Instrumentations: Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
Instrumentations: Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
Instrumentations: Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
Introduction to CRO: Block Diagram of CRO, Applications of CRO: (1) Study of Waveform, (2)
Measurement of Voltage, Current, Frequency and Phase Difference.
Power Supply: Half-wave Rectifiers, Centre-tapped and Bridge Full-wave Rectifiers, Calculation of
Ripple Factor and Rectification Efficiency, Basic idea about Capacitor Filter, Zener Diode and
Voltage Regulation.
Timer IC: IC 555 Pin Diagram and its application as Astable and Monostable Multivibrator.
S u m a n P a u l, Ph. D.
GE T5 - Digital, Analog Circuits and Instrumentation
Applications of a CRO
In Electronics, it is used as a frequency and phase measuring devices for any types
of signals and in Medical fields; it is used to visualize the movement of heart of a
S u m a n P a u l, Ph. D.
GE T5 - Digital, Analog Circuits and Instrumentation
field between a pair of plates to its left and right, and vertically by applying an electric
field to plates above and below. Various phosphors are available depending upon
the needs of the measurement or display application. Copper-activated zinc sulfide
and the silver-activated zinc sulfide are commonly used in CRTs.
Voltage Measurements
DC Voltage
The trace (horizontal) is adjusted to lie along the X-axis passing through the origin
(0,0) of the screen. The d.c. input to be measured is fed to the Y-input of the CRO in
the d.c. mode. The vertical shift of the trace is a measure of the magnitude of the d.c.
voltage. The measurement can be repeated for various values of both +ve or –ve
input voltages at different vertical gain.
Care should be taken to keep the vertical gain switch at a suitable position
depending on the magnitude of the input voltage such that the trace lies within the
S u m a n P a u l, Ph. D.
GE T5 - Digital, Analog Circuits and Instrumentation
AC Voltage
The a.c. signal froma signal generator is fed to the Y-input of the CRO in the a.c.
mode and the peak to peak voltage of the signal is measured by noting the height of
the signal on the screen and the vertical gain position of the Y-input. This can be
repeated on signals of different frequencies and magnitude.
To trace a curve in a CRO, deflection voltages in both the plates are applied
simultaneously. A sweep voltage is applied to the horizontal plates and a sine wave
signal (to be traced) is applied to the vertical plates. Thus, electron beam (CRO spot)
moves along horizontal line at a linear rate and simultaneously CRO spot moves up
and down in accordance with the magnitude and polarity of the input signal. The
resultant motion of the electron beam produces a CRT display of vertical input as a
function of time.
Deflection Sensitivity
The d.c. or peak-to-peak a.c. voltage applied to the deflecting plates to displace the
spot by 1 mm on the screen is termed as the deflection factor, the reciprocal of which
is called the deflection sensitivity. Its unit is mmV-1.
S u m a n P a u l, Ph. D.
GE T5 - Digital, Analog Circuits and Ins
en a particle is acted upon simultaneously by two simple harmonic motions
(SHM) at right angles to each other, the resultant path traced out by the particle is
called Lissajous Figure.
S u m a n P a u l, Ph. D.
GE T5 - Digital, Analog Circuits and Instrumentation
A sample Experimental Data Table for different Lissajous Patterns is shown below.
1:1 1:1
1:1 1:1
1:2 1:1
2:3 1:1
3:4 1:1
S u m a n P a u l, Ph. D.
GE T5 - Digital, Analog Circuits and Instrumentation
Measurement of Phase
Since sine waves are based on circular motion, they illustrate phase difference very
well. One complete cycle of a sine wave relates to one complete circle and therefore
to 360°. This means that the phase angle of a sine wave can be represented using
degrees. Figure shows how a complete sine wave cycle relates directly to 360°.
Phase shift describes the timing difference between two otherwise different signals,
e.g., two similar sine waves of the same frequency (Figure). T denotes the period of
one complete cycle (10 smallest division) and t signifies the time between the zero
transition point of both signals (3 smallest division).
S u m a n P a u l, Ph. D.
GE T5 - Digital, Analog Circuits and Instrumentation
Worked-out Problems
Problem: A cathode ray tube has an electron beam that has been accelerated
through a potential difference of 1 kV. Calculate the velocity of the electrons.
[CU 2008]
Solution: Velocity of an electron is given by
2qV 2 1.6 10 19 1 10 3 -1
v 31
1.87 10 7 ms .
m 9.11 10
Problem: A cathode ray tube has an electron beam that has been accelerated
through a potential difference of 2 kV. Calculate the velocity of the electrons.
[CU 2007]
Solution: Velocity of an electron is given by
2qV 2 1.6 1019 2 103 -1
v 31
2.64 107 ms .
m 9.11 10
Solution: Displacement of the light spot on the screen in a CRO is given by d lLVd .
2 sVa
S u m a n P a u l, Ph. D.
GE T5 - Digital, Analog Circuits and Instrumentation
⑦ Draw a neat diagram of a cathode ray tube and explain its working principle.
S u m a n P a u l, Ph. D.