1st QTR - Router Configuration
1st QTR - Router Configuration
1st QTR - Router Configuration
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of General Santos City
Datu Andiam Manza National High School
(formerly Tinagacan National High School)
Barangay Tinagacan, General Santos City
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of
concepts and principles in setting up computer
Specific Objectives
1 Configure client device systems settings in
accordance with manufacturer’s instructions
and end user preference
A. Review previews lesson or presenting a Brief review of the previous lesson on network
new lesson Configuration
Process Questions:
1. What is networking?
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Using a Venn Diagram, write the difference of
new skills #1 the switch and the router and write their
overlapping roles.
Process Questions:
1. Do all network need switch? why?
2. Do all network need router? why?
Address: Barangay Tinagacan, General Santos City
Telephone no: (083) 825-1691
Email: tinagacan.nhs@deped.gov.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of General Santos City
Datu Andiam Manza National High School
(formerly Tinagacan National High School)
Barangay Tinagacan, General Santos City
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing Give online emulator link for online practice of
new skills #2 configuring router and provide activity sheets
G. Finding practical applications of concepts Give 2 real life scenario on networking and
and skills in daily living routers
J. Additional activities for application or How will you connect two rooms with 20
remediation computers each in a single router?
Draw a diagram and explain your connections
and configurations.
A. No. of learners who earned 70% on the NONE
formative assessment
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of There is no remedial class. All of them got a
learners who have caught up with the lesson passing grade on assessment
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked The demonstration part in the lesson plan
well? Why did this work? worked well, the students were able simulate
how to configure router even though they
don’t have internet connection at home.
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my The difficult part in my lesson is, not all
principal or supervisor can help me solve? students have stable internet connection
G. What innovation or localized materials did The innovation or localized material that I can
use/discover which I wish to share with other share with my co-teachers are the motivation
teachers. part which is “WHO WANTS TO HAVE A
LOAD” because it motivates the learners to
participate actively. Next is the assessment
part, which is powered by google forms,
because this is a great help for the teacher
when it comes to recording and giving
Prepared by:
Master Teacher II