Generic Client Feedback Via Call Report
Generic Client Feedback Via Call Report
Generic Client Feedback Via Call Report
The dealer in Benito,Soliven, CJ Uy has observed in his fattening the presence of foul odor
coming from his piggery. The customers in the area have also reported this to him. According to
him, a few meters away from the pigs' housing you can already smell the foul odor, unlike
before you can only smell when you are inside the pigs house. The dealer requested to check
the odor minimizer of our product. They observed in all Gold lines, particularly July 27 & August
12 deliveries.
High ammonia in the building could be caused by soaked fecal matter in the water. Sanitation is
also important in minimizing foul odor in the piggery.
Maintain cleanliness & sanitation inside the farm. May I request Denard to check other areas if
they have cases like this or if it only happens in the North East Luzon area. We can rule out
that it is an isolated case.
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