Preparation Steel Substrates Before Paints and Related Products Specifications For Metallic Blast-Cleaning Abrasives

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S T D - B S I BS EN IS0 lll24-2-ENGL 1997 l b 2 L i b b 9 Ob57777 4 T l


111242 : 1997
BS 7079 :
Fart E2 :1994
b n e n d m t No.1 to
3s 7079 :Part E2 :1994
Preparation of steel substrates TrenumbmBS as
before application of paints
and related products -
Specifications for metallic

blast-cleaning abrasives
Part 2. Chilled-iron grit

The European Standard EN IS0 11124-2 : 1997 has the status of a

British Standard

ICs 25.220.10; 87.020


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BS EN IS0 11124-2:1997 Insue 2, November 1997

Committees responsible for this

British Standard

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Surface

’heatments and Coatings Standards Policy Committee (SIC/-)to ’Iltchnicaì
Committee srC!21, upon which the following bodies were represented:

Association of Consulting Engineers

British Chemical Engineering Contractors’ Association
British Coatings Federation Ltd.
British Constructional Steelwork Association Ltd.

British Grit Association

British Railways Board
British Steel Industry
Department of ’ilansport
Electricity Association
Institute of Corrosion
National Federation of painting and Decorating Contractois
ûii and Colour Chemists’ Association
FàintResearchAssociati‘ ‘on

Royai society of Chemistry

ShdanbF’oWhhte. And. No. Date Rxt affected

waa pubushed under the
Boptid and comes into effect on
15 Mairh.lW4

8 BSI 1997
9721 November
I Jndicateàbyverticaisiàehes

n i e foüowing BSI refemnces

reiate to the work on this
Chunittee ipference SIC121
Draft for comment 92i5O231 M:
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Issue 1, November 1997 BS EN IS0 11124-2: 1997

Summary of pages
The following table idenüñes the current issue of each page. Issue 1 indicates that a page has been introduced
for the niSt time by amendment. Subsequent issue numbers indicate an updated page. Vertical sidelining on
replacement pages indicates the most recent changes (amendment, addition, deletion).

Page issue I
Front cover 2 2 Originai
Inside front cover 2 3 Original
a 1 4 Original
b blank 5 Original

i 2 6 Originai
ii 2 7 1
EN Is0 title page
1I: original
Inside back cover
Back cover

Change of identifier
Wherever BS 7079 : Part E2 : 1994 appears in this standard, it should read as BS EN IS0 111242 : 1997.

QBSI 1997
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Irsue 2, November 1997 BS EN IS0 111242 :1997


committeesresponsible Inside h n t cover
National foreword ii
1 scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Definitions 2
4 Designation of abtasives 2
5 Sampling 3
6 Requirements for chilled-iron grit abrasives 3
7 Package indentifkation and lot traceability 3
8 Information to be provided by the manufacturer or supplier 3
A (informative) Approximately equivalent codings for shot and grit
abrasives 5
B (informative) Bibliography 6
ZA (nonnative) Normative references to intemationai puòiications with their
relevant European publicaiions 7
1 Screening specifications by grade - Chilled-iron grit -
Cumulative % retained 3
2 Untitled 4
A.1 Untitled 5


8 BSI 1997
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S T D - B S I B S E N IS0 LLLZ’i-2-ENGL 1’7’77 l b 2 9 b b 9 Ob57781 922 9

BS EN IS0 11124-2:1992 Issue 2, November 1997

National foreword

This British Standard has been prepared by Technid Commim STCE1 and is the
English ianguage veision of EN IS0 11124-2: 1997Preparation of steel substrates
before application of paints and related products -S@fìcatùm for metallic
b ~ ~abmtsives
n -Part
i ~ Chib!.e&irongrit, published by the European
Committee for Standardization (CEN). It is identicai with IS0 11124-2: 1993,published
by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
International Standard IS0 11124-2was prepared by Technid Committee ISOm 35,
Paints and varnishes, Subcommittee SC 12.Preparation of steel substrates before
application of paints and related products.
The other parts of BS EN IS0 11124 are:
Part 1. Geneml intmduction and classifìcatwn
Part 3. High-mrbon ms&steelshot and grit
Part 4. Low-carbon cas&steel shot

I Cross-references
The British Standards which implement international or European publications
referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the
section entitled ‘International Standards Correspondence Index’, or by using the ‘ a d ’
facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue. Attention is dram to annex ZA,
which gives the European Standards that correspond to the internationalstandards
referred to.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

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S T D - B S I BS EN IS0 L L L 2 4 - 2 - E N G L 1 9 9 7 1b2Ybb9 Ob57782 A b 9


EUROP- NORM June 1997

ICs 87.020

Descriptors: Paints, varnishes, substrates, steel products, b W e a n i n g , abrasives, metallic abrasives, specifications, designation

English version

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and

related products - Specifications for metallic blastcleaning
abrasives - Part 2: Chilled-iron grit
(IS0 111242 : 1993)

Préparation des subjecüies d‘acier avant Vorbereitung von stahloberflachen vor dem
appiidon de peintures et de produits Auftragen von Beschichtungsstoffen -
assimilés - Spécifldons pour abrasifs Anforderungen an metallische Strahlmittel -
métalliques destinés à la préparation par Teil 2: HartguB, kantig (Grit)
projection - Partie 2: Grenaille anguhre (zso 11124-2 : 1993)
(EX3 11124-2 : 1993)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1997-0528. CEN members are
bound to comply with the CENKENELEC Internal Regulations which stipuiak the
conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard
without any alteration.
Uptodate lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards
may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French,
German). A version in any other language made by translation under the
responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Centmi
Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, ireland, Itaiy,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and
United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1060Brussels

O 1997 CEN - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national
Ref. No. EN IS0 111242 : 1997 E

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EN IS0 11124-2:1997 M e 1, Navember 1997

The text of the International Standard h m Technical
Committee Isorn= 36, Paints and varnishes, of the
international ûrganbation for S t a n e o n (EO)
has been taken over as a European S t a n W by
Technical Commitke CENm 139, Paints and
varnishes, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
This European Standard shaii be given the status of a
nationai sîandard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, at the latest by December
1997, and conflicting national standards shall be
withdram at the latest by December 1997.
According to CENKENELEC Internal ReguMons, the
nationai standards organizatjons of the following
countries are bound to implement this European
Standank Austria, Beigium, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Finland,h c e , Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland,
Iîaìy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway,Portugal,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
NûTE. Normative references to international Sîandards are listed
in annex ZA (nomiative).

iib --``,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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S T D - B S I B S EN IS0 LLL2'4-2-ENGL 1797 D L b 2 4 b b 7 Ob57784 b 3 L


Preparation of steel substrates before application of

paints and related products Specifications for -
metallic blast-cleaning abrasives -
Part 2:
ChiIled4ron grit

WARNING Equipment, materials and abrasives u d for surface preparation can be hazardous
if used carelessly. Many national regulations exist for those materials and abrasives that are
conridered to ba hazardous during or after use (waste management), such as free silica or
carcinogenic or toxic substances. Them regulations are thordore to be observed. It ir important
to ensure that adequate instructions are given and that all ruquired prucautions are exercised.

1 Scope 2 Although this part of IS0 11124 has been developed

specifically to meet requirements for preparation of
steelwork, the properties specified will generally be appro-
This part of I S 0 11124 specifies requirements for 12 priate for use when preparing other material surfaces,'or

grades of chilled-iron grit abrasives, as supplied for components, using blastcleaning techniques. These tech-
niques are described in IS0 8504-2:1992, Preparation of
blast-cleaning processes. It specifies ranges of par-
steel substrates before application of paints and related
ticle sizes, together with corresponding grade desig-
nations. Values are specified for hardness, density,
products Surface preparation methods - PaR 2: Abras-
ive blastcleaning.
defect/structural requirements and chemical compo-

The requirements specified in this part of IS0 11124

apply to abrasives supplied in the "new" condition 2 Normative references
only. They do not apply to abrasives either during or
after use. The following standards contain provisions which,
through reference in this text, constitute provisions
Test mothods for metallic Mast-cleaning abrasives of this part of IS0 11124. At the time of publication,
are given in the various parts of IS0 11125. the editions indicated were valid. All standards are
subject to revision, and parties to agreements based
Chilled-iron grit abrasives are used in both static and on this part of I S 0 11124 are encouraged to investi-
site blasting equipment. They are most often selected gate the possibility of applying the most recent edi-
where a facility exists for recovery and re-use of the tions of the standards indicated below. Members of
abrasive. IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid
NOTES International Standards.

1 Information on commonly referenced national standards I S 0 9556:1989, Steel and iron - Determination of
for metallic abrasives and their approximate relationship total carbon content - Infrared absorption method
with IS0 11124 is given in annexes A and B. after combustion in an induction furnace.

Copyright British Standards Institution

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STD.ËSI BS EN IS0 L L 1 2 L i - Z - E N G L T 9 9 7 m L b 2 4 b b q üb57785 578 L

IS0 111242:1993íE)

IS0 î î 1251:1993, Preparation of steel substrates particle width and that do not have edges, broken
before application of paints and rebted products - faces or other sharp surface defects.
Test methods for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives -
Part 1: Sampling. 3.4 grit: Particles that are predominantly angular,
that have fractured faces and sharp edges and that
I S 0 1 1 1252:1993, Preparation of steel substrates are less than half-round in shape.
before application of paints and related products -
Test methods for metallic blast-cle8ning abrasives - 3.5 defect: A fault or weakness in an abrasive
Part 2: Determination of particle size distribution. which, if present a t or above a given level, may be
detrimental to the performance of the abrasive (see
IS0 1 1 1 25-3:1993, Preparation of steel substrates table 2).
before application of paints and related products -
Test methods for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - 3.5.1 void: A smooth-surfaced internal cavity con-
Part 3: Determination of hardness. sidered undesirable when greater than 10 % of the
cross-sectionalarea of a particle.
IS0 1 1 12541993, Preparation of steel substrates
before application of paints and related products - 3.5.2 shrinkage defect: An internal cavity with a
Test methods for metallic blastcleaning abrasives - rough dendritic surface or a zone of microporosity,
Part 4: Determination of apparent density. considered undesirable when greater than 40 % of
the cross-sectionalarea of a particle.
IS0 1 1 125-5:1993, Preparation of steel substrates
before application of paints and related products - 3.5.3 crack A linear discontinuity that has a length-
Test methods for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - tewidth ratio of 3:l or greater, that extends over
Part 5: Determination of percentage defective par- more than 20 % of the diameter or shortest dimen-
ticles and of microstructure. sion of a particle and that is radial in direction.
IS0 1 1 125-6:1993, pteparerion of steel substrates 3.6 foreign matter: Any material or particles mixed
before appljc8tion of paints 8nd related products -
Test methods for metellic blast-cleaning abrasives - with the abrasive which are not attached to the
abrasive particles and which are nonmagnetic.
Part 6: Detemination of foreign matter.

IS0 1 1 1 257: 1993, Preparation of steel substrates 4 Designation of abrasives
before application of paints and related products -
Test methods for metallic bl8st-cleaning abrasives - Chilled-iron abrasives shall be identified by "Abrasive
Part 7: Detemination of moisture. IS0 1 1 124" and the abbreviation "MICI" indicating
metallic, chilled-iron abrasive. The symbol "G" shall
follow to indicate the required particle shape of the
grit as purchased. The designation shall be completed
3 Dofinitions by a Wigit number denoting the grade, or nominal
panicle size, required.
For the purposes of this part of IS0 1 1 124,the foi-
lowing definitions apply. EXAMPLE 1
3.1 chiikd-iion shot A metallic blastcleaning Abrashm lS0 11124 M/Ci/GlaO
abrasive produced by a casting process in which
molten iron is formed into shot (see also 3.3) by denotes an abrasive of the metallic, chillediron
means of an atomization process. type, complying with the requirements of this part
of IS0 11124, of particle shape grit and of
3.2 chilkd-iion grit A metallic blastcleaning grade 100 (¡.e. nominal particle size 1,O0 mm).
abrasive obtained by crushing various chilled iron-shot
sites into sharpedged angular particles. It is essential that this full product designation is
quoted on all orders.
NOTE 3 Chillediron shot may also be used as a blast-
cleaning abrasive but is not included in this part of NOTES
IS0 11124. 4 Grade requirements and codes are specified in table 1.
The grade code is based on a number indicatir- the a p
3.3 shot Particles that are predominantly round, proximate middle of the partide size range, or nominal di-
that have a length of less than twice the maximum ameter, for each grade, expressed in millimetres x 100.

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S T D - B S I B S E N IS0 l L 1 2 4 - 2 - E N G L 2997 l b 2 4 b b 7 Ob5778b Li04

IS0 111262:1993(E)

5 Annex A provides guidance on approximately equivalent 7 Package identification and lot

grades and codings in other commonly referenced national
standards for castmetal abrasives. traceability
All supplies shall be clearly marked and identified us-
ing the designation specified in clause 4. The unit of
sale, ¡.e. pallet, drum, box, etc., shall be clearly
labelled with the full product coding.

5 Sampling Subunits, ¡.e. bags, shall be marked with the particle

shape and grade codes.
Sampling procedures shall be as specified in
I S 0 11125-1.
NOTE 6 Inclusion of additional marking to allow product
traceability to a particular productionperiod or lot is strongly
recommended. Traceability references should be included
at least at the pallet, drum or box level of package marking.

8 Information to be provided by the

manufacturer or supplier
6 Requirements for chilled-iron grit
’ abrasives The manufacturer or supplier shall provide, if r e
quested, a test report detailing results for any relevant
The requirements for chilled-iron grit abrasives shall property as determined by the appropriate method
be as specified in tablez. specified in table 2.

Table 1 - Swooning wecificationr bv ande -Chilled-iron -Cumulative % retained prit

a 2m 1.70 1,M 1,W 1M O S &71 Odo OSO 0- 0- 0300 0250 0,180 0.125 0,076 0-

6240 O >80 >90

G2ûO O >80 >90

GI70 O >80 >90

G1AO O >75 >85

e120 O > 75 85

G1W O > 70 >80

GO70 O > 70 >80

Goso O >65 > 75

6030 O >6s >75

GO20 O >60 >?O

GO1O O >56 ~ 6 5

GOO5 O > 20

I NOTE - Foc mwnca. a &nui81W e is used I

~~ ~~ ~

WI most pnrts of IS0 11124. Not ail sieva mesh amnwes are rdevant in each case.

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Is0 11124-21993(E)

Table 2

Grade See table 1. I S 0 111252

Hardness 90 % of the particles tested shall have a hardness IS0 1 1 1253

4pparent density min. 7,O x lo3 kg/m3(7,0 kg/dm3) ~~~

I IS0 11125-4
hfects (see3.5) The level of defects present in the particles examined IS0 1 1 125-5
shall not exceed the following levels:
Particle shape max. 10 % shot or more than half-round
Voids max. 10 %
Shrinkage defect max. 10 %
Cracks max. 40 %
Total defects max. 40 %
Partides with more than one of the above defects shall be counted onlv once in this total.

Foreign matter (including max. 1 % W IS0 11125-6

Structure Chillediron grit abrasives shall have a white iron type IS0 111255
microstructure of iron carbide in martensite. Partial
decarburization, free graphite or ferrite shall be less
than 5 % in any single particle.

Chemical campositian min. 1,7% GNin)carbon content in the finished IS0 9556
Moisture rn0.2 % WPI) IS0 1 1 1257
NOTE It is essential that chillediron grit abrasives
are supplied and used in a dry condition. They should
be stored indoors in dry surroundings to prevent
condensation, rusting and deterioration of the abras-
Ne, rendering it unsuitable for use.

Copyright British Standards Institution
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S T D - B S I BS EN IS0 L l L 2 4 - 2 - E N G L 1777 = Lb2LibbS Ob57788 2 8 7 D

IS0 11124-21993{E)

Annex A

Approximately equivalent codings for shot and grit abrasives

Commonly referenced national standards for metallic This list is purely informative and should not be taken
abrasives are based on different coding systems for as indicating that grades are equal. It covers the full
particle size range or grade. range of IS0 11124 codings. This part of I S 0 11124
may not contain all the codings listed.
Approximately equivalent codings in some of these
national standards are shown in tableA.l and the I S 0 11124 size limits are identical with those speci-
nearest equivalent codings in I S 0 11124 are shown fied in SAE J444:1984.

Table A.l
SAE J444: 1984 Bs 2461: lma DIN 8201 T d 2 lSS6 Is0 Coding
ihot S1320 S1320 5400
s1110 s1110 - 900
s930 s950 - 5280
s780 s800 2.0 to 2,8 5240
SBBO s&Bo 1.6 to 2,24 5200
s550 s550 1.25 to 2.0 5170
s480 S470 - si40
s390 s390 1,0 to 1,6 5120
s330 s340 5100
s280 - 0,8 to 1.25
s230 s240 0,6 to 1.0 5070
Sl 70 S170 0.4 to 0,û 5060
s110 s120 0,3 to 0.6 5040
S70 SO70 0,2 to 0,4 5030

G10 G80 2,o to 2.8 G240
G12 G66 1,6 to 2.24 G2W
G14 G65 1,25 to 2,O G170
G16 G47 1,0 to 1.6 G140
G18 G39 1.0 to 1.6 g120
G25 G34 0,û to 1.25 G1O0
G40 G241G17 0 8 to 1,0/0.4 to 0.8 g070
G50 G12 0,3 to 0,6 g050
G80 GO7 0,2 to 0,4 g030
G12O GO5 0,16 to 0,3 g020
G200 GO2 0,ltoo2 g010
G325 GO2 L

NOTE - 'S" signifies shot, ¡.e. round particle form.

"G" signifies grit, ¡.e. angular particle fm.


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STD-BSI BS EN IS0 LL124-2-ENGL 1997 L b 2 4 b b 9 Ob57789 113

IS0 1112621993(E)

Annex B


Commonly referenced national standards for metallic [5] DIN 8201 Teil 4:1985, Feste Strahlmittel;
abrasives are as follows: Stahldrahtkorn.

[13 BS 2451:1963, Specification for chilled-iron shot [SI JIS G5903:1975, Cast shot and grit.
and grit.
[nSA€ J444:1984, Cast-shot and gri? size specifi-
[2] DIN 8201 Teil 1:1985, Feste Strahlmittel; cation for peening and cleaning.
Einteilung, Bezeichnung.
[8] SAE J827:1990, Cast steel shot.
[SI DIN 8201 Teil 2:1985, Feste Strahlmittel;
metallisch, gegossen, Kornform kugelig. [9] SAE J441:1987, Cut wire shot.

[4] DIN 8201 Teil 3:1985, Feste Strahlmittel;

metallisch, gegossen, Kornform kantig.


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S T D - B S I BS EN IS0 11224-2-ENGL 2777 =
L b 2 4 b b S Ob57770 735
Issue 1, November 1997
Page 7
EN IS0 111242 : 1997

I Annex ZA (nomiative>
Normative references to international publications with their relevant European
This European standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions h m other publications. These
nomiative references aw cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For
dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications appìy to this European
Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the
I publication referred to applies.
I Pnbihtion Year Titie EN Year
Is0 111251 1993 Prepamtion of steel substrates before application EN IS0 111251 1997
of paints and related products - Test methods
for metall.ic blast-cleaning abrasives -
Part 1: Sampling
IS0 111252 1993 Preparation of steel substrates before application EN IS0 111252 1997
of paints and related products - Test methods
for metallic Mast-ùeaning atm;lsiues -
Part 2 Detemination of partick size
Is0 11125-3 1993 Prepamtion of steel substrates before application EN IS0 11125-3 1997
of paints and related pmducts - Test methods
for metallic Mast-cleaning abrasives -
Part 3 Deterrnimtion of hanims
Is0 111254 1993 Prepamtion of steel substrates before applicatìm EN Is0 111254 1997
of paints and related products - Test methods
for metallic blast-cleaning abmsives -
Part 4:Determination of a m m t haniness
Is0 111255 1993 Preparation of steel subsi?mta before application EN IS0 11125-5 1997
of paints and related products - Test methods
for metallic blasGcleaning abrms2ves -
Part 5: Determination of pmmtage dqfèctive
particles and of rnhmstructure
Is0 111254 1993 Prepamtion of steel substrates before application EN IS0 11125-6 1997
of paints and related products - Test m e w
for metuüic blas&cleaningabrasices -
Part 6:Determination of f ì matt#-
IS0 11126-7 1993 Preparation of steel substmtes before amlication EN Is0 11125-7 1997

of paints and related products - Test methods

for metall2c blasthdeaning abmsives -
Part 7: Determination of mo2stuw

O BSI 1997
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~~~ ~~~ ~ ~

S T D - B S I BS EN IS0 1112'4-2-ENGL 1 7 7 7 m 1bZLIbb7 O b 5 7 7 7 1 871 m

BS EN IS0 Issue 2, November 1997

BS 7079 :
Part E2 : 1994 BSI - British Standards Institution

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AMD 9721

Amendment No. 1
published and effective from 16 November 1997
to BS 7079 : Part E2 : 1994

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products

Group E. Metallic blast-cleaning abrasives

Part E2. Specification for chilled iron grit

Instructions for replacement of pages

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Copyright British Standards Institution

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S T D - B S I BS EN IS0 LLL24-2-ENGL 1777 L b 2 4 b b 7 Ob 7773 b 4 4
11124-2 : 1997
BS 7079 :
Part E2 : 1994
Amen&ment No.1 to
BS 7079 :Part E2 :1994
Preparation of steel substrates {renu- BS as
BS EN IS0 11124-2 :
before application of paints 1997)

and related products -

Specifications for metallic
blast-cleaning abrasives
Part 2. Chilled-irongrit

The European Standard EN IS0 111242 : 1997 has the status of a

British Standard

ICs 25.220.10 87.020


Copyright British Standards Institution

Provided by IHS under license with BSI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

~ ~
~~ ~~~

S T D - B S I B S E N IS0 LLL24-2-ENGL 1777 9 l b 2 4 b b 7 Ob57774 580

BS EN IS0 11124-2:1997 Issue 2, November 1997

Committees responsible for this

British Standard

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Surface

Treatments and Coatings Standards Policy Committee (sTc/-) to Technical
Committee Sn=!21, upon which the following bodies were represented:

Association of Consulting Engineerc

British Chemical Engineering Contractors' Association
British Coatings Federation Ltd.
British Constructional Steelwork Association Ltd.
British Grit Association
British Railways Board
British Steel industry
Department of 'ibnsport
Electricity Association
Institute of Corrosion
National Federation of Painting and Decorating Contractors
oil and Colour Chemists' Association
Paint Research Association
Royal Society of Chemistry

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
d-on of the Surface
Ikatments and Coating
Standards Poiicy Committee. Amd.No. Date %xt affected
was published under the
authority of the Standads
Board and comes into effect on 9721 November Indicated by verticai sidelines
15 M~h.1994
@ BSI lW7

The following B I references

relate to the work on this

Committee reference S'Ki2 i

Dmft for comment 92150231 DC

Copyright British Standards Institution

Provided by IHS under license with BSI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
Issue 1, November 1997 BS EN IS0 11124-2: 1997

Summary of pages
The following table identifes the current issue of each page. Issue 1 indicates that a page has been introduced

for the first time by amendment. Subsequent issue numbers indicate an updated page. Vertical sidelining on
replacement pages indicates the most recent changes (a iendment, additiön, deletion).

Issue I Issue
Front cover 2 Original
Inside front cover 3 Original
a 4 Origind
b 5 Original
i 6 Original
ii 7 1
E N IS0 title page 8 blank
iib Inside back cover blank
1 Original Back cover 2

Change of identifier
Wherever BS 7079 : Part E2 : 1994 appears in this standard, it should read as BS EN IS0 111242 : 1997.


O BSI 1997
Copyright British Standards Institution a
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h e 2, November 1997 BS EN IS0 11124-2 :1997


commiaees responsible Wide front cover
11 Nationai foreword

1 Scope
2 Nonnative references
3 Definitions
4 Designation of abrasives
5 Sampling
6 Requirements for chilled-iron grit abrasives
7 Package indentification and lot traceability
8 Information to be provided by the manufacturer or supplier
A (informative) Approximately equivalent codings for shot and grit
abrasives 5
B (informative) Bibliography 6
ZA (nomaîive) Nomiative references to intemational publications with their
I relevant European publications

1 Screening specifications by gi-ade - Chilled-iron grit -

Cumulative ?4 retained 3
2 Untitled 4
A . l Untitled 5

@ 1997
Copyright British Standards Institution
Provided by IHS under license with BSI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS EN IS0 111242 :1992 Issue 2, November 1997

National foreword

This British Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee STC/21and is the
Engiish language version of EN IS0 11124-2 : 1997Prepamtion of steel substmh
before application of paints and related products -Spenficationsfor rneto.Uk

blast-cleaning abmsives -Part 2:Ch&&imn grit, published by the European

Committee for Standardization (CEN). It is identical with IS0 111242 : 1993,published
by the intedonal Organization for S t a n d a r m o n (ISO).
intedonal Standard IS0 11124-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISOITC 35,
Paintsand varnishes,Subcommittee SC 12. P r e p d o n of steel s u b m e s before
application of paints and related products.
The other parts of BS EN IS0 11124are:
Part 1. General introdmtion and classifkation
Part3. H2gh-carbon cast-steel shot and grit
Part4. Low-carbon cast-sted shot
I Cross-references
The British Stan&& which implement intedonal or European publications
referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the
section entitled ‘inteniational Standards Correspondence Index’, or by using the ‘Find’
facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue. Attention is dram to annex ZA,
which gives the European Standardsthat correspond to the internatonal standards
referred to.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Copyright British Standards Institution
Provided by IHS under license with BSI
O BSI 1996
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

STD.BS1 BS E N I S 0 1 1 1 2 q - Z - E N G L 1997 l b 2 4 b b 9 Ob57798 L 2 b 9

EUROPW w m m EN IS0 11124-2


ICs 87.020

Descriptors: Paints, varnishes, substrates,steel products, bïast-cleaning,abrasives, metallic abrasives, specifications,designation

English version

Preparation of steel subskates before application of paints and

related products - Speeifïcations for metallic blast-cleaullng
abrasives- Part 2: Chilled-iron grit
(IS0 111242 : 1993)

Préparation des subjectiles d’acier avant Vorbereitung von StaNoberílächen vor dem
application de peintures et de produits Auftragen von Beschichtungsstoffen -
assimilés- Spéciications pour abras% Anforderungen an metallische Strahlmittel -
méWques destinés à ia préparation par Teil 2: Hartgd3, kantig (Grit)
projection - P d e 2: Grenaille an$ulaire ( I S 0 111242 : 1993)
(IS0 111242 : 1993)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 19974528. CEN members are
bound to comply with the CENKENELEC Internal Regulations which stipuiate the
conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard
without any alteration.
Up-bdate lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards
may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French,

German). A version in any other language made by translation under the
responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central
Secretanat has the same status as the officiai versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, Fimce, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and
United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normaiisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1060 Brussels

O 1997 CEN - Ali rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national
Ref. No. EN IS0 11124-2 : 1997 E

Copyright British Standards Institution

Provided by IHS under license with BSI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
~ ~~~

STD-BSI BS E N IS0 LLL24-2-ENGL 1997 W lb2Libb9 0 6 5 7 7 9 9 Ob2


EN IS0 111242 :1997 Issue 1, November 1997

The text of the Intemaiional Standard from k h n i c a l
Committee ISORY: 35, Paints and varnishes, of the
Intemaiional ûrganization for Stanckdization (ISO)
has been taken over as a European Standard by
Technical Committee CENRY: 139, Paints and
varnishes, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a
national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, at the latest by December
1997, and conflicting national standards shall be
withdrawn at the latest by December 1997.
According to CEN/CENELEC I n t e d Regulations, the
national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European
Standard Austria, Belgium,Czech Republic, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
NOTE. Normative references to International Standards are listed
in annex ZA (normative).

iib --``,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
O BSI 1997
Copyright British Standards Institution
Provided by IHS under license with BSI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
STD.BS1 BS E N IS0 L l L 2 4 - 2 - E N G L 1’777 m L b 2 4 b b 9 üb57800 b 0 4
Issue 1, November 1997
Page 7
EN IS0 111242 : 1997

I Annex ZA (normative)
Normative references to international publications with their relevant European
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These
normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For
dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European
Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the
I publication referred to applies.
Pubìication Year Title EN Year
IS0 111251 1993 Prepamtion of steel substmtes before application EN IS0 111251 1997
of paints and related products - Test methods
for metallic blast-cleaning abmsives -
Part 1: sampling
IS0 111252 1993 -amtion of steel substrates before applicatwn EN IS0 11125-2 1997
of paints and related products - Test methods
for meiaUic blast-cleaning abnwìves -
Part 2: Determination of partick size
Is0 11125-3 1993 Prepamtion of steel substrates before application EN IS0 111253 1997
of paints and related products - Test methods
for metall2c blast-cleaning abmsives -
Part 3 Deterrnimtion of hardness
Is0 11125-4 1993 Prepamtion of steel substmtes before application EN IS0 111254 1997
of paints and related products - Test methods
for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives -
Part 4 Deterrninatùm of apparent hamlness
Is0 11125-5 1993 Prepamtion of steel substrates before application EN IS0 11125-5 1997
of paints and related products - Test methods
for rnetaüic blast-cleaning abmsives -
Part 5 Determination of percentage defective
partich and of microstructure
IS0 11125-6 1993 Prepamtwn of steel substratm before application EN IS0 111256 1997
of paints and related products - Test methods
for metauic blast-cleaning abrasives -
Part 6 DetemL.inatwn of fweign matter
IS0 111257 1993 Prepamtion of steel substrates before application EN IS0 111257 1997
of paints and related products - Test methods
f o r metuüic blast-cleaning abrasives -
Part 7: Determination of moisture

O BSI 1997
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~~ ~ ~~

STD.BS1 BS EN IS0 11324-2-ENGL 1777 162LibbS 0657803 5LiO

BS EN IS0 Issue 2, November 1997

BS 7079 :
Part E2 : 1994 BSI - British Standards Institution

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