwork for high embankment : In the case
of high embankmenrs, the contricro¡ shall normally use the different
from the specified borrow area. In case he desi¡es to use
material for his own convenience, he shall have to caÍy out
soil investigations and redesign the high embankment at his own cost'
The Conrraitor shall then furnish the soil test data and design of high
embankment for approval of the Engineer, who reserves the right to
accept or reject it.
If necess¿ìly, stage construction of frlls and any controlled rates
Section 300 Earthwork, Erosion Control and Drainage
Ea¡thwork, Erosion Control and Drainage Section 300
(v) Cosr of watering or drying of maærial in bonow areas and/or embankmenr and
suþrade during construction as' required;
Section 300 Earthwork, Erosion Control and Drainaee
(vi) spreading in rayen, appropriare mo.isture conrent and compacring
æ Specifi cation requirements;
(vii) Shaping and dressing rop and slopes of rhe embankmenr and subgrade including
rounding of corners;
(viii) Restricæd working a¡ sires of strucrures;
(ix) Working on narÌow widrh of embanlsnenr and subgrade;
(x) Excavarion in allço learing
and grubbing and de site
wirh a.ll lifts and l
(xi) Au labour, materiars, toors, equipment and incidenrals necessary to complete rhe
' work to rhe Specificarions;
(xii) Dewatering; and
(xiii) Keeping the ernbankmeny'completed formarion free of water as per
Clause 311.
or as otherwise specified.
305.9.7. clause 202.7 shar apply as regards cont¡acr unit rate for
dismantling and removal of existing cement concrete pavement.
305.9.8. The contracr unit rate for providing and raying filter
material behind aburments shall be payment in full for crryìng oor
Earthwork, E¡osion Control 4nd Drainage Section 300
Section 3ü) Ea¡thwork, Erosion Control and Drainage
Section 300
Earthwork, Erosion Control and Drainage
respective items.
306.5. Rates
307.1. Scope
307.2. Materials
Section 3(X) Ea¡thwork, Erosion Control and Drainage
Section 300
Earthwo¡k, Erosion Control and Drainage
with water:
307.5. Rate
payment in
The contract unit rate for turrlng with sods shall mean
full for carrying out all the required operations eiplained above
compensation for
(Ð fumishing all the materials to be incorporated in the Works with all lçads and
lifts: and
Clause 301.9.5.
308.1. ScoPe
Earthwort, Erosion Control and Drainage Section 300
Section 30û Ea¡thwork, E¡osion Control a¡d Drainase
308.6. Measurements for payment
Seeding and mulching shall be measured as finished work in square
308.7. Rate
The contract unit rate for seeding and murching shall be payment
in full for carrying out all the required operadõns including full
compensation for all materials, labour, tools and incidenøls.
309.1. Scope
The excavated bed and sides of the d¡ains shall be dressed to bring
these in close conformity with the specified dimensions, levels and
where so indicated, drains shall be lined or tu¡fed wittr suiøble
materials in accordance with details shown on the drawings.
All works on d¡ain construction shalr be planned and executed in
proper sequence with other works as approved by the Engineer,
with a
view to ensuring adequate drainage for the area and minimising erosion/
3093. Sub-surface Drains
Earthwork, Erosion Conrol and Drainage Section 3ü)
309.3.2. Materials
A. Pipe : Perfo¡ated pipes for the drains may bc of meøvasbestos cement/
cement concrete/PvC, and unperforaædpipes of vitrified clay/cement concrete/
asbestos cernenl The type, size and grade of the pipe to be used shall be
of the mate¡ial to pass through it.
B. Backfill material : Backfill material shall consis¡ of sound, tough, hard, durable
I be free
these to
ng lines:
(Ð lVhere the soil met with in the trench is of fine grained type (e'g', silt,clay
or a mix¡u¡e rhereof),the bacldrll material shall conform lo class I grading
set out in-Table 300-3.
(i¡) rilhere the soil met with in rhe t¡ench is of coarse silt to medium sand
or sandy type, úe backfill material shall correspond to Class II grading
of Table 30G3.
(i¡i) where soil mer wirh in the-trcnch is gravelly sand, the backfill material
shall conespond to Class III grading of Table 300-3'
Section 300 Ea¡thwork, Erosìon Control and Drainaee
Section 300
Ea¡thwork, Erosion Control and Drainage
or extraneous material and sharp objects that may damage the filter
fabric during insøllation. Adjacent rolls of the fabric shall be overlapped
a minimum of 450 mm. The preceding roll shall overlap the following
roll in the direction the material is being spread.
Section 300 Earthwork, Erosion Control an{ Drainage
Sieve Size Per cent passing by weþht
Type B
63 mm
37.5 mm 100 85-100
19 mm
9.5 mm 45-100 0-5
3.35 mm 25-80
600 micron 8-45
150 micron 0-10
75 micron G5
309.4. Measurements for payment
Measurement for surface and sub-su¡face d¡ains shall be per
running metre length
of the drain. Disposal of surplus material beyond
1000 m shall be measured in cu. m.
309.5. Rates
Ea¡thwork, Erosion Control and Drainage Section 300
(d) The t¡immed formation shall be rclled by one pass of srnooth wheeled ¡oller
of 80 to 100 kN weight afær sPraying requisite amount of waær, if required,
before the cotnmencement of rolling.
Whe¡e the completed formation is not immediately covered with sub-
base or road base material, its moistu¡e content shall be maintained
to prevent cracking in the formation by suitable measures as approved
by the Engineer. The entire work of surface featment of formation shall
be deemed as incidental to the work of sub-base/base course to be
provided on the subgrade and as such no extra payment shall be made
for the same.
311.1. The Contractor shall arrange for the rapid dispersal of water
collected,/accumulated on the earthwork or completed formation during
construction or on the existing roadway or which entels the earthwork
or any other item of work from any source, and where practicable, the
water shall be discharged into the permanent outfall of the drainage
system. The alrangements shall be made in respect of all earthwork
including excavation for pipe trenches, foundations or cuttings.
311,2, The Conractor shall provide, where necessary, temporaly
water courses, ditches, drains, pumping or other means for maintaining
the earthwork free from water. Such provisions shall include carrying
out the work of forming the cut sections and embankments in such
manner that their surfaces have at all times a sufficient minimum
crossfall and, where practicable, a'sufficient longitudinal gradient to
enable them to shed water and prevent ponding.
The works involved in keeping the earthwo¡k or any other item
of works free of water shall be deemed as incidental to the respective
item of work and as such no separate payment shall be made for
the s"me.
312,1, Excavation -ganied out in the diversion, enlargement,
deepening or stfaightening water cotuses at culverts, where necessary,
shall include the operations such as clearing, grubbing, removal of
vegef,a¡ion, trimming of slopes, grading of beds, disposal of excavated
Section 300 Ea¡thwork, Erosion Conrol and Drainage
materials, pumping, timbering etc. necessaty for dealing with the flow
of water.
312.2. The beds and sloping sides of water courses shall, where
shown on the Drawings, be protected against the action of water by
rubble paving to form a flat or curved surface as indicated.-The
protection shall consist of large smooth faced stones or of blocks of
precast concrete. Stones for rubble paving shall be roughly dressed
square. No stone shall be less than 255 mm in depth nor less than
0.02 cu. m. in volume and no rounded boulders shall be used. After
completion of construction of culverts, temporary diversion of water-
course, if any, shall be closed and water course restored for flow through
the culvert as per the direction of the Engineer.
312.3. Measurements for Payment
The work for water courses at culverts as stâted above shall be
measured in terms of units specified in the Bill of Quantiúes for respective
items. The temporary diversion of channel to facilitate construction of
culverts, its closure and restoration to original water course shall be
considered incidental to the work of construction of culverts and no
extra payment shall be made for the same.
312.4. Rates
The Contract unit rates for different items for water courses at
culverts shall be payment in full for carrying out all required operations
including full compensation for all cost of materials, labour, tools,
equipment and other incidentals to complete the work to the Specification.
313.1. Scope
In normal ci¡cumstances, the embankment should not be constructed
with rockfill material. However, where specihcally permitted by the En-
gineer because of imperaúve economic or technical reasons, const$ction
of rockfill embankments shall be in accordance wittt the lines, grãdes
and cross-sections as shown in drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
Rockfill shall not be used at least for a depth of 500 mm below
the formation level. There should be a minimum of 500 mm thick earthen
cushion over the rockfill.
313.2. Material
The size of rock pieces used in rbckf,ill embankmolts shall be
such that they can be deposited in layers so as to suit the conditions
Section 300
Earthwork. Erosion Control and Drainage
required, shall be placed in the same manner, above the earlier compacted
The top layer of rockhll, on which normal eaflh fill will rest shall
be thoroughly blinded with suiøble granular material to seal its surface.
313.4. Measurements for PaYment
Measurement shall be made by taking cross-sectrons at intervals in
the original position before the work stafts and after its completion
and computing the volume in cu. m. by the method of average
313.5. Rate
The Contract unit rate shall be paid in full for carrying out all
the above operations including cost of rockfîll, broken fragments and
blinding mâterial and shall provide full compensation for all items as
per Clause 305.9.1 and 305.9.2'