Remedial Teaching Program For Low-Achievers: An Efl Teacher'S Perception
Remedial Teaching Program For Low-Achievers: An Efl Teacher'S Perception
Remedial Teaching Program For Low-Achievers: An Efl Teacher'S Perception
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1 author:
Eko Noprianto
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Remedial teaching program for low-achievers: EFL teachers' perceptions View project
Technology-enhanced language learning and character education in Indonesian context View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Eko Noprianto on 03 February 2021.
ABSTRACT In schools like in Indonesia in which the majority of the classrooms are
dominated by students coming from various cultures, different personality, different learning
strategies, different background knowledge, and different pace in learning as well, it is
certainly difficult for the teachers to accommodate all students' needs which then results to
have students who cannot reach the learning objectives. Thus, a remedial teaching program
is demanded to address those failing students. However, the debate on whether or not
remedial teaching was effective for low-achievers continued among scholars. Besides, the
attention on remedial teaching programs in the Indonesian context was also limited. This
case study involving one EFL teacher of a Junior High School in Riau was conducted to
explore her perception of the remedial teaching programs and to find out what problems she
encountered in conducting it. Using an interview supported with document analysis, the
researcher found that although the teachers admitted that low-achievers benefited from
remedial teaching programs, it was difficult for the teacher to design and conduct an effective
remedial teaching programs mainly due to time limitation. Besides, the difficulty in
simplifying teaching materials, students’ learning overload and lack of school support were
seen to be other problems encountered by her in conducting the program.
S ince teachers have the responsibility to help students become both intelligent and good,
it is such a relieving and enjoyable moment for teachers to know that their teaching works.
Failing will certainly bother both teacher and students. However, in schools in which the
majority of the classrooms are filled with students coming from various cultures, different
personality, different learning strategies, different background knowledge, and different pace in
learning as well, it is certainly difficult for the teachers to accommodate all students’ needs which
then results to have students who cannot reach the learning objectives (Lampard, 2006).
Moreover, the chance to have students who fall behind the other students might be even bigger
due to psychological problems such as lack of confidence, learning anxiety, and probably low
self-esteem involving students (Arifin, 2017), not to mention the technical aspect like the size
of the classroom, around thirty to forty students, which is obviously not ideal. Therefore,
teachers would easily find some students who reluctantly learn, have poor motivation, are
unable to comprehend learning material, have a short span of focus, and probably have other
behavioral problems. As a result, it is not surprising to find some low-achievers, those who
could not achieve learning objectives as stated in the beginning of the teaching semester or in
the context of this study, the ones who are unable to reach the Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM)
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Volume 5, Number 02, December 2019
limited in numbers. Besides, some studies such as the ones by Alghamdi and Siddiqui (2016);
Boatman and Long (2017); Cheng (2014); Jadal (2012); Othman and Shuqair (2013); Ndebele
(2014); Sahito's et al. (2017); and Selvarajan and Vasanthagumar (2012) focused only on the
effectiveness of remedial program from students’ perspectives and seem unable to bring a deep
and comprehensive exploration regarding EFL teachers’ perception toward remedial teaching
program which is arguably essential before conducting any programs to students. This study,
on the other hand, would try to deeply investigate how an EFL teacher perceived remedial
teaching as well as to find out what problems she encountered in designing and conducting the
program. Considering all those aforementioned issues and theories, the researcher was
interested in exploring how an EFL teacher perceived remedial teaching as well as to find out
what problems she encountered in designing and conducting the program. This study would
hopefully give some meaningful contributions to the Indonesian education in relation to the
remedial teaching program implementation.
Remedial teaching program
Etymologically, remedial is derived from the word ‘remedy’ which means to heal, to repair,
to fix and to repeat. Thus, remedial teaching is a process of teaching to heal and to repair the
learning results which is not in accordance with stated learning objectives to get better results
(Masbur, 2012). In more specific definition, Cheng (2014); Selvarajan and Vasanthagumar
(2012) argued that remedial teaching is conducted to provide the students who cannot keep
pace with the process of teaching and learning in normal classroom activities with the
opportunities to get them at least similar results with those who already reach the targeted score.
Inline to that definition, Cashdan and Pumfrey (2006); Jangid and Inda (2016) believe that
remedial teaching is an effort to help students who need pedagogical or didactic assistance
probably due to a certain learning or behavioral problem. In the context of Indonesia,
Dirjendikdasmen (2015) in Panduan Penilaian Kurikulum 2013 (the Evaluation Guidelines of 2013
Curriculum) mentions that remedial teaching is the help for the students who have not achieved
the Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) score. Based on those definitions, it is clear that the
objective of remedial teaching is basically to make sure that all low-achievers are able to get the
targeted learning competencies based on their characteristics and capabilities. As highlighted by
Christenson and Thurlow (2004), remedial teaching should be designed to help students find a
match between the classroom and school activities with their individual characteristics to meet
the academics and behavior demand.
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The current study is aimed at exploring a Junior High School EFL teacher’s perception in
remedial teaching programs and figuring out what problems the teacher might encounter in
conducting it. To realize the objectives of the research, a qualitative case study approach was
selected. The use of the qualitative case study in this present study is because the researcher
intended to find out an intensive and holistic description and in-depth analyses of what really
happened to remedial teaching implementation from an EFL teacher’s perspective. As
mentioned by Merriam (2009), a qualitative case study is appropriate if a researcher needs to
understand a single entity or phenomenon comprehensively as it provides an intensive and
holistic product of investigation. This is also in line with Hamied (2017) who stated that
qualitative research is appropriate to be used when the researcher intends to explore feelings,
values, and perceptions which affect behavior.
Volume 5, Number 02, December 2019
Eko Noprianto, Remedial teaching Program for …
information regarding Ana’s perception and what problems she encountered in doing the
remedial teaching. This semi-structured interview allowed the researcher to respond to the
situation at hand, and to new ideas on the topic. Some questions were used to confirm the result
of document analysis. This one-on-one interview was tape-recorded and transcribed verbatim
to get an accurate record of the conversation while the researcher was making some brief notes
during the interview. To complete the information related to Ana’s remedial teaching program
design, her lesson plans and semester program documents were analysed. The lesson plans and
semester program documents are chosen because they contain how she planned to achieve
teaching objectives. They also comprised teaching objectives, teaching material, teaching
methods, assessment system as well as their remedial teaching plans. The analysis in this context
only focused on remedial teaching plans section. Honestly, since this study tried to explore
remedial teaching program implementation, the researcher should acknowledge that it would
be more informative if this data collection was completed with an observation to see how it was
conducted in a real situation. However, observation during November and December was
difficult to realize since those months were the months when the school was having a final
semester examination in the context of the academic year of Indonesia education system that
the participant did not have time to be observed.
The interview was taken once and lasted around thirty minutes. The focus of the interview
ranged to several topics which included her understanding on what made the students failed to
reach targeted score, how she dealt with low-achievers, how she perceived remedial teaching
program, how she conducted it, and what problems he encountered in doing remedial teaching
program as well. The analysis results were also presented based on those aforementioned
interview topics in sequence.
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First of all, I try to make them love me, maybe, with my look or with my talking style or from
the way I motivate them in order to make them interested in English. Secondly, perhaps, I try
to design a teaching material and teaching activities as interesting as possible or as simple as
possible that they can easily understand what they are learning that day (interview, p. 1) .
Ana’s utterances interestingly indicated that the most fundamental factor that should be
paid more attention was how to maintain a good relationship between her and the students.
Although she seemed to be uncertain with these, (see the use of hedging words such as ‘maybe’
and ‘perhaps’ in her statements), she believed that the opportunity to get students' interest in
English is bigger if she changed the way she looked in front of the students, the way she talked
to them, and the way she encouraged the students to keep learning. She also mentioned that it
would be also beneficial if she could create a teaching material and design teaching activities
which are as interesting and simple as possible.
In relation to teaching activities, the proceeding answer showed that she admitted that
attractive teaching activities made the students happy to learn although the results of students’
score did not increase too significantly. However, according to her, what mattered more at that
moment was to see that the students’ improvement in their interest in English. Knowing that
the students were happy with teaching activities was considered as an achievement for her. As
stated by Ana:
…when I bring a media such as video in the classroom, the students seem very happy.
Although the result (the score) is not increasing significantly, that's my effort to interest them
to learn English (Interview, Ana, p. 1).
When the researcher asked her about remedial teaching program, Ana believed that
remedial teaching program was a program which was designed to re-arrange and evaluate
teaching activities which had not been mastered by the students yet. She also said that the
purpose of remedial teaching program was to help low-achievers to achieve learning objectives.
The program should be able to cover students with different characteristics and interest in
English. Her definition of remedial teaching program was in line with previously mentioned
theories. Thus, it showed that she already had a good understanding of what function of
remedial teaching program was.
In relation to the benefit that the students got from doing remedial teaching program, she
insisted that remedial teaching program was helpful to assist low-achievers to understand the
teaching materials better since the materials were taught more than once. In other words,
Volume 5, Number 02, December 2019
repetition of learning the same materials made the students get a better score. In addition to
that, she also mentioned that by having more interactions with those students in remedial
teaching program, she could know her students better and they would have a good relationship
with her, as the teacher. In her words:
Of course, they will understand more the teaching material because it is taught more than once
(laughter). Secondly, because we often interact with them, they feel more closed to us (laughter)
(interview, Ana, p. 3).
She also added that the remedial teaching program gave her a satisfaction as she could see
that the student achieved the teaching objectives or passed targeted KKM score.
Although Ana’s statement did not seem in line with Othman and Shuqair's (2013)
explanation that students would not benefit from remedial teaching program if the teachers
keep using the same teaching methods over and over and could not find a good way to teach
students considering the short periods of time available, the information from Ana’s point of
view was considered to be in line with Cheng's (2014) analysis result which mentioned that
remedial teaching was basically beneficial to the low-achievers’ academic and emotional self-
efficacy, a point which was important in the students’ learning success. However, Cheng also
emphasized that those benefits would only be gained if remedial teaching program was
supported by the awareness of the students’ to conduct individualized remedial program
combined with teacher’s direct supervision and an appropriate support system, something
which is according to Ana, was quite difficult to find to her low-motivated students to try to
improve their self-efficacy and her school which seemed not to pay more attention on this.
From Ana’s perspectives, it appeared that by conducting remedial teaching, she believed that it
would not only improve students’ academic scores but it would also be able to build her
students’ good emotional relationship with her when having interaction in remedial teaching
program so that they would be encouraged and motivated to learn English.
Interestingly, when asked about whether all the teachers conducted remedial teaching for
low-achievers, she honestly admitted that not all teachers conducted remedial teaching for those
No, not all teachers. It depends on the teacher. Some teachers do not conduct it and just give
the students standard score (a minimum score which already passes the KKM score) because
they think that when given remedial teaching, these low-achievers will still get a bad score or
even worst score so conducting remedial teaching will be useless (laughter)…some teachers
just give the low-achievers minimum scores only to fulfil their responsibility to submit the
students’ scores for a report (interview, Ana, p. 7).
From the interview, it could be understood that some teachers opted not to conduct
remedial teaching program and preferred to give them minimum KKM score to meet the
requirement to be reported to school and considered that they already achieved the learning
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objectives. Although this information might not be able to be generalized to all teachers as Ana
said but by referring to ‘some teachers’, this information showed that there was indeed an
interesting fact that some teachers thought that remedial teaching program was not the way they
choose to help low-achievers. This information certainly could not emerge instantly without
any reasons. Those teachers might decide to do this through their experiences in conducting
remedial teaching before probably in previous years with different students which then led them
to a conclusion that remedial teaching was not helping and probably burdening both teacher
and students.
The interview results also showed that in conducting remedial teaching, the first thing that
she usually did was to analyze what part or what indicator which has been mastered by the
students. In her words:
After having an examination or having known the results of assignment the students do, I
analyze them to see which part of the materials which the students have not mastered yet
(interview, Ana, p. 2).
By doing so, she also found out which students who belong to low-achievers and need a
remedy. After analyzing, she began to design a remedial program which she thought that it
would help those low-achievers. If the majority of the students failed, she would design a
teaching program with different methods of teaching and simplified teaching materials and
assignment as well. In Ana’s words:
If (I) found many (low-achievers), I need additional time to conduct remedial teaching to
review the materials, only certain parts, of course. I try to make the materials easier for them
(interview, Ana, p.1).
Meanwhile, a personal approach was also preferred by Ana if she thought that the materials
were too difficult only for certain students. Albeit being time-consuming, a personal approach
was probably helpful to deal with low-achievers who have a different pace of learning since they
were extensively drilled out of the whole class in which their opportunity to ask what they had
not understood yet was limited.
Her explanation showed that Ana had already had enough knowledge on the procedures
of conducting remedial teaching program in which it was accordance to what Djamarah and
Zain (2002), and Makmun's (2005) explanation that if the teacher needed to have an effective
remedial teaching program, a teacher should start with diagnosing students’ learning difficulties
before deciding the actions dealing with students’ problems. Diagnosing students’ learning
difficulties also offered an opportunity for the teacher to know which students who needed
more help and their level of difficulty which affected the selection of the actions to be addressed
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Adjusting to the time. I need to find spare time. The point is I have to finish remedial teaching
before submitting all students’ final scores after mid-semester or semester test (interview, Ana,
p. 2-3).
She also added that:
…but sometimes, it becomes more complicated when some students fail at the first remedial
teaching test and are also included in the second remedial teaching (interview, Ana, p. 3).
Her words explicitly pictured how she fought to help low-achievers to get a better score in
a very limited time available. In one side, she only had a very little time to conduct a remedial
teaching, but on the other side, she should be able to cover all students' problems which were
sometimes complicated as some students found to still fail after being given a remedial teaching.
When asked about the possibility that the limited time issue was caused by her teaching
planning, she answered that the curriculum policy which burdened the students with too many
subjects in one time caused a great impact on students’ achievement and time availability. In
her words:
The students learn not only English but also other subjects. They have so many assignments
to finish in almost at the same time. So we have to ask the students when they are ready to
have remedial teaching (interview, Ana, p. 4).
What could be seen here was that it appeared that too many subjects which should be
learned by the students with their different assignments limited the opportunity to conduct
remedial teaching for English. It indirectly pushed the teacher to wait until the students have
time to be available to have a remedial program. The decision to wait until they were ready to
have a remedy certainly risked the chance to help them achieve learning objectives since there
was no guarantee that they were ready or not. That also noted that burdening students with
many subjects would lead to the difficulty for the students to make the priority in their studying
programs which inevitably influenced their achievements.
Talking about the internal problem, it was found that teacher's difficulty in adjusting the
time to conduct remedial teaching program was supported with the difficulty in simplifying
teaching materials. By her account:
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Volume 5, Number 02, December 2019
This was also supported by Alghamdi and Siddiqui (2016) who mentioned time limitation and
lack of logistical structure became the main barriers. Seeing these problems from broader
perspectives, it could be understood that timetabling, difficulty in simplifying teaching materials,
and students' learning overloads as mentioned by Ana, were intertwined and could be related
to two major themes: teacher’s professionalism and government policy which was realized by
the school.
Teacher’s professionalism is certainly needed to be able to conduct effective teaching
process including how to deliver effective remedial teaching program. As a professional, a
teacher should be armed with skills and qualifications which involve professional competence,
pedagogical competence, personality competence and social competence (Suherdi, 2013). In
relation to time limitation, for instance, it is related to teacher’s pedagogical competence in
which it refers to teacher’s ability to restructure content knowledge for teaching purposes, and
to plan, adapt, and improvise. Apart from many subjects that the students need to learn in one
academic year, a professional teacher should be able to adjust and consider every aspect in
teaching with the availability of time in which it should be planned long before the teaching
process was started. A professional teacher should be able to predict that there must be some
students who would fail considering the different characteristics of the students, their different
motivation, their different pace of learning, and probably the failure of teacher's teaching
methods which could not cover all students' needs as well. As mentioned by Othman and
Shuqair (2013) that effective remedial teaching program is influenced by the implementation of
strategic plans by the teacher.
However, blaming the teachers for this seems to exaggerate since there should be a support
from the school and the stakeholders for teacher's professional development. As a teacher
works under the system run by the school, a good school should be able to facilitate and give
ongoing support to both teachers and the students’ needs. As stated by Richards (2002), an
institution such as schools and language course has pivotal roles to create effective teaching
since it is where the teaching process takes place, it provides rules, purpose and can enforce
rules of human behavior. Regarding teacher’s difficulty in timetabling, simplifying the teaching
materials, and student’s learning overloads, for example, there should be a role which the school
could do in this context. A school could provide the teachers opportunities to develop their
skills by providing some activities such as observation of experienced teachers, observation of
training videos, short theory courses, a workshop on teaching planning, practice teaching under
the supervision, and or working with a mentor teacher. As teachers develop experience in
teaching, the institution also needs to create an environment in which teachers can further
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develop their teaching skills and subject-matter knowledge, deepen their understanding of
teaching and themselves as teachers, and have the opportunity for further professional
The case study presented in this paper was an effort to figure out the remedial teaching
program in an English teacher's perspective. It was also aimed at discovering the problems the
participant encountered in conducting remedial teaching programs. Summing up from the
analysis, it could be understood that failing students or the ones who could not achieve KKM
in this study context are influenced by their negative perspectives on English subject from the
first place which leads to the low motivation to learn the subject and low inputs which the
school had. Therefore, interesting teaching activities and teacher's approaches are needed to
gain students' attention toward English subject. The study also discovered that, according to
the participant, both teacher and low-achievers benefit from the remedial teaching programs.
However, some problems such as time limitation, teacher's difficulty in designing appropriate
and simplified teaching materials, students' learning overloads, and lack of school support
challenge the effectiveness of conducting remedial teaching programs.
Taking everything into consideration, some recommendations here are probably needed to
consider. Teachers, EFL teachers in particular, for instance, need to understand that indeed,
there is no size fit all and the chance to have low-achievers considering every aspect and
condition of schools, students' diversity and school's lack of supports are inevitable. However,
they should need to realize that they also need to improve their teaching expertise and
competencies including how to design and plan remedial teaching programs to deal with those
low-achievers since the responsibility to help those low-achievers is mainly on their shoulders
supported with the appropriate school’s policy which facilitates it. Besides, the researcher admits
that the result of this present study is limited in the sense that it could not see remedial teaching
programs implementation in a real situation. Using observation to see the real conditions of
remedial teaching implementation in the classroom would be beneficial to fill the gap. Besides,
since this study does not cover how the students perceive this remedial teaching program, it
might be interesting to analyse it from the students’ point of view for further study.
Volume 5, Number 02, December 2019
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