Dry Сoolers and Air-Condensing Units (Review) : Steam Turbine, Gas Turbine, Combined-Cycle Plants And Their Auxiliaries
Dry Сoolers and Air-Condensing Units (Review) : Steam Turbine, Gas Turbine, Combined-Cycle Plants And Their Auxiliaries
Dry Сoolers and Air-Condensing Units (Review) : Steam Turbine, Gas Turbine, Combined-Cycle Plants And Their Auxiliaries
Original Russian Text © O.O. Milman, P.A. Anan’ev, 2016, published in Teploenergetika.
Abstract—The analysis of factors affecting the growth of shortage of freshwater is performed. The state and
dynamics of the global market of dry coolers used at electric power plants are investigated. Substantial
increase in number and maximum capacity of air-cooled condensers, which have been put into operation in
the world in recent years, are noted. The key reasons facilitating the choice of developers of the dry coolers,
in particular the independence of the location of thermal power plant from water sources, are enumerated.
The main steam turbine heat removal schemes using air cooling are considered, their comparison of thermal
efficiency is assessed, and the change of three important parameters, such as surface area of heat transfer,
condensate pump flow, and pressure losses in the steam exhaust system, are estimated. It is shown that the
most effective is the scheme of direct steam condensation in the heat-exchange tubes, but other schemes also
have certain advantages. The air-cooling efficiency may be enhanced much more by using an air-cooling
hybrid system: a combination of dry and wet cooling. The basic applied constructive solutions are shown: the
arrangement of heat-exchange modules and the types of fans. The optimal mounting design of a fully shop-
assembled cooling system for heat-exchange modules is represented. Different types of heat-exchange tubes
ribbing that take into account the operational features of cooling systems are shown. Heat transfer coefficients
of the plants from different manufacturers are compared, and the main reasons for its decline are named.
When using evaporative air cooling, it is possible to improve the efficiency of air-cooling units. The factors
affecting the faultless performance of dry coolers (DC) and air-condensing units (ACU) and the ways of their
elimination are described. A high velocity wind forcing reduces the efficiency of cooling systems and creates
preconditions for the development of wind-driven devices. It is noted that global trends have a significant
influence on the application of dry coolers in Russia, in view of the fact that some TPP have a surface con-
densers arrangement. The reasons that these systems are currently less efficient than the direct steam conden-
sation in an air-cooled condenser are explained. It is shown that, in some cases, it is more reasonable to use
mixing-type condensers in combination with a dry cooler. Measures for a full import substitution of steam
exhaust heat removal systems are mentioned.
Keywords: dry cooler, air condenser, steam turbine, heat transfer coefficient, fan, steam, water, thermal
power plant
DOI: 10.1134/S004060151603006X
In view of the development of the global economy, changed drastically. The demand for dry cooling sys-
there is a demand for the growth of power production, tems in the global market has grown approximately
resulting in the growing demand for freshwater for twentyfold over the past 15 years (Fig. 1) [1].
power plants. At the same time, power companies Currently, in addition to the shortage of water,
compete with public water consumption, daily living there are some other reasons for the selection of the
use, trade, agriculture, and industry. In addition, there dry cooling systems, such as:
is a need to stop or reduce the use of water reservoirs
and rivers to achieve environmental, ecological, and (1) Environmental requirements for water saving
recreational purposes, which will make the future of and its temperature rise in rivers and seas;
the national freshwater distribution still more compli- (2) Local legislation limiting harmful spillways;
cated. Thus, more and more attention is paid to the (3) Rise of prices for water consumption;
adequate use of freshwater for the power production
and the potential impact of the power plant on its (4) Greater freedom to select the location of the
resources and quality. station and simplified examination and procedure for
In the 1960s–1990s, steam (wet) cooling systems construction permit.
dominated in the market. Dry cooling was used mainly Specialists from the company SPX Cooling Tech-
for power plants located in areas with extremely lim- nologies, Inc (SPX CT, United States), one of the larg-
ited water resources. After 1990, the factors facilitating est producers of dry coolers, have noted a huge growth
the use of dry cooling systems in power plants have in the market of dry cooling systems. Figure 2 shows the
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. Largest power plants with dry coolers in (a) Europe and (b) North America.
Fig. 4. Schemes of cooling air supply. (a) Positive pressure forced circulation; (b) underpressure forced circulation; (c) natural
circulation; (–··–) cooling air; (1) heat-exchange surface; (2) fan; (3) tower.
(condensing steam or water) is much greater than the sure loss of the exhausted steam in the path “turbine–
heat transfer from the air, which determines the value air condenser” nullifies the advantage of the direct
of k. Then, we can say that steam condensation scheme in comparison with the
Heller System at the equal ACU heat-exchange sur-
FH Δ t c
= , face area in both schemes. Since the heat flows are the
Fc Δ t H same, the temperature difference here should also be
where ΔtH and Δtc are temperature difference for the equal. The direct condensation under the pressure of
Heller System and for the direct condensation. 6.2 kPa (ts = 36.6°C) corresponds to the Heller System
The air-flow rate in the comparable schemes is with a circulation ratio m = 28, the pressure in the
assumed to be equal, so its inlet temperature tvz1 is 5°C mixing condenser pc = 10 kPa. The temperature differ-
and the heating Δtvz = 20°C. ence in this case for the both schemes are the same.
The condensing pressure pc is taken as 10 and Thus, the direct condensation scheme has advan-
20 kPa, and the saturation temperature is, respec- tages till the pressure loss of the exhausted steam in the
tively, 45.5 and 60°C. The calculation was performed path does not exceed 10 – 6.2 = 3.8 kPa (a relative
for two values of the circulation ratio m = Gw/Gst, the pressure loss 3.8/10 = 0.38). Measurements made by
the authors on the operating ACU made it possible to
ratio of the cooling water flow Gw (in the dry cooler estimate the value of these losses up to 1 kPa. There-
circuit and in the mixing condenser) to the steam flow fore, we can conclude that the Heller System has fun-
in the condenser Gst. The calculation results are shown damental drawbacks in comparison with the scheme
in Table 1. Obviously, the Heller System requires 20– shown in Fig. 4a: a much larger ACU heat-exchange
47% more heat-exchange surface of ACU than the surface area is needed, a mixing condenser and a high
scheme with the direct steam condensation inside the duty condensate pump are required. However, there
tubes. This negative indicator reduction can only be are certain advantages against the scheme in Fig. 4a,
achieved by increasing the flow of the cooling air or such as the absence of an extended steam line of large
the cooling water circulation ratio m. What does it diameter from the turbine to the condenser, the
mean in a particular numerical value? For example, absence of a ramified vacuum system, and reduction
the K-6-1.6U turbine with a capacity of 6 MW has a of risk of water freezing in the ACU tubes.
steam-flow consumption in the condenser of approx-
imately 33 t/h. When the circulation ratio m = 28, the A similar comparison of the schemes a and b is
pump condensate output reaches 920 t/h, which is shown in Table 1.
close to the total supply of the condensate pumps of According to expectation, thermal properties of the
the power unit of 500 MW (although it requires a surface condenser scheme proved to be worst among all
much smaller water head: 20–30 instead of 150– the three schemes: the required ACU heat-exchange
160 mH2O). surface area increases 1.5–2.8 times and there is a sur-
If the circulation ratio is increased to 50–60, it is face condenser—an expensive and heavy device having
not possible to select an appropriate condensate pump a large size. The advantage of this option is an ability to
to provide the circulation of cooling water of 1650– use standard heat equipment that attracts designers and
1980 t/h. operating personnel of power plants.
A comparison of the schemes may also be per- Hybrid cooling system have found application in
formed by other parameters, for example, what pres- some areas with a high average annual air tempera-
Table 1.
Method Scheme with a surface
Indicator Heller System
of determining condenser
Condensing pressure pc, kPa Adopted value 10 10 20 10 10 20
Circulation ratio m Adopted value 28 56 28 28 56 28
Water heating in a mixing condenser Δtw, °C rx/(сpm) 20 10 20 20 10 20
Water underheating to the saturation tem- Adopted value – – – 10 5 10
perature t,°C
Water temperature,°C:
at the inlet to the dry cooler (at the out- ts – 0.5°C 45 45 59.5 35.5 40.5 50
let of the mixing condenser) tw1
at the outlet from the dry cooler tw2 tw1-Δ tw 25 35 39.5 15.5 30.5 30.0
Logarithmic mean temperature difference * Δ t hot − Δ t cold 20 24.6 34.5 10.5 19.6 25
ΔtH, °C ln(Δ t hot t cold )
Temperature difference in the direct con- Adopted value 29.4 29.4 44.25 29.4 29.4 44.25
densation scheme ** Δtc, °C
Relation of the ACU heat-exchange surface Δtc/ΔtH 1.47 1.20 1.28 2.8 1.5 1.87
area in the Heller System and in the direct
condensation scheme to the ACU surface
rx is heat of phase transition; cp is water heat capacity.
* A cross flow correction may be ignored, which will slightly improve the values of the Heller System.
** A pressure loss in a steam line from the turbine to the ACU may be ignored.
ture—a combination of wet coolers and air-condens- in particular, has supplied dry coolers to the TPP in
ing units. The effect is achieved by injection of water in the cities of Sochi, Adler, Novyi Urengoy, Serov, and
the air flow in front of the heat transfer surface in order Moscow (Strogino).
to operate at high ambient temperatures. This, on the There are specific differences in the constructive
one hand, reduces the temperature of the air but, on design of dry coolers and ACU from different manu-
the other hand, increases the rate of heat removal due facturers. Figure 6 shows a dry cooler for the Sochi
to the evaporation of water droplets that fall on the sur- thermal power station steam turbine as a part of the
face of the ribbed tubes. Calculations and operation combined cycle plant with a capacity of 220 MW [10].
experience have shown that the water injection in an
amount of 0.2–0.4% of the mass air flow, provides air
cooling to 5–6°C. Water supply
The ACU with the injection system is shown in
Fig. 5. There are water supply headers with built-in
nozzles in front of the heat transfer surface. The
water is supplied with a pump from a tank. Such a
system is activated at a high temperature of the air; it
requires replenishment of spent softened water.
The advantages of ACU and wet coolers are suc-
cessfully applied in hybrid schemes. 2
heat removal from the heat transfer surface per unit
of volume.
Heat transfer enhancing ribs and hollows are
applied in shell plate ribbing and flat ribbed tubes (see
Fig. 10b).
Axial fans with a wheel from 2.5 to 11 m in diameter
are used as air-flow drivers in dry coolers and air-
cooled condensers. The rate of rotation varies from
100 1/min for the large wheels to 365 1/min for the
2.5 meter wheels. The number of blades varies from
4 to 8 depending on the diameter of the wheel, the vol-
ume flow, and the fan pressure. Figure 11 shows the 3086
10-meter fan at the TPP in Colorado Springs [15].
It is very important to select proper characteristics
of the fan for the specified heat-exchange surface of Fig. 9. ACU module produced by ZAO Turbocon Scien-
the modules and the size and shape of air ducts. Mea- tific and Production Innovation Enterprise.
surements of operating ACU and dry coolers indicate
that the pressure loss in the channels is up to 30% of
the fan pressure. The neglect of this factor is the main surface, ceteris paribus. Figure 13 shows the results of
reason for the loss of efficiency of air condensers and the test of domestic air condensers and design charac-
dry coolers. The air noise is an important characteris- teristics of dry coolers and ACU of some manufactur-
tic of fans: the cost of a fan depends significantly on ers, including the characteristics of a full-scale experi-
this parameter and may grow up to 25–30% in case of mental section developed by ZAO Turbocon Scientific
stringent noise requirements. and Production Innovation Enterprise and installed at
SPECIFICATIONS OF DRY COOLERS The test results show low values of heat transfer fac-
AND ACU tors of the air condensers produced in the period of
from 1998 until 2004 by OAO Kaluga Turbine Works.
An important parameter in the design of dry cool- The main reasons for this is an insufficient cooling air
ers and ACU is the difference in temperature Δ flow and presence of heat-exchange surface areas with
between the condensing steam ts (cooling water) at the low intensity of heat removal.
inlet into these units and the cooling air tvz. The phenomenon of deterioration of heat removal
Thus, for the ACU at Grozny TPP with a CCP-220, was studied in detail in [16–18], which is illustrated in
the decrease of Δ from approximately 33 to 18°C leads Fig. 14a, and the mechanism of its occurrence is illus-
to a rapid growth of the estimated number of heat- trated in Fig. 14b. At the same pressure differential on
exchange sections n with a fan of 5 meters in diameter: the parallel tubes during the condensation of steam
n increases from 32 to approximately 60 at a flow rate of inside them at the bottom of the first tube banks along
dry saturated steam at the outlet of the turbine 247 t/h the air flow, there is a developing area filled with non-
(68.6 kg/s). condensable steam. Freezing of the condensate and
Figure 12 shows the dependence of the ratio of the destruction of the tubes is possible in this area at a low
fans' power consumption to the ACU thermal power temperature of the ambient air.
from Δ. An important matter is the operation of dry coolers
Another important characteristic is a heat transfer and ACU at high air temperatures: they are more sus-
factor, which determines the size of the heat transfer ceptible to the influence of this parameter than wet
(b) (c)
Fig. 10. Types of applied heat-exchange tubes and their ribbings [7, 12–14]. (a) Round tubes with different ribbing; (b) oval tubes
with ribbed shell plates; (c) flat tubes with soldered ribbing. Various types of ribbing parameters are presented in Table 2.
coolers and, moreover, water reservoirs. One of the water drips onto the heat-exchange surface, which
options of increasing the efficiency of dry coolers and leads to sedimentation of salts requiring special purifi-
ACU is evaporative air cooling at the inlet of the heat- cation techniques.
exchange surface by injection of previously softened
water through the nozzles (see Figs. 5, 15). This allows OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS OF DRY
the reduction of the air temperature by 5–6°C COOLERS AND ACU
(depending on the initial moisture) but leads to a sig-
nificant flow of the softened water: up to 1.5 m3/h for Problems of freezing and destruction of a heat-
exchange surface during the operation have been
the fan with a 5-meter wheel in diameter. In addition, observed both in Russia and in other countries. To
prevent these effects, along with the maintenance by
operating personnel of the trouble-free operation of
these units, it is necessary to conduct the following
and design-engineering procedures:
(1) Arrangement of multipass stream circulation
with decreasing of cross sections of steam channels in
proportion to the steam condensation;
(2) Determination of critical points (with a mini-
mum surface temperature) in the ACU and dry coolers
schemes and installation of temperature sensors with a
signal readout by the PCS of the plant;
(3) Introduction of frequency fan drive to reduce
the flow of cold air;
Fig. 11. Fan of the air-condensing unit with a wheel 10 m (4) Arrangement of a reverse rotation of a part of
in diameter. the fans at low ambient temperatures;
Table 2.
Ribbing type (see Fig. 10)
(I) bimetallic (II) G (press-fitted) (III) L (coated) (IV) L (chilled) (V) LL (double)
Maximum operating tem- 300 300 120 250 120
perature, °С
Weather corrosion resistance Excellent Bad Acceptable Medium Medium
Mechanical resistance Excellent Acceptable Bad Acceptable Bad
Price index 125 105 100 102 105
(a) (b)
12 Steam
4 1
Fig. 14. Phenomenon of deterioration of heat removal. (a) Thermogram of the idle sections of a heat-exchange surface from the
cooling air inlet; (b) flow chart of the multirow heat exchanger; (1) tube area of non-condensable gases.
lated, their advantages and disadvantages have been actively offer reasonable prices for the foreign ACU
assessed. With a limited credit opportunities, a combi- and dry coolers.
nation of a dry cooler with a surface condenser (the
In some cases, it is promising to use mixing con-
most expensive option in terms of capital investment)
densers together with dry coolers (see Fig. 3b). With a
is less promising than a direct steam condensation in proper selection of materials, the work of a manifold
ACU. Therefore, the interest in the supply of air con- and a large number of heat-exchange tubes will not be
densers for new thermal power plants (Grozny, Sakha- a source of problems in the arrangement of a water
lin Island, Vladivostok, Kuban) has evidently consumption schedule of the power unit, and the sim-
increased. Suppliers of this advanced technology plicity and compactness of the mixing condenser and
(GEA, SPX, etc.) using Chinese manufacturers, its effectiveness will be adequately appreciated by cus-
tomers, designers, and operating TPP personnel.
For the valid import substitution, it is necessary to
support the domestic manufacturer of high-perfor-
mance heat transfer surfaces taking into account
methods of heat transfer augmentation on the basis of
swirling flows. It is also necessary to start the produc-
tion of flat ribbed tubes, where these technologies may
be particularly efficient.
In all cases when there is available water supply,
preference is given to a classic type surface condensing
units. But the availability of water resources is rapidly
declining, and the air cooling has come to the fore-
front of the energy sector of the developed countries,
Fig. 15. Water injection at the cooling air inlet. including Russia.
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This paper is published with financial support from loadID=f6b6912adab65b9e1140be2a59d7babd (2015).
the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian
Federation (the Agreement on the implementation of 11. O. O. Mil’man and V. A. Fedorov, Air-Condensation
Plants, (MEI, Moscow, 2002) [in Russian].
applied researches no. 14.579.21.0031 of June 5, 2014,
the unique identifier: RFMEFI57914X0031). 12. “Air cooled condensers (ACC),” in GEA Heat
Exchangers, 2012. http://www.gea-heatexchangers.
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