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RCSI 447


Equipment Description, Installation, Operation, Maintenance

Vers. A, September 2009 Vol.1 - Ref. 955900038-EN

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters Ref. 955900038-EN

Manual Composition
The RCSI 447 & SI 447 Technical Manual consists of the two volumes Ref. code 955900037-EN and each
volume with following Ref. codes:
- The RCSI 447 & SI 447 Technical Manual, Volume 1 - Description, Installation, Operation and
Maintenance Ref. code 955900038-EN;
- The RCSI 447 & SI 447 Technical Manual, Volume 2 - Layouts, Schematic Diagrams and Parts List
Ref. code 955900039-EN; ( * - Optional )

( * ) Supplied only on specific request.

The RCSI 447- SI 447 Technical Manual, Volume 1 - Description, Installation, Operation and Maintenance
consist of the following sections:

Section 0 Manual Composition

Front matter Safety Precaution
Treatment for Electrical Shock
Composition and Physical Description
Functional Description
Description of the Modules
Power Supply
Technical Characteristics
Initial Hardware Settings
Initial Setup
Faulty Switching−on Behaviour of RCSI after Configuration
Operation of the RCSI 447
Maintenance Operation
RCSI 447 Software
Ordinary Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance
Modules Replacement
Backup Battery
Front Panel Cleaning
Mechanical Design
Technical Data
Installation and Initial Setup
CTU/RWY Subassemblies
Technical Characteristics
Operating Instruction
Instructions for SI446 configuration
Configuration examples

Vers. A, September 2009 III

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters

Total Pages Summary

Section Vers. Date Units & Modules
pages Nr.

0 XXVIII A September 2009 Front matter

1 44 A September 2009 GENERAL DESCRIPTION

2 14 A September 2009 INSTALLATION and INITIAL SETUP

3 12 A September 2009 OPERATION

4 10 A September 2009 MAINTENANCE

5 18 A September 2009 CONTROL TOWER UNIT

6 44 A September 2009 STATUS INDICATOR

IV Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters Ref. 955900038-EN



RCSI 447 -Technical Manual Vol.1 - Description, Installation, Operation and Maintenance
A Ref. code 955900038-EN, First Issue

Versione/Data A B C D E

Version/Date September 2009

Scritto da

Written by

Verificato da

Checked by

Approvato da

Approved by

Assicurazione Qualità

Quality stamp

Vers. A, September 2009 V

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters

Page Intentionally Blank

VI Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters Ref. 955900038-EN



RCSI 447

- Equipment Description, Installation, Operation, Maintenance
Ediction: Version A, September 2009


Air Systems Division
Via E. Mattei, 1
20064 Gorgonzola - MILAN (Italy)
Tel. ++39 02 950951
FAX ++39 02 95095331

Information and software in the document are unpublished works proprietary to Thales Italia S.p.A.
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Use of this document is for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice.
All rights reserved © 2009 – Thales Italia S.p.A. - Gorgonzola – Milan – Printed in Italy

Vers. A, September 2009 VII

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters

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VIII Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters Ref. 955900038-EN

Thales Italia S.p.A. warrants all equipment manufactured by it to be free from defects in material and
workmanship, provided the equipment is operated under normal ratings and service for which it is intended.
The obligations of the company shall be limited to making good at the factory, or at authorized repair and
service facility of Thales Italia S.p.A.
Thales Italia S.p.A. is not liable for any damage or personnel injury resulting directly or indirectly from the
design, material, workmanship, or installation of any of its products.
This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, and does not apply to any equipment
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Thales Italia S.p.A.neither assumes nor authorizes any person to assume for it any other liability in
connection with its products.
Thales Italia S.p.A. reserves the right to make modifications and alterations to its products without obligation
to install such improvements at no charge in equipment theretofore manufactured.


When ordering replacement parts, you should direct your order as indicated below and furnish the following
information insofar as applicable. To enable us to give you better replacement service, please be sure to
give us complete information.
1. Model number, name, and serial number of principal equipment.
2. Unit subassembly number (where applicable).
3. Item or reference symbol number obtained from physical part or from parts list.
4. Part number and description.
5. Vendor part number, name, and/or manufacturer's code (where applicable).
6. Quantity of each replacement part required.
Thales Italia S.p.A. – Air Systems Division
Via E. Mattei, 1
20064 Gorgonzola MILAN (Italy)
Tel. ++39 02 950951
Fax. ++39 02 95095331

Vers. A, September 2009 IX

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters

INDEX of Front matter

Title Page
About this MANUAL XI
Electrical Safety XII
General SAFETY Precaution XVII

X Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters Ref. 955900038-EN

About this MANUAL

This manual It is arranged to help you, set up and run the RCSI 447 unit as best as possible.
Every effort has been made to make this manual as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is
Thales Italia S.p.A. assumes no responsibility or liability direct or indirect, for any unforeseeable possible
error that may appear in this manual, including the software described in it.
Subsequent possible changes to this “VERSION B” manual (update of all or part of the description) will be
incorporate into date of the VERSION on “page II” -Change/Authorization-.
The page numeration on page foot has the following meaning:
1st digit = section number;
2nd digit =number of page (frontispiece=roman number; text=arabic number);

All trademarks, product names or brand names appearing in this document are registered property of their
respective owners. Its are used for identification or explanation purposes only, without intent to infringe.
IBM are registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation
WINDOWS and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
PENTIUM is a registered trademark of the INTEL Corp.

This documentation all rights reserved by Thales Italia S.p.A. - ATM Division..-Milan Italy. No part of this
manual, including the products and software described in it may be copied, reproduced or translate in any
form without prior express written permission of Thales Italia S.p.A. - ATM Division.

To get the best out of the equipment you should study the contents of this manual carefully. In particular you
should familiarize yourself with the marks given in this manual which are highlighted for easy recognition:


Cautions call attention to methods Warnings call attention to methods,

and procedures which must be procedures or limits which must be
followed to avoid damage to followed precisely to avoid injury to
equipment. persons.

NOTE or REMARK : For more information about operations.

Vers. A, September 2009 XI

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters


• The equipment is designed to be intrinsically safe for the user. No dangerous voltages (except mains are
used when module AC/DC converter is scheduled in option on request).
• All modules or places, where a dangerous voltage may be accessible, are firmly protected by covers not
removable without use of tools and clearly marked with warning readouts
• Failure to follow precautions (carefully note the "WARNING" signs on this manual) of random errors by
the persons can cause accidental electrical shock. In this case first aids must be carried out to the
injured person by using the following instructions:

Electrical Safety

It is used to safeguard the staff from damages caused by electrical or mechanical faults.
The equipment operator should know the methods and criteria of first aid.
Three factors determining the seriousness of electrical shocks are:

– quantity of the current through the body;

– path of the current through the body;
– laps of time in which the current pass through the body.

The necessary voltage to produce fatal current depends overall on:

- body resistor,
- contact conditions,
- path of the current through the body

The following table shows the possible effects of electrical shocks.

Table 1 - Effects of electrical shocks

Current value (mA) Effect

50 Hz AC DC
0–1 0–4 Perception
1–4 4 – 15 Surprise
4 – 21 15 – 80 Reflected action
21 – 40 80 – 160 Muscular inhibition
40 – 100 160 – 300 Respiratory failure
> 100 > 300 Usually fatal

XII Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters Ref. 955900038-EN


Do not touch the patient with bare hands until the circuit has been opened.
Open the circuit by switching off the line switches (mains and batteries). If that is not possible
PROTECT YOURSELF WITH DRY MATERIAL and free the patient from the conductor.

ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION - mouth to mouth resuscitation method

It is important to start mouth to mouth resuscitation at once and seek

medical help immediately.

1. Lay the patient on his back with his arms parallel to the body; the
patient is lying if on an inclined plane, make sure that his
stomach is slightly lower than his chest. Open the patient mouth
and check that there are no foreign bodies in his mouth
(dentures-chewing-gum etc.).
2. Kneel beside the patient, level with his head. Put a hand under
the patient’s head and one under his neck (FIG. 1). LIFT THE

3. Shift the hand from the patient’s neck to his chin: place your
thumb between his mouth, the index finger along his jawbone,
and keep the other fingers closed together (FIG.2). While FIG.3
performing these operations take in a good supply of oxygen by
taking deep breaths with your mouth open.

4. With your thumb between the patient’s chin and mouth keep his
lips together and blow into his nostrils (FIG. 3).

5. While doing this observe if the patient’s chest rises (FIG.4). If not,
it is possible that his nose is blocked: in that case open the FIG.4
patient’s mouth as much as possible by pressing on his chin with
your hand, place your lips around his mouth and blow into his
oral cavity. Observe if the patient’s chest heaves. This second
method can be used instead of the first even when the patient’s
nose is not obstructed, provided his nose is kept
closed by pressing the nostrils together using the hand you were
holding his head with. THE PATIENT’S HEAD MUST BE KEPT

6. Start with ten rapid expirations, then continue at a rate of

twelve/fifteen expirations per minute. Continue this until the
patient has regained consciousness, or until a doctor has
ascertained the death.

Vers. A, September 2009 XIII

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters

This treatment should be used after the patient has regained consciousness. It can also be employed while
artificial respiration is being applied (in this case, there should be at least two persons present).


b) Apply dry gauze on the burns;
c) DO NOT apply ointment or other oily substances.



a) With electrical shock, if the current passes through the breathing center at the base of the brain,
breathing ceases rapidly.

If the shock was not serious and a moderate quantity of air is supplied to the lungs through
artificial respiration, the breathing center will start to function again and breathing will be restored.

b) The victim is usually very pale and cyanotic, the pulse is very feeble or altogether absent and he
is completely unconscious. Burns are usually also present.
The victim’s body becomes stiff in few minutes.
This is due to electrical shock and must not be taken as rigor mortis.
Artificial respiration must be applied continuously, because in many such cases it has been
successful and the victim has regained consciousness.
General and ordinary indications that death has occurred must not be accepted.


a) Start artificial respiration at once.

At the same time, if assistance is available, call a doctor.
Apply the artificial respiration treatment on the same spot where the accident has occurred,
unless there is danger of life for the victim to a different place, but no further than necessary to
ensure safety for both.
If the new place is more than a few meters away, artificial respiration must be carried on even
while shifting the victim.
If while moving the victim it is not possible to apply the prone pressure method (known as
Shaeffer’s method) other resuscitation methods should be applied.
You can use the method with the pressure on the front of the victim’s diaphragm, or the direct
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation method. Once started, artificial respiration must be continued
without slowing down the rhythm.

XIV Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters Ref. 955900038-EN

b) Lay the victim in a prone position (stomach down), with one arm stretched directly over the head
and the other arm bent at the elbow, so that the back of the hand supports the weight of the head.
The face should be turned to the side opposite the bent arm, so that nose and mouth may be free
to breathe.

c) Open the victim’s mouth and remove any items, like gum, dentures or tobacco.
The mouth must remain open with the tongue straight.

d) If while trying to revive him or her an assistant is available, get him to loosen anything tight on the
victim, in order to permit the blood to circulate freely and to remove any impediments to
breathing. The assistant should try to keep the victim warm, with blankets or other coverings.
The assistant should also ensure, by continually checking that the victim does not withdraw the
tongue in the throat.
He should also continually clean the victim’s mouth of any mucus or saliva, which might impede
free breathing.

e) The helper should separate the victim’s legs, or one leg so that :
- the arms and legs of the helper himself, while applying pressure on the victim’s back at kidney
level, remain vertical;
- the helper’s fingers remain in a natural position on the victim’s back with the little finger along
the last rib;
- the palms of both hands lie against both sides of the spine, as much as possible on the sides,
without allowing the hands to slip down from the victim’s body.

f) The operation should proceed as follows:

− press down, for one second, with a pressure not greater than 27 kgs/70 pounds ;
− the assistant should lean back, quickly releasing the victim ;
− after two second’s rest, move forward placing your hands exactly in the same position as
before and exert pressure for another second.

g) The forward swing, the repositioning of the hands and the pressure downward must be carried
out in one second and without a break.
The release action and the backward swing require another second.
The addition of the two rest seconds brings to a total of 4 seconds for the complete cycle.

The operator should count aloud and clearly pronouncing each number, preferably in thousand,
until he has acquired a regular rhythm. Example: one thousand, two thousand, etc.

h) Artificial respiration must be continued until the victim regains a normal breathing rhythm, or until
a medical officer has ascertained his death.

Since it may be necessary to continue the treatment for several hours, if possible the helper
should be relieved by other people helping.

Vers. A, September 2009 XV

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters

Resuscitation procedure


a) If an inhaling stimulant is used, e.g. smelling salt, the person who is giving the stimulant must find
the best way to keep the inhalant near his own nostrils for comfortable breathing, prior to placing
it near the victim’s nostrils.
Ensure that the inhalant is not brought to the victim’s nostrils for more than one or two seconds
per minute

b) Once the victim has regained consciousness, you may give him hot coffee or a glass of water.
Do not give any liquid to an unconscious victim


a) Once the victim has regained consciousness, keep him comfortably lying down.
Any physical injury a person might have received may place him under shock.
The condition of shock is present if the victim is pale and has cold sweat, the pulse is feeble, and
his breathing is short and weary.

b) Keep the victim lying flat on his back, with his head lower than the rest of his body and his legs
and feet raised slightly.
Make sure he has no tight garments that might limit free blood circulation or prevent normal
breathing. Keep him warm and reassured.

c) A victim regaining consciousness should be kept under constant watch lest he should suddenly
stop breathing again.
Never leave a person alone until you ARE SURE that he is fully conscious and that his breathing
is normal.

XVI Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters Ref. 955900038-EN

General SAFETY Precaution

‰ Regulations
• The purpose of safety precautions is to protect persons and property, and they must always be heeded.
• The safety regulations laid down by the local authorities must be observed at all times.
• Proceed cautiously when working on the rear side of the beacon: dangerous mains voltage are present.
• Station shutdown due to repair and maintenance
• Don't ever work alone. This allows, in case of accident, the possibility of help
• Operate only a well known equipment.
The attempts to operate on little known equipment are often causes of accidents.
• Before starting a job, always personally make sure whether the equipment is or is NOT powered.
• Never substitute not encapsulated or not insulated fuses with bare hands.
• Before operating on breakers, warn everyone which is working on
• Work should not be carried out outside the equipment room or on the antenna system during a storm,
due to the danger of injury by lightning.
• The responsible authorities must be notified of any work, which may require operation of the system to
be interrupted, in accordance with national regulations.

‰ Electrostatic Sensitive modules:

When replacing subassemblies and plug-in cards containing electrostatic sensitive components, special
precautionary measures should be taken during removal, transport and installation in order to prevent
damage to the components.
Modules, which contain electrostatic sensitive components, are marked with the symbol

♦ RAM back-up BATTERY

Do not recharge, disassemble, heat above 100°C or incinerate any cell. Do not short-circuit the cell
or solder directly on it.

NOTE: Further informations of "Safety Precaution" are also in: MAINTENANCE sections on this volume.

Vers. A, September 2009 XVII

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters


A Antenne AGC Automatic Gain Control
Antenna Commande automatique de gain
Antena Control automático de ganancia
AC Alternating Current AM Amplitude Modulation
Courant alternatif Modulation d'amplitude
Corriente alterna Modulación de amplitud
ACA Analogical Carrier Amplifier (BITE AMP AMPlifier
signal) Amplificateur
Amplificateur pour porteurs analogiques Amplificador
(signal BITE) ANSI American National Standards Institute
Amplificdor portador analogico (señal ASB Alternating SideBand
BITE) Bandes latérales alternantes
ACC Alternating Current Converter Banda lateral alternante
ADC Analog-Digital Converter ASC Antenna Switch Control
Convertisseur analogique/numérique Commutateur d'antennes de
Convertidor analógico/digital commande
ADCS Analog-to-digital Converter Subsystem Control de conmutador de antena
Sous-système convertisseur ASCII American Standard Code for
analogique/numérique Information Interchange
Subsistema convertidor Code standard américain pour
analógico/digital l'échange d'informations
ADR Analog Display Routine Código stándard americano para el
Routine affichage analogique intercambio de informaciones
Rutina de indicator analógico ASM Antenna Switch Module
ADRACS Automatic Data Recording And Control Module de commutateur d'antennes
System Módulo de conmutador de antena
ADSB Alternating Double Sideband ASU Antenna Switching Unit
Bande latérale double alternante Ensemble de commutation d'antennes
Banda lateral doble alternante Unidad de conmutación de antena
ADU Antenna Distribution Unit ATC Air Traffic Control
Antennen-Verteileinheit Contrôle du trafic aérien
Ensemble de distribution d'antenne Control del tráfico aéreo
Unidad de distribución de antena ATIS Air Traffic Information System
AF Audio Frequency Système d'informations du trafic aérien
Basse fréquence Sistema de informaciones del tráfico
Audiofrequencia aéreo
AFC Automatic Frequency Control ATM Air Traffic Management
Commande automatique par fréquence
Control automático de frecuencia

XVIII Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters Ref. 955900038-EN

AWD Automatische Wähleinrichtung für Dispositif automatique de sélection pour

Datenverbindungen liaisons d'acheminement de données
Automatic dialling equipment for data Dispositivo automático de selección
connections para comunicaciones de datos

BAZ Back-Azimuth BNC Bayonet Navy Connector
BCD Binär Codiert Dezimal Koaxialverbinder mit Bayonetkupplung
Binary Coded decimal BP Backplane
BCPS Battery Charging Power Supply Rückwandverdrahtung
Chargeur de batterie et bloc BSE Betriebs- und Schutzerde
d'alimentation System and protective ground
Chargador de bateria y equipo de Prise de terre de système et terre de
alimentación protection
BD Baud Puesta a tierra del sistema y de
Baud protección
Baudio BSG-D Blending Signal Generator
BF Basse Fréquency Générateur de signaux de transition
Audio Frequency Generador de señal de transición
Baja frecuencia (audiofrecuencia) BST Baustahl
BIT(E) Built-in Test (Equipment) Structure steel
Dispositif de test intégré Acier de construction
Dispositivo de test integrado Acero de construcción
BUSGNT Bus Grant
Autorisation de bus
BKZ BefehlsKennZahl Autorización de bus
Command code number
Numéro indicatif de commande BUSRQ Bus Request
Número indicador de orden Demande de bus
Solicitud de bus

CA Carrier Amplifier CDI Course Deviation Indicator
CAB Cabinet Indicateur de déviation (cap)
Armoire Indicador de desviaci•n de rumbo
Armario CD-ROM Compact Disc - Read Only Memory
CAT Category Disque compact -Mémoire à lecture
Kategorie Disco compacto - Memoria permanente
Category CE Conformité Européen oder/or/ou
Categoría Communautés Européennes
CCA Circuit Card Assembly CEE International Commmision on Rules for
Baugruppe the Approval of Electrical Equipment
Assemblage de la carte de circuit CLR Clearance signal
CCITT Commitée Consultatif International CL Signal de Clearance
Téléphonique et Télégraphique Señal de Clearance
International Telegraph and Telephone
Consultative Committee CMOS Complementary Metaloxide
CCP Control Coupler Semi-conducteur oxyde métallique
Coupleur de commande complémentaire
Acoplador de control Semiconductor complementario de

Vers. A, September 2009 XIX

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters

óxido metálico CSB (1) Carrier signal with SideBands (HF)

CONC Phone Concentrator Signal de porteuse avec bandes
Telefon-Umschalteinrichtung latérales
Installation de commutation Señal de portadora con bandas
téléphonique laterales
Centralilla teléfonica CSB (2) Control&Status Board (part of the
CPU Central Processing Unit LCSU)
Zentrale Prozessoreinheit CSL Control and Selector Logic
CR Carriage Return Logique de commande et de sélection
Retour du chariot Lógica de control y de selección
Retorno de carro CTOL Conventional Take-off and Landing
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check Décollage et atterrissage classiques
Despegue y aterrizaje convencionales
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
Tube cathodique CTS Clear to Send
Tubo catódico Prêt à émettre
Listo para transmitir
CRS Course signal
CW Continuous Wave
CS Kurssignal
Fortlaufende Welle
Signal de cap Ondes continues
Señal de rumbo
Ondas continuos

DAC Digital/Analog Converter DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung
Convertisseur numérique/analogique Administration of air navigation services
Convertidor digital/analógico Bureau de la sécurité aérienne
Instituto de protección de vuelo

DAS DME-based Azimuth System DFT Diskrete Fourier Transformation

Système d'azimut basé DME Discrete Fourier Transformation
Sistema de acimut basado en DME DIF Differenzsignal
DC Direct Current Difference signal
Courant continu Signal différentiel
Corriente continua Señal diferencial

DCC DC-Converter DIN Deutsche Industrie Norm

Convertisseur de courant continu German industrial standard
(Convert. CC) Norme industrielle allemande
Convertidor de corriente continua Norma industrial alemana
(Convert. CC) DIP Dual-In-Line Package
DCC-MV DC-Converter Multivolt DME Distance Measuring Equipment
Convertisseur CC-Multivolt Equipement de mesure de la distance
Convertidor CC-Multivolt Equipo de medición de la distancia
DCC-MVD DC-Converter Multivolt Doppler DSB Double Sideband
Convertisseur CC-Multivolt Doppler Bandes latérales doubles
Convertidor CC-Multivolt Doppler Banda lateral doble
DDM Difference in Depth of Modulation DSP Digital Signal Processing
Differenz der Modulationsgrade Digitaler Signal Prozessor
Différence de taux de modulation DSR Data Set Ready
Diferencia de grados de modulación Enregistrement des données prêt
DDS Direct Digital Synthesis Registro de datos listo

XX Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters Ref. 955900038-EN

DTR Data Terminal Ready DVOR Doppler Very High Frequency

Terminal de données prêt Omnidirectional Radio Range
Terminal de datos listo Radiophare omnidirectionnel VHF
DU Distribution Unit Doppler
Verteilereinheit Radiofaro omnidireccional VHF Doppler
Ensemble de distribution
Unidad de distribución

EC European Community EPLD Electrically Programmable Logic
ECU Executive Control Unit Device
Ausführende Steuereinheit Elektrisch programmierbare
Ensemble de contrôl exécutif Schaltungseinheit
Unidad de control ejecución Montage programmable électrique
Circuito programado eléctricamente
EEPROM Electrically Erasable
Programmable Read Only Memory EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only
Mémoire à lecture seule, programmable Memory
et erasable électrique Mémoire à lecture seule, programmable
Memoria permanente borrable et erasable
eléctricamente y programada Memoria permanente borrable y
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit EUROCAE European Organization for Civil
Aviation Electronics
ENBT Enable Bus Transfer Organisation européenne pour
Validation transfert de bus l'électronique de l'aviation civile
Conexión transferencia de bus Organización europea para la
electrónica de la aviacion civil

FAA Federal Aviation Administration FM Frequency Modulation
Administration fédérale de l'aviation Modulation de fréquence
Administración federal de aviación Modulación de frecuencia
FET Feldeffekttransistor
Field-effect transistor FPE Functional Protection Earth
FFM Farfield Monitor Betriebsschutzerde
(FF) Moniteur de champ lointain FSK Frequency-Shift Keying
(zone Fraunhofer) Frequenzumtastverfahren
Monitor campo lejano Manipulation par déplacement de
FIFO First In/First Out fréquence
Premier entré/premier sortie Método de manipulación de frecuencia
Primera entrada/primera salida

GP Glide Slope, Glide Path
GS Gleitweg
Radiophare d'alignement de descente
Transmisor de trayectoria de descenso

Vers. A, September 2009 XXI

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters

HF Hochfrequenz
Radio frequency
Haute fréquence
Alta frecuencia

IC Integrated Circuit INTFC Interface Board for monitor
Integrierter Schaltkreis Schnittstellenkarte für Monitor
Circuit intégré Platine d'interface du moniteur
Circuito integrado Placa enchufable de la interfase de
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization monitor
Organisation de l'aviation civile I/O-Port Input/Output-Port
internationale (OACI) Ein-/Ausgabeport
Organización de aviación civil Porte d'entrée/sortie
international (OACI) Puerto de entrada/salida
ILS Instrument Landing System ISO International Organization for
Système d'atterrissage aux instruments Standardization
Sistema de aterrizaje por instrumentos Internationale Organisation für
IM Inner Marker Normung
Radiobalise intérieure Organisation Internationale de
Radiobaliza interior Normalisation

INC Indication and Control I/Q In Phase/Quadraturphase

Anzeige und Steuerung In-phase/Quadratur-phase
Indicateur et contrôle
Panel de indicaciones y control
INT Interface Unit
Unité d'interface
Unidad de interfase

KADP Kabeladapter
Cable adapter
Adaptateur de cable
Adaptador de cable

LCC Local Communication Control LCU Local Communication Unit
LCD Liquid Crystal Display LED Light Emitting Diode
Ecran à cristaux liquides Diode électroluminiscente
Indicador de cristal liquido Diodo electroluminiscente
LCI Local Control Indicator LF Line Feed
LCP Local Control Panel Avancement de ligne
Avance de línea
LCSU Local Control and Status Unit

XXII Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters Ref. 955900038-EN

LG-A Localizer/Glide Path - Audio Generator LPF Low Pass Filter

LG-M Localizer/Glide Path - Monitor Filtre passe-bas
Processor Filtro de paso bajo

LGM Modembezeichnung (LOGEM) LRCI Local/Remote Communication Interface

Modem assignation LRU Line Replaceable Unit
LLZ/LOC Localizer
Radiophare d'alignement de piste LSB (1) Lower Sideband (HF DVOR)
Localizador Bandes latérales inférieures
LP Leiterplatte Banda lateral inferior
Printed circuit board LSB (2) Least Significant Bit (digital)
Plaquette à circuits imprimé
Placa de circuito impreso

m Modulationsgrad MON Monitor
Mod-Depth Moniteur
Taux de modulation MOS Metallic Oxide Semiconductor
Profundidad (grado) de modulación Semi-conducteur métal oxyde
MEU Marker Extension Unit Semiconductor de óxido metálico
Unité de radiobalise d'extension MPS Minimum Performance Specification
Fuente de alimentación suplementaria Spécification de rendement minimum
de la radiobaliza Especificación de rendimiento mínimo
MIA Monitor Interface Adapter MPU Marker Processing Unit
Adapteur d'interface du moniteur Unité de marqueur de traitement
Adaptador de la interfase de monitor Procesador de radiobaliza
MIB Monitor Interface Board MSB Most Significant Bit
Platine d'interface du moniteur
MSG Modulation Signal Generator
Placa enchufable de la interfase de
monitor Générateur de signaux de modulation
Generador de señal de modulación
MLS Microwave Landing System
Système d'atterrissage aux micro-
ondes MSP Monitor Signal Processor
Sistema de aterrizaje por microondas Processeur de signaux de moniteur
MM Middle Marker Procesador de señal de monitor
Radiobalise médiane MSR Monitor Service Routine
Radiobaliza intermedia Routine de service de moniteur
MOD Modulation Rutina de servicio de monitor
Modulación MTBF Meantime between Failures
MODPA Modulator/Power Amplifier Temps moyen entre défauts
Tiempo medio entre fallos
Amplificadeur de Modulateur/puissance
Amplificador Modulador/Alimentación MTTR Meantime to Repair
MOD-SBB Modulator Sideband Blending Temps moyen de réparation
Tiempo medio de reparacion
Modulateur de transition des bandes MUX Multiplexer
latérales Multiplexeur
Modulador de transición de banda Multiplexor
lateral MV Multivolt

Vers. A, September 2009 XXIII

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters

NAV Navigation NFK Niederfrequenzknoten (Sternverteiler)
Navegación Star distributor (for audio frequency)
NAVAIDS Navigational Aids NFM Nearfield Monitor
Navigationsanlagen Moniteur de champ proche
Aide de navigation Monitor campo cercano
Radioayudas a la navegación NM Nautical Mile
NC Normally closed Mile nautique
Normalement fermé Milla náutica
Normalmente cerrado NO Normally open
NDB Non-Directional radio Beacon Normalement ouvert
Radiophare omnidirectional Normalmente abierto
Radiofaro omnidireccional
NF Niederfrequenz
Audio frequency
Basse fréquence
Baja frecuencia

OAB Optocoupler Adapter Board OIO Opto Coupler Isolated Input/Output
Platine d'adaptateur d'optcoupleur OM Outer Marker
Placa enchufable del adaptador Radiobalise extérieure
optoacoplador Radiobaliza exterior
OACI = ICAO, Organisation de l'aviation civile
International Civil Aviation Organization
Organización de aviación civil

PC Personal Computer PMC Phase Monitor and Control
PCB Printed Circuit Board Moniteur de phase et commande
Carte à circuit imprimé Monitor de fase y control
Tarjeta de circuito impreso PMM Power Management Module
POP Power on Parallel
PDME Precision DME POSN. Position Course
DME de précision Position de cap
DME de precición Posición de rumbo
PE Protection Earth PROM Programmable Read Only Memory
PEP Peak Envelope Power Mémoire à lecture seule et
Spitzenleistung programmable
Puissance de pointe Memoria permanente programada
Potencia punta PRUM Protector Unit Marker
PLL Phase Locked Loop Radiobalise d'unité de protection
Boucle à verrouillage de phase Unidad de protección de la radiobaliza
Bucle de bloqueo de fase

XXIV Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters Ref. 955900038-EN

PRUT Protector Unit Tower PSN Position

Unité de protection Position
Unidad de protección Posición
PS Power Supply PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
Bloc d'alimentation PTT Post Telephone and
Equipo de alimentación Telecommunications (Authority)
PSI Power Supply Interface PVC Polyvinylchlorid
Interface du bloc d'alimentation Polyvinyl chloride
Interfase equipo de alimentación Chlorure de polyvinyl (C.P.V.)
PSS Power Supply Switch Chloruro de polivinilo
PSW Interrupteur de puissance PWR Password Routine
Interruptor de alimentación Routimne de mot de passe
Rutina de contra sena

RAM Random Access Memory RMMC Remote Monitoring and Maintenance
Mémoire à accés aléatoire Configuration
Memoria de acceso aleatorio ROM Read Only Memory
RC Remote Control Mémoire à lecture seule
Télécommande Memoria permanente
Control remoto RST Restart
RCMS Remote Control Monitoring System Remettre en marche
Système de télécommande et de Nueva puesta en marche
surveillance RTC Real Time Clock
Sistema de control y monitoreo remotos Echtzeituhr
RCSE Remote Control and Status Equipment Rythme en temps réel
RCSR Remote Control Service Routine Reloj en tiempo real
Routine de service de télécommande RTCR Real Time Clock Routine
Rutina de servicio de control remoto Routine de rythme en temps réel
RCSU Remote Control Status Unit Rutina de reloj en tiempo real

REU Remote Electronic Unit RTS Request to send

Marche l'émetteur
RF Radio Frequency Activación del transmisor
Haute fréquence (HF)
Radiofrecuencia RWY Runway
RIA Remote Interface Adapter Piste d'aviation
Adaptateur d'interface de Pista de aterrizaje
Adaptador de interfase telemando RX Receiver
RIAX Remote Interface Adapter extended Receptor
Adaptateur d'interface de
télécommande étendé RXC Receiver Clock
Adaptador suplementario de interfase Rythme du récepteur
telemando Reloj de receptor

RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computing RXD Receiver Data

Rechner mit reduziertem Befehlssatz Données de récepteur
Datos de receptor
RL Radio link
Richtfunkverbindung RXRDY Receiver Ready
Liaison hetzienne Récepteur prêt
Radioenlace dirigido Receptor listo

Vers. A, September 2009 XXV

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters

S Switch SMA Subminiature connector type A
Commutateur Miniatur HF-Steckverbinder für
Conmutador Mikrowellenanwendungen
SB Sideband SPDT Single Pole Double Throw
Bandes latérales Commutateur unipolaire
Banda lateral Conmutador unipolar doble
SB1, SB2 Sideband 1, Sideband 2 SP3T Single Pole 3 Throw
Bandes latérales 1, 2 Commutateur unipolaire triple
Banda lateral 1, 2 Conmutador unipolar triple
SBA Sideband A (used in VOR) STOL Short Take-Off and Landing
Bandes latérales A (utilizé en VOR) Système de décollage et d'atterissage
Banda lateral A (utilizado para VOR) court
SBB Sideband B (used in VOR) Despegue y aterrizaje corto
Bandes latérales B (utilizé en VOR) SUM Summensignal
Banda lateral B (utilizado para VOR) Summation Signal
SBO Sideband Only Signal de la somme
Bandes latérales seulement Señal de suma
Banda lateral solamente SW Software
SBR Subrack SYN (1) Synchronisation
Sous-bâti Synchronisation
Subrack (con junto) Sincronización
SCC Serial Communication Controller SYN (2) Synthesizer
SDM Sum of Depths of Modulation
Somme des taux de modulation
Suma de grado de modulación

TACAN Tactical Air Navigation TNC Threaded Navy Connector
Navigation aérienne tactique Koaxialverbinder mit Gewindekupplung
Navigación aérea táctica TNV Telephone Network Voltage
TCXO Temperature Compensated Crystal TOR Time Out Routine
Oscillator Routine de temps de suspension
Temperatur kompensierter Rutina de tiempo de suspensión
TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic
Oscillateur à quartz compensé par
témperature Logique transistor-transistor
Oscilador de cuarzo termo compensado Lógica transistor - transistor

TEG Test Generator TX Transmitter

Générateur de test Emetteur
Generador de test Transmisor

THR Threshold TXC Transmitter Clock

Schwellwert Rythme d'émetteur
Reloj de transmisor
Valeur de seuil
Nivel determinado

XXVI Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters Ref. 955900038-EN

TXD Transmitter Data TXRDY Transmitter Ready

Données d'émetteur Emetteur prêt
Datos de transmisor Transmisor listo

USART Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous USB Upper Sideband (HF DVOR)
Receiver/Transmitter Bandes latérales supérieures
Récepteur/émetteur universel Banda lateral superior
synchrone/asynchrone UV Ultraviolet
Receptor/transmisor universal Ultravioleta

VAM Voice Amplifier VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
Amplificateur vocal Taux d'ondulation
Amplificador vocal Grado de ondulación
VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator VTOL Vertical Take-off and Landing
VGA Video Graphic Adapter Décollage et atterrissage verticaux
Despegue y aterrizaje vertical
VHF Very High Frequency
VOR Very High Frequency Omnidirectional
Radio Range
Radiophare omnidirectionnel VHF
Radiofaro omnidireccional VHF

WT Wechselstrom-Telegrafie
Voice-frequency carrier telegraphy
Télégraphie harmonique à ondes
Telegrafía armónica

ZU Zeichenumsetzer
Modem for data transfer
Convertisseur de signaux
Convertidor de señal

Vers. A, September 2009 XXVII

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 0 - Front Matters

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XXVIII Vers. A, September 2009

Ref. 955900038-EN

RCSI 447


RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Ref. 955900038-EN


1 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION .................................................................................... 7

1.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 COMPOSITION AND PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION........................................................................ 9
1.2.1 Identification .................................................................................................................................. 9
1.2.2 Composition................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2.3 Physical description..................................................................................................................... 12 Rear side connectors pin-outs..................................................................................................... 13
1.3 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................... 21
1.3.1 Front Panel .................................................................................................................................. 22 Section Dedicated to the RC ....................................................................................................... 22 Section Dedicated to the Equipment ........................................................................................... 24
1.4 DESCRIPTION OF THE MODULES........................................................................................... 27
1.4.1 INC Module.................................................................................................................................. 27 General ........................................................................................................................................ 27 Indications.................................................................................................................................... 27 Buzzer.......................................................................................................................................... 27 Alphanumeric Display.................................................................................................................. 27
1.4.2 CSB MODULE............................................................................................................................. 28 General ........................................................................................................................................ 28 Functional Characteristics ........................................................................................................... 28 PC104 CPU sub-module ............................................................................................................. 29 Parallel I/O ports.......................................................................................................................... 34 CSB - Jumpers configuration...................................................................................................... 35 Battery Backup ............................................................................................................................ 36
1.4.3 Modems LGM .............................................................................................................................. 37 LGM28.8 ...................................................................................................................................... 37 Party Line Modem LGM1200MD................................................................................................. 38 LGM Extender 2 .......................................................................................................................... 39
1.5 POWER SUPPLY........................................................................................................................ 40
1.5.1 AC/DC Power supply................................................................................................................... 40
1.5.2 DC/DC Power supply................................................................................................................... 41
1.6 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................. 42
1.6.1 General ........................................................................................................................................ 42
1.6.2 Electric Characteristic.................................................................................................................. 42
1.6.3 Mechanical Characteristic ........................................................................................................... 42
1.6.4 Power supply characteristic......................................................................................................... 43
1.6.5 Environmental conditions ............................................................................................................ 43

Vers. A, September 2009 1-3

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description


Figure 1–1. Overview RMMC ............................................................................................................................ 8

Figure 1–2. RCSI 447 - Subrack...................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 1–3. RCSI 447 - Internal top view ........................................................................................................ 10
Figure 1–4. RCSI subrack (DC and AC version) - Rear view.......................................................................... 11
Figure 1–5. RCSI - Rear panel connectors ..................................................................................................... 13
Figure 1–6. Serial patch cable ......................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 1–7. PC connection cable..................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 1–8. INPUT parallel line - Driven by free voltage or active low contact .............................................. 18
Figure 1–9. INPUT parallel line - Driven by a positive voltage ....................................................................... 18
Figure 1–10. OUTPUT parallel line - Examples .............................................................................................. 20
Figure 1–11. RCSI 447- Block diagram........................................................................................................... 21
Figure 1–12. RCSI - Front panel of INC module ............................................................................................ 23
Figure 1–13. CSB module - Block diagram ..................................................................................................... 30
Figure 1–14. CSB board - Layout .................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 1–15. CPU 104 - Block diagram........................................................................................................... 32
Figure 1–16. CPU 104 - Layout ....................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 1–17. Jumpers – Layout ....................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 1–18. LGM28.8, block diagram ............................................................................................................ 37
Figure 1–19. Modem LGM1200MD, block diagram......................................................................................... 38
Figure 1–20. LGM Extender 2, block diagram................................................................................................. 39
Figure 1–21. AC/DC power supply - Block diagram ........................................................................................ 40
Figure 1–22. DC/DC power supply - Block diagram........................................................................................ 41

1-4 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Ref. 955900038-EN


Table 1–1. RCSI 447 - Composition...................................................................................................................9

Table 1–2. Connectors description of the rear panel .......................................................................................12
Table 1–3. Modem & Serial port connector pin-out..........................................................................................13
Table 1–4. Port to modem assignment ............................................................................................................14
Table 1–5. Pin-out of the serial patch cable .....................................................................................................14
Table 1–6. Pin-out of the RCSI / PC cable connector......................................................................................15
Table 1–7. Pin-out of the Parallel Port IN connector........................................................................................16
Table 1–8. Pin-out of the Parallel Port OUT connector....................................................................................17
Table 1–9. Output parallel lines - Solid state relay levels ...............................................................................19
Table 1–10. Front panel - “RC” section: pushbuttons ......................................................................................22
Table 1–11. Front Panel - “RC” section: Indications ........................................................................................22
Table 1–12. Front panel - EQUIPMENT - MAIN STATUS - Indication section................................................24
Table 1–13. Front panel - EQUIPMENT - MAIN STATUS - Key......................................................................24
Table 1–14. Front panel - EQUIPMENT - DETAILED STATUS (MON) - Indication section ...........................24
Table 1–15. Front panel - EQUIPMENT - DETAILED STATUS (TX) - Indication section ...............................25
Table 1–16. Front panel - EQUIPMENT - STATION - Indication section ........................................................25
Table 1–17. Front panel - EQUIPMENT - REQUEST RELEASE - Pushbutton...............................................25
Table 1–18. Front panel - EQUIPMENT - CONTROL - Indications .................................................................26
Table 1–19. Front panel - EQUIPMENT - COMMAND - Pushbuttons.............................................................26
Table 1–20. SERIAL PORT 3 - Jumpers..........................................................................................................33
Table 1–21. SERIAL PORT 4 - Jumpers..........................................................................................................33
Table 1–22. SERIAL PORT 5 - Jumpers..........................................................................................................33
Table 1–23. Input IAUX 8÷15 line - Selection jumpers ....................................................................................34
Table 1–24. CSB module - Jumpers configuration ..........................................................................................35

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description

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1-6 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Ref. 955900038-EN


The Remote Maintenance and Monitoring System (RMMS) is used for remote monitoring, operation and
maintenance of all the connected navigation systems. The network has a radially configured architecture
based on communication between the system components via switched or private lines in the public network
and dedicated lines in private networks. Optionally a connection to a LAN (local area network) via Ethernet
line is possible.
Although these advantages only apply to the modern generation of air traffic control systems developed by
Thales ATM (in other words to the Navaids 400 and the navigation aids used with it, namely the CVOR and
DVOR, the ILS and MLS instrument landing systems, the ILS far field monitor (FFM), the TACAN 453 and
the DME 415/435 radio beacons, the electronic TACAN antenna (ELTA 200) and the NDB 436) the range of
interface makes it possible to incorporate other collocated systems in the remote control and monitoring
strategy if desired.
The outstanding features of the system are as follows:
The open system architecture enables a variety of standard connections to be established using
dedicated or switched lines, telephone or data networks, local area networks and serial or parallel
interfaces. The interface and software utilities which are available allow the system configuration to be
adapted to local requirements. A remote maintenance and monitoring configuration which provides a
permanent indication of the availability of all the navigation systems in the network can, for example, be
set up via the public telephone network.
All data communication is implemented using reliable data protocols. The instruments are designed for
the operating conditions specified in the EUROCAE recommendations. There are no mechanical
wearing parts, and even disk drives for storing data have been dispensed with.
To allow the user to work in a familiar environment, the currently prevailing PC standards and operating
systems have been employed. All the control, monitoring and maintenance functions are displayed on a
color screen. They are executed in windows by means of function keys or a mouse. The most important
status indications and control elements are implemented on the front panel of the basic instrument, so
that simplified remote control and monitoring is also possible without connecting a PC system.
Due to the use of standard PC technology the system is situated in the lower price range for computer
networks and remote control and maintenance systems. The RMMS is a complete, autonomous system.
However, it can also be used as a gateway to more complex data processing systems

The Remote Control & Status Indicator (RCSI) is one of the elements required to set up the more general
Remote Maintenance Monitor System (RMMS).
The Remote Maintenance and Monitoring System (RMMS) is a flexible information processing network for
remote control, monitoring and maintenance of navigational aids systems for air traffic control. In addition to
the usual remote control functions, it enables all the possible signal parameters to be set and read, and
permits extensive remote analysis of system failures by polling and interpreting a wide range of measured

Vers. A, September 2009 1-7

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description



RCSI 447



Figure 1–1. Overview RMMC

The elements of an RMMS are as follows:

− RCSI 447 (Remote Control & Status Indicator); provides the operator with basic controls and indications.
The main task of the RCSI inside the remote control system is to provide a link between operators
responsible for maintenance and air navigation equipment.

− PC; when equipped with appropriate software (MCS or ADRACS), permits in-depth monitoring and
diagnostic operations.

− SI 446 (Status Indicator) or CTU 443 (Control Tower Unit); which are status repeaters driven by the RCSI
using a serial interface.

RCSI is a unit dedicated to remote control functions for air navigation aid equipment. RCSI is able to handle
the status and controls of up to 8 equipment.
RCSIs have an identical SW program for all applications; adaptation to the type of service required is
provided through of configuration which defines the behavior of the unit.
The firmware that operates in the RCSI unit is defined as REU (or REU.EXE), where REU stands for Remote
control Electronic Unit.

1-8 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Ref. 955900038-EN


This is a remote control unit able to support states and controls for up to 8 equipments.

1.2.1 Identification

Equipment Power supply p/n

AC version 527311008
RCSI 447-8
DC version 527311010

1.2.2 Composition

& (q.ty) Opt. Item p/n Description

Control Status Board - responsible for
management of all related elements
● ● CSB module 488700001 (control panel, modem, PC) including the
(1) (1)
PC104 sub-module (single-board
Equipped with LEDs and control
● ● INC-8 indication and controls 474930065 switches, available with indications for 8
(1) (1)
AC/DC-PK30 Switching Converter
● 488700011
power supply mains Input : 115 or 230 VAC
Regulated Output to 5VDC - 6A
● 48V Switching converter
DC/DC-GK30 488700010 Input: 48VDC; Output: 5VDC -6A
(1) Power Supply
● 24V (alternative to DC/DC converter) Switching converter
488700009 Input: 24VDC; Output: 5VDC -6A
● ● ● LGM1200 Modem 8404583233 Transmission standard V23
(1÷5) Party line
● ● ● LGM28.8 Modem 8404583248 Transmission standard V21, V22, V22bis
(1÷5) Switched-line
● ● ●
LGM Extender 2 8404583904 Galvanic serial isolator and repeater
● ● ● Modem to serial flat patch cable
Patch Cable 041937101
(1÷4) (external link on back-panel)

RCSI 447 chassis 593900003 Chassis AC - 5 Modem equipment

RCSI 447 chassis 593900004 Chassis DC - 5 Modem equipment
● ● RS232 Cable 041917048 RS232 cable: see fig.1–7
(1) (1)

Power Supply Cable 9026052 AC power supply cable

Power Supply Cable 041947019 DC power supply cord
● ● ● Kit RCSI Desk 570710002 Kit RCSI Desk
Table 1–1. RCSI 447 - Composition

Vers. A, September 2009 1-9

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description

Figure 1–2. RCSI 447 - Subrack


5 4 3 2 1 Power Supply

Figure 1–3. RCSI 447 - Internal top view

1-10 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Ref. 955900038-EN

Figure 1–4. RCSI subrack (DC and AC version) - Rear view

Vers. A, September 2009 1-11

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description

1.2.3 Physical description

The RCSI is a physically independent unit, housed in a 19" rack standard (figure 1–2), and ,as option, can be
housed in a desktop cabinet. The modules are ordered as shown in 1–3 (top view).

The RCSI modules are: INC and CSB, housed on the front and plug-in connected on slides inside. The
internal modules are: power supply, modem and interfaces (options).
The INC and CSB modules are fastened on the front cover that can rotate of nearly 90 degrees, after
unscrewing the front screws, in order to access the internal modules.

The internal modules are fastened to the subrack with screws on the front part of each one.
The internal cabling is performed with flat cables, excepting the power supply. The connectors (listed in table
1–2) are positioned on the rear of the equipment.


Port available for other applications (RS 232) PORT 1

Port available for other applications (RS 232) or used for the internal
Modem 2 interface

Port available for other applications (RS 232/422/485) or used for the
internal Modem 3 interface

Port available for other applications (RS 232/422/485) or used for the
internal Modem 4 interface

Port available for other applications (RS 232/422/485) PORT 5

Port reserved for the internal Modem 1 interface PORT 6

Available for other applications (RS 232) or used to connect dongle device

Port available for other applications (RS 232) PORT 8

Port available for other applications (RS 232 only TX and RX signals) or for
PC connection

Port available for other applications (RS 232 only TX and RX signals) or for
PC connection

Ethernet RJ45 connector for LAN communications ETHERNET

Nr. 16 input lines PARALLEL IN

Nr. 16 output lines PARALLEL OUT

Telephone line connections of the Modems MODEM 1÷5

Mains input is protected by fuses on every phase (only AC version) MAINS 230 VAC
or 115 VAC

Power supply input (only DC version) DC INPUT

12V or 24V or 48V

Table 1–2. Connectors description of the rear panel

1-12 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Ref. 955900038-EN Rear side connectors pin-outs

Figure 1–5. RCSI - Rear panel connectors MODEM & SERIAL PORTS connectors


SUB D9 M Partyline Switched Line RS232 / RS422 SUB D9 F 2÷5

1 SX2− (Tx−) La (Telephone line) DCD / +TXD 1 DCD

2 SX1+ (Tx+) Lb (Telephone line) RXD / −TXD 2 RXD
3 SR1− (Rx−) a2 TXD / +RXD 3 TXD
4 SR2+ (Rx+) b2 DTR / −RXD 4 DTR
5 / G GND 5 GND
6 / E DSR / +RTS 6 DSR
7 / / RTS / −RTS 7 RTS
8 / / CTS / +CTS 8 CTS
9 / / RI / −CTS 9 RI

1, 2, 7, 8 3, 4, 5 9, 10
SUB D9 M RS232 RS232 RS422/485 RS232

1 DCD DCD + RxD /



6 DSR DSR + TxD /

7 RTS RTS - TxD /


9 RI RI - RTS /

Table 1–3. Modem & Serial port connector pin-out

Vers. A, September 2009 1-13

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Modem to serial patch cable

The connection between the RS 232 serial port and the modem RS232 shall be done by optional flat pin-to-
pin cables (figure 1–6), externally to the unit, according to table 1–4.

PORT Modem Note

6 1 Internal fix connection
2 2 External optional connection by flat cable
3 3 External optional connection by flat cable
4 4 External optional connection by flat cable
7 5 External optional connection by flat cable
Table 1–4. Port to modem assignment

1 5

6 9
Sub D9 M vista lato saldatura

1 5


6 9
Sub D9 F vista lato saldatura

Figure 1–6. Serial patch cable


1 1 DCD
2 2 RXD
3 3 TXD
4 4 DTR
5 5 GND
6 6 DSR
7 7 RTS
8 8 CTS
9 9 RI

Table 1–5. Pin-out of the serial patch cable

1-14 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Ref. 955900038-EN PC connection cable

To connect the PC port of the RCSI to the serial port of the Personal Computer, use the cable supplied (see
fig. 1–7). Table 1–6 shows the pin function.
1 5


6 9

Sub D9 F vista lato saldatura


3 mt

1 5


6 9
Sub D9 F vista lato saldatura

Figure 1–7. PC connection cable


M1 M2 Color of the conductor

pin 2 pin 3 BLUE/ white

pin 3 pin 2 ORANGE/white

pin 5 pin 5 WHITE/ bleu

screen screen screen (covering)

spare spare WHITE/orange

Table 1–6. Pin-out of the RCSI / PC cable connector

Vers. A, September 2009 1-15

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Auxiliary parallel ports

A 25-pin female connector is used for discrete parallel outputs and a 25-pin male connector for parallel
The pin-out is as follows:



1 GND RCSI ground
2 OUT3 TTL output
15 IAUX0 Opto-coupled input
3 IAUX1 Opto-coupled input
16 IAUX2 Opto-coupled input
4 IAUX3 Opto-coupled input
17 IAUX4 Opto-coupled input
5 IAUX5 Opto-coupled input
18 IAUX6 Opto-coupled input
6 IAUX7 Opto-coupled input
19 IAUX8 Opto-coupled input
7 IAUX9 Opto-coupled input
20 IAUX10 Opto-coupled input
8 IAUX11 Opto-coupled input
21 IAUX12 Opto-coupled input
9 IAUX13 Opto-coupled input
22 IAUX14 Opto-coupled input
10 IAUX15 Opto-coupled input
23 IN0 TTL input
11 IN1 TTL input
24 IN2 TTL input
12 OUT4 TTL output
25 IN3 TTL input
13 GND RCSI ground

Table 1–7. Pin-out of the Parallel Port IN connector

1-16 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Ref. 955900038-EN


1 COM3 Relays common to OAUX4, OAUX5, OAUX6, OAUX7
14 COM4 Relays common to OAUX8, OAUX9, OAUX10, OAUX11
2 OUT2 TTL output
15 OAUX0 Relay output
3 OAUX1 Relay output
16 OAUX2 Relay output
4 OAUX3 Relay output
17 OAUX4 Relay output
5 OAUX5 Relay output
18 OAUX6 Relay output
6 OAUX7 Relay output
19 COM1 Relays common to OAUX0, OAUX1, OAUX2, OAUX3
7 OAUX8 Relay output
20 OAUX9 Relay output
8 OAUX10 Relay output
21 OAUX11 Relay output
9 OAUX12 Relay output
22 OAUX13 Relay output
10 OAUX14 Relay output
23 OAUX15 Relay output
11 COM2 Relays common to OAUX12, OAUX13, OAUX14, OAUX15
24 OUT0 TTL output
12 OUT1 TTL output
13 GND RCSI ground

Table 1–8. Pin-out of the Parallel Port OUT connector

Vers. A, September 2009 1-17

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description PARALLEL PORTS application - Auxiliary IN parallel line

The PARALLEL PORT IN connector ( 25 pins) provides 16 input optocoupled input lines.
The input photodiode is driven by the IAUX line and there are two possibilities:
− the input is driven by a free voltage contact that closes the signal to ground (figure 1–9). IAUX0 to
IAUX7 are connected according to this configuration while IAUX8 to IAUX15 are programmable by
jumpers (see jumpers table 1–23);
− the input is driven by a positive voltage (figure 1–9). IAUX8 to IAUX15 are programmable by jumpers
(see jumpers table 1–23). It is necessary to check the input current that must not exceed 8 mA, typical
2/3 mA.

2,2 kW
INPUT optocoupler device

Pin on connector

User contact IAUX 0...7



a) - IAUX 0...7- Driven by a ground

2,2 kW
INPUT optocoupler device

User contact IAUX


CT12 - CSB

b) - IAUX 8...15- Driven trough jumpers by a ground

Figure 1–8. INPUT parallel line - Driven by free voltage or active low contact

Add R for Vg > 5V Jumprs

R IAUX8...15 2,2 kW

INPUT Optocoupler device

User Contact 2....8 mA max

User +
Voltage J1,J2,J3,J4


Figure 1–9. INPUT parallel line - Driven by a positive voltage

1-18 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Ref. 955900038-EN PARALLEL PORTS application - Auxiliary OUT parallel line

The PARALLEL PORT OUT connector ( 25 pins) provides 16 output lines with optocoupled relay.
Figure 1–10 shows some application examples and table 1–9 shows the electrical characteristics referred to
the solid state relay.



Voltage 100 Vp Value max suggested

Break down voltage 350 Vp max rating

Current (MOS ON) 50 mA Value max suggested

Current limit 200 mA max rating

Leakage current (MOS OPEN) max 40 μA Isolation

@ 300V

Table 1–9. Output parallel lines - Solid state relay levels

Vers. A, September 2009 1-19

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description

IC optoelectronic Vg=
switch device DC or AC
Generator Ld=
I max= 100 mA @ 7V
Load Vg Ld
Vg Ld
V max= 350 Vp Ritorno return
comune o GND or GND

Ron max= 50 ohm Common Items

: Vg & Interruttore Load & Switch Vg & Load

a) Solid state relay and equivalent b) Single line - Application examples

schematic symbol

User circuit

OAUX 0,4,8,12 OAUX 0,4,8,12


OAUX 1,5,9,13
OAUX 1,5,9,13

Relè OAUX 2,6,10,14 Relè
OAUX 2,6,10,14

OAUX 3,7,11,15
OAUX 3,7,11,15 Vg

Common 1,3,4,2
Comune 1,3,4,2 Ld Ld Ld Ld

d) User loads powered by different generators

OUT User circuit
OAUX Connector
Ld OUT +5V
User circuit


Pin 13

c) User load and power supply e) User load powered by RCSI 5Volt
with same return

Figure 1–10. OUTPUT parallel line - Examples

1-20 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Ref. 955900038-EN


The main task of the RCSI inside the remote control system is to provide a link between operators
responsible for maintenance and air navigation equipment.
The RCSI is a microprocessor-based unit able to control the equipment by means of dedicated and/or
switched lines. Its basic functions are:
− transmission of basic equipment commands;
− display of equipment main/detailed states;
− drive supplementary basic status indicators;
− display of environment alarms related to the local site (smoke, intrusion, temperature, etc.);
− provide a link between a remote PC and the local control unit, directly linked to the equipment.


115 or 220 Vac (AC/DC or DC/DC) M1
12 or 24 or 4 8Vdc


40 pins CT5 X16000 CT7

34 pins

Control & Status Board

sub D 9 F


40 pins
50 pins

RS 232/485

RS 232/485
RS 232/485

RS 232
RS 232

RS 232


PORT 10 RS 232 (TX-RX only)

PORT 9 RS 232 (TX-RX only)


RS 232

Figure 1–11. RCSI 447- Block diagram

Vers. A, September 2009 1-21

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description

The RCSI is mainly composed of the following modules (Fig. 1–11):

• Front panel (made with water-proof elastic membrane ) for indications and Commands. The Leds and
pushbuttons are mounted on INC board.
• CSB module (with the sub-module PC104 CPU) for the processing.
• Modem for telephone connections.
• Power supply.

1.3.1 Front Panel

The front panel of the RCSI provides the operator with a limited set of basic commands and, at the same
time, the status of the connected equipment.
The front panel is divided into two main sections:
− the first section, on the right side, is dedicated to the Remote Control & Status Indicator.
− the second section, on the left side, is dedicated to information and controls referring to the equipment. Section Dedicated to the RC

In this section, referred to as "RC", indications and controls refer to the RCSI itself and not to the equipment
The following pushbuttons are provided:

LAMP TEST Used to check correct functioning of all visual indicators and the buzzer. Its range
of action is, in fact, much broader in that it is able to check that the CPU has
acquired the command and is able to drive the drive output registers correctly.
The lamp test is carried out switching off all LEDs and then switching them on
again in turn, one at a time and then restoring their initial configuration.
A lamp test is started automatically when the unit is switched on.
Pressing of this button also causes a short activation of the buzzer.

SIL Used to switch the buzzer off.

Table 1–10. Front panel - “RC” section: pushbuttons

The following indications are provided:


OPERATION green Is connected directly to the watch dog of the microcomputer and is
designed to indicate that the CSB board is functioning correctly.
The main causes of switch-off are:
a power supply fault, a HW fault that stops running of the program,
a fatal HW fault detected by the self-check or an irregular activity
of the program.

WARNING yellow Not used.

DATA COM red Comes on when after all the attempts the RCSI does not
communicate with the CSB anymore.

This section also includes the buzzer for acoustic indication of main events.

Table 1–11. Front Panel - “RC” section: Indications

1-22 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Ref. 955900038-EN

Figure 1–12. RCSI - Front panel of INC module

Vers. A, September 2009 1-23

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Section Dedicated to the Equipment

This section comprises equipment indications and commands.
It is divided into a further two sections: one containing the brief “MAIN STATUS” states and the other the
more detailed commands and indications “DETAILED STATUS” for one equipment at a time.
For each equipment, there are four indications that form the 'MAIN STATUS'; these are mutually exclusive
and their meaning is indicated below:


ALARM red In automatic functioning Æ equipment shut-down.

In manual functioning (maintenance) Æ always active to indicate
that the signal radiated is not guaranteed.
WARNING yellow The equipment is not in the full service configuration:
beacon off;
tx stby in alarm status;
one monitor is faulty;
battery operation;
other faults.
NORMAL green There are no WARNINGS or ALARMS; everything is working
correctly according to the planned configuration. The beacon is
DATA COM red No communication with the beacon.
MAINTEN yellow Continuous indication:
1. Maintenance Warning (BITE Warning)
2. Local access (by MCS or ADRACS)
Flashing indication:
indication of selected station
Table 1–12. Front panel - EQUIPMENT - MAIN STATUS - Indication section
The 4 alphanumeric character label in the upper part of the “MAIN STATUS” of each equipment identifies its
type and/or the installation site. The display is written by the RCSI taking an identifier which is stored in the
The following key is also present in this section under the “MAIN STATUS”:

SELECT Pressing of this button enables (or not) “DETAILED STATUS” display.

Table 1–13. Front panel - EQUIPMENT - MAIN STATUS - Key

The DETAILED STATUS indications for monitors 1 and 2 are:


AERIAL green No out of threshold parameters for the antenna system.

STANDBY green Monitor sees an normal condition on the transponder on dummy
FAULTY yellow The monitor has failed the self check.
BYPASSED yellow Monitor/Equipment under maintenance.
Table 1–14. Front panel - EQUIPMENT - DETAILED STATUS (MON) - Indication section

1-24 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Ref. 955900038-EN

The DETAILED STATUS indications for transponder 1 and 2 (TX1 and TX2) are:


ON green The transponder is on.

WARNING yellow The Built In Test has detected a fault.
FAULTY red The transponder is declared in alarm status by the monitors.
ON ANT green The transponder is switched to the antenna.
Table 1–15. Front panel - EQUIPMENT - DETAILED STATUS (TX) - Indication section

The DETAILED STATUS indications for the STATIONS (i.e. the local site) are:


MAINS OFF yellow The equipment is powered by the battery due to a mains failure.
ANT FTY red Antenna faulty.
ENV ALARM red Environmental alarm: at least one discrete input, classified in the
configuration of the LCSU/IOM as environment alarm, is active.
OTHER WARN yellow There is at least one other warning in addition to those indicated in
the “DETAILED STATUS” section.
Table 1–16. Front panel - EQUIPMENT - STATION - Indication section CONTROL - Request release

Control of the equipment is an essential condition to carry out commands for this whether operating with a
control panel (local or remote) or with a PC.

The correct sequence of operations to carry out commands, starting from the state in which the equipment is
not yet controlled by someone else, (ENGAGED light off), is as follows:

1. press the REQUEST/RELEASE key and wait until the ENABLED indication comes on. In the case of a
switched line, there is a wait until the call is made);

2. carry out the available commands (ON/OFF and CHANGEOVER);

3. press the REQUEST/RELEASE key to release control.

If the equipment is already controlled (ENGAGED indication on), it’s possible to take the control only if the
RCSI has a higher priority with respect to the user the has the equipment control.


CONTROL Press this button to request control in order to be enabled to carry

REQUEST/RELEASE out commands. Control is released pressing the button again.
Table 1–17. Front panel - EQUIPMENT - REQUEST RELEASE - Pushbutton

Vers. A, September 2009 1-25

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description


ENGAGED yellow The equipment is being controlled by someone else (PC or

control panel).
ENABLED green The control panel is enabled for execution of commands.
Table 1–18. Front panel - EQUIPMENT - CONTROL - Indications Equipment COMMANDS

Two commands are available:


EQUIPMENT ON/OFF Switches the equipment on/off.

CHANGEOVER Exchanges the transponder on antenna.
Table 1–19. Front panel - EQUIPMENT - COMMAND - Pushbuttons LED configuration

To be driven correctly, the LEDs must be configured. This operation is similar for all the equipment and is
described in the chapter on unit configuration. Button configuration

To carry out the commands correctly, these must be configured. This operation is similar for all the
equipment and is described in the chapter covering unit configuration.

1-26 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Ref. 955900038-EN


1.4.1 INC Module General

This board is installed immediately behind the control panel and houses keys for the commands and LEDs to
indicate equipment status.

This board is driven by the CSB board by means of an I/O bus (i.e. a bus with data, addresses and checks is
simulated using I/O ports) which makes it possible to reduce the interface signals compared with direct
driving of the LED’s by the CSB output ports.

The main tasks of the INC module are hereby described:

− switches for the commands and their encoder. There are 6 switches from I1 to I6, organized with
common point. They are led out of the board, by means of the encoder and sent towards the input
register of the RCSI from where they are read by the program, according to the polling technique. The
debouncing function is provided by the software;

− LEDs; used for back lighting of the indications on the front panel;

− alphanumeric display. Looking at the front panel, the alphanumeric display is located above the
equipment main status and is used to display a specific equipment identifier. The caption shown on
the display can be programmed in the LCSU configuration; otherwise, the display remains off. Indications

Except for RCSI OPERATION, which is driven by the watch dog signal from the RCSI, all the indications are
activated writing in the specific registers. Buzzer

The buzzer is under the complete control of the CSB module. Alphanumeric Display

This device is used to write an equipment identification label on the front panel. Its contents are written in the
configuration of the RCSI.

Vers. A, September 2009 1-27

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description

1.4.2 CSB MODULE General

The CSB board performs the following functions:

− through one or more modems, it communicates with local units to obtain complete information about
equipment operating status in real-time;

− it allows an operator to work on a PC that is linked by means of an RS-232 serial line exactly in the same
way as on the local PC;

− it drives the front panel;

− it is able to drive supplementary Status Indicators in order to provide the control tower with system basic

In a multi-level remote control system, it is able to interface a higher level RCSI

The CBS is formed with a CSB board and a PC104 compatible PC CPU board connected together with a
stack through connector. Others PC104 compatible boards can be stacked to add features like FDD/HDD
interface, LPT interface, etc. Functional Characteristics

The CSB board, in addition with PC104 CPU sub-module, is basically a single-board computer, complete
with memory, serial and parallel I/O’s.
A simplified block diagram of the board is shown in figure 1–13 (the layout is shown on figure 1–14) and its
main functional groups are:
− PC104 CPU sub-module;

− communication serial ports;

− parallel ports - auxiliary I/O line;

− RESET and WATCH-DOG circuits;

1-28 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Ref. 955900038-EN PC104 CPU sub-module

Figure 1–15 shows the block diagram; see figure 1–17 for the layout. The main characteristics are:


- Chipset AMD CS5536A
- Cooling fanless
- CPU Clock up to 500 MHz
- Darkboot/Lanboot DarkBoot, LAN Boot (PXE)
- DRAM socket DDR-RAM-SODIMM socket
- Ethernet 10/100 Base T Ethernet
- Ethernet Controller Intel« 82551 ER
- Expansion PC/104 ISA (full 16 Bit I/O and memory support)
- PC/104+ PCI
- Flash Disk chipDISK (IDE compatible flash disk) with capacity up to 1GB
- Graphics Panel/CRT, CRT & JILI Interface
- Graphics Controller onchip engine with shared VRAM
- Graphics Memory on chip shared 8-256 MByte VRAM UMA
- Hard Disk 1 x EIDE Interface, 44 pin header, UDMA-33
- Interface Floppy Interface
- ISA PC/104 ISA (full 16 Bit I/O and memory support)
- Keyboard Keyboard Controller
- Legacy Support Legacy support
- Main Memory up to 1 GByte DDR-RAM
- Mouse PS/2 Mouse Controller
- Parallel Port Enhanced Printer Port
- PCI PC/104+ PCI
- Power Supply 5V only
- Real Time Clock Real Time Clock
- Serial 2 x RS232C
- USB 2 x USB 2.0
- Watchdog Watchdog timer

Vers. A, September 2009 1-29

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description




Address Bus












8 IN

8 IN





2048 x 8
+ 5V

Figure 1–13. CSB module - Block diagram

1-30 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Ref. 955900038-EN


SW2 Pulsante RESET

Connessione alla
scheda PC 104

PC 104 - BOARD

Connettore ausiliario

INPUT Register 6
SW1 of the PC 104-386 BOARD


Alla scheda modulo INC










Al Personal Computer RR1


Porta Seriale
(modo DCE)
(DCE pinout)


Figure 1–14. CSB board - Layout

Vers. A, September 2009 1-31

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description

Lx800 Processor SouthBridge Cs5536


Interface HDD

Controller USB
Port Interface



SuperIO W83627

Interface FDD

Parallel H ardware
Port Monitor Temperature

PS/2 Serial
SouthBridge F85226 Interface Ports Voltage

Keyboard COM A

Mouse COM B

Controller LPT

Pc104 Connector Pc104plus Connector

Figure 1–15. CPU 104 - Block diagram

X15006 X14001
X15003 X12001 X15007
X1500 0

X1600 0

X 15004
X12 000
X1500 5



X10000 = Pin1

Figure 1–16. CPU 104 - Layout

1-32 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Ref. 955900038-EN Serial interface configuration jumpers

Serial ports 3,4,5 are provided with jumpers selectable signal interface as indicated on the following tables
1–20, 1–21 and 1–22:

PORT 3 Interface J6 installed jumpers J5 installed jumpers J7 installed jumpers

RS232 1-2, 4-5, 7-8, 10-11, 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 2-3
13-14, 16-17, 19-20, 11-12,13-14,15-16 (U44 pin 3 BIAS)

TTL 2-5, 8-11, 14-17, 2-4, 6-8, 10-12, 14-16 2-3

20-23 (U44 pin 3 BIAS)
RS422 2-3, 5-6, 8-9, NONE 2-3
(FULL DUPLEX) 11-12, 14-15, 17-18,
20-21, 23-24

RS 485 2-3, 5-6, 8-9, 11-12, 17-18,19-20 1-2 (*1)

(HALF DUPLEX) 14-15, 17-18, 20-21, 23-24


Table 1–20. SERIAL PORT 3 - Jumpers

PORT 4 Interface J10 installed jumpers J9 installed jumpers J13 installed jumpers

RS232 1-2, 4-5, 7-8, 10-11, 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 2-3
13-14, 16-17, 19-20, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, (U56 pin 3 BIAS)
22-23 15-16

TTL 2-5, 8-11, 14-17, 20-23 2-4, 6-8, 10-12, 14-16 2-3
(U56 pin 3 BIAS)

RS422 2-3, 5-6, 8-9, 11-12, NONE 2-3

(FULL DUPLEX) 14-15, 17-18, 20-21,
RS 485 2-3, 5-6, 8-9, 11-12, 17-18, 19-20 1-2 (*1)
(HALF DUPLEX) 14-15, 17-18, 20-21,


Table 1–21. SERIAL PORT 4 - Jumpers

PORT 5 Interface J12 installed jumpers J11 installed jumpers J14 installed jumpers

RS232 1-2, 4-5, 7-8, 10-11, 13-14 NONE 2-3

(U57 pin 3 BIAS)

RS422 2-3, 5-6, 8-9, 11-12, 14-15 NONE 2-3

RS 485 2-3, 5-6, 8-9, 11-12, 14-15 1-2, 3-4 1-2 (*1)


Table 1–22. SERIAL PORT 5 - Jumpers

(*1) In RS485 mode UART (Universal Asynchronous Received Transmitted) signal RTS controls transmitter enable. When RTS
pin is logic zero the transmitter is enabled. After reset RTS pin is high.

Vers. A, September 2009 1-33

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Parallel I/O ports Auxiliary OUT parallel line - Relay outputs

The 16 auxiliary outputs are available on CT2 connector. Each of these consists of a solid state relay contact
realized with MOS devices (see table 1–9).
The outputs are grouped into four groups with the same common contact: COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4
(figure 1–10). Auxiliary IN parallel line - Optocoupled inputs

The 16 auxiliary input are available on CT2. Each of these consists of one optoisolator protected against
reverse polarity.

The line IAUX8 to IAUX15 are only programmable by jumpers (see jumpers table 1–23);
The possible application of these outputs are shown in figures 1–8 and 1–9. Input IAUX 8÷15 selection jumpers

Optoisolated inputs IAUX 8÷15 are jumper configurable to be active high or active low (table 1–23)

Input Jumper Active high level Active low level (default)

IAUX8 J4 2-4, 5-6 1-2, 4-6

IAUX9 J4 8-10, 11-12 7-8, 10-12

IAUX10 J3 2-4, 5-6 1-2, 4-6

IAUX11 J3 8-10, 11-12 7-8, 10-12
IAUX12 J2 2-4, 5-6 1-2, 4-6

IAUX13 J2 8-10, 11-12 7-8, 10-12

IAUX14 J1 2-4, 5-6 1-2, 4-6

IAUX15 J1 8-10, 11-12 7-8, 10-12

Table 1–23. Input IAUX 8÷15 line - Selection jumpers

1-34 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Ref. 955900038-EN CSB - Jumpers configuration

Figure 1–17 shows the linker layout of CSB module.

Table 1–24 lists the jumper configurations.

1 2 23
J19,J20,J21, 14 20 19
J8,J15,J16 15 13
24 22

11 1
2 J18,J7, J1,J2,
3 1
J13,J14 J3,J4
3 1 12 2

1 3
J17,J11 J12 3 1
2 4
2 1 2

J5,J9 J6,J10

Jumpers layout on CSB board

Figure 1–17. Jumpers – Layout

Jumpers Position NOTE

J1, J2, J3, J4 see table 1–23 IAUX 8..15 - Default: active low
J5, J6, J7, J8 see table 1–20 Serial port 3 - Default: RS232
J9, J10, J13, J15 see table 1–21 Serial port 4 - Default: RS232
J11, J12, J14, J16 see table 1–22 Serial port 5 - Default: RS232
J17 1-2 IRQ 6 - HD interface- Default: closed
3-4 IRQ 14 - FD interface - Default: closed
J18 1-2 N.U.
2-3 N.U.
J19 1-2 Watch-dog enabled = closed (default)
Watch-dog disabled = open
J20 1-2
J21 1-2 Battery back-up working = closed (inserted during installation)
Open during: transport, storage.
Open before inserting or remove SRAM chip
CSB SW1 1,2,3,4 PF 1,2 (Power failure) signals enabled – Default = OFF
Table 1–24. CSB module - Jumpers configuration

Vers. A, September 2009 1-35

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Battery Backup

On the CSB board the BATTERY BACKUP function is used for the Ram-disk data retention. Moreover
battery voltage is connected to the PC104 CPU through CT10 connector for Real Time Clock data retention.

Data SETUP configuration are memorized on EEPROM chip.

The battery on the CSB board is a 0.8Ah NON RECHARGEABLE LITHIUM cell with a voltage rating of

The use of low power SRAM, which normally has few µA standby consumption, is advised. Doing so, the
lithium battery is ensured long life.

1-36 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Ref. 955900038-EN

1.4.3 Modems LGM LGM28.8

The LGM 28.8 is a high speed modem for duplex operation which supports all common duplex modulation
procedures. The modem is designed for synchronous as well as for asynchronous data transmission
according to the following CCITT modulation modes: V.34, V.32bis, V.32, V.22bis, V.22, and V.21, which
have implemented the data securing procedures according to V.42 and MNP4. Data compressing to
increase the baud rate is implemented according to V.42bis and MNP5. These procedures enable a practical
fault free transmission between two data terminal equipment (DTE) units. Depending on the procedure the
transmission rate can be increased up to 38400 Bd (autobaud) using V.42bis and the AT −mode/reliable
mode. The modem can also communicate with modems from other vendors at the same transmission rates,
providing these modems comply with CCITT Recommendations
V.22 and V.22bis. Software configuration is possible using AT or DNL commands while hardware
configuration is performed employing the DIP switches located at the bottom and on one side of the module.
It is designed for operation in public switched networks and consequently equipped with an integrated
automatic dialing facility (IAWD). Data connections can however also be set up by the subscriber dialing
manually and pressing the data key. Point−to−point operation on dedicated lines (leased or tie lines) is
likewise possible. Almost all the modem functions can be set by the data terminal equipment (DTE) using a
command set in accordance with CCITT Recommendation V.25bis. Correct operation of the microprocessor
and the signal processors is monitored by an integrated circuit, which initiates a "master reset" if one of these
processors malfunctions (watchdog).

Figure 1–18. LGM28.8, block diagram

A data connection can be set up by means of either the integrated automatic dialing facility or the automatic
call acceptance feature. It is also possible to dial out or to accept incoming calls manually. No dialing takes
place on dedicated lines. All the V.25bis commands and messages are exchanged via the interfaces which
are also used to transfer the actual data. After a call request with identification, the LGM checks whether the
subscriber line is already busy, i.e. whether the subscriber is in the process of making a call. If not, the
outside line is seized. The LGM then transmits the dialed digits which have previously been transmitted by
the DTE. After the dialing procedure, an intermittent 1300 Hz tone is transmitted and the modem waits for a
constant 2100 Hz answer tone. As soon as this answer tone − which is transmitted by modems with an
automatic call acceptance facility − is identified, the two modems start the prolog (handshake).
A data connection can only be terminated by the DTE, unless there is no carrier for more than 250 ms/10 s.
In this case, the line seizure is canceled by the LGM. Eighteen switches are provided on the PC board for
presetting the seven different operating modes, the four communication protocols and various other
parameters. A self−test is performed each time the modem is switched on. The default setup is as follows:
2400 bd, V.22bis, dialing mode.

Vers. A, September 2009 1-37

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Party Line Modem LGM1200MD

See figure 1–19. The LGM1200MD is a universally applicable half duplex permanent line modem. The data
transfer rate is 1200 or 600 bit/s. The LGM 1200MD (MD=multidrop) is optimized for operation on permanent
two− wire lines in the so called party line mode. In this case, several modems are served by a control station
via one line only (polling mode). On replacement, the LGM1200MD is used in stations instead of the ZUA29,
on remote side instead of ZUA29 and NFK. It occupies one LGM slot.
The LGM1200MD operates in the voice band with FSK modulation, i.e. frequency shift keying in conformity
with V.23 at 1300 and 2100 Hz with up to 1200 bit/s and 1300 and 1700 Hz with up to 600 bit/s. The data
transfer method is half duplex or simplex. Generation of interfering trailing bits (on deactivation of the remote
transmitter) is largely excluded by process−controlled "fast clamping" of the received data. In the
asynchronous mode, data transfer from 0 to 1200 bit/s or 0 to 600 bit/s is possible, independently of the code
and speed.
A microcomputer controls and monitors all functions of the LGM. Parameters for the processor and
processor−independent circuitry can be influenced by means of 14 adjacent coding switches. A power−on
self−test is run. LEDs indicate transmit and receive data activity or line seizure. The connected trunk lines
are accessible via an ISEP test socket on the front panel (for monitoring the analog line signal).
When the "TEST" key on the front panel is pressed, the modem is switched to the "close range analog loop"
(without transmitter) while the key is pressed. This is also active during the transmission phase (the
connection is then aborted).

Figure 1–19. Modem LGM1200MD, block diagram

In half duplex mode on two−wire connections, the participating data transmission equipment each seizes the
telephone line in succession. The respective DTE responsible for transmission controls operation with the
105/S2/RTS (ready to send) signal. This activates the modem’s carrier. The DTE must only offer data to the
modem via the 103/D1/TD line once a specific delay after ready to send has elapsed and the modem has
switched the 106/M2/CTS (clear to send). During the delay time between the "ready to send" 105/S2/RTS
and "clear to send" 106/M2/CTS signals, the signal detector of the receiving modem will already react and
will adapt the clock signals of the receiver to the clock pulse of the incoming signals.
With the 109/M5/DCD (receive signal level) signal, the receiving modem indicates that it is capable of
forwarding received data (104/D2/RD). If the 109/M5/DCD (receive signal level) signal is not in the ON state,
the receive interface line (104/D2/RD) is in the "I" state. A so−called fast clamping circuit is integrated in the
LGM1200MD to avoid trailing bits during reception. It is processor−controlled, with the result that no more
than 1 byte can occur as a trailing byte.
NOTE: When using the LGM1200MD the permanent line must be equipped with a termination (600
Ohm/47 nF parallel) at the point where it ends (station and remote ends). The R/C combination can
be soldered onto the 9pin SubD connector together with the two−wire line.

1-38 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Ref. 955900038-EN LGM Extender 2

The LGM Extender 2 is an opto and electrically isolated level converter. It is able to convert TTL signals to
RS232 resp. to RS422 signals and vice versa. The maximum data transfer rate is 38.4 kbit/s (for RS232).
The LGM Extender 2 occupies one LGM slot into RCSI subrack. All output signals can be inverted by setting
the jumpers X20 to X27 on the LGM Extender board. The terminal bars S1 and S2 are not used for RCSI

Figure 1–20. LGM Extender 2, block diagram

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description


The following types of power supply unit can be installed:
• from mains (230 or 115 VAC) with an AC/DC converter

• from an external DC voltage with a DC/DC converter

All the power supply modules are plug-in connected in internal slides.

A mains protection sub-assembly is provided (on the rear side), comprising:

− EMI filter

− a switch on both mains network phases;

− overcurrent protection fuses on both mains phases;

− voltage selector (230 VAC or 115 VAC)

1.5.1 AC/DC Power supply

Standard power supply - AC/DC switching converter - see figure 1–21 block diagram.

Technical characteristics:

− Mains Input Voltage : 230 VAC (187 ÷ 264 VAC) or

115 VAC (93 ÷ 132 VAC)
− Mains Input Frequency : 47÷63 Hz
− Output Voltage : 5 V ± 1% (with external regulation: ± 5%)
− Output Current : 6 A max (@ 25 ° C)
− Input protections : fuse, EMI filter, in-rush current, overvoltage ESD
− Output protections : overload and short-circuit protection, overvoltage protection (SCR)
− Indications : internal green led on when correctly operating
− Dimensions : Eurocard 3 U x 8 HP
− Consumption : 35 VA max. @ cos ϕ = 0,7

L Fuse
+ 5V
30 4/6
+ Sense
+ + +
OVP Reg.
N - Sense
28 PWM 14
32 Ret. 5V
PE 8/10
230 V

Alimentatore AC/DC
115 V

Figure 1–21. AC/DC power supply - Block diagram

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Ref. 955900038-EN

1.5.2 DC/DC Power supply

Optional - switching DC/DC converter - See figure 1–22 for the block diagram

For every input voltage, a specific power-supply is requested.

Technical characteristics:

− Input voltages : 12 VDC rated ( 9÷36 V) or

: 24 VDC rated ( 18÷36 V) or
: 48 VDC rated ( 36÷72V)

− Output voltage : 5 V ± 1% (with external regulation: ± 5%)

− Output current : 6 A max (@ 25 ° C)
− Input protections : fuse, EMI filter, in-rush current, ESD overvoltage
− Output protections : overload and short-circuit protection, overvoltage (SCR)
− Indications : internal green led on when operating correctly
− Dimensions : Eurocard 3 U x 8 HP
− Consumption : 25 W max.

+ Vin Fuse +5V

28/30 4/6
PE + + + Sense
32 OVP + 12
OVP Reg.
- Vin - Sense
24/26 PWM 14
Ret. 5V
Alimentatore DC/DC

Figure 1–22. DC/DC power supply - Block diagram

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description


1.6.1 General
CE Specification complies, for Safety : EN 60950
for EMC : EN 50081-1; EN 50082 - 1

Main characteristics:
− microprocessor : AMD LX800 CPU;
− DRAM : up to 1 Gbytes;
− timer RTC (Real Timer Clock) : with back up battery;
− watchdog : dual - on CSB 386 board and on PC104 CPU board.
− Self check : continuos

1.6.2 Electric Characteristic

− Serial ports : n° 10 - n° 7 RS232 OUTPUT on rear panel connectors

n° 3 RS485 or RS422 (jumper selectable);
− Parallel ports - auxiliary : n° 8 optocoupled input lines (available on rear panel connector),
active low;
: n° 8 optocoupled input lines (available on rear panel
connector)active high or active low (selected from jumpers);
: n° 16 optocoupled output lines (available on rear panel connector)

1.6.3 Mechanical Characteristic

− Mechanical Presetting : n° 5 slot internal for optional modems,

: Power supply AC/DC standard
DC/DC optional

− subrack dimensions : ( standard rack 19”) - H = 3 U ( max. H=132,5 mm,

W=482 mm, D=340 mm);
− desktop case dimensions : H=180 mm, W=530 mm, D=340 mm;

− weight
ƒ subrack : ≤ 12 Kg
ƒ desktop version : ≤ 15 Kg

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 1 - General Description Ref. 955900038-EN

1.6.4 Power supply characteristic

− Power supply voltage for every modules: + 5 V ± 5%

− RCSI Input voltages:
Mains 230VAC nominal : range 187÷262 VAC - 47÷ 63 Hz
115VAC nominal : range 93 ÷ 132 VAC - 47÷ 63 Hz

DC voltage (opt.) 12 VDC nominal : range 9÷36 VDC

24 VDC nominal : range 18÷36 VDC
48 VDC nominal : range 36÷72 VDC

− Typical RCSI unit power consumption

: 25 W DC power;

: 35 VA - AC power from mains;

− Data memory back-up battery : 3,6 V / 0,8 Ah not rechargeable lithium cell on CSB 386 board.

1.6.5 Environmental conditions

− temperature 0 to + 50° C

− relative humidity max. 90%

− temperature: -30 to + 70° C

− relative humidity: max. 95%.

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
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2.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................5

2.2 INSTALLATION ...........................................................................................................................5
2.2.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................5
2.2.2 CABLING.....................................................................................................................................5
2.3 INITIAL HARDWARE SETTINGS ...............................................................................................7
2.3.1 GENERAL PREREQUISITES .....................................................................................................7
2.3.2 HARDWARE SETTINGS ............................................................................................................7 LGM28.8 SETTINGS...................................................................................................................8 LGM1200MD SETTINGS ............................................................................................................9 LGM EXTENDER 2 UNIT SETTINGS.......................................................................................10
2.4 INITIAL SETUP .........................................................................................................................11
2.4.1 INITIAL POWER UP..................................................................................................................11
2.4.2 SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION MCS AND ADRACS .............................................................11 SETTING OF PTT FILE ............................................................................................................11 EXPLANATION OF MODEM SETTING....................................................................................13

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Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 2 - Installation and Initial Setup


Figure 2–1. Power supply cabling on rear side of RCSI 447............................................................................. 5

Figure 2–2. Connection of ILS stations via LGM1200MD (star configuration) .................................................. 6
Figure 2–3. Connection of ILS stations via LGM1200MD (Ring configuration)................................................. 6
Figure 2–4. RCSI – Front and Rear panel......................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2–5. LGM28.8, position of jumpers and default settings ........................................................................ 8
Figure 2–6. LGM1200MD, position of jumpers and default settings (2-wire, 300 ohms) .................................. 9
Figure 2–7. LGM Extender 2. Jumpers and settings (example: RS422 without termination) ......................... 10
Figure 2–8. Window to define modem settings within *.ptt file (example) ....................................................... 12
Figure 2–9. Window to define telephone numbers within *.ptt file (example) ................................................. 12

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 2 - Installation and Initial Setup Ref. 955900038-EN



This chapter describes the installation and initial setup procedures for the RCSI 447. The equipment and
system configurations are dependent on the local situation and may vary accordingly (RCSI, CTU, PC). The
RCSI hardware configuration is adapted to the site by the configuration files within the user program.
The firmware that operates in the RCSI unit is defined as REU (or REU.EXE), where REU stands for Remote
control Electronic Unit.

2.2.1 General
The installation procedures for the various components are dependent on the local situation. A default
configuration is assumed, consisting of an RCSI 447, a CTU and RWY− SELECT, a PC with a printer. The
RCSI installation with PC is described within this section, the CTU installation in section 5 and the SI
installation in section 6.
2.2.2 Cabling
- Set the power switch on the rear of the subracks to ’OFF’.
- Connect a ground or frame cable.
- Connect the power supply (either AC or DC, depending on the configuration) See figure 2–1.
- Connect the external equipment.
Power On Switch

Power Supply Input


Ground Bolt


Mains Switch

Power Supply Input

(115 or 230 Vac)

Figure 2–1. Power supply cabling on rear side of RCSI 447

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 2 - Installation and Initial Setup

- Connection of ILS stations via LGM1200MD party line modems, two variants:
a) star configuration (see Fig. 2–2)
b) ring configuration (see Fig. 2–3).
Both variants use R/C−line terminations (600 ohms // 47 nF)

RCSI 447


LGM1200MD **)


dedicated lines 2-wire

*) *) *)



*) 600 ohms II 47 nF
**) replaces ZU modem and star distributor NFK29

Figure 2–2. Connection of ILS stations via LGM1200MD (star configuration)

RCSI 447


LGM1200MD **)


dedicated lines 2-wire

*) *)



*) 600 ohms II 47 nF
**) replaces ZU modem and star distributor NFK29

Figure 2–3. Connection of ILS stations via LGM1200MD (Ring configuration)

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 2 - Installation and Initial Setup Ref. 955900038-EN


2.3.1 General Prerequisites
This chapter describes the prerequisites for first setup of the equipment and gives an overview of the
hardware settings. It presumes that the equipment has been factory−aligned and tested.
2.3.2 Hardware Settings
All relevant parameters are normally set before factory acceptance has taken place. These parameters are
checked during the acceptance procedure.

Figure 2–4. RCSI – Front and Rear panel

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 2 - Installation and Initial Setup LGM28.8 Settings

S4 1


3 LB1

1 2 3
1 5

D5 2 6

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
D4 S1


1 2 3
S3 (side view)
1 2 3 4 5 6 S2


LB1 open : BU2 pin 25b = AF signal set open set

LB1 closed : BU2 pin 25b = time slot open
1 2 3

Figure 2–5. LGM28.8, position of jumpers and default settings

S3.2 S3.3 S3.4 S3.5 S3.6 Default settings, software mode

OFF ON OFF OFF OFF Only DIP switches S3.2 to S3.6 are active in software
mode with these default settings. All other configurations
are set by software.
Default setting LGM28.8:
automatic recognition of the type of modulation, V.42bis, AT commands, autobaud, asynchronous, remote
configuration allowed, modem also ready for operation without the control line S1 (108)
ST1 Receive level range:
Level at Z ST1
-43 dBm 1 - 2 (delivery setting)
-33 dBm 2–3

ST2 Transmit level range:

Switched line at Z ST2 Dedicated line (600 W)ST2
-4,5 dBm 3-5 -6 dBm 3-5
-6,5 dBm 5-6 -8 dBm 5-6
-8,5 dBm 3 - 4 (default setting) -10 dBm 3-4
-10,5 dBm 1-2 -12 dBm 1–2

CAUTION: Some telephone networks may prohibit alteration of the transmit level.

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 2 - Installation and Initial Setup Ref. 955900038-EN LGM1200MD Settings


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3

1 2 3 4

set open set

1 2 3

Figure 2–6. LGM1200MD, position of jumpers and default settings (2-wire, 300 ohms)

Permanent transmission control S2.1

on OFF default setting
off ON
Operation 1200/600 bit/s S2.2
1200 bit/s OFF default setting
600 bit/s ON
Transmit level S1.9 S1.10
1 ±0 dBm OFF OFF
2 -3 dBm ON OFF
3 -6 dBm OFF ON
4 -9 dBm ON ON default setting
Impedance during transmission S1.8
300 ohms OFF for remote side (e.g. RCSI)
600 ohms ON for station side
Receive level (min.) S1.7
-43 dBm OFF
-33 dBm ON default setting
Carrier lag time S1.6
13 ms OFF
3 ms ON default setting
S2-M2 lead time S1.5
30 ms OFF default setting
200 ms ON
Additional equalizer S1.4
Equalizer switched on OFF default setting
Equalizer switched off ON
Switching on mode S1.3
Fixed switching on (M1+) operation OFF default setting
Switching on with S1.1 ON
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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 2 - Installation and Initial Setup

Operation mode S1.1 S1.2 S2.2

0...1200 bit/s, hx, asyn. (1300/2100 Hz) OFF OFF OFF default setting
0...1200 bit/s, hx, syn. with 1:1 change ON OFF OFF
0...1200 bit/s, hx, syn. without change OFF ON OFF
not used ON ON OFF
0...600 bit/s, hx, asyn. (1300/1700 Hz) OFF OFF ON
Sensitivity increase (-53 dBm) BR1
Sensitivity higher + add. equalizer 1-2
Sensitivity normal 2-3 default setting LGM Extender 2 Unit Settings

TXD X20 X30
RTS X21 X31
DTR X22 X32
RI X23 X33
DSR X24 X34
DCD X25 X35
CTS X26 X36
RXD X27 X37
X10 X1
X12 X38
RS232 RS422
X13 X39
X14 X40

+5V +12V X4 DC/DC Converter
X3 S1 S2
RS232-TEST (not used) (not used)

open set
set open
1 2 3

Figure 2–7. LGM Extender 2. Jumpers and settings (example: RS422 without termination)

CONFIGURATION X10..15 X16..18 X30..37 X38 X39..40 Remarks

RS232, INT-VCC = 5V 1-2 1-2 1-2 set open Default setting

RS422, INT-VCC = 5V 1-2 1-2 2-3 open connection to CTU or RSU

without termination open
with termination set

Inversion of output signals X20..27

not active open Default setting
active set
NOTE: Depending on used LGMx slot (x=1..4, but only at LGM4 all signals are available), the
corresponding interface on the SIB board (1sA for LGM1, 1sB for LGM2, 2sA for LGM3, 2sB for
LGM4) has to be set to TTL level (see section

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 2 - Installation and Initial Setup Ref. 955900038-EN


This chapter describes the procedure for initial setup of the equipment. It presumes that the equip¬ment has
been factory−aligned and tested. The configuration files are not yet loaded. The installation must be in the
following status:
− External power supply and external equipment (e.g. ILS systems) are installed and cabled.
− The input voltage to the RCSI 447 and the peripherals must correspond to the assigned input voltage.
− The Dip−fix switches and jumpers of the relevant plug−in units must be set to the correct position (refer
to section 2.3).
2.4.1 Initial Power up
The installation procedure must be completed and all the connections made before the RCSI can be started
up. The power switch for the supply voltage must be set to ’off’.
First switch on the AC−switch or DC−switch (depending on type of converter) on the rear of the RCSI
After the start of the program the text field of each station (in area EQUIPMENT−MAIN STATUS on the INC
panel) shows the text "Wait" for about 10 s. The initialization procedure is taking around 20s altogether. A
tone is emitted by the buzzer.
Since the configuration files (e.g. *.sit) are not yet loaded, the main status of station no. 8 shows the string
“No stat" (’no station’, area EQUIPMENT−MAIN STATUS on the INC panel). The status indications of the
other connected stations are all switched off. After configuration of the unit (described in section 2.4.2), the
subsystem names and states of the connected stations are indicated on the INC.
The NORMAL indicators light up for the various subsystems during normal operation. If no maintenance data
terminal is connected, the RCSI can commence operation.
NOTE: The reaction of the (optional) connected CTU is described in section 5.
2.4.2 Software configuration MCS and ADRACS
The RCSI configuration can be done by MCS or ADRACS.
The complete procedure is described in the respective user’s manuals and it refers to:
- *.ptt file, for applications with the switched telephone line
- *.oio file, for applications with parallel I/O
- *.sit file, to setup the connected systems Setting of PTT file

a) Run ADRACS RC. Perform Login.

b) Click softkey CONTROL in the opening window.
c) Select FILE TRANSFER from menu REU-OPERATIONS and start procedure with command Edit
phonenumber File.
The window ’File Manager PC (Open File)’ appears. Select the corresponding *.ptt file to open the file for
configuration entries. The window ’Phone numbers of <site name>.PTT’ provides a filing cabinet with filing
cards for each subsystem to define modem settings and phone numbers (see fig. 2–8 and 2–9).

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 2 - Installation and Initial Setup

Figure 2–8. Window to define modem settings within *.ptt file (example)

Figure 2–9. Window to define telephone numbers within *.ptt file (example)

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 2 - Installation and Initial Setup Ref. 955900038-EN Explanation of Modem Setting

• AT−/V.25bis modems
AT modems (Hayes compatible) as well as V.25bis modems are supported. The setting for the modem
type occurs in the configuration file REU−CONF.SIT. This setting can be overwritten with the PTT file.
The following two modem connection modes are supported:
− DIRECT−MODE The baud rate between REU and modem is the same as the baud rate between
the two modems. The data is sent to the modem path without buffering. Handshaking is not
necessary. Fault correction or data compression is not possible. This mode is suitable for the
virtual link to Navaids stations like DME 415 or TACAN TAC 453.
− RELIABLE MODE This is at least a connection of the type MNP4 or V.42. If additionally a data
compression is selected, the type is called MNP5 or V.42bis. The baud rate between REU and
modem can differ from that between the two modems. It is convenient to set the baud rate from the
REU to the modem as high as possible (e.g. 38400 baud). Data buffering takes place in the
modems. Therefore a RTS/CTS hardware handshake is necessary.

• Configuration of AT modems
The advantage of AT (’ATtention’) modems are the various configuration possibilities. The following
standard initialisation strings are available which are sent automatically from the REU to AT modems:
− Init string ’ATZ0’, that means
Z0 : reset with following loading of EPROM configuration
− Init−String ’ATE0V1X1S0=1S2=255’, that means
E0 : echo off
V1 : message code as text (because of baud rate in CONNECT message)
X1 : message codes with state of the baud rate and also dialing without dial tone
S0=1 : receive calls after one ring
S2=255 : accepting no abort sign
− Init−String ’AT&S1&D3’, that means
&S1 : M1 (DSR) on at data connection
&D3 : ON−OFF change at S1 (DTR) interrupts connection and resets modem (ATZ0)
− Modem process time: necessary for external GSM modems (Siemens M20, usually 2000 ms)
Modem reliable factor: necessary for external GSM modems (factor 0) Init modem all 2 min.: option
for external modems

• Reliability of a modem connection (connection build−up mode)

The reliability of a modem connection is depending on the selected build−up mode. Two different
build−up modes are available. The safer mode is the BACK−CALL.
− NO−BACK−CALL : Build up due to a single call and identification (START CALL).
− BACK−CALL : Build up due to a call and identification. Then back call and identification
(START CALL, BACK CALL). Setting the priority to 0 in the *.ptt file of the
called site.

• Setting of modems LGM1200MD

After jumper setting already described, the modem is ready for operation

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 2 - Installation and Initial Setup

• Setting of modem LGM28.8D1

There are different configurations possible. For example as universal reliable mode modem:
− basic setting: : 2 (factory delivery state)
− baud rate : 38400 Baud
− Modem mode : Reliable−Mode
− PTT−Init−String : ’AT\N2S51=12\Q2F255X4S10=100S20=0’
− Dial string : ’AT’+’DP’ or ’DT’+’telephone number’ <blank> ’host name’ of this phone
• Dedicated line connection between REU and REU
Setting the ’Data com off’ timeout to 10 sec. (range from 1..32767 sec., standard is 10 sec.).

2.4.3 Faulty Switching−on Behaviour of RCSI after Configuration

If the RCSI 447 is reacting faulty when switched on after the configuration, it may be possible that one or
more of the configuration files *.sit, *.ptt, *.oio, *.lke at the RAM side of the REU (part of the flash disk on the
processor board) are damaged or wrong for this site.
A special AUTOBOOT.BAT file is installed on the flash disk of the processor board, which supports the
deletion of the incorrect, wrong data on the disk. Two types of service adapters, called dongle, are available,
which have to be connected to the Port 7 (ERASE) on the rear panel After deletion the standard application
program is started to reconfigure the processor board.
To initiate the deletion of the wrong contents of the RAM side (drive d: of the flash disk) on the RCSI 447 the
following steps have to be carried out:
- switch off RCSI 447
- connect dongle of type B with Port 7 (ERASE)
- switch on RCSI 447
- wrong contents of RAM side (i.e. the configuration files) is deleted
- repeat the configuration procedure described in section.
In case of a possible incorrect REU application program (REU.EXE on the flash disk) the dongle of type A
has to be connected to the Port 7 (ERASE) to delete the wrong application program and to load a standard
application program.
The dongles of type A and B are both Sub D 9 female connectors. At both types two pins have to be
connected via a short cable:

− dongle type A: connection between pin 4 (DTR) and pin 9 (RI)

solder side
− dongle type B: connection between pin 7 (RTS) and pin 9 (RI)

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RCSI 447


RCSI 447 - Technical Manual Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata
Vol.1 Sect. 3 - Operation trovata.


3.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................5

3.2 OPERATION OF THE RCSI 447 ................................................................................................5
3.2.1 SWITCHING ON..........................................................................................................................5
3.2.2 SWITCHING OFF........................................................................................................................5
3.2.3 GENERAL CONTROLS OF THE INC.........................................................................................5 LAMP TEST.................................................................................................................................5 ALARM SILENT...........................................................................................................................6
3.2.4 SPECIAL CONTROLS OF THE INC...........................................................................................6
3.2.5 INC INDICATIONS ......................................................................................................................6 SYSTEM INDICATIONS .............................................................................................................7
3.2.6 ASSIGNMENT OF STATION MAIN STATUS INDICATIONS ....................................................7
3.3 MAINTENANCE OPERATION ....................................................................................................9
3.3.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................9
3.3.2 OPERATION WITH A MAINTENANCE DATA TERMINAL (PC)................................................9
3.4 RCSI 447 SOFTWARE .............................................................................................................10
3.4.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................10 DATA PROTECTION ................................................................................................................10 MAINTENANCE MODE AND PASSWORD..............................................................................10
3.4.2 DATA COM ERROR .................................................................................................................10
3.4.3 PC CONTROL / PC MAINTENANCE........................................................................................11
3.4.4 SWITCH CONTROL..................................................................................................................11
3.4.5 RUNWAY INFORMATION ........................................................................................................11 RUNWAY STATUS ...................................................................................................................11 RUNWAY SELECT....................................................................................................................11 AUTOMATIC DISABLE (FORCED SHUTDOWN) ....................................................................11


Figure 3–1. RCSI - Front panel of INC module .................................................................................................6

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This chapter describes the operation of the RCSI 447 in the ILS, VOR and DME subsystems. It includes
details of the INC panel and the PC user program MCS or ADACS. The complete procedure is described in
the respective user’s manuals.
The firmware that operates in the RCSI unit is defined as REU (or REU.EXE), where REU stands for Remote
control Electronic Unit.


3.2.1 Switching On
NOTE: For the described switching on procedure it is assumed that the configuration of the REU (see
section 2.4.2) has already be done (i.e. configuration files are loaded).
− AC−power supply: The mains switch is located on the rear. Set switch to "ON".
− DC−power supply: The DC ON switch is located on the rear. Set switch to "I".
When the unit is switched on, the program starts up automatically. This takes around 20 seconds altogether.
After start of the program all text fields above columns where stations are configured (area EQUIP-
MENT−MAIN STATUS on the INC panel) show the text "Wait" for about 10 s. A tone is emitted by the
buzzer. Following the subsystem names and the states of the connected stations are indicated on the INC
panel. The NORMAL indicators light up for the various subsystems during normal operation. If no
maintenance data terminal is connected, the RCSI can commence operation.
NOTE: In case of a faulty switching−on behaviour of the RCSI a special procedure has to be performed
described in section 2.4.3.

3.2.2 Switching Off

− AC−power supply: The mains switch is located on the rear. Set switch to "OFF".
− DC−power supply: The DC ON switch is located on the rear. Set switch to "0".

3.2.3 General Controls of the INC

See figure 3–1. Lamp Test

As long as LAMP TEST is pressed, the lamp test is activated: All indicators are on and the text field indicates
"TEST". The buzzer is also activated. If a station has been selected before the lamp test it remains selected
and the request of selected state telegrams runs in the background.

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trovata. Vol.1 Sect. 3 - Operation Alarm Silent

The device buzzer sounds whenever the status of a station indicated on the device changes. This is only
provided in the DATA COM, MAINTENANCE, NORMAL, WARNING and ALARM states. The buzzer remains
switched on until the SIL button is pressed or the time preset for it elapses (15s).
A station status change does not result in a buzzer alarm in the following situations:
− If either PC control or switch control has been set for the station.
− If the runway select bit for the runway to which the station belongs has been altered during the previous
60 seconds.
− If the MCS or ADRACS maintenance function (PC) is active.

Figure 3–1. RCSI - Front panel of INC module

3.2.4 Special Controls of the INC

Each of the eight displayable stations is assigned a SELECT button (row at the bottom). After pressing a
SELECT button the respective ’Mainten’ display is blinking to indicate the selected station. Selected stations
can be controlled by the commands in the ’EQUIPMENT−DETAILED STATUS−COMMAND’ field.
The INC can only send commands to the selected station, if the “local mode" is active, indicated by the green
’ENABLED’ field in the ’EQUIPMENT−DETAILED STATUS−CONTROL’ area. If necessary, activate the
dlocal mode" by pressing the key ’REQUEST RELEASE’.
The following controls buttons are available:
− CHANGE OVER: Changes the transmitter connected to the antenna.
− EQUIP ON/OFF: Switches the transmitters TX1 and TX2 on/off of the LLZ and GP.

3.2.5 INC Indications

NOTE: Some default behaviors of the status indicators (e.g. blinking, ...) can be configured within the *.sit
configuration file. The (optional) RMMC Configuration tool, which is available within the ADRACS
user program, enables the operator to configure this behavior.
The INC panel provides eight columns to indicate the state of the correspondent subsystem/station.
Indications are only provided on the panel for the stations which are configured.
On top of each subsystem column a text field is located with four characters (LED dot matrix) to indicate the
station name. If the RCSI is switched on and configured the connected station name is indicated derived
from the configuration file. Because this name consists of up to eight characters the name is shown 1 s each
alternating the first four and the last four characters.

3-6 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata
Vol.1 Sect. 3 - Operation trovata.

Text fields of columns to which no station corresponds are off. If no station is configured to the eight
columns, the most right text field shows "No" and “Stat".
The following signals are evaluated and indicated by the INC accordingly:
• INC subsystem indications (INC area ’EQUIPMENT Æ MAIN STATUS’)
ALARM Æ Station status = ALARM
WARNING Æ Station status = WARNING
NORMAL Æ Station status = NORMAL
DATA COM Æ Modem link to station (CTU only)
MAINTEN Æ Station status = Maintenance/BITE warning or Local access

• INC indications if station selected (INC area ’EQUIPMENT Æ DETAILED STATUS’)

MON1/2 AERIAL Æ No operational monitor ALARM
MON1/2 STANDBY Æ Standby Warning
MON1/2 FAULTY Æ Monitor FAULT set
MON1/2 BYPASSED Æ Monitor bypass set
TX1/2 ON Æ Transmitter x = ON
TX1/2 WARNING Æ Transmitter x has BITE WARNING
TX1/2 FAULTY Æ Transmitter x has operational OFF (faulty)
TX1/2 ON ANT Æ Transmitter x = aerial (connected to antenna)
ENGAGED Æ Remote mode (control by ADRACS or MCS on PC)
ENABLED Æ Local mode (control by INC panel keys)
MAINS OFF Æ Mains power supply of station is switched off
ENV ALRM Æ Communication to selected station is faulty
ANT FTY Æ not used
OTHER WARN Æ Miscellaneous communication and protocol errors System Indications

• RCSI (RC) status indication (INC area ’EQUIPMENT Æ RC’)
OPERATION Æ Normal operation
WARNING Æ RCSI Firmware (REU) BITE warning
DATA COM Æ Internal communication fault

3.2.6 Assignment of Station Main Status Indications

This section interprets the meaning of the main status indications for the respective connected stations.
The meaning is shown as a logical OR−combination.
− GP, LLZ−Main Status:
ALARM Alarm or Monitor−Bypass
WARNING Mains−Off or Single−Monitoring or Standby−Alarm or TX−Off or TX−Operational−Off
MAINTEN BITE−Alarm or Local−Control or Mains−Off

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trovata. Vol.1 Sect. 3 - Operation

− Marker Main Status:

WARNING Mains−Off or (not Master−Off) or Standby−Alarm

− FFM−Main Status:
ALARM Alarm or Monitor−Bypass
WARNING Mains−Off or Single−Monitoring
MAINTEN BITE−Alarm or Mains−Off

− DME Main Status (DME 415):

ALARM Beacon−Faulty or (not Beacon−Operation)
WARNING Battery−On or Beacon−Degraded or TX1 Shut−Down or TX2 Shut−Down
MAINTEN Battery−On

− DME−Main Status (FSD10/15 only):

ALARM Beacon−Faulty or (not Beacon−Operation)
WARNING Battery−On or (not Beacon−Operation) or TX1 Shut−Down or TX2 Shut−Down or Second
Alarm Monitor 1 or Second Alarm Monitor 2
MAINTEN Battery−On

− NDB−Main Status:
WARNING Mains−Off or Standby−Alarm or SWR−Alarm

− VOR−Main Status:
ALARM Alarm or Monitor−Bypass
WARNING Mains−Off or Single−Monitoring or TX−Operational−Off
MAINTEN Alarm−Memory or BITE−Alarm or Mains−Off

− Additional linkages of Main Status:

DATACOM (not Data−Com−Error)
ALARM ALARM or Data−Com−Error
MAINTEN (MAINTENANCE and (not Data−Com−Error) or Face−Link−Active or PC−Maintenance
NORMAL (not WARNING) and (not ALARM)

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata
Vol.1 Sect. 3 - Operation trovata.


3.3.1 General
Maintenance mode can be set by a Maintenance Data Terminal (PC) connected to the RCSI. It is controlled
using the installed PC User Program MCS or ADRACS.
Since the interface in the REU system is an open interface, access and thus operator actions are governed
by a multi−level password code.
NOTE: To avoid bringing in a computer virus it is not allowed to run computer games generally and to
use software programs which are not authorized on the Maintenance Data Terminal (PC). It is
recommended to test the computer or disks with a virus checker
3.3.2 Operation with a Maintenance Data Terminal (PC)
The Maintenance Data Terminal (PC) is ready as soon as the RCSI has been connected and the PC User
Program software has been installed. When the PC is switched on and the software is started, the software
realizes that a PC is connected and that it can communicate with it. The PC can also be connected at any
time during normal operation.
The Maintenance Data Terminal can control and poll the unit and the connected stations via this interface,
and if necessary program them using the facilities of the program. The control functions of the user program
are described in MCS or ADRACS Technical Manuals.

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trovata. Vol.1 Sect. 3 - Operation


3.4.1 General
The central feature of the RCSI is an industrial PC system which uses DR−DOS (Version 7.03 or higher). All
the data required to run the remote control system correctly (the operating parameters) is saved in a file on
the drive d: of the flash disk on the processor board. The actual RC program and the operating system
(DR−DOS) are stored on the drive c: of the flash disk on the processor board as normal DR−DOS files. Data Protection

The flash disk on the processor board is managed by DR−DOS. DR−DOS is loaded when the system is
started up. The RC program is loaded in the program memory with the DOS automatic execution batch file
function (AUTOEXEC.BAT). The configuration file (CONFIG.SYS) is loaded next. The configuration file can
only be modified by authorized persons.

Two cyclic redundancy check bytes, which ensure the necessary data transmission reliability, are appended
to all telegrams sent during communication via the synchronous and asynchronous interfaces. Maintenance Mode and Password

The system incorporates a maintenance mode, which the can be operated and programmed. The
maintenance mode is controlled via the following interfaces:

− Maintenance Data Terminal (PC)

− Remote Maintenance Center (RMC)

− Ethernet LAN

In order to protect the system against outside, unauthorized access at these open interfaces, the program
demands that a code be entered (16 different users with variable passwords, 6 characters long). A login
command and the <password> are transferred whenever the ADRACS user program is started; a logout
command is transferred when it is exited. Delivery situation is, that the user 0 has a free (empty) password,
the users 1 to 15 are disabled.

The login procedure does not allow more than 3 input attempts. The first three unsuccessful attempts are
acknowledged with the error code ’PASSWORD AUTHORITY FAILURE’. If a further unsuccessful attempt is
made, all inputs are initially disabled for the next 3 minutes, i.e. no more error codes are output by the REU
in response to telegrams during this period, even if the password is entered correctly. The error code ’LOGIN
REU CLOSED’ is generated after any input. The input lock is extended by another minute each time a new
attempt is made; it is increased to 60 minutes after the 10th attempt. When this period has elapsed, the error
code ’THERE WERE WRONG LOGINS’ is generated the next time a correct login attempt is made, to inform
the user that there has been an unauthorized access attempt. If there is no communication after a correct
login, this interface is locked by the REU after 2 minutes, i.e. a new login command must be entered.

Maintenance communication can only be set for one user at a time (PC, Ethernet LAN or maintenance
center), i.e. all other users have no access to maintenance mode (read−out data possible) until the end of
the current session. The other users receive an ’OTHER USER IS MASTER’ error message in this mode.

3.4.2 Data Com Error

The data com error of a station is set if an attempt to exchange telegrams between the REU and the desired
station fails x times in a row. The number "x" can be set in the configuration file for each station. The data
com error is reset after each successful telegram exchange and the data com error counter is set to 0.

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Vol.1 Sect. 3 - Operation trovata.

3.4.3 PC Control / PC Maintenance

If telegrams are sent to a station with a PC via the REU, and if these telegrams contain a set PC control bit,
PC control and PC maintenance are set for this station. PC control (not PC maintenance) is also set for all
the stations which either belong to this system (runway) or which are collocated with it. PC control is reset 10
s after the last telegram with the PC control bit. The delay for PC maintenance is 7 s. This ensures that the
INC does not start to buzz as soon as the MAINTENANCE lamp goes out.

3.4.4 Switch Control

If telegrams are sent to a station with a PC via the REU, and if these telegrams contain a set switch control
bit, switch control is set for this station. This telegram also contains the states of the two switch control
switches (on the INC board). Switch control is set additionally for all the stations which either belong to this
system (runway) or which are collocated with it. Switch control is reset 10 seconds after the last telegram
with the switch control bit. If a PC is switched to a control panel with switch control, an ’RPU IS MASTER’
message is output on the PC.

3.4.5 Runway Information Runway Status

The runway status only refers to the stations which belong to this runway. If no stations belong to the
runway, all the states will be "OFF". The meaning of the Runway status is shown as a logical AND−

OPERATIONAL (not ALARM (DME, FFM, MARKER)) and (not Local−Control (GP, LLZ)) and NORMAL(GP,



ENABLE DATA−COM (DME, GP, LLZ) and (not Local−Control (GP, LLZ)) and (not PC−Control
(DME, GP, LLZ)) and (not (Shut−Down−TX1 and Shut−Down−TX2 (DME)) and (not
Switch−Control (DME, GP, LLZ)) Runway Select

The runway is normally selected via the CTUs. The CTUs send the status of the runway select switch (key
switch) to the REU every 2 s. This telegram also contains the states of the two runway select enable
switches (on the CTU board). The REU only evaluates the runway select switches whose runway select
enable switches are set to "ON". The status of the runway select switch is saved in the runway select bit. If a
valid runway select telegram is not received for a runway for more than 10 s, the REU assumes that the
corresponding CTU is no longer functioning correctly and allows the PC to manipulate the runway select bit
for this runway. This only applies until another valid telegram is received from the CTU. Otherwise, the PC is
not allowed to alter the runway select bit.

If there are several cascaded CTUs, the previous CTU in the chain which is set to enable for one run¬way,
checks whether or not the next CTUs have the same setting for the same runway. If not − e.g. if CTU 1 is set
to enable and CTU 2 to disable − the next CTU is ignored. If the opposite is true − i.e. if CTU 1 is set to
disable and CTU 2 to enable − there are no restrictions. A runway can only be shut down by the master CTU
which is set to enable for it. The other CTUs in the chain are set to disable. Automatic Disable (Forced Shutdown)

The GP, LLZ and marker stations can be disabled automatically. Two stations (master stations), whose
alarms are to cause the stations to be shut down, can be defined for each of the above types. They are
defined with the runway select bit, which is ANDed with the automatic disable bit.

There are two configurable times for each master station to which the automatic disable function is to apply.
The first time determines the delay after an alarm before the station is shut down ("ON" time). The second
time defines the delay which elapses before the station is switched on again after the alarm ("OFF" time).

Vers. A, September 2009 3-11

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trovata. Vol.1 Sect. 3 - Operation

The following rules must be observed when defining the automatic disable states:

− The automatic disable function is activated for a station (or remains active) if one of the master stations
has an alarm for longer than the "ON" time.

− The automatic disable function is deactivated if all the master stations have no more alarms for longer
than the "OFF" time.

In all other situations, the automatic disable state remains the same. When the REU is started up, an alarm
at a master station does not activate the automatic disable function. This is not possible until either 60
seconds have passed since the master station alarm was tripped or after the alarm has been canceled
again. In the case of the markers, the automatic disable state is frozen when PC or switch control is set and
not updated again until the markers no longer have PC or switch control.

3-12 Vers. A, September 2009

Ref. 955900038-EN

RCSI 447


RCSI 447 - Technical Manual Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata
Vol.1 Sect. 4 - Maintenance trovata.


4 CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE ...................................................................................................5

4.1 ORDINARY MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................................5
4.2 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ..................................................................................................5
4.3 TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................................6
4.4 MODULES REPLACEMENT.......................................................................................................7
4.4.2 MODULES FASTENED ON FRONT PANEL (CSB, PC104, INC) .............................................7
4.4.3 EQUIPMENT SWITCH-ON .........................................................................................................7
4.5 BACK UP BATTERY ...................................................................................................................9
4.5.1 LITHIUM BATTERY REPLACEMENT ........................................................................................9
4.6 FRONT PANEL CLEANING........................................................................................................9


Figure 4.1 – RCSI 447 - Front panel boards, side view .....................................................................................8

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Vol.1 Sect. 4 - Maintenance trovata.


There are no activities for ordinary maintenance.


Preventive Maintenance is scheduled in, weekly, monthly or yearly measures which are necessary or
recommended. The following table contains these recommendations.

After initial setup Basic settings:

For first alignment procedures (LLZ, GP, FFM, CVOR, DVOR) the ADRACS
user program has to be used, see Technical Manual ADRACS, code no.
83140 55324, section 1.6.2. For DME/TACAN refer to the appropriate
technical manuals.

Dial numbers:
It is useful to generate a dial number directory. This is done with ADRACS
command ’Edit phonenumber File’ of the ’RC Management’ menu ’File
Transfer’. The directory is created automatically in the file ...\<site
name>\*.ptt in the PC.
Weekly HISTORY file:
The HISTORY file of a station should be stored in the PC. It is recommended
to do this weekly at first. Afterwards it may be done monthly or if a change in
history has taken place.
A regular back−up of collected data on a separate floppy disk or at least a
regular printout should be performed to prevent data loss of maintenance
data, collected over a longer period. It is recommended to do this weekly at
first. Afterwards it may be done monthly or if a change has taken place.

Monthly DATE/TIME:
It is recommended to check the correctness of the REU date and time. An
incorrect time or date will result in differences in summer time and winter time
setting or in other differences. If the time and date are incorrect, adjust with
the ADRACS function ’Date&Time REU’ of the ’RC Management’ menu.
Yearly No recommended activities.

Vers. A, September 2009 4-5

Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
trovata. Vol.1 Sect. 4 - Maintenance

This paragraph covers tracing and replacement of faulty modules that can be repaired in a properly equipped

A malfunction on a CSB board may cause the following faults:

1. incorrect indications on the front panel, or LEDs that do not light up, or wrong labels on alphanumeric

2. pushbutton commands that are not performed;

3. one of the serial ports is not working;

4. auxiliary I/O’s lines are not working;

5. "OPERATION" indications turn off.

A malfunction on the INC board may cause the following faults:

1. incorrect indications on the front panel, or LEDs that do not light up, or wrong labels on the
alphanumeric displays;

2. pushbutton commands are not performed;

A malfunction on the power supply may cause the following faults:

1. all indications on the front panel are switched off;

2. pushbutton commands are not performed;

3. serial ports are not working;

4. auxiliary I/O’s lines are not working;

5. "OPERATION" indication is off;

6. the LED inside the power supply, is OFF (to check this, open the front panel).

First check fuses on the mains input.

WARNING: During this check disconnect the mains input cable.

A short circuit on the output DC voltage could be diagnosed as a power supply faulty: disconnect the CSB
power supply connectors, extract the modules from the subrack (excepting the power supply module) and
check the 5V presence and level.

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Vol.1 Sect. 4 - Maintenance trovata.


Follow these procedures:

• turn-off the RCSI unit;

• unscrew the 12 screws on the front panel; and open it with a 90° rotation

4.4.1 Plug-in modules ( power supply, modem, optional interfaces )

Open the front panel, unscrew the screws on the front panel of every module, extract the faulty module and
insert a new one.

4.4.2 Modules fastened on front panel (CSB, PC104, INC)

The modules are fastened with screws and screw-threaded supports. The INC board, fastened on the front
metallic plate, supports the CSB board. The PC104 board is screwed, on two screw- threaded supports, on
the CSB board.
Figure 4.1shows the modules INC.

Disassembly procedure

Disconnect all the cables connected to CSB board, unscrew the screws shown in fig. 4.1 and the supports of
the printed circuit boards (to replace the INC module).

WARNING: The modules must be extracted or inserted keeping them parallel to the front panel (to
avoid connector pins warping).

4.4.3 Equipment switch-on

Restore the cable connections and switch-on the unit.

Restore, if necessary, the RCSI configuration, as described in the previous sections.

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trovata. Vol.1 Sect. 4 - Maintenance

Scheda CSB

Scheda PC104

RCSI 447
Pannello Frontale

Connettori passanti
schede PC104-CSB

Togliere n°2 viti
per smontare la scheda PC104
the PC104 BOARD
Connettore passante
schede CSB-INC

Togliere n°10 viti

per smontare la scheda CSB 386
the CSB 386 BOARD

Porta seriale del PC

Porte Parallele

Cavi piatti

Porte Seriali

Scheda del modulo INC-8


Togliere n°4 viti e 8 colonnine

per smontare la scheda INC

Figure 4.1 – RCSI 447 - Front panel boards, side view

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Vol.1 Sect. 4 - Maintenance trovata.


The presence of dirt or moisture on the board can increase the battery current consumption and decrease
the battery life. It’s also necessary to check that the solder side of the board does not contact the
conductive plane, in order to avoid short-circuits or excessive current consumption.

4.5.1 Lithium Battery replacement

If replacement of the battery is necessary, attention must be paid to the correct polarity as well as the
electrical characteristics of the new battery (see CSB board layout - component ref.: BATT1).

Replace the battery when the voltage is < 3Vdc, reading on proper terminals without the 5V power supply on
the card.


Do not recharge, disassemble, heat above 100°C, burn the lithium cell. Do not short-
circuit or solder directly on the cell. Violation of the rules regarding the use of lithium
batteries may cause risk of fire, explosion, toxic liquid and gas to leak out. These
batteries must be eliminated with proper precautions.


Use only water and neutral soap with a soft cloth; do not use alcohol, corrosive and abrasive substances.

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 5 – Control Tower - CTU Ref. 955900038-EN


5.1 General........................................................................................................................................5
5.2 MECHANICAL DESIGN ..............................................................................................................6
5.3 TECHNICAL DATA......................................................................................................................7
5.3.1 Housing .......................................................................................................................................7
5.3.2 Power Supply ..............................................................................................................................7
5.3.3 Components ................................................................................................................................7
5.3.4 CTU Indication and Control .........................................................................................................7 Subsystem (Station) Status Indication on CTU Panel.................................................................7 Control Keys on CTU Panel ........................................................................................................8
5.3.5 RWY SELECT Indication and Control.........................................................................................8 ILS System Status Indication on RWY−SELECT Panel .............................................................8 RWY−SELECT Key Switch .........................................................................................................8
5.4 INSTALLATION AND INITIAL SETUP ........................................................................................9
5.4.1 Cabling ........................................................................................................................................9
5.4.2 Pin Assignment of Interface Connectors.....................................................................................9
5.4.3 Initial Hardware Settings ...........................................................................................................10 General Prerequisites................................................................................................................10 Assignment of connected Stations (CTU and RWY−SELECT) ................................................10 Hardware Settings .....................................................................................................................10
5.4.4 Initial Setup................................................................................................................................11
5.4.5 Operation...................................................................................................................................11 Switching On .............................................................................................................................11 Switching Off .............................................................................................................................11
5.4.6 Controls of the CTU...................................................................................................................11 Lamp Test..................................................................................................................................11 Alarm Silent ...............................................................................................................................12 Brightness Up/Down..................................................................................................................12 Enable Runway Selection .........................................................................................................12
5.4.7 CTU Cascading .........................................................................................................................13
5.4.8 CTU Subsystem Status Indication.............................................................................................13
5.4.9 Controls of RWY−SELECT........................................................................................................14 Runway Selection......................................................................................................................14
5.4.10 RWY−SELECT System Status Indication .................................................................................14
5.5 CTU/RWY SUBASSEMBLIES ..................................................................................................15
5.5.1 OVERVIEW ...............................................................................................................................15
5.5.2 CTU/RWY−SELECT..................................................................................................................15
5.5.3 AC/DC−Converter MELCHER LM 1001−7R Option A..............................................................16
5.5.4 DC/DC−Converter MELCHER BM 1001−7R Option D .............................................................17

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Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 5 – Control Tower - CTU


Figure 5-1. RMMC Configuration with cascaded CTU’s (example)................................................................... 5

Figure 5-2. CTU with RWY-SELECT, Front and Rear views ............................................................................ 6
Figure 5–3. CTU system cabling, power supply ................................................................................................ 9
Figure 5–4. CTU rear side, position of jumpers and default settings .............................................................. 10
Figure 5–5. CTU panel .................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 5–6. CTU rear side, position of RWY−SELECT enable switches SW1 and SW2 ............................... 12
Figure 5–7. RWY−SELECT panel with 2 and 3 Position key switch ............................................................... 14
Figure 5–8. CTU/RWY−SELECT, block diagram ............................................................................................ 15
Figure 5–9. AC/DC−Converter (MELCHER LM 1001−7R), block diagram ..................................................... 16
Figure 5–10. DC/DC−Converter (MELCHER BM 1001−7R), block diagram .................................................. 17

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 5 – Control Tower - CTU Ref. 955900038-EN



The CTU is intended for installation in the ATC control tower. The CTU panel provides system ’main status’
indications and may provide a separate status display for each Navaids subsystem as well as switching the
ILS or MLS to the active runway (on the optional panel RWY−SELECT).
The components of an RMMS system with one or more CTU(s) are (see figure 5-1):
− the RCSI 447 in various configurations with the INC panel,
− a Maintenance Data Terminal (PC/laptop and printer), and
− one or more cascaded Control Tower Units (CTU) with an optional runway selector (RWY−SELECT)

The INC panel of the RCSI 447 indicates the detailed states of up to eight substations with the following
LED displays: ALARM, WARNING, NORMAL, DATA COMmunication and MAINTENance. An additional
status indication device is the Control Tower Unit (CTU), which however, only indicates the NORMAL,
WARNING and ALARM operating states of up to eight NAV stations.
The CTU can be used in conjunction with a runway selector (RWY−SELECT), which activates the ILS
systems in one approach direction and switches the other direction to a dummy load. This panel also
indicates the general status of the two ILS systems (OPERATIONAL, DEGRADED, SHUT DOWN) and
their availability (ENABLE lamp) to the aircraft as a landing aid.

Figure 5-1. RMMC Configuration with cascaded CTU’s (example)

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 5 – Control Tower - CTU


The CTU panel indicates the NORMAL, WARNING and ALARM operating states of up to eight NAV
stations. Its display brightness is adjustable to permit adaptation to the varying light conditions in the tower.
The RWY−SELECT panel indicates the general status of the two ILS systems (OPERATIONAL,
DEGRADED, SHUT DOWN) and the availability of the runway(s) via ENABLE lamp (runway can only be
switched on by RWY SELECT key switch if the corresponding lamp is on).

Figure 5-2. CTU with RWY-SELECT, Front and Rear views

NOTE: The 19"−cabinet with power supply is used if the CTU (evt. with RWY−SELECT) is not mounted
in an existing 19"−subrack of a control console.
5-6 Errore. L'origine riferimento non è
stata trovata.
RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 5 – Control Tower - CTU Ref. 955900038-EN


5.3.1 Housing
For standard applications the CTU and RWY−SELECT panels are mounted as a front panel to a 19 inch
subrack which is mounted in a 19 inch housing (Fig. 7−2). For special applications it can also be mounted
in 19 inch racks or control consoles. The optional RWY−SELECT panel is an ILS application and only
installed when required; if not equipped, it is replaced by a blank panel (see Fig. 5-2).
5.3.2 Power Supply
Input: DC +5 V (from RCSI) or
14 ... 70 V with built−in DC/DC−converter

AC 85 ... 264 V with built−in AC/DC−converter

5.3.3 Components
- Processor unit 8051 (PU−51) with generic software (firmware) to control the displays (indications) and
key activations (controls).
- CTU panel with status LEDs (status of up to 8 NAV stations) and control keys (brightness control,
alarm silent, lamp test).
- RWY−SELECT panel with status LEDs (of two ILS systems, runways) and a key switch for runway
selection (two key switch options: 2−Position and 3−Position, see section
5.3.4 CTU Indication and Control Subsystem (Station) Status Indication on CTU Panel

NORMAL green Normal Operation
The transmitter and monitor equipments are switched on, initialized
and serviceable for the intended category of operations (i. e. No
Warning and No Alarm Condition)

WARNING yellow Warning (Alert):

- Transmitter(s) OFF
- Equipm. initializing or (MLS: AZ/BAZ) reconfiguring
- Primary Equipment shut−down by monitor
- Limited Monitor Configuration (only one executive)
- Local Access (local panel or attached terminal)
- Monitor Bypass (one or both)
- MLS: Non−essential data shut−down
- MLS: C−band sync switched off
- Battery operation

ALARM red Alarm:

- Subsystem shut−down
- Out−of−tolerance signal(s) while monitor in bypass

Vers. A, September 2009 5-7

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 5 – Control Tower - CTU Control Keys on CTU Panel

On the CTU panel the following control keys are available:
- BRIGHTNESS UP Increase brightness of indicators
- BRIGHTNESS DOWN Decrease brightness of indicators
- ALARM SILENT Visual and audible alarm reset
- LAMP TEST Test of all LEDs on the CTU panel (all switched on).

5.3.5 RWY SELECT Indication and Control ILS System Status Indication on RWY−SELECT Panel

NORMAL green Normal Operation
All subsystems of the ILS system required for operation in the
designated category of service are switched on, initialized and fully
serviceable. It is also required that all subsystems are under remote
control (no Warning, no Alarm)

DEGRADED yellow Degraded, Warning (Alert)

Any condition of a subsystem, that would impair the ILS system
availability or continuity of service (De−Categorization).
Initialization or (AZ/BAZ) reconfiguration.
SHUT DOWN red Alarm
- Any subsystem OFF.
- Any shut−down of a subsystem.
- Local control of a subsystem
ENABLE green Runway is available (controlled by the RCSI software) to be
switched on/off by RWY−SELECT key switch (for more information
see section 5.4.9). RWY−SELECT Key Switch

A runway (i.e. the corresponding ILS system) can be switched on resp. off by the RWY−SELECT key
switch. The key switch function is only effective if the corresponding ENABLE lamp is on. If the ENABLE
lamp is off the RWY switch is not effective to all stations (e.g. DME, Marker) of the correspondent runway.
Two options of RWY−SELECT panels with different key switches are available (see also section 5.4.9):

- Panel with 2−Position key switch with:

left position RWY1 Runway 1 on, Runway 2 off
right position RWY2 Runway 2 on, Runway 1 off

- Panel with 3−Position key switch with:

left position RWY1 Runway 1 on, Runway 2 off
right position RWY2 Runway 2 on, Runway 1 off
mid position OFF Both Runways off

The key of the key-switch can be removed in all positions.

5-8 Errore. L'origine riferimento non è

stata trovata.
RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 5 – Control Tower - CTU Ref. 955900038-EN


5.4.1 Cabling
Set the AC and DC power switch on the rear of the subracks to off (’0’): lower position.
- Connect a ground or frame cable.
- Connect the power supply (either AC or DC, depending on the configuration).
- Connect the external equipment (see Fig. 5–3).


If a DC power supply is used, take care to connect it with the correct polarity. Make sure, that
the correct mains voltage is set if an AC supply is used (115 or 230 V).

Figure 5–3. CTU system cabling, power supply

5.4.2 Pin Assignment of Interface Connectors

J1 SubD 9 pin connector used for CTU IN (female)
1 + RxD 6 +TxD
2 - RxD 7 -TxD
3 +CTS 8 +RTS
4 -CTS 9 -RTS

J2 SubD 9 pin connector used for CTU SLAVE (male)

1 + TxD 6 +RxD
2 - TxD 7 -RxD
3 +RTS * 8 +CTS *
4 -RTS * 9 -CTS *
* RTS/CTS not used, but provided for connection of external runway switch (RWY1 to pins 3/4, RWY2 to pins 8/9).

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 5 – Control Tower - CTU

5.4.3 Initial Hardware Settings General Prerequisites

This section describes the prerequisites for the first setup of the equipment and gives an overview of the
hardware settings. It presumes that the equipment has been factory−aligned and tested. Assignment of connected Stations (CTU and RWY−SELECT)

The top row of the CTU front panel contains vacant fields, which can be used for adhesive labels for the
connected stations to assign the status indications. The fields on the RWY−SELECT panel have to be
inscribed in the same way. Hardware Settings

All relevant parameters are normally set before factory acceptance has taken place. These parameters are
checked during the acceptance procedure. The figures show a default configuration of the hardware
settings, which may vary individually for each installation.
The EPROM of the processor unit for the CTU contains with software version 1.23 the complete software
for test and operation. The settings of the address coding switch have to be set in accordance with the
tables in figure 5–4 (0 = OPEN, 1 = CLOSED). The settings up to software version 1.07 are also indicated
(example of the address coding switch in the figures).
The Runway Select enable switches SW1 and SW2 define which runway is displayed (RWY1 and/or
RWY2) on the RWY−SELECT panel connected to the CTU.

Figure 5–4. CTU rear side, position of jumpers and default settings

5-10 Errore. L'origine riferimento non è

stata trovata.
RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 5 – Control Tower - CTU Ref. 955900038-EN

5.4.4 Initial Setup

See also section 2.4.1.
Switch on the AC−switch or DC−switch (depending on type of converter) on the rear of the CTU−subrack.
Since the configuration files (e.g. *.sit) are not yet loaded, the main status of station no. 8 shows the string
dNo" dstat" (i.e. ’no station’) within the area EQUIPMENT−MAIN STATUS on the INC panel). The status
indications of the other connected stations are all switched off. After configuration of the RCSI (described in
section 2.4.2), the names and the subsystem states of the connected stations are indicated on the
INC/CTU and the system status is indicated on the CTU. The NORMAL indicators light up for the various
subsystems during normal operation. If no maintenance data terminal is connected, the RCSI can
commence operation.

5.4.5 Operation Switching On
- AC−power supply: The mains switch (AC−supply) is located on the rear.
Set switch to "ON" (upper position).
- DC−power supply: The DC ON switch (DC−supply) is located on the rear.
Set switch to "I" (upper position).
When the CTU is switched on and the connected RCSI is in operation and ready to send status
information, the subsystem states of the NAV stations are indicated on the CTU panel. Switching Off

- AC−power supply: The mains switch (AC−supply) is located on the rear.
Set switch to "Off" (lower position).
- DC−power supply: The DC ON switch (DC−supply) is located on the rear.
Set switch to "0" (lower position).

5.4.6 Controls of the CTU

Figure 5–5. CTU panel Lamp Test

As long as the button LAMP TEST is pressed, the lamp test is activated: All indicators are on and the text
field indicates "TEST". The buzzer is also activated. If a station has been selected before the lamp test was
started, it remains selected and the request of the selected state telegrams runs in the background.

Vers. A, September 2009 5-11

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 5 – Control Tower - CTU Alarm Silent

The device buzzer sounds whenever the status of a station indicated on the device changes. This is only
provided in the DATA COM, NORMAL, WARNING and ALARM states. The buzzer remains switched on as
long as the ALARM SILENT button is pressed.
A station status change does not result in a buzzer alarm in the following situations:
- If either PC control or switch control has been set for the station.
- If the runway select bit for the runway to which the station belongs has been altered during the
previous 60 seconds.
- If the MCS or ADRACS maintenance function (PC) is active. Brightness Up/Down

The brightness of the indicators can be adapted to the ambient brightness with the BRIGHTNESS UP and
If a station has been selected before the brightness control was started, it remains selected and the request
of selected state telegrams runs in the background Enable Runway Selection

The CTU has no control for runway on its front panel (see Fig. 5–5). The runway which is displayed on the
RWY−SELECT panel can be selected with the Runway Select enable switches SW1 and SW2 on the CTU
board (CTU rear side). The following options are available:

SW1 (position ’1’): Runway1 Select enabled (RWY1 displayed on RWY−SELECT panel)
SW1 (position ’0’): Runway1 Select disabled (RWY1 not displayed on RWY−SELECT)
SW2 (position ’1’): Runway2 Select enabled (RWY2 displayed on RWY−SELECT panel)
SW2 (position ’0’): Runway2 Select disabled (RWY2 not displayed on RWY−SELECT)

Figure 5–6. CTU rear side, position of RWY−SELECT enable switches SW1 and SW2

5-12 Errore. L'origine riferimento non è

stata trovata.
RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 5 – Control Tower - CTU Ref. 955900038-EN

5.4.7 CTU Cascading

It is always possible to connect several CTU’s in a cascade with a CTU. The same status is indicated on
each unit. If one of the CTU’s in the chain develops a fault however, all the indication units connected
downstream of it will also be affected.

If there are two CTU’s cascaded, one RWY−SELECT panel can be changed over to a single CTU, or each
RWY−SELECT can be used to switch only one runway:
CTU (1) SW1 = ’1’ Î Runway 1 enabled (Runway 1 enabled on RWY−SELECT 1)
CTU (1) SW2 = ’0’ Î Runway 2 disabled
CTU (2) SW1 = ’0’ Î Runway 1 disabled
CTU (2) SW2 = ’1’ Î Runway 2 enabled (Runway 2 enabled on RWY−SELECT 2)
CTU (1) SW1 = ’1’ Î Runway 1 enabled (Runway 1 enabled on RWY−SELECT 1)
CTU (1) SW2 = ’1’ Î Runway 2 enabled (Runway 2 enabled on RWY−SELECT 1)
CTU (2) SW1 = ’0’ Î Runway 1 disabled
CTU (2) SW2 = ’0’ Î Runway 2 disabled

5.4.8 CTU Subsystem Status Indication

NORMAL Î Normal Operation:
All transmitter and monitor equipments are switched on, initialized and serviceable for
the intended category of operations (i. e. no Warning and no Alarm condition).
WARNING Î Warning (Alert):
Transmitter(s) OFF, equipment initializing, primary equipment shut−down by monitor,
limited monitor configuration (only one executive), local access (local panel or attached
terminal), monitor bypass (one or both), battery operation
Subsystem shut−down
Out−of−tolerance signal(s) while monitor in bypass

Vers. A, September 2009 5-13

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 5 – Control Tower - CTU

5.4.9 Controls of RWY−SELECT Runway Selection

The hardware switches SW1/SW2 on the rear side of the CTU board enable or disable the selection of
runway 1 or runway 2 (see section
The runways can be switched on (and off) with the key switch of the RWY−SELECT unit (see figure 5–7),
but only if corresponding ENABLE lamp is on.
The operation of the 2−Position key switch is: The operation of the 3−Position key switch is:
left position RWY1 Runway 1 on, Runway 2 off left position RWY1 Runway 1 on, Runway 2 off
right position RWY2 Runway 2 on, Runway 1 off right position RWY2 Runway 2 on, Runway 1 off
mid position OFF Both Runways off

Figure 5–7. RWY−SELECT panel with 2 and 3 Position key switch

The RWY−SELECT switch function is only effective if the ENABLE lamp of the correspondent runway
lights. The status of the lamp is controlled by the RCSI software.
The lamp status ENABLE off is a result of the following conditions:
- Datacom error to LLZ or GP and DME (if it belongs to the system)
- Local control of LLZ or GP and DME (FACE LINK), no tower control
- Switch control mode (station selected at RCSI, control via INC possible, no tower control)
- PC control mode, if the MCS or ADRACS maintenance function (PC) is active, no tower control

If the ENABLE lamp is off the RWY−SELECT key switch is not effective to all stations (e.g. DME, Marker)
of the correspondent runway.
5.4.10 RWY−SELECT System Status Indication
See figure 5–7.
OPERATIONAL Î Operational performance fulfilled (e.g. Runway in CAT III mode)
DEGRADED Î Operational performance limited (e.g. RWY degraded to CAT I/II)
SHUT DOWN Î Runway shut down or has ALARM
ENABLE Î Runway is available to be switched on by RWY−SELECT key switch

5-14 Errore. L'origine riferimento non è

stata trovata.
RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 5 – Control Tower - CTU Ref. 955900038-EN




Power Supply:
AC/DC−Converter (MELCHER LM 1001−7R) 84045 90700 5.5.3
DC/DC−Converter (MELCHER BM 1001−7R) 84045 89800 5.5.4

Processor Board
Processor Unit 8051 (PU−51) 84045 82100 5.5.2

*) The code numbers given may differ to those of the delivered installation in individual cases. In such case the actual code number
can be taken from the delivery list of the installation or the drawing set.

See Fig. 5–8.
The CTU is the Tower status display and obtains its data via a RS422 interface from the RCSI via
connector 2a1/CTU. It consists of the sub-modules Processor unit PU−51, LED/display Driver, Status LED
and Select keys. The generic software (firmware) of the PU−51 of the CTU controls the display and key
activations. The CTU can display the main status of 8 subsystems. The CTU can be mounted for standard
application in a 19 inch cabinet with separate power supply (+5 VDC). Two or more CTU panels can be
A RWY−SELECT panel with indicator can be mounted next to the CTU in the 19 inch subrack instead of
the blank panel. The RWY−SELECT panel is controlled by the CTU panel.

Figure 5–8. CTU/RWY−SELECT, block diagram

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 5 – Control Tower - CTU

5.5.3 AC/DC−Converter MELCHER LM 1001−7R Option A

See Fig. 5–9.
The AC/DC converter comprises an input voltage range from 85 to 264 VAC. It is used within a CTU 19
inch cabinet. The converter inputs are protected against surges and transients occuring at the source lines.
An input over− and undervoltage lock−out circuitry disables the outputs if the input voltage is outside the
specified range. All outputs are open− and short−circuit proof and are protected against overvoltages by
means of built−in suppressor diodes. The outputs can be inhibited by a logical signal applied to the
connector pin 2 (i). LED indicators display the status of the converter and allow visual monitoring of the
system at any time. Full input to output, input to case, output to case and output to output isolation is
The modules are designed and built according to the international safety standard IEC/EN 60950 and have
been approved by the safety agencies LGY (Germany) and UL (USA).
A temperature sensor generates an inhibit signal which disables the outputs if the case temperature
exceeds the limit. The outputs are automatically re−enabled when the temperature drops below the limit.
Using option A of the AC/DC converter module includes test sockets provided at the front panel of the
module for check of the output voltage. The output voltage is sensed at the connector pins inside the

Figure 5–9. AC/DC−Converter (MELCHER LM 1001−7R), block diagram

5-16 Errore. L'origine riferimento non è

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol.1 Sect. 5 – Control Tower - CTU Ref. 955900038-EN

5.5.4 DC/DC−Converter MELCHER BM 1001−7R Option D

See Fig. 5–10.
The DC/DC converter comprises an input voltage range from 14 to 70 VDC. It is used within a CTU 19 inch
cabinet. The converter inputs are protected against surges and transients occurring at the source lines. An
input over− and undervoltage lock−out circuitry disables the outputs if the input voltage is outside the
specified range. All outputs are open− and short−circuit proof and are protected against overvoltages by
means of built−in suppressor diodes. The outputs can be inhibited by a logical signal applied to the
connector pin 2 (i). LED indicators display the status of the converter and allow visual monitoring of the
system at any time. Full input to output, input to case, output to case and output to output isolation is
The modules are designed and built according to the international safety standard IEC/EN 60950 and have
been approved by the safety agencies LGY (Germany) and UL (USA).
A temperature sensor generates an inhibit signal which disables the outputs if the case temperature
exceeds the limit. The outputs are automatically re−enabled when the temperature drops below the limit.
Using option D (which includes also option V) of the DC/DC converter module includes an input and/or
output undervoltage monitoring circuitry. A safe data signal output (D0 to D9) is generated at pin 5 (D/V) as
soon as one of the monitored voltages drops below a preselected threshold level (option D). Additionally an
ACFAIL signal (V signal) is generated (option V) which conforms to the VME standard.

Figure 5–10. DC/DC−Converter (MELCHER BM 1001−7R), block diagram

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol.1 Sect. 5 – Control Tower - CTU

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RCSI 447


SSI 446
RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator Ref. 955900038-EN

6.1 GENERAL.................................................................................................................................5
6.1.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................5
6.1.2 APPLICATIONS........................................................................................................................5
6.1.3 COMPOSITION ........................................................................................................................5
6.2 DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................12
6.2.1 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ...............................................................................................12
6.2.2 FRONT PANEL AND MODULE SID (STATUS INDICATOR DISPLAY)................................13 SECTION FOR THE FUNCTIONALITY OF SI 446................................................................13 EQUIPMENT SECTION (EQUIPMENT STATUS) .................................................................14
6.2.3 SIC MODULE - STATUS INDICATOR CPU ..........................................................................14
6.2.4 POWER SUPPLY ...................................................................................................................15
6.3 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................16
6.3.1 GENERAL...............................................................................................................................16
6.3.2 MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS .....................................................................................16
6.3.3 POWER SUPPLY ...................................................................................................................16
6.3.4 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS .........................................................................................16
6.4 MAINTENANCE......................................................................................................................17
6.4.1 TROUBLESHOOTING............................................................................................................17
6.5 OPERATING INSTRUCTION .................................................................................................18
6.5.1 INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................................18 SETUP ....................................................................................................................................18 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION.................................................................................................20 RUNNING THE CONFIGURATION PROGRAM....................................................................20 EXTERNAL MODEM CONFIGURATION...............................................................................20 UNIT START-UP.....................................................................................................................21
6.6 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SI446 CONFIGURATION ..................................................................22
6.6.1 GENERAL...............................................................................................................................22
6.6.2 MAIN MENU ...........................................................................................................................22
6.6.3 FW RELEASE.........................................................................................................................23
6.6.4 SI446 CONFIGURATION .......................................................................................................23 SI446 SITE CODE ..................................................................................................................24 NODES CONFIGURATION....................................................................................................24 SITES CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................................27 NODE CONNECTION PARAMETERS ..................................................................................30 USER CONFIGURATION.......................................................................................................31 PARALLEL OUTPUT DEFINITION ........................................................................................34 USER CONNECTION PARAMETER .....................................................................................36 RACK PARAMETER...............................................................................................................37 EXPORT SI446 CONFIGURATION DATA.............................................................................37 IMPORT CONFIGURATION...................................................................................................37 CONFIGURATION SAVE .......................................................................................................38
6.6.5 HARDWARE TEST.................................................................................................................38 TEST OF PARALLEL INPUT PORT.......................................................................................38 TEST OF PARALLEL OUTPUT PORT...................................................................................39 TEST OF SERIAL LINES .......................................................................................................40
6.6.6 ACTIVITY MONITOR..............................................................................................................40
6.7 CONFIGURATION EXAMPLES .............................................................................................41
6.7.1 MCS CONNECTION...............................................................................................................41
6.7.2 MODIFY THE SI 446 CONFIGURATION...............................................................................42

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator

Figure 6.1 - SI 446-8 Typical application – Block diagram ................................................................................ 6
Figure 6.2 - SI 446-2 Typical application – Block diagram ................................................................................ 7
Figure 6.3 - SI 446 Unit - Front and Rear view.................................................................................................. 9
Figure 6.4 - SI 446-2 Unit Internal view (side and top) ...................................................................................... 9
Figure 6.5 - SI 446-8 Unit - Internal view......................................................................................................... 10
Figure 6.6 - SI 446 - External serial connection cables ................................................................................... 11
Figure 6.7 - SI 446 Unit - Block diagram ......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 6.8 - Typical SI446 Installation connected with single equipment........................................................ 19
Figure 6.9 - Starting Screen Page ................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 6.10 - Main Menu.................................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 6.11 - FW Release................................................................................................................................ 23
Figure 6.12 - Configuration Menu .................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 6.13 - Nodes configuration ................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 6.14 - Node Configuration – Connection mode .................................................................................... 26
Figure 6.15 - Node Configuration – Node name.............................................................................................. 26
Figure 6.16 - Nodes connection parameter: line parameters .......................................................................... 30
Figure 6.17 - Users configuration .................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 6.18 - Parallel Input Definition .............................................................................................................. 33
Figure 6.19 - SI446 Front Panel configuration data......................................................................................... 34
Figure 6.20 - Parallel output definition ............................................................................................................. 35
Figure 6.21 - Users connection parameters .................................................................................................... 36
Figure 6.22 - Export SI446 configuration data................................................................................................. 37
Figure 6.23 - Import SI446 configuration data ................................................................................................. 37
Figure 6.24 - Testing Data Consistency Screen page..................................................................................... 38
Figure 6.25 - Hardware Test menu.................................................................................................................. 38
Figure 6.26 - Test of parallel input port............................................................................................................ 39
Figure 6.27 - Test of parallel output port ......................................................................................................... 39
Figure 6.28 - Activity Monitor Screen page ..................................................................................................... 40
Figure 6.29 - SI446 Port 2 on Rear Panel ....................................................................................................... 41
Figure 6.30 - Picture of SI 446 Standard Configuration for ILS-DME.............................................................. 42
Figure 6.31 - Equipment configuration ............................................................................................................ 43
Figure 6.32 - Evaluation string for warning...................................................................................................... 43
Figure 6.33 - Parallel output definition ............................................................................................................. 44

Table 6.1 - Composition..................................................................................................................................... 5
Table 6.2 - Serial cable pin out ........................................................................................................................ 11
Table 6.3 - Front Panel - Devices of section SI ............................................................................................... 13
Table 6.4 - Front Panel - Indications of the section “Equipment status”.......................................................... 14
Table 6.5 - Pin-out of the serial output connectors.......................................................................................... 15
Table 6.6 - Jumpers on module SIC ................................................................................................................ 15
Table 6.7 - Manufacturer and equipment codes table ..................................................................................... 29
Table 6.8 - Connection of the RS232/422 Interface converter with the SI 446 ............................................... 41
Table 6.9 - Standard Configuration for ILS-DME............................................................................................. 41
Table 6.10 - SI parameter configuration .......................................................................................................... 42

6-4 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator Ref. 955900038-EN

6.1.1 Introduction
The unit SI 446 (Status Indicator), installed typically in the control tower, is a repeater device of the main
indications of the equipment status; by this unit is not possible to perform any actions of command toward
the apparatus.
A beeper allows to warn for events, change of the status (and therefore of out of order) of one of the
connected equipment.
Every single equipment is defined by a name formed by min. two and max. four alphanumeric characters
highlighted on the displays of the front panel. This name is software configured through PC by which it is
possible to visualize every functional message regarding the equipment managed. The brightness of the
indication LEDs and the alphanumeric displays can be varied through the double function front buttons:
LAMP-test and SIL (see table 6.3).

6.1.2 Applications
SI 446 can be connected to the remote unit RCSI or directly driven from the unit LCSU of the equipment to
be controlled.
Some typical applications are shown in figure 6.1 and 6.2 respectively for SI 446-8 and SI 446-2.
Different applications are possible by opportunely defining the type of connected node during the software
configuration of the unity SI 446 as indicated in the following paragraphs.
The connection is made through a serial connecting RS422 cable for a max. length of 1000 m.
Figure 6.6 and table 6.2 report connector pin-out. As alternative, for greater distances, the connection can
be made through external modem towards a leased or switched telephone line.
An application example for the management of single equipment is shown in figure 6.8.
The unit is able to signal the status of up to eight different equipments (for front and rear panels see figure

6.1.3 Composition
SI 446 contains:

Module SIC Status Indicator CPU - Responsible for the management of all the
connected elements (indication panel, serial communication,
memories, bus I/O, etc.).
Module SID-2 and SID-8 - Status Indicator Display - Provided with LEDs and alphanumeric
Front Card for the indications displays and push buttons for: Lamp-test and Buzzer off. Indications of
max. 8 equipments.
AC/DC Power Supply Switching converter. Input 230V AC and regulated output 5V DC / 2A.
Mains connection assembly Complete with fuse-holder, mains switch and cord
Connection cable SI-PC PC serial transmission cable: see figure 6.6b)
Connection cable SI-RCSI RS422 serial transmission cable: see figure 6.6a)
(or SI-LCSU)
Table 6.1 - Composition

Vers. A, September 2009 6-5

RCSI 447
RS 232 RS 422 (< 1 Km.) RS 232
Ref. 955900038-EN

SI 446-8

Linea telef. dedicata -L1
Linea telef. dedicata o commutata -L3

Linea telef. dedicata -L2

RS 232

RS 232 RS 232

SN 400
NDB 436
FSD 40-45
LLZ SN 400 SN 400
SN 400

Figure 6.1 - SI 446-8 Typical application – Block diagram

Linea telefonica 1 = connessa come linea dedicata con Modem party-line
Linea telefonica 2 = connessa come linea dedicata con Modem e utilizzata solo per: misure, preset e indicazioni,
escluso i comandi. Le indicazioni si visualizzano sul PC connesso all' RCSI
Linea telefonica 3 = connessa con Modem utilizzabile con linea dedicata o commutata
Telephon line 1 = dedic at ed line connet ting wit h Modem party -line
Telephon line 2 = dedic at ed line used for: measurement , pres et and indication, (no commands) ,
c onnet ting wit h Modem. Indicat ion are dispayed on PC connecting at RCSI
Telephon line 3 = dedic at ed or switc hed line connet ting wit h Modem
Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator
RCSI 447 - Technical Manual

Vers. A, September 2009

SI 446 - 2
RS 422 (<1km) RS 422/485
RS 232

Switched or dedicated teleph. LINE PC

Vers. A, September 2009

LINEA telefonica commutata o dedicata
RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator

A lla rm i a m b ie n ta li (fu m o ,
te m p e ra tu ra , in tru s io n e , ...)

Linea dedicata o commutata

RS 232 RS 232


RS 232



Figure 6.2 - SI 446-2 Typical application – Block diagram

FSD 40-45

SN 400


Ref. 955900038-EN
RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator

SI446-2 Front Panel

SI446-2 Rear Panel

SI446-8 Front Panel SI446-8 Rear Panel

6-8 Vers. A, September 2009
RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator Ref. 955900038-EN

Figure 6.3 - SI 446 Unit - Front and Rear view


Ingresso rete

Pannello Frontale

GND M1,2

SI-2 - Vista laterale interna "SIC" PCB

Internal lateral side view

Pannello Frontale


Port 2
RS422/485 "SIC" PCB

Port 2 144 208


Port 1-PC M1

"POWER SUPPLY"PCB SI-2 - Vista in pianta interna

Internal top view

Figure 6.4 - SI 446-2 Unit Internal view (side and top)

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Port 2

Pannello Frontale

Port 2

Port 1-PC



SI-8 - Vista in pianta interna

Internal top view

Figure 6.5 - SI 446-8 Unit - Internal view

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Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator Ref. 955900038-EN

Header wire

length on installation provided length on installation provided

Sub D9 F
Sub D9 F

M1 M2

total length <1000 mt

a) - SI-RCSI - RS422 serial connection cable

5 5
9 9
Sub D9 F vista lato saldatura Sub D9 F vista lato saldatura
6 1 6

Sub D9 F Sub D9 F

M1 M2

3 mt

b) - SI-PC - RS232 serial connection cable

Figure 6.6 - SI 446 - External serial connection cables

Serial cable RS485/422 Serial cable RS232

from M1(DB 9 F) Color to M2(DB 9 F) Color from M1(DB 9 F) to M2 (DB 9 F)

pin 6 RX+ Orange pin 1 TX+ Blue pin 2 RX pin 3 TX

pin 7 RX- White/orange pin 2 TX- White/blue pin 3 TX pin 2 RX

pin 1 TX+ Blue pin 6 RX+ Orange pin 5 GND pin 5 GND

pin 2 TX- White/blue pin 7 RX- White/orange screen case screen case

pin 5 COM Screen (case) pin 5 COM Screen (case)

Table 6.2 - Serial cable pin out

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SI 446-8 can be installed in a standard 19” rack; SI446-2 can be also installed using the special matching
optional kit. The dimensions of SI446-2 are shown in figure 6.4. The component layout is shown in figure
6.4 and 6.5.

6.2.1 Functional description

The block diagram of figure 6.7 shows the connection between the modules.
SI 446 consists of:
- Front Panel (realized with waterproof rubber membrane on which the wordings are highlighted), and
own circuit SID-2 or SID-8.
- Management and processing unit circuit SIC.
- Power supply
IN 220Vac RS 422/485 RS 232 RS 232

M7 M8 M25

RS 232 RS 232
RS 422/485


Power Supply SERIAL CPU



SI 446 2/8 M3-M4

SID 2/8



Figure 6.7 - SI 446 Unit - Block diagram

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6.2.2 Front panel and module SID (Status Indicator Display)

The front panel, with the module SID (Status Indicator Display), supplies the visualization of the functional
status of the managed equipments. There are two buttons: Lamp-test button and buzzer-off (SIL) button,
this last with alternative function for regulating the brightness of the indications (see Table 6.3).
The functionality of the module SID (similar to module INC of RCSI) is shown in the block diagram of figure
The indications of the front panel are divided in two main sections (Fig. 6.3):
- the first section, is dedicated to the functionality of SI 446.
- the second section, on the left side, is dedicated to information coming from the equipments
(Equipment status). Section for the functionality of SI 446

In this section, which reference is made with the term SI, the indications and the controls refer to SI446
itself and not to the managed equipment.

The followings devices are foreseen:

Pressed for less than 0,5 sec it is used for checking the correct operation of all
Button the visual indicators and buzzer. In fact, its field of action is wider than the
LAMP Test simple control of LEDs, as it can verify that the CPU has acquired the
command and is able to manage the output registers correctly.
The led test is performed extinguishing all LEDs and lighting one by one, and
then restoring the initial configuration.
This test runs automatically switching the unit.
Key pressed for more than 0,5s brings the variation of brightness of the Leds.
Every 0,5s vary the levels of brightness of all the LEDs; releasing the key, the
brightness remains frozen, with the intensity defined at that time. The cycle of
brightness variation from a minimum to a maximum level is repeated holding
pressed in continuity the button.
Button SIL Used to silence the buzzer when the key is pressed for less than 0,5s. The sound
is interrupted up to the following change of state.
The key pressed for more than 0,5s brings the variation of brightness of the
alphanumeric displays. Every 0,5s vary the levels of brightness of all the
displays; releasing the key, the brightness remains frozen with intensity
defined at that time. The cycle of brightness variation from a minimum to a
maximum level is repeated holding pressed in continuity the button.
Led ON (green) Visualizes the functionality of the Unit SI
Buzzer Activated for the followings conditions and can be disabled through jumper on the
− duration of 100ms during the Lamp-test
− duration of 100ms to signal the acquisition of a pressed key
− duration of 10s for every status change

Table 6.3 - Front Panel - Devices of section SI

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Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator Equipment Section (Equipment status)

For every equipment the following indications are visualized; at least one of the three indications of every
equipment must be turned on always:


ALARM red Signals that the radiated signal of the equipment is not
guaranteed for the followings conditions:
− equipment in off condition
− equipment in shut-down condition
− in maintenance
− breakdown on the communication line (data com fty)
WARNING yellow Signals a degrade condition:
− Equipment with out of order TX (TX hard/soft alarm)
− Equipment operating by battery
− Equipment with one or more active warning
NORMAL green Equipment in normal service without any warning or alarm
DISPLAY Alphanumeric Used to create an identification label of the equipments, to be
stored during software configuration as described in the
paragraphs below.

Table 6.4 - Front Panel - Indications of the section “Equipment status”

6.2.3 SIC Module - Status Indicator CPU

The circuit manages every process of the unit SI 446, and is formed with the followings main blocks:
- CPU (80C188) with clock 14745,6 kHz,
- flash EEPROM memory of 128 K Byte (program),
- static RAM memory of 128K Byte (data),
- EEPROM memory of 2k Byte (configuration),
- serial communication controller (Z85C30) and I/O RS232 and RS485/422 drivers.
- ESD components (electrostatic discharge protection devices) protecting the serial signals RS485/422
on the connector M7-Port2,
- three output signal connectors, mounted directly on the PCB and of standard type sub DB 9 pins male,
whose pin-out is shown in table 6.5.
These connectors allow the data exchange between the followings serial ports:
1. Port 1 (M25) - PORT 1 - PC - RS 232 - Connected to PC on which is running the program emul.exe (or
Supervisor) and by which the software configuration of indications and buttons is allowed.
2. Port 2 (M7) - PORT 2 - RS 422/485 - Electric interface, jumper arranged in alternative to the Port of
M8, and allowing serial connections with cable up to 1km of length.
3. Port 2 (M8) - PORT 2 - RS 232 - Electric interface, jumper arranged in alternative to the Port of M7,
and allowing the connection to an external modem on leased or switched line.
The PORT 2 interfaces are selected by jumpers and according to the table 6.6.

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PORT 1 PC (M25), PORT 2 RS485/422 (M7)

PIN PORT 2 - RS232 (M8) DB 9 M
DB 9 M
1 DCD TX +
2 RXD TX -
9 RI

Table 6.5 - Pin-out of the serial output connectors

JUMPER RS 232 – Pin position RS 422 - Pin position

M15 4-6; 3-5 Open
M16 4-6; 3-5 Open
M17 4-6; 3-5 1-3
M21 1-12; 2-11; 3-10; 4-9; Open
5-8; 6-7
M4 Close = Buzzer enabled Open = Buzzer disabled
Table 6.6 - Jumpers on module SIC

6.2.4 Power supply

The 220 Vac input assembly is made with input/output standard IEC socket, fuse-holder and mains switch
The equipped mains cord (length = 2,5 m), is standard IEC type formed with European Schuko type plug
and CEE22 socket.
The power supply module, is linear frequency switching AC/DC converter, and is encapsulated in non-
conductive plastic box for printed circuit assembling, provided with single regulated output (10W) of 5V.
Power supply dimensions: L=89mm; W=56mm; H=42mm

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6.3.1 General
Compliance to EEC regulations : safety, EN 60950
: EMC, EN 50081-1 and EN 50082-1
Main characteristics:
- Microprocessor : CPU 80C188
- SRAM Memory : 128 kb x 8
- FEPROM Memory : Flash 128 kb x 8
- Serial EEPROM Memory : 2 kb x 8 - configuration data memory
- Serial ports : n° 3 of which
2 ports configured RS422/485 (default) or RS232
1 port configured RS232 for PC interfacing
- Protections : ESD on the RS422/485 serial port
- Versions : SI 446-2 supporting one or two equipments
: SI 446-8 supporting up to eight equipments

6.3.2 Mechanical characteristics

Dimensions : SI446-2 - Sizes: H=88mm (2U); W=290mm; D=180mm
With special optional kit can be set for standard rack installation
: SI446-8 - Sizes: H=88mm (2U); W=482mm (standard rack); D=180mm
Weight : SI446-2 - around 1Kg
: SI446-8 - around 1,3 Kg

6.3.3 Power supply

- Input voltage : 230 Vac ±10% -47/60Hz 30VA max
- Output regulated voltage : 5Vdc ± 2% (single voltage for all the modules)
- Output current : max 2A / 5Vdc
- Input protection : fuse 300mA T - 5x20
- Output protections : overload threshold between 130% … 200% of the full load
short-circuit from 100% to 200% of the full load (switch ON/OFF)
over-voltage at 6,2 V (typical)
- Consumption : output 1,5 A / 5 Vdc (typical functional average load)

6.3.4 Environmental conditions

- Operational
Temperature : from -10 to +50°C
Relative humidity : max 95% for temperature <35°C
: max 60% for temperature> 35°C
- Storage
Temperature : from -30 to +70°C
Relative humidity : max 95%

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The maintenance consists of the cleaning of the front panel performed using soft cloth embedded with
water and neutral soap; don't use alcohol, corrosive and abrasive material, solvents or everything what can
deteriorate the protective varnish of the front.

6.4.1 Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting of a failed module:
Note: Non-operating modules can be repaired only in a laboratory adequately equipped; therefore the
field repair will consist in replacing the defective. The electric and layout diagrams are on the
volume 2 (optional) of this manual.

1. The defective card SIC operation could cause the followings failures (that could not be contemporarily
a) wrong indications on the front panel or LED that are not lighting, or wrong label on the
alphanumeric displays (verifiable by test of the hardware);
b) push button commands that are not performed (verifiable by test of the hardware);
c) one of the serial port doesn't work (verifiable by test of the hardware);

2. A defective card SID operation could cause the followings failures (that could not be contemporarily
a) wrong indications on the front panel or LED that are not lighting, or wrong label on the
alphanumeric displays (verifiable by test of the hardware);
b) button commands that are not performed (verifiable by test of the hardware);

3. A defective power supply operation could cause the followings failures:

a) all the indications on the front panel are extinguished: to verify the fuses on the input mains
Attention: During this verification, remove the cable from the mains.
b) button commands are not performed;
c) serial ports don't work;
d) Short circuits in the module SIC or SID on the regulated voltage 5V can simulate a failure on
the power supply. Disconnect the power supply conductors of the module SIC and SID and
check the presence of voltage 5V on the power supply module.

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6.5.1 Installation
This paragraph covers the installation of a SI446 in a typical configuration (see figure 6.8). Variations and
extensions can be easily implemented starting from this base configuration. The unit can be installed on a
standard 19" rack. The following connections are necessary:

Connect the SI446 to the mains: 220Vca nominal - limits:187-262 VAC
Connect the PC by means of the serial cable RS-232, “PC-Port 1” connector of the rear panel
(see figure 6.6b):
Connect the specific cable (figure 6.6a) to: “Port 2 – RS422/485” connector of the
rear panel
Connect the optional modem connected to the “Port 2-RS232” connector of the rear
dedicated or switched communication line: panel
Connect to ground the subrack On GROUND BOLT (see Figure 6.3)

At this point, the SI446 can be switched ON but is not yet ready to operate as it must be configured
according to the specific mode required.
Apart from users/node parameters, the following must be configured:
- association between pushbutton and controls (front panel);
- association between LEDs and equipment status (front panel);
- operating modes of all serial ports. Setup
This paragraph describes how to load and run the “UTIL” program used to configure the SI44 unit.
The ‘UTIL, Configuration Utility’ diskette contains three files:
- install.exe is the installation file
- zutilxxx.exe is a self-unsquashing compressed file containing all the files.
The characters xxx refer to the number of the release; for example, the name of
the file is zutil202.exe for release 2.02
- readme.doc contains information for installation purposes
To correctly use the ‘UTIL, Configuration Utility’, an IBM-compatible PC is required with at least the
following capabilities:
- 80386 16 MHz or upward compatible processor
- 2 Mb RAM
- VGA monitor
- inch 1.44 Mb floppy drive
- A hard disk with at least 10 Mb unused space available
- DOS 5.00 or later

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Switched or dedicated LINE

LINEA commutata o dedicata
Rs485 MDM1


Apparato To RCSI or LCSU

EQUIPMENT l=<1000mt Switched or dedicated teleph. LINE via modem
LINEA telefonica commutata o dedicata A RCSI o LCSU
via modem

Cavo seriale Cavo seriale

Serial cable Serial cable
(fig. 7a) (fig. 7b)


Modem (opt.)
RS 422/485 RS 232 RS 232
IN 220Vac SUB D 9M

M7 M8 M25

RS 422/485 RS 232 RS 232


Power Supply SERIAL CPU


SI 446 2/8 M3-M4

SID 2/8



Figure 6.8 - Typical SI446 Installation connected with single equipment

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Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator Software Installation

For installation, proceed as follows:
1. insert the diskette in a diskette drive (for example a:)
2. type <a:[ENTER]>
3. type <install c:\util_xxx[ENTER]> (the name of the directory can be selected by the user at required)
“install.exe” program creates the c:\util_xxx directory (if it is not already present) and loads the files in this
after decompressing them.
If the directory exists, the program asks whether all the files are to be deleted or whether the operation is to
be canceled.
Enter ‘y’ to delete all the files and then load the new files. Enter ‘n’ to abort installation.
At the end of the installation, if no problems have arisen, the following message is displayed:
Installation correctly performed
At this point the directory contains the following files:
emul.exe a program that transforms the PC into a terminal emulator for configuration
modem.exe a file that facilitates the configuration of an external modem
*.mdm files containing modem configuration data. They are used with the modem.exe program Running the configuration program

or the configuration proceed as follows:
1. connect a PC to the units concerned as shown in figure 2.1.
2. run the emul.exe program (if the PC port is not COM1, use the <emul 2[ENTER]> command
3. switch ON the SI446 unit (or reset the CPU: only to lab purposes)
4. when the initial screen page is displayed, press the space bar quickly at least 3 times to enter
configuration mode. If this request is not met, the program running on the SI446 does not enter
configuration mode but start its normal service. As only a few seconds are allowed to press the bar,
repeat point 3 if the bar is not pressed in time.
5. In this situation, the program drives the display and keyboard of the PC that runs on the SI446 except
for the last line associated to use of certain function keys managed by the PC itself.
6. Run the configuration procedure following the menu proposed and the instructions contained in the
7. After saving the variations in the EEPROM, and exporting all the configuration data onto a diskette, to
close correctly :
- enter <0[ENTER]> so that the RCSI exits the configuration procedure
- press F10-quit to close the emul.exe program on the PC External modem configuration

When an external modem is used, connected in alternative to RS422/485, the modem must be configured
to adapt it to the specific service to be provided.
This can be done in two ways:
1. connect a PC with the “terminal emulation” program to the modem and, using a set of AT commands,
modify the parameters required. This method is time consuming as it is possible to modify one
parameter a time and requires detailed knowledge of modem parameters.
2. connect a PC to the modem and run the following program:
modem mdfile.mdm [ENTER]

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the modem.exe program takes the configuration data from the mdfile.mdm file and sends them one
after another to the modem checking correct acceptance of each.
The ‘UTIL, Configuration Utility’ diskette contains various examples of *.mdm files prepared previously for
some types of modem. Unfortunately, the AT standard does not guarantee that all modems have the same
commands. Therefore, it is usually necessary to prepare the related *.mdm files for each type of modem.
The user according to one of the existing examples can edit these files, using a normal text editor to modify
the parameters required.
The “AT” main parameters to be configured to work correctly with the LCSU are:
AT&L0(1) line type
ATB0 CCITT full duplex standard
ATFn line speed
AT&C1 Interface criteria forced to work state
ATX0 Blind dial without busy or ready tone recognition
AT&D3 DTR transition ON > OFF cause modem reset
AT&G0 Guard tone disabled
ATS10=40 Carrier faulty disconnect delay time 1/10 sec
ATT(P) Tone/pulse dialing

Main functions acronyms, used on modem:

DCE : Data Communication (or Circuit-Terminating) Equipment - MODEM
DTE : Data Terminal (or Terminating) Equipment -TERMINAL
TD : Transmitter Data
RD : Receiver Data
RTS : Request To Send
CTS : Clear To Send
DSR : Data Set Ready
DCD : Data Carrier Detect
DTR : Data Terminal Ready Unit Start-up

When the SI446 is switched on, or on exiting the configuration, the unit starts to operate establishing
communication with all sites, from which it obtains the data for positioning summary indications on the
At power-on, there is an approximately 5 seconds pause, to allow the operator to enter the configuration, if
necessary, with the PC connected to the “PC port connector”.

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6.6.1 General
All the programming instructions, with reference to the drawings indicated in the various paragraphs, are
provided below. At the end of programming, it is good practice to save the configuration on disk.
The SI446 must be considered an element or node of a remote control system that can operate as terminal
or transit unit. The functional characteristics of the SI446 are displaying the operating status of 8 different
The configuration program is activated running the emul.exe disk on the PC connected to the PC PORT;
reset the SI446 (OFF/ON power supply) and the PC will display the screen page shown in figure 6.9.

Keep the SPACE pressed to start emulation ...

F1 - Import Data F2 - Export Data F5 - Clear Video F10 - Quit

Figure 6.9 - Starting Screen Page

6.6.2 Main menu

The menu can be used in the same way, i.e. entering the number of the options required and pressing the
ENTER key to confirm.
The ESC key lets the operator exit the current operation and returns to the preceding one, except for the
MAIN MENU for which the option END is provided in order to let the SI446 exit the configuration
Press the key F10 to exit the emul program and return to DOS. The MAIN MENU is shown in figure 6.10.
The available options are:

SI446 Maintenance Program MAIN MENU

[1] FW Release
[2] SI446 Configuration
[3] Hardware test
[4] Activity monitor

[0] END

Select: []

F1 - Import Data F2 - Export Data F5 - Clear Video F10 - Quit

Figure 6.10 - Main Menu

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6.6.3 FW Release
Shows the EPROM version (see figure 6.11).

SI446 Maintenance Program FW Release

SIXXU100 - V101

Press <ESC> to exit

F1 - Import Data F2 - Export Data F5 - Clear Video F10 - Quit

Figure 6.11 - FW Release

6.6.4 SI446 Configuration

Includes all the procedures required to configure the SI446 and to store the configuration in the EEPROM.
Selecting the Configuration option of MAIN MENU, the sub-menu shown in figure 6.12 is displayed from
which it is possible to produce a new configuration to be stored in the EEPROM.
This sub-menu can be used in the same way as the MAIN MENU except that on exiting, the program asks
if the new configuration is to be saved. If the answer is yes, the program checks the data to be stored.
During checking, two different error levels are shown:
WARNING Calls the operators attention but the data are valid.
ERROR Data saving is invalidated.
At the end of checking, the program asks whether you want to abort data-saving (the
old data is restored) or to edit a new configuration.

SI446 Maintenance Program Configuration

[1] SI446 site code

[2] Nodes configuration
[3] Sites configuration
[4] Nodes connection parameters
[5] Users configuration
[6] Parallel input definition
[7] Parallel output definition
[8] Users connection parameters
[9] Export SI446 configuration data
[10] Rack parameters
[11] Import SI446 configuration data

[0] Return


F1 - Import Data F2 - Export Data F5 - Clear Video F10 - Quit

Figure 6.12 - Configuration Menu

Vers. A, September 2009 6-23

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator SI446 site code

This option allows the operator to insert/modify the identification name of the unit. The unit code is used, in
the communication, as code added to the message in order to identify the generator. The program shows
the existing code and asks the operator to enter a new code (max. 4 ASCII alphanumeric characters). The
old code will be replaced with the new one. Nodes configuration

his option is used to define the way in which the SI446 is inserted in the communication network,
equipment side. Figure 6.13 shows an example.
SI446 Maintenance Program Nodes configuration

Node Mode Port Modem Bps Protocol

| | | type | timeout Phone Number M/S Slave
| | Ident | | | | | Line check | Type Addr
| | | | | | | | | | | |
--- ---- ---- -- ---- ----- -- -------------------- ---- --- --- ---
[0] RS232 SITO 2 9600 10 B
[1] Dis
[2] Dis
[3] Dis
[4] Dis
[5] Dis
[6] Dis
[7] Dis
[8] Dis
[9] Dis


F1 - Import Data F2 - Export Data F5 - Clear Video F10 - Quit

Figure 6.13 - Nodes configuration

In this document, for the network elements, the following definitions are used:
NODES: remote control network elements towards the beacons. They send data relevant to the
equipment. The following may be considered nodes:
- an LCSU (always) since it is the lowest level;
- an RCSI;
- a PC (never).
USER: elements of the remote control network that are on the opposite side of the equipment. They
receive data relevant to the equipment. The following may be considered as users:
- a PC (always) since it is the highest level;
- an SI446 as to another SI446;
The following items, to be completed with the configuration information, are displayed at the top of the


Node Node: Enter the number of the node to which the SI446 is to be
connected. The node is the element (RSI, LCSU or RCSI) in
front (equipment side) that you wish to connect with the SI446
you are now configuring. The list displayed gives the nodes,
numbered from [0] to [9].
Mode Connection mode: Allows the operator to disable the node or to enable it either for
direct connection (RS-232) or through dedicated/ switched
lines. See Below.
Ident Node Name: Allows the operator to define the identification name of the node
in front.

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Port Port number: Serial port which communicates with the node in front.
• port 1 connected to PC
• port 2 RS422/485 or port 2 RS232

Bps Baud rate Transmission speed of the serial port.

Modem type Ext External driven
Protocol Timeout Protocol Timeout: Time after which the protocol considers the node disconnected.
Phone Number Telephone number: Enter the telephone number of the node if the switched line has
been selected.
Line check Line check period To be used only if the switched line has been selected. The
(min.): operator states the time within which the line must be checked.
M/S Node Master or slave Used only with party line modem.
Type Equipment type Type: A for TAC/DME/NDB or B for VOR/ILS
Slave Addr Address Node address of data communication with party line modem.

To configure Connection mode choose one of the options shown on the screen, whose meaning is:
Dis. Disabled. Choosing this item, each parameter referring to the branch selected using the Select Node
Index item is disabled. The node in front is considered to be non-existent. Configuration of the
selected node ends at this point.

RS232 Choose this item to define the node in front as connected directly to the SI446 by means of an RS-
232 interface (Port 2). The program requests the following in the order indicated:
Node name Enter the identification name (max. 4 characters) of the node in front
referring to the unit LCSU, RSI or RCSI.
Port number Enter the number from 1 to 2, of the serial port used to communicate
with the node in front.
Baud rate (bps) Bits per second; the options for this item are:
1: 300; 2 : 1200 bps, 3 : 2400 bps, 4 : 4800 bps, 5 : 9600 bps,
Protocol Timeout (sec.) Time after which the protocol considers the node to be disconnected
(1..30 sec).
Type Type A for TAC/DME/NDB or type B for VOR/ILS
Ded. Call Dedicated Call. If connection mode 2 is selected the node in front is connected to the SI446 on a
dedicated telephone line. The program requests the following in the order indicated:
Node name Enter the identification name (max. 4 characters) of the node in front
referring to the unit LCSU, RSI or RCSI.
Port number Enter the number from 1 to 2, of the serial port used to communicate
with the node in front.
Baud rate (bps) Bits per second; the options for this item are:
1: 300; 2 : 1200 bps, 3 : 2400 bps, 4 : 4800 bps, 5 : 9600 bps,
Protocol Timeout (sec.) Time after which the protocol considers the node to be disconnected
(1..30 sec).
Ded. Ans. Dedicated Answer. If connection mode 3 is selected the node in front is connected to the SI446 on a
dedicated telephone line. The program requests the following in the order indicated:
Node name Enter the identification name (max. 4 characters) of the node in front
referring to the unit LCSU, RSI or RCSI.
Port number Enter the number from 1 to 2, of the serial port used to communicate
with the node in front.
Baud rate (bps) Bits per second; the options for this item are:
1: 300; 2 : 1200 bps, 3 : 2400 bps, 4 : 4800 bps, 5 : 9600 bps,
Protocol Timeout (sec.) Time after which the protocol considers the node to be disconnected
(1..30 sec).

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Switched If connection mode 4 is selected the node in front is connected to the SI446 on a switched telephone
line. The program requests the following in the order indicated:
Node name Enter the identification name (max. 4 characters) of the node in front
referring to the unit LCSU, RSI or RCSI.
Port number Enter the number from 1 to 2, of the serial port used to communicate
with the node in front.
Baud rate (bps) Bits per second; the options for this item are:
1: 300; 2 : 1200 bps, 3 : 2400 bps, 4 : 4800 bps, 5 : 9600 bps,
Protocol Timeout (sec.) Time after which the protocol considers the node to be disconnected
(1..30 sec).
Telephone number Enter telephone number of node (max 20 characters)
Line check period (min) Enter the time, in minutes, for checking the line of the node in front. This
Parameter is valid for all the nodes that are seen by the unit SI446 as
connected with a switched line. The time count start from the last
connection if no connection is made within the pre-set time.

SI446 Maintenance Program Nodes configuration

Node Mode Port Modem Bps Protocol

| | | type | timeout Phone Number M/S Slave
| | Ident | | | | | Line check | Type Addr
| | | | | | | | | | | |
--- ---- ---- -- ---- ----- -- -------------------- ---- --- --- ---
[0] RS232 SITO 2 9600 10
[1] Dis
[2] Dis
[3] Dis
[4] Dis
[5] Dis
[6] Dis
[7] Dis
[8] Dis
[9] Dis

Node: 0 Communication parameters:

Connection mode:

0:Dis. 1:RS232 2:Ded.Call 3:Ded.Ans. 4:Switched

F1 - Import Data F2 - Export Data F5 - Clear Video F10 - Quit

Figure 6.14 - Node Configuration – Connection mode

SI446 Maintenance Nodes configuration

Node Mode Port Modem Bps Protocol

| | | type | timeout Phone Number M/S Slave
| | Ident | | | | | Line check | Type Addr
| | | | | | | | | | | |
--- ---- ---- -- ---- ----- -- -------------------- ---- --- --- ---
[0] Rs232 SITO 2 9600 10
[1] Dis
[2] Dis
[3] Dis
[4] Dis
[5] Dis
[6] Dis
[7] Dis
[8] Dis
[9] Dis

Node : 0 Communication parameters:

Node name: TEST

Maximum 4 cars allowed

F1 - Import Data F2 - Export Data F5 - Clear Video F10 - Quit

Figure 6.15 - Node Configuration – Node name

6-26 Vers. A, September 2009
RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator Ref. 955900038-EN Sites configuration

In this option of the Configuration menu you must describe the characteristics of the site(s) from which the
SI446 must receive status indications.
It is possible to SELECT add/modify/remove any site in the list.
Figure 2-13 shows the PC video. At the top, the list of sites that are present and the items for configuration
that have the following meaning:
Idx Index of the sites that are connected.
Site Identification name (site code) of the site.
Node Index Node number as defined in the table in the screen page of figure 6.13, in the
Node item.
Timeout Waiting time for connection failure.
N^Eqp Equipment at each site.

The possible choices of the select are:

1: Add site, 2: Modify site, 3: Remove site, 4: Equipment configuration
The relevant operations are below explained:
1: Add site
The program requests the following in the order indicated:
Site code Enter the name of the site to be added to the list, consisting of a maximum of
4 alphanumeric characters, that is written in the Site column.
Source node index Enter the node number taken from those configured in the Node
Configuration section; this number is inserted in the Node Index column. In
this way the communication parameters are linked with the site management
Full connection time- Enter the time in seconds; this will be written in the Timeout column.
When this time expires the SI446 consider the connection as failed.
Consequently the status indication LEDs of the Control Panel are switched
The time inserted must take into account the connection type in the path
towards the site and any intermediate nodes. For example, if, between the
SI446 you are programming and the site, another two RCSI units are
connected on a switched line, the time to be inserted must be not less than
60 seconds, as a few seconds are required to make the connection.
At this point, the configuration is partly complete, as you must define the type of the equipment
managed by the LCSU unit. This may be carried out with option 4: Equipment configuration as
explained in the next pages.
2: Modify site
The program requests the following in the order indicated:
Site index Enter the number of the site to be modified.
Site code Enter the name of the site to be added to the list, consisting of a maximum of
4 alphanumeric characters; this is written in the Site column.
Source node index Enter the node number taken from those configured in the Node
Configuration section; this number is inserted in the Node Index column. In
this way the communication parameters are linked with the site management

Vers. A, September 2009 6-27

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator

Full connection time Enter the time in seconds; this will be written in the Timeout column.
When this time expires, the SI446 considers the connection as failed.
Consequently, the status indication LEDs of the Control Panel are switched
The time entered must take into account the connection type in the path
towards the site and any intermediate nodes. For example, if, between the
SI446 you are programming and the site, another two RCSI units are
connected on a switched line, the time must be not less than 60 seconds, as
a few seconds are required to make the connection.
Then select the option 4: Equipment configuration.

3: Remove site
The program asks for:
Site Index Enter the number of the site you want to remove. With the ENTER key,
the site and their parameters in the list are cancelled.

4: Equipment configuration
The program asks for:
Site Index Enter the number of the site whose equipment you want to describe,
taking it from the Idx column of the initial step.

The items on the first line (figure 6.16) are:

Idx Manuf Eqp.Code Main Status Position Node Panel Pos Name

In the Idx column the number [0] indicates the LCSU unit (default) and must not be considered. Other
numbers refer to equipment managed by the LCSU unit.
Possible choices are:
1: Add eqp, 2: Modify eqp, 3: Remove eqp, 4: Detailed status
The various operations are explained below:
1: Add eqp, to add equipment to the list. The equipment must be consistent with that managed by the
LCSU unit. The program requests the following in the order indicated:
Manufacturer code Type the relevant number taken from the “Manufacturer and
equipment codes” table, below indicated.
Equipment code Type the relevant number taken from the “Manufacturer and
equipment codes” table, below indicated.
Main status Position code A number from 1 to 8 identifying the control panel position in which
the status will be displayed.
Node Panel Position For type “B” mode, equipment position inserted on RCSI unit
Name Enter the name of the label (max. 4 characters), written on
alphanumeric displays of the front panel.
At this point, configuration ends.

6-28 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator Ref. 955900038-EN

2: Modify eqp, to modify an equipment. The program requests the following in the order indicated:
Equipment index Type the relevant number taken from the screen of figure 6.13
Manufacturer code Type the relevant number taken from the “Manufacturer and
equipment codes” table, below indicated.
Equipment code Type the relevant number taken from the “Manufacturer and
equipment codes” table, below indicated.
Main status position A number from 1 to 8 identifying the control panel position in
which the status will be displayed.
Node Panel Position For type “B” mode, equipment position inserted on RCSI unit
Name Enter the name of the label (max. 4 characters), written on
alphanumeric displays of the front panel.
At this point, configuration ends.
3: Remove eqp
The program requests the following in the order indicated:
Equipment index Type the relevant index of the equipments list
At this point the configuration ends.

Table 6.7 shows the codes used to identify the equipment.

The LCSU units (or functionally equivalent) are coded as “0”.


0 0 LCSU
1 0 TACAN FTA 43
1 1 DME FSD 40N/45
1 2 DMEP FSD 40P
1 3 NDB 436
2 0 VOR 4000
2 1 ELTA 200
4 0 VOR 512

Table 6.7 - Manufacturer and equipment codes table

Vers. A, September 2009 6-29

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator Node connection parameters

The screen page of this option is shown in figure 6.16.
This option allows the operator to modify some parameters that are common to the connection in front,
towards the site.
The data displayed are those available by default.

SI446 Maintenance Program Nodes connection parameters

Leased line parameters

[0] Connection attempt duration: 60 sec (20 - 120)
[1] Attempts before error: 1 (0 to 9)

Switched line parameters

[2] Connection speed: 3 (1: 300 , 2: 1200, 3: 2400,4: 4800, 5: 9600)
[3] Dial attempt duration: 90 sec (20 - 120)
[4] 2nd call delay: 2 min
[5] 3rd call delay: 5 min
[6] Subsequent calls delay: 15 min (0: disabled)
[7] Attempts before error: 3 (0 to 9)
[8] Call back timeout: 60 sec (40 - 150)


F1 - Import Data F2 - Export Data F5 - Clear Video F10 - Quit

Figure 6.16 - Nodes connection parameter: line parameters

Leased line parameters:

Connection attempt duration: 20 sec. (20 to 120)
This parameter is used to define the waiting time for the connection. If no connection is made within this
time, the modem is reset and connection is re-attempted.
Attempts before error: 1 (0 to 9)
This defines the number of attempts of the RCSI before connection is considered impossible.
Switched line parameters:
Connection speed: Baud rate - 1: 300, 2 : 1200, 3 : 2400, 4 : 4800, 5 : 9600, 6:19200 bps
Defines the rate of the RS 232 that communicates with the modem. The actual rate on the telephone
line is defined by the modem programming, which is carried out separately.
Dial attempt duration: 45 sec.
Wait time after dialing; when this time has expired the connection is considered failed. The call will be
made again after the time stated in the 2nd call delay, 3rd call delay and subsequent call delay items.
2nd call delay: 2 min.
3rd call delay: 5 min.
Subsequent calls delay: 15 min. (0: disabled)
These options allow the operator to define the times to establish a new call when the first has been
declared failed. If the Subsequent call delay item is set to 0, the call will no longer be made.
Attempts before error: 3 (0 ÷ 9)
Number of connection attempts when errors are detected on the connection before lighting up the
ALARM led.
Call back timeout: 60 sec.
Wait for the unit LCSU recall: when this time has expired the SI446 considers the connection aborted. In
the Call back timeout item the time within which the LCSU or RCSI must recall is stated.
To modify one of the states, select the option required and enter the new value in the string that is
displayed in the lower part of the screen.

6-30 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator Ref. 955900038-EN User configuration

This option of the Configuration sub-menu allows the operator to configure/modify the connections the unit
SI446 sees behind, towards the users. The display is shown in figure 6.17. A maximum of 10 users are
allowed. Their position in the list also identifies their priority in the control request. A user with the highest
priority can, if the communication line is available, remove the control of a beacon to a user with lower
During configuration you must take into account this priority. To select the user to be configured/modified,
type the number of the column User in the request line
SI446 Maintenance Program Users configuration

Mode Port Attr Bps Prot Phone Number Status

User | Ident | Modem | | timeout | Syn Ctr Ini M/S
| | | Type | | | | | All | Hs | S/D |
--- ----- ---- -- ---- - ----- -- -------------------- - -- -- -- -- -- --
[1] Rs232 SIPC 1 5 9600 10 M
[2] Dis
[3] Dis
[4] Dis
[5] Dis
[6] Dis
[7] Dis
[8] Dis
[9] Dis


F1 - Import Data F2 - Export Data F5 - Clear Video F10 - Quit

Figure 6.17 - Users configuration

The following items to be completed with the configuration information are shown at the top of the screen
page of figure 6.17:


User User: List of users numbered that can be selected and modified by
means of the next item Mode. Enter the number of the user the
SI446 must be connected with. The list on the screen gives the
nodes, numbered from [1] to [10].
Mode Connection mode: Allows the operator to disable the user or to enable it either for
direct connection (RS-232) or through dedicated/switched lines.
Ident User Name: This name identifies the user univocally in the network. The word
user indicates the first network element the unit RCSI sees
behind, that can be another RCSI unit or a single PC. Define the
name with max. 4 alphanumeric characters. This name will be
inserted in the message and the IOM/LCSU will be able to record
the actions this user performs; the name will be shown in the
control field of the SUPERVISORY, PC side.
Port Port number: Used to identify the port of the SI446 to which the user is
Modem Type External driven
Attr Attribute The attribute is the set of operation (defined with a number from 1
to 5), that the user can carry out in order to manage the
connection. The attribute with the rising number also includes the
operations enabled al lower levels. The attributes are so defined
as follows:
1: Enables display of equipment and of connection status.
2: Reserved.

Vers. A, September 2009 6-31

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator

3: Not Used - Enables the possibility of taking the control of the

equipment and of sending command from the control panel.
4: Reserved.
5: Enables the possibility of resetting the database of the LCSU
and of setting the date.
Bps Baud rate (bps): This parameter is required only if the RS-232 or dedicated line
option in the item Mode has been selected. It indicates the data
transmission speed between the user and RCSI. You can choose
the following:
1:300 bps, 2:1200 bps, 3:2400 bps, 4:4800 bps, 5:9600 bps
Protocol Protocol Timeout: Time after which the protocol considers the node disconnected.
Phone Telephone number: This parameter is required only if switched connection mode has
Number been selected in the item mode. A total of 20 digits may be used.
Status Syn First 8 bits A “Yes” reply means that the user, in the case of a switched line,
is called if one of the synthetic status (NORM. ; WARN.; ALARM)
of the status list changes (but not bit 7 of the control)..
Status All On changing of All status information (80 status excluding the first 8)
synthetic status
Ctrl Control A “Yes” reply means that the user, in the case of a switched line,
is called if bit 7 of the status list (for beacon control) changes.
Hs History A “Yes” reply means that the user, in the case of a switched line,
is called if there is any change stored in the equipment history.
init Initialize Mandatory initialization in the case of loss of data connection.
S/D S = Single S=single D= double - Alternative MODEM
D = Double
M/S Node Master or Used only with party line modem.

The detailed configuration operations are as follows, in the initial display, the program requests selection of
the user number: Parallel input definition

This menu option is used to assign the following to the parallel inputs (push-button):
− the buttons located on the front panel
For example, it is possible to configure an input bit so that it has the following characteristics:
− active at electrical level low or high
− it refers to a specific site amongst those connected
− it refers to a specific appliance of the selected site
The detailed configuration operations are the following, in the initial display the program asks to select the
Port number: reply “Yes”
The first upper line on the screen shows the selected input byte, below there is the line with the options:
Inp mode logic Site_eqp control_id sharing_id type Aux_descr

Once the input line to be configured is select and the enabling and logic level are stated, you must define
the association type in the item mode. The next items to be completed depend on what has been stated in
the item mode. The relevant detailed configurations are explained later.

6-32 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator Ref. 955900038-EN

SI446 Maintenance Program Parallel input definition



inp mode logic site eqp_id control_id sharing_id type aux_descr

1 Disab
2 Disab
3 Lamp High
4 Buzzer High All All
5 Disab
6 Disab
7 Disab
8 Disab

Press a key (<ESC>= abort, <+>= next, <->= previous, <ENTER>= modify):

F1 - Import Data F2 - Export Data F5 - Clear Video F10 - Quit

Figure 6.18 - Parallel Input Definition

Input selection / modification

On the screen, the SI446 shows the available index, together with the request:
Press <ENTER> for line configuration, to change the port to be configured press + or -
Input line enabling /disabling
Reference is made to the three items Inp, logic which permit the operator to access the item mode. The
program requests the following in the order indicated:


Select line number: Enter the number of the input line to be configured/modified.
Enable state (y/n): Answer y to enable the input; if your answer is n, the operation ends here.
After an affirmative answer, you continue.

Logic (h/l): h/l are electrically defined as follows:

l = Low l - when the input phototransistor is saturated (i.e. when the correct polarizing
current is circulating in the photodiode). This condition can be obtained
h = High
with a ground, with a negative or positive voltage, depending on how the
links on the RCSI CSB board are set.
h - when the input phototransistor is inhibited.
At this point, you can access the item mode that offers the following configuration possibilities

Three types of association of each input wire with an external event are possible; each type of association
is defined by a letter that must be entered, when the program requests this, in the item Mode.

The associated characteristic is:

Disab no connection
b = ( B )uzzer establishes that the input is a command for the buzzer deactivation
l = ( L )amp-test establishes that the input is a command for the lamp test execution

Vers. A, September 2009 6-33

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator

Indication connected
2 1 Indicazione collegata
al "watch-dog"

For display configuration: 0 - 5 0 - 4
ALARM ALARM Buzzer - 1
see "Name" of Fig. 1-16
Per la configurazione dei display: Port Out
0 - 1 0 - 3 First digit = Port IN
vedere "Name" di Fig. 1-16 IN - 3 Second digit = configuration line
IN - 4
0 - 6 0 - 2 Prima cifra = Porta IN
Seconda cifra = linea di configurazione

SI 4 4 6-2

First digit = Port OUT: "Word" Premere per >0,5 secondi per la
Second digit = configuration line : "Bit" Premere per >0,5 secondi per la funzione LUMINOSITA' DISPLAY
Prima cifra = Porta OUT: "Word" funzione LUMINOSITA' LED Push on >0,5 s for
Seconda cifra = linea di configurazione: "Bit" Push on >0,5 s for BRIGHTNESS DISPLAY function

Commands (push-button) : INPUT Port
Indications (led): OUTPUT Port Indication connected
to Watch-dog
Comandi (pulsanti): INPUT Port
Indicazione collegata
Indicazioni (led): OUTPUT Port
al "watch-dog"

SI 4 4 6 - 8

2-7 2-6 1-8 1-7 1-6 0-7 0-5 0-4

2-8 2-1 2-3 1-1 1-2 1-4 0-1 0-3
IN - 3 IN - 4 Port Out
2-5 2-2 2-4 1-5 1-3 0-8 0-6 0-2

Figure 6.19 - SI446 Front Panel configuration data Parallel output definition

This menu option is used to assign a particular function to the parallel outputs:
the leds on the front panel, except for ‘ON’ which is connected to the watch dog of the CPU.
− buzzer on the front panel (BUZZER)
For example, an output bit can be configured so that it has the following characteristics:
− active at electrical level low or high
− it indicates a status variable (or another function of those provided)
− it refers to a specific site amongst those connected
− it refers to a specific appliance of the selected site
− it is a specific status, referred to the list of states made available by the equipment
The detailed configuration operations are as follows, in the initial display, the program requests selection of
the Port number. Figure 6.20 is displayed:

The first upper line on the screen shows the selected output byte, with the line with the options underneath:
out mode logic Site_eqp control_id sharing_id type Aux_descr

Once the output line to be configured has been selected and the enabling and logic level have been stated,
you must define the association type in the item mode. The next items to be completed depend on what
has been stated in item mode, as shown in the choice tree of figure 2-20. The relevant detailed
configurations are explained below.
Output selection/modification
On the screen, the SI446 shows the available index, together with the request:
Press <ENTER> for line configuration, to change the port to be configured press + or –

6-34 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator Ref. 955900038-EN

Output line enabling/disabling.

The three items Inp, mode, logic which permit operator access to the item mode are concerned. The
program requests the following in the order indicated:

Select line number: Enter the number of the output line to be configured /modified.
Enable state (y/n): Answer y to enable the output; if your answer is n, the operation ends here.
After an affirmative answer, you continue.
Logic (h/l) h/l are electrically defined as follows:
l = Low h - when the solid state relay has the contact closed
h = High l - when the contact is open.

At this point you can access the item mode that offers the following configuration possibilities.
Types of association of each output wire with an external event are possible; each type of association is
defined by a letter that must be entered, when the program requests this, in the item Mode
The association characteristic is:
Disab no connection
s=(S)tate establishes that an equipment status whose meaning is determined by the ‘status-
id’ parameter which is the pointer to the status list is output

c= (C) ontrol establishes that the output is connected to a LED for the Control Status indication.
b= (B)uzzer establishes that the output is connected to a buzzer.
f= (F)aulty establishes that the output is connected to a line faulty indication (DATA COM)
referred to a specific appliance

d=(D)etailed Not Used - establishes that the output is connected to a indication whose meaning
status is determined by the ‘status-id’ parameter which points to the equipment status list

e=s(E)elect Not Used - establishes that the output is associated to an arrow for ‘SELECT’ of the
equipment indicated by ‘sharing_ind’ which refers to the position of the equipment in

SI446 Maintenance Program Parallel output definition

Port: OUTPUT 1

out mode logic site eqp_id status_id sharing_id type aux_descr

1 Disab
2 State Low 0 1 1
3 State Low 0 1 2
4 State Low 0 1 3
5 Disab
6 Disab
7 Disab
8 Disab

Press a key (<ESC>= abort, <+>= next, <->= previous, <ENTER>= modify):

F1 - Import Data F2 - Export Data F5 - Clear Video F10 - Quit

Figure 6.20 - Parallel output definition

Vers. A, September 2009 6-35

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator User connection parameter

The screen page of this option is shown in figure 6.21.
This option allows the operator to modify some common parameters of the connection with the users. The
data displayed are those available as default.

SI446 Maintenance Program Users connection parameters

Leased line parameters

[0] Connection attempt duration: 60 sec (20 - 120)

Switched line parameters

[1] Connection speed: 3 (1: 300 , 2: 1200, 3: 2400,
4: 4800, 5: 9600)
[2] Dial attempt duration: 90 sec (20 - 120)
[3] 2nd call delay: 2 min
[4] 3rd call delay: 5 min
[5] 4th call delay: 10 min
[6] Subsequent calls delay: 0 min (0: disabled)
[7] Full connect. idle timeout: 0 min (0: disabled)
[8] Delay before call-back: 10 sec
[9] Call back: 1 (0: disable 1: enable)


F1 - Import Data F2 - Export Data F5 - Clear Video F10 - Quit

Figure 6.21 - Users connection parameters

Dedicated line parameters
Connection attempt duration: 60 sec. (20 to 120). This parameter is used to define the waiting time for
the connection. If no connection is made within this time, the modem is reset and the connection is re-
Attempts before error: 1 (0 to 9). Used to define the number of attempts of the SI446 before considering
that the connection is not possible.
Switched line parameters
connection speed: 3 1:300 bps, 2:1200 bps, 3:2400 bps, 4:4800 bps, 5:9600 bps. Defines the rate of
the RS 232 that communicates with the modem. The actual rate on the telephone line is defined by the
modem programming, which is carried out separately.
Dial attempt duration: 45 sec. Waiting time for carrier after dialing; when this time has expired, the
connection is considered as failed. The call will be made again after the time stated in the 2nd call
delay, 3rd call delay and subsequent call delay items.
2nd call delay: 2 min.
3rd call delay: 5 min.
4th call delay: 0 min.
Subsequent calls delay: 0 min. (0: disable) These options permit operator definition of the times to
establish a new call when the first call has been declared failed. If the Subsequent call delay item is set
to 0, the call will no longer be made.
Full connect. idle time-out: 2 min. (0: disable) Maximum allowed connection time without messages
transmission in both directions. When this time has expired the connection is forcibly interrupted. This
option can be disabled entering ‘0’.
Delay before call-back: 2 sec. Delay between end of call and call back.
Call back: 0 (0: disable 1: enable) Enable to have full connection only after call back.
To modify one of the states, select the option required and enter the new value in the string that is
displayed in the lower part of the screen.

6-36 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator Ref. 955900038-EN Rack parameter

This menu allows (Figure 2-25) to assign the number of equipments to control the status
Type the digit 3: INC8 for SI446-8 with SID-8 module - eight equipments controlled. Export SI446 configuration data

This option allows the operator to save a configuration in a file whose name may be freely chosen. It could
be useful to store the configuration on a disk, that can be used later to re-configure again the SI446 without
repeating all the operations indicated in this section (for example, in the case of a new configuration of a
site, using the pre-set options of another site). The configuration re-used can be made with the Import
option described below.
The screen page shown in figure 6.22is displayed on the top line:
SI446 ready to send configuration data to the PC
Start the operation by pressing F1 key
This is the program request. You will be asked to enter the name for the target file.
SI446 Maintenance Program Export SI446 configuration data

SI446 ready to send configuration data to the PC.

Start the operation by pressing <F1> key.

F1 - Import Data F2 - Export Data F5 - Clear Video F10 - Quit

Figure 6.22 - Export SI446 configuration data Import configuration

This option allows the operator to recover the configuration previously saved in a file, with the procedure
described in the previous section, in order to avoid manual setting of the options.
The screen page shown in figure 6.23is displayed on the top line.
SI446 ready to get configuration data from the PC
Start the operation by pressing F2 key
This is the program request. You will be asked to enter the filename.
SI446 Maintenance Program Import SI446 configuration data

SI446 ready to get configuration data from the PC.

Start the operation by pressing <F2> key.

Press a key (<ESC>= abort, <+>= next, <->= previous, <ENTER>= modify):

F1 - Import Data F2 - Export Data F5 - Clear Video F10 - Quit

Figure 6.23 - Import SI446 configuration data

Vers. A, September 2009 6-37

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator Configuration Save

When the “Return to previous menu” option is selected, the program asks whether the configuration are to
be saved (see figure 2-36). Entering “Y”, a Test on data consistency is carried out in two phases (Figure 2-
28) before saving. The following are checked in the first phase:
− site code
− port connection
− user identification codes
− buzzer connection
− control command equipment connection
− sites id.
− node identifications name
− site and node identifications codes.
In the second phase, the shared equipment is tested pressing any key.
At the end of the program, the operator is asked to confirm saving
Testing data consistency...

Testing site code... OK

Testing port connection... OK

Testing user identification codes... OK

Testing buzzer connection... OK

Testing control commands equipment connection... OK

Testing sites id... OK

Testing node identification names... OK

Testing site and node identification codes... OK

Press a key to continue...

Testing shared equipment... OK

Press a key to start saving.

F1 - Import Data F2 - Export Data F5 - Clear Video F10 - Quit

Figure 6.24 - Testing Data Consistency Screen page

6.6.5 Hardware test

If you select this option of the Main Menu, the Hardware Test submenu, figure 6.25, is shown on the
screen. The following options are available:

SI446 Maintenance Program Hardware Test

[1] Test of parallel input port

[2] Test of parallel output port
[3] Test of serial lines

[0] Return


F1 - Import Data F2 - Export Data F5 - Clear Video F10 - Quit

Figure 6.25 - Hardware Test menuTest of parallel input port

6-38 Vers. A, September 2009

RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator Ref. 955900038-EN

This option allows the operator to test the parallel ON/OFF inputs of the SI446.
At the beginning, the list of available ports is shown; the programs asks to select the port number you wish
to test. In the next screen page, figure 6.26, the unit shows the status of input bits as they are set.
Activating, for example, any command of the control panel, the program shows the relevant signal
variation. Therefore, the operator can check correctness of command operations.

Port: CONTROL INPUT - Current read line status:


Press a key to start status monitor or <ESC> to exit.

** Monitor on input line active **

Changed line number 4 HIGH ==> LOW

Changed line number 4 LOW ==> HIGH
Changed line number 3 HIGH ==> LOW
Changed line number 3 LOW ==> HIGH

F1 - Import Data F2 - Export Data F5 - Clear Video F10 - Quit

Figure 6.26 - Test of parallel input port Test of parallel output port

This option allows the operator to test the parallel ON/OFF outputs of SI446. At the beginning, the list of the
available ports is shown; the programs asks port number you wish to test. In the first line of the screen:
Port: OUTPUT xx Address yy - All lines initialized to HIGH status
the selected port and the line status are shown.
The operator can now choose whether to change the status of all the bits, or to change one line at a time
entering the relevant bit number:
Select line to change (A = all bits; n = line number) or ESC to exit
This option allows the operator to check all the LEDs of the control panel.

SI446 Maintenance Program Test of parallel output port

[n] port name

[0] OUTPUT 0
[1] OUTPUT 1
[2] OUTPUT 2

Select: 0

F1 - Import Data F2 - Export Data F5 - Clear Video F10 - Quit

Figure 6.27 - Test of parallel output port

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator Test of serial lines

This option allows the operator to test the serial ports. The program requests to enter the number of the
port to be tested. It is not possible to test port 1 because is the port to which the PC is connected with.
Testing a serial port means making a virtual link between port 1 and the port under test. If you have a
modem connected with port 2, testing port 2 means virtually connecting the PC with the modem.
After choosing the port number, the program requests the selection of the speed selection of the serial port.

6.6.6 Activity monitor

This option, shown in the screen page in figure 6.28, is useful for installation and maintenance purposes.
It is used to display and check detailed communication activities such as:
− site name configuration;
− communication modes;
− SI446 code, etc.
The test method is as follows:
− enable the test by entering 'e' under the program request;
− exit the configuration environment with 'End'.
At this point, the test is active and can be interrupted only performing a unit RESET.

RCSI Activity monitor

Activity monitor current status: DISABLED

Options: e->enable d->disable <ESC>->exit ..

F1 - Import Data F2 - Export Data F5 - Clear Video F10 - Quit

Figure 6.28 - Activity Monitor Screen page

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator Ref. 955900038-EN


In the following paragraphs are presented some typical configuration examples.

6.7.1 MCS Connection

The figure 6.29 shows the SI446 rear panel and its connector PORT 2 - RS 422/485 where to connect the
cable coming from the RS232/422 adapter, according the pin function of table 6.8.

Figure 6.29 - SI446 Port 2 on Rear Panel

MCS RS232/422 SI 446 - PORT 2

Interface converter RS 422/485 pin

Table 6.8 - Connection of the RS232/422 Interface converter with the SI 446

To support the status display of the system in figure 6.30, the SI unit must be configured with the
configuration in the file “ILS-DME SI standard configuration.cfg” described in table 6.9.

SI front panel position Equipmet Main Status

2 GP
3 MM
4 OM
6 Not used
7 Not used

Table 6.9 - Standard Configuration for ILS-DME

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator

Figure 6.30 - Picture of SI 446 Standard Configuration for ILS-DME

6.7.2 Modify the SI 446 Configuration

Three general configurations are considered:
1. a complete ILS/DME composed by: LLZ/GP/MM/OM/FFM/DME. In case the application is a subset of
this configuration it is necessary “delete” (in practice make it blank) the unneeded equipment status
display. Its filename is VORDME.CFG
2. a VOR/DME. In case the application is only either VOR or DME it is necessary “delete” (in practice
make it blank) the unneeded equipment status display. Its filename is ILSDME6.CFG
3. the most complete configuration composed by: LLZ/GP/MM/OM/FFM/EQP1,EQP2, DME. All 8 slots
are used. Its filename is ILSDME8.CFG
The following example shows how modify the SI 446 configuration, starting from the configuration 3 listed
above. Due to a behaviour of SI if a slot is not required, it recommended make it blank instead of deleting it.
All 3 configurations are straight, i.e. the status of the equipment in the first place in the message coming
from MCS is displayed in position 1 of the SI front panel. The second in position 2, and so on. No
manipulation of the position is performed by SI, it operates exactly as a CTU.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Output 2 bit 7 2 BIT 6 1 bit 8 1 BIT 7 1 BIT 6 0 bit 7 0 BIT 5 0 BIT 4
A LARM SITE 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0
(3) EQP ID 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

OUTPUT 2 BIT 8 2 BIT 1 2 BIT 3 1 BIT 1 1 BIT 2 1 BIT 4 0 BIT 1 0 BIT 3

W ARNING SITE 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0
(2) EQP ID 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
OUTPUT 2 BIT 5 2 BIT 2 2 BIT 4 1 BIT 5 1 BIT 3 0 BIT 8 0 BIT 6 0 BIT 2
N ORMAL SITE 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0
(1) EQP ID 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Table 6.10 - SI parameter configuration

The above table contains all parameters involved in the SI configuration as set in ILSDME8.CFG.
As an example let us suppose to modify the configuration “deleting” EQP2.
The following steps have to be followed.

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator Ref. 955900038-EN

1. run EMUL.EXE , select 2 (SI446 Configuration) and import ILSDME8.CFG

2. select 3 (Sites Configuration)
3. select 4 (Equipment configuration) the figure 6.31 will be displayed.

Figure 6.31 - Equipment configuration

4. select the idx corresponding to the site which EQP2 belongs to, 2 for the site BBBB, in this case;
5. select 2 (Modify equipment)
6. select idx corresponding to EQP2, 1 in this case
7. select 1 for the manufacturer
8. select 1 for the equipment code
9. select 7 for the main Status Position on SI front panel
10. select 7 for the node Panel Position (this must be the same number as the step before)
11. type “ “ four blank characters for the Equipment name
12. type S3, Evaluation string for alarm
13. type S2, Evaluation string for warning, the figure 6.32 will be displayed.

Figure 6.32 - Evaluation string for warning

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RCSI 447 - Technical Manual
Ref. 955900038-EN Vol. 1 Sect. 6 - Status Indicator

At this point the label of the equipment in the 7th position on SI front panel is blank.
To complete the job it is necessary to disable the parallel output bit that drive ALARM, WARNING and
NORMAL indications.
1. go back to the “Configuration” menu and select 7 Parallel output definition, see figure 6.33.

Figure 6.33 - Parallel output definition

2. select port 2 because, according table 3, the bits we have to disable are in port 2, bit 1,2,6
3. type ENTER to modify
4. select 1 for bit 1 and then N for Enable State
5. repeat the above step for bits 2 and 6.
6. save the configuration in the SI and exoprt it to the PC.

If it is required a modification, instead of the “deletion” of an equipment, it is enough rename the equipment,
putting the required name instead of the blank charatcter and not disable the output bits.

6-44 Vers. A, September 2009

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