Fruit and Vegetables Riddles

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I am not a plant. I am round, sweet and I grow very tall.

I am not green or orange. quite small. I have a green cover.
I have a cap and a stem. I can be made into jam. I have many little
Children don’t like me. I have a long green stem. pieces.
Grapefruit Grownups love me. I have a hard pit. I can become oil and
I am dark red. cereal.
I am ___________ My shape is like a
I am _______________ banana.

I am _____________

I am round like a ball. I am tall and thin. I am green.

Celery I am not very sweet. My colour is light green. I look like a pear.
You can not eat my I have leaves on top. I have a huge seed
outside. I taste good in salads. inside.
I can be made into juice. I am crunchy. I am good in salads.
I am a breakfast food. I taste creamy.
I am ______________
I am ___________ I am


I am quite small. I am medium sized and red.

I am round and green. I also grow underground.
Banana I am found in pods. People usually eat me cooked and in a
You cook me before eating. salad.
I am very popular. I am quite sweet. Radishes
I am ________________________ I am _____________________
I am little and red with a green top. I am green and round.
I grow really fast – 30 days. I can be cooked or eaten in salads.
I am rather bitter. I am not as big as a football.
I am usually found in salads. I am very crispy when raw.
I grow underground. I am found in winter.
I am ________________________ I am _______________________

I can be many sizes. I grow in bunches.

I can be round or oval. I come from warm countries.
You eat me raw or cooked. Everyone loves me.
I am really a fruit. I have a thick peel.
I can me red or yellow. You can eat me raw.

Cabbage I am _________________________ I am ________________________


I grow underground. I am the most popular vegetable.

I am long and thin. I grow underground.
You can eat me raw or cooked. I can not be eaten raw.
You peel me before eating. You can cook me in many ways.
I am very common. Children love me.
I am _______________________ I am _________________________ Watermelon

I am one colour outside and a I am round or oval.

different colour inside. I have a brown or purple skin.
I grow in the summer. You can cry when you peel me.
I am sweet and juicy. I grow half underground.
You can not eat my outside. You add me to dishes for flavour.
My skin has stripes.
Onions I am ______________________ Carrots
I am _______________________
I am round and yellow. I am long and green.
I have a very sour taste. I can be found in salads.
I come from hot countries. I am juicy but can not be made into juice.
Some people add me to tea for flavour. People like me on sandwiches.
Cucumber I can me made into juice. I can be put on food plates as decoration.

I am ____________________ I am _________________________ Lemons

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