BS 812 - 2 - 1995
BS 812 - 2 - 1995
BS 812 - 2 - 1995
Testing aggregates
Part 2. Methods for determination of
The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of this standard,
through subcommittees and panels:
Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword 11
1 Scope 1
2 References 1
3 Reporting 1
4 Significance of results 1
5 Determination of particle densities and water absorption 1
6 Determination of bulk density, voids and bulking 8
A (informative) Repeatability and reproducibility of test results . 13
1 Details of containem to be used for the bulk density tests 9
A. 1 Estimates of repeatability and reproducibility 14
1 Section of a pyknometer made from a preserving jar 4
2 Estimation of free-running condition of fine aggregate 6
3 Filler compaction apparatus 11
This Part of BS 812 has been prepared by Technical Committee B/502. This
edition introduces technical changes but does not reflect a full review or revision
of the standard. Work on testing procedures for aggregates is being carried out in
Europe under the auspices of CEN/TC 154, Aggregates. The methods described
in this Part of BS 812 are included in the programme of work of CENíTC 154 and
will be superseded by European Standards which will be published in due course.
This standard supersedes BS 812 : Part 2 : 1975, which is withdrawn.
In this edition, for health and safety reasons, the use of toluene has been
replaced by the use of kerosene in the method for the determination of b u k
density of filler. The tests described in this Part are now based on particle density
rather than relative density and, because the determination of moisture content
of aggregates, formerly included in this Part, is now covered by
BS 812 : Part 109, the title of the 1975 edition, Methods for determination of
physical properties is no longer appropriate and has been amended to reflect the
revised content. The opportunity has also been taken to update references to
other Parts of BS 812 that have been published following the 1975 revision of
this Part. BS 812 comprises the following Parts:
Part 100 General requirementsfw apparatus and calibration
Part 101 Guide to sampling and testing aggregates
Part 102 Methods for sampling
Part 103 Methods for determination of particle size distribution
Part 104 Method f o r qualitative and quantitative petrographic
examination of aggregates
Part 105 Methods for determination of particle shape
Part 106 Method f o r determination of shell content in coarse aggregate
part 109 Methodsfor determination of moisture content
Part 111 Methodsfor determination of ten per cent fines values (TFV)
Part 112 Methods for determination of aggregate impact value (AIV)
Part 113 Method for determination of aggregate abrasion value (AVV
Part 114 Method f o r determination of the polished-stone value
Part 117 Method for determination of water-soluble chloride salts
Part 118 Methodsfor determination of sulphate content
Part 119 Method for determination of acid-soluble material inf i n e
Part 120 Method for testing and class@ying drying shrinkage of
aggregates in concrete
Part 121 Method for determination of soundness
Part 124 Method for determination of frost-heave
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from
legal obligations.
Methods Wire mesh basht, having apertures not With the cloth, gently surface-dry the aggregate
larger than 6.5 mm, or a perforated container of placed on the dry cloth, transferring it to a second
convenient size, preferably chromium plated and dry cloth when the first will remove no further
polished, with wire hangers (not thicker moisture. Then spread it out not more than one
than 1 mm) suspending it from the balance. stone deep on the second cloth, and leave it
exposed to the atmosphere away from direct Stout watertight c o n t a i w , in which the sunlight or any other source of heat until all visible
basket may be freely suspended. films of water are removed, but the aggregate still Two d r y soft absorbent cloths, each no less has a damp appearance. Weigh the aggregate
than 750 mm x 450 mm. (mass A ) . If the apparent particle density only is
required the operations described in this paragraph Shalbw tray, of area not less may be omitted.
than 0.065 m2.
Place the aggregate in the oven in the shallow tray Airtight c o n t a i w , of similar capacity to at a temperature of 105 O C f 5 O C and maintain it
the basket. at this temperature for 24 h f 0.5 h. Then remove
it from the oven, cool it in the airtight container, 10 mm BS test sieve (see 5.4 of
BS 812 : Section 103.1 : 1985). and weigh it (mass 0).If the particle density on a
saturated and surface-dried basis only is required, Supply of water, free from any impurity the operations described in this paragraph may be
(e.g. dissolved air) that would significantly affect omitted.
its density. If distilled or deionized water is not
available in sufficient quantity, tap water which 5.3.4 Calculations
has been freshly boiled and cooled to room The particle density on an oven-dried basis
temperature may be used. This water shall be used (in Mg/m3) is calculated from the formula:
throughout the test. D
5.3.2 Sample for test A - ( B - C)
A sample of not less than 2 kg of aggregate shall be
tested. Aggregates which have been artificially The particle density on a saturated and
heated shall not normally be used; if such material surface-dried basis (in Mg/m3) is calculated from
is used, the fact shall be stated in the report. Two the formula:
tests shall be made. A
The sample for test shall be thoroughly washed on A - ( B - C)
the test sieve to remove finer particles and drained. The apparent particle density (in Mg/m3) is
5.3.3 Test procedure calculated from the formula:
Place the prepared test sample in the wire basket D
and immerse it in the water ( at a D - ( B - C)
temperature of 20 O C f 5 O C with a cover of at The water absorption (as % of dry mass) is
least 50 mm of water above the top of the basket. calculated from the formula:
Immediately after immersion remove the entrapped 100 ( A - D )
air from the sample by lifting the basket containing D
it 25 mm above the base of the tank and allowing
it to drop 25 times at a rate of about one per where
second. The basket and aggregate shall remain
completely immersed during this operation and for A is the mass of the saturated surface-dry
a period of 24 h f 0.5 h. aggregate in air (in g);
Again jolt the basket and sample and weigh them i? is the apparent mass in water of the basket
in water at a temperature of 20 O C f 5 O C . If it is containing the sample of saturated
necessary for them to be transferred to a different aggregate (in g);
tank for weighing, jolt them 25 times as described C is the apparent mass in water of the empty
above in the new tank before weighing (mass B). basket (in g);
Then remove the basket and aggregate from the D is the mass of the oven-dried aggregate in
water and allow them to drain for a few minutes, air (in g).
after which gently empty the aggregate from the
basket on to one of the dry cloths, and return the
empty basket to the water, jolt it 25 times and
weigh it in water (mass C ) .
The water absorption (as % of dry mass) is b) Wide-mouthed glass vessel, such as a gas jar,
calculated from the following formula: of 1 .O 1 to 1.5 1 capacity, with a flat-ground lip
100 ( A - D ) and a plane-ground disc of plate glass to cover it,
, Approximately
6mm dia. hole
of being filled with water to a constant volume vigorous agitation without loss of any part of the
with an accuracy of i 0.5 ml. The following sample or water.
vessels are suitable. 75 pm BS test sieve (see 5.4 of BS 812 :
a) Glass vessel, referred to later as a pyknometer, Section 103.1 : 1985) and a nesting sieve to protect
of about 1 1 capacity, having a metal conical the 75 pm test sieve, e.g. a 1.18 mm sieve.
screw top with an approximately 6 mm diameter
hole at its apex. The screw top shall be Supply of water,free from any impurity
watertight when it is screwed on to the jar, and, (e.g. dissolved air) that would significantly affect
if necessary, a rubber or fibre washer shall be its density. If distilled or deionized water is not
inserted in the joint. If such a washer is used, a available in sufficient quantity, tap water which
mark shall be made on the jar to correspond with has been freshly boiled and cooled to room
a mark on the screw top so that the screw is temperature may be used. This water shall be used
tightened to the same position every time and throughout the test.
the volume contained by the jar is constant
throughout the test. A suitable vessel can be Metal mould (optional), in the form of a
made from a 1 kg fruit preserving jar in which frustum of a cone 40 mm diameter at the top,
the glass lid normally used is replaced by a sheet 90 mm at the bottom and 75 mm high, the metal
metal cone as shown in figure 1. to have a minimum thickness of 900 ,um.
Copyright British Standards Institution
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BSI B S X 8 1 2 : P A R T m 2 95 1 6 2 4 b b ï 0485881 915
BS 812 : Part 2 : 1995 Metal tamper (for use with the Then expose the aggregate to a gentle current of
metal mould), of 340 g i 15 g and having a flat warm air to evaporate surface moisture and stir it
circular tamping face 25 mm f 3 mm in diameter. at frequent intervals to ensure uniform drying until
no free surface moisture can be seen and, in the Plain g h s funnel (optional). case of aggregate finer than 5 mm, it just attains a
5.5.2 Sample for test ‘free-running’ condition (see note 1).
A sample of about 1 kg for material having a Then weigh the saturated and surface-dry sample
nominal size from 10 mm to 5 mm inclusive, or (mass A ) .
about 500 g if finer than 5 mm, shall be used. If the apparent particle density only is required the
Aggregates which have been artificially heated draining and drying operations described above
shall not normally be used. If such material is used, may be omitted, although for material finer
the fact shall be stated in the report. Two tests than 5 mm some surface drying may be desirable to
shall be made. facilitate handling.
The sample shall be thoroughly washed to remove Then place the aggregate in the pyknometer and
all material finer than the 75 pm BS test sieve fill the pyknometer with water. Screw the cone
( the following procedure. into place and eliminate any trapped air by rotating
Place the test sample in the container and add the pyknometer on its side, the hole in the apex of
enough water to cover it. Agitate vigorously the the cone being covered with a finger. Top up the
contents of the container and immediately pour the pyknometer with water to remove any froth from
wash water over the sieves, which have previously the surface and so that the surface of the water in
been wetted on both sides and arranged with the the hole is flat. Then dry the pyknometer on the
coarser sieve on top. outside and weigh it (mass B).
The agitation shall be sufficiently vigorous to result Empty the contents of the pyknometer into the
in the complete separation from the coarse tray, taking care to ensure that all the aggregate is
particles of all particles finer than the 75 pm transferred. Refill the pyknometer with water
BS test sieve, and to bring the fine material into (see note 2) to the same level as before, dry it on
suspension in order that it will be removed by the outside and weigh it (mass C). The difference
decantation of the wash water. làke care to avoid, in the temperature of the water in the pyknometer
as far as possible, decantation of the coarse during the first and second weighing shall not
particles of the sample. Repeat the operation until exceed 2 O C .
the wash water is clean. Return all material Then carefully drain the water from the sample by
retained on the sieves to the washed sample. decantation through a 75 pm BS test sieve and
5.5.3 Test procedure return any material retained to the sample. Then
place the sample in the tray, in the oven at a
The test procedure shall be as described in temperature of 105 O C f 5 O C for 24 h f 0.5 h,
or during which period it shall be stirred occasionally Using the pyknometer to facilitate drying. Then cool it in the airtight
Transfer the washed aggregate to the tray and add container and weigh it (mass D).Two tests shall be
further water to ensure that the sample is made. If the particle density on a saturated and
completely immersed. Soon after immersion, surface-dried basis only is required, the operations
remove bubbles of entrapped air by gentle agitation described in this paragraph may be omitted.
with a rod. NûTE 1. The ‘free-running’ or ‘saturated surface-dry’ condition
of the fine aggregate (smaller than 5 mm) is sometimes difficult
Keep the sample immersed in water to identify and, in order to help in identification, two
for 24 h f 0.5 h, the water temperature being alternative methods are suggested as possible aids.
maintained at 20 O C f 5 O C for at least the Method I . The following test procedure should be adopted,
last 20 h of immersion. making use of the conical mould and tamper referred to
Then carefully drain the water from the sample by After drying the sample with a current of warm air allow it to
decantation through a 75 pm BS test sieve, covered cool to room temperature whilst thoroughly stirring it. Hold the
by the protective coarser sieve, any material mould with its larger diameter face downwards on a smooth
retained being returned to the sample. non-absorbent level surface. Fill the mould loosely with part of
the sample and lightly tamp 25 times through the hole at the
t,np of the mould with the prescrihed tamper. Do not refill the
space left after tamping. Gently lift the mould clear of t,he
aggregate and compare the moulded shape with figures 2a to
2d. If the shape resembles figures 2a or 2b, then there is still
surface moisture present. Dry the sample further and repeat
the test.
If the shape resembles figure 2c, a condition close to the Method 2. As an alternative to method 1, a dry glass funnel
saturated surface-dry condition has been achieved. If the shape ( be used to help determine the 'free-running'
resembles figure 2d, the aggregate has dried beyond the condition of aggregate finer than 5 mm.
saturated surface-dry condition and is approaching the oven-dry With the funnel inverted over the sample tray pour some of the
condition. In this case, either reject the sample and repeat sample over the sloping sides by means of a small scoop. If still
the tests on a fresh sample or re-soak the same sample in water damp, particles of the aggregate will adhere to the sides of the
for a further 24 h and restart the tests as from the beginning of funnel. Continue drying until subsequent pouring shows no sign
the second paragraph of of particles sticking to the glass.
It is recommended that at least one of the drying stages, as NOTE 2. Thoroughly dry the glass and metal threads
shown in figures 2a or 2b, should have been observed before (and the washer if used) of the pyknometer before using a
the aggregate reaches the stage represented by figure 2c. second time.
--``,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Using the wide-mouthed glms vessel The method shall be as described in 5.3
The procedure shall be the same as in substituting the bucket for the wire basket,
except that in filling the jar with water it shall be a 5.0 mm BS test sieve for the 10.0 mm BS test
filled just to overflowing and the glass plate slid sieve ( stirring with a rod for jolting to
over it to exclude any air bubbles. remove air from the sample.
5.5.4 Calculations 5.7 Method for determination of particle
The particle density on an oven-dried basis density of filler
(in Mg/m3) is calculated from the formula: 5.7.1 Apparatus
D NOTE. All apparatus described should conform to the general
A - ( B - C ) requirements of Ils 812 : Part 100.
The particle density on a saturated and Density bottle, of 50 ml or 100 ml.
surface-dried basis (in Mg/m3) is calculated from
the formula: Small funnel.
A ßulance, of capacity 200 g, accurate
A - ( B - C ) to 0.001 g.
The apparent particle density (in Mg/mn)is Vacuum desiccator and pump, capable of
calculated from the formula: reducing the pressure below 50 mbar').
D Well ventilakd oven, thermostatically
D - ( B - C ) controlled to maintain a temperature
The water absorption (as % of dry mass) is of 105 O C f 5 O C .
calculated from the formula: Water bath, capable of maintaining a
IOO(A - D ) temperature of 25 O C k 0.1 O C .
D Supply of watw, free from any impurity
where (e.g. dissolved air) that would significantly affect
A is the mass of saturated surface-dry sample its density. If distilled or deionized water is not
in air (in g); available in sufficient quantity, tap water which
has been freshly boiled and cooled to room
B is the mass of pyknometer or wide-mouthed temperature may be used. This water shall be used
glass vessel containing sample and filled throughout the test.
with water (in g);
G is the mass of pyknometer or wide-mouthed
5.7.2 Dilatometric liquid
glass vessel filled with water only (in g); Preferably purified xylene. Redistilled kerosene
kept over a dehydrating and deacidifying agent,
D is the mass of oven-dried sample in air e.g. Portland cement, may be used. When the filler
(in g). is known not to react with water, then water may
5.5.5 Reporting of results be used as the dilatometric liquid.
The mean result shall be reported for each form of 5.7.3 Test procedure
particle density determined, the title of which shall
be quoted in full. In no circumstances shall the Calibration of density bottle
shortened title 'particle density' be used in relation Weigh the density bottle and stopper, both of
to any values quoted. The size of aggregate tested, which shall be clean and dry (mass A ) . Then fill
and whether it was artificially heated before the the bottle with the water described in,
start of the test shall be stated. The values of immerse it nearly up to the top of its neck in the
particle density shall be reported to the water bath and maintain it for not less than 60 min
nearest 0.01 Mg/m3 and those for water absorption at a temperature of 25 O C f 0.1 O C . Then insert
to the nearest O. 1 "/o. the stopper, remove the bottle from the bath, dry
the outside thoroughly and weigh the full bot,tle as
5.6 Alternative method for aggregates between quickly as possible (mass B).
40 mm and 5 mm nominal size
As an alternative to' the method described in 5.4 Determination of density of dilatometric
the particle density and water absorption of liquid
aggregates between 40 mm and 5 mm nominal size Using the procedure described in determine
may be determined by using the apparatus the mass of the density bottle and stopper when
described in BS 1881 for the analysis of freshly filled with the dilatometric liquid (mass C ) .
mixed concrete.
NOTE. All apparatus described should conform to the general
(B-A)- (E-D) requirements of BS 812 : Part 100.
where Cylindrical metal container, conforming
to the following requirements.
A is the mass of stopper and density bottle The container shall be made to the approximate
empty (in g); dimensions given in table 1 appropriate to the size
of aggregate, be smooth inside and preferably be
B is the mass of stopper, density bottle and fitted with handles. It shall be watertight, of
water (in g); sufficient rigidity to retain its form under rough
C is the mass of stopper, density bottle and usage, and shall be protected against corrosion.
dilatometric liquid (in g); Scale or balance, accurate to 0.2 % of the
D is the mass of stopper, density bottle and mass of the material to be weighed and of
filler (in g); adequate capacity (this will vary according to the
E is the mass of stopper, density bottle, filler size of container used).
and dilatometric liquid (in g). Straight metal tamping rod, of circular
cross section, 16 mm in diameter and 600 mm long,
Two separate determinations shall be made and rounded at one end.
both results recorded. If these results differ by
more than 0.02, they shall be discarded and two 6.3.2 Calibration
fresh determinations made. The container shall be calibrated by determining
the mass of water at 20 O C f 2 O C required to fill
5.7.5 Reporting results it so that no meniscus is present above the rim of
The mean result shall be reported to the the container. The actual volume in cubic metres
nearest 0.01 as the particle density of the tested shall then be obtained by dividing the mass of the
material. water in kilograms by 1000.
content. In this test voids are expressed as a percentage of
6.3.4 Test procedure the volume of the test cylinder. They are
The size of the container to be used is given determined from the difference between the
in table 1. The test procedure shall be as described volume of the test cylinder and the calculated
in and volume of the aggregate. Cmpacted bulk &nsity (not applicable to The percentage of voids is given by the formula:
moist fine aggregate)
Fill the container about one-third full with the 100
thoroughly mixed aggregate by means of a shovel
or scoop, the aggregate being discharged from a where
height not exceeding 50 mm above the top of the
container. R k e care to prevent, so far as is a is the particle density of the aggregate, on
possible, segregation of the particle sizes of which an oven-dry basis, determined in
the sample is composed. Then give the required accordance with 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 or 5.6;
number of compactive blows (see table 1) to the b is the bulk density of oven-dry aggregate as
aggregate, each blow being given by allowing the determined in 6.3.4 compacted or
tamping rod to fall freely from a height of 50 mm uncompacted as required.
above the surface of the aggregate, the blows being
evenly distributed over the surface. Add a further 6.3.6 Calculation of bulking
similar quantity of aggregate in the same manner In this test, bulking is expressed as the increase in
and give the same number of blows. Fill the volume, as a percentage of original volume, of a
container to overflowing, tamp it again with the mass of fine aggregate whose moisture content is
same number of blows, and remove the surplus increased from the oven-dry condition to a test
aggregate by rolling the tamping rod across and in moisture content.
contact with the top of the container, any The percentage bulking at test moisture content
aggregate which impedes its progress being (M)is given by the formula:
removed by hand, and add aggregate to fill any
obvious depressions. For 6 mm aggregate or
smaller, the surface may be struck off, using the
tamping rod as a straight edge. Then determine the
mass of the aggregate in the container. Make two where
tests and calculate the bulk density in megagrams
per cubic metre using the calibrated volume b is the uncompacted bulk density of oven-dry
determined as in 6.3.2, from the mean of the two fine aggregate determined according
masses. to 6.3.4;
c is the uncompacted bulk density, as Place the first test specimen into a measuring
determined in accordance with 6.3.4, of cylinder, half fill the cylinder with kerosene, then
fine aggregate at test moisture content; stopper the cylinder and shake it until the filler is
completely wetted. Add more kerosene to the
M is the test moisture content on oven-dry cylinder so that the level is about 40 mm from the
basis in accordance with BS 812 : Part 109. top. Stopper the cylinder and shake again.
6.3.7 Reporting of results To ensure that the filler is in complete suspension
in the kerosene, carry out the following procedure
The bulk density shall be reported as the immediately after the second shaking. Invert the
compacted or uncompacted bulk density in cylinder and keep it in an inverted position whilst
megagrams per cubic metre to the the air-bubble travels the length of the cylinder.
nearest 0.01 Mg/m3. The condition of the aggregate Immediately return the cylinder to the upright
at the time of test shall be stated, i.e. oven-dry, position and hold it still until the air-bubble returns
saturated or surface-dry. The percentage voids and to the top. Repeat this procedure a further four
the percentage bulking, if required, shall be times in rapid succession, then immediately stand
reported to the nearest whole number. the cylinder on a vibration-free surface. If any
6.4 Method for the determination of bulk particles of filler stick to the side of the cylinder
density of filler in kerosene above the level of kerosene, carefully wash them
back into the liquid using a small additional
6.4.1 Apparatus and materials quantity of kerosene.
NOTE. All apparatus described should conform to the general Leave the cylinder undisturbed for at least 6 h
requirements of BS 812 : Part 100.
before reading and recording the observed level of Glass-stoppered measuring cylinder, of the filler as its bulk volume (V) to the nearest
about 200 mm long and 22 mm to 25 mm internal millilitre.
diameter, calibrated in millilitres and conforming Repeat this procedure for the second and third test
to BS 604. specimens. Balance, of capacity not less than 100 g, 6.4.3 Calculations
readable to 0.01 g.
The bulk density for each test specimen shall be Well ventilated oven, thermostatically calculated to the nearest 0.01 Mg/m3 using the
controlled to maintain a temperature following formula:
of 105 O C f 5 OC. 1o/v Desiccator where Vis the bulk volume as determined in 6.4.2. Redistilled kerosene (paraffin oil), Calculate the mean of the three values of bulk
petroleum distillate with a boiling range density determined using the above equation, to
between 190 O C and 260 O C . the nearest 0.01 Mg/m3. If any of the individual
NOTE. The displacement liquid described in national
results differ by more than 0.05 Mg/m3 from the
annex NC.3 of BS EN 196-6 : 1992, used in the method of mean value, discard that individual result and
testing cement, is suitable. determine the bulk density of two further test
specimens taken from the same test portion.
6.4.2 Test procedure
Reduce the laboratory sample by the procedures 6.4.4 Reporting of results
described in clause 6 of BS 812 : Part 102 : 1989 to The mean value of the three or more results to the
produce a test portion of sufficient mass to produce nearest O . 1 Mg/m3 shall be reported as the bulk
five test specimens. density of the filler in kerosene.
Dry the test portion of filler at a temperature NOTE. The value of the bulk density in megagrams per cubic
of 105 O C f 5 O C for at least 4 h. Cool to room metre is numerically identical to the value of the bulk density
expressed in grams per millilitre.
temperature in the desiccator. Weigh out three test
specimens of filler, each of a mass 6.4.5 Test report
of 10 g k 0.01 g. The report shall affirm that the bulk density of
filler in kerosene was determined in accordance
with this Part of BS 812 and whether or not a
certificate of sampling is available. If available, a
copy of the certificate shall be provided. The test
report shall contain the following additional
a) sample identification;
b) the bulk density of filler in kerosene.
6.5.2 Test procedure After 100 impacts read the depth ( d ) of the
Dry the filler for 4 h in the oven at 105 O C f 5 O C compacted filler in millimetres, to an accuracy
and cool it to room temperature in the desiccator. of 0.1 mm. Then dismantle the apparatus without
damaging the bed of filler, and wipe it clean of any
Put about 10 g of the dried filler into the uncompacted filler. Then remove the filler forming
compaction cylinder and distribute it uniformly in the compacted bed and weigh it to an accuracy
the bottom of the cylinder by tapping gently on the of 0.01 g (mass M).
bench. Insert the plunger and allow it to slide
slowly on to the filler, a finger being pressed on to 6.5.3 Calculations
the central hole in the plunger to prevent ejection The dry void content shall be calculated using the
of the filler from the cylinder. Then apply pressure following formula:
to the plunger so as to form the filler into a slightly
1000 M
compacted bed. Then remove the plunger without 1-
disturbance of the filler, and wipe excess filler from A x d x d ~
the plunger and sides of the cylinder, the central where
hole in the plunger being cleaned if necessary.
Then re-insert the plunger and gently place the M is the mass of filler bed (in g);
cylinder in position on the base, which shall be is the particle density of filler determined as
clamped or otherwise firmly held on a firm level in 5.7;
surface free from vibration or other movement.
Then raise the cylinder with plunger in position d is the depth of compacted bed (in mm);
and allow it to fall freely through a vertical height A is the cross-sectional area of cylinder
of 100 mm f 0.25 mm on to the base. Drop the (in mm2).
cylinder 100 times, allowing a pause of about 1 s
each time before dropping. The plunger shall Three determinations shall be made using a
remain free to move in the cylinder throughout this separate sample of filler for each determination. If
operation, and to ensure this, ease it frequently by any of these values differs by more than 0.01 from
twisting it in the cylinder and, if necessary, remove the mean value, that result shall be discarded and
it and wipe it free of clogging filler. two further determinations made.
6.5.4 Reporting of results
The mean value of the three or more results shall
be reported to the nearest 0.01 as the voids of the
dry compacted filler.
Annex A (informative) For the purposes of this standard the identical test
material is obtained by first dividing a sample of
Repeatability and reproducibility of twice2) the amount required to obtain a single test
test results result into two equal portions, one for each
laboratory and then, where appropriate, each
A . l General laboratory reduces each portion to the amount
The distribution of results of any test on any required for single determinations by the sample
material stems from a number of contributing reduction procedure described in clause 6 of
factors and to allow for these factors in comparing BS 812 : Part 102 : 1989.
results by the same test operator or results by test Mathematically, the precision statements are of the
operators working in different laboratories form:
estimates of the distribution are required. Such
estimates are given in this annex together with the Y = 1.96 Jzo,
definition of the terms ‘repeatability’ and
‘reproducibility’ which are used in assessing the R = 1.964 JG2
distribution of test results. An example of the
application of the estimate is also given. The values
may also be useful in setting limits in specifications where
for materials and in assessing the difference
between different materials. 01 is the best estimate of single-operator
A.2 Definitions standard deviation?) within a laboratory;
For the purposes of this annex the following 02 is the standard deviation?) applicable to all
definitions apply. causes of variability other than
repeatability of testing when results of
A.2.1 value different operators in different
Where results are reported as a mean of two or laboratories are compared.
more determinations the figures for repeatability
and reproducibility are based on this mean value.
A.2.2 repeatability (Y) A.3 Estimates of repeatability and
Quantitative expression of the random error reproducibility
associated with a single test operator in a given %ble A. 1 gives estimates of repeatability and
laboratory obtaining successive results with the reproducibility for the tests in this standard for
same apparatus under constant operating which figures are at present available. These values
conditions on identical test material. It is defined represent the greatest differences that can be
as that difference between two such single results expected between test results on duplicate samples
as would be exceeded in the long run in only 1 in the normal run of testing within and between
case in 20 in the normal and correct operation of laboratories respectively.
the test method.
For the purposes of this standard the identical test
material for repeatability tests is obtained by
dividing a sample of twice2) the amount required to
obtain a single test result by the sample reduction
procedure described in clause 6 of
BS 812 : Part 102 : 1989.
A.2.3 reproducibility (R)
Quantitative expression of the random error
associated with test operators working in different
laboratories, each obtaining single results on
identical test material when applying the same
method. It is defined as that difference between
two such single and independent results as would
be exceeded in the long run in only 1 case in 20 in
the normal and correct operation of the test
These quantities are given for the purpose of defining ‘identical material’. Estimates of (Y) and reprodiicibility (R)should be
based on a larger number of tests and laboratories.
Standard deviation is defined in BS 2846.
~~ ~
to reassure itself that its technique and equipment no cause for concern but the difference should be
are satisfactory. It prepares a number of identical compared with 6.0IJ2 = 4.2 because the values of
subsamples from a large sample of aggregate and reproducibility (and repeatability) for the means of
tests two of them, obtaining results of 61 and 64 results are inversely proportional to the square root
respectively. Because the difference between these of the number of tests used to derive the mean. It
results (3 units) is less than the repeatability of the can be seen that the difference slightly exceeds the
test (4.9), the laboratory has no reason to doubt reproducibility figure calculated above and hence
the consistency of its testing. However, this gives further investigation is necessary to establish the
no guarantee that its equipment is satisfactory or cause of the discrepancy. This could be the 1 in 20
that its technique has no bias. Therefore two more case, the sample subdivision may not have
of the identical samples are sent to another produced identical subsamples or the results
laboratory experienced in the test, which obtains produced by the second laboratory may not be
values of 59 and 57. The means for the two correct. Where a check of the apparatus and
laboratories are thus 62.5 and 58.0 respectively. procedure does not reveal anything incorrect it is
recommended that further cooperative tests be
arranged with additional laboratories.
List of references
Normative references
BSI publications
Informative references
BSI publications
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W4 4AL