Summary of Major Concepts, Principles, and Functions of Logic
Summary of Major Concepts, Principles, and Functions of Logic
Summary of Major Concepts, Principles, and Functions of Logic
The Three Laws of Thought . . . Are Equally Laws of Things (God’s Truth Denotes God’s Reality)
Identity: A is A. (A thing is what it is.)
Contradiction: A is not non-A. (No thing simultaneously has a character and has it not.)
Excluded middle: A is either B or non-B. (No thing is both what it is and not what it is.)
“The definition of anything is the statement of its essence: what makes it that, and not something else.” (Joseph, 72) Six Rules of Definition: A definition
must (1) “give the essence of that which is to be defined”; (2) “be per genus et differentiam” (of kind and varieties); (3) “be commensurate with that which
is to be defined, i.e. be applicable to everything included in the species defined, and to nothing else”; (4) “not, directly or indirectly, define the subject by itself”;
(5) “not be in negative where it can be in positive terms”; (6) “not be expressed in obscure or figurative language.” (Joseph, 111-115)
Types of Categorical Proposition All propositions affirm or deny the predicate of some or all of the subject.
A (universal affirmative): All x are y. AffIrmo: I affirm I (particular affirmative): Some x are y.
E (universal negative): No x are y. nEgO: I deny O (particular negative): Some x are not y.
Note: Quantity (universal or particular) affects terms. Quality (affirmative or negative) affects copula.
To negate a term, use non- or un-; to negate the copula, use no or not.
Rules of Distribution
Universal subjects (A & E propositions) and negative predicates (E & O propositions) are distributed.
Particular subjects (I and O propositions) and affirmative predicates (A and I propositions) are undistributed.
Five Rules of the Syllogism (following Gordon H. Clark) Breaking the rule at left commits the fallacy at right:
1. Two negative premises do not imply a conclusion. (G&B 5; Joseph 3) Exclusive premises
2. Two affirmative premises do not imply a negative conclusion. (G&B 7; J 5) Negation from affirmation
3. An affirmative and a negative premise do not imply an affirmative conclusion. (G&B 4; J 4) Affirmation from negation
4. Two premises in both of which the middle term is undistributed do not imply a conclusion. (G&B 2; J 2) Undistributed middle
5. Two premises in which a given term is undistributed do not imply a conclusion in which it is distributed. (G&B 3; J 6) Illicit process
Figures and Their Valid Moods (64 possible moods in each of 4 figures = 256 possible argument forms)
(Moods in parentheses yield weaker conclusions than the premises warrant.) (19 strong valid + 5 weak valid = 24 (9.4%) valid forms; 232 [90.6%] invalid)
Major Premise MP PM MP PM
Minor Premise SM SM MS MS
Valid Moods Barbara Celarent Darii Ferio Cesare Camestres Festino Darapti Disamis Datisi Bramantip Camenes Dimaris
(AAI) (EAO) Baroco (EAO) (AEO) Felapton Bocardo Ferison Fesapo Fresison (AEO)
Vowels denote proposition types (AEIO). Consonants in Figs. 2-4: CInitial consonant matches Fig. 1 target; C “m” (= muta): transpose premises; C “s” (=
simpliciter): convert simply the original premise or new conclusion designated by the preceding vowel; C “p” (= per accidens) convert by limitation the
original premise or new conclusion designated by the preceding vowel; C “c” (= conversio syllogismi): employ indirect reduction (using contradiction of
conclusion of original argument as premise in new argument whose conclusion contradicts a premise in the original argument). Moods in parentheses ( ) are
“weak” valid, concluding less (the subaltern) than the universal conclusion possible.
Formal Fallacies of the Categorical Syllogism (Fallacies in the Form, Not Substance, of the Argument)
1. Illicit Major–major term distributed in conclusion but not in premise.
2. Illicit Minor–minor term distributed in conclusion but not in premise.
3. Undistributed Middle–middle term not distributed at least once.
4. Four-term Fallacy–at least one term is ambiguous or equivocal (results in a non-syllogism).
Seven Relations Between Different Propositions (or Types of Propositions) with the Same Terms
1. Independence? Truth or falsehood of one is unrelated to truth or falsehood of other: impossible.
2. Equivalence? Both statements must be true or both must be false, not one true and the other false: impossible.
3. Contradiction: Truth of either statement (A or E; I or O) entails falsehood of other (O or I; E or A), and falsehood of either (A or E; I or O) entails truth of other
(O or I; E or A).
4. Contrariety: If either (A or E) is true, other (E or A) must be false, but both (A and E) might be false.
5. Subcontrariety: Truth of either (I or O) does not entail falsity of other (O or I), but falsity of either (I or O) entails truth of other (O or I).
6. Subalternation: Truth of one (A or E) entails truth of other (I or O), but falsity of one (A or E) does not entail falsity of other (I or O).
7. Superalternation: Truth of one (I or O) does not entail truth of other (A or E), but falsity of one (I or O) entails falsity of other (A or E).
Sources: Joseph, H. W. B. An Introduction to Logic, 2d ed. (1916) Cresskill, NJ: Paper Tiger, 2000; Geisler, Norman L., and Ronald M. Brooks. Come,
Let Us Reason: An Introduction to Logical Thinking. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1988; Clark, Gordon H. Logic, 2d ed. Jefferson, MD: Trinity Foundation,
1988. Copi, Irving M. Introduction to Logic, 4th ed. New York: Macmillan, 1972; Kreeft, Peter. Socratic Logic. South Bend: St. Augustine’s Press,
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