Ste-10 Research-4 q1 Lc1 Mod4
Ste-10 Research-4 q1 Lc1 Mod4
Ste-10 Research-4 q1 Lc1 Mod4
Grade 10 STE- Research 4
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 4: Evaluating the Materials and Methods of Research Paper
First Edition, 2020
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Quarter 1 – Module 4:
Evaluating the Materials and Methods of
Research Paper
Most Essential Learning Competency
Evaluating the Materials and Methods
of Research Paper
In this module, you will learn how to utilize the Standards (Criteria / Checklist) in
Evaluating the Materials and Methods of research paper.
Specifically, you should be able to:
1. Utilize the standards (Criteria/Checklist) in evaluating the Materials
and methods of a research paper.
2. Revise /enhance the research project conducted incorporating the
suggestions given by the peer/group/experts.
Duration: 5 meetings
Before we start our lesson, try to answer the
following questions below.
Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following DOES NOT explain the checklist “how the samples were
gathered and prepared" in evaluating materials and methods?
2. Which of the two parts fall in the checklist of “choosing the statistical treatment of
data in the study”?
For question number 3 and 4, consider the methods section below of a research
entitled “Enhanced Heme Oxygenase-Mediated Coronary Vasolidation in Dahl
Salt-Sensitive Hypertension”.
3. Which statement BEST describes the materials and methods section of the research
title stated above?
A. It briefly explains the general type of scientific procedure being used and
replication of the study.
B. It describes the experimental samples, research design and processes.
C. It spells out materials, source, specification of instruments and ethics.
D. It spells out materials, subjects and instruments used origin of materials,
specifications of instruments and processes.
4. The following criteria for evaluating the materials and methods were shown in the
given sample EXCEPT
5. Which of the following statement is the correct way of writing the methods /procedure
based on the given sentence and suggestion below?
Learning Activities
E licit/Engage
To recall how you began with your research
study conducted in grade 9, Let us start to review
the experimental design in scientific writing.
A. Directions: Write thumbs or draw on the space provided in each item if the
statement tells about certain principles of a research design and
if it is not.
___ 1. We have to make sure that no extraneous may affect the experimental subjects.
___ 2. Experimental units are allocated to a block in such a manner that the units within
a block are relatively heterogeneous.
___ 3. The experiment should be repeated several times to find an estimate variation
among observations on the group of subjects treated alike.
___ 4. Randomization assures the validity of the statistical test of significance.
___ 5. Experimental units may be blocked according to a certain characteristics such as
height or age.
E xplore
Now it’s time to revisit the materials and methods
of your research paper from grade 9. In this part, you will
be given a chance to analyze the design used depending
on the type of your study and the formulated hypotheses.
Activity 1
Directions: Using materials and methods (of the sample study) given, try to answer the
guide questions to help you understand better the design being used in
the study. Consider the sample problem: Response of Okra to Horse
Manure and Urea: A Comparative Study
Twenty grams of dried and powdered horse manure was added to the soil 5
cm from the each plant in plot A while 2 grams of urea was also added in plot B in the
same way. Plants in plot C were not treated with any fertilizer. All the plants were
watered once a day in the morning, each planted plot receiving the same amount of
water. One week later, fertilizer application for plot A and B was repeated to sustain
the nutrient of the growing plants. Measurements of Okra responses to fertilizers
were taken every 4 days. Data collected were faithfully recorded.
For the care and management aspects, weeds were removed manually on a
regular basis to prevent them from competing with the plants for nutrients in the soil.
Insects were removed by hand.
At the end of the 6-week experimental period, all the plants were uprooted in
Plots A, b and c. Each group of plants was weighed to get their fresh weight and later
dried. After a drying period of about a week, the dry weights of each group were
1. What is the experimental unit?
2. What sampling technique is used in the
3. How did you know the effect of horse manure
and urea on okra plants?
4. What is the independent variable?
5. What is the dependent variable?
6. What is the extraneous variable?
7. Whenever possible, it is always best to
express observations and data in numerical
terms. How did you quantify the responses of
the okra plants to the fertilizers?
8. How can you be so sure that the responses
of Okra plant are due only to fertilizer
treatment and not to the kind of soil, amount
of water sprinkled, etc.? What do you call this
9. How can we say that the measurements are .
accurate and reliable?
10. What design is used in the sample study?
11. How many treatment/s and replicate/s
was/were applied?
Now, try to evaluate the research design presented
in your Grade 9 research paper. Write your findings on
the box provided below.
Experimental unit
Sampling technique
Dependent variables
Independent variables
Extraneous variables (if any)
Control group (describe the set up)
Experimental group (describe the set up)
Research design used (for every
a. No. of treatment/s
b. No. of replicates
Note: Use extra sheet of paper if necessary.
Activity 2
Title: Modified kato katz using basella rubra (Alugbati) Methanolic Extract in
Substituting malachite green in Staining of Ascaris lumbricoides ova
Vondon Hidalgo, retrieved from, accessed July 30, 2020
Study Design
The research design is the over-all framework of the study which includes the
operations, procedures, and methodology. This study used experimental research
design. Experimental research design involves different variables to be manipulated by
the researchers in order to test the hypothesis. In this study, the researchers
manipulated the variables or factors either by deliberate application or withholding.
In this study, the control group is the standard Kato Katz technique using
Malachite green in 50% Glycerine and the test group is the Modified Kato Katz using
Basella rubra (Alugbati) Extract and 50% glycerine. The exposures in this experiment is
the alternative which is the Basella rubra (Alugbati) extract. The researchers
manipulated the concentration of each of the alternative and with that the initial time of
staining and the end time of staining were recorded. On the other hand, the outcome of
this study is to stain the Ascaris lumbricoides ova using the exposure or the alternative.
Study Setting
This study took place at the campus of Far Eastern University (FEU) Manila,
specifically at the science laboratory room no. 508 under the Institute of Arts and
Sciences, Medical Technology Department. Far Eastern University is a private and non-
sectarian school in the Philippines established in 1934 by Nicanor Reyes, Sr.
The researchers used the laboratory in conducting their experiments. The
laboratory in Medical Technology department provided the equipment and laboratory
apparatus needed for the experiment. The laboratory also provided proper waste
disposals which is very important for the experiment to prevent contamination and
health hazards.
The raw material, Basella rubra (Alugbati) berries, were gathered in Sta. Ana,
Bulakan, Bulacan. Only the ripe fruits were collected to obtain good quality extract. 100
grams of the fruit were weighed and underwent the extraction process.
Specimen Collection
The specimen used is stool containing Ascaris lumbricoides ova and it was
collected from the Public Health Laboratory Sampaloc, Manila. There were five stool
specimens or samples in total that were used for staining procedure.
Inclusion Criteria
Only samples that are positive for Ascaris lumbricoides ova were used as the
sample population. Only the Ascaris lumbricoides ova was stained using the course of
the study.
Exclusion Criteria
The specimen negative for Ascaris lumbricoides ova was also not used in
this study. Other Ascaris or helminthes prevalent in the Philippines was not included.
Also, other morphologic forms of Ascaris lumbricoides (i.e. larvae,
adult worms) were excluded.
Raw material
The Basella rubra (Alugbati) berries were gathered in Sta. Ana Bulakan, Bulacan.
Ripe fruits were used to obtain good quality extract.
Extraction process
The ripe berries were properly washed to remove debris and dirt that can
interfere with the activity or process. 100 grams of berries were weighed and added with
5 mL of 95 % Methanol then macerated to collect the extract. The extract was then
filtered using a funnel with 0.1 filter paper and Erlenmeyer flask. The filtrate was
centrifuged at 300 rpm for 5 minutes. The centrifuged solution was the ready to use.
Table 3.1. Materials for Basella rubra (Alugbati) Extraction
Material Quantity
Basella rubra (alugbati) berries 100 grams
95% Methanol 5 mL
Concentration 1:
1mL glycerine in addition to 1mL distilled water then combined with 5mL Basella
rubra (Alugbati) extract. This is composed of 71.43% B. rubra extract in 50%
Concentration 2:
1mL glycerine in addition to 1mL distilled water then combined with 4mL Basella
rubra (Alugbati) extract. This is composed of 66.67% B. rubra extract in 50%
Concentration 3:
1mL glycerine in addition to 1mL distilled water then combined with 3mL Basella
rubra (Alugbati) extract. This is composed of 60% B. rubra extract in 50% glycerine
Concentration 4:
2mL glycerine in addition to 2mL distilled water then combined with 4mL Basella
rubra (Alugbati) extract. This is composed of 50% B. rubra extract in 50%
Concentration 5:
2mL glycerine in addition to 2mL distilled water then combined with 2mL Basella
rubra (Alugbati) extract. This is composed of 33.34% B. rubra extract in 50%
Table 3.2 Preparation of Modified Kato Katz Concentration
Glycerin Distilled B.rubra extract Concentration
e water (mL) (%)
(mL) (mL)
Concentration 1 1 1 5 71.43
Concentration 2 1 1 4 66.67
Concentration 3 1 1 3 60
Concentration 4 2 2 4 50
Concentration 5 2 2 2 33.34
Staining Process
Raw Materials
The materials needed for staining includes newspapers, templates with hole
(5mm), screen, spatula, microscope slides, cellophane as coverslip soaked in the
Modified Kato katz solution (at least 24 hours), stool, gloves and other PPE.
Staining Procedure
tested for their observable visibility in a given certain concentration and time interval.
The initial time of staining was measured based on the initial appearance of Ascaris
lumbricoides ova. On the other hand, the duration of staining was measured based on
the change of the intensity of the stained Ascaris lumbricoides ova.
The researchers used ANOVA in the Microsoft excel. The data that was encoded
in the spreadsheet was automatically computed by the Excel spreadsheet to obtain the
significantly different concentration among others. After determining the significantly
different we now already determined which of the concentrations is the most appropriate
among others.
Materials and Methods
Title: Modified Kato katz using Basella rubra (Alugbati) Methanolic Extract
in Substituting malachite green in Staining of Ascaris lumbricoides ova
Direction: Evaluate the research paper using the following criteria. Place a
( / ) on the appropriate box (Yes / No) and beside it justify / explain your answer.
Checklist Yes No Comments (Why?)
Activity 3
Now, try to evaluate the Materials and
Methods presented in your Grade 9 research
paper. Write your findings and summary on the
box below.
Note: use extra sheet of paper if the provided spaces is not enough.
Direction: Evaluate the research paper using the following criteria. Place a check (/) on
the appropriate box (Yes / No) and beside it justify / explain your answer.
Checklist Yes No Comments
Do the following:
Write the recommendations/suggestions of your previous research
teacher on sampling design and technique, instrumentation, data
collection and analysis on the space below.
. _______________________________________________________
Write your revisions for the improvement of your Materials and
Note: Use extra sheet of paper if necessary.
E xplain
Any research or scientific paper needs to be verified by other
researchers for them to review the results by replicating the
experiment and guarantee the validity. Here are some tips
you will need to give a completely accurate description of a
good materials and methods to be used.
Tips for Writing Materials and Methods (Dr. Dhriti Bhattacharyya, 2018)
Some useful ways of breaking the ice between the Methods section and the
Explain the rationale behind your choices of that particular experiment; for
example, why you used a certain compound, a specific strain of mice as the
experimental model or the particular concentration of that key reagent.
Visual presentation
Visual elements like the schematic diagram, flowchart, and table can be used
in methods section to help in breaking the monotony and making the absorption of
complex information easy.
The dos and don’ts of writing the Methods section
Adhere to the specific guidelines
Read the author’s section of your target carefully and follow specific instructions.
Use subheadings
Divide the methods section in terms of the experiment. Write the specific
objective of each experiment as a subheading or name of the experiment if
Statistical analysis
In this section, describe all statistical tests, levels of significance, and software
packages used to conduct the statistical analysis. Consult statisticians of your teams to
provide justification of the preferred statistical method.
Do not describe well-known methods in detail
Avoid listing the details of the experiment that are widely used. Instead, mention
and cite the specific experiment and state it was followed or do the modifications and
the reasons for those in sufficient detail.
la The materials and methods section of the research
may make it seem to be one of the easiest in
research writing if you only have to take down some
important reminders/details to improve this part
Perform the activity that follows..
A. Directions: Write the revisions you made on the Materials and Methods of your
research paper on the box provided below.
Note: Use another sheet of paper if the spaces provided is not enough.
Note: Use another sheet of paper if the spaces provided is not enough.
Scoring Rubric for Evaluation of Materials and Methods
Section Criteria Points Score
The purpose, questions, and design are mutually
supportive and coherent.
design Appropriate and important limitations and assumptions
( 5 points) have been clearly stated.
Attention has been given to eliminate alternative
explanations and controlling extraneous variables
Identifies and justifies sampling procedure 1
Indicates sampling unit, sample size and why sample size
is sufficient.
Indicates whether the sample was formed into subgroups,
( 6 points)
if so, describes the characteristics of the subgroups. 2
Attention was given to controlling for extraneous factors
and sampling error. 1
Indicates how each of the study were measured 2
Instrumentation Indicates whether data collection instruments are
(5 points) available/need to be developed 1
Evidence of validity and reliability was presented. 2
Procedures were written in chronological and replicable. 3
Clear, thorough and reasonable strategies were
(6 points) 3
Data Analysis Identifies what descriptive/inferential statistics was used 1
(3 points) Describes how statistical hypothesis/es was/ were tested. 2
Total Score 25
Vocabulary List
E valuate
Hi there! Let us check your understanding on the
concepts presented in this module. The questions will
test how much you have learned. Good luck!
Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the two parts falls in the checklist of “choosing the statistical treatment of
data in the study”?
1. Selection of the appropriate materials for the test.
2. Specification of the variable to be measured.
3. Selection of the procedure to be used in the measurement of the variable.
4. Specification of the procedure to be used to determine whether the
measurements support the hypothesis.
A. 1 and 4 B. 3 and 4 C. 1 and 3 D. 2 and 3
2. Which of the following statement is the correct way of writing the methods /procedure
based on the given sentence and suggestion below?
3. Which statement BEST describes the materials and methods section of the research
title stated above?
A. It briefly explains the general type of scientific procedure being used and
replication of the study.
B. It describes the experimental samples, research design and processes.
C. It spells out materials, subjects and instruments used origin of materials,
specifications of instruments and processes.
D. It spells out materials, source, specification of instruments and ethics.
For question number 4 and 5, consider the methods section below of a research
entitled “Enhanced Heme Oxygenase-Mediated Coronary Vasolidation in Dahl Salt-
Sensitive Hypertension”.
4. The following criteria for evaluating the materials and methods were shown in the
given sample EXCEPT
5. Which of the following DOES NOT explain the checklist “how the samples were
gathered and prepared" in evaluating materials and methods?
A. Describes the materials and equipment used in the research.
B. Explains any exceptional aspects of your data or unexpected results.
C. Explains how the samples were gathered and prepared.
D. Explains how the measurements were made.
Answer Keys
Pre-Test Answer Keys
1. D 4. B
2. D 5. C
3. D
Learning Activities Answer Keys
Experimental More or less
subjects has homogeneous
no restriction. Similarities groups
Flexible (blocks)
Replicates is Observes
not the same Randomization differences is
for different Replication of large
groups experiments Replicates in
Homogeneou Characteristics each block
s of experimental Different
characteristic units are treatments are
s of observed. applied in
experimental each block
units Homogeneous
Observed characteristics
difference is of
small experimental
Activity 1:
1. What is the experimental unit? Okra seed/plant (Abelmoschus
2. What sampling technique is used in the CRD or Completely Randomized
study? Design.
3. How did you know the effect of horse The effect was observed in terms of
manure and urea on okra plants? growth in heights, abundance of leaves,
flowers, fruits and weight of plants.
4. What is the independent variable? Kind of fertilizer used: Horse manure
(organic) and Urea (inorganic)
5. What is the dependent variable? Response of Okra (effect observed in
terms of height, time of flowering,
number of pods, and final weight of
6. What is the extraneous variable? 1.Quality of Okra seed planted (must be
of same size and age)
2. Sources of the horse manure and
7. Whenever possible, it is always best to The height of the okra plant was
express observations and data in measured in cm, the number of leaves
numerical terms. How did you quantify occurred, length of time for appearance
the responses of the okra plants to the of flowers and fruits recorded, and the
fertilizers? weights of the plants per plot measured
every other day or every five days.
8. How can you be so sure that the By providing a third plot C where plants
responses of Okra plant are due only to are exposed to very similar conditions
fertilizer treatment and not to the kind of as those in plots A and B, except that
soil, amount of water sprinkled, etc.? they are not treated with any fertilizer.
What do you call this variable? This is called the control group.
9. How can we say that the measurements the observed effects on Okra plants
are accurate and reliable? were measured using quantitative data
and was expressed it in average mean
values and statistics will then be
10. What design is used in the sample Completely Randomized Design or
study? CRD was used.
11. How many treatment/s and replicate/s Three treatments and 18 replicates
was/were applied? were applied.
Activity 2: Research paper should meet the criteria for evaluating the materials
and methods.
Activity 3: Evaluation and parts to be revised may vary depending on the design
revised or suggested.
EXPLAIN Research paper should meet the criteria for evaluating the materials and
methods. Research title, variables, sample and sampling techniques, procedures, data
collection method, treatment and statistical tools may vary depending on the
suggestions/recommendations of the group/research teachers/experts.
Answers may vary depending on the experience of the student. All
answers are acceptable.
Cover Art:
Laboratory stock pictures. Royalty Free Laboratory depositphotos from
freepik materials and methods, 10890927-
Helen E. Caintic and Juanita M. Cruz, Scientific Research Manual (Quezon City: C &
E Publishing Inc., 2008), 128
Lillian G. Afonso and Helen E. Caintic , Science Research Process Handbook, ed.
Filma G. Brawner and Elvira R. Galvez, (Intel-DOST-SEI), 13-15.
Ruben E. Faltado III, EdD, et al., Practical research 2:Quantitative Research (Quezon
City: Lorimar Publishing Inc., 2016)45-46
Vondon Hidalgo, “Modified Kato Katz using Basella rubra (Alugbati) Methanolic
Extract in Substituting Malachite Green in Staining of Ascaris lumbricoides
Ova” retrieved from, accessed July 30, 2020.