Project Approach in Early Child
Project Approach in Early Child
Project Approach in Early Child
This paper deals with Project approach to learning in early childhood education. It draws on the fluid
and continuous relationship in learning and teaching with renewed insights. It highlights the context
for an emergent curriculum through child-initiated activities that are extended by teachers
appropriately and innovatively. The intent of the paper is to portray children’s learning through an
approach that involves them.
This is a qualitative research paper. It provides for the context where in project approach was used in
an ECE center in India; a narrative of the field notes of an exemplar project topic; interspersed with
discussion on the insights drawn from developmentally appropriate activities; and concludes with its
bearing on advances in teaching.
project approach, circle-time, emergent curriculum, developmentally appropriate practice
1. Introduction
The early childhood stage (6-8 years of a child’s life) is globally acknowledged to be the most critical
period for lifelong development. If this stage is not embedded in or supported by a stimulating and
enriching physical and psychosocial environment, the chances of the child’s brain developing to its full
potential are considerably and often irreversibly reduced. What follows logically is the crucial
importance of investing in these early years to ensure an enabling environment for every child, and
thereby a sound foundation for further learning. Unfortunately, in India, most schools for this age group
follow undesirable practices. The programs are merely a downward extension of primary education
(Kaul, 1999). The heavy curriculum exposes children to rote learning and is rigidly structured at an age
when they are not developmentally ready for it. Children spend most of the time writing, working with
books, or engaged in number work thus resulting in a formal method of learning. There is little or no
scope for “learning by doing”/experiential learning. The danger of early formal instruction is seen as a
potential threat to the child’s motivation for learning (National Curriculum Framework, NCERT, 2005).
Children have their own set of learning priorities, and this is self-directed. When adults intrude into this
area of self-directed learning and insist on imposing their own learning priorities like reading and writing,
they interfere with this self-directed impulse and undermine the child’s sense of initiative (NUEPA,
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The Position Paper of the National Focus Group on Early Childhood Education (NCERT, 2005)
delineates exploration, experimentation, engagement, challenge, opportunity, guidance, support,
cooperation, sharing etcetera as the kinds of experiences to be nurtured in children at this stage. Children
also need to learn through innovation and problem solving. This requires a new kind of education—one
that inspires, connects, and empowers students. The Project Approach does just that by connecting
students to their local and global communities thus providing them with real-world experiences beyond
the classroom. It helps building on the individual needs, interests, and strengths of all
students—allowing children to work, where appropriate, at their own pace. It also hones their literacy
and communication skills by enabling students to use a variety of media to share the process and
product of their project work. It also helps in integrating content knowledge and skills from a variety of
disciplines, so that students come to see and make cross-curricular connections (Helm & Katz, 1994).
Lee (2002) reiterates that Project Approach to learning engages students’ natural bent for discovery
through observation, play, hands-on tasks and real-world challenges. Project-based learning
complements systematic instruction in basic skills by making discrete bits of information relevant.
Children have a strong disposition to explore and discover. The Project Approach is built on the natural
curiosity of children, that enable them to interact, connect, communicate, inquire, problem solve, reflect
and more. Such authentic learning extends beyond the walls of a classroom. It essentially relates learning
to real life. It recognizes the potential in every child. Opportunities can be provided for children to
contribute in original and creative ways (Jane, 1998).
Project Approach is a method of teaching, in which a child or a group of children conducts an in-depth
study of a particular topic. The Project Approach is incorporated into the curriculum but does not always
constitute the entire curriculum.
how they might use them for their own purposes (Chard, 2014).
Students can shoulder some responsibility for the various tasks they undertake in project activities. For
example, the teacher can facilitate them to choose the level of challenge with which they feel confident,
the duration of time they plan to work, the level of detail or elaboration, which might be appropriate for
them, and their choice to work alone or with a peer. Engaging in such choices provides scope for students
to take onus of the work and accept responsibility for the effort and the quality of ideas that they bring to
the activity (Chard, 2014).
Different criteria can be considered for selecting project topics. Firstly, the topic should be closely related
to children’s daily experience. At least a few of them should be familiar with the topic to be able to raise
questions about it. Secondly, apart from basic pre-literacy and pre numeracy skills, the topic should
provide for the integration of subjects such as science, social studies, and language arts. Thirdly, the topic
should be rich enough so that it can be explored for at least a week. Fourthly, the topic should be such that
it is more suitable for examination in school than at home (Katz, 1993).
The daily schedule is flexible and loosely structured. It encourages student initiative by providing them
with materials, equipment and time to pursue their chosen activities. It provides teachers with a
framework for guiding children’s activities through topic webs designed by teachers toward sequenced
learning goals. Topics at the ECE level could include, senses, my family, my friends, water, food,
clothes, animals, birds and insects, homes, flowers, balls, communication and transportation, and many
more that are relevant to the child’s learning at this age. The duration of a topic may range from seven
to ten days, depending on the interest of the learners and the emergent curriculum.
Once the topic has been selected, teachers usually start by designing a web, or concept map, by
brainstorming with the children. Displaying a topic web and subtopics can be used for continuous
de-briefing discussion sessions as the project work proceeds. During preliminary discussions, the teacher
and children engage in answering questions of that which they seek to investigate.
3. Project Web
A Project Web is a pictorial representation of a topic and related subtopics. A web is designed by a
teacher to anticipate what can be learned about topic. It is designed based on children’s interests; focuses
on topics that are relevant to them and links previous knowledge to new knowledge. Webs are emergent
as they are designed by engaging in discussion with children. Activities are designed accordingly and
resources for the same are sought. These resources support children’s learning styles in a variety of
interactive and collaborative ways. The resources and materials include manipulative, naturally found
objects, instruments, toys, field trips, books, videos, magazines, brochures, guest speakers/experts,
artifacts, music, puppets, masks, charts, models, all of which support children’s learning styles in a
variety of interactive and collaborative ways that traditionally engage children.
Although project work in the early childhood stage, is not new in many parts of the world and the interest
in involving children in group projects has been growing for several years, it is fairly new in the Indian
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context. The renewed interest is based researches (Kandel & Hawkins, 1992; Sharan & Sharan, 1992;
Beneke, 1994; Kay & Katherine, 1996; Capezzuto, Sheila, & Denise, 2001; Vasconcelos, 2007; Beneke
& Ostrosky, 2007; Kogan & Pin, 2009) and the impressive reports of group projects conducted by
children in the pre-primary schools of Reggio Emilia (Edwards et al., 1993).
The present study is about the Project approach to learning, which was employed in the Early Childhood
Education (ECE) program for children of the age group 4.5 to 5.5 years, in an ECE center in India. The
objectives were geared towards studying the process of learning and teaching children in the ECE stage
through project approach. The investigator employs a narrative interspersed with excerpts of field notes
of an exemplar project topic. This inherently provides for a series of developmentally appropriate
activities that propel an emergent curriculum and discussion of the process of learning and teaching
there in. Since the emphasis is on the process of learning, planning and designing activities is not
included in here.
children were quick to disapprove of some objects as those representing a tree, such as stones, sand,
plastic and strings. Two children argued that stones and sand were a part of the tree because the tree
stands on them! Some children ran in to get picture books, encyclopedia and picture cards on fruits,
flowers and trees. They browsed for pictures of trees and urged the teacher to read aloud the names. The
teacher facilitated the course of participation, provided probes and assisted when children sought for aid.
The teacher deliberately brought to the front the acts of help rendered by some without naming the
Recall strategies during circle-time included demonstration of various developmentally appropriate
activities and verbally recalling the events of work time. The teacher supported children’s linking of the
actual work to their reporting. These reviews provided children to reflect on what they did and how it was
done. It brought about closure to children’s work-time activities. Expressing their ideas and experiences
in words and sentences also facilitated children’s language development. As reiterated by Pascal (2009),
it also enables children to represent and share their mental schemes.
The video on trees was followed by a brief discussion on what they visualized and their exploration.
Many of them tried to rename the trees they saw and the objects they gathered. Some of them spoke of
trees they imagined they saw. Children drew figures of big trees on the ground and designed it with their
find. Most of them were able to fill the trunk space of the tree with twigs, the upper part with flowers,
fruits, seeds and leaves. The two who had gathered stones and sand, filled the lower end of the figure with
it. Some chose to leave behind the plastics and strings while others spread them below the tree. One of
them who had picked resin/gum placed it in the trunk space though she found it on the ground. Some who
gathered objects from different trees were keen to separate them on different tree drawings. Some who
finished their task helped others arrange theirs. One of them went about correcting his peers’ tree
drawings (some objected to this, while others allowed him to do so and still others called out to him for
help). Some couldn’t finish the task and sought for help either from friends or teachers. One of them
chose not to engage in this task and spread the material gathered on the floor in circles. The teacher let her
have it her way and ensured that she enjoyed whatever she was doing. Instead of focusing on children’s
deficits, emphasis is laid on the development of broad physical, social and cognitive abilities essential for
all children. This allows for children to progress at their pace, and provides for their individual and
special needs. The project approach allows for engaging with resources at varying degrees of difficulty,
so that all children can participate (Beneke & Ostrosky, 2007).
Next day, children were quick to pick up the lyrics and tune of a song “Swinging on the mango tree”
for which they suggested actions and dance steps. Their vocabulary was enriched through the lyrics of
the song. As they watched the video of their rendition, they laughed at each other’s steps. They
suggested we go out to swing on the mango tree. On probing, some of them were able to locate mango
trees in the campus, which they had seen on their way to school. Two of them offered that we go to the
mango trees in their garden in the campus. We brainstormed on ways of making swings on the mango
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trees. They were able to list resources and described ways of building swings. They also tried to guess
the materials that could be used to make the swing strong enough to bear their weight.
As this was not a part of the plan, the teachers had to arrange for a visit to the mango grove in the
campus and tie up ropes and cushion as swings on trees. As teachers, we create the environment and
experiences based on what children are curious about and are interested in. In an emergent curriculum,
the course of the learning engagement determines its progress. Children’s lives offer a rich set of topics
for projects; which would include learning about themselves, their families, and the larger community
in which they live (Essa & Rogers, 1992). They were paired for the swing activity so that one would
swing, while the other would rock. Some children refused to give a chance to the other and when this
happened some of them broke away from the pair and joined another pair; some threatened not to rock
the other; still others kept quiet; some sought the intervention of teachers and some had decided on a
mechanism about their turns on the swing.
Since it was not the season for mangoes the group had to return without any. While we walked back,
one of them suggested we return to the grove in the holidays (summer time), when there would be
plenty of fruit. This prompted the teachers to initiate the discussion on seasons, fruits and flowers. On
their return the teachers found it apt to let them watch the video on the same followed by a discussion.
This discussion allowed them to come up with new vocabulary followed by a word game on matching
alphabet/phonic sounds with names of fruits and flowers.
The discussion concluded with an all season fruit—the coconut. This was the thread for the next day’s
activity on drawing & coloring a coconut tree. Coconut trees were drawn differently- big or small,
single or many, scattered or in rows, amidst water and another with a boat. They spoke elaborately
about their drawings describing that which was visible and that which was not too. One child
interpreted his drawing saying that all the coconuts were on the ground because a man had plucked
them and he had gone to fetch a basket. Another said the hanging figure on the trunk of the tree was a
man; another said there was a monkey plucking coconuts but was not clearly visible as it was trying to
hold on to the trunk tightly. One of them described the coconut tree near the beach while another said it
was on the lake as they had seen them on their journey to their hometowns. The one with the boat had a
long tale to tell about a thief who was filling the boat with coconuts to take them home.
This was followed by an exploratory visit to the coconut grove where they could actually watch men
climb up trees and pluck coconuts. They queried about the rough surface of the trunk, big fan-shaped
leaves, fruits that fell off on their own, colors, shapes and sizes of coconuts, trees that were slanting,
water in the pit at the foot of the tree, insects that had crawled into the coconut fiber and men collecting
and piling coconuts in trucks. They tried to lift coconuts and found some to be light while some were
heavy. They tried to associate weight of the coconuts with their color. The gardener intervened and
explained that those that were brown had little or no water and so were light while the green ones were
heavy with water. They would not wait for responses as each was excited to ask and prompt an answer.
The teacher directed the course of questions and responses, allowing for them to guess the responses.
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Some of them were engaged in counting the number of coconuts that were getting piled around each
tree. We were all surprised with the tender coconut drink offered in the grove. We then sat in the shade
to play a game of passing the parcel with a coconut. During circle time some of them spoke of carts
carrying coconuts, coconut curry and chutney, coconut shells used as fuel, the flower used during a
particular festival at home. One described of her granny making brooms from dried coconut leaves and
ropes from coconut coir. This fascinated them all. The teachers helped children integrate concepts and
process skills through firsthand explorations and extended discussions. The whole course of an activity
had three phases: beginning the study, investigations, and celebrating learning.
The next day was a surprise for all of them as there was granny to actually demonstrate the making of
brooms and coir rope! They were keen to try their hands at it. They worked in small groups where
everyone had a task to do. Each group made a broom and a piece of rope. When children are allowed to
pursue their interests they engage deeply in learning. A project topic provides the context for real-life
activities, explorations, and inquiries (Lee, 2002). After break-time they wanted to share their
experiences. The teacher facilitated the discussion and at the end she directed the discussion towards
group work, tasks of each member, the completed activity and the finished product. Kostelink,
Soderman and Whiren (2004) pointed that developmentally appropriate activities engage and allow
students to explore concepts from a variety of perspectives and viewpoints. Furthermore, they
highlighted that a thematic curriculum at the preschool stage provides children with opportunities for
independent learning, problem solving, divergent thinking, risk-taking and choice.
After the story session on “The monkeys on the coconut tree” with puppets and masks, some children
queried about the absence of monkeys on trees in the campus. They asked where all the monkeys had
gone; whether monkeys lived on other trees; and why monkeys live on trees. Children came up with
different reasons and arguments. It ended on the note that monkeys had fled from trees because they
were stoned as men didn’t want to share fruits with them. Circle time allowed for children to construct
meaning by sharing their experiences. This places a strong emphasis on children’s social construction
of knowledge through their relationships within the context of collaboration, dialogue, conflict,
negotiation, and cooperation with peers and adults (Curtis & Carter, 2007).
The next day we went out exploring trees in the campus to know more about sizes of trees. Children
tried to respond on how they could know about the height (tallness) of trees. Some said they couldn’t
measure its height without a big ladder. The teacher probed about its width (fatness). Some tried to
encircle the trunk with their arms and called out to their friends to join them. They tried to say the trunk
was very fat as many of them had to hold hands. The teacher then paired them and demonstrated the
activity of measuring the trunk (circumference) with a ball of string (cutting off as much string as
required), and the children followed suit. Later as each pair stood holding the ends of the string, they
found that some of their friends were further apart. They could not reason for this. So, the teacher
explained to them that some strings were longer. The teacher further laid each string on the ground in a
circle. This enabled children to know that some trees were fat while some were thin; and larger the
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circle, fatter the tree. This draws a parallel with Katz (1993), who pointed that to make sense of
experiences, to theorize about cause and effect, to hypothesize explanations, to account for
observations, and to analyze and synthesize available information are a variety of intellectual
dispositions, which can be seen when children are engaged in investigations around them.
Children also tried to gauge the size of trees by its distance from them; they felt trees farther away were
small. So, the teacher walked them near the tree and then they said it became big. Piaget examined the
impact of children’s active, physical interactions with the environment on the construction of
knowledge. According to Piaget (1973), “A student who achieves a certain knowledge through free
investigation and spontaneous effort will later be able to retain it” (p. 93). Piaget’s (1973) reference to
children’s “investigation” (p. 93) suggests the role of the child as that of a researcher. The same has
been reiterated by John Dewey (1991). They were able to learn words like far, near, small, big, tall,
short, in, out, up, down, there and here.
We were looking out for a place to break for snack and children chose the big banyan tree. As we sat
under the tree they observed that this tree looked odd, as there were many trees joined together and the
roots ran up and down. We finished our snack and had a little chat about our expedition. On probing
about the choice of the place for the break they came up with several responses. Some said that they
wanted a shady space; some said a big space and others related this to the big neem tree in the school
where they had their lunch. The teacher found an opportune moment to discuss about the importance of
shady trees. Children shared their experiences about enjoying their holidays while playing under the
tamarind tree. They ventilated their displeasure about the tree being cut down. Children construct
meaning from their own experiences and thus connect and contextualize knowledge (DeVries, Zan,
Hildebrandt, Edmiaston, & Sales, 2002). They related the sounds of different birds and insects on the
tree with those they had previously heard in school during “silent time” in the mornings and mimicked
them. They summarized about all that trees offered- fruits, flowers, seeds, wood, etc. The teacher
related the story of “The Banyan Tree” and let them complete it as they fancied.
Before returning, children were keen to collect something from around the trees. As this wasn’t
planned, they had to collect them in their snack bags. This time the teacher allowed them to opt a group.
The groups were of flowers, leaves and twigs. Each one in the group collected only that object which
the group represented. On their return they worked in groups to display the objects they had collected.
The displays included floral rangoli (design), leaves rangoli, garland of flowers and leaves, scrapbook
of different shaped leaves, the alphabets “TREE” with twigs, and a twig house.
5. Discussion
According to Williams and Fromberg (2011), “Projects can promote and reflect the cohesiveness of the
curriculum, curricular integration across subject matter and/or developmental domains… Teachers
have found varied project topics to plan the curriculum, to focus ways to generate new ideas, and to
Published by SCHOLINK INC. World Journal of Educational Research Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016
select activities from alternative sources. Project topics are also useful to communicate to others what is
happening in an early childhood educational setting” (p. 318).
Teachers ensured that there were no tasks that involved memorizing lists or symbols, responding to
questions that had correct answers, nor practiced routine tasks that could be assessed as right or wrong.
Kogan and Pin (2009) point out that project approach encourages teachers to start with students’
strength and utilize their relevant background knowledge. Teachers continually and positively
encouraged and supported children’s interests and involvement in activities. Beneke and Ostrosky
(2007) too found that kindergarten teachers had a positive perception towards implementation of
project approach in the teaching and learning process. Teachers planned for key experiences that might
broaden and strengthen children’s emerging abilities. Teacher innovativeness is central to designing
learning that is learner focused (Branscombe, 2003). Children generated many of these experiences on
their own while some required teacher guidance. Many key experiences were natural extensions of
children’s ideas and interests. A rich range of developmentally appropriate experiences ensures the
engagement of all kinds of learners (Gestwicki, 2007).
The developmentally appropriate way to support children’s learning is through child-initiated
exploration, which an adult scaffolds (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997). The traditional importance given to
spontaneous play, song & movement, collecting artifacts/objects and creative art for young children as a
natural way to learn cannot be sabotaged and bargained for literacy and numeracy programs that provide
readiness for the next grade or class. Early childhood curriculum is not just intended to help children
master the basic skills of literacy and numeracy, where in the child is made to feel dependent on adult
instruction to cram such academic knowledge and skills (Katz & Chard, 1989). It is an active and
interactive curriculum that can actually see young children as active constructors of knowledge, which is
a major goal of the thematic curriculum.
6. Conclusion
We begin with the idea that through constructing meaning together (both teacher and child) we are able
to deepen one another’s learning and understanding; thereby, incessantly building relationships
(Stuipansky, 1997). This facilitates exchange of ideas and thoughts that truly engage one another in the
process of learning through an approach such as the project approach. This is an integral aspect of an
emergent curriculum that emerges with the engagement of both sides.
As teachers we could create a prospect for deep reflection on practice if we inquire into our image of
the child. This would certainly have a bearing on our ways of engaging with them by employing
suitable approaches such as this. We would see that our view of the child impacts our pedagogy. The
extent to which we are disposed to listen, observe and provide opportunities for children to be
self-directed in their learning would become the benchmark of an indication of the shift in perspective.
The extent to which we renounce some of our “control” and “step aside”, would actually allow for
listening, observing and reflecting on the learning processes that children engage in. This would also
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become the opportune moments for children to reign in, learn and construct meaning with peers rather
than accept versions of pre-constructed meanings from teachers. The project approach provides the
fertile ground for such a relationship in learning and teaching.
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