Protected Areas in India

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India’s Protected Area (PA) Network

Praveen Bhargav

Nagarahole Tiger Reserve, a PA in Karnataka

Conservation India

“Protected Area” means a National Park, Sanctuary, Conservation / Community Reserve.

Here is an explainer piece on Protected Areas in India.

What is a Protected Area (PA)?

PAs in India comprise National Parks, Sanctuaries, Conservation / Community Reserves and
Tiger Reserves. It does not include Reserved Forests.
Protected Area (PA) has been defined in the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. Section 2(24A)
says: “Protected Area” means a National Park, Sanctuary, Conservation / Community
Reserve. These are notified under Chapter IV titled “Protected Areas”. 

A Tiger Reserve on the other hand is notified under Chapter IV B titled “National Tiger
Conservation Authority”. Since, all notified Core or Critical Tiger Habitats of Tiger Reserves
are either Sanctuaries or National Parks with tiger populations they get considered as PAs.
This is as mandated by Section 38V(4)(i). However, it must be clarified that Buffer or
Peripheral Areas notified under Section 38V(4)(ii) cannot include Sanctuaries or National
Parks and hence they will not have the status of a PA. These include Ecologically Sensitive
Areas (ESZs) that surround PAs.

What percentage of India do PAs cover?

There are 870 notified PAs covering an area of 1,65,158.54 sq km or 5.02% of India’s land

The geographical area of India is 32,87,263 sq km. Within it are:

870 notified PAs (as on Sept 2019) covering an area of 1,65,158.54 sq km or 5.02% of
India’s land area. The break-ups are as follows:

 104 National Parks: Area – 40,501.13 sq km or 1.23%

 551 Sanctuaries: Area – 1,19,775.80 sq km or 3.64%

So, 655 National Parks and Sanctuaries comprising an area of 1,60,276.93 sq km or 4.87% of
India’s geographical area. In addition there are:

 88 Conservation Reserves: Area – 4356.49 sq km or 0.13%

 127 Community Reserves: Area – 525.22 sq km or 0.02%

How do Reserved Forests (RFs) feature in the PA network?

Reserved Forests (RFs) are areas notified under the Indian Forest Act, 1927. There is another
category called as State Forests (SFs) which are areas notified under State Forest Acts. Both
these categories have the same legal status. The total area of RFs is 4,34,853 sq km or
13.25% of India’s land area. Typically, two or more contiguous Reserved or State Forests are
amalgamated and notified as either a Sanctuary or National Park. Even a single RF can be
notified. Only such notified RFs/SFs will be part of a PA.
The various rights admitted in the RF/SF will be included in the notification. In a Sanctuary,
such rights may be allowed to continue. For example, the right to graze cattle in a certain
portion of the RF/SF may be permitted in a Sanctuary. However, in a National Park, all rights
recorded in the RF/SF notification must be settled and extinguished.

Conservation Reserves comprise areas that are Government Lands (not RFs) which could link
one PA with another or be standalone. Community Reserves can only include private lands
owned by an individual or community lands. In both cases, Community Reserves can be
notified only when the community or land owner volunteers to conserve wildlife.

What is the difference between Forest Cover, Recorded Forest Area and Green Wash

These are terms defined in the Indian State of the Forest Report (ISFR).

 The term ‘Forest Cover’ includes “all lands more than one hectare in area with a
tree canopy of more than 10%, irrespective of land use, ownership and legal

 ‘Recorded Forest Area’ is defined as those areas which are legally notified forests.

 ‘Green Wash Area’ is defined as those areas shown by green color on Survey of
India toposheets or maps. They represent forested areas at the time of survey.
However, this data may not reveal the actual status of forests on-the-ground.

None of these are PAs.

List of PAs state wise

For a complete state wise list of Protected Areas in India visit ENVIS Centre on Wildlife &
Protected Areas.

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