Educ 229 Module 1 Lesson 2 To 3

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The key takeaways are the significance of literature in teaching children and the characteristics of different types of readers from emergent to fluent.

Emergent readers are just beginning to grasp basic concepts of books and print. Beginning readers are developing phonological awareness and phonics skills. Fluent readers read automatically and focus on comprehension.

For emergent readers: letter recognition games, rhyming games. For beginning readers: phonics games, sight word games. For fluent readers: reading comprehension games, book reports, journal writing.


Module 1
(Lesson 2 and 3)

Gloria I. Flores
Visiting Lecturer

Lesson 2
Significance of Literature in Teaching Children


At the end of the module, the pre-service teacher can:
A. Give the significance of literature in teaching children
D . Discuss the characteristics of emergent, beginning and primary readers
E . State and explain the goals of beginning literacy and the characteristics of emergent,
beginning, and primary readers

ACTIVITY: Read the short fable and be able to give the moral of the story after reading.

The Greedy Lion

It was incredibly hot day, and a lion was feeling very hungry. He
came out of his den and searched here and there for food. He could
only find a small hare. He caught the hare with some hesitation. “This
hare can’t fill my stomach,” thought the lion. “Instead of eating this
small hare, let me eat the big bear."He let go of the hare and went
behind the deer. but the deer had ran quickly and disappeared into the
thick forest. The lion now felt sorry for letting the hare go.

 What is the story all about?
 What can you say about the lion?
 If you were the lion, will you let go of the hare? Why?
 What happened to the lion at the end of the story?
 What is the moral of the story?

Significance of literature to young learners:
A. It creates a special bond between the storyteller and the listener.
Children’s literature is often shared in the classroom thru Read-aloud
session. This becomes a special time for physical closeness and enhancing
reflections and predictions, on what is read and discussing it, which ultimately
results to sharing the enjoyment of reading.

B. It lets kids explore the world.

Children’s literature gives kids a way to explore parts of the world they
cannot or haven’t yet directly experienced. Young readers who love
dinosaurs can find out so much about them in the book. Those who like
about pirates and adventure stories can read book with a main character
who shares the same enthusiasm, and learn indirectly about overcoming
fear and solving problems.
C. It develops empathy.
By reading children’s literature, or listening to it read aloud, we
are putting ourselves inn someone else’s shoes. We experience their reality.
This exposure to other lives increases our empathy and tolerance. By
understanding another person’s perspective, we are less likely to be
egocentric, or bully others.

D. It provides students with opportunities to respond to literature and develop their

own opinions about the topic.
This strengthens the cognitive developmental domain as it
encourages deeper thought about literature . Readers usually do have have
the same opinion about the piece of literature read, that is because readers
have different viewpoints or experiences in life. Students can learn to evaluate
and analyze literature, as well as summarize and hypothesize about the topic.

E. It provides an avenue for students to learn about their own cultural heritage and
cultures of other people.
It is crucial for children to learn these values because,
“developing positive attitudes toward our own culture and cultures of others is
necessary for both social and personal development.” (Norton, 2010, p.3) So,
when teaching about cultures of others, teacher should be very careful in
selecting which books to recommend to young readers. There are many
stories or folktales, which contain blatant stereotypes and incorrect details
about certain cultural groups.

F. It helps children develop emotional intelligence.

Stories have the power to promote emotional and moral
development. Children’s literature contains numerous moments of crisis,
when characters make moral decisions and contemplate the reasons for their
decisions, which is a very important skill for children to see modeled.

Directions: Look for a book or google a story of your choice. Read
and and answer the following questions after. Submit your output.

1. What is the title of the story you read and write down the source/reference.
2. What is the most interesting thing you know about the main character of your
3. Describe an important event from the story and tell why it is important.
4. How would the story have changed if this important event had not happened?
5. If you could give the main character in your story a piece of advice, what would you tell
6. If you were in the story, what would be your relationship to the main character and why?
7-9. If you could ask the main character in the story three questions, what would it be?
Question 2:
Question 3:

10. Think about the story again, finish this sentence:

I wonder ___________________________________________________________________

Lesson 2: Goals of beginning literacy and the characteristics of emergent, beginning, and
primary readers

ACTIVITY:Read and sing! Do the activity after.

 What did you do in the activity?
 Did you enjoy doing the activity? Why?
 What reading skills were developed in each activity?

Literacy often begins early, long before children encounter formal school instruction in
writing and reading. Literacy development often starts in young children’s early symbol; using
activities: in talking, play and fantasy, in scribbling and writing, in pretend reading and writing.
Between the ages 1-5 children learn to use symbols they invent for themselves and those “donated
by the the culture” (Gardner & Wolf, 1979, p.viii). The use of symbols-which may include words,
gestures, marks on paper, objects modeled in clay, and so forth-makes it possible to represent
experience, feelings and ideas. Symbols also allow children to go beyond the immediate here and
there and to create imaginary worlds. This is what they do when they talk about storybook plots,
or draw images on paper--and later when they read books and write stories. As children begin to
experiment with writing and reading, often in playful ways, they may find they can use these new
symbolic modes in some of the same ways they used earlier developed symbolic forms--so that

talking, drawing, and playing can serve as “bridges” to literacy. The ultimate goal of literacy
instruction is to be able to build students’ comprehension, writing skills, and overall skills in

Characteristics of Readers

Early Emergent Readers (Levels aa-C)

Aspiring readers are just beginning to grasp the basic concepts of book and print. They are
acquiring a command of the alphabet with the ability to recognize and name upper- and
lowercase letters. They are also developing many phonological awareness skills, such as
recognizing phonemes, syllables, and rhyme.

Early Emergent readers are beginning to learn sound/symbol relationships--starting with

consonants and short vowels--and are able to read CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant)
words, as well as a number of high-frequency words.

Books at this level have:

 Strong picture support

 Carefully controlled text
 Repetitive patterns
 Controlled, repeated vocabulary
 Natural language
 Large print
 Wide letter spacing
 Familiar concepts
 Limited text on a page

Emergent Readers (Levels D-J)

Readers at this stage have developed an understanding of the alphabet, phonological

awareness, and early phonics. They have command of a significant number of high-
frequency words.

Emergent readers are developing a much better grasp of comprehension strategies and
word-attack skills. They can recognize different types of text, particularly fiction and
nonfiction, and recognize that reading has a variety of purposes.

Books at this stage have:

 Increasingly more lines of print per page

 More complex sentence structure
 Less dependency on repetitive pattern and pictures
 Familiar topics but greater depth

Early Fluent Readers (Levels K-P)
Think of literacy activities and game that you can use for the following readers;
At this stage, reading is more automatic, with more energy devoted to comprehension than word
attack. Readers are approaching independence in comprehending text.
1. Emergent readers
These readers are
2. Beginning experiencing a greater variety of text and are able to recognize different styles
and genres. Independence often varies with the type of text being read.
3. Fluent readers
Books at this stage have:

More pages
Longer sentences
More text per page
Richer vocabulary
Greater variation in sentence pattern
Less reliance on pictures
More formal and descriptive language

Fluent Readers (Levels Q-Z2)

Readers have successfully moved from “learning to read” to “reading to learn.” Their reading is
automatic and is done with expression and proper pauses. Their energy is devoted to
understanding, and they have good command and use of the various comprehension strategies.

These readers read a wide range of text types and do so independently. They will continue to
refine and develop their reading skills as they encounter more difficult reading materials. But for
the most part, they are capable of improving their reading skills and selection of materials
independently through increased practice.

Books at this stage have:

More text
Less familiar, more varied topics
Challenging vocabulary
More complex sentences
Varied writing styles


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