Form TECH 4: Description of Approach, Methodology and Work Plan For Performing The Assignment

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Form TECH 4: Description of Approach, Methodology and

Work Plan for Performing the Assignment

[Technical approach, methodology and work plan are key components of the technical
proposal. You are suggested to present your technical proposal divided into the
following three chapters:

a) technical approach and methodology,

The methodological approach is based on the principle of strategic management.
Because the major objective and the derivative objectives are already set out in the
Project Design Report, It is to set the 2.3 and 4 degree targets, which emerges from
the major objective and the 1st degree objectives. At the next stage, it will be conceived
or even described how we achieve these objectives step by step, establishing the
strategy, which must give us answers as we achieve the objectives set. We identify the
order of priority of the necessary measures to be taken and the correlation between
components. Also during this period it is necessary to obtain feedback from potential
service providers in order to identify the problems that may arise in achieving the
objectives, thus establishing a clarity at the stage of elaboration of tasks for these
providers (desirable objectives to be expressed through measurable indicators). If major
problems are identified in achieving the objectives or bottlenecks, corrective action will
be taken and the strategy will be adjusted.

b) work plan,
1. Elaboration of a coordinated individual plan, in accordance with the objectives of
2. Establish and clarify in detail the criteria for identifying the eligibility of grant
recipients (it is not clear what is being pursued: beneficiaries with areas owned
up to 10 hectares or who apply irrigation on areas up to 10 hectares;
beneficiaries who hold up to 10 hectares of agricultural land up to which area
subject to irrigation will be considered eligible after the implementation of the
project 0.1 .... 1 .... 2,3,4 .....hectare, etc.)
3. Detailed establishment of eligible investments. In the case of micro, mini
irrigation systems, etc (technical characteristics). What is the durability of
irrigation systems (in the case of drip irrigation systems used to grow vegetables,
often the term of exposure is one season). In this case, how do we obtain the
continuity of investments co-financed under the project?
4. Identify the additional facilities that the project can offer for the economic
development of beneficiaries in terms of subsidized investments. (eg:
Consultations and guidance continue from specialists in the process of producing
beneficiaries in order to correctly apply technological processes and rules - this
could be a considerable advantage of participating in the project).
5. Development of TOR for service providers provided in component 1.1
6. Participation in the elaboration of annual budgets.
7. Elaboration of reports according to project needs.
8. Enterprise measures to identify and eliminate barriers in the project
implementation process.
d) Knowledge Transfer: In this section, please elaborate the approach, methodology
and techniques that the consultant will employ to ensure effective and efficient
transfer of knowledge to counterparts and stakeholders.]

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